Introduction to Statistical of Series Richard A. Davis Department of

Outline Modeling objectives in time series General features of ecological/environmental time series Components of a time series  domain analysis-the spectrum Estimating and removing seasonal components Other cyclical components Putting it all together

1 Time Series: A collection of observations xt, each one being recorded at time t. (Time could be discrete, t = 1,2,3,…, or continuous t > 0.) Objective of Time Series Analaysis  compression -provide compact description of the data. Explanatory -seasonal factors -relationships with other variables (temperature, humidity, pollution, etc)  processing -extracting a signal in the presence of  -use the model to predict values of the time series

2 General features of ecological/environmental time series Examples.

1. Mauna Loa (CO2,, Oct `58-Sept `90) CO2 320 330 340 350

1960 1970 1980 1990

Features  increasing trend (linear, quadratic?)  seasonal (monthly) effect. 3 2. Ave-max monthly temp (vegetation=tundra,, 1895-1993) temp -5 0 5 10 15 20

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Features  seasonal Go(monthly to ITSM effect) Demo  more variability in Jan than in July

4 July: = 21.95, var = .6305 temp

Jan : mean = -.486, var =2.637 -5 0 5 10 15 20

0 20406080100

Sept : mean = 17.25, var =1.466 t temp Line: 16.83 + .00845 15 16 17 18 19 20

0 20406080100 5 Components of a time series Classical decomposition

Xt = mt + st + Yt

• mt = trend component (slowly changing in time)

• st = seasonal component (known period d=24(hourly), d=12(monthly))

• Yt = random noise component (might contain irregular cyclical components of unknown frequency + other stuff).

Go to ITSM Demo

6 Estimation of the components.

Xt = mt + st + Yt

Trend mt  filtering. E.g., for monthly data use = + ++ + mˆ t (.5xt−6 xt−5 xt+5 .5xt+6 ) /12

 fitting = + ++ k mˆ t a0 a1t akt

7 Estimation of the components (cont).

Xt = mt + st + Yt Seasonal st  Use seasonal (monthly) after detrending.

(standardize so that st sums to 0 across the year. = + +  = sˆt (xt xt+12 xt+24 ) / N, N number of years

 harmonic components fit to the time series using . 2π 2π sˆ = Acos( t) + Bsin( t) t 12 12

Irregular component Yt ˆ = − − Yt X t mˆ t sˆt

8 The spectrum and analysis Toy example. (n=6) 2π0 2π0 c = (cos( ),…, cos( 6) )'/sqrt(6)c0 0 6 6 π π = 2 … 2 c (cos( ), , cos( 6) )' /sqrt(3)c1 1 6 6 π π = 2 … 2

s (sin( ), , sin ( 6) )' /sqrt(3)s1 1 6 6 π π = 2 2 … 2 2 c (cos( ), , cos( 6) )'/sqrt(3c2 ) 2 6 6 π π = 2 2 … 2 2

s (sin( ), , sin( 6) )'/sqrt(3)s2 2 6 6 2π 2π c =(cos( ),…, cos( 6) )'/sqrt(6c3 3 2 2

X=(4.24, 3.26, -3.14, -3.24, 0.739, 3.04)’ = 2c0+5(c1+s1)-1.5(c2+s2)+.5c3 x

9 Fact: Any vector of 6 , x = (x1, . . . , x6)’ can be written as a linear combination of the vectors c0, c1, c2, s1, s2, c3.

More generally, any time series x = (x1, . . . , xn)’ of length n (assume n is odd) can be written as a linear combination of the basis (orthonormal) vectors c0, c1, c2, …, c[n/2], s1, s2, …, s[n/2]. That is, = + + + + = x a0c0 a1c1 b1s1 amcm bmsm , m [n / 2] 1  cos(ω )   sin(ω )   j   j  1/ 2   1/ 2 ω 1/ 2 ω  1  1  2  cos(2 j )  2  sin(2 j ) c =    , c =   , s =   0  n   j  n     j  n           ω ω 1 cos(n j ) sin(n j )

10 = + + + + = x a0c0 a1c1 b1s1 amcm bmsm , m [n / 2]


1. The set of coefficients {a0, a1, b1, … } is called the discrete n = = 1 a0 (x,c0 ) 1/ 2 ∑ xt n t=1 1/ 2 n = = 2 ω a j (x,c j ) 1/ 2 ∑ xt cos( jt) n t=1 1/ 2 n = = 2 ω b j (x,s j ) 1/ 2 ∑ xt sin( jt) n t=1

11 2. Sum of squares.

n m 2 = 2 + ()2 + 2 ∑ xt a 0 ∑ a j b j t =1 j=1

3. ANOVA (analysis of table)

Source DF Sum of Squares Periodgram ω 2 ω 0 1 a0 I( 0) ω π/ 2 2 ω 1=2 n2 a1 + b1 2I( 1)  

ω π / 2 2 ω m =2 m n 2 am + bm 2I( m) 2 n ∑ xt t 12 Applied to toy example

Source DF Sum of Squares ω 2 0=0 (period 0) 1 a0 = 4.0 ω π/ 2 2 1=2 6 (period 6) 2 a1 + b1 = 50.0 ω π / 2 2 2 =2 2 6 (period 3) 2 a2 + b2 = 4.5 ω π / 2 3 =2 3 6 (period 2) 1 a3 = 0.25

2 6 ∑ xt = 58.75 t Test that period 6 is significant µ ε ε H0: Xt = + t , { t} ~ independent noise µ π π ε H1: Xt = + A cos (t2 /6) + B sin (t2 /6) + t

ω Σ 2 ω Test : (n-3)I( 1)/( t xt -I(0)-2I( 1)) ~ F(2,n-3) (6-3)(50/2)/(58.75-4-50)=15.79 ⇒ p-value = .003

13 The spectrum and frequency domain analysis

Ex. Sinusoid with period 12. 2π 2π x = 5cos( t) + 3sin( t), t =1,2,…,120. t 12 12

Ex. Sinusoid with periods 4 and 12.

Ex. Mauna Loa


14 Differencing at lag 12

Sometimes, a seasonal component with period 12 in the time series can be removed by differencing at lag 12. That is the differenced series is = − yt xt xt−12

Now suppose xt is the sinusoid with period 12 + noise. 2π 2π x = 5cos( t) + 3sin( t) + ε , t =1,2,…,120. t 12 12 t

Then = − = ε − ε yt xt xt−12 t t−12

which has correlation at lag 12.

15 Other cyclical components; searching for hidden cycles

Ex. Sunspots.  period ~ 2π/.62684=10.02 years  Fisher’s test ⇒ significance What model should we use?


16 Noise.

The time series {Xt} is white or independent noise if the of random variables is independent and identically distributed. x_t -2024

0 20406080100120 time Battery of tests for checking whiteness. In ITSM, choose statistics => residual analysis => Tests of

17 Residuals from Mauna Loa data.

t rt rt+1t+25 Cor(Xt, Xt+25) = .074 t rt rt+1t+2 Cor(X , X ) = .654 Cor(Xt t, Xt+3t+2) = .736 1 -.19 -.13 .13 Cor(Xt, Xt+1) = .824 1 -.19 -.14-.25 2 -.14 -.25-.13-.32 .04 3 -.25 -.13-.32 .20

x_{t+1} 4 -.13 -.02 .47

x_{t+1} 4 -.13 -.32-.02 x_{t+1} x_{t+1} … -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.0-1.0 -0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.0x_t 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 x_t x_tx_t

18 (ACF):

Mauna Loa residuals ACF

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conf Bds: ± 1.96/sqrt(n)

0 10203040 lag ACF -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 10203040 lag 19 Putting it all together

Example: Mauna Loa CO2 320 340

1960 1970 1980 1990 trend 320 340

1960 1970 1980 1990 seasonal -3 -1 1 2 3

1960 1970 1980 1990 irregular part -1.0 0.0 1.0

1960 1970 1980 1990

20 Strategies for modeling the irregular part {Yt}.  Fit an autoregressive process  Fit a moving process  Fit an ARMA (autoregressive-) process

In ITSM, choose the best fitting AR or ARMA using the menu option Model => Estimation => Preliminary => AR estimation or Model => Estimation => Autofit

21 How well does the model fit the data? 1. Inspection of residuals. Are they compatible with white (independent) noise?  no discernible trend  no seasonal component  variability does not change in time.  no correlation in residuals or squares of residuals Are they normally distributed?

2. How well does the model predict.  values within the series (in-sample )  future values 3. How well do the simulated values from the model capture the characteristics in the observed data?

ITSM DEMO with Mauna Loa 22 Model refinement and Simulation  Residual analysis can often lead to model refinement  Do simulated realizations reflect the key features present in the original data

Two examples  Sunspots  NEE (Net ecosystem exchange).

Limitations of existing models  Seasonal components are fixed from year to year.  Stationary through the seasons  Add intervention components (forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.)

23 Other directions  Structural model formulation for trend and seasonal components  Local level model

mt =mt-1 + noiset  Seasonal component with noise

st =–st-1 –st-2 – . . . – st-11+noiset  ε Xt= mt + st + Yt + t

 Easy to add intervention terms in the above formulation.  Periodic models (allows more flexibility in modeling transitions from one season to the next).