MORAIMDE MERCURY Bolton Votes Down $9 Million Budget
20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS STORE/OFFICE 2 ^ 32 35 MUSICAL [ ^ C A R S MOTORCYCLES/ FOR SALE HDMORTGAGES FOR RENT FOR RENT HDFURNITURE IEITEMS FOR SALE MOPEDS 8th elects Edge Presidential EAST HARTFORD-NEW MANCHESTER-SIngle STORE FOR RENT-46C BOLTON-Guest house STEREO CABINET on LIS TIN G ! Like new, 6 furnished room on bus Main Street, Manches BALDWIN Fun Machine DODGE - 1986. ‘150’, 318 Finding a cash buyer for available 6/1. 1 bed wheels. Handmade, Interlude Organ. Ex CIO, automatic, bed room Townhouse. 2 line. References/se- ter. Please call 646- light Oak, 3’ 11- x3' 8". the Items you'd like to sell room, living room, kit cellent condition. Best liner, tool box, 50K, bedrooms, panelled curity. $85 weekly. 643- 2426, 9:00-5:00 $950. 649-9409. Is easy. Just let our read Rec room, dining 9321. chen, bath. Single offer. 644-6848. $5500. 742-8669. ers know what you have Longest wins weekdays. TWO CHEST of drawers Cheney Tech nine Bush praises room, central air, fire older woman pre PUBLIC NOTICE- for sale with an ad In MANCHESTER-983 Main set with m irror. $200. MALIBU-1977 Station place, garage and ferred. No pets. $600 Inventory clearance. wagon. Good condi Clossitled. 643-2711. top job/3 APARTMENTS plus utilities. Security St. Office, 500 square Full size bed fram e takes one from Bolton/9 town native/4 much more. Only 32 feet. Excellent loca New and used pianos. tion. Needs a little $124,000.U & R Realty, FOR RENT and references.
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