HAM UMB HAMBURG Lamb Shoulders

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HAM UMB HAMBURG Lamb Shoulders V “ ^X- ■ .1 . \ u fAGE TWENTY iHaurI;^strr ti^ralb THURSDAY, JUNE ^4, 1983 ATsmifl Dailj Ntt Run Th« Weather For tha Woek Endothv Fomenat af O. B. Waatbar Baraa The‘'Manchester l-H Dairy Club May SO, 1»5S About Town nill meet tomorrow evening at the (ill Get Begree Elk Candidates home of Mr. and Mrs. Kingston Cloudy. Bcattered ahower* to- • Wilcox, on Keeney street, at 7:30.- Get Orders for 1 0 , 9 6 8 alght. Warm, humid tomorrow wMb JCaiqtMra of.the brotherhood of TranspoitaUon . wllL , h?. P.royi<?«d ■' ... 'NMHb0i*"at''MM'Atidll iUioweTii.~' - - -==*=«- . the SmahuerLuChermti Church will from there' to the Hartford Elec­ T - | hold their annuel Ladiee’ Night tric House, 204 Pearl street, so June 13 Parade BorMUi o f OIrealatloiiM Manchester— A City of Viltbfie Charm Friday at 8 p. m. in Luther Hall. members may pick up ideas on 4-H V . Membera of the congregation are projects from the 4-H demonstra­ All candidatea for memberahip. ^ a lto invited to hear Profeaaor Ver­ tion school and project discussion (Claoalfled ASjrwtialng an Page M> MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, JUNE^ ^V 1 l953 9 5 ( EIGHTEEN PAGES) non Anderaon of the University of in Manchester. Lodge of Elks, No. VOL. LXXII, NO. 209 PRICE nVE CBNT8 forum. Members are reminded to 1893, are requested to gather at Oaonactlcut tell of his travels in bring their potluck dessert. SELF SERVE For Top Values In ____ -X- Europe while on a special study stake No. 30, at Memorial Field, tour la 1S51-52 for the State De- Saturday, June 13, at 1:45 p. m. puiment of Education. .The June dinner of the Manches­ for a parade Scheduled to atart at ter Registered Nurses Association 2 p. m.. according to Exalted Ruler and MEAT REFT. Foods Every Time! B o y *8 Foot Stuck The All Saints Mothers Circle will be held Wednesday, June 24, James McVeigh, who is in charge enjoyed ita annual apring dinner St Scolers, Farmington avenue, of arrangements. Tuesday night at the Waverly Inn, Hartford. All nurses are invited. The candidates will he the last HALE’S Cheshire. Those wishing to make reserva­ in the line of march to the mass tions may call, before June 17, initiation at the State Armory,. EGGS Fresh Frith and Vegetables Tom W. Brown, Jr., of 110 Mary Gaudet, Kathryn Greene, Main street. Grade A Large' NAUVE ICEBERG Columbus street, will receive his Mary Pirle or Elaie Crockett. Candidates who will be unable to | COFFEE Bachelor of Arts degree at Yale Those attending will meet at 6:30 march are asked to be at the State Fresh Ground University's 252nd commencement. p. m. at the rear of the Center Armory not later than 3 p. m. DoZ. LETTUCE Head15c June 8, at 10:30. More than 750 Church where transportation will A special meeting ia scheduled I raESH SPRING bachelor's degrees and approxi­ be provided if necessary. Joaeph F. Aloisio for Wednesday at 8 p. m.^at the 1 Lb. mately 1150 graduate and profes­ Legion Home, Leonard street, st sional degrees will be conferred at Joseph F. Aloisio, of Bolton, will which time caps for msrehers will SPINACH u15c Dog Warden t.ee Fracchia said be distributed. Candidates are the. exercises, as well as honorary today that the owner of the dog heceive a B. S. degree from Holy rms d e g r i^ ■■ aaked to pick up their caps-at that that bit Jania Kaye Edgar. 3>-j- Cross at Commencement exer­ time. R A M SH E S 2 m . 11c year-.old. daughter .of Rev..and. Mrs. cises in -Worcester, • Mass;, ' June '■ The membership committee re-) Fred Edgar, on Monday was 10. A lo isio , me son of Mr. and ported last night fhst 428 men | located through, a plea In Tues­ NEW POTATOES 3 u. 21e HAVINO A #ARTY? Mrs. .Behastian Aloisio,. entered hAve.applied Jor. nierabersbip. For.j LARGE'SEEDLESS ' ' —. — day's’ Herald. TTie' dog' has been Holy Cross from Mount St. initiation on June 13, applications ■N. Flshepmcn Rescueirt at ”Sea: FRIENDS IN FOR TV? examined by a -veterinarian and Charles Academy, in Woonsocket. must be turned in to the organiZ­ WALDORF found not infected. The child was R. I., where he was a member of ing committee, headed by Exalt­ LAND O’ LAKES WEDDING RECEPTION? bitten under the eye while playing ed Ruler McVeigh, not later than GRAPEFRUIT 2 r.. 25c uce the Rhode Island Honor Society TISSUE LARGE CLUE SOCIAL? near her home. and was active in athletics. He Monday, June 8. In Pacific to I was a pre-law student at the Wor­ Application forms sre available CALL from members of the organiZing Mrs. Fannie Waterman of Jack­ cester college and will enter law BUTTER committee which includes Exalted CAN TALO U PES E.ch45c sonville, Florida, formerly of this school in the fall. His father 3 Rolls "Tin Party Shtlf” Ruler McVeigh. Thomas Ferguson, town, is visiting her daughter, owns the New England Hotel and LTj. Bypass U N On ^scussion Rainbow Inn, both In Bolton. George England, Edward Edgar. [ CHERRIES u45c MI-9.t4fA— Ml.9.7674 Mrs. Mildred Tedford of Hilliard George English, Charlea LAthrop, street. She msde the trip by York . Straiigfeld, Harry, Firato, I - Faaey Hers^O*Oeuvfes plane. Mrs. Tedford was sur­ - Washington, June 5—(JP) Baadwiehes, Canapes Announcement and speciflea- Fearvante Vichl, Daniel Verllll, Lbr29c —Senator Taft (R„ Ohio) Seoul, Satu^ay, June Truce negotiators assemble prised this week when her son-in- tions of the large Ford-Spencer William FraZier, Walter Gruaha, f i and 88 P w Hundred law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. called today for a military al­ at Panmunjom today for a fattful meeting that might bring Memorial organ, which the Auatin Everett Moore, Vincent Ingraham | an armistice by next week on this unhappv peninsula, rav­ Special PHeds on 1,008 or More! Louis Pontlcello, who have been Organ Company of Hartford is re­ and Otto Herrmann. liance with the British in the making a tour of the South, atop- building in the Second Congrega­ Rockville Lodge of Elks has Is-1 Pacific to bypass the Uniteil- aged by three years of war. The >Mce fever ran high in ping at St. Petersburg, FIs., and tional Church this summer, ap­ sued an Invitation to the Man­ -s/n/£Mo/f/py Korea and in Tokyo aa the hour Nations veto in that critical of 11 a.m. (10 p.m, Friday e. a, t.) California, came to, town for a pears In the current Issue of "The chester Lodge to participate in BRINO YOUR abort time. They plan to locate Flag Day ceremonies June 1.5 in world area. approached, when Communist and Diapason." nation-wide publica­ PREMIER Leif Oalkergi.S, doe* not appear too eoncemed aa he anek* an a The Senate GOP leader iieued a permanently In St. Petersburg. tion in the Interest of organs and Rockville.. The invitation haa been Allied delegates ait dowm in the CUTRITE PROCTER & GAMBLE froren '^ndy *tick while firemen attempt to extricate hi* Toot which ■tatement clarifying the riews he vlUage where they have wrangled CORRECTION organists. accepted. waa caught la a four-inrh dralapipe at Craastoa. R. I. FIremea dug E i ^ U M I G s Meetings after institution will expressed in a Cincinnati apeech for nearly two years. COUPONS HERE down five feet to loo*en a joint In the pipe, raiae It and then make May 26 which caused President Communist loudspeakers along John Walne MacArdle, son of be the second and fourth Wednea-1 CORN WAX PAPER Cream Style or Whole Kernel an opening with a pipe cutter to free the lad who *peat an aaxlou* 45 Eisenhower to *ay "no," that he' the front blared about a "truce in WE’RE SORRY! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert MacArdle days of the month. minute* In It. (AP Wlrephoto). Following last night's business I couldn't agree with Taft that the a few daye" but the fighting raged D e s t r ^ e d ; SERVICES of Porter street, will be graduated U. S. “ might ax well forget the on in the distant eastern hills aa from Tuft'a College on June 14. session, Arthur Roy of Wllliman- .In our Wed. ndv. the price United Nation* *o far aa the Ko­ both aides jockeyed for favorable He was graduated with honors in tlc. Past Exalted Ruler of the Wil- 2 P k g s. of DuPont Color Condition- That Interpret The Wishes 2 Cans rean war is concerned” if efforts poeltlona should th* truce come. the Class of 1949 at Manchester limantic Lodge and Past District W ar Flaiv inf Semi-Clofls Enamel Of liie Family High school. Deputy, gave an interesting and | to obtain an armistice fail. The delegates will discuss the inspirational talk. Mother Relates Life Eisenhower said the U. S. would last n\ajor issue to be resolved— riiouM have been $1.89 qt. have to "go it alone” everywhere the settlement of the prisoner ex­ Seoul, June 5—(/P)—Amer­ St. Mary's Young Peoples Fel­ (not fsL) and GIom Enamel JOHN B. BURKE if It operated' single-handedly in change question. - Botl) sides have ican Sabre Jet pilots bagged lowship elected Diggory Robertson reportedly lubmitted plane so close as president, at the final meeting Asia. eight Communist MIG jet8, $1.73 Kit. (not fal.). ^ FUNIRAL HOME together that' quick agreement' is of thr season laat night. rte Police .|| Of Donahue As Boy Back in.Hanie Boat probably destroyed one and S A M P L E L In an inter\iew before he laaued likely.
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