Report Truman Will Give Wallace Choice

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Report Truman Will Give Wallace Choice MARV CHANEY LIBr * rOESDAT* n sm M B E E 17. Avbragc Dally Clrcalath» The Weather Wm *n Maalk at AmgmS, ISM t M T W S L V * ^anrh^Bt^r lEupnittS ^Bralii \' : of U. S. Weather Bureau piuoetde ef tha ahow are to go to 8,896 fY*lr tonight: Thumday moatly go M anchesttr ras Kiddles Camp Fund. Mra. Loydon d ark , who racan^ Fine Scenes DOCTOR V a t Urn AudH •naay and eonUnued warm. ly aold her houae, 13 LydaU aUy L Bptrgcacy Doctors Plan Bianquet M arried D arias JoM at AbontTown to Henry Lafko, of thla town, haa R, W. WATSON accented a poalUon aa houae moth­ Physldana of the Mandkes- H anchester^d City o f Village Charm tor Medical Asaoctatlon who During June, 60 ■ ■■■w In Ice Show er of Kappa Alpha Theta aororlty For Saturday couples were married, aoeord- WILL BE AWAY Um BrltMi*AiiMi1« at Maaaachuaetta State College In will respond to emergency calls _ _ m M Mt tb» chib* tomorrow afternoon are: Dr. J. ing to the record# of Town OIL BURNERS VOL. LXV., NO. 297 an Pa«a 14) MANCHESTEH, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, li94f (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS /inherit. Mra. d a rk will begin her Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton. FROM HIS OFFICE tm isM a t T:M, to r> Um duUea tomorrow. She waa the for­ A. SegaL tel. 6125 and Dr. A. Lavish Cmtumes Also fbB M feooM. BMt Colter H. Moran, 4427. I’rominent Italian Resi­ The marrlagea performed ta mer Nellie Sandeen ^ town must be reported to tha Highlights Revels to Be FROM to per raapacta to widow of Loydon H. ClArke who dents to Be Honor Now Aroiloblo! 'Hoftertrt • monbar c l Um town clerk wlthlli 10 daya of lost' his life In an’ automobile ac- the end of the month la Which Held SepL 27 SEPTEMBER 16th The Thunder Jet I 619 M. P# H. cldent on Main atreet, October 11, Guests at Tmtimonial S' TM Senior Luther League will the marrlsge took phwa. la RACKLIFFE OIL CO. THROUGH Italian Military U n . Jota Borry, orfanM iwa. __ poetpone ita meeting, scheduled order to have them filed la the Boasting lavish costumes, color­ Report Truman Will Prominent reshtente of Manchea- proper'order the towa dark 898 Maple Ays. Hartford dboetor of Bt Junea’a for tonight, at Emanuel Lutheran ter of lUllan ancMtry will be the ful Ughtlng, beautiful scenic beck- SEPTEMBER 23nl ■rat, taritao slngara Interaated Trinity Paat Noble Grande will church, to a data to be announced waits until returae are aada TcL Rtfd. 7-5191 iff»iiiy tte cholTt to attend ra- meet tomorrow afternoon at three later. guesU of honor of the allied Italian from other towna, ground. and a cast of top notch ‘ tomorrow arenliia at 7:30. o'clock In SUfford Springe. American group# of Mancheeter Itariford la alwaya teto In abating performers and Broadway Curbs Approved Itecnlar tBambora ara aiao uryed Mrs. Ronnie Aceto Freeman, of at a special teatlmonial dinner to maklnr return* and did not do lovelies. Ice Revels of 1647 will to b o ppraaent. o The Pilgrim Fellowehlp of Cen­ Oak atreet, haa taken over the '*oo rintil thla. morning. Give Wallace Choice: be held In the Italian American come to Manchester at Jarvis field ter church held lU Aral meeting management of Blllle'a Beauty Club Inc., Eldrtdga atraat on Sat­ formerly known as the Dougherty TlM Waalar JproiV of tiw South Sunday afternoon at Center Salon a t 22 Dlipot Square. Mrs. lots on Friday, Sept. 27. 1646, un- Without Dissent KattMdlat IVBOB u w maat tomor* Springe park, where a picnic waa Freeman waa In the employ of urday. September 21 a t 7:30 p.m. der the auspices of the Klwanla 24 HOURS-A-DAY low ovantnc a t T:45 In tha churciv, enjoyed, following a worehlp Mrv- the former proprietor, Mrs. Irene Among Homo red Oneata Club o f Manchester. patter. Min. Bdward Barria Ice. Seventh and eighth grade boya Abraltia, for four years, prior to Among thoae to be honored for Engagements | The production carries 83 people. Any hour, day or night, call l a ^ of Um group. and glrla form the grmip. with leaving for Sarasota, Florida, two Peace ^nference Mill- Finllina Be Still or Get Out thrir accompllshmente aa good Including ita own orchestra. In the Mr. and Mr*. Veraey Mf Bride aa yean ago. itlrcns of the atato and commun­ cast ara artiste who have appeared 4166 tary Commission Sets. ” IteT. P. TInualna. raetor aponaora. ity sre: Mr. and dra.'Rocco Farr, In many featured Ice productions nCSt. :'a chnreh will bo tha Manchester Chapter of Hadassah Mrs A. E. Menaggla of Bolton; Urbanetti-Boras Buch aa "Winter Time.” "Silver Manchester Taxi operates upon a 24- Seal on Limitations in O r O llU tO B p I Top Administration Offi- ar at tha waakly naat' Mambera of Dllworth-Comall will meet this evening at eight ,\lr. and .Mrs. John LcntL Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buma of Bladea,” "Ne-Capades, " and "Thin HOURS-A-DAY schedule. Tr«iv, Culling „ F Dust Bowl Court Actions of the Rotary club thia araalng Poat, American I>glon. will amem- o'clock at the home of Mre. Oe<irge Mrs James W. Farr, Dr. and Mrs. 123 Florence street,-announce the i rials Say President a t tha Sheridan raataurant. Dln- bla with Commander Norria out­ Ice.” Laaaner, 148 West Center street. Fdmund H. Zaglio, Dr. and Mrs. engagement of their daughter, The skating floor and refriger­ To 10 MaJor ship^ Plan Offered I Has Decided to Tell aar win ba nerved at 6:80 aa uauaL side Watkins Funeral Home to­ M n. R(m Matxkin of Waterhiiry,|)h MaHsaro,.Dr. and Mra. John ating unit used by the attraction Area Again To Test Meal night at 7:30, to pay their reSpecte will be the guest speaker and tea Prtgnann, Mr. and Mra. Joseph G. Fleanor, to Ixbro UrbaneUl, son of are reported to be the only port­ I I I O E Army to 250,000 ----- Secretary He Must A daughter, Annette, wan bom to Mra. Mary Maldment, wife of will be eerved. Member* and pro­ Hero, Mr. and Mra, Luigt Pola, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander UrbanetU, la Hartford hoapltal, S atu rd » Past Commander Harry Maldment. of iTK'J .Spruce atreet able Ice rink of tte type In the spective members Will be wel­ Mr. and Mra. Aldo PaganI, Mlaa world* I MANCHESTtB^^tzeOMPANY Paris, Sept. 18.—(A*)—The United States Drafts Is Menace Prices Order Quit Talking Almut •eanlng to Mr. and Mro. Cuaton J. comed. V Margaret NapolL Mr. and Mrs. The wedding date has been set Ice Revels la a two-hour spec­ R (JppoiiW 'kt.Jtimrs CHtifth A*»«alUa of 43 Spruce atreet. Thla Offlcera of Washington t,O.L. I’ctcr Cordera, Mr. and Mrs. Louis for November 16 in S t James's Peace Ckinference Military * Proposal for Studying American Foreign Pol­ te thair aooood ladld. they have a church. tacle containing 27 acts. Generous­ No. 117, win meet In the elubroom Hioinas F. Ferguxon, of 257 Fast Printtcrlli and Judga William S. ly sprinkled with comics, the show 893M ^inSt.,M anchester. Conn. commission set its seal on the Border Incidents on icy or Leave Cabinet; ynaig aoa. Mark. Mra. Abraltia tonight at 7:30. I Soil Conservation Serv­ H^tel and Restaurant I ^^Ttha former Mlaa Roae Pieaclk. Center street, and Harleth Man­ Hyde, honorary prealdent of the has a number of serious routines. 4166 military limitations clauses ning, of Hartford road, left Braln- Italian American Club and To«yn Wiemert-Coarchesno Including the "Hungarian Rhap­ of the Italian treaty today, | Northern Greece Line The Army’s new ThunderJet P-84 Jet fighter plane, piloted by Capt. Martin L. Smith, Kidder, Mo., ice Survey Party Puts Associations Plan Ap­ To Hold Parley Today TIm tnontlUy meeting of the ard yield, Hartford, last evening Treasurer George H. Waddell. Mrs. Annie Blron of 593 Rock­ sody,” "Legend of the East," atreaks black smoke from its exhaust as it* flashes aero** course at Muroc, Cal., Army air field, In a t­ cutting the Italian fleet to 101 tempt to break world's speed record. Test took place Sept. 10. but photo was Just released by Army. Trouble Zones in/Tex- plying to Emergency | Women’s Foreign Missionary So­ for San Francisco. They traveled Special Gneeto lavtted ingham' street, Berlin, N. H., an­ "Strange Mualc" and "I.ia Valae.” major ships and limiting the Lake Success, N. Y., Sept. 18— Wa&hington, Sept. 18.-—(fl*) ciety i f tha Church of the Nsm - on board a United Air Lines As a special guest on this occa­ The coatuming by Mmme. Ber­ (g>)—The United States has draft­ The ThunderJet set an unofficial record of 619 m. p. h. on one of Ite runs over the three kilometer rene, will be held tomorrow eve­ nounces the engagement of her tha of New York and the lighting army to'^0,000 officers and course.—(NEA telephoto). as and New Mexico Court of Appeals —Top administration officiiJs "MalnUner” and were due to sr- sion, Alfred FordlanI, of Meriden, ed a far-reaching proposal that the BENSON'S ning at 7:30 a t the church. The river In San Ftanciaco at 7:45 thla president of the State Alliance of daughter. Miss Pauline Cburcheane effects are among the highspote Custom Upholstering men.
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