Report Truman Will Give Wallace Choice
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MARV CHANEY LIBr * rOESDAT* n sm M B E E 17. Avbragc Dally Clrcalath» The Weather Wm *n Maalk at AmgmS, ISM t M T W S L V * ^anrh^Bt^r lEupnittS ^Bralii \' : of U. S. Weather Bureau piuoetde ef tha ahow are to go to 8,896 fY*lr tonight: Thumday moatly go M anchesttr ras Kiddles Camp Fund. Mra. Loydon d ark , who racan^ Fine Scenes DOCTOR V a t Urn AudH •naay and eonUnued warm. ly aold her houae, 13 LydaU aUy L Bptrgcacy Doctors Plan Bianquet M arried D arias JoM at AbontTown to Henry Lafko, of thla town, haa R, W. WATSON accented a poalUon aa houae moth Physldana of the Mandkes- H anchester^d City o f Village Charm tor Medical Asaoctatlon who During June, 60 ■ ■■■w In Ice Show er of Kappa Alpha Theta aororlty For Saturday couples were married, aoeord- WILL BE AWAY Um BrltMi*AiiMi1« at Maaaachuaetta State College In will respond to emergency calls _ _ m M Mt tb» chib* tomorrow afternoon are: Dr. J. ing to the record# of Town OIL BURNERS VOL. LXV., NO. 297 an Pa«a 14) MANCHESTEH, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, li94f (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS /inherit. Mra. d a rk will begin her Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton. FROM HIS OFFICE tm isM a t T:M, to r> Um duUea tomorrow. She waa the for A. SegaL tel. 6125 and Dr. A. Lavish Cmtumes Also fbB M feooM. BMt Colter H. Moran, 4427. I’rominent Italian Resi The marrlagea performed ta mer Nellie Sandeen ^ town must be reported to tha Highlights Revels to Be FROM to per raapacta to widow of Loydon H. ClArke who dents to Be Honor Now Aroiloblo! 'Hoftertrt • monbar c l Um town clerk wlthlli 10 daya of lost' his life In an’ automobile ac- the end of the month la Which Held SepL 27 SEPTEMBER 16th The Thunder Jet I 619 M. P# H. cldent on Main atreet, October 11, Guests at Tmtimonial S' TM Senior Luther League will the marrlsge took phwa. la RACKLIFFE OIL CO. THROUGH Italian Military U n . Jota Borry, orfanM iwa. __ poetpone ita meeting, scheduled order to have them filed la the Boasting lavish costumes, color Report Truman Will Prominent reshtente of Manchea- proper'order the towa dark 898 Maple Ays. Hartford dboetor of Bt Junea’a for tonight, at Emanuel Lutheran ter of lUllan ancMtry will be the ful Ughtlng, beautiful scenic beck- SEPTEMBER 23nl ■rat, taritao slngara Interaated Trinity Paat Noble Grande will church, to a data to be announced waits until returae are aada TcL Rtfd. 7-5191 iff»iiiy tte cholTt to attend ra- meet tomorrow afternoon at three later. guesU of honor of the allied Italian from other towna, ground. and a cast of top notch ‘ tomorrow arenliia at 7:30. o'clock In SUfford Springe. American group# of Mancheeter Itariford la alwaya teto In abating performers and Broadway Curbs Approved Itecnlar tBambora ara aiao uryed Mrs. Ronnie Aceto Freeman, of at a special teatlmonial dinner to maklnr return* and did not do lovelies. Ice Revels of 1647 will to b o ppraaent. o The Pilgrim Fellowehlp of Cen Oak atreet, haa taken over the '*oo rintil thla. morning. Give Wallace Choice: be held In the Italian American come to Manchester at Jarvis field ter church held lU Aral meeting management of Blllle'a Beauty Club Inc., Eldrtdga atraat on Sat formerly known as the Dougherty TlM Waalar JproiV of tiw South Sunday afternoon at Center Salon a t 22 Dlipot Square. Mrs. lots on Friday, Sept. 27. 1646, un- Without Dissent KattMdlat IVBOB u w maat tomor* Springe park, where a picnic waa Freeman waa In the employ of urday. September 21 a t 7:30 p.m. der the auspices of the Klwanla 24 HOURS-A-DAY low ovantnc a t T:45 In tha churciv, enjoyed, following a worehlp Mrv- the former proprietor, Mrs. Irene Among Homo red Oneata Club o f Manchester. patter. Min. Bdward Barria Ice. Seventh and eighth grade boya Abraltia, for four years, prior to Among thoae to be honored for Engagements | The production carries 83 people. Any hour, day or night, call l a ^ of Um group. and glrla form the grmip. with leaving for Sarasota, Florida, two Peace ^nference Mill- Finllina Be Still or Get Out thrir accompllshmente aa good Including ita own orchestra. In the Mr. and Mr*. Veraey Mf Bride aa yean ago. itlrcns of the atato and commun cast ara artiste who have appeared 4166 tary Commission Sets. ” IteT. P. TInualna. raetor aponaora. ity sre: Mr. and dra.'Rocco Farr, In many featured Ice productions nCSt. :'a chnreh will bo tha Manchester Chapter of Hadassah Mrs A. E. Menaggla of Bolton; Urbanetti-Boras Buch aa "Winter Time.” "Silver Manchester Taxi operates upon a 24- Seal on Limitations in O r O llU tO B p I Top Administration Offi- ar at tha waakly naat' Mambera of Dllworth-Comall will meet this evening at eight ,\lr. and .Mrs. John LcntL Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buma of Bladea,” "Ne-Capades, " and "Thin HOURS-A-DAY schedule. Tr«iv, Culling „ F Dust Bowl Court Actions of the Rotary club thia araalng Poat, American I>glon. will amem- o'clock at the home of Mre. Oe<irge Mrs James W. Farr, Dr. and Mrs. 123 Florence street,-announce the i rials Say President a t tha Sheridan raataurant. Dln- bla with Commander Norria out Ice.” Laaaner, 148 West Center street. Fdmund H. Zaglio, Dr. and Mrs. engagement of their daughter, The skating floor and refriger To 10 MaJor ship^ Plan Offered I Has Decided to Tell aar win ba nerved at 6:80 aa uauaL side Watkins Funeral Home to M n. R(m Matxkin of Waterhiiry,|)h MaHsaro,.Dr. and Mra. John ating unit used by the attraction Area Again To Test Meal night at 7:30, to pay their reSpecte will be the guest speaker and tea Prtgnann, Mr. and Mra. Joseph G. Fleanor, to Ixbro UrbaneUl, son of are reported to be the only port I I I O E Army to 250,000 ----- Secretary He Must A daughter, Annette, wan bom to Mra. Mary Maldment, wife of will be eerved. Member* and pro Hero, Mr. and Mra, Luigt Pola, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander UrbanetU, la Hartford hoapltal, S atu rd » Past Commander Harry Maldment. of iTK'J .Spruce atreet able Ice rink of tte type In the spective members Will be wel Mr. and Mra. Aldo PaganI, Mlaa world* I MANCHESTtB^^tzeOMPANY Paris, Sept. 18.—(A*)—The United States Drafts Is Menace Prices Order Quit Talking Almut •eanlng to Mr. and Mro. Cuaton J. comed. V Margaret NapolL Mr. and Mrs. The wedding date has been set Ice Revels la a two-hour spec R (JppoiiW 'kt.Jtimrs CHtifth A*»«alUa of 43 Spruce atreet. Thla Offlcera of Washington t,O.L. I’ctcr Cordera, Mr. and Mrs. Louis for November 16 in S t James's Peace Ckinference Military * Proposal for Studying American Foreign Pol te thair aooood ladld. they have a church. tacle containing 27 acts. Generous No. 117, win meet In the elubroom Hioinas F. Ferguxon, of 257 Fast Printtcrlli and Judga William S. ly sprinkled with comics, the show 893M ^inSt.,M anchester. Conn. commission set its seal on the Border Incidents on icy or Leave Cabinet; ynaig aoa. Mark. Mra. Abraltia tonight at 7:30. I Soil Conservation Serv H^tel and Restaurant I ^^Ttha former Mlaa Roae Pieaclk. Center street, and Harleth Man Hyde, honorary prealdent of the has a number of serious routines. 4166 military limitations clauses ning, of Hartford road, left Braln- Italian American Club and To«yn Wiemert-Coarchesno Including the "Hungarian Rhap of the Italian treaty today, | Northern Greece Line The Army’s new ThunderJet P-84 Jet fighter plane, piloted by Capt. Martin L. Smith, Kidder, Mo., ice Survey Party Puts Associations Plan Ap To Hold Parley Today TIm tnontlUy meeting of the ard yield, Hartford, last evening Treasurer George H. Waddell. Mrs. Annie Blron of 593 Rock sody,” "Legend of the East," atreaks black smoke from its exhaust as it* flashes aero** course at Muroc, Cal., Army air field, In a t cutting the Italian fleet to 101 tempt to break world's speed record. Test took place Sept. 10. but photo was Just released by Army. Trouble Zones in/Tex- plying to Emergency | Women’s Foreign Missionary So for San Francisco. They traveled Special Gneeto lavtted ingham' street, Berlin, N. H., an "Strange Mualc" and "I.ia Valae.” major ships and limiting the Lake Success, N. Y., Sept. 18— Wa&hington, Sept. 18.-—(fl*) ciety i f tha Church of the Nsm - on board a United Air Lines As a special guest on this occa The coatuming by Mmme. Ber (g>)—The United States has draft The ThunderJet set an unofficial record of 619 m. p. h. on one of Ite runs over the three kilometer rene, will be held tomorrow eve nounces the engagement of her tha of New York and the lighting army to'^0,000 officers and course.—(NEA telephoto). as and New Mexico Court of Appeals —Top administration officiiJs "MalnUner” and were due to sr- sion, Alfred FordlanI, of Meriden, ed a far-reaching proposal that the BENSON'S ning at 7:30 a t the church. The river In San Ftanciaco at 7:45 thla president of the State Alliance of daughter. Miss Pauline Cburcheane effects are among the highspote Custom Upholstering men.