

According to the weatherman, the sky will remain clear today, but rain is scheduled to return again OWQI1 tomorrow. £.tahliahed 1868 Vol. 78, No.203 AP N'ews and Wirephoto _--oil" Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May lS-Five Cents , ' fqcing Qne-Third of World: 'Hoover Appeals to America Pres. 'Truman 'Draft Boards to Examine Men 26 to 2.9 Tells Nation 'GrimmestSpedre Seizes Nation's R d T IT H'd Of Famine in History' looming II S Takes ae' Ride on a Bumper Fathers, Vets ae er es lies I er ' Ril Threatened to Destroy Stalin Rejects Appeal Former President Urges yslem Of President Truman Intensive Conservation Union Leaders Decla ... To ' Be Exempt Opposition to Policies To Aid in Food Crisis Of BreadstuHs, Fats Walkout Will Take NUERNBERG (AP) _ Grand Wl\ 'HIKGTON (AP) - A 'HICAGO (AP) - Herbert Place as Scheduled: Senators Push Two Adm, Erich Raeder testified yes- sh·ategicall.v pI U cod official Hoover, l'epol'ling 011 his world Plans for Approval fmid lust uight that Ocuel'Uiis- survey of f .. min 81' as, called WASHINGTON (AP)-Pres­ terday that he quit as German imo Stalin bad tUl'llcd dOlVn upon Arneticuns last night for idcnt Truman seized the na­ Of Teen-Age Service naval chief in 19-13 because' AdoU Pl'esidcnt 'P1'umun's uppeai that gl'catet' elf-denial to help ave tioll's $27,000,000,009 ruilroau Hitler would not stop a Nazi Russia work with the nited 00,000,000 pel'sons from the WASlUI'fGTON (AP) - Selec- "reign of terror" In Norway, nor States allll Bl'itain in meeting "grimmest spectre or [amine in system yesterday j Jl all effort to head off a paralyzing strike set tlve service yesterday ordered make peace with occupied France, the world famine Q)·isis. all the history of tlte world," local boa.rds to call up drart-eli- He also declared HUler bad The official, decllnlq to per- He wame4 that unlea more for 4 p, rn, today, but union gible childless men 26 through told his eom--nd-- after lh- mit use of hIs name, said the . I ~ ~.o ~ tood Is shipped to hun,er-rldcJell leaders declared the walkout 29 f or p hY8 ica I exanunat ons, outbreak of the war that "I ahall Russian rejeetton was baH6 on 'I t te I .... - t t areas durlq the next several would take pla"Ce as scheduled. This we.as th rs s p n car- destroy everyone who II a~alnst w.., eonlen Ion that he appeal The president appealed over the rying out Presidel1t Truman's In- me" or who opposed the Fueh- came too late. They satd the months, milllolll will be con- heads of laoo1' chiefs to the siructions to expand the dl'ait to rer's military Jud&"ment. The Soviet reply indicated that com· demned to a diet Uke that of workers, addressing them dil'cctly ilv;lude these men. The pres i- statement, he said, was made mitments already ~e by Rus- prisoners In the Nazi eoncentra- in a statmcnt: dent said T)1ursday thIs was when the army opposed HIt- sla prevented tuUUlmenL of the tlon caml' at. Buchenwald in4 "I call upon every empi03'e of necessary "in order to save what ler's plan for Invasion of France \\'hUe 1I0use reque8t. BelseR'. lbe raUroads to cooperal.tl wllh we can trom the near wreckage In the fall or 1939. but. weather Thcre were unoHlciat reports Hoover's address was for a fa- 1.be 10Vel'lUDenL ..• by remaln­ of the selective service system," forced postponement of the In- that the president did not consider mine emergency committee meet- Inc Oil duty." , He reterrecl to 1eplaUon vulon until May. the Russian reply conclusive, that ing and a nationwide broadcast. He said the seizure and con tin-I pa-a bT ClOIII"rew which ex- Raeder, winding up his defense he was still pursuing the matter, The fot'mer president said his ued opcruti.on of !h,e carri~rs were tend~ the. dran to July I, but before the international mlJJtaryand still hoped for Soviet aid, 35,OOO-mile tour through 25 coun- necessary 10 the 40lerest of the problblltl Ute JJMlueUoll of teen- tribunal against war crimes char-I This development call)e aimost tries suffering from acute food "war eUort." Legally the country a~e ycAa&ba and fathers. Pre- ges, said he had arranged the simultaneously with a joint United shortages showed that "hunier is still at war, v10naly the top dn,rt are had first personal interview with Hlt- States-British declaration that "a hangs over the homes oi more than Furnish Proleetlol;1 'been :e5. , ler for Vld~un Quisling In 1939, risk of famine remains" despite 800,000,000 people-over one-third The seizure order, which placed Hershey speel£lcally excluded a first step In Quisling's sell-out tile best they can do lor , oUler of the pcople of the earth. Ule o!fice of defense transportation men who have been discharged of his homeland, countries, SlIell~ Visitor in command of the carrieps, em­ from the armed forces, He said Ile insisted his dealing in the implied Reference "Hunger is a silent visitor who powered aDT to ask t he secretary also . that : men ,wJth "manifest" INQrwegian situation was based on Diplomats saw the posslbllity of comes like 11 shadow. He sits be- of war to Iurnish prptection for phySIcal dlsablli~les should not be inteilig1ance that Britain intended an implied refercnce to the Rus- side every anxious mother three railroad employes and to sllPply called for eXBmlOation. under a plan named "Sll'aUord" sian situation in the statement's times each day, He brings not a- any equipment and manpower ILORRAYNE Taylor, 5. hangs all the bumper of a nelgbbor's car as she demonstrates the grip which The cues 01 IDea 26 th~Ullt to seize Norwegian bases and cut additional comment: lone suffering and sorrow, but felll' deemed necessary. probably saved her life in Des Moines yesterday. john Lawrence, operator of the car. said ollcomin¥ 29 sl!owd be "reopenecl and re- oct the Reich's link witll Swe- "Even more energetic measures and terrol'. Cel. J. }Ionroe Johnsen. motorists signaled him to stop aud he found the child hanghlg on his bwnJlcr, lIe didn't know when or eon8ldered," Hershey dlrec~, If den's ore supplY. al'e needed throughout the world, "He carrie dlllorder and pa. OM director, Dam. Charles where the ehJld had got on. She was wlhurt aud would ouly say: "1 was after a loaf of bread for Mommy." Lhey are ,found ph,yslcaJly fit. The admiral said Hitler 'cI'osscd This risk can be reduced insofar 1'alysls of ¥overnment, and even U.I.tord, executive vice presl- , (AP WIREPHOTO) Meanwhile influential senators up the German navy on the Ias other sources can be found in Its downfall. He IlllDOre dest:rue­ "It\ lIf the Cblc.,O, MJlwaullee, aqvanceorites received 1,347,664 bal­ of the en.ineers bro~hood, Ule BULLETINS from mland points in recent ,.'lon8 with bun~ry ehJJdren: .t "purltanize" the calDiPus allil money and ended the litigation. available 10r comment. lots for 29 sellts, weeks, Is beeaase ' haacer two unions directly involved in the added Lhere were no 'official ~ble Itrike threat. BUCIIAREST (AI') - Mar­ objections "aralnMl IImooching ------hrinp tbe total dntJ'ucU'en or aU 8U-lke GeeI On libatIon Anl.ollescu, PUllllct lIre­ in the proper place and at 'he moralll: U Is ImJlOllll\ble be .... Then as they left the Whito mler of nazi-occupied Romania proper time," He &&Id t!tere 01 Ute danler to American bor. HOUle after a visit of only three durin,; lhe war, yesterday was were a "very small minority of 01 5weepln¥ lnlectlous dtae.es. or four minutes, the two union senlenccd to death for war which rise willi famine. leaden told repol"ters the striko erlmes by a special peoples' 0g:.n~~~I;' A, Hannah, prcsident "It is unthlnkable because we would flO on. The time for it fa Unbroken do not want our boys machIne­ trlbqnal. of the coli ege, said the policy of Coal '. Deadlock 4 p. m. local standard Urne in all gunning famished rioters. It 11 po1Jclng love-making is not a ZOnes. * * * unthinkable because we do not At that time It was not known TOKYO. Saturday (A!')-Rc­ "new ruling" and that the tvllege WASlllNGTON *** (AI') - OUt- .CIIarIII CYNeUI*** 01 the optnw,1'II had assured *I,.ewis * *of the organi- e..,_11I&" In dJlatory iacUcs. want the American flag flylnc that Whitney and Johnston had Inforcecl troollV 01 the Chinese only expected lts students to "be­ dais S'O ught yesterday sorne new ..141 ...... D. 'l'nIDIaa ell May zation's full support. Neveriheless. U.ere w.. no 1m- lover nationwide Buchenwfldl." been definlely illformed of tho Clentral rovernmcu' "resume'd a have like ladies and gentlemen." step whkh might end lhe solt Jt...., ...... _ep& UIe plall IIleclIate prospect of a roll eaU Hoover 'said that if the world', furioull oUe/wlve" aralnst Szcp­ Capt. Arthur Brandslalt£t', whell the lleule acIJourne4 unW estimated 800,000,000 hungry pea- lei&ure order. However, anI)' a few coni dbadiock before lhe strike Is In prlaelple, b.~ UaU Ute, later Senate Members Argue tninutea later Charles G. Roaa, tll&"kal 'l'uelday and Wednesday, chief of police, said his o(flcers labor Dispute Filibusters Monda1. pie should receive no more reUef, White House press secretary, an .. , bal bolh dan' attacks Were are attempting to hait what they J'enewed next weekend, but there ~ ' ''a ...,Iete re,udlaUon of Sen!ltor Morse (R., Ore.) an- the measure of their hunller with IlQUnctd tho seizure and laid It beakn back, the Chinese Com­ consider offensive public dispiays wel'e no indications that they O'Nellt'a 1VbHe'S .... ~." WASHINGTON (AP) - The nounced, however, that while he the caloric yardstick would be WU slaned whll~ thoy were with mun"l radio at Yonan declared but are not seeking out "necking found onc, The president met with his cabi- sena~ crept to the end ol Its first oPP()l;es mOllt ot the pending about as follows: Mr. Truman. • today la a broadea'" beard In spots" to catch "smoochers," The miners and the Opet'litUrs, net durin, the day to ,discuss the week of deba~ on labor djsputes amendments to Ule 111001' laws he About 100,000,000 would be re­ MIte" Mtt,," '1'ok,o. The editorial in the coliege fOI' thel r pa I't, held no flU1hel CIOjlI dlspu~ along with the le.i~lation yesterday, still appar- will fight any filibuster. He ex- duced to the 2,OOO-ealory level. WhUe only the 2~O,OOO enCineers paper asserted that 1\ majority 01 meetings alld settled down to threal,fned railroad, strike and enUy far irorn a vote on the first plaiued be believCl the senate He said tha~ an average of 2.200 and trainmen are directly Involved NORRIS OITY, Ill. (A1')­ students would favor elimination wntcllful walting. Each side obvJ· other current problems. There was of a do~ell or more proposed "ought to have the right to make calories per person per day Is a In the .trlke eaU, some 1,400,000 State poHce repor~ · olle un­ of "indiscreet necking which has ously felt it wa~ up to Ul0 other DII word 0(0 any decision, however. amendments, any mIstakes that the people want minimum In a nation 01 healthy employ.. of the nation'. rail IYII, NeaWI" man wa. klUed and araced OUI' campus," bu t alleged to oUel' the first concesslp!) on the John L Lewis attend~ a Advocates 01 Dew 1.... Ia&lve them to make." penons, tern will be affere aan be no es­ is considerably less than tIle estimates of ling such disputes, Professor orchestnl, Iowa Union. medical ampitheater. cnping Mr. IIoover's ·words that: others is not an indication that the situation Daykin described as less desirable IluDgel.' "carries disol'iler and paralysis of is not a bad as we had thought it to be. a law under which the president (Ww ...... I'tIPI'IlIDI tIa&ea be,... W. -~.... _ gO"ernment, and eycn it downfall. He is n we fail to fill Mr. Hoover's order by only could seize and operate properties Scarcities Curb to Eur.opean Travel ~ .. &be .moe of \be rrMldllll&' 0Icl C...... > more df'slJ'uctiY(' tlmn armies, not only in one ton, ml1ny will suffer. Filling that order whose striking a[fected the pub­ lic welfare. A law outlawing GENERAL NOTICES }luman lif bllt in mOT'ltls. All the val ups of will be a difficult job. A1rcllcly the April Plenty*** Hospitality, Few Accommodations*** right livin" mrll brfol'e his invasion, and drought bas caused an 88,000,OOO·bu bel strikes would not solve the prob­ lem satisfactorily either, he said. TOWN WOMEN e"er,V gain of ci"i1izl1lion crumbles. slump in our wheat crop. STUDENT ACTIVITIES­ By ROBERT WEIr. All women living in unorgan_ "We clln Sllye lhcsC' people {rom tbe worst, • • • But we have the food. We have much more "Arbitration similar to Utat AP" Newsfeatutes CALENDAR ized housing units will meet 1\10n • . if we wil!." than is ncce . ary for our own safety. We can now employed to settle disputes - A high-priced ever. Europe will be "all-out" to day, 7:30 p. m., conference room 1; '''-' • • • - we mu. t-l1elp tIl(' 800,000,000 who fRee in tbe raiJroad Industry could Student activities should be re­ Iowa Union, to approve new con. Europe, long on hospiiality but entice overseas visitors with their corded in the office of student af­ Om ilUly iR elNlI'. W mn. t makc greater disaster. best solve this labor problem," painfully short of accommodll- precious foreign exchange. stitution. fairs, room 9, Old Capitol. GISELA MEYER, he recommended. "The system tions, awaits I vacation minded Despite six years of war that President Is not perfect. but It would be Americans. blasted 650 historic French sites Saturday, ~ay 18 Progressive Legislation wcek or short working dllY in Russia. an advance In the right direc­ But it will see very few of and 6,500 British churches, the 1-8 P. m. Delta Pi Alpha picnic INTERCOLLEGlA'fE ZIONIST ,,' tion. The . cnl11 In bor committce l1as passed a' Nikolai A. Voznessensky, chairman of the - them before 1941. Meantime, it majority of sightseers' landrt1arks in Amana. ORGANIZATION 6:30 p. m.-12 m. Alpha Chi resolution calling for 1\11 investigation of the state planning commission, has jURt madc a • • • will try to brighten the holidays in Europe remain undamaged. Meeting tomorrow, 7:30 p. m., "The dispute can best be set- fOr its own people. Here's what Europe now offers Omega picniC and hayride. catlSe of strikes. Coming in the mjdst of the repo1't on the fourth Five-Yelll' plait to the conference room 1, rowa Union. llpreme Soviet of tlie U.S.,.R. He ays the tied by the use of good judgment Black markels born of food ra-, vacationists: 9 p. m.-12 m. Currier informal Last meeting of year. All urged to .. , senate's haphazOI'd and pel'hnps dangd\'olls party, Community building. plan is to be carried out by increasing the and the objective consideration of tioning and shortages con.front BRITISH ISLES-Slow recon­ attend. tlllk about hlbol' "cUl'bR," this progressive facts. Impartial and careful tourists in most countries w~th struction of 24,000 war-damaged Monday, Ms.y 26 eanital equipment per worker and by full RUTH ANN GEISINGl!1t pl'Oposal has a w leoml' not. studying of the situation is needed. hotel rates, meals and souvemrs hotelS' and continued strict ra­ 6 p. m. Student Council dinner, Chairman Before we can hopc fo), a sound, effective utilizotion of the ei/rht-houl' working day. Congress should take an objective, at more than double their pre- tioning prevent immediate attain­ Iowa Union. conlrol of .omc of the unions' malpractices, Th(' ohairman promi es wages inc1'eases, b t not an emotional attitude toward war prices. ment of Britain's $-100,000,000 an- 7:10-8:30 p. m. Varsity band, REGISTRATION IN music building. JOURNALISM we musl 11ft\' 11 b!lsic knowledge or the who, they nrc 10 come out of production. the problem." Passport and transportation nual tourist revenue goal. The 7:30 p. m. Town women's meet­ Studen ts in the school of jour. wHnt, why, whm'c lind when of . trikcs. It "'1'he average anl111111 wages of workers Should Consider Jlealth stringencies will limit this year's ilrst group of foreign tou~ists to and employe oceupietl in the national eeon­ Ad'(,ocaling more consideration tourist traffic; next year, how- arrive since 1939 was housed and ing, conference room 1, Iowa nalism will register in room would be foolhardy to j'ush flltcad without W'-206, East hull, for the summer '. omy will gl'OW parallel with the growth of --..:.....------fed on board the Swedish ship Union. anllwering such que. tions. 'l'he senatc cer­ 7 :30 p. m. Foreign Inngunge and fall terms at the Iollowini ' labol' productivity and in 1950 SUI'pass that brought them. of tllinly would not fail to find lhe an wer to will film, geology auditorium. times: ' hi Only in Eire-already nearly simllm' CJur~ljons /lbout 11 tnx bill. th 1940 level by 48 percent." 8 p. m, University play, uni­ Those who will be juniors, lo· go completely booked for the coming Sh'ikes hnve. be. et lhe country sincc last versity theater. day, 8:30 a. m.-l p. m. ., te Behind the Mikes. season-can tourists find Ameri­ November wh 11 Wnlter Reuther and his Gon­ • • Those who will be seniors, Sut • . can-size steaks and freedom from LmERAL ARTS SENIORS AND eral Motors local of 1 A \V-OlO walked out. urday, May 25, 8:30 a. m.-l p. m: By Helen Huber 2:00 Saleh' Speaks Britain's post-war austerity. SOPHOMORES Gl'8dlJ(lle students may register Then the slcelwol'l{('rs nnd mincrs quit. Now Co,~ ri ng 2:15 The M.rkel Ba ye One World ment of Science by Dr. W. H. Pielemeier, tion will be the guest speaker and WMT Mayor of Tn.WHO M. L. Nelson inauguration of a boat-and-train WOLFGANG PAUL EN Formal installation of new of­ his topic-"Some Emerging Truths wl)o Tl". 01" Cons. KXEL H. R. Groos ficers regular meeting Tuesda"Y; Several of the senator. who voted against Penn. ylvooia State college physicist. H e has KXEL Farn. Jury T. 1.:15 p. m. service to carry 2,000 persons Gennan Department co in School Finance." • p. m. WMT Sports 7 :30 p. m.. Catholic student cen· measured the intensity of noise, ranging from WMT Hit Parade WHO Sun. Come'. weekly from London to Basle wlll pi the loan to Britain ('xplained their action A special transcribed program, tel'. All members urged to at­ with thl'ee reasons: (l) 'Phe national debt is the rustle of leaves to the whirring that goes WHO Bn.n Dance KXEL SpOrts solve Switzerl~nd's chief trans­ INTER-VARSITY CnRISTIAN th hForward March," on rural school KXEL Gangbusters 10:80 p. m. portation worry. FEr.LOWSJIlP tend. too lm'ge already, (2) the senate houJd be on in nn airplane motor test chamber. 7:S0 p. m, WMT Sing. Sam The doctor uses a sensitive metrr which graduation in Iowa wlU be pre­ WIIO You Top Thls?WHQ Judy Canova • • • M e e tin g today room 207, MARY JANe ZECH spending its time debaling olher isslles, and sented over WSUI at 8 p. m. this KXEL Symphony KXEL Na.e""n. Hr. BELGIUM - Most seaside re. Schaeffer hall, 8 p. m. Owen President records the intensity of ound. in "decibels It 7:43 p. m. 10:46 p .... (3) the Bretton Woods agl'Cemcnt shonld afternoon. WMT T. Martin WMT Hen. J. Tay. sorts, exoept those in bUtzed OSJ Sauerland, past president of Ames DEPAR.TMENT STORE JOBS -a unit of sound measurement. For a wide awake tohic today, S p. m. It p ...... tal{(' care of aid to Britain. WHO Palhnpoest WMT News tend, wlll be ready for tourists. chapter will be guest speaker. Coe Deborah Brandt oC lhe employ- 'nlis was nothing mOl'e t1l/HI a. roundabout tune in to "Wake Up and Smile," 8:16 p. m. WHO OrChestra High prices will prevaiL college group will be guests. All ment staff of the Fair department Tn a report in the cicntific Monthly, at 8 a. m. A whole hour of gayety WMT Celebrity C. 9<:XEL Otthestra way of admitting' that they did not nndm'­ * * * 8:110 p. m. 11 :111, p. m. • • • students invited. store in Chicago will be on cal\1. , Pielemeier said the noise of a refrigerator with Harold Isbell as m.c. and vo­ WHO Barn Dance WMT Olf Record stand the bill 01' its implications for the worlcl KXEL Hayloft KXEL PletsCh's H'. SWEDEN - Swedes bent ~n calists Jayne "Maria Elena" Wal­ On. GWEN GARDNER pus Monday to interview senior . as a whole. • and the noise of New York at midnight had S:IG p. m. U:311 p. m. "seeing Sweden first" have ac­ Procram Chairman women interested in permanent shown the same 1'eading on the instrument- ton, Patsy Montana, Boyce Smith WMT Sweet '" Sw. WHO News counted for most of the summer If the events of thc 20th century have KXEL Stamp Col. n:4f p. III. 45 decibel. (ITe did not say how f~r the in­ and Salty Holmes. Guests on the a p. m. WHO Music accommodations. But' living costs INTERNATIONAL CLUB Ijobs in department store WO~ J.I taught any lcsson aL all, hitey have taught program will be four Goldwyn WMT Academy Aw. KXEL Orchestra Meeting tomorrow afternoon, 4 and undergrad.uates Interested In strument was from Times sqnare.) D~nce U are up 55% in a decade and still that unlC5."J the llotions eooperll.te, they eventu­ WHO Barn m. Ordinary com'ersation registers 60 decibels, Girls. KXEL Ncws. WMT Slin Olf rising. There is no noticeable to 6 o'clock, home of Dean and ~~~~~~~~l~~ ~~ot~\~ c~:le~~~~ or~ ally will fight On part of the world cannot WHO MId. Rhythm midway bctwcen the noise of a "quiet typc­ KXEL Sign Ott food shortage. M.rs. Carl E. Seashore, 815 N~ th~ office of student arfairs. long remain prosperolls, while Ilnothcr part TOUAX'S PROGRAMS writer" and that of an average restaurant. 8:00 Mornlnll Chapel LlDn street. Lunch served, 3;) IIELEN FOCHT if! sllnk in depl'cSJ ion. Witllout intel'national 8: 15 Iowa Mornings , But Pielcmeier found that a battery of 8:30 New. economio stability-through international eo­ ~~~!~'d i:~~I~Hf::~f ~~~~~t a~~ Office' of • tudcnt Affaln typi t going full steam in a stenographic ..8:45 Program Calendar James D. White's operaton-therc will not be political. stabllity. 8:55 Service Reports fairs by tomorrow. room make as much noise 11$ workers in an 9:00 Iowa Congress of Parents and LEO SAVEDRA METHODIST 'fUDl:NTS Wendell . Wilkie forcefully stated that: Teachers Sponso ring Dr. Kirby average factory. 9:30 What's New In Books Chairman ot Page,· troth back in 1941. Men who in Washington 9:45 National Sa/ety Council 4:30 p: m. tomorrow at the Con­ Other sounds in the ordcr of decrellsing still fail to undcl'stand it can contribute Jittle 9:50 New. Interpreting the News. ••• gregationat church insteod of : 1001dncs. : 10 :00 Paging Mrs. AmerIca \ Ji'ACULTY ELECTION to international statcsmanship. We hope tilt! 10:U AUe, Break/a.t Calfee \ All iaculty members of the col­ usual Vesper-forum. S~bject: Pneumatic rock drill j airplane motor at 10:30 Ask lhe Girl. . house of rep!'£!. entatives doesn't lose sigtit of 10:45 Yesterday's Musical Favorites Some time back Japan-with n an atomic age so Japan lege of liberal arts should turn "How to Prevent World War IIf.': 20 fect; automobile hom j puncn press j boiler 11:00 News wouldn't' try. Supper follows, Methodist church. the fllct. 11 :05 Reporter'. Scrapbook Allied help-drafted the first in their ballots for the committee factorY riveter; train passing subway station 1l:15 Eyes on the Future "atomic" constitution. Although no other nation has electioDs by today, 5 p. m., VIC GOn and elevated. train overhead; a passing truck 11,30 Fashion Features .hown inclination to follow J a­ Prof. John Briggs' office. Counselor 1l:4~ Musical Interlude 'l1hat is, this constitution went WOrk: in Russia and ft ' printing press ... 1l:50 Farm Fla.hes pan's lead, it still was a prece­ DEAN EARL J. MCGRATH - 12:00 Rhythm Rambles out on the atomic limb, saying in (FrO/it UtO Chicago Daily News) A quiet office and the average dwelling j a· dent. Colleee of Ll~ral Arts RO~ER WILLIAMS 12:30 News effect that the there's no use for FELLOW RIP We deduce that one problem is not troubl­ broadcast studio, whit!h whs found to be only 12:45 Ba.ebaU Round Table a n;ltioh io try' to defend itself • • • 1:00 Musical Chat, Comes JlOW another chance Sponsoring Dr. Kirby Pale, ing' tlle Russians. Thi. is tho problem of ad­ five decibels louder than" a whisper at five LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT for J'aPan to Blale a trail If 80 Congregational church, 4;30 P. m. justillg wage so t11at the worker elln have as ------~------TESTS feet j" and the rustle of leaves, which sho,YS IncUned; This III simply the Language achievement t est s tOl11orrOW, instead of regular ves­ much take-home pay for the short postwar 15 decibels. maHer of c.mnl' a IIrade a. will be given May 22 and May 23 pcr. Group will go to picnic at work-w e~ as hn lUld in the longer working The physicist reported that he was out in spade In polUtcs. from 4 to 6 p. m. in Schaeffer hall. Lovers' Leap after the meetln~ week durmg the war, his flower garden on V-J day, measuring • • • Readlne Tests BOB CAMEl.'f 'rhere isn't going to be /lny short working the loudness of sounds produced by inseets, Much could bel done along this Greek and Latin (Wednesday Preside.. when all of a sudden his instruments picked line in T.okyo, where correspon­ only), room 103; Spnnlsh, room VMMli:R SESSION WOMIK up the noise of the V-J celebration, on the dents waste money every day re­ 221Aj French, room 309, and Ger­ calling in their cables that both man, rooms ~24 and 225. Senior privileges granted onl1 college campus-almost a mile away,: the Liberal and Progressive par­ Spoken Tests to seniOrs living in sorority houae ' !e ~~E:~~~bUJbed 1~ He recorded the eelebration noi. e lit 70 de­ ties actuaUy are oonservatlve. Spanish, room 204j French, 01' dormitory. Those who bellev. 1'b~ Dally Iowan since 1901.) . cibels and found that if anyone wanted to No doubt both the Liberal and room 314, and German, room 105. they are eligible must sign at Entered .. HOOnd C!laIf" mall matter •• the carryon a conversation at bis home through Progressive parties contain ele­ Students who wish to take tho U. W. A. desk, ground floor of foreign language achievement ex­ pelt oUice at Iowa City. Iowa, UDd. tIM act crf tbis V-J noise, he'd have to raise his speech ments which conform to their Old CopilOt. Give nllme and loWi amination as indicated abo v e City summer oddress. ~ of March 2, 1871, . level from the usual decibels to about names, but the nat direotion of 60 should report to the department 75 or 80. both PllrtJes is conservative. ELLEN LARSON Board of trlllteeI: Wilbur SeJaruDm, Eirk II. • • • In question not later than to­ Chairman. Judiciary Boa~ ,. Porter, A. Craig BaIrd, Paul R. 0I.Iaa, K.·eJb To oall conservatism pro...... day. Those who believe that Smith. Louise Jobmton, Jean Newlalld, DOD 0t- Pielemeicr also *points. * *out that there ore 81ve ahd' lIbetaa: Is not IInn.hlrai they may fulfill their foreign tilie, Norman A. Erbe. • some loud-mouths in the insect kingdom In Japan, wheN! Ute laquap language requirement under the , old plan (12 s. h. or equivalent) Mrs. Ida Smith Rites which would interrupt many a dinner-table never leU. you ..y "he" or Fred M, PowuaD. Publllhft "she" but hold. you' oft' at; anna should verify this by consultation conversation if our ears were tuned to catch with the propel' members of tho Loren L, Hlckerson, Assistant to the Ptablsher lencth with- "th.' pe.... n." To Be This Morning , John A. Stlchnoth. EdItor their high· pitched sounds. 1l1nguage departments. For details .. , ;Va1ly Str1n~am BUJin_' ~ With his instroments, he has picked lip • •• • sec the bulletin boards of the vo.ri~ Such habitual indil'ection em­ Funcral sCI'vices for Mrr. I Claire DeVine. Circulation ..... OliS rorelgn language departments. tho song of a meadow gralllJhoPJ'lol" called the phasizes the long road Japan muat Bartow Smith, 603· S. DubUque'I. , PROF. GERALD ELSE Conocephalll8 rasoiatull which "br~dcl\stslt. travel toward true democracy, stl'Mt, who died Thursday nilht 1n : at a. tonal pitch of 40 kilocycles. Clanlcal Lancuare!l 1 and suAests that a constructive PROF. s.n.BU H M I'CY hospllal, will be held' at t "It our cal'S," SIIYS the doctor, "were as first step might be for leaders to o'clock this morning in St. ~f~ Romance Lanra"ees The Aaoclated Prell II Pelllll._ IIltltJC sensitive to 40 kilocycles as they arc to tb reo shake ofe tne double-talk of the rick's church. . lD UI8 ftll- republlcatlon df aU D.... · clllpatolMli PROP. ERICH f'UNK! or four kiloeycle!!, we COuld hardly carryon past' and be frank with their peo­ German M:rs. Smith wos born In lawa' INdited to it 01" not otherw1le cndJtecl III tIdI a conversation jf several of these slf'nder ple. City lhe daughter of Charlet an' 3. pa»er aDd alIo the Jqca1 Dew benlD:. . meadow gras.'lhoppers werc singing in our Japan has IIQ' monopoly on po­ ITA 81GMA. pm Mnry Bm·l·ow. She was gtaC\uateil t litical doUble talk, but mi8ht. be from tlHl university In 1909, I. IcIItorlal OffIce TELEPBons______tift mid8t. " Sprln, plcnl'e today. M m- in . a ta.voral}le' position to Itt be", meet at north door, Schoe.rter She is survived' by thtet brolb· e. IcIoIaQI Oftioe tIN, laway lrom\ it> since ber politician. hal!1 3 p: m., before going to Olty ers lind four sisters. _._. OUlae "II' Tho WlUlhirtgton Monumept., 550 feet hilfh, tna, not· haft so much,· to· 1088 parJl. M:cGovern's arc In char.' of tile is tho taltest n1if'Onry struotoure in the by such' a s~, . I.Uri" J01tOBN1lUD service. Burial will be In S .. J­ SATURDA V, l\fAY 18,1946' It miaht !let another precedent. cph's cemetery. . world: ,. PrHtden' ,. SATURDAY. MAY 18. 1946 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IQW A PAGE THREE

the school of music wiU be Thompson Stone, conductor of lhe Lierle 10 Head SUI Ad' salon Hints on College Charm for SUI Women 4·lnslrudors Apollo club and the Handel and Haydn society in Boston, Mass. * • * * * * B. Iden Payne, former director W"~ly Broadcasts to Dilcuss Fashions, Style ot the Shakespeare Memorial the­ New Summer Opens 'Today To Join Staff ater in . will teach a course in advanced acling and pro­ TO WED ducing to include Ole prodUction Over 100 E,.Jgravings, Visiting lecturer, trom England, of two hake pearean plays. Session,(lass JUNE 5 France, Boston tlnd Arizona will In Ihe college of commerce, Dr. Etdfings on Display; join the staUs of lhe college of Arthur Condon. from the Univer­ I Megrew to Lecture commerce and Romance languages, sity of Arizona. will teach work t offi. music, and dramatic arts depart­ in secretarial training. Course to Be Offered ments during the summer s -sion. Hotel In Method of Fitting, Formal opening of the 13th an- I They will begin teaching duties nUllI student' art I>alon, sponsored June 12. SPEAKS IN ILLINOIS Telting 'Hearing Aids Prof. Wendell Johnson, director Uni. by Union board, will lake place Joining lhe Romance languages from 2 to 5 p. m. tomorrow in department for Ole summer will o[ the university speech clinic, A course in methods of testing thp maio lounge of Iowa Union. be Dr. Alexander Aspel, former 4i poke yesterday on "Stuttering" hearing and fitting hearing aids More than 1100 p\eces by uni­ staft member at the Ecole Nation­ beIore Ole Illinois Association of will be offered at the university versity swdl!l1ts will be shown ale des Lngues Orienlales Vivantes Teachers of Speech at the llJi­ June 17 to July 26 under the in six mediums: "ouache and In Paris. Inois Slate Normal university in direction of Dr Dean M. Llerle. watercolor; etching and engrav­ Specializing in chorus work in Bloomington, Ill. head of the department of oral ing, Hthograplly, monochrome surgery and otolaryngology in the (drawing), 011 and sculpture. university hospitals. Prof. Alclen S. Megrew of the Enrollment in the course, part art department will dellver an of the summer session program address on the elCh~bit at 3 p. m. in speech pathology and hearing Quality awards will be presented ITRUB - W AREItUI, INO.--owaer. ronservation, will be limited to to students who have done out­ PAIlTICJPATlNG IN A dlllCusslon on Interior decoraUnl' over WSVI the tlrst 24 students who apply. standing wOrk by Dick Nazette. &bJs mornlnc allt:3t will be these four members of the University of ITIJU~-S VI:J>4IJTMI:PIiIIT iT()~r Course supervisor will be Prof. MIL AND MRS. Paul H. Bedell of Cedar Rapids announce the enraee- L4 of Iowa City, president of Iowa eollC6e board. Seated around the microphone are, left to rl ..M: Scott Reger, otological acoustics. Jla.rbara Hope Brown, A2I of Des Moines; Dorothy Schwartz, A2 of ment and aproacblne marrIage of their daughter, Colleen EvelYn, to Union board. The students' work 118-124 South Clinton SL PhODe 9607 Assistants include Prof. Jacqueline Georee H. McNeal, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McNeal of New Sharon. wiJI be judied this afternoon bY BurllJl,toD; Chloe Anne Sbutte, A3 of Pine Blulf, Ark., and Ed.vth Keasler, speech and otology; The weddln, will take place June 5 In Ihe Methodist church in Iowa Prof. Humbert Albrizio, Prof. Bc!JseDthal, A% of Scandale, N. Y., chairman of the board. Prof. James B. Stroud, education City. Miss Bedell, who was ..raduated from Franklin hlch school, at- Stuart Edie, James Lechar, Max ~ .II- .II- ond psychology; Dr. Glauys tended Lindenwood colleCe at Sl. Charles, Mo., and is now a student Ballinger and Mauricio Lasan­ Hints on colJege* * chal1ll* arc of- window displays in a ' Clinton de- Lynch, - speech, and Mrs. Char­ at the llnlvetslly of Iowa where she Is a pledce of Alpha. XI Del t a . sky, all or the art department. fered Iowa women by the Urn­ pal·tment store. Chloe lotte Wurl and Margaret Soisson, sorority. Mr. MeNeal1s a craduate of New Sharon high scbool and at- Popularity in each me(lium, verslty of Iowa college board. Shutte was an assistant buyer research assistants in otology. tendei Iowa State Teachers collC6e In Cedar Falls tor olle year before based on tbe votin, of vIsitors to Fashions One activJty of this board Is a for a jewelry store in St. Louis. Clinical Practice enterinc Ute army where he served for three and one half years wltb the art salon tomorrow afternoon, Each day of the first four WSUI broadcast every Saturday Buying for her molher's dress \ the air COfDl, He is now a sophomore In the college of commerce at ihe will also be presented. at 10:30 a. m. wben several mem­ shop in Ccntcrvillc is the fushion weeks of the course will include UillV'erlltt of Iowa. where he is afflllated with Sigma Phi Epsilon Ira- Don Low, G of Sac City, chair- For Summer and three hours of lectures and dem­ bers of the · board dIscuss fash­ experience of Roberto Harier, A2. ternl'!. man ot the Union bpard fine arts Ions, style and beauty. This Marnl Clayton, A4 of Tama, onstrations and three hours at sub-<:ommittee, will preside ov.cr laboratory work. The last two morning's broadcast wlll be a has been a model as well as a the pl'Ogram. Committee mem­ forum on interior decorating. member of a department store col­ the holidays ahead. weeks ~ be devoted to cUnical bers and unlon board will act as practice in hearing, testing and Plans for Navy-Marine Aircrew Reserves Edyth llosenthal, A2 of Scars­ lege board. Other board mem­ fitting hem·jng aids. hosts and hostesses. Refreshments dale, N. Y .. is originator of the bers chosen Cor their fashion con­ Carol Crawford Shantung A series of lectures and round will bt,! served nt 4 p. m. board anq moderator on each sciousness are Elaine Lenny, A!l. table discussions will be co-or­ To Be Discussed it Meeting Here Tuesday An dr.1. department student com­ broadcast. She established the of Cleveland; Mildred Pc lis, Al mittee which has been assisting dinated with the course. Visiting board b~ause college women's of Marshalltown; Ruth Koch, A4 lecturers will be Dr. W. J. Mc­ Flight-hungry former pilots on Minn.; Grosse Ile, Mich.; Glen­ the tine arts (!ommittee In organ­ Interests are shifting from blue of Rock Island, III.: Pat Stead­ Sports Frock Nally of McGill university, Mon­ campus are responding with en­ view, Ill., and Columbus, OhIo. izing the sillon includes: ,Shirley jeans to trim, feminine styles. man, Al of Des Moines; Barbara treal, Ganada; Dr. S. Richard Sil­ thusiasm and curiosity to the out­ Marine and naval aircrewmen Throckmortdn, G of Nevada, Each sorority and dormitory unit Hope Brown, Charlotle Penning­ Sizes 12 &0 20 chairman; Charles White, G of $8.30 verman of Central Institute for lir)ed plans lor a navy and marine who enroll in the Ready reserve chose a representative who was roth, A3 of Cedar Rapids. and Ill.; the Deaf, St Louis, Mo.; Lt. Mir­ alrcrew reserve. They will have will have an OPpol'lunily to con­ DeKalb, Jane Randolph, A4 considered a fasbion auOlority. Gloda Buenger, A4 of Whiting, iam D. Pauls of the United States their Questions answered when tinue their flying while receiving of Marion, Ind.; D¥e BaUantyne, 14 Boant Members Ind. Naval hospital, PhJJadeJphil!, Pa. Lt. Cmdl'. R. W. Fleck, USNR, regular na vy pay for theil' ser­ A4 of Lamoni, and Marie }{uper, The Lourteen boar.d members Inrormal Talks A3 of Iowa City. and Dr. C. D. O'Connor, principal explains the program Tuesday at vices. They will also receive two have been' active in many Idnds The board members do not use A smart new ~asu'ai you can of the Lexington SChool for the 4:10 p. m. in room 221A, Schaef­ weeks sea duty a year on a cruise The exhibit will continue until of .womens Interests. Ele,anor Pow­ stripls on the Saturday bl'oad­ live-in with ' "ease" June 10. Deaf, New York. fer hall. during the summer vacation per- nall, A3 of , Iowa Citr, w~s a casts but informaUy di~cuss in­ ..• ideol for that game of golf A summer speech clinic for Many ex-sel'Vlce men have in­ iod. . member of the "MademoiseUe" tere ·ts of college women. Pre­ and tennis. It·s . cdmplete children, to run June 17 to July dicated their intention of attend­ Pilots ' will Dy approximalely college board and wqs a guest vious \>roudcasts have Icatul' d simplicity to give yoll that 26 ' will also be included in the ing the meeting and participating eight hOU1'S a month during four editor in 19<44. 'Also m.embers of discussions of summer cotton', th fresh, youne look ... buttoned university's summer program in in the :flight program. drill periods in uddition to the the "Mademoiselle'" college bQard Prooer way to acquire a sun tan up the side to give a speech pathology. The Iowa So­ As the program stands, none of training received during the sum­ GOP Invites were Betty Lou Schmidt, A2 of lind advice on how to dress with wee bit ot dash. Blue, ciety for Crippled Children and the 15 all' stations reserved, for mer cruise. Pay for attendance DavenPort, and Louise Slotsky, a sun tan. Today's round table maize, aqua and white. We Disabled is providing funds the air reserve training program at a drill p€Tiod will amount to A2 of Sioux City. on interior decorating will give which' will maintain two dormi­ are in the immediate vicinity of one-thirtieth of monthly base pay. Dorothy Schwartz was Advertis­ university women hints on fur­ STRUB'S- ond Floor. tories for children attending Ui'e Iowa City. Four located rela­ Flight pay will be granted pilOts Nominees Here Ing mariagcr and in -cbarB'e of nishing their rooms. clinic. Two houses will also be tively close are at Minneapolis, and ail·crewmen. maintained by the university for Republican candidates for state Iowa Mountaineers boys and girls at the clinic. and local offices will be guests of Course in Eduutlon local G.O.P. members at a pot 1946~47 . Regisfration To leave Here Todoy A special feature of the speech luck dinner to be held in the Iowa For Weekend Outing pathology curriculum will be a City Community building next Dat~ Set for·S~pt. , 16 course in education for ~andj­ Among Iowa Citians 'fuesday night. capped children, offered by Pl'O­ Rubert D. ,Blue and George Member'S of Iowa Mounlaineers will leave this afternoon [Ul' II fessor Stroud. Visiting lecturers Olmstead, candidates for the 1st Seme,ter,Classes .. who will participate in Profes­ week-cnd outing at Backbone Mr. an LUDlllb • Overseas. beel. OYlters one large tomato green pepper rings " Breakf. 1ljl111ps cranbcJTlcl stuffed with V. % cup con\ 11M_ ~ ~..a ' aU tha, lIQ.ua.1l rutabl,lI:J C1Ip cream 1 ))8t butter ., 1. One of thc following: pumpldn onions . cottage cheese on 2 cups pear halves , kohlrabi lettuce wllh \I, pl. mill< ,'-_, ... rtat (eet hell. trull. Dlnnor your Frelh Ij'rufts t.l1icrlnes peaches 3 oz. chJekcll 1 pal butler 1 Iman uremiC 1 ,_nterinv ,rlperndt red rlKPberrJCI If., cup muhed po.'/o pI. milk \1 omall e.nlaloul><> 1 "",In Ilear 0'."11.1 I/oo""berrlel lato 1 medium sectioned froa Ii..... toe. ~ , put pep I .....11 apple J Iprleota pe.... blueberrle. 1 cup -string beans orange I plum. ~~ Il.n.n. (I\~ In. pinelll>pl. lupberrles Ie. "1. \1 ,rapefrult 1011" aprleot. "'n• .-3'., Inches Br•• "'"1 I peach 1·3 cup .Iowed. dried lir'wberrles IPpie (small, If., CUP oranKe Juice 1 pal butler ,. ..., M' Gl"e}Ou (.­ \1 cup ~pb.r.le. Ilea~he.. Iprlooll I'rull. canned or cooked with IUla. 1 IIO/t egg 'I, pI. milk '" evp IIr.wberrie. or prun.. (nil nd eherrt.. Royal Anne clttrrl •• I .Uce toaa' cofeee, ..ccharln 101 cuP ,rope. . u,ar) appl". I,"pelrull Lunab !la. ~ 01 ,el.. e t.ocl&" . 2. One of the folJowlnll: ph1ltolpple bllek r ..pberrle. 4 halved dcvll bI To"reK. 3b f 0 0IThomp'n. 2b • I I ee '0 av., 1 HoI~ me! wo uOU es, Bbb Feller pilched five-hit shut Wheeler. If 4 0 ODuna.an, .. 4 2 2 In. Featured Hundred M t T d Hen 'rlch, 2b 4 I IIDlehl . Ib 3 0 2 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) - A , ,, I ' , out ball and struck out 15 batter Hedstrom, c 3 0 0 Ebner, c • 0 0 Hend·ok., rf 3 0 0ITMorc. ct. 4 0 I :five-run splurge in. the sixth Clinton, Davenport I·Singie Pate-BOston' ~esterday as the Indians split Swenson. Ib 3 0 2 Kafer. 3b 4 0 0 slVept Illinois to a 10-6 vic tory An LDJUry ridden Hawkeye double-header wHh Washington Redic. cl 3 0 0 WI.hon·cr, rl 4 0 0 Bokoron. p 2 0 °Faber. P 4 0 0 over Indiana in a Big Ten base­ track squad left fot Madison, Wis Favored; Medley T 4 1WI . 0 C ,J... 3·0 and, 4-9. x Jonc8 1 0 01 Rueuku.. p 0 0 0 ball game called aCter eight in­ yesterday for a triangular meet Reeord in Danger 0 • . ,In Vet ar.U); The nightcap was called at th __ --I -- - nings because of rain Yesterday. with Northwestern and Wisconsin end of the eighth inning becaus To'al. ~I L HI Totat. I\iI 4 ~ today. Left behind were Herb of darkness. xBatled Cor Solcel,".n In 8lh Inrylnl Turning point in the game was Iowo ...... 000 202 000-( 6 I pinCh-hitter Hal Stange's two-run Wilkinson, high jumper, and Dick Clinton and Davenpor~ . ar~ BOSTON (AP) - T'o m m Y In the' opener, Cleveland ae. Northwestern ...... 000 010 000-1 3 • Washington, sprint star. favored to win the MISSISSIPPI lIolmes continued his savage at-- quired one run in the first in Errors---Thompson. Tourekt BokelrTIan. Single with the bases loaded and Hedstrom. Hpnnerich. Runs batted jn­ Illinois trailing, 5-3, in the big Wilkinson's loss was Dew to Valley conference track m~t tack against the st: Louis Car- ning on a single by Lou Boudreau, Diehl 2, Swenlon. Two bue hllll-Tedor •. Coach Georee Bresnahan as the will be- held at lhe Uru- dinals' pitching yesterday and his Haefner's wild pitch, an error by llennerlch . 'l~hl'ee b8 e hili - DJela). mini chapter. Center-fielder Bob whi~h Slolen bases-Iowa 5. BS$es on baUs­ Wakefield paced the winners with ali-American basketball player ,:erslty oftIowa oval today, P.t~- pair of doubles plus a single paced Sherry Robertson and a single by Bokelman I. Stril

Plus Latelt PaUle NeWi

.w TiiE D.AILY IOWAN. tow i. .clf~Y, iOW A PAGBtrv'"! Ert The Daily , ~ HOUSES FOR SALE WHO DOES IT lNSTBUCTJOIf I PERSONAL SERVICES WORXWAN'TED LOANS CLASSIFIED WORK WANTED: Pamily and FOR S~E: Six room m~e:n AUTO WASIDNG, waxing and DANCING LESSONS: Ballroom. Iowa Coeds endorse AVON PRO- RATE CARD stUdent washing. Pick-up ser­ QIdeIr. 0mN...... I.-.. NO'lARY PUBLIC ir only home m Longfellow DIStrict tire repairing. Pick-up and de- Dial 72f8. MIm1 Youde Wurtu. DUGTS. Local representative vice. Phone 7930. wtlh fireplace and hardwood livery service. Virgil's Standard Mrs. Helen Harapat, 508 S. Du- Oa 'ewell7, Db'...... TYPING rt tight CASH RATE CWMei't IIDIBOORAPHING :rnb~ lor 2 days- floors. Possession soon. A. J.I Service, Corner Linn and College. buque. Dial 3557. MOTOR SERVICE ...... r..aa... 1Dc per line per day L"REW, Realtor. Dial 2841 or Dial 9094. • ...... 0.-. IIuftan. .... MAllY V. BURNS I ~ final PERSONAL SERVICES: STEAM PREVEN"T ~E TROUBLB- I consecutive 2492. ;-;WE=T""~ -B="""AS-==E:="MEN=C;:T::S=--""'''D=ry--as--a a8LIABJ.a LOAN 00. 801 Iowa state BIda. da71- VAPOR BATHS, massage, . have your tires dis?lount.ed and 7c per line per cb'1 Desert" with Armor Coat water 11.8. u.. It. Dial 28se WANTED TO RENT LEARN TO physiotheraphy treatments. Wm, Inspected on I consecutive proofing. Choice of colors. Appli­ .beror~ gOID~ ~at daYs­ M. Frey, 115'h Iowa avenue. Dial vacation tnp. Lmder Tire Service k pel' Une per da7 WANTED TO RENT: Light house­ cation service if desired. O. K. Ap­ I ' 4391. -21 E. .College, U. S. Royal De- ,ay 1 month- keeping rooms for six weeks be­ pliance Shop. 111 South Clinton. ,------..::.;.....;;0:...------....:.-- -­ FLY Luxe Tires. !SPec. fc per line per dQ' ginning June 17, by young couple FOR YOUR electrical wiring call I ~It Oli -FIgure II worda to lIne­ attending the summer session. Harry Wagner. Dial 5623. Now you can learn to fly at the DELIVERY SERVICE FOB IIIIft MInimum Ad-I lin. FOR SHOES OF MERlt n this Write Box C-3, Daily Iowan. Shaw Alrcralt Co. Pu1fUl 8 DELIVERY SERVICE, baw... R . lrt on. WINDOW SHADES-New shade:! UeM bauUnli/. Varsl..... Haw~-e FO RENT: RENT the Top-PUgt!t liCetime's ambition NOW, do it "I ~ Ballroom for your wedding or ks in CLASSIFmD FOR SALE made to order. We turn shades, DISPLAY today, call 7831. Ground arid Cab Co. Dial 3177 or 2345. danCing parties. Available Mon­ ,t the 50c col inch FO--R--AL-E-'- '-h-'- . . wa!lh, B~~deB and r,epair shades. AND STYLE ;ed by, . S . 1 P Ilco cal radiO, 1 Blackman Decorating Store across flight classes ar6 starting aU day, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri­ Or·,I!.OO per month ~ortable Zephyr type~riter, elec- from A&iP Store. Dial 7713. WHERE TO GO day. Call 9987, 3728, or 921"1. ~orth. triC alarm clocks, dmette set, ______the time. Dual instruction is Kobes Bros. Vllit Strub', Mezzanine All Want Ms Cash in Advance rocking chairs, card tables and 4 ARE YOU having !loor mainten- given to students b1 ~. StoJ) ID 10r Iteab, chU:Jt-. Payable at Daily Iowan BUII.­ elec. flat irons. Hock-Eye Loan, ance problems? We wlll clel1n ELECTRICAL SERVICE enced pilots. taDdwich. IDCl retreabmenta. nesa ottlce dailJ' unUl II p. m. 110 Iowa avenue. or specUy treatment lor new or ._------2nd Floor old WOOd, linoleum. Terrazzo and And remember, when you get AlJo re.cuJar mea1a. JACKSON ELECTRIC CO.: Elec- An R n CancellatioDi must be called 1JI: asphalt tile, rubber and rubber your license, you can always trical wiring, appliances ancl Air Conditioned f 4 I 0 TBB AIRPORT LUNCH radio repairlnl. 108 S. Dubuque b 4 1 1 before ~ Ii p. m. ON HAND NOW! tile, cork floors, cement, marble rent" a training plane trom the 5 4 2 1 RMpOnalbie f(~ one incorrect arid tile !loors. Blackman Decorat­ Shaw Aircraft Co. Conveni­ 3 0 2 New Radios, 6 tube 4 0 0 Insertion onlJ'. ing,Store, across :from A&P Store. ently located at the Iowa City ~~~;:~~~~:;:;:;~D~i~al~5~4~6~5·;;;;;;;;::==:;~I~aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiGiiii~~ii~~ : 4 0 1 table models Dial 7713. MUnicipal Airport. 4 0 0 ,29.35 "Soft now. delicate. easy does it." " 4 0 0 Hem that dialogue. now what was it1 4 0 0 New Apartment RADIO REP AIRING, H. M. Sut­ I DIAL 4191 frons, made by ton. 316 E. Market. Dial 2239. . Shaw Aircraft Co. Jeweler. artist or electrical man? 106 South Capitol Not on your life. it was

% 'l) l A steady downpOUr of rain Yesterday afternoon cllused You ,are !llwa,.. ,.,.8I~ Poltponen'\ent Of the City high­ and PRICIS are loW at tJIa SI. Ambrose baseball game for ,WlT'tr DANOS HBtD HIGH' and their faces lined With drain of their Ihe aeeoild' time. four-day selae, rlottni convletll a' San VUtore PrUon" 1M abowJa, Coach CiiI \'VIlaon Illlid last l1U1'endetl~ afte\' tan~led artillery blaBted holes In &he prllOn walll I1ilht that an effert would be a' Milan, Italy. The revolt was led by 'he notorious h"hwayman, DRUG SHOP Illade to schedule the contest In1l0 a.rblerl, who boasted he would fI,M to the death, only to lead Edward S. RoIe--PbarmaeIIt /lext wee*,. 'he men In the IW'rendel\ IAGESIX THE D A I L Y lOW AN. '1'0 W A :C IT Y. ·I 0 W A SATURDAY, MAY 18, l~

TEST SUB SOIL FOR IOWA UNION WELL IN DA V E N P 0 RT Bishop Backs Anamosa Man 10 Ta1k Ilock 'lilcind · Tr~in . Food (anvass At C . D' . Schad,,'e Unaltered AND DU RAN T, lOW A ommerce mne •No oCIic~l : :.v.ord OJ "any ~ched~ , B' T d ule alterations resul,ing trom gov- • SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Student .Center S enlor• M an t 0 G e t erhment. seizure.. of . railroads had 0 e . 0 ay • been receIVed last . mght at thc Scholarship Award Iowa City office of" \Jle Chicago, Iowa ·Clty housewives were Episcopal Churchman At Tonight's Banquet Ro"k ! ~ Iand and Pacific ra.i1wIlY, -ON- USED CARS urged by Chalrman Emil G. Troll Okays Local Building accordlOg to a representalive of , the company. to have their conlributions of As Diocesan Project Warren P. Lawrence of Ana­ mosa will be the guest speaker canned food for the Emergency F 0 0 d Collection conveniently AND TRUCKS - at the 26th anniversaJ'y dinner or Plans (or the new Episcopal placed Qn their pOI'Ches or curb­ student cenler in Iowa City were Delta Sigma Pi, international pro­ Local "Moose' Women (essional commerce fraternity, to­ ings for the house-to-house can­ 1:ndorsed by the Rt. Rev. Elwood vass, starling at 9 o'clock this -AT-- BAXTER MOTORS L. Haines, Bishop o( Iowa, at the night at 6:30 at Hotel Jefferson. One of the chapter founders, his ~ morning. 94th convention of the Episcopal To' Receive Degrees Boy and Cub scouts, with the "The Largest Used Car Dealers Diocese of Iowa in Waterloo this topic will be "The Founding ot . • assistance of nine trucks, will I in the Middlewest" week. Epsilon Chapter." The Women of the· t.foose will conduct the canvass. The trucks CASH - TRADE - TERMS, .. 1·3 to 1·2 Down Bishop Haines suggestcd to the The traditional Delta Sigma Pi confer the &ademy of Friend­ scholarship key will be presented were volunteered by Iowa City convention delegates that the ship degree on six ' Iowa. 'City businessmen. LOOK! A NEW LIST EVERY WEEKI A. of building of thc student centcl' be ED l~'iU\"u allo wayne 'WI a .. " tiC ..." .:vc .. aUIl nweS ",eLI .urltoln, by Dean Chestel' Phillips women at an all-state ~eremony BUICKS the college of commerce to the Yesterday's contributions :for adopted as a diocesan centennial Co., Lincoln, Iowa, are shown above drilling test holes on the west at Moose .hall·in Des Molnes' S'un- the collection were 2,680 cans of '34 SPECIAL TUDOR TRUNK SEDAN-Heater, nice black :finish, achievement to be completed in lawn of Iowa Union for sub soli Investigation. Geor,e L. Horner, uni­ day. " . - food and $32 in cash donations. solid. WAS $464. NOW ONLY $298! 1953. The suggestion was later may versity arebUeet, announced yesterday that a well be dug next Mrs. James Him;ing" chal.rman I The Johnson county AVC chap­ CADILLACS accepted by the convention as one to the Union to furnish condensing wate.r for the Union's air condlUon- I of thp. Acadfmy of rrle\'idshlp, for ter, Henry Sabin, st. Mary's and '40 "60" SPECIAL FLEETWOOD 4-DOOR SEDAN--Radio, healer, ot six centen)lial projects. In, system. River water for the cooling system now Is piped four the Iowa City Women ot the City high schools contributed beautiful original blaCk fi niSh, leather and chromc interior blocks from the university power plant. Moose, will' accompany', six , can­ canned food, and' money was re­ trim, chrome wheel discs, 4 new tires, A DREAM! didates from' here. TheYI are' Mrs. ceived from two anonymous '30 "75" 7-PASSENGER FORMAL 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-18,OOO Ed Oldls, Mrs. Cparles' SlWver, sources . . ACTUAL MILES, pre-war Firestone white tires, black, radio, 2 Mrs. Ernest Thomas, *s.' Albert heaters, intercommunication, REFINEMENT PLUS! ONE OWNER. (ancer Fund I 'Miller . • Edith Rummt!lhart and '38 "60" SPECIAL FLEETWOOD 4-DOOR SEDAN-Radio, healer, Rose Marie S¢hroe~';, . • • beautiful original black finish, chrome whcels. Church Calendar Local Woman Named CHEVnOLETS '36 MASTER DE LUJtE TUDOR TRUNK SEDAN-Heater, chrome Contributions I.. II Mrs. Robert Hunter wheel diSCS, spotllte, deluxe wheel, runs good, seal beams, 2 new AI BPW :Convention tires. Trinity £pll.opal Churoh S I. Thomu Alore Chapel U:.!9 E. Collece . treet. Cathonc Student Cenle. Services fo "h ; Held '36 MASTER DE LUXE COACH-Radio, heater, black, seal beams, The Rev. Frederick W. Putnam. IUS McLean street palt.r The Rev. Leonard J. Brurman Monday, at : () ·~thout's E. ~ersis Sheldon, 809 E. wire wheels, TIRES LIKE NEWI Total $2,'61 8 D. Ill. Corporat. Communion o! high The Itov. J . Walle. MeElene,. College strcet, was named as one '36 MASTER DE LUXE COACH- Heiltcr, nice blue finish, good 6.00 .ohool youlh. Break!ast hl Ihe parish The Ilev. J. Ryan lIol.or. Pb.D. house. Sunday masses at 5:45. 8:30 and 10 Services w1l1 be held Monday at of the two nomInees fOI' presi­ x16 tires and air wheels. 9:30 a. ,". Upper church school. a, m. dent of the Iowa Business and '36 STD. TUDOR TRUNK SEDAN-Hcater, beautiful orillinal black Iowa City and Johnson county 10 a. m. High school cI •••. Weekday rna •..,. 01 7 Dnd 8 a. m. 2 p. m. in the Oathout funeral contributed $2,961 to the nation,l 10:45 a. m. Morning prayer and ser­ Flrsl Friday ma llScs al 5:45. 7 and 8 chapel for Mrs. Robert Hunter, Professional Women's association firush. mon. Lower church school and nursery a. m. at the group's annual convention '35 MASTER DE LUXE COACH-New black finish, air wheels, heater. anll-cancer campaign, it was ad­ in the parish hOU 5C. Holy day.n•• ses al 5:45, 7 and 8 a. m" 66, who died yesterday at her nounced yesterday when all re­ o p . Ill. Canterbury club dinner dance. and 12:15 rr. m. home, 316 Myrtle avenue, after a in Council Bluffs yesterday. '34 MASTER DE LUXE TUDOR-Heater, black. (IN DURANT.) Mond.y. 12 M. Altar Guild luncheon. ConCeSSions from 3:30 to 5 and 7 to Miss Sheldon is an accountant '34 STD. TUDOR- Heater, TIRES LIKE NEW! Molor perfect, nice ceipts had been totaled. Wednesday, 7 a. m. )(oly Communion. 8:30 p. m. on all Saturd.ys. d.ys betore long illness. The Rev. P. Hewis­ '!he proceeds exceed by $741. No service at 10 n. m. Flrsl Fridays Dnd Hol y d.ys. ton Pollock will officiate. at the University hospital. black finish, a clean one! (IN DURANT.) 7:30 p. m. Creek Orthodox student N ewman c1ub meets every Tucl:ld ay of '34 MASTER DE LUXE TUDOR TRUNK SEDAN- Heater, tulone tbe county quota of. $2,250. group meeting At the parish house. the school ye.,. at 7:30 p. m. at the WARREN P. LAWRENCE Mrs. Hunter was ta member of The drive ended May 15 after Tburoday. 10 •. m. Red Cross sewing Catholic studenl cent"r. . orange and brown original finish, REBUILT MOTOR! ,roup. the Presbyterian church and af,fil­ being extended from May 1 when male senior in commerce who has Canterbury Cakewalk, '31 COACH-Clean and solid, good tires. 8 p. m . Service oC }loll' Conllrm.tlon. Firat ChTIIUan Cburcb received the highest scholastic ia~ed women's organizations. She only $600 had been received by Friday. 10 a. m. Dlstrlcl convention oC :el' Iowa aveaue DODGES the Women'fj nuxiUQry at Trinity church. alSo was a member of the Mac- Semi-Formal Dance, the committee. The ROY. D.n~"n Granl lIarl, p•• lo. average for his foul' year col­ '36 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-Seal beams, original green finish. Mu scatine. Women Interested in attend­ W~l1~: m. ChrlsUon church hour over lege record. cabees. . _ Mrs. A. B. Husa, county com­ Ing should call Mrs. E. W. Lane. Scheduled Tomorrow heater, clean Inside. Saturday. 5 P. m. JunJor cbolr. D:30 a. m. ChUTCh scbool. Faculty mcmbers participating SU1'Vivlng arc her .husband, a '33 COUPE-Black, rumble scat. mittce chuiJ'mrS, which are $1.50 a couple. Art Fip­ '33 STD. TUDOR-Brand new dark green finish, red wheels, 4 new ------ThuTsday. 7:45 p. m. Prepar.tory serv­ Tn. It ••. Ralph ~I. Kru'Jer. pa.lo. sen, C3 of Forest City. and the .fratermty Clower, red penger, phone 83.l6, will be in PRE-WAR tires, ncw seat covers, new carburetor, l'Bdiator boiled Ice Cor Ihe Commun ion service May 26. 9:30 a. m. SUllday schoo l. 10:45 • . m. MornIng wor.hlp service. Erling Larson of Davenport, roses, . w).ll be us.eeJ. '. cha~ge of ~he date bureau. out. A DANDY! (IN DURANT.) Dr. J . H. Dawson will read Ih ••c rvJce Red Cross OfficiaJs Zlo,. Lut.hertan Churcb and the Rev. Mr. Krueger wl11 preach '32 "v-a" VICTORIA DE LUXE COACH-Black, heater, scal beams, Juhnson and 81oomh.,ion sheeb the ~cr1110n. cleafl· The Rev. A. C. I'rothl, pa tor 5:30 p. m . Lulhe,.an sludellt association 3:15 n. m. Sunday school. at the Zion Lu theran church. '30 MODEL "A" COACH-LIKE NEW! (IN DURANT.) Expect Big Enrollment 9:30 n. m. Studellt Blblc ,·Iuss. Thursduy. G:30 p. m. Church nighl '28 MODEL "A" 4-DOOR SEDAN-Nice new light blue spray finish, ]0:30 a. Ill. Dlylne service. Sermon: suppel" "The Comforter 'Vhon, Christ Sends." SOLID! 2 p . m. Divine bervjcc at St. J ohn's SL. I'a.dl'. Lulhrran Chapel • IIUDSONS Water J etlerson a nd OUbut Iftreels At 27 Schools Lutheran church. Sharon C~l'\ter. 5:30 p. m. Lulheran siudeni association. Tbe Rev. Jobu F. Choll.,p.llor '41 DE LUXE SIX TUDOR-Beautiful origlllal gruy finish, air-foam 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Blblc cushions, ONE OWNER, A HONEY! A record em'ollment is Dntici­ class. t'lrsL UaHarhm Cburch '40 "8" COUNTRY CLUB 4-DOOR-Radio, hctltcr, original gr'lY fin­ pated at the 27 Red Cross Na­ 10 :30 a. m. Divine service. Gilbert a. od Iowa. , ~ recb II :30 a. n'I. Lutheran hour over WIIIT ish TIRES LIKE NEW! tional AquatiC schools this :sum­ The Ref. Eva"s A. Wurlhle,.. pastor and over KXEL at 1 p. 111. 10:45 o. m. Morning service. S~rll1on: Gammu Delta picnic Sunday aflernoon. '37 TERRAPLANE CONVERTIBLE COUPE-Radio, heater. mer, according to Prof. Gladys "Myth Dud Motive In Modern Life." Monday. 7 p. m . Ch1lrch Inenlibcrshlp '36 TERRAPLANE 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-Beautiful green finish, ScoU, chairman of the local Red 4:30 p. m. Fireside club picnic. Meel duo.:. aL lhe church. Saturday. I to 3 p. m. Chu"ch sc hool. nice inside, seal beams, heater, IT'S SOLID! Cross water safety committec. Vacation Blblc bellool begins M OI'\dn y. '36 TERRAPLANE 2-DOOR SEDAN--VERY CLEAN. Nice black fin­ COUl'ses will be offered to men l,' int J're ~b)' Lr:rlan Church J uno 3, aL 9 n. tn. Children In grades 1 26 E. ntarled . Lr ee ~ Ihrough 8 arc Illvited 10 allend. For in­ ish. RUNS GOOD! Seal beams, good tircs. 10 and women ovcr 18 years of age to '(he Rcv, P . Uewh1 0u roUa.ck, 1) .0., form.UolI call 3652. LA SALLES qualify them as water safety in­ p a~ tur en 9:30 •• m. Cnurc" ..,hool. }·lr.1 Melhodr.1 Cburob :37 "50" 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-Radio, healer, spotlite, nice up­ ye structors or instructors ill accident 10:90 9 . m. \lornl111l WOr8hl~. Sermon: J eUuJon and Dubuque 8' .. e~'s holstery, runs good. A DANDY! prevention and first aid for Red "Rcb,IUdlng lI'e ClIy at God. ' Dr. L. L. Dunnln,ton A nur.ery I. mol nl.loed durlllll' Ihe ·rh. Re v. V. V. Golf. p•• tors LINCOLN ZEPHYRS Cross chapters, summer camps, scrvJcc. 0:15 9. m. Church b box, power take-olt. Charter club Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. • Approximately 12,000• of the• She will be assistcd by Mrs. W. booster brakes, 2-spccd l'eal' axle. four-wh el dl'ivc, heater, UOS new Honorable Dischar¥e posta,e 20 II-ply fronts, 3 8.25x20 IO-ply lind 2 8.25x20 12-ply duals, nice D. Coder lind Mrs. Herman Trach­ After II lapse of three years, the stamps were 60ld at the Iowa City sel. new finish. TiRES LIKE NEW ! Black Hills field course in geology, postoUice yesterday on the first '89 CHEVROLET 'CAB OVER ENGJNE I \{:-TON-I07-ln. W. B., ,. desig~Od to Rive training in recog- day of the sale. speed reur axlc, houleI', cXlra gus III 11k , fI sh plales, 8.25x20 lo-pl1 . . .- A replica of the di6chbrge but- Iowa City .Democrats nltJon and lnterpretation of gen- ton worn by all honorably dis- duals, 7.0011:20 S-ply fronts, SdO grain box. eral geologic phenomena, will be charged veterans is pictured on 'as INTERNATIONAL .,.. TO I-TON PANEL, MODEL D-15-seel beams. 7.50x10 6-ply tires all uround, hcalllJ·. resumed thbl summer by the uni- the slamp. '36 FORD \!: -TON PICKUP- New Ures, new puint, A DANDYI Sponsor Atomic 'alk versity, according to Prot. Arthur The first stamp Issued went on '35 CHEVROLET J.... J-TON SEDAN DELIVERY- Rack on roof, eXtra Trowbridge of the geology depart- sale at Washington, D_ C., 1Aay 9. Sponsored by the Iowa City seat, heater, TIRES LIKE ~EWL ment. k Democratic eentral committee, Dr. '35 REO SPEED WAGON I,IJ-TON PICKUP-Very clean, pU8h 'board Starting about Aug. 12, the Lutheran Students front bumper. J. A. Jacobs will give a talk on ,. atomic energy In the fonner U.S.O. eight-hour course will include To Install Officers 'Your cooki .. ClaW. wi. hi ·.,.... '35 FORD 1 \~-TON LONG WHEELBASE-Overlouds, 12x7 (oot bed . rooms of the' Community building about- five and a half weeki of • modero CP GAS ~ .... OM ., .. . with 4-foot sides, good condition . field work and preparation of a '35 CHEVROLET PICKUP-Slock rock, steel cob, ·' Uk' next Monday at 7:30 p. m. Lutheran student association of­ ~ -TON map and a report on the work. It 'timHaYitw. WOIk...... 0{ ,.., IOWA·ILUNOIS lAS " new tires, clean. Dr. Jacobs Is in charge of atomic ficers for the fall school term will INew ,....,. GAS ~ r.- ..... research in the university depart­ will be directed by Prof. J. J. be installed Sunday night at the '35 CHEVROLET 1 Jh-TON L. W. H.- 32xO U-ply Ures, duals. Runner. JOUt about ... __ ~V, '; 1 ~ · A.D . ELEOTRlq 00. '~7 CHEVROLET PICKUP- GOOd tires, original il'ccn finish. ment of physics. Zion Lutheran chu~ch...... An open forum and question The newly elected otfieara are .!!!n!doe CAe.., _ s..'.. ... Many, Many Morc, AlwoYBl All WlthJn OPA Rc,ulatioN period wUl foUow tbe'1aUt. Clair Williams, Democratlc can­ Herb Jones, president; Chuck . Your Friendly, Dependable AUlomoblie Dealer Taking part in the dlscu8810n of didate for con,ress. Charles, vice-president; r Lei,h possible national and international The meeting is open 1.0 the Johnson, secretary, and teudl BAXTER MOTORS control ot atoJUic eneru. ~1l1 btl publlc. Proehl, t.reQsurer. OAVf;NfOl'T, lOWA DUl\ANT, lOWA •