.. 6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! According to the weatherman, the sky will remain clear today, but rain is scheduled to return again OWQI1 tomorrow. £.tahliahed 1868 Vol. 78, No.203 AP N'ews and Wirephoto _--oil" Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May lS-Five Cents , ' fqcing Qne-Third of World: 'Hoover Appeals to America Pres. 'Truman 'Draft Boards to Examine Men 26 to 2.9 Tells Nation 'GrimmestSpedre Seizes Nation's R d T IT H'd Of Famine in History' looming II S Takes ae' Ride on a Bumper Fathers, Vets ae er es lies I er ' Ril Threatened to Destroy Stalin Rejects Appeal Former President Urges yslem Of President Truman Intensive Conservation Union Leaders Decla ... To ' Be Exempt Opposition to Policies To Aid in Food Crisis Of BreadstuHs, Fats Walkout Will Take NUERNBERG (AP) _ Grand Wl\ 'HIKGTON (AP) - A 'HICAGO (AP) - Herbert Place as Scheduled: Senators Push Two Adm, Erich Raeder testified yes- sh·ategicall.v pI U cod official Hoover, l'epol'ling 011 his world Plans for Approval fmid lust uight that Ocuel'Uiis- survey of f .. min 81' as, called WASHINGTON (AP)-Pres­ terday that he quit as German imo Stalin bad tUl'llcd dOlVn upon Arneticuns last night for idcnt Truman seized the na­ Of Teen-Age Service naval chief in 19-13 because' AdoU Pl'esidcnt 'P1'umun's uppeai that gl'catet' elf-denial to help ave tioll's $27,000,000,009 ruilroau Hitler would not stop a Nazi Russia work with the nited 00,000,000 pel'sons from the WASlUI'fGTON (AP) - Selec- "reign of terror" In Norway, nor States allll Bl'itain in meeting "grimmest spectre or [amine in system yesterday j Jl all effort to head off a paralyzing strike set tlve service yesterday ordered make peace with occupied France, the world famine Q)·isis. all the history of tlte world," local boa.rds to call up drart-eli- He also declared HUler bad The official, decllnlq to per- He wame4 that unlea more for 4 p, rn, today, but union gible childless men 26 through told his eom--nd-- after lh- mit use of hIs name, said the . I ~ ~.o ~ tood Is shipped to hun,er-rldcJell leaders declared the walkout 29 f or p hY8 ica I exanunat ons, outbreak of the war that "I ahall Russian rejeetton was baH6 on 'I t te I .... - t t areas durlq the next several would take pla"Ce as scheduled. This we.as th rs s p n car- destroy everyone who II a~alnst w.., eonlen Ion that he appeal The president appealed over the rying out Presidel1t Truman's In- me" or who opposed the Fueh- came too late. They satd the months, milllolll will be con- heads of laoo1' chiefs to the siructions to expand the dl'ait to rer's military Jud&"ment. The Soviet reply indicated that com· demned to a diet Uke that of workers, addressing them dil'cctly ilv;lude these men. The pres i- statement, he said, was made mitments already ~e by Rus- prisoners In the Nazi eoncentra- in a statmcnt: dent said T)1ursday thIs was when the army opposed HIt- sla prevented tuUUlmenL of the tlon caml' at. Buchenwald in4 "I call upon every empi03'e of necessary "in order to save what ler's plan for Invasion of France \\'hUe 1I0use reque8t. BelseR'. lbe raUroads to cooperal.tl wllh we can trom the near wreckage In the fall or 1939. but. weather Thcre were unoHlciat reports Hoover's address was for a fa- 1.be 10Vel'lUDenL ..• by remaln­ of the selective service system," forced postponement of the In- that the president did not consider mine emergency committee meet- Inc Oil duty." , He reterrecl to 1eplaUon vulon until May. the Russian reply conclusive, that ing and a nationwide broadcast. He said the seizure and con tin-I pa-a bT ClOIII"rew which ex- Raeder, winding up his defense he was still pursuing the matter, The fot'mer president said his ued opcruti.on of !h,e carri~rs were tend~ the. dran to July I, but before the international mlJJtaryand still hoped for Soviet aid, 35,OOO-mile tour through 25 coun- necessary 10 the 40lerest of the problblltl Ute JJMlueUoll of teen- tribunal against war crimes char-I This development call)e aimost tries suffering from acute food "war eUort." Legally the country a~e ycAa&ba and fathers. Pre- ges, said he had arranged the simultaneously with a joint United shortages showed that "hunier is still at war, v10naly the top dn,rt are had first personal interview with Hlt- States-British declaration that "a hangs over the homes oi more than Furnish Proleetlol;1 'been :e5. , ler for Vld~un Quisling In 1939, risk of famine remains" despite 800,000,000 people-over one-third The seizure order, which placed Hershey speel£lcally excluded a first step In Quisling's sell-out tile best they can do lor , oUler of the pcople of the earth. Ule o!fice of defense transportation men who have been discharged of his homeland, countries, SlIell~ Visitor in command of the carrieps, em­ from the armed forces, He said Ile insisted his dealing in the implied Reference "Hunger is a silent visitor who powered aDT to ask t he secretary also . that : men ,wJth "manifest" INQrwegian situation was based on Diplomats saw the posslbllity of comes like 11 shadow. He sits be- of war to Iurnish prptection for phySIcal dlsablli~les should not be inteilig1ance that Britain intended an implied refercnce to the Rus- side every anxious mother three railroad employes and to sllPply called for eXBmlOation. under a plan named "Sll'aUord" sian situation in the statement's times each day, He brings not a- any equipment and manpower ILORRAYNE Taylor, 5. hangs all the bumper of a nelgbbor's car as she demonstrates the grip which The cues 01 IDea 26 th~Ullt to seize Norwegian bases and cut additional comment: lone suffering and sorrow, but felll' deemed necessary. probably saved her life in Des Moines yesterday. john Lawrence, operator of the car. said ollcomin¥ 29 sl!owd be "reopenecl and re- oct the Reich's link witll Swe- "Even more energetic measures and terrol'. Cel. J. }Ionroe Johnsen. motorists signaled him to stop aud he found the child hanghlg on his bwnJlcr, lIe didn't know when or eon8ldered," Hershey dlrec~, If den's ore supplY. al'e needed throughout the world, "He carrie dlllorder and pa. OM director, Dam. Charles where the ehJld had got on. She was wlhurt aud would ouly say: "1 was after a loaf of bread for Mommy." Lhey are ,found ph,yslcaJly fit. The admiral said Hitler 'cI'osscd This risk can be reduced insofar 1'alysls of ¥overnment, and even U.I.tord, executive vice presl- , (AP WIREPHOTO) Meanwhile influential senators up the German navy on the Ias other sources can be found in Its downfall. He IlllDOre dest:rue­ "It\ lIf the Cblc.,O, MJlwaullee, aqvance<i , two plans to get earlY 5i,nkin,g or the British Lln'er Athe- addition to those at present in tlve than armies, not only In en t p 1ft human lite buL in morals. AU 8&. Pul and PlIcltlc railroad, as 5 a 0 a,P roya ~ a een-age ma, f\,lot passenger ship sun in slght. and ,the two governments are the valuC8 of rlrM IIvln¥ meU federal ~er 01 Ute seIzflCl Association of State Universities Dedares- drart undel' a year s cxtc.uslon or the WOI', IInu 011 which some Iresolved to do everyUltnlf In their before hili Invalrion, an' every lilies. ' sel~tive serv~~ and then come American lives were lost. power to secure these additional pin Of clvlllaaUon crumbles. At the same time he Bppealod, to grJps quiCKlY wHh the house Be said his first Information supplies." in telegrams to heads of the strike­ on the bot issue, . was that no U-boat was near I There was no White House com- th~':~:~~ isr:e t~~~~"peoPle from threatening unfons, 10r recall of 1946-47 Vet Housing Ins'ufficienf One bill ~al,ls for a full year enough to torpedo the ship, and ment on the report of a turn- He offered two measureselaoi the walkout notice. The carriers exldtenslobn wlttll ,led ~d 19 y~ar he reported this to Hiller, dO'Wn from Stalin, He oUered two methods: j themselves were, as~ed in other o s su ec t 0 tn ucwon, an m- F d In S'-b' 1) till telegrams to continue normal ser­ FPJIA temporary housing allo- care of lhe vetel'an el11'ollmenl forces liberalize< lheir pOlley crease In pay for cnlisted mell of * * * . 00 .. • ( S more Inl.tlruJive cODler· vice, all services, and , release of all The communique announced vaUoll of breadstuffs and fats in catioos to the state universities for 1946-47. The executive com­ wUl1 reference to the release of The ODT said both executives unused barracks ill order that fathers so desJrllll, together with that 10,000,000 lons of bread North America, and are not sufficient to enable the mittee of the National Association apd employes ol the rail lines bad the necessary faclllUes be made all dra!~es who have served 18 1 grains are In sight for the M,ay- (2) The markeUD¥ of evell' been "reminded that rail opera­ schools to care for tile J 946-47 of Slate Universities, wit.h 48 available for assignment." months or longer.
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