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15 BETTY RHODES Mutual Network Singing Star SEE INTIMATE COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR FAVORITES IN RAINST THE STORM KITTY FOYLE THE PARKER FAMIL i I i She blamed it on BAD LUCK ... but others weren't so kind! LUCY looked at the morning paper with but if she has halitosis (bad breath) she it makes your mouth feel! What a sense disgust -another one of her "possibil- may end up as a neglected Nellie-without of assurance it gives you as its antiseptic ities" married to somebody else! It was the even suspecting why. Bad breath doesn't action begins! same old story: every man she met took always announce its presence to the vic- You undoubtedly know that some au- her out once or twice, then did the disap- tim. And once guilty of this offense you thorities consider bacterial fermentation of pearing act: A phone call saying he was may be under suspicion always. The news tiny food particles on mouth surfaces to be working nights now", or "going to be out - gets around quickly, and there's the risk a major cause of bad breath although the of-town for several weeks ", or "away on that people will avoid you. trouble may sometimes be of systemic a vacation ". How's Your Breath? origin. Listerine Antiseptic quickly halts Superstitious soul that she was, Lucy such fermentation and then overcomes the Isn't it just common sense to let Iisterine put this down to bad luck and took her odors that it causes. When you want to be Antiseptic look after your breath -to make diminishing dates "catch as catch can ". at your best, never, never omit Listerine it sweeter, purer, less likely to offend? This Anyone who knew her, however, could Antiseptic. Use it before every date. delightful mouth wash is the standby of so have told her that luck had nothing to do many really fastidious, attractive people. LAMBERT PHAtu1.1CAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. with their indifference. Before every date simply rinse the mouth * * * with Listerine Antiseptic. How cooling, how LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC A woman may be pretty and charming refreshing it is! How delightfully clean For Oral Hygiene DECEMBER, 1942 1 December, GIRLS! 1942 Vol. 19, No. 2 DON'T GIVE UP THE MAGAZINE OF RADIO ROMANCES IF YOU'VE GOT A POOR COMPLEXION CONTENTS VUUEe iiCCG" -.%;àeeed- STRANGE HERITAGE . 13 What was the dark secret in her husband's past? NOW AND FOREVER 14 Sylvia fought desperately against a love that threatened her security I WANT ONLY YOU 18 She had thrown away all the things that were meant for happiness SING A SONG OF LOVE . 21 Diary Martin's delightful real -life love story AGAINST THE STORM -IN LIVING PORTRAITS .... .... .. 23 Now you can see the people you hear in radio's distinguished drama GIVE ME YOUR HEART 29 Because of her selfishness Ellen destroyed the thing she loved MR. PARKER'S HAY RIDE . 33 You'll enjoy reading this gay adventure of radio's Parker Family WAIT FOR TOMORROW 36 Loneliness and pride was her excuse for this midnight escapade IN THE BLUE OF EVENING 40 A new romantic ballad for soft autumn nights by D'Artega KITTY FOYLE . 42 -And Wyn Strafford, in color portraits WHEN MEAT IS SCARCE - 44 Kate Smith's suggestions for stretching your meat supply Here's grand way that has helped improve complexions TILE MOMENT HE'LL NEVER FORGET 3 of thousands of women WHAT'S NEW FROM COAST TO COAST Dale Banks 4 If you're blue and discouraged FACING THE MUSIC Ken Alden 8 because of your complexion; if you LOOK PRETTY FOR UNCLE SAM Dr. Grace Gregory 10 think you're doomed to go through INSIDE RADIO life with an unsightly looking skin 45 -this may be the most important TRIPLE -THREAT STAR 48 message you've ever read. DOUBLE OR NOTHING'S VICTORY QUIZ 62 Thousands of women who felt just as you do have been thrilled beyond words to see the noticeable im- ON THE COVER -Betty Rhodes, Mutual Network Singing Star provementNoxzema has made in their complexions. Featured in Paramount's "Star Spangled Rhythm" Kodachrome by Paramount Pictures Why it does so much One important reason for Noxzema's benefits is FRED R. SAMMIS DAN SENSENEY BELLE LANDESMAN JACK 7.ASOR1' Editorial Director Editor Associate Editor Art Editor this: Noxzema is not just a cosmetic cream. It's a soothing, medicated cream that not only quickly helps soften and smooth rough, dry skin -but also aids in healing externally- caused skin blemishes! RADIO MIRROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., Washington and And it has a mildly astringent action, too. Nurses South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General Business, Advertising and Editorial Offices: 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. O. J. Elder, President; Carroll Rheinstrom, General Manage: were among the first to discover how grand it is Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Chicago office, 221 North La Salle St., E. F. Lethen, Jr.. as a complexion Mgr. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street, Hollywood, 7751 Sunset Blvd., Lee aid. Andrews, Manager. Reentered as second -class matter September 17, 1942, at the Post Office at Dunellen Try using this snow -white, greaseless cream New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price per copy in United States and Canada 15e. Sub- for scription price $1.50 per year in United States and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland, $2.50 per just 10 days. See if it doesn't help make your skin year in Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and Possessions, and Central and South American countries, excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana. All other countries softer, smoother, lovelier! $3.50 per year. While Manuscripts. Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's risk every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first -class SPECIAL OFFER! For a limited time you can get the postage, and explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this big 75f jar of Noxzema for only 490 (plus tax). magazine (Member of Macfadden Women's Group) may not be printed; either wholly or in part. Take advantage of this Special without permission. Copyright, 1942, by the Macfadden Publications, Inc. Title trademark registered Anniversary Offer in U. S. Patent Office. Copyright also in Canada, registered at Stationer's Hall, Great Britain and give Noxzema a chance to help your complex- Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. ion. Get a jar at any drug or department store today! RADIO MIRROR THE IUO1UE'1' hE'LL i'EVEIt FOIEIIET LESTER HOPE (Bob Hope to you, not the forty- whacks -on- the -hand- and we shall call him that to avoid with -a -ruler variety, but a friendly, complications) was in the eighth grade personal brand of discipline which you of the Fairmont school in Cleveland, couldn't infringe upon without feeling Ohio, when he read the note from his like a heel. beautiful new teacher, and he was Anyway, Miss Martin asked Bob to overcome with ecstatic awe. He was Sunday night supper and he almost "going on fifteen" and of course he gave his mother heart failure over the was in long pants, but, after all, he preparations he made for this Event. hadn't thought she would consider She simply wasn't used to having him him sufficiently adult for a date. Ap- hurry up and mow the lawn Saturday parently she did, though, in a manner morning without being told to half a of speaking. She had requested in the dozen times, so he could go downtown billet doux left on his desk shortly be- and spend his own money for a hair- fore school was out on Friday after- cut. She wasn't used to his shining noon that he come to her house for his shoes without being told, either. Sunday night supper so they could As for his decision, unsolicited, to talk over a course in practical civics take a bath Saturday night and again she was planning for the class. Sunday afternoon right after the Which meant she had singled him out noon -day dinner and his request, a to ask his advice about things... little sheepish but nonetheless deter- Perhaps Bob's attitude of adulation mined, that she "fix up" his fingernails toward his new teacher was unusual. a bit-those nails whose cuticles had The usual thing for a boy of that age Bob Hope remembers the day when never known manicure scissors and is to consider his teacher something of she had feared never would -well, it a cross between a bore and a jailer. not even a triple banana split could was almost too much! But this one (whom we shall call make up for the blow he had suf- Mrs. Hope rallied, though, as "Miss Martin ", since Bob says she al- mothers can and do, and . by five ways was allergic to personal pub- fered at the hands of a woman. o'clock Bob, polished and shining, licity and therefore wouldn't want her wearing his brother Jack's new shirt real name used. "How different from blue -eyed and golden- haired and she and his father's best tie, set forth to me!" he adds, blandly) was what was wore feminine - looking clothes, not Miss Martin's. On his way over, he popularly described at the time as a the austere, un- glamorous shirtwaist practiced an offhand, "Hello, Peggy" "peach." "Lulu" would be the 1942 and skirt affected by most of the lady -"Peggy" being what her fellow word for her, Bob says, but of course pedagogues at Fairmont.