February 2014

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February 2014 Library Live Volume 9 Issue 2 Black History Month public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected ac- February 2014 The story of Black History Month complishments of black Ameri- begins in 1915, half a century af- cans in every area of endeavor Contents: ter the Thirteenth Amendment throughout our history.” http:// abolished slavery in the United www.history.com/topics/black- Black History Month ................... 1 States. That September, the history-month Director’s Spotlight ..................... 1 prominent minister Jesse E. Special Features ........................ 2 Moorland founded the Associa- Some fun facts you might not Playaway .................................... 2 tion for the Study of Negro Life Playaway View ........................... 2 know about famous African and History, an organization dedi- Expected Bestsellers .................. 2 Americans: cated to researching and promot- Large Print .................................. 2 As a child, Mohammad Ali DVDs .......................................... 2 ing achievements by black Ameri- was refused an autograph by Fairmont ..................................... 3 cans and other peoples of African Bookmobile Schedule ................ 3 descent. his boxing idol, Sugar Ray Mannington ................................ 4 Robinson. Fairview ...................................... 5 In the decades that followed, Before Wally Amos became Audio Books ............................... 5 mayors of cities across the coun- famous for his “Famous Calendar of Events ..................... 5 try began issuing yearly procla- Amos” chocolate chip cook- Ebooks ....................................... 5 mations recognizing Negro Histo- ies, he was a talent agent at Marion LiBearian ........................ 6 the William Morris Agency. Book Clubs ................................. 6 ry Week. By the late 1960s, Coloring Page ............................ 7 thanks in part to the Civil Rights Scientist and mathematician Join the Friends .......................... 8 Movement and a growing aware- Benjamin Banneker is credit- ness of black identity, Negro His- ed with helping to design the tory Week evolved into Black His- blueprints for Washington, tory Month on many college cam- D. C. puses. President Gerald R. Ford For more facts, visit officially recognized Black History http://tinyurl.com/78yec6z Month in 1976, calling upon the Director’s RECOMMENDED AWARD-WINNING FILMS SERIES, #4 Spotlight While it’s easy to curl up with a good book these cold winter days, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to grab a warm drink and a cozy chair before the television to watch these two Oscar film contenders. Both films shared nominations in several categories, and while one took home a few trophies and one did not, I highly recommend these films to chase away the winter blues. Amélie is a charming story of a young woman who’s imagination and precociousness involves her in the lives of her friends and even strangers. From the artist neighbor in her apartment building, to a mean grocer, and to her own reclusive father who yearns to travel, Amélie employs her wit and new found belief to solve everyone’s greatest problems to eventually find resolution in her life and true love. Amélie was nominated for several academy awards including best foreign language film, best writing, best art direction and best cinematography. Erika Reed, Gosford Park, nominated for two best actresses in a supporting roll, best art direction, Director and best costume design, took home the academy award for best writing. This film is more than a classic who-did-it mystery, based at the end of England’s prosperous Ed- wardian Era. Upper crust English guests and their lower class servants are embroiled in a weekend stay at Gosford Park that leads to the host’s murder. The film pays par- ticular attention to the details of the daily lives of the servants “below stairs” and their employers, the fashionably wealthy aristocrats who are more irritated by the murder than horrified. Both films are engaging and entertaining and sure to brighten the dol- drums of this gloomy mid-winter. Freegal Gives You More Than have a library card to participate, but only valid card- Great Music! holders will be eligible for our prize drawing. Cards are free, stop by the library to apply! Our 24/7 music download site just got better! Now Freegal offers free streaming of select movies and TV shows! Download up to three movies or shows per week, and view them as often as you like for 48 hours. The app is available for download from Playaways iTunes & the Google Play Market. Audio The service can be Concealed in Death by J. D. Robb accessed from the Hopeful by Shelley Shepard Gray Resources page on Killer by Jonathan Kellerman our website at Private LA by James Patterson www.mcpls.org. Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen Vampire Most Wanted by Lyndsay Sands WVREADs is Back! Views It’s starting again! Join MCPLS as we participate in WVREADs 150+. This year’s challenge is to read Get Active! more than 150 books in any format. No limit on the If The World Were a Village number of team members, and the team members Science Kid: Wanna be a scientist? who complete the challenge will be entered into our Sesame Street Adventures with Elmo grand prize drawing! Pick up your registration packet at any Marion County Library location or call 304- 366-1210 for more information. You don’t have to Bestsellers Expected in February Print The Chase by Janet Evanovich Large Print Concealed in Death by J. D. Robb Cell by Robin Cook Confessions of a Wild Child by Jackie Collins Command Authority by Tom Clancy Death of a Policeman by M. C. Beaton The Death in Their Vaulted Arches The Forever Girl by Alexander McCall Smith by Alan Bradley Hard Going by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles The Death Trade by Jack Higgins Killer by Jonathon Kellerman Hazardous Duty by W. E. B. Griffin Kiss and Tell by Fern Michaels The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards Private LA by James Patterson Robert B. Parker’s Bull River by Robert Knott Moving Target by J. A. Jance Standup Guy by Stuart Woods The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman DVDs All is Lost Ender’s Game Last Vegas Austenland Escape Plan Machete Kills Bad Grandpa Free Birds Riddick Baggage Claim Grace Unplugged Romeo and Juliet Closed Circuit Instructions Not Included Rush The Counselor The Jungle Thor the Dark World 2 MCPLS Bookmobile Marion County Public Library ROUTE SCHEDULE Winter 2014* 321 Monroe Street, Fairmont, WV 26554 MONDAY Bright Beginnings Daycare: 9:30-10:30 304-366-1210 White Hall, 22 Moran Circle, Rt 73 [2nd & 4th Week] We To Read! 1st United Methodist Daycare: 11:00-12:00 Teens, this February the Marion County Public Library mus- Monongah tache you to read! All month we will have BINGO cards availa- Hutchinson: 1:00-1:45 ble at our special display in the lobby. Grab a card and read Woodlands Assisted Living one book from the genre listed to mark off a square, do that five Stepping Stone, Inc.: 3:45-4:45 times in a row to make BINGO! Fill out the information on the East Grafton Road back of your completed card and drop it into the drawing box. TUESDAY At the end of the month, we’ll hold a drawing for a Barnes & Grant Town: 9:30-10:30 Noble gift card. The more BINGO cards you complete, the more Community Center lot chances you have to win! Fairmont Senior Center: 11:00-12:00 Not sure what to read? We’ll also have a recommended reading Maplewood Drive list available. [1st & 3rd Week] Heart Junction Child Care: 10:30-11:30 Crafty & Nerdtastic Fun @ Your Library Rivesville Since MCPL’s January Teen Crafternoon was cancelled be- [2nd & 4th Week] cause of the weather, we will give Sharpie mugs another shot Pierpont Laboratory Preschool: 1:30-2:30 on February 3rd at 4:30 p.m. All materials will be provided. Call FSU Campus or visit the library to sign up. If you registered last month, your [2nd & 4th Week] name will be added to the February class. Disability Action Center: 2:30-3:30 102 Benoni Ave Nerd out with MCPL at our monthly Teen Chess Club meeting. February 8th from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. You don’t have to be a [2nd Week] skilled chess player to attend. Other board games are offered Wishing Well/ Genesis: 2:30-3:30 and snacks are provided. Hope to see you there! Country Club Road [1st & 3rd Week] Go on a Blind Date with a Book East Park Boys & Girls Club: 3:45-4:45 In honor of the sweetest month of the year, we’re holding East Park Elementary a blind date with a book drawing all month long. Stop in at [1st & 3rd Week] the library in February and pick up one of our secret Watson Elem: Country Club Road sweet selections wrapped up in valentine hearts. Take it [2nd & 4th Week] home, unwrap it, read it, complete the review card inside WEDNESDAY and return it to the library for a chance to win our Date Whitehall: 9:00-10:00 Nite basket at the end of the month! The more books you Middletown Mall “go out with’, the more chances you have to win! Pleasant Valley: 10:30-11:30 Valley Chapel United Meth. Lot Sweetheart Picture Frame NASA IV & V: 12:00-1:00 Back parking lot Our adult craft class will take place on Monday, February [1st & 3rd Week] 10th at 4:00 p.m. This month we will be making a sweet- Wonderland Learning: 12:00-1:00 heart frame for your valentine! All materials will be provid- Mannington ed. The class is limited, so advanced sign-up is required. [2nd & 4th & 5th Week] Call the library at 304-366-1210 for more information. Bunner Ridge: 2:30-3:30 Winter Olympics Library Edition Sagebrush Roundup lot [1st & 3rd Week] Saturday, February 22nd, from 1:00-3:00 p.m., join the Boys & Girls Club: 3:45-4:45 library for paper plate ice skating fun.
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