Seveoda Ser"'" 'Vol. VJ,. No. ~6 Monday, JUly If. '9S0 AI.dlll Z3 X90'a (Sua) "


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Se~eDth Series, Vol. VI, 'IhiI'd "".MD 1980

Monda.], Ju!;) 14, Ig80,Asadho 23, 1902 (Saka) OBITUARY REFERENCES-

(:Death of Shri Dinen Bhatlachar)'o, M.P.) COLUMNS

• Mr. Speaker 1-2

Shr:mati Indira Gandhi .2 Shri George Fel"nandes 2-3 Shri 3-4

Shri S. Murugain S Shri Satish Agarwal . S-6 Shri YeshWLl.ntrao Chavan . 6-7

Shri Ravindra Varma 7 Shri j-9

Shri A. Neelalohithadasan . 9- 10

Shri 10

Shri Jaipal Singh Kashyap 10

Shri Chitta l,lasu II

Shri Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait 11-12

Shri Khwaja Mubarak Shah • 12-1 4 LOX SABRA DEBATES

I '2- LOK SABRA A widely travelled man, he bad visited many countries.

In his death, We haVe lost an active Monday, July 14, 1980lAsadha 23, parliamentarian who took keen inter- 1902 (Saka) est in the proceedings of the House and made rich contributions to the debates. The met at Eleven of the Clock. We deeply mourn the loss of this friend , and I am sure the House will [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair]. join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved family. OBITUARY REFERENCES THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- DEATH OF SHRI DINEN BHATTACHABYA, MAT! INDIRA GANDHI): My party M.P. and I associate ourselves with the sentiments which YOU have expres$ed, MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the On the sad demise of Shri Dinen House of the sad demise of Shri Dinen Bhattacharya. He has been a Member Bhattacharya a sitting Member of this ~ of this House for many years. Through- House representing Serampore consti- out his long parliamentary career, he tuency of . He passed championed the cause of. industrial away at New early this morning, workers. In the late 60s. and earlY at the age of 65. I had visited Shri 70s. he participated in many tripar- Dinen Bhattacharya in the hospital on tite 'bodies and made a constructive Friday, 11th July , 1980. He looked contribution towards trade union iner- qui te cheerful and I could never think ests. At the present juncture, he could that the end would come so soon. have played a significant role in the field of industrial relations. Shri Bhattachar)la had earlier been la Member of the Third, Fifth and Sixth On of and Lok sabha during the years 1962-4f37 behalf my party ot this House I should like you, Sir, to con- and then 1911-79. , vey our sincere condolences to mem- bers of the bereaved !amily. A veteran social worker and trade unionist he served several trade unions ~s • secretary, Vice-Presldent '1i ... ",,""'ij (l\, \1( Cfi, <6 <,,!., <) :i ~&f and President. He served as Commis ... ~~r~4, -t- m ~ Cfft am: ~ ~ sioner, Serampore Municipality for --eta. 8Th ~ '!ft. ~ ~z ?:Oli,i CfiT ~- more than 10 years. He had been ;;';1 ~ ~ <6 qr ~ ~I' President All-India Rubber and Tyre tmt , ~ ;mr n c6 ~ld5( q ~ i6 rn- Workers',_, Federation. ~ 1t ~ ~"Or ~ q\ijqC\(~­ (fif lfi ~ ~ ~ 131' 1f- -t 'I ~ n;r He also served, as a Member ot the ,.Rules Comm~tee'. during Shtth Lok '1{'- ~ " ~ ~ ~. ~ .:t' ~- q'"( ~ fc1~~ illifq,d ~ ~ ~ Sabha. •• l 00I· - • -.. I ~, . , . bbitu41l1 Reje'ftJ1lCeS JULY 14," 1980 Obituart/ lleferenceB

(I!ft' ~ 'b.,r ... ,~] tuency only on 6th or 7th; and while going and coming by plane he had 1fR tUt +41.' q-( ~ \iii" if1 ~ ifiT ~ drenched by rain water in the m~~ I ~~'*q-~~ Airport's t'>f Calcuta and Delhi and that flr-r,~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ affected his lungs. So, he complained afi that he had caught cold because while '3';r Cf)T ij ~ f\;;r q ~'qll ~ 80' :cf{u f'i41 boarding the plane he had to walk in q .cl" «f _tf ~ r.nT ~ 0IRtl ~ the rain and while alighting from the ~ ttl •.~ ;f ~ ~ If" ~ moo plane at Delhi Airport he had to walk ~ "If arh w fi ~ l(- ~ ;;\{- in the rain. That is' ·why, his health ,~ If \i';r ifi m ~ ~ ~ ~ suddenly deteriorated. ~~~~~~~~

~SHRl. s· MURUGIAN (TU'\lPR~­ ~ ~ ~ ~.4a(1 'Ii. ~ .. tur): Hon. Mr. Speaker, Sir, on behalf ~ m:f ;f(ff ..r, '1T ~ ~ ift'q tt of my party, the Dr~vi~a Mwmetra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kamagam and on my own behalf, :r; mt I qf(cu< ..r wish to express my deep grief on the ~ (, ~. dll9ifG ~ (lfTIRf- 'novement in the country has lost a leader committed to its growth. He f~) arh ~. ~ CfiT44iafaal (f(;Ji ~ was a revolutionary, yet he was wed- ~~ I <1 ~ I q'1 ll(' qt.: :q uf I ''jed to dE:'mocratic ideals. Only the other-day, sitting in froot of me be was ~rticipati'ng in the debate and pointing out certain patent mistakes in the speech Of an hon. Member. Though he was old in age, yet he was youthful in spirit and outlook. SI-IRI YESHWANTRAO eHAVAN (Satara) : Mr. Speaker, I knew Shri 1 join you, the Leader of the House Dinen Bhattacharyya when I came to and the Leader of Communist Party Parliament, the third Lok Sabha. (Marxist): in the sentiments of sorro·w From then onwards I have seen hinl. expressed on his passing away and re- function in the House in one capacity quest you kindly to convey our con- or another. He represented the Com- dolenres to the bereaved family. munist Party of India an~ then the Marxist Commun'lst Party. He had sft -mnn dill"'E'; (JI~~., (): ~ no family of his own in the sense he """,p.~i!~r"<--4, S!ft fq;f;; ~ ? 21:q I~(' cfi f';rcr;r cii did not marry; the working class movement was his family; his party ~ If- ~ ~14"1U:i" ~ 0lfCfff cn1 ~ was perhaps his family. He was a ~ ~ ~?441 ~ '1~d 3I"h q;1 ;for 3I"h Jat l man completely devoted to the cause .r \iff fq:q I i, ~ ~ ~~, 1f- m arrc:r of the country; since the early days of cnr +IT ~ ~fJ~r~d ~ ~ 1 his life he participated in the freedom struggle and he was a man of absolute S11T ~ ~20cl:qtlr ~ +?u crf'<=et4 ~ dedication to the cause of the peopie, 1977 1=r \S~ 'If- ~:t ~ ~ ~ ~ particularly to the working class. In the House he appe'(ired in the later ~~, ~~~ I tw#mw ~ ~,",~f( ~ ~TOh ~ ~ years; whenever he waS on his leg'S, y: rn he looked like an angry old man. But ~ tfPn" fa:i \3'iiOfi W1i 'tf"" Clq fq:d ~ ,: tm when he sat dC'Nn, he was srnning'~ ~ f@~tCfi ~ ~ err 'rll(I,-,:4n ~r The cauSe of his anger was the issue t:~, ~~~ ~ 1'1~c%" (1 c5 tt}'h"C4l cfi ~ concerned. The man himself was not Cf)T ~ ~cm; arnn ~ ~ ~ ~ an angry person. He was a pleasant ~fd) ~l ~"'til< ~ man to talk to. m- •31h m.:I em- ~ ~ .. ~ Ci1 +J 1.., ..fl"tI ~~l ~ ~- I am very sad as 65 is' not a very ~~, ~\i[t~~~~(, 01 d age .:! n the sense persons, at the moment can and do· live upto the. Uj)," ~ ~at~fct~l(,~ t.TT ~~ anT ~ tcmft of 7-5 a~d So. and still beyond, thpj,- ~ ~ \3;=jdnr ~ an;f'.~ tn t ~ , .' Therefore.' I think, it is rat~, a ~~. ~,~ ~ ~ sr~ ~ t;r fari ~ m,atur~ de.atl;1,. of a v.e-;.y activ~. revoll,lr.: ~~,if~ I ?(~~. ~, tioJ¥lry and it is· a V~J:).':. big lOss t~ ~. , ~. ~ ') ~ ~ ~~.Ei~~« '-~. ~ CO®Runist ~~~.,. tf Marxist , w.e~'...... • ------~------:- -~Tbe ~~~n~_l ~i,~ ~as deljy~,~~ in T~~ 7 Obi.tuary Rete'rences JULY 1~, 1980 Obituary ReJere,l,ce., .

tShri Yeshwantrao Chavan] to him· the last day when be was here. I was joking with him outside. I ask.. our deep sympathies to the party and ed him bow his health was. He said naturally We conveY also that the loss to me· tha t ·he Was feeling better but of the Lok sa bha is the loss of the he caught cold suddenly. N ow I bear nation. from Samar Babu that it was all due to his getting wet in rain. Shri Dinen Please convey these feelings to all Bhattacharyya said he had caught cold concerned. and, therefore , was finding difficult to breathe. Any way we are not in a 'SHRI RAVINDRA VARMA (Bom- position to control these things and bay North): The Members of my party one can only presume that whatever share the profound grief of this House assistance, medical assistance; can be in the sudden and sad passing of our given, is g~ven. Nevertheless, these dear colleague Shri Dinen Bhatta- mishaps do occur. For many many charya. He was a man with lofty years when We were in one ·party, ideals, and deep devotion and de- Shri Dinen Bhattacharyya and I dication to the cause of the down-trod- worked very closely together actually den , particularly the working class of in the trade union movement. In the our country. His record as a freedom last few years, before independence fighter , a trade unionist, a person who particularly, I remember we were very was dedicated to the cause of indus- closely working together among the trial peace and the lofty ideals of the jute mill workers around Calcutta. society he wanted to build in this coun- You know, Sir, in thOSe days, these trY can only be described a:-; illustri- jute mill workers were considered to ou;. He was a parliament~rian. a be the most exploited workers in our conscientious parEamentarian ·who was country. The mills were all owned by fearless and uncompromising in advo- the British companies at that time. cating the causes that he believed in, The bus tees in which these workers and yet he was the embodin)ent of used to live were once described by charm and aifabHity and friendliness. Shri 3awaharlal Nehru as being unfit In his passing this House has lost a fOr human habitation. Dinen Babu. very alert., able dedicated , honest par- myself and many others had spent liamentarian of tremendous integrity. many years roaming' about in those To many of Us who knew Dinen Da, bustees trying to organise these work- 5t is a great personal loss, irreparable ers and we participated in many of lOss. We will remember his friend- their struggles and strikes. ship, his efficiency. his dedication to causes wh~ch we all value. Later on, when. Dinen Babu was co~ I join the other Members who have elected to this House. as other leagues have also mentjoned, he was requested you to convey OUr deep senSe of grief and loss to the members always a very stubborn champion of and the rights of of the bereaved family and t.o the democratic causes of the working class. He was one of our organisations with which Dinen Da old-timers in every of Was associated. sense the word. So, I do not wish to add llnnecc;...-;sarily to what has been said. Yl e feel thf" SHIR·I TNDRAJIT GUPTA (Bas~rhat): loss very very deeply and we w5sh to The sudden death of Shri Dinen expresc:; our deepest sympathies to OU" BhattacharYyn is not· only shocking, comrades of the Marxist Communist but a great loss for all of us. Yester- Party and to Dinen BabU"s own family. dav .. J. sa~, him in the hospital. I wa~ though I no not think he had Jl1Uch of told, he was· already sinking and the a family left. But his brother Was d'oct6r~· were of the opinion that there here yesterday and to )tim also and to . was no hoPe for him but he was ~tnl, .. o~hers, ,~e ~xpr~:; ~ur \!l~pest condo]- ~live gasp~ng for breath. I flIso spoke' enc~~ .., -pirim Il8bu's mem..:>ry will .al- Obituary Refe,.ences ASAI)HA 23, 1902 (SAKA) Obituary References 10 ways be respected, I am sure, in this vey OUr feelings to the comrades of House for his many qualities, to which his party and the working class. other colleagues have referred and .T join with them in expressing my SHRI PIUS TIRKEY (Alipurduar): party's sorrow. Sir, I joint ,vith the other hone melll- bers to express my party's grief alld SHRI A. NEELALOHITHADASAN sorrow on the death of Mr. D'lnen (Trivandrum): Sir, my friends in this Bhatttacharya. He 'was born in 1915 House and myself share the feelings and at the early age of 15, in 1930 he expressed by you and the leaders of was arrested in the course of the various political parties on the sudden country's freedom struggle. Till 1947, and sad demise of Shri Dinen Bhatta- he was arrested several times. He charya. Shri Dinen Bhattacharya was was a veteran trade unionist and Joint busily engaged in the national move- Secretary of the Hindustan Motors ment and \vorking class movement Ltd. Workers' Union, of which he was even from h~s boyhood and he did not the founder. He ,:vas a dediciltcd, get time to think of his family. He honest, sincere and outspoken person had remained unmarried throughout On behalf of my Party. the RSP, I ex- his life. But as a man who hailed press my heart-felt grief to be extend- -from Bengal. \vbich was known for ed to the Politbureau of CPI(M)' be Indian nat ionalism even during the caUSe he belonged to this family group days of the Indian renaissance. he had throughout his life. taken the whole of Jnnia as hj s family and the members of the working class ~ V;q'q1W ~ ~ (31i6f~",I): lfR- a~ his family members. As a member ;ftlr ~&i ~~, ~ ~ ~

SHRI (Barasat)': our dear colleague, Shri Dinen Bhatta- Sir, I join YOU and other esteemed charya. I jOin you , the Prime Minister friends of the House in expressing my and other leaders of parties in ex... sorrow and grief and more so, shock pressing my grief at the very sad and at the sudden passing a'way of my sudden demise of Shri Bhattacharya. comrade Dinen Bhattacharya. sir, Com- He was with us a couple of days a·go. rade Dinen Bhattacharya had a life of It is very sad that he breathed his revolutionary brilliance. He in his last yesterday night at the hospital. early age of life joined the freedom movement of our country. He was a By his passing away, we have lost, great patriot and suffered imprison- the country has lost, a great freedom ment on various occasions to bring fighter. I understand that he had the freedom of our country. In the courted arrest at the early age of 14. course of his participation in the free- This demonstrates the spirit 'which dom movement he realised that the animated him to fight for the freedom real independence could be won if of this country. He was also a veteran there waS a change in the character trade unionist, and he devoted his of the society and the state. There- entire life to the cause of the down- fore, he dedicated himself to the cause trodden, to the caUSe of the working of organis5ng the working class of our class, and particularly to the cause of country because he deeply felt that the labourers. He was a great trade unless the working class of our coun- v.nionist and as such 'was also a Mem- try 'was truly liberated, the meaning ber of the Central CITU. of freedom would be of no avail. Therefore. he devoted himself to the By his passing a\vay, we have lost cause of organising the working class [l great personality. A life of service of the country and soon he became nnd devotion has COme to an end. one of the trusted leaders of the trade union movement in our country. I request you, Sir, to convey the condolences on my OWn behalf and on Sir, in his death, his Party , the behalf of my party the Indian Union Communist (Marxist) Party of India, 1\~us}jm League to' the bel"eaved fa- has lost a valient fighter. In his loss mily. I also express my sympathy thls House has lost a good parliamen- to my dear colleague Shri Samar tarian. More so, in his death the en- MUkherjee and ali the mem- tire working class of our country has bers of the Marx~st Commu- lost a valient, dedicated champion of nist Party of India because they their cause. In this House we have have suffered a great loss, a loss which witnessed that he 'was one of those is irreparable. I hope they will have who defended the cause of the work- the fortitude to bea-r this great loss. ing class and democratic movement May his soul rest in peace. of our country. '5ft' ~ ~ .. i ($ mtf (ill

:r('-~~~~~1f-qim 1f- 01 NC61 ltijltti" ( ~, ",f!ti«(1liliC,. ~ ifitf ~ ~ '(: aJ1T"{ arN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qyttt ~ ~ ~ GI,f« ~ ~ ~ $1'~la ~ ,\!It 801 (::a m:r 'tfi ~ Cfi"f11 ~, ~ ~ qyttt aon q~' "4 , ~ l MR. SPEAKER: The House lll.ay stand in silence for a short while to express its sorrow.

The Members then stood in sHenl;" for a short while

MR. SPEAKER: As a mark of res- pect to the deceased, the House nc\V stands adjourned to meet again at 11 a.m. tomorrow.

11.35 hrs~ The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Eleven of the Clock on Tuesday the 15th July, 1980/ Asadha 24, 1902 (Saka)