Seveoda Ser"'" 'Vol. VJ,. No. ~6 Monday, JUly If. '9S0 AI.dlll Z3 X90'a (Sua) " "" LOK 'SABHA DEBATES <Third Se•• Joo) (Vol. VI containf NOJ. 21 ........ 30) PARLJ,A," Mij •:: !)f,,~~~~:~f\., It • h' ""c,c. ~·-.;O ..."4-.03 ~ .... ,~" ,.3 n· .. """· , ,.5~." '1, B( . l O.te - "- " .. .. .....•. tOt: ~!~~~: 'LOK SARIIA "'SBCRETARIA T NIl\V ' DBLHI Price : N.t,. ,~.()O (ORIGINAL ENGLISH PI.OCEBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VBRSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PltOCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VBltSION WILL DB TB.BATID AS AUTBOlUTATIVE AND NOT THE TltANSLATIONTHEREOF.J CONTENTS Se~eDth Series, Vol. VI, 'IhiI'd "".MD 1980 Monda.], Ju!;) 14, Ig80,Asadho 23, 1902 (Saka) OBITUARY REFERENCES- (:Death of Shri Dinen Bhatlachar)'o, M.P.) COLUMNS • Mr. Speaker 1-2 Shr:mati Indira Gandhi .2 Shri George Fel"nandes 2-3 Shri Samar Mukherjee 3-4 Shri S. Murugain S Shri Satish Agarwal . S-6 Shri YeshWLl.ntrao Chavan . 6-7 Shri Ravindra Varma 7 Shri Indrajit Gupta j-9 Shri A. Neelalohithadasan . 9- 10 Shri Pius Tirkey 10 Shri Jaipal Singh Kashyap 10 Shri Chitta l,lasu II Shri Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait 11-12 Shri Khwaja Mubarak Shah • 12-1 4 LOX SABRA DEBATES I '2- LOK SABRA A widely travelled man, he bad visited many countries. In his death, We haVe lost an active Monday, July 14, 1980lAsadha 23, parliamentarian who took keen inter- 1902 (Saka) est in the proceedings of the House and made rich contributions to the debates. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. We deeply mourn the loss of this friend , and I am sure the House will [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair]. join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved family. OBITUARY REFERENCES THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI- DEATH OF SHRI DINEN BHATTACHABYA, MAT! INDIRA GANDHI): My party M.P. and I associate ourselves with the sentiments which YOU have expres$ed, MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the On the sad demise of Shri Dinen House of the sad demise of Shri Dinen Bhattacharya. He has been a Member Bhattacharya a sitting Member of this ~ of this House for many years. Through- House representing Serampore consti- out his long parliamentary career, he tuency of West Bengal. He passed championed the cause of. industrial away at New Delhi early this morning, workers. In the late 60s. and earlY at the age of 65. I had visited Shri 70s. he participated in many tripar- Dinen Bhattacharya in the hospital on tite 'bodies and made a constructive Friday, 11th July , 1980. He looked contribution towards trade union iner- qui te cheerful and I could never think ests. At the present juncture, he could that the end would come so soon. have played a significant role in the field of industrial relations. Shri Bhattachar)la had earlier been la Member of the Third, Fifth and Sixth On of and Lok sabha during the years 1962-4f37 behalf my party ot this House I should like you, Sir, to con- and then 1911-79. , vey our sincere condolences to mem- bers of the bereaved !amily. A veteran social worker and trade unionist he served several trade unions ~s • secretary, Vice-Presldent '1i ... ",,""'ij (l\, \1( Cfi, <6 <,,!., <) :i ~&f and President. He served as Commis ... ~~r~4, -t- m ~ Cfft am: ~ ~ sioner, Serampore Municipality for --eta. 8Th ~ '!ft. ~ ~z ?:Oli,i CfiT ~- more than 10 years. He had been ;;';1 ~ ~ <6 qr ~ ~I' President All-India Rubber and Tyre tmt , ~ ;mr n c6 ~ld5( q ~ i6 rn- Workers',_, Federation. ~ 1t ~ ~"Or ~ q\ijqC\(~­ (fif lfi ~ ~ ~ 131' 1f- -t 'I ~ n;r He also served, as a Member ot the ,.Rules Comm~tee'. during Shtth Lok '1{'- ~ " ~ ~ ~. ~ .:t' ~- q'"( ~ fc1~~ illifq,d ~ ~ ~ Sabha. •• l 00I· - • -.. I ~, . , . bbitu41l1 Reje'ftJ1lCeS JULY 14," 1980 Obituart/ lleferenceB (I!ft' ~ 'b.,r ... ,~] tuency only on 6th or 7th; and while going and coming by plane he had 1fR tUt +41.' q-( ~ \iii" if1 ~ ifiT ~ drenched by rain water in the m~~ I ~~'*q-~~ Airport's t'>f Calcuta and Delhi and that flr-r,~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ affected his lungs. So, he complained afi that he had caught cold because while '3';r Cf)T ij ~ f\;;r q ~'qll ~ 80' :cf{u f'i41 boarding the plane he had to walk in q .cl" «f _tf ~ r.nT ~ 0IRtl ~ the rain and while alighting from the ~ ttl •.~ ;f ~ ~ If" ~ moo plane at Delhi Airport he had to walk ~ "If arh w fi ~ l(- ~ ;;\{- in the rain. That is' ·why, his health ,~ If \i';r ifi m ~ ~ ~ ~ suddenly deteriorated. ~~~~~~~~<f The medical staff in the hospi ta' 'Ut ~ ~ ari ~ if(T- rn CRlfon tried their level best, they made their ~¥il~ ~ ~ (fCfi ~ ~ ~ maximum effort to save him but un- ~~-n~ ~t(, ~~ fortunately he could not be s~ved.' The ~ ~ '*, tanm ~ ~ '3"f onr life of Shri Dinen Bhattacharya was "ALfij,1 ~.~ ~ ~ tftl at ~ the life of a true revolutionary; he was a devoted politician and from his early ~ ~ ~\tI4i ~ ~ ~ ;@Utfst ...4 arh age he joined the freedom movement. is 14 'iii c:: a < 311;4{ ff.'1" C!fi ~ Cfi IltCfitl f W He was born in 1915 but went to jail ~~;f~~' ~~(~ in 1930 Movement at the age of 15. ~ ~ P.itf'iifi qtf ~ ~ Since that time several times he had \ft. f'4"a ~ 8th arq-;rr q r (C( I ( to 'undef'go . iinp~isonment in 1~40 1949, 1PfTit if'm" \3i{{lwr C!fi'4l ~ 1950 and even subsequent yeani also. em He was attracted towards the trade '"' ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ qF(ql( union movement as well as the com- ~ ~.' ~ ~:r5 ~ arqwft '.ath ~ ~ munist movement at a very earlier age. '~ .~ att( at'q';f ~ qft ~ ~ ijaf«." He was unmarried and according to ~ .~ r: 8th ~ GTif, "iflfCfe e; our term, we called him whole-timer. 4iR(:ff(t;! ~ c6 ~~ ~ fq ~Iq_ ~ He was a full-timer political worker trade-unionist; and he was a ~ {1t ~ ~q~qr ~ ~ ~ I and a very veteran trade-unionist. He was ~ iTR fq;( ~ ~ ~ Cfft arh ~ the General Secretary o.f the Hindu- ~~arNtr~( , stan Motors Workers' Union. In the trade union movement, he was a man SHRI SA.MAR .MUKHERJEE (How- of all India statute. Because of his rah): The death of Shri Dinen Bhatta- honesty, integrity and frankness, he ~rya was very much unexpected. was' outspoken. Tbose who knew- him, nly qn the 9th he attended the Ses- those who had seen him here, theY' Aon. But his health was not gOOd. He know that he was a very outspoken . ~ad the asthmatic trouble. This is a man. He acted as the Chief Whip of ~tOnic disease which continues for OUr group in Parliament and subse- everal years. 'But despite doctor's quently as Deputy Leader for a long Advice, he generally attended all these tim,e. lte was very actf"e both in his Nements or agitations When any parliamen tary life as well as bJ.s poli- '.zemand came from the working class. ti~al and trade union Qctivity. The Cven some employers wanted him for death of shri binen 13hattacharya is Saine negotIated setU.ement and all .a big 10ss" tor the working class move- ~s~ tli'inIS. So his health was not ment, as well as democratic movement '" "', ' " Ii 1naJot t!otlsideratiOn to him. Sodden- ah'd for OUr Party also. He was a very ly ~Dis "h,ftltb '. toOk a' fum for the wbrit. big leader (n Weg,! Bengal. It is -a very Wb.eD :1 :etRtuired about him I cam'e to big loss to us particularly. I request .~. that some, employer wanted him y~u t(j. cBnV'ey tb~' .en.~eri.ts of the ~. have .ome·,Settlement in a dispu~ entire' lt6Qs~' to his- ~ives ahd fami .. for wbleb; 'he' 'had to';o to -his conIJti- ly. 4· ~SHRl. s· MURUGIAN (TU'\lPR~­ ~ ~ ~ ~.4a(1 'Ii. ~ .. tur): Hon. Mr. Speaker, Sir, on behalf ~ m:f ;f(ff ..r, '1T ~ ~ ift'q tt of my party, the Dr~vi~a Mwmetra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kamagam and on my own behalf, :r; mt I qf(cu< ..r wish to express my deep grief on the ~ (, ~. dll<ff;l'f If cf ~ ,,~ sudden dem.ise of Shri Dinen Bhatta- ~ dll«i:1"1 ~ ~ q:a- ~ ~,~ chary~ who was with us t.ill the other (I "ijr~tt ~ qf(C4I(\lf'11 arh ~­ day. He was a prominent and veteran ~ ~ at ijEIJ14'11 ~ ~\ifi4I'i( tt, trade union leader. The trade union ~~ mtr ~ dfiU 'J>9ifG ~ (lfTIRf- 'novement in the country has lost a leader committed to its growth. He f~) arh ~. ~ CfiT44iafaal (f(;Ji ~ was a revolutionary, yet he was wed- ~~ I <1 ~ I q'1 ll(' qt.: :q uf I ''jed to dE:'mocratic ideals. Only the other-day, sitting in froot of me be was ~rticipati'ng in the debate and pointing out certain patent mistakes in the speech Of an hon. Member. Though he was old in age, yet he was youthful in spirit and outlook. SI-IRI YESHWANTRAO eHAVAN (Satara) : Mr. Speaker, I knew Shri 1 join you, the Leader of the House Dinen Bhattacharyya when I came to and the Leader of Communist Party Parliament, the third Lok Sabha. (Marxist): in the sentiments of sorro·w From then onwards I have seen hinl. expressed on his passing away and re- function in the House in one capacity quest you kindly to convey our con- or another. He represented the Com- dolenres to the bereaved family. munist Party of India an~ then the Marxist Commun'lst Party. He had sft -mnn dill"'E'; (JI~~., (): ~ no family of his own in the sense he """,p.~i!~r"<--4, S!ft fq;f;; ~ ? 21:q I~(' cfi f';rcr;r cii did not marry; the working class movement was his family; his party ~ If- ~ ~14"1U:i" ~ 0lfCfff cn1 ~ was perhaps his family.
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