John Allan Cameron: the Godfather of Cape Breton's Celtic Music
John Allan Cameron: The Godfather of Cape Breton’s Celtic Music Chris McDonald, Cape Breton University Figure 1: John Allan Cameron (guitar) with Bill Lamey (fiddle); the boy behind with arms crossed is Jerry Holland. Highland Picnic Games, Brocton, Massachusetts, 1963. Courtesy of Paul MacDonald. We’re delighted to welcome as our guest the gregari- munity between Judique and Mabou. His uncle was ous guardian of the Gaelic, John Allan Cameron! the legendary Cape Breton fiddler Dan R. Mac- – Bill Langstroth, Singalong Jubilee Donald, and his mother Kate and brother John Don- ald played the violin; other siblings, Alex, Jessie Cape Breton Island is known today as one of Can- Ann, and Marie, are known as fine Cape Breton-style ada’s focal points for Celtic music and culture. While pianists. His mother also sang Gaelic songs, some of this reputation grew from the success of musicians which Cameron would later record. The family lis- such as the Rankin Family, the Barra MacNeils, Ash- tened frequently to Celtic music on radio station ley MacIsaac, and Natalie MacMaster, their trail was CJFX, and John Allan and John Donald were inspired blazed, in good measure, by singer-guitarist John by the variety of fiddlers they heard, from Angus Allan Cameron. Born in Inverness, Nova Scotia, on Chisholm to the nationally-broadcast music of Don December 16, 1938, Cameron led a fascinating life, Messer.3 and his musical versatility allowed him to perform John Allan began picking up the violin at age 12, traditional Cape Breton Scottish music, ballads, new but became interested in the guitar at 13.
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