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CLASS'N NO. AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) TITLE DATE SUBJECT1 011.53 VIC Koehn JD Bibliography of research publications by staff of 1990 FISHES ‐ Bibliography Freshwater Fish Management Branch 016.5 SAW Sawyer, Frederick C A short history of the libraries and list of manuscripts and 1971 NATURAL HISTORY ‐ Bibliography original drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) 016.551 TEE Teasdale‐Smith E N Bibliography of South Austalian geology … June 1959 1959 GEOLOGY ‐ South Australia ‐ Bibliography 016.5514 AUS The Australian coastal zone: a bibliography of the natural 1992 COASTS ‐ Bibliography environment of the coastline 016.57 SLA Slattery, Kevin P; Robert L Wallis Threatened species in Australia: a select bibliography 1991 RARE ANIMALS ‐ Bibliography 016.5745 McD McDonald, Mark J; Nicholas SG A reference guide to the ecology and natural resources of 1999 BIOECOLOGY ‐ Bibliography Williams; Amy K Hahs the Melbourne region 016.582/94 SLA Slattery, Kevin P; Robert L Wallis Threatened flora in Australia: a select bibliography 1993 RARE PLANTS ‐ Bibliography 016.58216 BIB Marris, Bernice A bibliography of Australian references to eucalypts, 1956‐ 1966 EUCALYPTS ‐ Bibliography 1966 016.58216 BIB Sweet, Marie and others A bibliography of references to eucalypts, 1971‐1972 1975 EUCALYPTS ‐ Bibliography 016.591 VIC Victoria. Flora and Fauna Branch Flora and Fauna Branch list of publications 1993 Botany ‐‐ Bibliography 016.5919 BEN Bennett, Andrew F A guide to references on the distribution of wildlife in 1989 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF Victoria ANIMALS AND PLANTS 016.59192 FRA Frankel, Edgar Bibliography of the Great Barrier Reef Province 1978 GREAT BARRIER REEF ‐ Bibliography 016.595 DOR Dorney, Neralee Annotated biological bibliography v.4: Chelicerata, 1977‐78 INVERTEBRATES ‐ Tasmania ‐ Bibliography Crustacea, Ecinodermata, Urochordata 016.595 DOR Dorney, Neralee Annotated biological bibliography v.5: Porifera, 1977‐78 INVERTEBRATES ‐ Tasmania ‐ Bibliography Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, … 016.5957 DOR Dorney, Neralee Annotated biological bibliography v.2: Insecta 1977‐78 INSECTS ‐ Tasmania ‐ Bibliography 016.597 VIC Koehn, JD et al An annotated bibliography of freshwater fish studies 1985 FISHES ‐ Freshwater‐ Bibliography 016.599 VIC Seebeck JH Literature of Leadbeater’s Possum: an annotated biblio 1987 LEADBEATER'S POSSUM ‐ Bibliography for G. leadbeateri CLASS'N NO. AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) TITLE DATE SUBJECT1 016.9945 LUN Lunt, Ian D Annotated bibliographies to the flora, fauna and 1986 MACEDON RANGES, Vic ‐ Bibliography landscape of the Macedon and Pyrete Ranges 069 CLO Clode, Danielle Continent of curiosities: a journey through Australian 2006 MUSEUM VICTORIA natural history 069 MUS Harvest: an exhibition about plants and place from South 2009 MUSEUM OF ECONOMIC BOTANY, Australian collections Adelaide 069 PES Pescott, R T M Collections of a century: the history of the first hundred 1954 MUSEUM OF VICTORIA years of the National Museum of Victoria 301.3 ENV Environmental science 1994 HUMAN ECOLOGY 301.3 LIN Lines, William J A long walk in the Australian bush 1998 BIBBULMUN TRACK, W.A. 301.3 TOD Tod, Peter Stop thieving from our children: problems plus solutions 1996 HUMAN ECOLOGY 301.3 YEN Yencken, David; Debra Wilkinson Resetting the compass: Australia's journey towards 2000 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION sustainability 301.32 SOL Solomon, Maurice E Population dynamics (2nd Edition) 1976 POPULATION 333 CON Costin, A B; H J Frith Conservation 1971 CONSERVATION 333 KEE Keeping the earth fit for man (Reprinted from Victoria's 1970? CONSERVATION resources, 1969 333 NAT Margules C R; M P Austin Nature conservation: cost effective biological surveys and 1991 CONSERVATION data analysis 333 NAT Costin, A B; R H Groves Nature conservation in the Pacific 1973 CONSERVATION 333 SAV Barrett, James Save Australia: a plea for the rght use of our flora and 1925 CONSERVATION fauna 333 VIC Brown PR Draft management plan for the conservation of the 1987 Environmental protection ‐‐ Victoria ‐‐ Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii, in Victoria Hamilton 333 WIL Wilson, Edward O The future of life 2002 CONSERVATION 333.7 ASI Wallis, Robert L; Guang R Shi Asian Association for Biology Education 14th Biennial 1993 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Conference, Melbourne, 1992 CLASS'N NO. AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) TITLE DATE SUBJECT1 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Refugia for biological diversity in arid and semi‐arid 1995 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and Australia Territories. Biodiversity Unit 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Fire and biodiversity: the effects and effectiveness of fire 1996 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and management Territories. Biodiversity Unit 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Environment protection and biodiversity conservation Act 2008 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Environment, Water, Hritage and 1999: natural temperate grassland of the Victn volcanic the Arts plain 333.7 AUS Australia. Commonwealth and North east Victoria comprehensive regional assessment: 1998 BIOECOLOGY Victorian RFA Steering Committee biodiversity assessment 333.7 AUS Cary, Geoffrey; David Australia burning: fire ecology, policy and management 2003 FIRE ECOLOGY Lindenmayer; Stephen Dovers issues 333.7 AUS Australian Conservation Viewpoint Series 1‐7; Occasional publications 1‐2, 4‐8 1968‐1972 CONSERVATION Foundation 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Biodiversity and its value 1993 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and Territories 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the The national strategy for the conservation of Australia's 1996 CONSERVATION Environment, Sport and Territories biological diversity 333.7 AUS Australia. National Land and Australian terrestrial biodiversity assessment 2002 2002 BIOECOLOGY Water Resources Audit 333.7 AUS Australia. Natural Resource National biodiversity and climate change action plan 2004‐ 2004 BIOECOLOGY Management Ministerial Council 2007 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Native vegetation clearance, habitat loss and biodiversity 1995 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and decline Territories. Biodiversity Unit 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Country in flames: proceedings of the 1994 symposium on 1995 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and biodiversity and fire in north Australia Territories. Bird, D B (Editor) CLASS'N NO. AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) TITLE DATE SUBJECT1 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the A national strategy for the conservation of Australia's 1993 CONSERVATION Environment, Sport and Territories biological diversity: review of public submissions 333.7 AUS Australian Conservation Papers 1972 CONSERVATION Foundation Symposium, Sydney 20 February 1971 333.7 AUS Australia. Dept of the Australia's biodiversity: an overview of selected significant 1994 BIOECOLOGY Environment, Sport and Territories components 333.7 AUS Australian Conservation Environmental pollution 1970 POLLUTION Foundation/Royal Society of Victoria Symposium 333.7 BUC Buchanan, Robin A Bush regeneration: recovering Australian landscapes 1989 CONSERVATION 333.7 CON Brown, M.J.; D.D. Hoggins; H.J. Conservation of flora in Tasmania 1977 CONSERVATION ‐ Tasmania Bayly‐Stark 333.7 FRA Bennett, Andrew and others Fragments for the future: wildlife in the Victorian Riverina 1998 CONSERVATION (The Northern Plains) 333.7 HUT Hutton, Drew; Libby Connors A history of the Australian environment movement 1999 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION 333.7 INN Figgis, Penelope, James Innovations for 21st cnetury conservation 2012 CONSERVATION ‐ Australia Fitzsimons; Jason Irving 333.7 MAN White, C; C S Elliot Man, the eath and tomorrow: an introduction to the 1969 CONSERVATION conservation and use of Australia's natural resources 333.7 MAR Martin, Angus Pollution and conservation in Australia: a layman's guide 1971 CONSERVATION to the causes, effects and controls of pollution 333.7 MYE Myers, Rowena D; David J Elton An assessment of habitat significance in the Loddon‐ 1982 ECOLOGICAL SURVEYS Campaspe region 333.7 PIT Pittock, A Barrie Climate change: Turning up the heat 2005 CLIMATE CHANGE 333.7 POR Port Phillip and Westernport Stories of community landcare success 2004 ENVIRONMENT Catchment Management Authority CLASS'N NO. AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) TITLE DATE SUBJECT1 333.7 REA Readymix Group Tynong North sand mine and rock quarry: environmental 1993 MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES ‐ effects statement Victoria 333.7 ROB Robin, Libby Building a forest conscience: an historical portrait of the 1991 CONSERVATION Natural Resources Conservation League of Victoria (NRCL) 333.7 ROY RMIT University. School of Life and Conservation and land management: EVC description and n.d. CONSERVATION Physical Sciences benchmarks, learner resource 333.7 SER Serventy, Vincent A continent in danger 1966 CONSERVATION 333.7 TRA Trainer, Ted Saving the continent: what it will take 1998 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION 333.7 TRA Traill, Barry; Christine Porter Nature conservation review Victoria 2001 2001 CONSERVATION 333.7 VIC Victoria. Dept of Sustainability and Code of practice for fire management on public land, 2006 FIRE ECOLOGY Environment revision 1 333.7 VIC Victoria. Dept of Sustainability and Code of practice for fire management on public land: draft 2005 FIRE ECOLOGY Environment revision 1support document 333.7 VIC Victoria. Environment and Natural Utilisation of Victorian native flora and fauna: discussion 1998 BOTANY, ECONOMIC Resources Committee paper 333.7 VIC Victoria. Dept of Sustainability and North west region Mildura fire district fire protection plan 2008 FIRE ECOLOGY Environment 333.7 VIC Victoria. Dept of Sustainability and Land and biodiversity