
Creo Layout: Tool By: Matthew Jourden Brighton High School Brighton, MI

Creo Layout Dimension Tool as four different ways to select references to place a dimension.

Dimension Tool is located in the Annotate Tab User is able to place linear with Dimension Tool Annotate Tab: Places various on notes/dimensions on a view

Dimension Tool Pop-Up Menu

Select References: Software wants to know when you select a piece of how does the user want the software to interpt the Selection Options

1. Select Entity: User can select an edge, point or datum on a view 2. : Select a and a software will find its tangent point 3. Mid-Point: Select an edge and software will find the mid-point of the selected edge 4. : User will select two edges and software will locate its intersection point (NOTE: Even of the edges are not touch software

will locate the theoretical intersection point 5. Make Line: User will select one or two points to make a theoretical , horizontal or vertical line to measure off of.

1. Select Entity

Option 1: Select the edge to be dimensions > Move cursor away from part (Place cursor in approximately final location of the dimension > Middle Mouse Button to Place Dimension

Selected Edge > Drag Dimension to location > Middle Mouse Button to Place

Option 2: Select Two Edges: Left Click on One Edge > Hold Control (CTRL) Left Click on Second Edge > Move cursor away from part (Place cursor in approximately final location of the dimension > Middle Mouse Button to Place Dimension Results based on Selection a. Selecting two Vertical Edges will give a Horizontal Dimension

2nd Selection: Hold Control (CTRL) > Then Left Click 1st Selection: Left Click Once Once on the Edge > Drag Dimension to location > Middle Mouse Button to Place

b. Selecting two Horizontal Edges will give a Vertical Dimension

1st Selection: Left Click Once

2nd Selection: Hold Control (CTRL) > Then Left Click

Once on the Edge > Drag Dimension to location > Middle Mouse Button to Place

c. User may also select two points or one point + one edge d. Selecting two Non- Edges will give an Angle Dimension. NOTE: Depending on where the cursor is placed will depend on what angle is produced. Selecting two points or one point and one edge

2. Select Tangent Tangent will only find the tangency of two selected features. User will need to make a second selection of tangent or one of the other selection options to create a measured value.

Select Circle/Arc > Hold Control (CTRL) > Select Edge to find tangent point of > Make a second selection (On Entity, Tangent, Mid-Point, Intersection, Make Line) for a Second Measuring Point

Switched Selection to On Entity to select Point

Selected Tangent Tool > Selected Edge > Held CTRL Select Arc

Software will place both values of measurement. User can choose after placing them which to keep by selecting and deleting the unwanted dimension

3. Select Mid-Point Mid-Point will only find the mid-point of an edge. User will need to make a second selection of mid-point or one of the other selection options to create a measured value.

Select Edge > Hold Control (CTRL) > Make a second selection (On Entity, Tangent, Mid-Point, Intersection, Make Line) for a Second Measuring Point

Selected Each edge using Mid-Point Selection to find the distance between each Mid-Point.

NOTE: User does not have to use the Mid-Point selection on each edge. User can find of the Mid-Point of one edge and use one of the other selection tools for the other selection point

4. Select Intersection

Intersection will only find the intersection of two selected edges. User will need to make a second selection of intersection or one of the other selection options to create a measured value.

Select Edge > Hold Control (CTRL) > Select Edge to find intersection point of > Make a second selection (On Entity, Tangent, Mid-Point, Intersection, Make Line) for a Second Measuring Point

Second Selection Hold CTRL 1st Selection Select Edge > select Edge 1 > Select 1 > Hold CTRL > Select Edge 2 > Place Dimension Edge 2

Intersection Intersection Selection of Point of Select Two Edges. Software can two edges predict where the intersection point will be

Used On Entity for Second Selection

5. Select Make Line

Make Line will make an imaginary line to measure off of. There are three options for Make Line a. Two Points- User will select Two Points to connect an imaginary line from b. Vertical- User will select one point to make an imaginary line from c. Horizontal- User will select one point to make an imaginary line from

Select Point(s) to Make Imaginary Line off of > Make a second selection (On Entity, Tangent, Mid-Point, Intersection, Make Line) for a Second Measuring Point

Two Points

Select two points by holding CTRL. NOTE Red Line is the imaginary line > Use another selection tool to make a selection to dimension between


Select Point for Vertical > Select 2nd edge for measure between


Select Point for Horizontal > Select 2nd edge for measure between