dent Newspaper since 186 SEX WITH BIKING IN EATING FOR SUFFERING & HUGH tllf HALIFAX r1 CASH r1s SUNDAYS rs ~ WEEKLY DIS PATCH DSU Council and Committee Positions: If you are l ooking for a way to get involved with the DSU we have a number of positions available. We are currentl y starting to recruit for a Chief Returning Of f i cer to r un the DSU annual general elections. This position is paid an honourarium as t he work load around the election is significant. If you are interested in this position please submit a cover letter and resume to Chris McCluskey in room 222 of the SUB or dsmrpsl@,dal. ca . If you are looking for something that won't take up quite as much time we are recruiting for students to sit on the DSU Diversity Committee. The mandate of the Diversity Council is to coordinate events staged by traditionally underrepresented Dalhousie student groups. This year the committee will organize awareness days on campus that focus on such topics as LGBTQ issues, gender discrimination, health topics, sustainability initiatives, tolerance, sexual harassment in residence, etc. If you feel passionate about one or many of these causes contact Chris I de, DSU VP Internal at dsuvpi® We are also looking for three law students to sit on the Judicial Board of the DSU. The Chair must be in their third year of Law, and the other two preferably i n t heir second year . If you are interested in any of these positions please contact Ezra Edelstein at
[email protected] .