May 2016 Vol. 19 No. 2 Journal Inside This Issue:


Message from the Chairman Page 3


Multi-State Engineering Society Conference Page 15



May 2016 Vol. 19 No. 2

The Louisiana Engineer & Surveyor Journal (ISSN: 15275965, USPS 588-360) 9643 Brookline, Suite 116 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488

This is the official publication of the Louisiana Louisiana Engineering Society Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the Telephone: (225) 924-2021, Fax: (225) 924-2049 American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana. E-mail: [email protected] LES LES Website: This magazine is published quarterly. “PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID at Baton Rouge, LA.”

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American Council of Engineering COST PER COST PER AMERICAN COUNCIL OF OF ENGINEERING LA COMPANIES AMERICAN COUNCIL OF OF ENGINEERING LA COMPANIES SIZE ISSUE YEAR Companies of Louisiana Full Page Inside $1,200 $3,840 Full Page Back Cover $1,500 $4,800 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 1/2 Page $700 $2,240 Telephone: (225) 927-7704, Fax: (225) 927-7779 1/4 Page $420 $1,344 E-mail: [email protected] ACEC/L ACEC/L 1) Prices quoted apply to camera-ready copy. A one- time charge will be added for composition of an ad, art work, or if changes are made during the contact period.

2) All ads must be prepaid. Advertisements with payment should be sent to LES by the 15th of the Louisiana Professional Engineering month preceding month of issue.

LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING 3) Published quarterly, February, May, August and LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING and Land Surveying Board November. 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 121, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Telephone: (225) 925-6291, Fax: (225) 925-6292 LAPELS LAPELS Website: Brenda Gajan, Managing Editor

Dan Mobley, Associate Editor

The Louisiana Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made or necessarily concur with opinions expressed in the publication.


“The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves the public’s best They each provided me interests”. I copy Miles Williams, who used this quote because with much insight in I think it epitomizes our senior LAPELS Board Member. Mr. preparing for the board Theodore “Ted” Thompson, PE has recently completed his and the work involved. sixth and final year as a Board member culminating in his being the Chairman of the board for the past 12 months. His To “Protect the Public” is John W. “Billy” Moore, PE leadership on the LAPELS Board has been a great inspiration our reason for being. How Chairman to fellow board members and the LAPELS staff. His service to is that done? The first step is to allow only those who have our State and our professions has had and will continue to met minimum requirements to become licensed. This has been have a tremendous positive influence in so many ways to so done for decades by requiring a degree, passing two exams and many people as it is the cornerstone of their professional lives. having years of experience prior to licensure. This progression Mr. Thompson loves his teaching position at McNeese State is the “Model Law” for obtaining a PE or PLS license. The University and has told us numerous times of his experiences term Model Law comes from NCEES. You may wonder with engineering students. He serves on an NCEES committee where NCEES came from. Well it started in Louisiana! The which guides how the exams are prepared and has helped first successful movement toward regulation of engineering write questions for the fundamentals of engineering exam. All practice by law is conceded to have originated with the small of the board have enjoyed Mr. Thompson’s military experience group of engineers who founded the Louisiana Engineering shining in his leadership as he has led us for this past year. Society in in 1898. These men were striving toward the development of legislation for the regulation of the As with the past board members I have served, I will immensely practice of Civil Engineering and Land Surveying before the miss the experience, way with words (with one time too many turn of the century. Although they suffered rebuffs at several words), humor, and wit of Mr. Thompson. Please know I will sessions of the Legislature, they were successful in bringing continue to work hard, to not let you and past board members about the passage of Louisiana’s first Registration Act in 1908. down. It was 1917 before the third state, Florida, came into the LAPELS While I don’t want to repeat what others in this position fold. However, by 1920 seven of the states had laws requiring LAPELS have said, I, too, must convey how truly honored, blessed and registration of engineers. In that year representatives from humbled I am to serve in the capacity of chairman and as a these seven states, under the table leadership of one of member of the board. I was honored when the Louisiana Louisiana’s most universally renowned engineers, Colonel Engineering Society included me in their list of nominees to Marcel Garsaud, formed the National Council of State Boards the governor. I was surprised when the Senate Speaker wanted of Engineering Examiners (NCSBEE). With a short time after AND LAND SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA to ask me about serving on this board. Soon afterwards, the founding of this organization a committee of its members SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA Governor Jindal appointed me and the Legislature approved drafted a “Model Registration Law,” and within a few years his appointment. most of the states had passed laws based on this Model Law. Previous chairmen/chairwoman have indicated they were The Louisiana Board has always been a leader in the affairs forewarned regarding how much work is involved on serving of the National Council of Engineering Examiners, (NCEE), on a “working board”; but, were a bit surprised when they now known as NCEES (National Council of Examiners for found out the true Engineering and Surveying). Louisiana Board members and level of involvement the Executive Secretary regularly attend meetings of the UPCOMING BOARD MEETINGS of each member. My Council and its Southern Zone and serve on committees. May 16/17, 2016 thanks to Emeritus July 18/19, 2016 Board Members Mr. The guiding principal of NCEES is to provide ease of licensure September 19/20, 2016 Sonny Launey and between states, since each state has different licensing November 14/15, 2016 Mr. Ted Thompson. requirements. Each state has different boards of registration

Board Members Theodore H. Thompson, PE Board Staff Paul N. Hale, PhD., PE John W. ‘Billy’ Moore, PE Donna D. Sentell Chairman Christopher P. Knotts, PE Executive Director Kevin E. Crosby, PE, PLS Alan D. Krouse, PE Richard Savoie, PE Vice Chairman D. Scott Phillips, PE, PLS Deputy Executive Director David L. Patterson, PLS Thomas R. Carroll, III, PE, PLS Tyson Ducote Treasurer Wilfred J. Fontenot, PLS Director of Enforcement Terry J. Huval, PE William Hyatt Secretary Board Investigator

LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING BOARD • 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN, continued from page 3 practice exams as a computer based test (CBT). This will occur over the next 5 years. NCEES is creating a database for for their engineering and surveying professionals. Some entering hours of continuing professional development (CPD). have separate boards and some boards govern more than To better serve the Engineers and Surveyors of Louisiana, the engineering and surveying. With all the different registration rules of the board (LAPELS) are being modified to change board compositions, it is difficult to have everyone exactly requiring biannual CPD hours to requiring annual CPD hours. the same. Tie to this that law making can be unpredictable, While the transition may not be easy, with the help of many at best, not many boards want to open their law to change of you we believe the latest changes to the proposed rules will because other unintended changes may occur. So how help each of you keep track of your hours and make it easier do we work towards a more universal law for the United to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. States of America? Or a better question could be how do we work towards a universal law for our world? Yes, more As you can see several small changes are being made to help registrants not US citizens are requesting to be registered and our professions. You can see the latest information at the more engineering graduates worldwide are taking the NCEES national level by going to the NCEES website: http://ncees. prepared exams. org to stay informed. I suggest you go to the LAPELS website and review the laws and rules, which I bring this up because it is relatively easy for a Model Law you must be familiar with to be in compliance. You can engineer or surveyor to become licensed in multiple states. also find much information about your profession and any NCEES has prepared for each of you a database to allow you changes being proposed. to enter your education, test history and experience. This will help you should you want multiple jurisdiction registration. I close with reminding each of you of your responsibility to The latest plans from NCEES are to administer the professional the public. Let’s work together to always protect it.


hristopher Knotts, PE, was recently elected to serve a two-year term as the National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES) Southern Zone Secretary/ CTreasurer. Knotts, a LAPELS Board Member, is the first person to be elected to a zone leadership position since Francis Roy was elected to the same position in 1987. Christopher Knotts, PE The NCEES Southern Zone is made up of 18 licensing boards: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida Engineering, Florida Surveying, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee Engineering, Tennessee Surveying, Texas Engineering, Texas Surveying, Virginia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING DISCIPLINARY AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS Tyson Ducote, Director of Enforcement LAPELS LAPELS

The Board continues to investigate alleged violations of the laws and rules which regulate the practice of engineering and land surveying in Louisiana. Substantiated violations result in disciplinary or enforcement action being taken either through a Consent Order or by Board Decision following a formal hearing at which the respondent is adjudged guilty of one or more violations. Below is a summary of the disciplinary/enforcement actions taken Tyson Ducote by the Board since the previous issue of the Journal. Director of Enforcement UNLICENSED OFFER AND/OR PRACTICE OF practicing and/or offering ENGINEERING OR LAND SURVEYING: to practice land surveying in Louisiana without proper licensure in violation of La. R.S. 37:681 and 37:700(A) Thomas E. Pittman, P.E., a professional engineer (PE– (1). In January 2012, Mr. Pittman prepared, sealed with 19516), was subject to enforcement action by the Board for his Louisiana professional engineer seal, signed and issued 4 • LOUISIANA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING BOARD MAY 2016 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL to his client a map of survey which resubdivided lots for to disciplinary action by the Board for (a) fraud, deceit, property located in Louisiana. Mr. Pittman has entered into material misstatement or perjury, or the giving of any false a Consent Order with the Board, wherein he admitted to the or forged evidence, in applying for a renewal license with referenced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed to the Board in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(1), (b) gross his Louisiana professional engineer license being placed on negligence, gross incompetence and gross misconduct in probation for a period of two years; to submit to the Board the practice of engineering in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A) on a quarterly basis during the probation period a complete (2), (c) approving and sealing design documents which are and detailed list of projects of which he provided engineering not safe for public health, property and welfare, which are services during the preceding quarter; to submit to the Board not complete and accurate, which are not in conformity within five business days of a Board request all documents with accepted engineering standards or practice, and/or relating to any project on any of said quarterly lists of which do not conform to applicable laws and ordinances projects; to pay-in-full any administrative costs incurred in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to wit LAC Title by the Board in connection with reviewing any of said 46:LXI§2503(C), (d) sealing, signing or issuing engineering documents submitted by him; to the immediate suspension documents not prepared by the licensee or under his of his Louisiana professional engineering license if, during responsible charge in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to the probation period, he fails to comply with any portion of wit LAC Title 46:LXI§2503(C) and (D), 2505(C) and 2701(A) the Consent Order, with said suspension continuing until he (3), (e) performing services outside his area of competence so complies; to pay a fine of $2,000; to pay administrative and when not qualified by education or experience in the costs of $563.82; to successfully complete the Board’s online specific technical fields of engineering involved in violation Louisiana Laws and Rules Quiz; to successfully complete the of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to wit LAC Title 46:LXI§2505(A) Board’s online Louisiana Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; and (B), (f) sealing or signing engineering documents to immediately cease and desist the preparation, sealing dealing with subject matters in which he lacks competence (with his Louisiana professional engineer seal), signing in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to wit LAC Title and issuance of maps of survey or otherwise the practicing 46:LXI§2505(C), (g) failing to comply with the Board’s CPD of and/or offering to practice land surveying in Louisiana requirements in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to wit until such time as he is duly licensed as a professional land LAC Title 46:LXI§3105(A)(2), (h) aiding or assisting another surveyor by the Board; to either (i) hire a Louisiana-licensed person in violating the laws and/or rules of the Board in professional land surveyor to prepare a new map of survey violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(12) and (i) practicing or of the resubdivided lots, provide the new map of survey offering to practice engineering when not qualified in to the Board for review, provide the new map of survey violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(18). In 2013, Mr. Murphy to his client and the current property owner and properly sealed, signed and issued a set of engineering design file it into the parish public record after Board review, and plans for a church in Louisiana which were submitted to provide satisfactory evidence of the accomplishment of the Louisiana State Fire Marshal (LSFM) for review and these requirements to the Board or (ii) provide to the Board which included a number of material deficiencies. The

a letter from the current property owner indicating that they plans were prepared by an unlicensed person who was LAPELS LAPELS do not desire to resubdivide the lots as per Mr. Pittman’s map not employed by Mr. Murphy and were submitted to of survey; and to the publication of the Consent Order on the LSFM by the unlicensed person, who was the only the Board’s website, the printing of a summary of this matter person to communicate with the LSFM about the plans. by name in this publication, and the reporting of this matter Mr. Murphy did not exercise responsible charge over the by name to NCEES. preparation of the plans by the unlicensed person and did AND LAND SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA not communicate with the LSFM’s plan reviewer regarding SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA Earthcore, LLC, an unlicensed firm which subsequently the deficiencies in the plans. Since at least 2011, Mr. became licensed as a professional engineering firm effective Murphy has been designing buildings and/or building June 17, 2015 (EF-5778), was subject to enforcement systems in Louisiana. In 2013, Mr. Murphy submitted to action by the Board for practicing and offering to practice the Board his 2013 Louisiana professional engineer license engineering and using the word “engineering” to describe its renewal invoice, confirming thereon that (i) he had met services in Louisiana without proper licensure in violation of the Board’s requirements for CPD for active status for the La. R.S. 37:681 and 37:700(A)(1), (7) and (9), to wit LAC Title renewal period of 2011 to 2013, (ii) if selected for a CPD 46:LXI§2301(B). Between May 2014 and June 16, 2015, the audit by the Board he would be required to submit the firm admittedly provided and offered to provide engineering appropriate documentation to validate completion of all services on five projects and used the word “engineering” to CPD requirements and (iii) failure to comply with such CPD describe its services in Louisiana. The firm has entered into requirements or any false statements made by him could a Consent Order with the Board, wherein it admitted to the be cause for disciplinary action by the Board. In 2013, the referenced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed to Board audited Mr. Murphy’s CPD records. In responding pay a fine of $1,000; to pay administrative costs of $353.37; to the CPD audit, Mr. Murphy admitted that he had failed and to the publication of the Consent Order on the Board’s to earn the required minimum of eight PDHs in Life Safety website, the printing of a summary of this matter by name Code, building codes and/or the Americans with Disabilities in this publication, and the reporting of this matter by name Act Accessibility Guidelines for the biennial licensure to NCEES. renewal period of 2011 to 2013. Mr. Murphy has entered into a Consent Order with the Board, wherein he admitted MULTIPLE LAWS/RULES VIOLATIONS: to the referenced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed to pay a fine of $3,500; to pay administrative costs Deric J. Murphy, P.E., a professional engineer (PE- of $1,240.70; to successfully complete the Board’s online 29602) and land surveyor intern (LSI-427), was subject Louisiana Laws and Rules Quiz; to successfully complete the LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING BOARD • 5 Board’s online Louisiana Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; to above referenced laws and/or rules; and to the publication immediately cease and desist committing violations of the of the Consent Order on the Board’s website, the printing above referenced laws and/or rules; and to the publication of a summary of this matter by name in this publication, of the Consent Order on the Board’s website, the printing of and the reporting of this matter by name to NCEES. a summary of this matter by name in this publication, and the reporting of this matter by name to NCEES. AIDING OR ASSISTING ANOTHER PERSON IN VIOLATING LAWS/RULES OF THE BOARD: Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, a professional engineering firm (EF-4011) and professional land surveying Ronny C. Haisty, Jr., P.E., P.L.S., a professional engineer firm (VF-645), was subject to disciplinary action by the Board (PE-29307) and professional land surveyor (PLS-4915), was for (a) having an employee/owner/supervising professional subject to disciplinary action by the Board for aiding who commits gross negligence, gross incompetence and or assisting another person in violating the laws and/or gross misconduct in the practice of engineering in violation rules of the Board in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(12). of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(2); (b) Between May 2014 and June 16, 2015, Earthcore, LLC (an having an employee/owner/supervising professional who unlicensed firm) admittedly provided and offered to provide approves and seals design documents which are not safe engineering services on five projects and used the word for public health, property and welfare, which are not “engineering” to describe its services in Louisiana. The complete and accurate, which are not in conformity with firm subsequently became licensed effective June 17, 2015 accepted engineering standards or practice, and/or which (EF-5778). Mr. Haisty was an employee and the manager of do not conform to applicable laws and ordinances in the firm. Mr. Haisty is now the supervising professional of violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6) the firm. Mr. Haisty has entered into a Consent Order with and LAC Title 46:LXI§2503(C); (c) having an employee/ the Board, wherein he admitted to the referenced violations owner/supervising professional who seals, signs or issues of the above laws/rules and agreed to pay a fine of $1,000; engineering documents not prepared by the licensee to pay administrative costs of $353.37; to successfully or under his responsible charge in violation of La. R.S. complete the Board’s online Louisiana Laws and Rules 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6) and LAC Title Quiz; to successfully complete the Board’s online Louisiana 46:LXI§2503(C) and (D), 2505(C) and 2701(A)(3); (d) Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; and to the publication of having an employee/owner/supervising professional who the Consent Order on the Board’s website, the printing of a performs services outside his area of competence and when summary of this matter by name in this publication, and the not qualified by education or experience in the specific reporting of this matter by name to NCEES. technical fields of engineering involved in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6) and LAC Title R C H Company, Inc., a professional engineering firm 46:LXI§2505(A) and (B); (e) having an employee/owner/ (EF-3036) and professional land surveying firm (VF-530), supervising professional who seals or signs engineering was subject to disciplinary action by the Board for aiding documents dealing with subject matters in which he lacks or assisting another person in violating the laws and/or competence in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. rules of the Board in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(12). R.S. 37:698(A)(6) and LAC Title 46:LXI§2505(C); (f) aiding Between May 2014 and June 16, 2015, Earthcore, LLC or assisting another person in violating the laws and/or (an unlicensed firm) admittedly provided and offered to rules of the Board in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(12) and provide engineering services on five projects and used the (g) having an employee/owner/supervising professional word “engineering” to describe its services in Louisiana. who practices or offers to practice engineering when not Earthcore, LLC subsequently became licensed effective June qualified in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 17, 2015 (EF-5778). Earthcore, LLC is a wholly-owned 37:698(A)(18). In 2013, Deric J. Murphy, P.E. (on behalf subsidiary of the firm, and the firm admittedly negotiated of and in the name of the firm) sealed, signed and issued and entered into the contracts with the clients for those LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING a set of engineering design plans for a church in Louisiana projects on behalf of Earthcore, LLC. The firm has entered which were submitted to the Louisiana State Fire Marshal into a Consent Order with the Board, wherein it admitted to (LSFM) for review and which included a number of material the referenced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed deficiencies. The plans were prepared by an unlicensed to pay a fine of $500; to pay administrative costs of $353.37; person who was not employed by the firm or Mr. Murphy to have each of its supervising professionals successfully and were submitted to the LSFM by the unlicensed person, complete the Board’s online Louisiana Laws and Rules Quiz; LAPELS LAPELS who was the only person to communicate with the LSFM to have each of its supervising professionals successfully about the plans. Mr. Murphy did not exercise responsible complete the Board’s online Louisiana Professionalism and charge over the preparation of the plans by the unlicensed Ethics Quiz; and to the publication of the Consent Order on person and did not communicate with the LSFM’s plan the Board’s website, the printing of a summary of this matter reviewer regarding the deficiencies in the plans. The by name in this publication, and the reporting of this matter firm has entered into a Consent Order with the Board, by name to NCEES. wherein it admitted to the referenced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed to pay a fine of $2,500; to pay administrative costs of $1,240.71; to have each of its supervising professionals successfully complete the Board’s online Louisiana Laws and Rules Quiz; to have each of its supervising professionals successfully complete the Board’s online Louisiana Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; to immediately cease and desist committing violations of the 6 • LOUISIANA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING BOARD MAY 2016 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL NEW REGISTRANTS Congratulations to the following newly licensed and certified for the period of 1/16/16 through 4/15/16

LAND SURVEYOR INTERNS Partin, Kalyn Rae, EI Drews, John Wesley, PE Magpantay, Gibert Merle, PE Tanck, Mary Bordner, PE Crochet, Beau Laughlin, LSI Patterson, Timothy Michael, EI Dyas, Drew Corley, PE Maldonado, Ramon Heladio, PE Taylor, Marcus Debrot, PE Wheat, Derek Schuyler, LSI Prejean, Ross Benjamin, EI Eady, Jason Darrell, PE Maloney, Kenneth John, PE Thorpe, Mark Louis, PE Pritchett, Chelsea Dianne, EI Earhart, Timothy Matthew, PE Manning, David M., PE Tinsley, Matthew Evan, PE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR Raborn, Logan Paul, EI Edwards, Robert L., PE Marquez, Maribel, PE Tompeck, Mark Andrew, PE Baronne, Dillon Anthony, PLS Ramirez, Jessica Marie, EI Endriss, Richard Alan, PE Marr, Scott Andrew, PE Toor, Saleem Ahmed, PE Chiasson, Evan Michael, PLS Ramsey, Katherine Credeur, EI Fadden, Matthew Floyd, PE Mason, Anthony B., PE Torres-Camacho, Frank R., PE Driggers, Michael Adam, PLS Richardson, Jasmin Shantell, EI Fairchild, Joshua Brett, PE Mathes, Jesse Daniel, PE Tran, Kieu-Anh Thi, PE English, Thomas Anthony, PLS Robichaux, Lance Charles, EI Fancher, Christopher Warren, PE May, Brian Anthony, PE Truax, Jacob Ryan, PE Kirkland, Shane Joseph, PLS Rowan, Christopher David, EI Fanguy, Dennis Joseph, PE Maza, Cyril Suaverdez, PE Truesdell, James Barry, PE LeBlanc, Steve Aury, PLS Salazar Choperena, Sebastian, EI Fares, Amin Subhi, PE McAnally, William Briant, PE Underwood, Taylor Morgan, PE Ortego, Terry J., PLS Salom Romero, Daniel Alejandro, EI Faubion, Mindi Huguet, PE McHenry, James Michael, PE Urlaub, Jeffrey A., PE Reulet, Jean Louis, PLS Schmaltz, Kelsey Elizabeth, EI Fehr, John Frederic, PE McIntosh, Philip Elbert, PE Valle, Manuel Alberto, PE Roberts, Steve E., PLS Simmons, Chaning Elizabeth, EI Ferguson, Micah Craig, PE Mendow, Jeffery Paul, PE Vaughn, William Otis, PE Thurner, Chad Michael, PLS Smith, Bryan Benjamin, EI Fike, John Rivers, PE Merrill, Christopher Bryant, PE Veuleman, Eric Michael, PE Wilson, Ross Andrew, PLS Smith, Jonathon Keith, EI Fisher, Kaleena Ebert, PE Milanowski, Brad R., PE Vineyard, Morton J., PE Stevens, Jillian Nicole, EI Fix, Keith Erick, PE Mitchell, Dillon Alexander, PE Vinson, Jacqueline Michelle, PE SURVEYING FIRMS Tauzin, Andrew James, EI Flair, Kurt Joseph, PE Moelker, Kyle Thomas William, PE Vocke, Gerald William, PE Hargrove and Associates, Inc., VF Thomas, Tracy Elliott, EI Flores, Francisco Romel, PE Moeller, Theodore C., PE Wagstrom, Andrew John, PE Krebs Layout Services Inc., VF Thornton, Rory E, EI Fluckey, Juston Warren, PE Mohan, Garakhalli S., PE Warren, Bradley Greg, PE Mercer Software Solutions, LLC, VF Tindall, Asa Joseph, EI Folse, Jordan Christopher, PE Mondoy, Maloney Julio Infante, PE Weech, Granville Ehan, PE Percheron Professional Services LLC, VF Touhey, Bradley J, EI Frolov, Michael, PE Moras, Jaison Pradeep, PE Welsh, Peter James, PE Quantum Spatial, VF Tracy, Brendan Timothy, EI Fuhrman, Benny A., PE Murray, Scott Lynn, PE Westerman, Thomas J., PE Vu, Dung Xuan, EI Fuller, Stanley Norman, PE Nadeem, Syed A., PE White, Robert David, PE ENGINEER INTERNS Waitz, Jacob Allen, EI Fusilier, Jacob Kent, PE Nees, Corey Don, PE Wieseler, Brian Gerard, PE Adams, Kailee Elizabeth, EI Washington, Hezekiah, EI Galloway, Kyle Joseph, PE Nienaber, Daniel Jason, PE Wilkinson, Myles Alexander, PE Amendola, Ariel Salvador, EI Welch, Mark Alan, EI Garcia, Melquiades Felix, PE Obel, Christopher Lee, PE Williams, Charles Joseph, PE Amini, Sina, EI Williams, Clara Christine, EI Garrett, Jonathan Chadwell, PE Ochsner, Dean Alan, PE Williams, Stephannie M., PE Banks, Christopher Paul, EI Williams, Paul Thomas, EI Gary, Louis Phillip, PE Ondiz, Franco Rempillo, PE Williamson, Jared Michael, PE Belanger, Sarah Elizabeth, EI Wilson, Johnathan Forrest, EI Gaspard, Joshua Jude, PE Osborn, John David, PE Wise, Thomas Butler, PE Bell, Walter B, EI Gates, Gary Douglas, PE Osterloh, Ronald Warren, PE Yamamoto, Yasuhiro, PE Bertrand, Donovan Craig, EI PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Gharst, Rachel Jean, PE Othman, Waleed Othman Ahmed, PE Yeats, Kelli Jennifer, PE Blanchard, Clay M., EI Adams, Ryan Michael, PE Golmohammadi, Abbas, PE Para, Srinivasa Rao, PE Zhang, Hongliang, PE Blanchard, Emily Jane, EI Akiyama, Yutaka, PE Gourdon, Jeremy Jay, PE Parker, Kathryn Swindle, PE Zhou, Gangyi, PE Boardman, Alexander James, EI Anderson, Jeremy Emil, PE Grimmett, Eric Christopher, PE Patel, Ashutosh, PE Zone, Robert M., PE Boothe, John Thomas, EI Anderson, John Charles, PE Groves, Stephanie Anne, PE Peterson, Chad Thomas, PE Breaux, Caitlin Louise, EI Anderson, Sean Joseph, PE Guarino, Salvadore Joseph, PE Petritsch, Theodore Anton, PE ENGINEERING FIRMS Brent, James Edward, EI Angerman, James George, PE Guffey, Christopher Michael, PE Pullin, Matthew Wesley, PE A&M Forensics and Engineering, Inc. Broussard, Clark Richard, EI Aranyosi, Matthew Joseph, PE Hall, Adam Richard, PE Ramaraju Venkata, Varaprasad Vnp, PE Accenture LLP Burford, David Stephen, EI Arnette, John Benjamin, PE Hall, Bryan Christopher, PE Ratcliff, David Scott, PE ACE Consulting and Design, LLC Busch, Gunnar Robert R., EI Arnondin, Matthew Charles, PE Hall, Michael Andrew, PE Regans, John Chad, PE Amec Foster Wheeler USA Corporation Campos, Dan, EI Bacon, Phuong C., PE Haque, Mohamed Adil, PE Rehn, Kyle Michael, PE Amteck, LLC Carreras, Nolan Matthew, EI Balassone, Franco, PE Hardee, Justin Wayne, PE Reising, Charles Stephen, PE ASI West, LLP Castedo, Hernan Mario, EI Barry, Christine Marie, PE Hardesty, Carey Lynn, PE Rice, Richard Lee, PE Bedeschi Mid-West Conveyor, LLC Cavalier, Taylor Paul, EI Barry, Michael Eugene, PE Hart, Alexander Douglas, PE Richter, Mark James, PE Bluewing Civil Consulting, LLC Chimiak, Michael John, EI Basilious, Hany F., PE Hart, Shawn Michael, PE Rinehart, Thomas Richard, PE CallisonRTKL Professional Corp. LAPELS Clark, Jay Alexander, EI Bates, William Robert, PE Hasenkampf, Mark Joseph, PE Rivera, Yelena Andrea, PE Cementation USA Inc. LAPELS Coe, Rayne Michael, EI Battish, Rajan, PE Heldenbrand, Troy Daniel, PE Riviere, Robert Jules, PE Centroid Consultants LLC Coleman, Bryan Cooper, EI Beben, Jeffrey Michael, PE Henderson, Michael Paul, PE Rizzo, Kevin Thomas, PE Cintar, Inc. Comeaux, Walter St. Julien, EI Benoit, Stefan A., PE Hendricks, Bart Fletcher, PE Robertson, Mitchel Aris, PE DJ&A, P.C. Corp Conable, Nicholas Kyle, EI Blake, James Vincent, PE Henning, Brett Howard, PE Robinson, William Gregory, PE EPS Engineering & Design, Inc. D’Aunoy, Dalton Beau, EI Bodenschatz, Aaron Michael, PE Henry, Keith Everette, PE Rodriguez, Jose Guadalupe Berrones, PE Gartek Engineering Corporation Daigle, Cleve Michael, EI Bollinger, Jonathan Paul, PE Herath, Suba R. M. C., PE Rosas, Adrian Homero, PE Genesis Engineering Group of Indiana Engler, HaLeigh, EI Boncheff, Ryan Adam, PE Hess, Daric R., PE Rose, Francis David, PE GHD Inc. Erickson, Ryan R., EI Bordelon, Jared Mark, PE Hinton, Westley James, PE Roth, Nathaniel Peter, PE

GIS Engineering, LLC SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA Everett, Thomas Oliver, EI Borden, Jacob R., PE Hogen, Matthew Briggss, PE Rudolf, Jerod James, PE Gregory Consulting and Controls, LLC SURVEYINGBOARD LAND AND ENGINEERINGPROFESSIONAL LA Falcon, Nick, EI Bouy, Jason Joseph, PE Holeman, Russell, PE Rumbaugh, Martin Glen, PE Heldenbrand Design Group, LLC Fusilier, Jared Matthew, EI Boyer, John Thomas, PE Holman, Damon Joseph, PE Russello, Thomas John, PE Herzog Engineering, LLC Galatas, Joel Martin, EI Breen, Richard Chase, PE Home, Rodrigo, PE Saladino, Anthony Joseph, PE Jack R. Morgan Engineering, Inc. Hamilton, James, EI Brestle, Dennis E., PE Hooks, Troy Gibson, PE Sanders, Luis Abner, PE Jackson And Tull Chartered Engineers Harmon, Ivy Alene, EI Brockhoeft, Jada O’Blanc, PE Hopman, Ryan Kase, PE Savoye, Darren Louis, PE Corporation Hartenstein, Darby Elizabeth, EI Brockman, Reed Mark, PE Howes, Joshua D., PE Schexnayder, Scott Joseph, PE Krebs Layout Services Inc. Haynes, Hayden Garrison, EI Broussard, Frank David, PE Hu, Wenqing, PE Schnabel, John Joseph, PE Kurt Swensson, Inc. Hingle, David Richardson, EI Buisson, Brian Rene, PE Hulser, Michael Albert, PE Schneider, Gary Lynn, PE LA Hunt Engineering and Consulting, LLC Hoffpauir, Joseph Michael, EI Bulut, Yigit, PE Ilipilla, Pavan Ram, PE Schroeder, Mark E., PE Lonquist & Co., LLC Holman, Mark, EI Burks, Tirus LaDell, PE Ingram, Mark Thomas, PE Seale, Matthew Wayne, PE Maldonado-Burkett Intelligent Husby, Britton Duane, EI Cain, Jennifer Lynn, PE Jackson, Zachery David, PE Sengupta, Amitdyuti, PE Transportation Systems, LLP James, Derek Manning, EI Calabrese, Paul Timothy, PE James, Rodney Bonsall, PE Seringer, Carolyn Sue, PE MEP Associates, LLC Joyner, Robert Lee Ried, EI Campbell, Andrew James, PE Jaquish, Philip James Reed, PE Servis, Scott Richard, PE NEKO Solutions, LLC Junker, Jordan David, EI Cantrell, Allen Douglas, PE Johnson, Mary E. S., PE Shilesh, Samuel Shanthraj, PE Portis Structural Design, LLC Kaltakjian, Talene M, EI Carlile, Alex Kenneth, PE Jones, Seth David, PE Sibley, Matthew Robin, PE Power and Control Systems Engineering, Keightley, Andrew Bennett, EI Champagne, Darryl Joseph, PE Juarez Tijerino, Marco Jose, PE Singer, Ian Keith, PE LLC Kennedy, Derek Cattar, EI Clark, Benjamin Michael, PE Kantha Samy, Madhan Kumar, PE Sitar, Adam Garrett, PE Power Cool Engineers, PC Kinney, Luke Douglas, EI Conzelmann, Blake David, PE Keiger, Karl Howell, PE Skipper, Guy Herman, PE R-S-H Engineering Oil & Gas, LLC Kissner, Mary Grace, EI Costanza, Katelyn Ermon, PE Keil, Darren T., PE Slovensky, Michael Brooke, PE Ratcliff Engineering Services, LLC Kratzer, Christopher Jude, EI Cox, Charles Gregory, PE Khan, Amjad Majik, PE Smelker, Douglas Andrew, PE Red Pepper Consulting, Inc. Lawrence, Hagan Hughes, EI Cox, Nicholas Carroll, PE Klaiman, Jeffrey Mark, PE Smith, Elijah Bruce, PE Reed, Wells, Benson and Company Corp. LeCoq, Dane Matthew, EI Crader, Craig A., PE Kliebert, Joshua Michael, PE Smith, Louise Matilde, PE Robbins Engineering, PLLC Li, Wenmei, EI Crance, Robert Leslie, PE Kowarsch, Justin James, PE Smith, Martin Thomas, PE Roundtable Engineering Solutions, LLC Linderman, Steven Allen, EI Culbertson, Charles Michael, PE LaCoste, Trilby L., PE Snyder, William Patrick, PE Schneider E&C Company, Inc. Major, William Michael, EI Dailey, Cody Landon, PE Layrisson, Heather S., PE Sondag, Matthew Patrick, PE Sediment Solutions, LLC Martinez, Ryan Alexander, EI Davis, Paul Northup, PE LeBas, Andrew Michael, PE Steen, Travis Shane, PE Skyhook Structural Engineering, P.C. Corp. McGough, James I, EI Day, Diana Maria, PE Lefante, Mallorie A., PE Stermer, William, PE Stapley Engineering, P.A. Corporation Menier, Joshua Nathaniel, EI DeCesare, Robert Louis, PE Lindyberg, Robert Frances, PE Stickley, Michael Charles, PE Strategy Engineering & Consulting, LLC. Miano, Alice Elizabeth, EI Decker, Christopher Bradley, PE Long, Clifford Patrick, PE Stone, Scott D., PE Stueve Construction, LLC Montelepre, Stephen John, EI Deegan, Christopher Sean, PE Loomis, Brad Paul, PE Stover, Eric Scott, PE Traffic Design Services LLC Muntean, Christopher J., EI Dees, Joseph Hunter, PE Lower, David Allen, PE Stutz, George Raymond, PE Versabar, Inc. Murray, Katharine Anne, EI Denholm, David John, PE Lutley, Lionel Edward, PE Sullivan, Dale Clayton, PE VOGEHS Consulting, LLC Nguyen, Thanh Tan, EI Dillehay, Jacob Laddye, PE Maberry, Jolie Dufrene, PE Swensson, Kurt D., PE Ward, Getz & Associates, LLP Norton, Caleb Michael, EI Doucet, Melissa Young, PE Macomber, Duncan William, PE Tabary, Scott Michael, PE Yancy Enterprises Inc., EF

LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING BOARD • 7 EXPIRED REGISTRANTS Certificates and licenses for the following individuals and firms expired on September 30, 2015. If this is not correct, please contact us

PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS Krad, Belal, EI Aguirre, Louis Carlos, PE Herseim, Clifford F., PE Ruck, Donald Gregory, PE Huitt, Ernest Larry, PLS LaCour, Thomas Paul, EI Alvarez, Virgilio Eugenio, PE Holland, Harry Lee, PE Russell, Charles Nelson, PE Mayne, David Lisle, PLS Larisey, Michael Shane, EI Bailey, Woodrow James, PE Huebel, Robert R., PE Salchow, Christina Elaine, PE Reaux, Gerald Gilbert, PLS Laughlin, Michael Prescott, EI Barbe, Chad Jefferey, PE Huitt, Ernest Larry, PE Sales, Mustafa, PE LeBlanc, Timothy A., EI Barnes, Charles Dwight, PE Humphrey, Glenn R., PE Sanders, Joseph M., PE SURVEYING FIRMS Leger, Dustin Paul, EI Barnes, David Kenyatta, PE Hurst, Clyde Golesberry, PE Sanford, John R., PE Horizon Row, LLC, VF Lester, Ryan S., EI Basri, Basri, PE Isbell, David K., PE Sankovich, Cameron Lucas, PE R. Douglas McGee & Associates, LTD., Lewis, Jada Desiree’, EI Baumgartner, William Zahnd, PE Jang, Ming-Jong, PE Schulze, Richard Hans, PE VF Li, Austin Tao, EI Bayless, Barry R., PE Johnson, Daniel Charles, PE Schunk, Greg S., PE Lin, Jen-Pin, EI Beavers, Woodrow Blake, PE Keane, Benjamin Joseph, PE Shelley, William Francis, PE ENGINEER INTERNS Lindau, John R., EI Beckner, Bryan Christopher, PE Keels, Floyd Antonio, PE Acosta Vega, Julio Alejandro, EI Longworth, Andrea Jill, EI Bickham, Joe E., PE Keith, William Lawrence, PE Showers, Joseph Ira, PE Adams, James Christopher, EI Madden, Timothy H., EI Bittner, Robert Bruce, PE Kelsey, Douglas D., PE Simmons, Edward M., PE Adhikari, Bikhyat, EI Maharjan, Sajen, EI Boshears, Jimmy L., PE Kerrigan, John E., PE Skinner, Joseph Charles, PE Al Gharably, Maged F., EI Mahler, Dustin Joseph, EI Boudreaux, Donald T., PE Khalilieh, Sam S., PE Sluder, Eric Neil, PE Auzenne, Denton James, EI Mazzanti, Christopher S., EI Brawner, Timothy L., PE Klein, John Edward, PE Smarr, Benson Eugene, PE Baldelli, Christopher Daniel, EI McDonald, Rosstin Jeff, EI Breaux, Robert Jude, PE Knighten, Dedrick Deverie, PE Smith, Peter Joseph, PE Barras, Ian Charles, EI McKee, Stephen A., EI Brewer, Richard Byron, PE Kohler, Jonathan Adam, PE Taylor, Matthew William, PE Behringer, Robert S., EI McNabb, Jonathan David, EI Bright, Jason, PE Kraft, Walter Hans, PE Teeter, William Lee, PE Bennett, Matthew Alva, EI Miller, David L., EI Bryan, John R., PE Krivy, Richard Lee, PE Thomas, Michael Allen, PE Bercier, Michael Frederick, EI Millet, Brad M., EI Bub, Richard M., PE Kulicki, John M., PE Vollhaber, Andrew Paul, PE Berrey, Jillian Elise, EI Moeller, Jordan Alyssia, EI Burnett, Alan Edward, PE Kulkarni, Sagar Ramesh, PE Vrakas, Christakis Nicou, PE Beyt, Benjamin Gerard, EI Muller, John Rudolph, EI Burns, Richard A., PE L’estrange, Francis Joseph, PE Waggoner, Michael Alan, PE Black, Samuel Martin, EI Naquin, Thomas James, EI Buscher, Russell James, PE Latham, Robert Crosby, PE Wang, Menglou, PE Blucas, Phillip Stephen, EI Nazar, Joshua Hakim, EI Cannon, Lawrence Dean, PE Laurant, Aaron, PE Warren, Tom Eugene, PE Bourgeois, Benjamin Germain, EI Nguyen, Joshua Hoang-Vinh, EI Carter, Darrill Anthoney, PE Laurene, Arne Thomas, PE Watt, George William, PE Boyd, Ryan Alan, EI Odoms, Emanuel, EI Chee, James Yet Hin, PE Lawrence, James Andrew, PE Weldon, Joseph D., PE Brassette, Kevin Paul, EI Olavesen, Christian, EI Cheng, Cheng-ji, PE Lear, Christopher William, PE Welsch, Michael John, PE Braud, Ellen Loe, EI Orellana, Hamilton David, EI Chokshi, Pramod Govindalal, PE Lionberger, John Eric, PE Burchard, Robbi Darlene, EI Pandey, Anon, EI Chrun, Sambath, PE Louis, Michael, PE White, Michael A., PE Burkett, Terry Bryce, EI Pearce, Hunter Reeves, EI Connell, James Cody, PE Lowe, John Alan, PE Williams, David G., PE Carter, Edgar C., EI Penney, Lawrence W., EI Coon, Fred A., PE Lu, Deo Ming, PE Williamson, James Travis, PE Cavalier, Grant Steven, EI Pereira, Kevin Peter, EI Cordle, Dan Bruce, PE Lukach, Gerald R., PE Woodul, Douglas Harold, PE Chance, Thomas Stuart, EI Pham, Nhu Thai Thuy, EI Costa, Jose Manuel, PE Maenza, Jason David, PE Wright, Garland Stanford, PE Checkan, Geoffrey Thomas, EI Phan, Harison Taylor, EI Costello, Carmon Ray, PE Makar, John W., PE Xu, Xuefan, PE Cockfield, Daniel Charles, EI Picornell, Luis R., EI Covay, Elizabeth M., PE Manyoky, Sandor, PE Yeung, Chi Kong, PE Cooley, Ron Dallas, EI Powell, Rene Elizardo, EI Cox, Jerry Lee, PE Marchant, Richard Allen, PE Young, Jerry C., PE Cousins, Michael Joseph, EI Powell, Richard C., EI Culp, William G., PE Marcombe, Wayland Paul, PE Zarichniak, Steven J., PE Crawford, Quentin Anthony, EI Poynot, William Joseph, EI Cunningham, Dean Bryant, PE McCord, Richard Keith, PE Zukosky, Lui Kristan, PE Darbonne, Lindsey Gaunt, EI Quigley, Brittany Jane, EI Curtis, John Charles, PE McGarry, Dennis L., PE David, Salem Kalil, EI Quigley, David Stephen, EI Curtis, Stanley Ray, PE Mebane, Horace F., PE ENGINEERING FIRMS Dielenschneider, Wayne Joseph, EI Rayaprolu, Pradeep, EI Dal Ponte, Ronald James, PE Michaels, Philip George, PE Alan Plummer & Associates, Inc., EF Dillenkoffer, Bryan Michael, EI Richard, Malcolm L., EI Davis, Justin Robert, PE Miller, Denis J., PE Albert Kahn Associates, Inc., EF Dreher, James Harold, EI Sabrier, Joseph Jules, EI DeJean, Frank Creighton, PE Mills, Ronald Keith, PE Anderson & Hastings, Consulting Dubois, Casey Allen Leonard, EI Seitz, Thomas Comstock, EI Doudar, Ahmad Ramzi, PE Mitchell, Steven Dale, PE Engineers, Inc., EF Dussouy, Ashton James, EI Shaidaee, Ashkan, EI Drew, Mark C., PE Moquia, Antonio B., PE BIS TEPSCO, Inc., EF Eliasson, Kristin Jerome, EI Sharma, Aditi, EI Duhon, Richard D., PE Morrison, Donald Vinson, PE C. L. Eustis, Engineering, Inc., EF Febles, Antoinio A., EI Shou, Lin, EI Durham, Marcus Oliver, PE Murphy, Christopher Michael, PE Fontenot, Jeffrey Chad, EI Siewe, Joan Ngamo, EI Edelbrock, Roger D., PE Murray, Leon Bernard, PE Cypress Environmental Services, LLC, EF Frischhertz, Jonathan Stephen, EI Simmons, Daniel Kenneth, EI Everhart, John Norman, PE Neal, Cary Gilber, PE Eastpointe Engineering Group, LLC, EF Frith, Benjamin Gordon, EI Simmons, James Michael, EI Ferstl, Nicole M., PE Nelson, Debbs Neal, PE Engineering Management Business Fung, King, EI Smith, Erik Alan, EI Fish, Richard Lee, PE Nelson, Stephen W., PE LLC, EF George, Tharu S., EI Soileau, Timothy Mark, EI Fontenot, Christopher Blake, PE Novelli, Peter David, PE Facility Engineering Associates, P.C., EF FMHC Design, Inc., EF LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING Grosz, Shelby Pickett, EI Sparacino, Dominick D., EI Fox, Dwight Lyle, PE O’Brien, Thomas B., PE LA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND LAND BOARD SURVEYING Guidry, Allyson Kyle, EI Stewart, Alexander Joseph, EI Frey, Michael Lawrence, PE O’Connor, Robert W., PE FTM & Associates, Inc., EF Guidry, Kristen Neyla, EI Stewart, William Parker, EI Futrell, Alfred Lane, PE Oldner, William Carl, PE GEM Technology International, Guidry, Robert Joseph, EI Stover, Stewart Lynn, EI Garner, Sharon Bellue, PE Olin, David George, PE Corp., EF Guzman, Karloren Jose, EI Taylor, Jarod Brian, EI Garnett, Kevin Wayne, PE Ortego, Glenn Hasa, PE Harsco Engineering, LLC, EF Gwaltney, Judson Payne, EI Terrebonne, Andrew, EI Gault, Allen D., PE Ott, David E., PE Hospital Designers, Inc., EF Habib, Syed Faisal, EI Thomas, Mason Kyle, EI Getting, James Arthur, PE Owens, Benson Jet, PE icon HD, LLC, EF Hammond, Gary W., EI Tue, Kaitlin Mikael, EI Gillen, Dain Roland, PE Pacheco, Alexander J., PE Inovateus Solar LLC, EF LAPELS LAPELS Hampton, Tynekia Dion, EI Wang, Peng, EI Gonzalez-Posada, Joseph Luis, PE Palumbo, Frank Paul, PE L & S Consultants, Inc., EF Hanegan, Kevin Christopher, EI Wascom, William Charles, EI Gottardy, Joseph Michael, PE Patchell, Edward Winslow, PE Meyer, Lytton, Allen, Whitaker, Inc., EF Harrison, John Mitchell, EI Welch, Andrew Charles, EI Guillot, Edward Carlton, PE Patterson, James Ernest, PE Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Hassenboehler, Fung Chan, EI Werling, Joseph Daniel, EI Gulvas, Rand Alan, PE Paul, Robert Lynn, PE Inc., EF Hebert, Norris P., EI White, Justin Anthony, EI Haag, Douglas Allan, PE Philip, Abraham, PE O’Donnell & Naccarato, Inc., EF Henson, Carolyn Allison Quinn, EI Wille, Josh Andrew, EI Hall, Steven Wayne, PE Ponce, Stephan Edwin, PE ProActive Consulting & Engineering, Hill, Chandler Clark, EI Willick, Lawrence J., EI Hallberg, Joseph Warren, PE Preusch, David P., PE Inc., EF Hinton, Jackson Daniel, EI Wilson, William Keiantrick, EI Hans, Robert Anthony, PE Prevost, April Lynn, PE Rike Service, Inc., EF Holley, Taylor Dale, EI Worth, Patrick Anthony, EI Hanskat, Charles S., PE Quarnstrom, Thomas F., PE Semaan Engineering Solutions, LLC, EF Horcasitas, David Andres, EI Wren, Michael James, EI Harber, Christina Eng, PE Ram, Yitshak Meir, PE Hudson, Aaron Blake, EI Zachary, Philip Stephen, EI Harry, Lawrence C., PE Redden, Mark Lamar, PE Sigma Energy Solutions Inc., EF Inbau, Ted Edward, EI Zerangue, Michael Wade, EI Haselton, Mark B., PE Rettig, Jack B., PE Spire Engineering, Inc., EF Johnson, Anna Wojtanowicz, EI Zhao, Yue, EI Hathorn, Elliot B., PE Richardson, John Thomas, PE Spring Engineering, Inc., EF Jolly, Jonathan Matthew, EI Ziegler, David Anthony, EI Haymaker, Gary A., PE Robert, Thomas Calvin, PE Three Rivers Engineers, LLC, EF Keck, Brandon Edward, EI Heath, Clora B., PE Roberts, Wallace Hugh, PE Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc., EF Keyes, M. D., EI PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Henderson, Duane Stuart, PE Robertson, Jackie Joseph, PE Top Tier Engineering, LLC, EF King, Donald Meredyth, EI Abbate, Martin A., PE Hermanson, Larry Dean, PE Robinson, Charles Thomas, PE Westower Communications Inc., EF Kopcso, Ryan Keith, EI Abed, Khalid J., PE Herndon, Richard Darrell, PE Roman-Torreguitart, Jaime Antonio, PE Whitaker Engineering, LLC, EF


ince this will be my last presidential privilege article, that comes with it. This I would like to take this opportunity to thank the year, of particular concern Smembership, the current LES Board, and last, but to our Profession was certainly not least, our Executive Director Brenda Gajan and Senate Bill 59. If passed, her support staff at the office for allowing me to serve as your this bill would have Heather R. Klingman, PE President. It has truly been an educational and rewarding forced LAPELS to allow an Louisiana Engineering experience to be able to serve our profession at this level. exception to the existing, Society President longstanding requirement So, with the passing of another year, comes the start of that, in order to be licensed as an engineer in Louisiana, another state legislative session and all of the good and bad you must successfully pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam. As you can imagine, there was a lot of concern within LES as to the detrimental effects of this bill had it CALENDAR OF EVENTS passed. Concerned LES members, along with our Legislative Committee and our newly retained lobbyist, Haynie & May 2016 Associates, put a lot of hard work and effort into making sure that our collective voices were heard and that the members 2 Committee Budget Requests due to State Office of the legislature understood the detrimental effects that this 6 Early Registration deadline for LES Annual Meeting bill would have had not only on the Engineering profession, 7-10 MATHCOUNTS National Competition – Washington, DC but more importantly, on the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the public that we serve. Ultimately the bill was voluntarily June 2016 deferred in committee. 4 LES Orientation & Planning Meeting – Hilton, Pensacola Beach I truly feel that had we not had a stronger voice, led by Haynie & Associates, at the capital this session, this bill would 4 LES & LEF Board Meeting – Hilton, Pensacola Beach have likely passed. As such, please take a moment to think 5-7 Statewide Annual Meeting & Multi-State Conference – about the value that our new lobbyists bring to the table and Hilton, Pensacola Beach consider supporting these efforts by contribution to the LES 21-26 NSPE Leader Conference & Annual Meeting – Dallas, Texas Legislative fundraiser. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Baton Rouge Chapter Grady P. Geoffroy, PE Member Christopher W. Fancher, PE Member William A. Beem, EI Associate Member Under 30 Darlin Hoback, PE Member James A. Fellows, PE Member Christopher B. Maestri, EI Associate Member David B. Stelly, PE Member Vincent Hamblin, PE Member Under 30 Joy Babafemi, Student Member Daniel Hill, PE Member Chelsea D. Pritchett, EI Associate Member Emil Fonseca, Student Member Maffitt K. Schlafly, PE Member Under 30 Michael S. Meric, Student Member Christopher P. Tissue, PE Member Joseph Yarbrough, EI Associate Member Under 30 Allison Morency, Student Member William Weidner, PE Member Joseph L. Pettus, Sudent Member Peter C. Mutty, Individual Sustaining Tyler J. Saltzman, Student Member Marcus Bonton, PE Member Shreveport Chapter Jolie Maberry, PE Member Lake Charles Chapter Gordon Rockwell More, PE Member Gregory Trahan, PE Member Jada O. Brockheoft, PE Member Grantel G. Gibbs, Student Member Non-Resident Monroe Chapter Kenneth E. Breaux, EI Associate Member Lafayette Chapter Gary B. Jones, EI Associate Member Lawrence E. Stephens, PE Member Lance Robichaux, EI Associate Member Under 30 Brent T. Bouy, PE Member New Orleans Chapter William A. Cenac, PE Member John R. Eustis, PE Member

LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 9 SOCIETY NEWS Brenda Gajan, LES Executive Director LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Spread the Word about LES!!! Sponsor a new LES Member by inviting your colleagues to join you as a member of the only organization representing the interest of all engineering professionals. LES LES � Invite them to join you at a chapter event � Encourage them to visit the LES and NSPE websites LES Vision Statement: The Louisiana Engineering Society is the recognized � Send the State Office a list of colleagues you would like to nominate for membership and we will send them advocate of all licensed engineers in the state of membership information. Louisiana. We appreciate your participation in membership recruitment! LES Mission Statement: The Louisiana Engineering Society serves to advance the engineering profession by:

CONNECT WITH Encouraging ethical and competent practice LES ONLINE! through licensure and legislative involvement. Nurturing public awareness of engineers’ Follow Us on Twitter! @laengsoc contributions to society. Growing the society through licensure & LES Like Us on Facebook! membership and public service. LouisianaEngineeringSociety Recognizing engineering achievements. ALEXANDRIA CHAPTER By Heath McGuffee, PE s we are drawing to the close of another LES year, Tournament Chairman, Luke Miller at I would like to take this opportunity express my [email protected]. Agratitude to all of those in the Alexandria Chapter that have helped make this year such a success. We’ve had a lot Our final meeting of the LES year will be happen in our chapter this year with the hosting of JESC, held on May 3rd with Mr. Brad Sticker, Mathcounts, scholarship awards, etc., and I am truly thankful P.E. with the DOTD as our presenter. Mr. for those of you that made it all possible. Sticker will be discussing some of the ongoing levee projects in our area, and we look forward to hearing from him. I hope to At our last Chapter meeting, we had Mr. Billy Moore present see everyone there. our newest P.E., Jacob Dillehay, with his certificate. I would like to once again thank Mr. Billy and Ms. Brenda for attending and congratulate Jacob on this great accomplishment.

Our annual golf tournament is scheduled for May 6th at Oak Wing Golf Club. This is a fun event for all skill levels. It doesn’t matter if you play every day like some of our retired members or once a year at this tournament like me, you will have a good time. This is our primary fundraiser for Mathcounts, so if you would like to participate as either a player or a sponsor, please contact the Golf 10 • LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY MAY 2016 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL LES BATON ROUGE CHAPTER LES By Jacob M. Loeske, PE LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY ENGINEERING LOUISIANA LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY ENGINEERING LOUISIANA pring is upon us…I think?!? I’m trying to determine if we to have some beautiful weather, great are in Kansas with these winds, Washington with the cloudy- company, and excellent crawfish. Every Sovercast rains for weeks at a time, or South Carolina with the year the attendance grows as the local cool sunny weeks? I then come back to reality and realize that practitioners get to interact with our future it must be another coined weather phenomenon (El Nino’s or engineers from LSU and Southern in a La Nina’s siblings maybe?). Nevertheless, I’m just glad that we casual setting. The Baton Rouge Chapter engineers are not responsible for sealing weather forecasts! also pulled off the 26th Annual William A. Wintz Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament escaping the scattered showers Our March Past President and License Ceremony Luncheon was at Copper Mill Golf Course. Thanks to all the volunteers and a very well attended function with over 115 present. I would corporate sponsors that joined us for the day and donated hole like to thank our President-Elect, Shaun Sherrow, for conducting sponsor signs. Special thanks to Trinity Lightweight, Quality the meeting in my absence. Congratulations to Mr. Ken Perret Sitework Materials, Dow Chemical, T. Baker Smith, PSI, and Chef/ on receiving the Past President Gavel Plaque from our current Engineer/LAPELS Deputy Executive Director Richard Savoie for Past-President, Chad Bacas. We can’t forget the licensees as our donating lunch, beverages, prizes, and dinner. With everyone’s LAPELS representatives Chris Knotts and Alan Krouse helped us help and contributions, we were able to profit $5,500.00, which introduce and congratulate 7 new Engineering Interns, 1 Land will fund our annual BR Chapter Scholarships for 2 LSU and 2 Surveyor Intern, 5 Professional Engineers and 3 Professional Land Southern engineering students. Surveyors. The luncheon was concluded with our guest speaker, Mr. Rudy Simoneaux – Engineer Manager for the Louisiana Our May 26th LES/ASCE Joint Luncheon will be held at Juban’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, presenting on Restaurant with Honorable Mayor/President Kip Holden as our “Developing the Path Forward on the Mississippi River Sediment guest speaker. An email will be sent to our membership two Diversions”. weeks prior to the event with registration information. Please register promptly as this event is sure to reach max capacity The BR Chapter officers have been busy planning and conducting with 120 in attendance! On behalf of the LES BR Board, we look our 7th Annual Crawfish Boil at Walk-Ons. We were fortunate forward to seeing everyone at this functions!


he Bayou Chapter is sustaing its membership throughout 7. Buquet Distributing – Billy Simmons the trying economic times that most of our state chapters 8. Crescent Crown – Jamie Rodrigue Tare experiencing. It is quite a site to drive through our 9. YKM Consulting – region and witness the idle assets lining the local water ways. The Nathan Montgomery. Bayou Chapter strongly encourages the engineering community to drive to this year’s Multi-State Conference and support the The current Chapter Officers have agreed Louisiana Engineering Society. This will also help drive up the to continue for the 2016-2017 term with Edwin Lutring III demand for local petroleum products, albeit momentary. graciously volunteering to serve as 1st Vice President. The 2016- 2017 Chapter Officers are as follows: The Annual Bayou Chapter Golf Tournament has been rescheduled from April 15th to May 13th at LaTour Golf Club 1. Chad M. Hadaway – President due to 6 inches of rain the day before. We thank our sponsors 2. Edwin Lutring, III – 1st Vice President and teams for understanding and agreeing to continue their 3. Stan Whitney – 2nd Vice President support. We are fortunate and we picked up an additional four 4. Michael D’Angelo – Secretary Treasurer teams that will make this tournament our largest to date with 5. Melanie Caillouet – MathCOUNTS Coordinator over twenty teams. We would like to thank the following food and beverages sponsors for making it the largest event to date: It is extremely important that we encourage our younger chapter members to patriciate in serving on the local and state boards to 1. Quality Sitework Materials – Steven Gros continue LES’s vision for future generations. Recent proposed 2. RSI Global – Jonathan Nobile legislation has shown the importance of our organization as 3. Foret Contracting Group – Benton Foret the advocate for all licensed engineers in the State of Louisiana. 4. E3 Electrical - Stan Whitney After participating in the grassroots legislative efforts, we 5. Leonard Chauvin, P.E., PLS – Trey Chauvin continue the pride in the ability to call ourselves members of the 6. Duplantis Design Group – Paula Rome Louisiana Engineering Society. LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 11 MONROE CHAPTER By Brad Anzalone, PE s our 2015/2016 term comes to a close, I would like April meeting, we were honored to have to thank the Monroe Chapter officers, members, and with us a LES Scholarship recipient and Avolunteers for a wonderful year! It has been a pleasure three new licensees. Mary Voisin was our serving as Chapter President. scholarship recipient. Clay Blanchard (FE), Hagan Lawrence (FE), and Jeremy At our February luncheon, Rod Scott with Smart Vent Gourdon (PE) were our new licensees Products gave an informative presentation. His presentation present. Brittany Daigle with the State LES office and Scott was on construction in floodways. This was an appropriate Phillips with LAPELS were on hand to make these presentations. LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY presentation because in the 48 hours prior to our scheduled March meeting, Monroe received over 20” of rainfall. Because Our final meeting for the 2015-2016 year is scheduled for May most of our members and our guest speaker (Michael Vallan 12th. Michael Vallan will again be attempting to make it to LES LES with the Attorney General’s Office) would have needed a boat Monroe to give his presentation on the Public Bid Law. This to get to our meeting, we decided to cancel March’s meeting. is a topic that affects all of us so it should be a great way to close out our year. We returned back to our regularly scheduled meetings on April 14th with David Putnam from JABAR Corporation giving a Once again, thank you for the opportunity to serve as Chapter presentation titled “Solving the Mysteries of Inflow and Sewer President and I look forward to the start of another successful Gas”. Once again, this was another timely topic. Also at our year for LES!

NEW ORLEANS CHAPTER By Robert Mejia, PE his spring has been a good time for the New Orleans Leading the LES-NO Chapter Board Chapter. We’ve had several good meetings with during the 2015-2016 Session has Tinteresting topics. The Deans of UNO, Tulane and LSU been very rewarding for me. We have together with a STEM educator from Metairie engaged in a had a very cooperative board, we’ve panel discussion led by an Entergy Sr. Vice President to discuss worked together to host a successful trends in engineering education. A local consulting firm golf tournament, planned and held owner and forensic engineer provided an ethics presentation monthly meetings with interesting topics, and given several to the chapter meeting attendees at a luncheon at the Southern scholarships to worthy engineering students. Yacht Club. The latest meeting was the 2017 Coastal Master Plan Preview given by a representative from the LA Coastal According to the Chapter’s Bylaws: “The objectives of the Protection and Restoration Authority. Our last meeting of Chapter shall be the professional improvement of its members the 2015-2017 Session will be a Friday luncheon where we and the advancement of the art and science of engineering…”. I will award two scholarships to regional engineering students. hope that you, the general membership of LES, have received The presentation topic will be Continuing Advancements some benefit from our efforts and encourage you to join LES in Motorsports Helmets presented by a Snell Foundation activities in the future. I’d like to thank you for your support member. and wish you a safe and fun-filled summer.

12 • LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY MAY 2016 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL LES SHREVEPORT CHAPTER LES By Tyler Comeaux, PE LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY ENGINEERING LOUISIANA LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY ENGINEERING LOUISIANA he Shreveport Chapter of LES has hosted several events Mayor Ollie S. Tyler was our keynote in the last couple of months. speaker. Mayor Tyler discussed her variety T of experiences and accomplishments First, our annual Math Counts competition was held on over her first year as Mayor and also February 20th at the Louisiana Tech Shreveport Campus. We discussed what she has envisioned for hosted ten (10) schools/team and a total of 100 students from the remainder of her term. our region. Congratulations to this year’s individual winners (1st - Sumin Kwak, 2nd - Sameer Tirumala, 3rd - Grace Sun) LES Shreveport joined forces with ASCE Shreveport for the and our team winners (1st - Caddo Middle Magnet, 2nd - March 9th luncheon where LAPELS’s Chris Knotts, P.E. gave Southfield School, 3rd - Benton Middle School). In addition, a very informative presentation on Engineering Ethics. We several Les Shreveport members volunteered at this year’s also held a chapter luncheon on April 13th where we had Region 1 Science and Engineering Fair at the Bossier Civic Eric England, PPM of the Port of Caddo Bossier give a great Center. Congratulations to this year’s LES Shreveport 1st place presentation on the past lessons learned and the future of - Highest Engineering Achievement winner, Srikhar Chilukuri, the Port’s growth to sustain their great economic engine for and our 2nd Place - Engineering Achievement winner, Ankur Northwest Louisiana. Khanna. Thanks again to all our volunteers and local sponsors of our educational activities; without you, none of The Shreveport Chapter of LES will be looking for 2016- these activities would have been possible. 2017 Officers, please contact me, Tyler Comeaux, at [email protected] if you have anyone interested in We also held our annual LES Shreveport Chapter Banquet on joining our LES Shreveport Chapter officer team. February 26, 2016 where the City of Shreveport Honorable


lenn A. Turner, PE, has been a member of LES since Texas. In addition to LES, 2001, shortly after moving back to Louisiana and Glenn is also a member Ggoing to work for Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson of the American Water in its Alexandria office. When he was hired at MML&H, Works Association and the Glenn was told by the late Greg Whittington, PE that Louisiana Gas Association. Glenn A. Turner, PE MML&H was a longtime supporter of LES and that not only He was named the Young 2016-2017 Louisiana would the firm pay his LES dues, but it expected him to Engineer of the Year by Engineering Society President be active in the organization. Since that time, Glenn has the TSPE Sabine Chapter served in nearly every office in the LES Alexandria Chapter, in 2001. has served as a State Director, Secretary/Treasurer, 2nd Vice President, and 1st Vice President of LES, and as the emcee Away from work, Glenn is a member of Hopewell United for the Alexandria Mathcounts competition and the state Methodist Church in Elizabeth, LA, where he is a certified Mathcounts competition when held in Alexandria. Glenn United Methodist Lay Servant, Yellow Pine Masonic Lodge maintains that the best office in all of LES is to be the Hole No. 282 F&AM in Oakdale, LA, where he is a Past Master Watcher at the Alexandria Chapter’s annual Mathcounts golf and current Secretary, Alexandria York Rite Masonic bodies, tournament. and Gideons International. Glenn enjoys gardening, woodworking, hunting, and occasionally brewing beer. His Glenn earned a BS in Agricultural Engineering from ULL in goal is to one day take a long road trip with enough spare time 1992 and a MS in Agricultural Engineering from Texas A&M to stop and read all of the historical markers along the way. in 1994. He is currently a Senior Project Manager and Vice Glenn is a native of Elizabeth, LA, where he currently resides. President at MML&H. Prior to joining MML&H, he worked His wife Tricia Baronet Turner is originally from Crowley, LA. for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in its They have been married for 23 years and they have one son, Beaumont Regional Office and the City of Beaumont, TX. Jacob, age 17. Glenn’s primary areas of expertise are water, wastewater, and natural gas utilities and he is licensed in both Louisiana and LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 13 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Susan H. Richard, PE, Scholarship Committee Chair

his spring LES provided six $500 scholarships to engineering students from three LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Louisiana engineering colleges. The scholarship winners were selected based on Ttheir financial need, their academic achievements and their participation in student engineering, civic and community service organizations. Funds for these scholarships came LES LES Susan H. Richard, PE from the dues check off contributions of LES members and individual donations. Scholarship Committee Chair

Charles Byrne Louisiana State University We commend these individuals for their hard work! Breanna Bell Louisiana State University Mary Voisin Louisiana Tech We ask that all LES members support engineering scholarship Harry Pieterson Southern University funding through the dues check-off on your dues statement. Paula-Marie Mensah Southern University You contributions help ensure that engineering education Keva Powell Southern University continues to thrive in Louisiana. BALLOT TO ELECT LES MEMBERS

ct 721 passed in the 1975 Legislature amended Chapter 10 to Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised LES ENGINEERS SELECTION BOARD BALLOT AStatutes of 1950 by adding thereto a new Part VII, Selection of Professional Services for Public Contract. Three 1. Mark and return to LES, 9643 Brookline Ave., Ste. 116, Boards – Architect, Engineer and Landscape Architect Baton Rouge, LA 70809, by June 30, 2016. Late ballots will Selection – are authorized under this Act. Each board selects not be accepted. persons or firms to perform certain professional services for public contract. 2. Make sure your name and address are on the envelope that The Act refers to the Louisiana Engineering Society, forwards the ballot to LES. Ballot signature is not required. specifying the following: The Louisiana Engineers Selection Board shall be composed of six members. Two members shall be named in an election conducted by the Louisiana Vote for One Candidate in Each Position Engineering Society at which all properly licensed engineers residing in the State of Louisiana may vote for positions to POSITION ONE (Term July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017) be filled. LES has two positions to fill this year, one term ending June 30, 2017, and one ending December 31, 2017. ❏ Ali M. Mustapha, PE The LES Nominating Committee nominates Ali M. ❏ ______Mustapha, P.E. for the July 1st position and Jim Ferguson, For Write-in Candidate P.E. for the January 1st position. Each Louisiana Registered Professional Engineer working and living in the State is eligible and urged to vote. POSITION TWO (Term January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017) Space on the ballot is provided for write-in candidates. A write-in candidate must be a LA registered Professional ❏ Jim Ferguson, PE Engineer and must have agreed to serve if elected. No ❏ employee or stockholder shall be eligible to receive agency ______For Write-in Candidate contracts during the term of his service, and for a period of six months thereafter.


Earn 12 Professional Development Hours exhibiting at the conference. The Exhibitor Meet & Greet is Make your reservations now for you and your family to also a family event; while you enjoy the cash bar and hor join us at the beautiful Hilton Hotel in Pensacola Beach, d’oeuvres, the kids will be entertained with floor games such Florida. It is expected that the Conference will be attended as Pop a Shot Basketball and Air Hockey and will participate by hundreds of professional engineers from throughout in crafts making Shrink Art, sun visor crafts and water transfer Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Mississippi. The attendees tattoos which will appeal to a wide range of ages. will include Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Safety Engineers. These engineers represent private practice, Everyone’s Invited to the Family Beach Party industry, government, education and construction. Fulfill Last year’s family fun night was a huge hit, so we are bringing your continuing education requirements by attending one of back Laser Skeet Shoot, in addition to a Pirate themed Water two concurrent seminar opportunities. Each track will offer Balloon Sling Shot and lighted Frisbees and footballs. Hot twelve hours of professional development hours for civil, dogs and hamburgers will be served, along with all of the electrical and mechanical engineers. See the LES website for ingredients to make your own s’mores, right at the fire pit. up to date class descriptions. Spend your afternoon enjoying This is a non-ticketed event, so everyone is invited, just the beach with your family or practicing your swing on the be sure to include how many people will attend on your golf course. There is plenty of fun in the sun activities to registration form. We hope to see you down by the pool under enjoy! the pergola!

Consider Sponsoring an Event Installation Banquet Consider supporting the Multi-State Annual Meeting by The newly elected Board members for 2016/17 will be becoming a Gold, Silver, or Bronze sponsor at the levels installed at the banquet on Tuesday afternoon by NSPE listed below, and in return for your support, you will receive delegate, Michael Aitken, PE. Buy your tickets in advance as recognition at the Installation Banquet. Also, your company this event is one you surely do not want to miss. name will be prominently displayed as a sponsor throughout the conference. See the LES website for sponsorship Resort Amenities information. Rather you’re relaxing on the white sand beach, or soaking SPONSORSHIP TYPE up the sun at one of the two outdoor pools with a children’s Gold Sponsor @ $500 play area, you are sure to have a breath taking view. The Silver Sponsor @ $250 Hilton has several on-site property restaurants including H2O Bronze Sponsor @ $150 Cajun-Asian Grill, Bonsai Sushi Bar and Latitudes Pool Bar. We offer Kids Club Activities every day of the week; from Plan to Attend the Exhibitor Meet & Greet crafts to cookie decorating to movies, the kids are sure to be The Exhibitor Meet & Greet is an excellent opportunity to entertained. Looking to do a little shopping? We have you network with other engineers, and have some one on one covered there too, with local shops within walking distance time with the representatives of the companies that are from the hotel. LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 15 4:00 3:10 2:40 1:50 12:30 11:30 11:05 10:15 9:50 9:00 8:00 8:00 Sunday, 6:00 5:00 Saturday

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Saturday , June 4, 2016 Name:______ROOM Name:______Company5:00 PM Name:______2016 LES ORIENTATION & PLANNING MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS Company Name:______Mailing6:00 PM Address:______‐ TILL LES BOARD MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS Mailing Address:______LEF BOARD MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS City/State/Zip:______City/State/ZipSunday, June :______5, 2016 Phone:______Fax:______8:00 AM—4:30 PM REGISTRATION & EXHIBIT HALL OPEN Phone:______Fax:______E-mail:______8:00 AM—9:00 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST IN EXHIBIT HALL E-mail:______Badge Name:______ROOM BALLROOM D,E,F OLEANDER Badge Name:______Spouse/Guest, if attending:______Thomas W. Doyle, PhD Spouse/Guest, if attending:______Michael Aitken, PE 9:00 AM—9:50 AM Landscape Simula�on Models to Predict Sea‐ Registration Fee Includes: admittance to seminars, all Continental Breakfasts, SundayTBA Lunch N ‘Learn, RegistrationExhibitor Fee Includes: Meet N ‘Greet,admittanceLevel Family Rise to Under seminars,Beach Climate Party all Change Continentaland LES General Breakfasts, Membership Sunday Luncheon Lunch N ‘Learn, Exhibitor Meet N ‘Greet, Family Beach Party and LES General Membership Luncheon 9:50 AM ‐ 10:15 AM BREAK Number IN EXHIBIT HALLAmt. Late Fee Total ANumberttending Amt. AfterLate 5/06Fee Total Attending AfterTerry 5/06 Huval, PE Pat Imhof & Rayne Ma�son NSPE/State10:15 AM—11:05 Society AM Member Registration ______$250 $300 ______Lafaye�e’s “World Renowned” Fiber to the NSPE/State Society Member WetlandsRegistration & Other Waters of the US Permi_____�ng _ $250 $300 ______Non-Member Registration: ______Premise $365 System: $410 How it Works ______& How it Non-MemberFees inclu deRegistration one year membership: to LES Issues ______$365 $410 ______Changed Lafaye�e Fees include one year membership to LES Student Member Registration: Must show I.D. at check-in ______$35 $60 ______Student11:05 AM Member ‐ 11:30 AM Registration: Must show I.D. at check-in BREAK______IN EXHIBIT HALL $35 $60 ______Monday Family Beach Party: must provide number attending ______N/C Monday Family Beach Party: must provide numberGarre� attendingTirpak ______N/C Monday Golf Tournament ______$100 Edgar $125 Benoit, ______PE Monday Golf Tournament Floodplain Design, Construc �on & Impacts______on $100 $125 ______Tuesday11:30 AM LES— 12:30Installation PM Luncheon ______Bene $40ts of a Grounded $50 Electrical ______System FloridaTuesday Fresh LES MahiInstallation LuncheonChicken Napoleon Flood Insurance ______$40 $50 ______Florida Fresh Mahi Chicken Napoleon LUNCH N’ LEARN LUNCH N’ LEARN Total Payment Enclosed $______Total Payment Enclosed $______

PLEASE CHECK: VISA______MasterCard______Discover______(WE DO NOT ACCEPT AMERICAN EXPRESS) 12:30 PM—1:50 PM PLEASE CHECK: VISA______MasterCard______DiscoverProduct______Demonstra(WE DO NOT�ons ACCEPT AMERICAN EXPRESS) CARD NO.:______EXP. DATE: ______CARD NO.:______EXP. DATE: ______SIGNATURE:______SIGNATURE:______Ben Humphries Make Checks payable to “Louisiana Engineering Society” and mail to 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 116, Baton 1:50Make PM—2:40 ChecksRouge, PM LApayable 70809. to “ELouisianamailBest with Available Engineeringcredit Control card informationTechnology Society” and (BACT) to mailles@les for to Brookline or fax Avenue, to (225)B4 Suite924-2049. 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Email withWater credit & Wastewatercard information Pumping to [email protected] or fax to (225) 924-2049. For further information contact: LES (225) 924-2021 or visit our website at For further information contact: LES (225) 924-2021 or visit our website at 2:40Registration PM ‐ 3:10 PM fees must accompany this form.BREAK IN No EXHIBIT refunds HALL after May 6, 2016. Registration fees must accompanyJames H. Anspach, this PG form. No refunds after May 6, 2016. Brandon Lomasney 3:10 PM—4:00 CallPM 850-916-2999 forU�lity Reservations. Enineering Use Group Code LES Call 850-916-2999 for Reservations. Use Group CodeTBD LES ASCE’s Newest Task Discipline LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 17 4:00 PM—5:30PM EXHIBITOR MEET & GREET IN EXHIBIT HALL (CASH BAR & HORS D’OEUVRES)


Firm Name: ROOM______Firm Name: ______5:00 PM 2016 LES ORIENTATION & PLANNING MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Address: ______Address: ______6:00 PM ‐ TILL LES BOARD MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS Phone Number: ______Fax: ______Phone Number: ______Fax: ______LEF BOARD MEETING ‐ WHITE SANDS LES LES E-Mail: ______Web Site: ______E-Mail: ______Web Site: ______Sunday, June 5, 2016 ContactContact Person: Person: ______8:00 AM—4:30 PM REGISTRATION & EXHIBIT HALL OPEN ExhibitExhibit8:00 RepresentativeAM—9:00 Representative AM ______Badge ______BadgeCONTINENTAL BREAKFAST IN EXHIBIT HALL Name Name ______

ExhibitExhibit Representative RepresentativeROOM ______Badge ______BadgeBALLROOM D,E,F OLEANDER Name Name ______

* * * * * * * * * * * * *Thomas * * * *W. * Doyle,* * * PhD* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Registration Fee includes: admittance to seminars, all Continental Breakfasts,Michael Sunday Aitken, LunchPE N ’Learn, Registration9:00 AM—9:50 Fee AM include s: admittanceLandscape Simula to seminars�on Models, allto Predict Continental Sea‐ Breakfasts, Sunday Lunch N ’Learn, TBA ExhibitorExhibitorLevel MeetRise Meet Under N’ N’ GreetClimate Greet Changeand and Family Family Beach Beach Party Party Number Number AmountAmount Late Late fee fee Total Total Attending After 5/6 9:50 AM ‐ 10:15 AM BREAK Attending IN EXHIBIT HALL After 5/6

Exhibit Exhibit Space Space Rental Rental Fee Fee $650 $650 ______$650 $650 Terry $700Huval, $700 PE______per 8x10 foot space. Pat Imhof & Rayne Ma�son 10:15 per AM—11:05 8x10 foot AM space. (Booths(Booths consisting consisting of ofID ID Sign, Sign, Skirted Skirted 6 foot6 foot table, table, 2 chairs,2 chairs, and and trash trash can) can) Lafaye�e’s “World Renowned” Fiber to the Wetlands & Other Waters of the US Permi�ng Monday LES General Membership Luncheon ______Premise $20 System: How $30 it Works ______& How it Monday LES General Membership LuncheonIssues ______$20 $30 ______Changed Lafaye�e Monday Monday Golf Golf Tournament Tournament ______$100 $100 $125 $125 ______

11:05 AM ‐ 11:30 AM BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL Monday Monday Family Family Beach Beach Party: Party: must must provide provide number number attending attending ______N/C N/C Garre� Tirpak Tuesday Tuesday LES LES Installation Installation Luncheon Luncheon ______$40 $40 Edgar $50 Benoit, $50 PE ______Florida Fresh Mahi ____ ChickenFloodplain Napoleon Design, Construc �on & Impacts on Florida Fresh Mahi ____ Chicken Napoleon 11:30 AM — 12:30 PM Benets of a Grounded Electrical System Flood Insurance TOTAL TOTAL FEES FEES $ $______LUNCH N’ LEARN LUNCH N’ LEARN st nd rd PleasePlease select select your your choice choice of of booths booths from from the the layout layout on on the the back back of of this this form: form: 1 st1 ______2 nd2 ______3 rd3 ______

ExhibitorsExhibitors are are asked asked to to bring bring a adoor door prize!! prize!! During During each each break break an an Exhibitor Exhibitor will will be be given given the the opportunity opportunity to to showcase their company & give away your door prize 12:30 PM—1:50 PM showcase their company & giveProduct away Demonstra your door� prizeons CallCall 850-916-2999 850-916-2999 for for Reservations. Reservations. Use Use Group Group Code Code LES LES

Note:Note: Payment Payment must must be be included included with with your your reservation. reservation. Reservations Reservations will will be be processed processed in in the the order order received received for for Ben Humphries locationlocation in in the the exhibit exhibit hall. hall. No No refunds refunds will will be be given. given. 1:50 PM—2:40 PM Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for B4

PLEASEPLEASE CHECK: CHECK: VISA______VISA______Master Water MasterCard______C&ard______Wastewater Pumping Discover Discover______(WE (WE DO DO NOT NOT ACCEPT ACCEPT AMERICAN AMERICAN EXPRESS) EXPRESS)

CARD NO.:______EXP. DATE: ______2:40CARD PM ‐ NO.:______3:10 PM ______BREAK IN EXHIBITEXP. HALL DATE: ______

SIGNATURE:______SIGNATURE:______James H. Anspach, PG Brandon Lomasney

3:10 PM—4:00 PM U�lity Enineering 96439643 BROOKLINE BROOKLINE AVE, AVE, SUITE SUITE 116, 116, BATON BATON ROUGE, ROUGE, LA LA 70809, 70809, PHONE PHONE (225) (225) 924 924-2021,-2021,TBD FAX FAX (225) (225) 924 924-2049-2049 ASCE’s Newest Task Discipline


n the last few years our Profession, the licensure process, and the licensure laws and rules have been attacked by special interest groups and by individuals who do not want to Icomply with the licensure Laws & Rules to practice engineering. Compliance with the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board’s (LAPELS) laws and Rules is paramount to safeguard life, health, and property and to promote the public welfare. Chris Richard, PE This year is no different as we have had to once again defend our profession from outside interest. Led by the LES Legislative Committee with the assistance of our newly retained lobbyist, Haynie and Associates, we have been successful in protecting the engineering profession this year. The battle is far from over, but we have definitely had a stronger voice at the capital this session.

We would like to thank all of those that have donated to our legislative efforts. All engineers benefit from these efforts and we encourage others to donate and help LES continue to protect our profession.

Gold Ampirical Solutions, LLC Lancon Engineering Meyer & Associates, Inc. Bryant Hammett & Associates, LLC Meyer Engineers, Ltd. Cothren, Graff, Smoak Engineering, Inc. Nixon Engineering Solutions, LLC Silver Daniel J. Holder, P.E., Inc. Pontchartrain Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. Austin Fire Equipment, LLC Delta Coast Consultants, LLC Providence/GSE Associates, LLC Balar Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Ducote Engineering Associates, Inc. Purtle & Associates LLC Domingue, Szabo & Associates, Inc. E3 Electrical, Inc. ReCon Management Services, Inc. Huval & Associates, Inc. Engineering Management Group, Inc. Ryan M. Gonsoulin Engineering, LLC John Chance Land Surveys, Inc. Eustis Engineering Services, LLC Smith, Fontenot & Phillips, LLC Lazenby & Associates Fred Newton and Company, Inc. Southern Environmental Management Sellers & Associates, Inc. Great South Engineers, Inc. & Services, Inc. (SEMS) Sigma Consulting Group, Inc. H & H Engineering, Incorporated Transportation Traffic Engineering H. Davis Cole & Associates, LLC Urban Systems, Inc. Bronze J. Ronald Landreneau & Associates, Inc. Wynn L. White Consulting Engineers, Inc. Allain & Associates J. Wayne Plaisance, Inc. CAPITOL VIEW: FROM HAYNIE AND ASSOCIATES

overnor called the legislature into a With a $700 special session in February to raise revenue and they Million shortfall Gwere successful to some degree in closing much of the remaining for general fund budget shortfall for fiscal year (FY) 15-16 but an FY 16-17, the estimated $700 Million shortfall remains for the FY 16-17. state budget will need to be The legislature are currently in regular session March 14th and passed with major cuts this session, as by the constitution the adjourn June 6th. One bill that was of particular concern to legislature cannot raise additional revenue until we get out of the LES membership, SB 59 by Danny Martiny, was voluntarily the regular session June 6th. The Governor has expressed his deferred in committee. This legislation was opposed by intention to call the legislature into special session in June, LES and NSPE as it would have force LAPELS to allow an to raise additional revenue including infrastructure funding. experience exception to the current longstanding requirement The legislature will have to agree to the special session which that to be licensed as an engineer in Louisiana you must pass is receiving push back from House conservative leadership at the FE exam. Another bill of particular interest which we hope this time. to see pass this session is SB 283 by , which closes a loophole in the LAPELS licensing requirements related Please be in the lookout and be willing to make a phone call to military experience. At time of press this bill has passed the or send an email in response to any “call to action” emails you Senate and waiting House a committee hearing. receive from LES. LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 19 COMPETITION Becky Johnson, PE

he 2016 Louisiana State MATHCOUNTS Competition was held in Pineville March 18, 2016. There were 32 schools that participated from around the state, totaling 109 students. LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY T Participating schools were: Southfield School (Shreveport Chapter) A.E. Phillips Laboratory School (Monroe Chapter) S.J. Welsh Middle School (Lake Charles Chapter) LES LES Alexandria Country Day School (Alexandria Chapter) St. Thomas More Catholic School (Baton Rouge Chapter) Ascension Episcopal School (Lafayette Chapter) Tioga Junior High School (Alexandria Chapter) Bayou Community Academy (Bayou Chapter) Benton Middle School (Shreveport Chapter) Boyet Junior High School (New Orleans Chapter) The top 12 individuals who competed in the Caddo Middle Magnet (Shreveport Chapter) Countdown Round were: Cedar Creek School (Monroe Chapter) John Kwon – Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter) David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy (Lafayette Chapter) Shreya Reshamwala – Our Lady of Mercy School (Baton Rouge Chapter) DeRidder Junior High School (Lake Charles Chapter) Jean Ross Normandy – Our Lady of Fatima School (Lafayette Chapter) Episcopal School of Acadiana (Lafayette Chapter) Amanda Meng – A.E. Phillips Laboratory School (Monroe Chapter) Evergreen Junior High School (Bayou Chapter) Andrew Bourque – Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology (New Orleans Chapter) F.K. White Middle School (Lake Charles Chapter) Steven Geo – Glasgow Middle School (Baton Rouge Chapter) Glasgow Middle School (Baton Rouge Chapter) Prokkawn Majumdar – Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter) Grace Christian School (Alexandria Chapter) Daniel Barfield – Our Lady of Mercy (Baton Rouge Chapter) Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter) Karen Baker – Episcopal School of Acadiana (Lafayette Chapter) Houma Junior High School (Bayou Chapter) Grace Sun – Caddo Middle Magnet (Shreveport Chapter) J.H. Williams Middle School (Lafayette Chapter) Cindy Zhang – Glasgow Middle School (Baton Rouge Chapter) Lake Castle North Private School (New Orleans Chapter) Sameer Tirumala – Caddo Middle Magnet (Shreveport Chapter) Lake Castle Private School (New Orleans Chapter) Larose-Cut Off Middle School (Bayou Chapter) Maplewood Middle School (Lake Charles Chapter) The top 6 teams were: Natchitoches Magnet School (Alexandria Chapter) 6. Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology (New Orleans Chapter) Ouachita Parish Junior High School (Monroe Chapter) 5. Caddo Middle Magnet (Shreveport Chapter) Our Lady of Fatima School (Lafayette Chapter) 4. Episcopal School of Acadiana (Lafayette Chapter) Our Lady of Mercy School (Baton Rouge Chapter) 3. Our Lady of Mercy School (Baton Rouge Chapter) Our Lady Queen of Heaven School (Lake Charles Chapter) 2. Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter) Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy (New Orleans Chapter) 1. Glasgow Middle School (Baton Rouge Chapter)

Top 4 individuals and LA representatives for the National Competition in Boston, MA, on May 8th are: 4. Amanda Meng - A.E. Phillips Laboratory School (Monroe Chapter) 3. Jean Ross Normand – Our Lady of Fatima (Lafayette Chapter) 2. Shreya Reshamwala – Our Lady of Mercy (Baton Rouge Chapter) 1. John Kwon – Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter)

The coach from Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter), Ms. Karen Impastato, will be the Louisiana team coach.

The top 2 countdown round winners were: 2. Amanda Meng - A.E. Phillips Laboratory School (Monroe Chapter) 1. Shreya Reshamwala – Our Lady of Mercy (Baton Rouge Chapter)

The Mathbee team winner was: Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (New Orleans Chapter) CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THESE STUDENTS AND TO ALL OF THE PARTICIPANTS MATHCOUNTS could not be put on without the dedicated help of many volunteers and support from the community. A big thank you to the following volunteers and sponsors: Our Major Sponsors: Lazenby & Associates, Inc. TBS Spark Foundation Cleco Lonnie G. Harper & Associates Providence / GSE Associates, LLC Shell Oil Company Coyle Engineering Co., Inc. Louisiana Engineering Society Mohr and Associates, Inc. LES Alexandria Chapter Manchac Consulting Group LES Baton Rouge Chapter Other Sponsors: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. LES Bayou Chapter BCG Engineering &Consulting, Inc. Sellers & Associates, Inc. LES Lafayette Chapter Forte and Tablada, Inc. Dubroc Engineering, Inc. LES Lake Charles Chapter C.E.C., Inc. SJB Group LES Monroe Chapter Huval & Associates, Inc. Stokes & Spiehler LES New Orleans Chapter Cothran, Graff, Smock Engineering, Inc D.W. Jessen & Associates, Inc. LES Shreveport Chapter 20 • LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY MAY 2016 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL THE SPEC SHEET Daniel E. Mobley, CAE, Executive Director American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana

Let’s put the budget “crisis” in perspective an average of 191 people over a five-week period. A lot of people recently have been talking about the budget DOTD Secretary Shawn “crisis” in state government, but nothing puts a crisis into Wilson reported 455 roads perspective more than a real crisis. and bridges were closed, Daniel E. Mobley, CAE and the damage to our In March, a monster weather system moved into Louisiana, transportation infrastructure will wind up costing the state ACEC/L dumping four months’ worth of rain in four days. North about $20 million. ACEC/L Louisiana was hit especially hard, as Monroe recorded 27 inches. The rains easily defeated a half-million sandbags, and Of course, that’s just a fraction of the total cost. the floods overwhelmed dozens of communities, especially those along the Interstate 20 corridor from Shreveport to As of mid-April, the National Flood Insurance Program had ENGINEERING COMPANIESLA ENGINEERING OF OF COUNCIL AMERICAN Monroe. Small creeks became raging rivers, and roadways already paid more than $67 million on 1,581 claims. However, COMPANIESLA ENGINEERING OF OF COUNCIL AMERICAN became navigable only by boat. that only represented about a third of all claims, and the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency The Louisiana National Guard and the Louisiana Department Preparedness estimates that more than 12,000 homes received of Wildlife and Fisheries rescued more than 5,000 citizens in some type of flood damage, some of which will not be covered 25 parishes using high-water vehicles, boats and helicopters. by the NFIP. Damage estimates to businesses, public facilities The American Red Cross and parishes wound up sheltering and farms still are being compiled, but the price tag will be high. The spring floods could wind up costing more than $1 Thanks to our billion. ACEC LOUISIANA AFFILIATE MEMBERS Infrastructure – roads, bridges, levees, drainage systems, power ACEC Business Insurance Trust plants, drinking water facilities – represents the foundation of our society. Without it, there is no health care, no TOPS, no ACEC Life/Health Insurance Trust business recruitment, no tourism. Infrastructure gives us the Alexander & Sanders ability to build communities. BFM Corporation, LLC Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC So, why don’t members of the public, in general, and our political leaders, specifically, pay more attention to our Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP infrastructure? Why isn’t it a higher priority? Engineers don’t CenterPoint Energy like to hear this, but the truth is that infrastructure isn’t sexy. ConTech Engineered Solutions, LLC No one falls in love with a new house because of the solid slab CxA Services, LLC foundation, but try selling one without it. If government were Cycle Construction Co., LLC a football team, infrastructure would be the offensive line. No one buys tickets to see people block, but ask the high-priced Delta Process Equipment quarterback how important the line is. Eagan Insurance Agency, LLC Environmental Technical Sales, Inc. I’m not advocating that we politicize a natural tragedy, but Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc. the truth is we all must learn from the past in order to move ExactSource forward. If not for Katrina, what are the chances that the massive levee improvements of the last 10 years would have Forterra Pipe & Precast occurred? South Louisiana is a safer place today because we, HUB International Gulf South literally, built on the failures of the past. LA Asphalt Pavement Association Regions Bank This is why it is so important that all of us remind our local and state leaders about the importance of infrastructure, while Surveying & Mapping, LLC the memories of flooded streets and helicopter rescues are Whitney Bank fresh in everyone’s mind. It’s our obligation to protect the Wray & Pierce, LLP building blocks of our society.

LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 AMERICAN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES OF LOUISIANA • 21 American Council of Engineering Companies Alabama • Arkansas • Louisiana • Mississippi Deep South Convention 2016 Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort | Destin, Florida | July 21-23, 2016 AMERICAN COUNCIL OF OF ENGINEERING LA COMPANIES AMERICAN COUNCIL OF OF ENGINEERING LA COMPANIES ACEC/L ACEC/L

Although economic conditions in the Deep South improve, most firms continue to struggle with improving profits, per- sonnel and succession planning. This year’s convention programming is designed to provide topics, networking and more to improve business operations.

Topics and Speakers

9 Places Your Firm is Losing Profit and How to Find It | Speaker: June R. Jewell, CPA Creating a Financially Intelligent Culture through Open Book Management | Speaker: Ty Kicklighter Selling the Professional Services Firm | Speakers: Al Lautenslager and Patrick Neal Financial Management For The Engineering Firm Owner | Speaker: Mike Baker, CPA, CFP® Transcending Generation Gaps with Effective Communication | Speaker: Sarah Walpert ACEC National Update - On the Point for Member Firms | Speaker: Steve Hall

Join Us. Come, get away. Bring your family. Find your place in the sun. Join with your peers for profitable return.

Visit for full registration details

American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112 | Baton Rouge, LA 70809 | P. (225) 927-7704 F. (225) 927-7779 | [email protected]


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Angelette-Picciola, LLC PO Box 970 Larose, LA 70373 (985) 798-7700

Civil and Structural Engineers, Inc. Hatch Mott MacDonald

LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY PO Box 4825 650 Poydras St., Ste. 2025 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Lafayette, LA 70502 New Orleans, LA 70130 (337) 232-3336 314 East Bayou Road, Thibodaux, LA 70301 504.799.0434 (985) 447-0090 LES LES

CPL Systems Inc Evans-Graves Engineers Huesker, Inc. PO Box 60160 9029 Jefferson Highway, Ste. 200 328 Lismore Lane Lafayette, LA 70596 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Covington, LA 70433 (337) 269-4699 (225) 926-1620 (704) 877-2714

A T PE ACEC A T PE ACEC CEO / President CEO / President

[email protected] [email protected]

9107 Interline Avenue 9107 Interline Avenue BALAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 631 MILAM STREET, SUITE 300 SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA 71101 922 West Pont Des Mouton Road PHONE: 318-221-8312FAX: 318-424-6508 T 225.927.9321 Lafayette, LA 70507T 225.927.9321 [email protected] C 225.933.0145 C 225.933.0145 (337) 234-3798

Fugro Chance ILD, Inc.

200 DullesA Dr T PE ACEC 7353 Highland Road, Ste.A B-378 T PE ACEC Lafayette, LACEO /70506 President Baton Rouge, LA 70808CEO / Preside nt 3012 26th Street [email protected] [email protected] Metairie, LA 70002 (337) 237-1300 (225) 769-2780 (504) 454-3866 9107 Interline Avenue 9107 Interline Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Baton Rouge, LA 70809

FOR GEOTECHNICAL, CONSTRUCTIONT 225.927.9321 MATERIALS, T 225.927.9321 AND NONDESTRUCTIVE ENGINEERINGC 225.933.0145 & TESTING... Infinity EngineeringC 225.933.0145 Delta Process Equipment Consultants, LLC PO Box 969 ...COUNT ON FUGRO PO Box 792745 Denham Springs, LA 70727 Fugro Consultants, Inc. 400 Texas St Ste 600 New Orleans: 504 464 5355 New Orleans, LA 70179 Shreveport, LA 71001 (225) 665-1666 Baton Rouge: 225 292 5084 Lake Charles: 337 439 1731 (504) 304-0548 (318) 429-2345

Denmon Engineering Co Inc PO Box 8460 Monroe, LA 71211 11955 Lakeland Park Blvd., Ste. 100 PO Drawer 730 (318) 388-1422 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-4217 Galliano, LA 70354 (225) 293-2460 (985) 632-5596

GHD LA Testing & Inspection 5551 Corporate Blvd., Ste. 200 PO Box 2934 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Lafayette, LA 70502 4176 Canal Street T: 504-486-5901 (225) 292-9007 (337) 235-9411 New Orleans, LA 70119 F: 504-488-1714 [email protected]


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FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls FEL Engineering Project Management FEL Engineering Project Management Construction Execution PSM Services Construction Execution PSM Services 1415 Panther Lane, Ste. 234 FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling In-Plant Staffing Services In-Plant Staffing Services Naples, FL 34109 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 (239) 591-6234

Louisiana Asphalt Pavement Urban Systems FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING Civil-StructuralAssociation-Piping-Mechanical -Process Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process 400 N. Peters St., Ste. 206 PO ElectricalBox 80640,-Instrumentation Baton- AutomationRouge, LA-Controls 70898 Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls New Olreans, LA 70130 FEL Engineering Project Management FEL Engineering Project Management Construction Execution PSM Services Construction Execution PSM Services FEA/Simulation(225) 927-9737 Planning/Scheduling FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling 504.523.5511 In-Plant Staffing Services In-Plant Staffing Services 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 Southeast Engineers, LLC

4915 S. Sherwood Forest Boulevard, FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Ste. B Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls Electrical-Instrumentation314 Audubon-Automation Blvd -Controls Baton Rouge, LA 70816 FEL Engineering Project Management FEL Engineering Project Management Construction Execution PSM Services Construction ExecutionLafayette, LA PSM 70503 Services FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling FEA/Simulation (337) 232-6111 Planning/Scheduling (225) 295-1880 In-Plant Staffing Services In-Plant Staffing Services 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 M & E Consulting Inc Southeastern Tank, Inc.

FULL1304 SERVICE Bertrand ENGINEERING Dr A6 FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING 60 Vesta Road Civil-StructuralLafayette,-Piping LA-Mechanical 70506-Process Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Lebanon, TN 37090 2750 Lake Villa Dr Ste 100 Electrical-Instrumentation(337) 234-7474-Automation-Controls Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls (615) 466-5220 FEL Engineering Project Management FEL Engineering Metairie, LA Project70002 Management Construction Execution PSM Services Construction Execution(504) 885-0500 PSM Services FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling In-Plant Staffing Services In-Plant Staffing Services 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665

FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING FULL SERVICE ENGINEERING Civil-Structural-Piping-Mechanical-Process Civil-Structural1100 Poydras-Piping -Street,Mechanical Ste. -1175Process Stantec Consulting Services Electrical-Instrumentation-Automation-Controls Electrical-InstrumentationNew Orleans,-Automation LA 70163- Controls 500 Main Street, Baton Rouge, La 70801 1503 Goodwin Road, Ste. 203, Ruston, LA 71270 FEL Engineering Project Management FEL Engineering (504) 522-7143 Project Management (225) 765- 7400 (318) 255-1872 Construction Execution PSM Services Construction Execution PSM Services FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling FEA/Simulation Planning/Scheduling In-Plant Staffing Services In-Plant Staffing Services 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 210 Teal Road, Sulphur, Louisiana 70665 & Associates & Associates Inc Stokes & Spiehler USA, Inc. Waskey PO Box 2149 PO Box 687 PO Box 52006 2651 Flannery Rd. Sulphur, LA 70664 Cut Off, LA 70345 Lafayette, LA 70505 Baton Rouge, LA 70814 (337) 625-8353 (985) 632-5786 (337) 233-6871 (225) 926-8752

T. Baker Smith, LLC Weigh Tech Engineering PO Box 2266 2645 Rome Dr. Houma, LA 70361 Baton Rouge, LA 70814 100 Central Street, Ste 200 Aleandria uston Lafayette, LA 70501 (985) 868-1050 (225) 456-3671 h h (337) 237-6517 mmlhcom

Port Aggregates, Inc. Taylor Power Systems

314 North Main Street 120 Interstate Drive Michael E. Pisani, P.E. 8585 Archives Ave., Suite 210 Jennings, LA 70546 Richland, MS 39218

Baton Rouge, LA 70809 1100 Poydras Street, Suite 1430 (337) 824-7625 (601) 922-4444 New Orleans, Louisiana 70163 Office Phone (504) 582-2468 Cell (504) 430-8188 225-932-6000 Office Fax (504) 582-2470 [email protected]

ENGINEERING SERVICES for Fixed and Movable Bridges

1055 St. Charles Avenue 100 Sterling Parkway Suite 400 Suite 302 New Orleans, LA 70130 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 504.524.4344 717.790.9565

CCharleston,harleston W WVV | | EEdwardsville,dwardsville IILL | MMoorestown,oorestown NJNJ | Philadelphia,Philadelphia PAPA | |Poughkeepsie, Poughkeepsie NY NY | St.| St Louis,. Loui sMO MO LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • MAY 2016 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY • 27 Louisiana Engineering Society Periodicals 9643 Brookline, Suite 116 POSTAGE PAID Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Postal Permit USPS 588360