17th November 2019

Wicklow & ,

Barndarrig, Brittas Bay & Kilbride

OUR PARISH LOTTO! ……. LAUNCHING SOON …….. SEE INSIDE FOR MORE INFORMATION …….. PARISH CONTACTS Fr Donal Roche : 0404 67196 Fr Pat O Rourke: 0404 67133 Fr Joseph Doran: 0404 48130 /087 228 8579 Sacristy: 0404 69031 Parish Office: 0404 61699 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website:

Parish of Kilbride, and Brittas Bay Commemorative Mass, for those who have died in the Parish of Kilbride, Barndarrig & Brittas Bay, in the year from November 1st 2018 to October 31st 2019, will be held on Thursday, November 21st 2019, in Our Lady's Star of the Sea, Brittas Bay at 8pm. Bereaved families will receive a letter in early November inviting theme to the Commemorative Mass. Other Parishioners who may have lost a loved one during the year, especially a loved who may have lived in the area and would like them included, please contact the following : Ellen: 087 914 1619, Elizabeth: 086 857 6087 or Rosemary: 087 919 4901 All Parishioners are welcome to attend and remember their own loved ones.

Sincere sympathy to the family of -

Anthony (Tony) O’Brien late of Wellfield Close,Wicklow Theresa O Neill late of Rocky Road, Wicklow 1 Hannah Butler late of Seaview Heights, Rathnew

Mass Intention List

Saturday 16th November 6.00pm Sean McDevitt - Months Mind. Dorothy Dickenson, George Nichols 7.00pm Nancy Synnott, William & Peggy Ronan, Anne Ronan, Kathleen Caffrey

7.00pm Michael Kearns Sunday 17th November 9.00am Special Intention 9.00am 10.00am Thomas & Jean Hourigan 10.30am Jim, Ted & Ellen Brennan 11.30am Pat Marah - 1st Anniversary, Annie Byrne, Majorie & Raymond McGuire, Terry Lynch

Weekly Daily Masses… Next Weekend….. Monday 18th November 10.00am Saturday 23rd November 6.00pm Conor Teevan RD Nina Mooney Months mind, Carmel Lawlor

7.00pm Martin Doyle RD Aoibheann & Paddy Kavanagh 7.00pm Joan O’Sullivan & Kevin McDonald Tuesday 19th November 10.00am both Months Minds Tommy Dover RD

7.00pm Celia & Shay Doyle 7.00pm Tommy, Michael & Andy Keogh

Wednesday 20th November 10.00am Sunday 24th November Sheila & Jimmy Berry, Thomas, Catherine, Vincent, Andy, John & Mark Kavanagh 9.00am 9.00am Thursday 21st November 10.00am 10.00am James & Jimmy Phillips, Sr Eilish Lenihan - Months Mind . Kay Timmons

Friday 22nd November 10.00am 10.30am Patricia Kavanagh RD 11.30am Sean Flood

Mass intentions are subject to change, due to funerals. To book a Mass in Wicklow Church, please contact the Sacristan after any Mass, to book a Mass in Rathnew Church, please contact the Parish Office.Masses in Rathnew2 are in green type. Masses in BBK are in blue type. RD - are Individual Masses from our Parish Mass Cards List. Gospel reflections for Year C : Luke by Donal Neary S.J. The Feet of the Sun The imagery of the readings is frightening and cannot be easily understood. Maybe one aspect is of the contrasts we live with terror and violence among ourselves and the Earth, and also the healing and gentle power of God. The sun of justice will shine with healing in its rays’.

When we see the terrors of the globe, it is a sign that God’s power is also in our midst: ‘do not be frightened’, we are told. If you look at the sun in the evening, you often see the rays of light hitting the Earth. In Irish they are called ‘cosa na greinne’ or the feet of the sun. We can think of them as God’s feet walking along our scorched and wounded earth: through the poverty and the illness of his world, through fields full of landmines and unexploded bombs, the rays of light take their pilgrimage from heaven through our world, which needs the light of God so badly.

Even in persecution the presence of God is near. Even in betrayal and in the conflicts that arise over the word of God and how to live the gospel, God is near. He never abandons his people. We can almost sum up the message of the prophets as ‘God does not abandon us’.

In years when the Church throughout the world was stripped of almost all except its relationship with Jesus, we know that despite the faults, sins and weaknesses and the huge need for renewal, God is near in the word of Jesus Christ. It is in listening to his word and interpreting it together for today that we will find our true way forward as his community. Lord Jesus, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as in heaven PARISH MONSTER CHRISTMAS RAFFLE The Parish are hosting a Monster Christmas Raffle with fabulous prizes. Tickets will be sold at Church Doors over the next couple of weeks and also at the Christmas Market. Full details will be here next week. A huge thank you to our sponsors and organiser. Family Voucher for 5 people for 3(weekend) or 4(mid-week) night stay off Peak seasonTrabolgan Two night stay in Hotel in Killarney €500.00 Cash Prize. ~ (Jack Goucher & CJP Electrical, Smiths of Wicklow). Spa Day in Druid’s Glen. ~ (Roy Conway), 500 Litres of Oil ~ (Burke Oil) €100.00 All for One Voucher ~ (Wicklow Male Voice Choir), €100.00 Lidl Vouchers ~ (Lidl) Several other prizes too - full list will be available next weekend.

WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FOR WICKLOW & RATHNEW: Sunday 10th November 2019 1ST COLLECTION / COMMON FUND – pays salaries of Priests of Diocese - €1350.00 2ND COLLECTION / SHARE - goes towards diocesan administration - €1035.00 ENVELOPE COLLECTION - goes towards maintaining our Parish - €2310.00 3 Many thanks for your continued support. ROSARY ~ Mondays to Fridays at 9.30am in St. Patrick's

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Continues on Wednesdays in St. Patrick’s Church 10.30am to 12 noon, usually finishing with Benediction. HOLY HOUR ~ resuming in November

ST PATRICK’S PRAYER MEETING ~ meet in the De La Salle Pastoral Centre every Thursday at 7.30pm All are very welcome to any or all of these events.

LECTIO DIVINA DIARY DATES: Learning to live and love the 21st Nov: Bereavement Mass in Brittas Bay

Sunday Gospel. 7th/8th Dec: Vincent De Paul National Collection On Wednesday mornings from 10.45 to 11.45 in the Dominican Ecology Centre. CHILD SAFEGUARDING OFFICER All are very welcome to Telephone number attend. 087 123 8054 WICKLOW / RATHNEW / BARNDARRIG / BRITTAS BAY & KILBRIDE Parish Coffee Morning Thursday 21st November 2019 after the 10am Mass De La Salle Pastoral Centre Come along for the chat and everyone is welcome!

We will be launching OUR PARISH LOTTO at this Coffee Morning, which will be a new Fundraiser for our Parish. This Lotto will start at €1000.00 but can reach up to €15,000.00. Come along to the Coffee Morning for all the details of how to play and why we are doing this. You are all very welcome.


First Reading : 2 Samuel 3: 19-20 Responsorial Psalm 97: 5-9 Second Reading : 2 Thessalonians 3: 7-12 Gospel: Luke 21: 5-19 4 To reflect on the readings please check / / SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION MASS DATES

Confirmation Masses Communion Masses

16th November - St Joseph’s Rathnew at 7pm 23rd November - St Joseph’s at 7pm - St Coen’s

7th December - St Patrick’s Wicklow at 6pm 24th November - St Patrick’s at 10am Hrs & DLS

14th December - St Joseph’s Rathnew at 7pm

THANK YOU …….. many thanks to all who organised or participated in our Annual Bereavement Masses in both Rathnew and Wicklow parish. Many thanks also to the Hospitality Groups in the Parish who as normal provided wonderful refreshments after the Masses and to our Parish Choir in Wicklow and Anne Morris in Rathnew, who made the occasion very special. A sincere THANK YOU to one and all.

NOVEMBER ALTAR LIST OF THE DEAD Envelopes and lists are available in all churches. Please take one home with you and include deceased family members and friends on it. All of these intentions are remembered at the monthly First Friday Masses.

There will be a special Mass in HOLY HOUR - Wicklow Gaol on Wednesday Has resumed in St Patrick’s on Wednesday 20th November at 7.00pm, to evenings from 8pm until 9pm. This is a remember all those who have died in the jail over the years. quiet reflective hour of prayer and gentle All are very welcome to attend. music and all are very welcome to join us.

Exploring the Faith Have you ever wanted to deepen your understanding of the faith that you practice? What do we profess when we say the Creed? What is the meaning of the Mass and the Sacraments? How should we live the Christian life? What is Prayer? These questions and others will be explored in a series of weekly sessions on Tuesday nights in the De La Salle Pastoral Centre in Wicklow. All sessions begin at 7.30pm and will last no more than one hour. The programme is open to everyone. The sessions will be very accessible and simple, with a little input each week followed by some discussion/ questions. If you are interested please come to the introductory session anyway, without any obligation to continue if you feel it is not for you. This has come about as part of the suggestions5 from the Parish Assembly. Monday night Bingo in the De La Salle Pastoral Centre Wednesday night in St Brigid’s Hall, Rathnew

Both at 8pm and everyone is very welcome

WICKLOW CANCER SUPPORT WICKLOW /RATHNEW /ASHFORD /GLENEALY BETHANY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT UNIT 2, FIRST FLOOR, Bethany volunteers are trained to listen with understanding and empathy. Rear of LEONDARD & MULVEY (BUTLERS) PHARMACY, ABBEY STREET, ARE YOU GRIEVING? 0404 32696 OR 086 821 6694 WOULD IT HELP TO TALK? BE LISTENED TO? We are a voluntary group set up to assist those having Open Meeting on Last Tuesday of every month treatment for cancer in every way possible. We also have 8pm in De La Salle Pastoral Centre. various other services available. If you need support, help or Contact details on noticeboard advise please ring us or drop in. You would be very welcome.

NEPTUNE BRIDGE CLUB Our annual Charity bridge night takes place on Thursday 21st in the De La Salle Pastoral Centre. Play will commence at 7.30 sharp. The presidents charity this year is for the National Council for the Blind Wicklow Branch. All clubs in the area are invited to attend. There will also be a raffle on the night.

RATHNEW SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS PARTY on Saturday 7th December in St Brigid's Community6 Centre, Rathnew from 3pm till 6pm In direct contrast to the summer solstice, the winter solstice, or mid - winter occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the sun. This is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year. This year, our Winter Solstice Celebration will take place on Saturday 21st December. There will be a small ceremony and light refreshments afterwards. Please let us know you are coming so that we can cater accordingly. All are welcome. Cost: Free of Charge (donations welcome) Time: 4pm to 6pm followed by a cup of tea and light snack.

Mental Health Awareness and Recovery an information evening hosted by GROW in Ireland, Mental Health Organisation will take place at De La Salle Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Road, Wicklow Town at 6.30 to 9pm on Wednesday, 27th November 2019. “Your Health in Mind” by Clodagh Erasmus, GROW Mental Health Community Education Officer. “The Importance of Being Creative” by Counselor Peir Leonard “Coaching to Recovery” by Niamh Gilmore, Living Proof Coach. And Guests. All welcome. For more information contact Izabela on 0868223680.

Sr. Eilís Lenihan O.P., RIP

Fr. Donal ADM. will say Mass in St. Patrick’s Church on Thursday the 21st of November at 10am. for Sr. Eilís Lenihan O.P. who died on the 19th of October 2019.

Sr. Eilís, one of eight children, was born and reared in north Cork. She spent 5 years working in Boston and, in 1958, at the age of 26, entered the Dominican Convent Kildare. She trained as a primary school teacher for three years in Froebel Dominican College Blackrock and began teaching in Holy Rosary School in 1961. She moved to teach in Dun Laoghaire for 3 years after which time she returned to Wicklow to teach in Holy Rosary School until she retired in 1996. She continued to prepare children for their First Holy Communion.

While in Wicklow she lived in Dominican Convent Dominican Campus for approximately 28 years and in Dominican Convent St. Manntan’s Road for 20 years before moving to Griffith Avenue in 2012. She spent the last 3 years of her life in Santa Sabina Nursing Home in Cabra where she died peacefully.

Sr. Eilís loved sport and rarely missed a match on television particularly when Cork teams were playing.

Sr. Eilís was very popular, visited families and showed great concern for people who were disadvantaged and for people with disabilities. She is fondly remembered by the people of Wicklow as a quiet, gentle, unselfish person who reached out to and showed empathy for people in need and who respected confidentiality.

She lived up to the motto she chose at her profession which was Fiat mihi secundum Verbum Tuum ...Be it done unto me according to7 Thy Word.

May She Rest In Peace. ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION TUESDAYS 10am Go For life - Gentle Exercise 10.45am Coffee morning Pastoral Centre 12noon Line Dancing Pastoral Centre THURSDAYS 2.00pm Indoor Bowling GAA Club Walking Group, Time & Meeting place by arrangement. FRIDAYS 2.00pm Social Dancing Pastoral Centre FRIDAYS 3.00pm Choir Pastoral Centre All Retirees are welcome to our coffee/tea morning every Tuesday in the Pastoral Centre. Outings and cultural trips are organised regularly. Transport to and from the Centre for meetings can be arranged on request. New members are always welcome. More information from 087 982 7703. Follow/like us on our Facebook page - Wicklow Active Retirement Association. Trip arranged to visit Castletown House, Celbridge, on Wednesday 4th December. Christmas lunch—10th December in the Hotel. Booking now open for both events. There is always something to suit all tastes so come along any Tuesday You will be given a Cead Mile Failte.

Many thanks to the sponsor of our newsletter

McCrea’s Funeral Home, Road,8 Phone 0404 69000, 24 hours - [email protected]