
Knowledge Organiser: Transformations (10) What you need to know: A transformation is a way of changing the size or of a . Key Terms: Congruent and similar Transformation: This means There are 4 types of Transformations: Congruent: This is when the shapes are an identical shape and something about the shape has size. ‘changed’. These are pairs of congruent shapes : A shape has been Reflection because they are the same shape and size. flipped using a mirror line. Similar: This is when the shapes have the same size angles or Reflectional : A type one is an enlargement of the other. of symmetry where one half of Translation These are pairs an is the reflection of the of similar shapes other half. because one is Enlargement an enlargement of the other. Rotation: A shape has been turned. Reflection A transformation in which an object is reflected across a line, creating a mirror image. Hegarty maths clip numbers Translation: A movement of a shape using a vector. The distance from the mirror Translations – 637 & 628 line needs to be the same for the reflection as the original Reflections – 639 to 641 Enlargement: A change in size, shape. either bigger or smaller. Enlargements – 642 to 647 Rotations – 648 & 649 Congruent: These shapes are the Reflectional symmetry: A type of symmetry where one half of an image is the reflection of Describing Transformations – 650 same shape and same size but the other half. You can have many lines of symmetry. to 654 can be in any .

Similar: Two shapes are mathematically similar if one is an enlargement of the other. Knowledge Organiser: Transformations (10)

What you need to know: A transformation is a way of changing the size or position of a shape. Enlargement Rotation An enlargement is when a shape changes in size by using a scale The size does not change but the shape is turned around a point. We must use tracing factor. The scale factor can make a shape bigger or smaller. A scale 1 paper. We need to rotate using a given number of degrees. factor of 2 = shape doubles in size, a scale factor of would halve We need the: 2 • Centre the size. • Number of degrees Enlarge shape A by scale factor 3. • Direction Scale factor 3 – Rotate shape A anti-clockwise about (1,1). Multiply each side length by 3. We need to put our pencil It does not on this centre point to matter where complete the rotation with you draw it . our tracing paper.

From a centre: Enlarge shape A, scale factor 2, centre (0, 0). It is important that you answers for this question is in a specific Translation place because it is from a centre point. A transformation is where every point of a shape moves the same distance in the same direction. The distance and direction is specified by a vector. This distance has been doubled to The vector to go with this get to this point. 5 transformation is 2 . Scale factor 2 - This means 5 Double the spaces to distance between each This means 2 the right. vertex (corner) spaces up. Centre Top = Left (-) Right (+) point and the centre Bottom = Down (-) Up (+) (0,0). of enlargement.