1Ssues• May Stall Pact for Faculty
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In Sports I" Section 2 ·An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper Coles soars in The Boss is NCAA slam back with two dunk contest new albums page 85 page 81 Economic 1ssues• may stall pact for faculty By Doug Donovan ltdmindltllitie news Editor He said, she said. So went the latest round of contract negotiations between the faculty and the administration. The faculty's contract negotiating team contends that administrative bargaining tactics have the potential to stall the talks and delay the signing of a new contract. But the administration says the negotiations are moving at a normal pace. Robert Carroll, president of the l~cal chapter of the Association of American University Professors (AAUP), said he was disappointed with the March 27 talk~ because the administrative bargaining team came to the session stating it was "not prepared to discuss economic issues." • "It was an amicable session and a number of issues were discussed at length," said Carroll, a professor in the plant and soil science depanment. "But very little progress was made." However, Maxine R. Colm, leader of the administrative b~rgaining team, said an agreement was reached with the AAUP to THE REVIEW / Lori Barbag pursue non-economic issues of the proposed A delegation from the university was among the 500,000 who attended Sunday's rally for what supporters called "reproductive freedom." contract before economic issues. "We agreed to discuss non-economic issues first and we did precisely that," said Colm, who also serves as the university's vice president for Employee Relations. ' . Colm said that "not prepared" was a Half million rally for abortion rights common phrase used by negotiating parties when they are not going to discuss a certain topic. Carroll said: "I took it to mean they Five hundred thousand people jam nation's capital to haven't done their homework. "If I'm not prepared to take a test It show support for abortion laws they feel are threatened means I haven't studied." Carroll said there was ample time for the By Andrea Galante march descended on the city in 1983. administration to evaluate all the contract's and Rebecca Tollen Hundreds of thousands of abortion-rights proposals that the faculty revealed March 13. New> Editors supporters - including feminists, students, "Not being prepared could be a delay WASHINGTON - A sea of humanity nowed politicians and celebrities - gathered to march tactic to have more time to study our from the Washington Monument to the Capitol and urge legislators to uphold the 1973 Roe v. proposals," he said. "Hopefully this will not Sunday when about a half million people gathered Wade decision legalizing abortion. persist." to suppon abortion rights. The march fell two weeks before the Supreme Colm was correct in saying that the "We won't go back," yelled Patricia Ireland, Court will hear a Pennsylvania abortion case administration's intent was to discuss non president of the National Organization fo r Women which people from both sides see as a threat to economic issues first, Carroll said. (NOW), the group that organized the march for Roe v . Wade. The case involves a law that But, he said, there was enough time at the Woman's Lives, Abortion Ri ghts and imposes various regulations on abortion. last meeting to engage in economic Reproductive Freedom. As protesters streamed out of subway stations negotiations if they wanted. "We won't go back to back alleys ," Ireland they were greeted by NOW members bearing "If we delay too long we won't get a said. "We won't go back to the butcher's knife." signs, stickers, T -shirts and sign-in sheets. settlement before the end of the semester," Ireland's speech kicked off the largest A welcoming rally at 10 a.m. featured abortion Carroll said. demonstration in Washington since a civ il rights see RALLY page A4 .. The proposed contract which will begin July 1 and end June 30, 1994 asks for a 4 percent across-the-board salary increase and seeks restoration of major medical insurance. Currently, university faculty salaries are $3,100 less than the average for Category I institutions, which are schools that award doctoral degrees and have faculty sizes similar to the university. Gerald M. Turkel, a member of the THE REVIEW / Lori &rbag AAUP bargaining team, said the administration did not have much time to Above: A demonstrator shows fully consider the entire asking package. his support for abortion laws. "We've been informed that the Right: Anti-abortion activists administration plans to get things done as staged a small but vocal quickly as possible," said Turkel, a professor counter protest on Capitol Hill of sociology. "I take them on good faith." Sunday. Colm said she believes a new contract will be established br the end of the semester. "We agreed about how we would proceed at the bargaining table," she said. "And we are making progress." At the next session on Friday, Turkel said, the AA UP will have a clearer sense of how the administration's negotiating process is working. ~----INDEX-----, Colleges Across the NationA2 The perils of UD parking: tickets, towing and tears Campus Briefs .. ......... .. ......A2 Classifieds ............. ............ BS By Natalie streavig space on Benny Street. Comics .. ............................ 89 ~ff~ After receiving five tickets in one On the lighter Side ........... A3 There are some lucky students Fees are accumulated as spaces become vacant day, she decided to leave a note to Pollee Report .... .............•. ·.A2 who have never visited a towing police explaining her situation, she Review and Opinion ......... .A6 service center, but Mike Spencer (AS About 35 students every month at 8 a.m. the next morning only to Duncan, whose business, Ewing said. The next day her car was towed. Sports ......... ...... ................ 87 SO) Is not one of them. return to where they left their cars fmd it was not there. Towing, handles towing for the "I was in shock. I thought, •I know I Spencer has done a grand tour of university. parked it here,'" McNamara said only to find an empty spot, said "I couldn't believe it," she said. ---Also iMitlt:--- towing services in the area, having Public Safety Traffic Manager 1'My ride had already left and I had to Two hundred cars with violations when she found the empty spot where ~ been towed eight times this year. Richard Hester. "When students wallc back to Towne Coun." are currently on Public Safety's her car had been. • "I'm scared to park ·my car discover their car is missing they She said she paid close to $1 00 in computer system hot list, said Hester. In addition to the inconvenience of anywhere in this town," Spencer said usually call Public Safety and ask If towing fees and fines to liberate her "Tile system is set up so that when having her car towed, she found out · "You can't park anywhere. There it's been towed or stolen," he said. car. a car gets four tickets that are not she owed $100 in tickets and $35 in should be free parkirls somewhere on In order for students to reclaim Outstanding tickets, parking paid, appealed or excused, the car is towing fees. campus." their towed vehicles, they must fuat illegally in fire lanes and handicapped placed oo the hollist." he said. Despite hiJh towing costs, Hester While Spencer would not pay their parking fines and obtain a spaces, fraudulent registration, a The hot list is updated once or said, Public Safety does not tow cars carnment on how much money he has release slip from Public Safety before stolen permit or leaving a car in a twice a week, and when an officer for revenue. "We're not looking for invested in fines and towing fees, going to &he towin& center, he said. hazardous area are all reasons that places a ticket on a car, the ticket money in fines," he said. "We're just area towin& COliS ranae between S2S ' Last October, Jennifer Lindsey Warrant towing, Hestei said. machine tells the officer whether or trying to open up a apace which 11111 $45 for basic services. (AS SR), parked her car In a "Ninety-nine pe1cent of the time not the car appears on the list, Hester shouldn't be blocked." In ane cues. fees n added if &he university lot off or Main Saeet while any car from the university is towed, said. However, some studentl still How to became • cap .cu Is difficult to tow, or for car lhe was out for the evenin&- it Ia a result of excess violations or Colleen McNamara (AS FR) had wonder. "I think &he officen IWid by papA4 llOI'Ip fees. 11lere II also the cost of She decided not 10 drive home lbal &he car Is parked in a reserved space her car towed when It stalled and the meter and wait for It to expire." abe Cll'laDl parldna violalicln. nlJht. and returned to rell'ieve her car where signs are posted," said Dale couldn'tr be moved from Its parking McN80'181'811id. April 7, 1992. THE RMEW. A2 The Golden Key Society, sponsor of the The 24-hour event beginning Thursday at S effort. hopes a "Run, Walk and Roller Blade for p.m. is sponscred by the Army ROTC's AIDS Awareness" race will raise mc»t of the Scabbard and Blade Honor Society. The group remainder of the cost, said Bucbanan. aims to raise awareness of the POW /MIA issue. AIDS is a fatal disease which kills its victims "We don't want people to forget about these by destroying the body's ability to resist men," said Doug Hopler (AS SR), co infection.