The Black Range, 09-28-1894
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-28-1894 The lB ack Range, 09-28-1894 Black Range Print Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Black Range Print Co.. "The lB ack Range, 09-28-1894." (1894). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The VOL XIII. CHLORIDE, SIERRA COUNTY, N. M.. SEPTEMBER 28. 1894- - K0-- 27,. COURT DATES. They either had mora smse than tho The Scenic Line f America W. U. GROZIER, 8tr7 TsvotskUU. soldiers, or they understood The tie binds had Freaehr Be enacted by legislative that tbe sektie. better, far they ordered my captors it the A roond. of plea&or wLU ta not always atop and explain thwnselves. piped assembly of tbe territory of New malro thin(t q,uarrx I up that I lived at itoe Cap. Mexico; Who cares to know Iiunitwrd Notary Public. th pedigree of a urines, when ono of policemen; ec. 1. The aau&age? the THE terms of the district shruggetl bis shoulders arid wid; 'We couit hereafter to be held in the coun How can colt cut caper In an ottton a know ail that, momduar. Wo have bad ties ot Santa Fe, San Juan, Rio Ar- bed yoa under our eyes for the Agent for Several Leading Newspapers and When one wishes to borrow la won last tour riba and Taos, shall be held in said it days. Then he turned t the soldiers Magaaines. derfut how man; short people yon Denver and Rio Grandf counties beginning at the times here and added: 'Monsieur is an American, meet. is inafter Gxed and continuing until ad "Hss it ever occurred to yon why lie accounted lor. You will allow CHLORIDE, N. MEX, the monsieur to pass. And journed by the order of tbe court, to sun rises in the east?" "Certainly," re- they did." wn: plied smart boy. yeast the "The makes SACRED PtGEONS OF VENICE. RAILWAY, In the county of San Juan, on the eTerytmng rise. 3d Mondays in April and October, E. TEAFORD, What is better than a promising Tan of Srln Keuiril to Car In Itin friend? A paying Doves of St. Mark's Cbareh-- In the county of Itio Arriba, on the one. A man who is a lamb in society ia It may be ot interest, says the St. first Mondays in May November. 1- - and usually a bear at borne. Smith, Gray Louis Kepublicv to such the readers as lu the county of Taos, on the third & Cc's Monthly. like to sentimentalize on Naered subjects Mondays May in and November, COST AND VALUE OF CANALS. to know that tho "Holy Pigeons of St, In the county of Santa Fe, on the Mark's' have been reetgtiized aa such an Ener- - Colorado, second Mondays in Decem Toe Ktcsrarroa Cat likely to Be by the authorities of Venice for more Juue and maiisly PraflteMe Enterprise-- ber. Liyery, Feed Stable and Corral. than a thousand years ever since tha bee. 2. Tbe spring 1303 terra in the The Sues canal, with almost a hun year 877 In olden times it wm of continuous digging, cost county of Lincoln shall be held begin- dred miles of the sacristans of St. Mark'a about $100,000,000; of thla sum S30,0U0,-00- 0 ehurch to release doves and pigeons, ning on the second Monday in April in vl was wasted in interest, commis- fettered with paper, after the religious, New Mexco stead of tbe second Monday in March, sions, changes of location and bad services of Palm Sunday. The paper as now fixed. management. That canal has now a fetters partially disabled the poor birds, In the county of Chavez, beginning traffic of nearly nine million tons an and such of those as did not eseapa on the fourth Monday in March instead HERMOSA, N. M nually, and, according to the Isorth were caught by the people, who fatted and Utah of tbe thud Monday in February. American Review, it must be speedily them for Easter dinner. Sometimes enlarged to accommodate the com oue and sometimes a dozen Of tho poor, In the county Eddy, beginning on of merce that is crowding through it to fluttering creatures would manage to the second Monday in March instead of r the western coast of the Pacific ocean. break the paper thongs which bound the first Monday in Fehruary. The Nicaragua canal has twenty-nin- e wings and feet together, whereupon county a miles of canal prism, they Th new bcviiIv route to In the of Dona Ana, begin and half or almost Invariably sought refuge ning on tbe fust Monday in March in- axial line. Of this one-thir- d is very on the roof and in the steeples of the stead of the first Monday in February. light dredging. The total length of historic old church. All ot the escaped UTAH, MONTANA. from sea to sea is ICQ birds assumed a certain sacredness, and, In the county of Sierra, beginning on this transit i miles; of this line 155 H tnilcB is slack it being against the law to kill or harm the fouith Monday of March instead water navigation at an elevation of them in any way, increased to enormous And the of the third Monday in March. 110 feet above the level of the sea. numbers. During the time of the repub- In the county of Graut, beginning on This small lift is overcome by six locks lic the "Sacred Pigeons of St. Mark's" COAST the third Monday in April instead of three on either side of the lake. The became objects, of national solicitude, PACIFIC the second Monday in April. entire cost of the canal ready for use, tons of grain being annually supplied CONSTRUCTION as estimated by Mr. Menocal, allowing for their maintenance. After the Sec. 3. After the spring 1891 term, fall LIGHT RUNNING 25 per cent, for contingencies, is 6. of the republic thousands of thent all terms of court for the counties pSKrfSS Will be opened by tlie completion of the of A board of five other great starved to death and all would have died Lincoln, Chavez, Eddy, Dona and engineers went over Mr. Menocal's but for provision made by a pious old Trunk Line early In the spring. Grant, shall remain as fixed by the law measurements and estimates with lady, whose will perpetually provides of 1801. great care, and out of abundant cau- for them. In the county of Colfax, on the 4th tion, and not because of any substan- FREEZING KILL FISHES? change in his figures, they added DOES Monday in Match and 2d Monday tial the his 20 per cent, for Result T a Practical Test of Tills Inter- in to estimate another October. GIVES contingencies, and so changed his esti- esting Question. , In theconty of San Misjual, live were secured on the PERFECT mate as to make the total cost of the A number of perch second Monday in April and Novem canal, ready for service, 8S7,799,570. and placed in water at the ice manu- Ill Most Cenvnlt, ber. SATISFACTION It seems that this may be reasona- factory, says the New Haven Register, bly accepted as the outside cost of the and the water was put in tha process T3a.s Most . canal. But, if we run up the conjec- of crystallization. It requires about AMERICAN B.HM SEWING MACHINE CO tural cost to $100,000,000, if built for sixty hours to freeze a cake of ice, anil that sum, must be the most valuable during this time the fish were watched PRINCIPAL OFFICE FACTOR. it OFFICIAL REGISTER. property in the world of ita magni- to ascertain the effect of the intonse 5.W. 1. & WAMIINli 1 UH Wt. tude. The tonnage, annually, can cold which surrounded them. They swim in PHILADELPHIA, PA. scarcely fall below that of the Suez kept alive and continued to -- water until their confines were so WHOLESALE BRANCH HOUSES canal. It will gradually exceed that the amount. If is two-thir- as great aa narrowed that they had no space in a million ILL CINCINNATI OHIO. it Opening to the vanchmnn 'over Sierra County Officers. CHICAGO. that which passes through the St. which to move. The ice in its freezing of land, to the stoekgrower row SALE BY aores tertile Mary's canal on the lakes will equal process begins at the outside and vast ranges yet uuclui jituj, and to the W. H. Patterson, it councilman for the coun 9,000,000 tons. Who does not know freezes toward the center, so the saco mine legions rich in the ties of Socorro and Sierra. that it must be greater than the traffic in which the fish had their liberty was precious metals. W. 8. Hopewell, representative oouo- - ' for tbe so gradually narrowed down until the ties of Sierra and Socorro, supplied by small an area of inland country? A estimate would be fish were encased and the water around Thoa C. HaU Probate Clerk just fixed, them froze, pinioning thera tightly in THE w. H. Bucher Treasurer confidently, by the most careful Jas P.