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City Council Meeting, March 16, 2021 Public Comments Martha Alvarez From: Brian Bullock <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 3:07 PM To: List - City Council Cc: Linda Bullock Subject: [EXTERNAL] Bruce's Beach CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. MB City Council, Challenging times for sure. I know you feel it. One thing that will help is to not to make it worse by agreeing to do the wrong thing, and that’s to divide our community even more by deviating from the BBTF mission. That would mean going down the path of burdening our fine citizens with a total over-reach. I’ve lived here for 30+ years and I only see citizens that are inclusive and embracing - - 100 years ago is 100 years ago! A lot of incredible, multi-racial progress has been made. If you agree to exceed the mission, some will like it and more won’t. Please reflect, and stay within the boundaries of what the BBTF was set up to do. Staying true to the original goals will hurt some feelings, but is absolutely the most sane option available. Thank you. Brian Bullock 310.488.7784 On Feb 15, 2021, at 12:14 PM, Brian Bullock <[email protected]> wrote: Hello City Council!! As usual, I've been talking with my fellow MB citizens about any number of important political items that can/will impact our wonderful city. Unfortunately, many of them are not positive; only cloaked in what some think is "justice" or "equity". Bruce's Beach is an example. Or should I say the Bruce's Beach Task Force is one. From what I'm hearing - and I'm not surprised - the TF is trying to exceed what they were originally tasked to do. Without getting too wordy, we all know what I'm talking about. So, my informed opinion is the TF recommendations must be kept within the scope of their original mission; not more. Otherwise, my recommendation is to disband the BBTF entirely, or re-group and get a TF that can stay sane and seek the goals given to them. Thank you. Brian Bullock 310.488.7784 Martha Alvarez From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 2:45 PM To: List - City Council Subject: [EXTERNAL] Bruce's Beach CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. The absurdity of this is beyond comprehension. What is the end game and who exactly is really connected with this destructive and divisive plan. I have no idea what went on 100 years ago but what YOU are attempting to do is no fix. As every one knows the Bruces' were compensated along with the overwhelming number of non black owners who had their land taken. It is Racist to compensate the Bruces' and not other owners. THAT IS A FACT! The 405 and the 10 and Rosecrans Ave .... let go back and see who lived on every piece of land that was taken and let's tie it all to RACISM - BUT ONLY RACISM TOWARDS BLACKS. YOU ARE DISINGENUOUS IN YOUR COMPASSION AND EQUITY. Other Black owners at the time were compensated just like the Bruces' were and they relocated within the city as did many of the non blacks. The entire narrative that you are promoting is RACIST and destructive. What is wrong with you and who exactly are you representing. I know for a fact that not just Blacks but Jews and other minorities were actively DENIED the right to even purchase property in many communities 100 years ago, let alone have the right to be compensated for the taking of their land by the government. I would say that all those who were denied the right to even invest in a community should have greater damages than those that purchased and were compensated. What did the Bruces' and all the other owners pay for their land and how how of a gain or loss did occurred. If they made a gain they were less damaged than those who were denied the right to invest at all. Who took the Bruces' land ..... well it was the county of LA and not MB but I guess those details do NOT matter when you are painting with your large brush and calling MB a racist community. Those of you are are so driven to tar us all not just for with just apologies and money but you want to forever burden us with a RACIST oversight committee. You must have VERY dark pasts or are getting paid or pressure because NO GOOD CAN COME FROM YOUR PLAN. It is negative and has been from the outset. Blacks and Jews and you name it were all damaged 100 years ago ... The Bruces' it sounds were fortunate in that they were ALLOWED to purchase along with other black families in this community and were not PROHIBITED like in most communities at THAT time. This should NOT be something that you as a body decides as none of the residents who live here currently had anything to do with what occurred 100 years ago and there are not RACIST policies that are in effect at presently. Your actions on this will be in fact RACIST. This needs to be voted on by our community and NOT by a body with questionable motives. I grew up in Beverly Hills and we as a community had voluntary bussing prior to enforced bussing. It was a wonderful and diverse opportunity for everyone involved. Zero negativity and to this day we continue to have diverse connections with those that were a part of that voluntary program. I had a girlfriend that was black and I have cousins that are black and latino. It sickens me to make those distinctions, but YOU RACISTS require people to be categorized. I am not racist and I for one will NOT live in a city that categorizes me as one. YOU ARE THE TRUE RACISTS. Come clean, let us know the real reasons that you are so compelled.... are you RACISTS, are you pressured, are you being blackmailed, are you being paid. Why exactly would you push this down this community's throats. What exactly is the positive outcome you are seeking because I only see destruction and civil unrest. My suggestion to the community is any member who votes in favor of this should be recalled and /or all legal action should be taken against them to remove them from office. I would also investigate them for their connections, contributions, get their tax returns and investigate their histories and their families. Why don't you focus your attention getting our kids back to school and stores opened, getting minority owed businesses in our city and getting rid of a superintendent that is a political hack. You are all just that political hacks who can not think for themselves. If Janice Hahn is your who look up to god save us all. Martha Alvarez From: Kim Brant-Lucich <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 2:44 PM To: List - City Council Subject: [EXTERNAL] Hearing from BBTF CAUTION: This Email is from an EXTERNAL source. Ensure you trust this sender before clicking on any links or attachments. Dear City Council, I am sure I represent many in our community who love our beautiful beach town and want to continue living here in harmony with our environment and our neighbors. The past year has been a time of reckoning for the U.S. in the wake of the horrific George Floyd killing. The George Floyd scenario has given rise to a new focus for all of us on coming to terms with our racist past. To this end, the City Council appointed the Bruce's Beach Task Force (BBTF) to look at our past and the events surrounding Bruce's Beach. The task force was created to engage in discovery about our past and to make recommendations about a path forward both for acknowledging Bruce's Beach and for us as a community. I have followed the progress of the BBTF and its publicly available documents. I have also followed and observed the comments and critiques on NextDoor and in the Patch. Through these same sources, I have learned of a variety of racist occurrences in the past months, including the very recent incident of racial slurs hurled at a surfer near the pier. I am saddened by the opposition and attacks on the work of the task force from those who believe the task force is "villainizing" our community as racist. Some have suggested that the task force be dismantled. One could argue that they want to cling to the belief that we are, as a community, somehow exempt from exploring our past or focusing on a future and path forward as a diverse and inclusive community. It appears that this opposition group does not want us to be either diverse, inclusive or anti- racist. They seem to want us to retain our status as a 99.92% affluent WHITE community. I do not see anything in the task force materials that calls Manhattan Beach out as racist. What I do see is an acknowledgment of a past wrong (Bruce's Beach) and a proposal to acknowledge that and to focus on the future. It appears the task force fulfilled it's charter and has recommendations to bring forward. As a community, we MUST hear what the task force has to say.