NWT land information related to Aboriginal groups 142°0'0"W 140°0'0"W 138°0'0"W 136°0'0"W 134°0'0"W 132°0'0"W 130°0'0"W 128°0'0"W 126°0'0"W 124°0'0"W 122°0'0"W 120°0'0"W 118°0'0"W 116°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 112°0'0"W 110°0'0"W 108°0'0"W 106°0'0"W 104°0'0"W 102°0'0"W 100°0'0"W 98°0'0"W 96°0'0"W 94°0'0"W

Banks Island No. 2 N " 0 '

Aulavik National Park 0 ° 3 7 N " 0 ' 0 ° 1 7

Banks Island No. 1 N " 0 ' 0 This map includes: boundaries established by settled ° 2 7 Sachs comprehensive land claims; areas under land, resources and/or Harbour self-government negotiations; areas asserted by Aboriginal people as traditional territories; and other land information. Publication of this map does not imply that the Aboriginal group, N " 0 ' 0 °

0 the Government of the or the Government 7 of have agreed to any boundaries or areas shown except Beaufort Sea where legally established. This map is intended for general N " 0 information only. It is neither a technical reference tool, ' 0 ° 1 nor a legal document. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Develop- 7 ment Canada (AANDC) will not be held liable for any errors or Ivvavik National inaccuracies. To identify the specific location of any site with Park respect to any boundary, or to determine the consultation or

N Tarium

N u N other requirements that may exist in an area, please contact

" Niryutait 0 '

0 n W ° 9

6 the Aboriginal and Territorial Relations Directorate Kendall a Ulukhaktok T Island v T in at (867) 669-2602. arium Tarium u Nir yutai Niryutait es t k t Tuktoyaktuk La y usky l Ba Cape H oo N erp "

iv 0 nd L Parry ' a 0 °

Pingo 0 Canadian 7 Landmark Anderson Whatì River Delta Amundsen Gulf Tåîchô Husky Lake Behchokö

N Edzo " 0 ' 0 ° 8 6 Aklavik Paulatuk Inuvik IN K Hidden U we V ts’o Lake òt IA l’àà

Yellowknife N LU " 0 I ' T (including N'dilo) 0 T ° S å 9 E îc Detah 6 TT hô Rat River, Husky Gwich'in L D Territorial E eh M ch Tåîchô/NWTMN River, Black Park E W o N Tuktut Nogait e O D T k v e å Mountain T ' e î èe r n c R zh la e h E National Park ìi p F ô S A N - G et g A I tl O k O e re a d v N L e it a m e c nd e r h C n la o Fort la t p i T m A e r Tåîchô/ g r McPherson r it e o e r Akaitcho m y James Creek & e n Vittrekwa River Travaillant t a Deepwater L. gh

N Edéhzhíe o " Lake, Mackenzie G 0 ì ' Watershed h 0 w è ° and Tree River ô åè 7 Tl'oondih M îït 6 Dehcho/ N Dehcho Akaitcho Dè N " 0 se asserted territory ' Chief Drygee 0 D ° 1 8 e 1 6 h y

D t Mackenzie Bison c a 8 GWICH'IN h e e y N r t Wildlife Sanctuary o h T a W / c Great re A h T T k o M a a Slave

i s N t

SETTLEMENT s c h e Lake Fort r

o t e

Providence d


AREA e r


Aubrey N t Fort


Dunedelatue u y n Resolution a Coronation Gulf N " N Akaitcho/NWTMN

0 v ' Colville 0 N ° W u 6 Lake W 6 t Dehcho/ T T NWTMN M N N

Arctic Red River " 0 '

spawning Queen Maud Gulf 0 °

ground 7 Hay 6 River Fort Hay River Good K'atlodeeche FN Nacho Nyak Dun Ts'ude niline Tu'eyeta Hope Ka'a'gee Tu AssertedTerritory Katlodeeche FN Enterprise asserted territory NWTMN territory Akaitcho asserted n o Wood Buffalo k u Edannla National Park Y T N " 0 ' W Dehcho/ Salt River 0

° N 5 /Akaitcho First Nation 6 SAHTU NWTMN N Buffalo " 0 ry Æehdacho ' Lake, River 0 to ° i Tha' 6 rr (Scented and Trails 6 e Asserted Territory t SETTLEMENT AREA d Grass Hills) e rt e s s a o h c h e Mountain River Extention Great Bear Lake D Kelly Lake Jericho Hay River Whitefish River Dene No. 1 Ak aitch Norman o as serte d ter Wells ritory NACHO NYAK DUN ABORIGINAL Délîne N " 0 ' OWNED LAND Saoyú (Grizzly 0 ° 4 Bear Mountain) N " 6 0 ' 0 ° 5 6 Kitikmeot NU AOL Tre aty 11 WEK’ÈEZHÌI RESOURCE

Johnny Hoe Ekati River (Teh Tåîchô/Akaitcho/NWT Tåîchô/Akaitcho Kaicho Dé) MANAGEMENT AREA Métis Nation N " 0

' Ezôdzìtì N 0 Diavik " ° 0 3 ' 6 0

(TÅÎCHÔ) ° 4 6 Shúhtagot’ine Tåîchô-Akaitcho Territory Néné Dene Gamètì Wekweètì Thelon Overlap Agreement Game Council asserted territory Tåîchô Sanctuary

D e h c Nááts'ihch'oh h Wrigley o Snap a Proposed s s e Lake r National Park te d Gahcho

N " t e N 0

Kué " ' r 0 0

r '

° i to 0 2 Treaties & Agreement s °

6 r y 3 Historic Treaties 6 No. 8 - 1899/1900 Whatì Chief Drygeese No. 11 - 1921/1922 asserted territory ed Tåîchô Dehcho Askaitcho/NWT po ) Modern Treaties ro 7 Overlap P 9Métis Nation Final Agreemen,t July 25,1984 Akaitcho 19 N ne ( Gwich'in Comprehensive Land ClaimA greement, Agreement e rk N a U December 22, 1992 DEHCHO e l P n N e na Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Cla im id N a tio h a W Agreement,June 23, 1994 T N A Tłîchô Agreement, August 4, 2005 Behchokö Edzo AREA T V Salt River Treaty Settlement Agreeme,n Mt arch 26, 2002 Thaidene Nene Proposed National U Interim Measures Agreement & Interim Land Withdrawa ls Tåîchô/Akaitcho/NWT T (for ongoing negotiation processes ) Nahanni Park (2012) Akaitcho Dene First Nation s National Park Kwets’oòtlM’ààétis Yellowknife/N'dilo N N "

" Tåîchô 0

/Northwest ' 0 Interim Measures Agreement, June 28, 200 1 ' Nation Reserve 0 0 Detah ° ° Territory Métis Nation Interim Land Withdrawal, 200-7 present 2 1 6 6 Interim Measures Agreement, May 23, 20 01 Fort Åutsel k'e Interim Land Withdrawal, 2003- present Simpson Northwest Territory Métis Nation Edéhzhíe Interim Measures Agreement, June 22, 200 2 Dehcho Athabasca Denesulin e Na ha Interim Measures Agreemnet, September 25, 200 3 nn i B Jean Manitoba Denesuline utt e P ri Interim Measures Agreement, August 5, 20 0 4 ma Marie ry Us Dehcho/Akaitcho e A River Framework Agreement s(for ongoing negotiation processe s) rea Acho Dene Koe First Nation , Dehcho/Akaitcho/NWT Framework Agreement, September 18, 200 8 Nahanni Mackenzie Métis First Nation of Nacho Nyak Du,n Fort Bison Wildlife Nation Framework Agreement under considaetrion by P arties Litigation Butte Åue Sanctuary Akaitcho/NWT Settlement Agreemen t Túé Sûlái Providence N

Métis " 0

Dene Tha’ First Natio,n July 23, 2007 ' N " 0 ° 0 '

Nation/AD 1 0 6 °

0 T Akaitcho/NWT 6 Aboriginal Overlap Agreement s rou t La Fort The Tłîchô First Nation and Akaitcho Territory Dene Fir st ke Pr rea Métis/AD/MD imary Use A Resolution Nations Agreement on overlapping interests ilnands and resources, K November 18, 2002 aska Den a Counci Dehcho/NWT Métis Nation The Tłîchô First Nation and Dehcho First Nation s asser l Kakisa ted territo Boundary/Overlap Agreement, October 31, 200 2 ry Dehcho/Acho Dene Koe Hay Sources Trea River NWT Métis Nation ty 11 Fort Trout Ka'a'gee Tu SOUTH SLAVE AREA Acho Dene Koe First Tre Lake 1. Information Management Group, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canaatyda 8, -NRTegion, Nation asserted Liard Jan. 19, 2006 . territory

Sambaa K'e Enterprise 2. National Framework Canada Lands Administrative Boundaries, Legal Surveys Division, Geoma tics Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Sept., 2006 . 1 1 N

y " t 3. Comprehensive Claims Branch, Aboriginal A ffairs and Northern Development Cana da. 8 0 a ' 0 N e y ° " t r 0 0 ' T a 6

0 4. Ndéh Ts’edîîchá: e ° Dehcho First Nations Interim Land Withdrawal, 2011–1274 Draft Community Plan: r 9 T Buffalo Akaitcho 5 Dehcho Ndé h T'áh Ats'et'î K'eh Eghálats'ênda, Nov., 2005. Lake, River and Trails 10 5. Dene Th a’ First Nation, 1993 . Treaty Fort BR 6. (Kaska De na Council, La ird First Nation and Ross River Dena Counc il). ITIS Smith H CO 7. Ach o De ne Koe First Nation (ADK), 2005 . LUM BIA K'atlodeeche First Nation Definitions asserted territory 8. Manitoba Dene Sayisi Dene First Nation/Northlands Den Feirst Nation, 1993. Wood Buffalo Dene Tha' AN 9. Prince Albert Study, – Den esuline Bands, 1980 . Interim Measures Agreement (IMA) : National Park HEW asserted SKATC An agreement that clarifies how the Government territory Akaitcho asserted territory SA 10. Gwich’in Land Use Plan, Gwich’in Land and Water Board, Nov., 200 2. of Canada and the Government of the Northwest ALBERTA

Territories will work with an Aboriginal group during This map may be used and reproduced for 11. Parks Canada, Boundary for: Nahanni Grea ter Ecosystem, East Arm (AOI) Parks Canada Agency, educational and informational purposes only. N 2009. land and resource negotiations on matters such as " 0 Any use for commercial purposes is prohibited ' 0

parks, forest management, land use permits, disposals °

and all rights are reserved. 9 N 5 "

0 12. Protected Areas Strategy, NWT Centre for Geomatics, and the Government of the Northwest

' of lands, water licenses, tourism, etc. 0

° Territories, 1997. 8 5 0 20 40 80 Km. T îchô Ezôdzìtì 13. Area P rotected through ł Agreement ( ): Aboriginal Affairs and Northern De velopment Interim Land Withdrawal : Canada, Comprehensive Claims Branch- Dene/Metis Land S election Office, 2003 . An agreement by the parties to temporarily ensure certain SCALE: 1:2,000,000 14. Nacho Nyak Dun asserted territory, Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation, Mayo, and Yuk on. areas of land are protected from new land sales, leases 0 8 1 or certain other new land rights that could interfere with the PROJECTION: Lambert Conformal Conic y y t t 15. Chief Drygeese asserted territory, Yellowknifes Dene First Nation, 200 2. a ability of the parties to negotiate. a DATUM: NAD 83 e e r r 16. Sahtu Land Use Planning Board, Proposed Final Zonin–gInterim Draft, July, 2011 . T T

128°0'0"W 126°0'0"W 124°0'0"W 122°0'0"W 120°0'0"W 118°0'0"W 116°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 112°0'0"W 110°0'0"W 108°0'0"W 106°0'0"W 104°0'0"W

LEGEND treaty and land claim areas asserted territories areas of interim measures (overlaps colour coded) parks and protected areas established areas (10)(11)(13) Community Acho Dene Koe First Nation asserted territory (7) Historic Treaties 8 & 11 Tåîchô/ADFN Diamond Mine Dehcho First Nations [DFN] (3) proposed national parks and park reserves (11) Akaitcho Dene First Nations asserted territory (3) Protected Areas Strategy candidate areas (12) land claim settlement areas for Inuvialuit, All-weather Road proposed conservation zones (4)(16) Gwich'in, Sahtu Dene and Métis and Tåîchô* (2) DFN/Acho Dene Koe First Nation (7) Tåîchô/ADFN/NWTMN *Wek’èezhìi Resource Management Area Dehcho First Nations asserted territory (3) Winter Road protected area land withdrawals (12) Môwhì Gogha Dè Nîïtåèè (3) Tåîchô/NWTMN Limited Use Road (2003 Tåîchô Agreement, illustrative version) Dene Tha' First Nation asserted territory (5) DFN/Akaitcho Dene First Nations [ADFN] marine protected area Canol Trail K'atlodeeche First Nation asserted territory (3) DFN/Northwest Territory Métis Nation [NWTMN] ADFN (3) Aboriginal title lands for settled Primary Use area (3) Kaska Dena Council asserted territory (6) Reserve Lands (2) land claims (1)(2) DFN/ADFN/NWTMN ADFN/NWTMN Tåîchô/Akaitcho and Tåîchô/Dehcho Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation asserted territory (14) ADFN/NWTMN/ (Fort Smith area) Overlap Agreement areas Surface rights only Sahtu settlement area/ADFN Athabasca Denesuline (9) Produced by: Chief Drygeese asserted territory (15) K'atlodeeche First Nation Information Management Group Land withdrawals for negotiations (1)(3)(4) Dene First Nation (Hay River area) Surface and subsurface rights NWTMN (3) AANDC NT-Region The Northwest Territory Métis Nation may also assert rights in areas adjacent to the ADFN/NWTMN/ Date: March 1, 2012 Note: The North Slave Métis Alliance asserts that it represents a separate Aboriginal group and asserts IMA boundary. rights over most of the Northwest Territories. Canada is reviewing these assertions Athabasca Denesuline/Manitoba Denesuline (8) to determine the status of the organization.

QS-Y372-000-EE-A1 Catalogue R3-160/2012E ISBN 978-1-100-16631-5 © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, 2012