The Fossil Record of the Genus Mycteria (Ciconiidae) in North

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The Fossil Record of the Genus Mycteria (Ciconiidae) in North 1004 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS The Condor93:1004-1006 0 The CooperOrnithological Society 199 I THE FOSSIL RECORD OF THE GENUS MYCTERZA (CICONIIDAE) IN NORTH AMERICA ’ STORRS L. OLSON Department of VertebrateZoology, National Museum of Natural History, SmithsonianInstitution, Washington,DC 20560 Key words: Fossil storks:Mycteria wetmorei; Dis- 129044) that is much too short, stout, and curved for sourodesmilleri; Florida; Pleistocene;Nebraska; Mio- Mycteria. Instead, both specimens are of the Black cene. Vulture, Coragypsatratus (Bechstein). An extinct Pleistocenespecies of Wood Stork, Mvc- Although the Wood Stork, Mycteria americana Lin- teria wetmoreiHoward, 1935, was described from the naeus,is the only extant resident speciesof stork north tar pits at Ranch0 La Brea. California. This was based of Mexico, fossils referable to the genus Mycteria are on a highly diagnostic portion of a mandible and the scarcein Cenozoic deposits of North America, where proximal end of a tarsometatarsus.I examined these storksare more abundantly representedby extinct spe- specimens (LACM K3527, K3528) and concur with cies of Ciconia suchas C. maltha L. Miller, and related Howard’s diagnosis that this is a larger species than forms (e.g., Brodkorb 1963, Bickart 1990). Several M. americana, with the mandible much less curved. published North American fossil records of Mycteria In addition, the dorsalgroove of the mandible is broad- are erroneous or ambiguous; additional material re- er and deeper, and the lateral grooves appear deeper ported here shedsnew light on the history of this genus as well. To my knowledge, no one has questioned the in the New World. validity of M. wetmorei;its statusas a speciesdistinct Apart from two archeologicalrecords from Florida from M. americana seems fully justified. and Venezuela, Brodkorb (1963) listed only one fossil Additional material from the Pleistoceneof Florida record of M americana. This was based on a right is also best referred to M. wetmorei on the basis of humerus identified by McCoy (1963) from depositsof size.Three specimens(distal end ofleft ulna, UF 15592; Rancholabrean age in the Ichetucknee River,-Colum- distal half of right tarsometatarsus lacking middle bia County, Florida (seeWebb 1974:30 for the aae and trochlea, UF 15593; and distal end of right tarsometa- spelling of this locality). I re-examined this specimen tarsuslacking inner trochlea, UF 15594) are from the (then in the collection of Pierce Brodkorb with Florida Ichetucknee River and were reported conditionally Geological Survey number V4871) and found that it under the name M. americana by Campbell (1980), is actually from a Canada Goose Branta canadensis who acknowledgedthat they might be referable to M. (Linnaeus). This error was also noticed by Campbell wetmorei.The distal end of a left tibiotarsus(UF 14907) (1980: 121). but the correction itself was considerablv from the Aucilla River, Jefferson County, in the pan- confounded. In the footnotes to Campbell’s table i, handle of northern Florida, also of Rancholabreanage numbers 4 and 5 are reversed, the former applying to (Webb 1974:30), I have likewise identified as M. wet- Mycteria and the latter to Botaurus.Although no spec- morei. imen of Mycteria is attributed to McCoy in the table, These specimensare larger than the equivalent ele- the footnote statesthat “McCoy referred this specimen, ments in a modem seriesof skeletonsof Mycteria (Ta- a complete humerus, to Brunta canadensis,”whereas ble l), except the smaller tarsometatarsus(UF 15593) the opposite is true, the bone in question being from which showsevidence of the porousbone surfacechar- a goosebut identified by McCoy as a stork. acteristic of juvenile birds, thus possibly accounting Another recordattributed to Mycteria americanawas for its small size. The straightmandible ofM. wetmorei reported from Pleistocenedeposits in Little Salt Spring, is actually more reminisc&t of that in the three Old Florida (Clausen et al. 1979). My initial attempts to World speciesof Mycteria than the more curved man- borrow this material for verification were unsuccessful. dible of M. americana. In size, M. wetmorei exceeds Later, a good portion of my unanswered letter of in- all of the specimensof Mycteria examined, but is clos- quiry to Clausen( 14 February 1979) appearedin Hol- est to M. Zeucocephala(Table 1), although material of man and Clausen (1984:151-152), where the fossils the Old World species was insufficient to determine were then listed as “Cf. Mycteria SD.indet.” Not until the range of size variation. 1991 was I able to examine these bones-a scapula A much older stork fossil, described as a new genus (UF 129043) that lacksthe distinct knoblike coracoidal and species,Dissourodes milleri Short, 1966, was based articulation of storks, and the shaft of a humerus (UF on the distal end of a left tibiotarsus from the Crooks- ton Bridge local fauna of the Valentine Formation in Cherry County, Nebraska, and is late Middle Miocene (late Barstovian), approximately 12 million years old I Received 4 February 199 1. Final acceptance 21 (Becker 1987:39, 168). Short’s (1966) diagnosisof Dis- May 1991. sourodesis difficult to decipher, in part becauseof com- SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 1005 TABLE 1. Measurements(mm) of fossil and modem specimensof Mycteriu. Specimensof M. americana are from the collections of PB, LACM, and USNM; all other modem specimensare from USNM. Distancefrom middle Distal width trochleato proximal end of Distal width of of tibiotarsus hallux scar lanOmelatarS”s Distal depth of ulna M. wetmorei UF 14907 15.6 - - - UF 15594 - 38.1 - - UF 15593 - - 19.5 - UF 15592 - - - 15.8 M. americana 12.2-14.1 (13.2) 26.1-33.2 (30.2) 17.4-20.6 (19.0) 12.9-15.3 (13.9) (n = 31) (n = 26) (n = 26) (n = 36) M. ibis (n = 4) 12.4-13.5 (12.8) 30.0-32.7 (31.1) 17.1-19.5 (18.3) 12.7-13.7 (13.0) M. cinerea (n = 2) 11.9-13.4 (12.6) 28.3-31.7 (30.0) 17.5-19.5 (18.5) 12.8-14.3 (13.5) M. leucocephala(n = 2) 13.2-15.1 (14.1) 32.4-36. I (34.2) 18.4-20.5 (19.4) 13.6-14.7 (14.1) FIGURE 1. Distal ends of left tibiotarsi of storks in anterior (upper row) and distal (lower row) views: A, modem Ciconiuciconia (USNM 6050 12); B, castofholotype of Dissourodes(=Mycteria) milleri (USNM 23843); C, fossil specimen from Aucilla River, Florida, referred to Mycteria wetmorei (UF 14907); D, modem M. americann (USNM 500889). Arrow indicates the proximal incision of the external condyle characteristicof the genus Mycteriu. Note also in distal view (lower) the narrower intercondylar sulcusof Mycteria versus that of Ciconiu. Scale = 3 cm. 1006 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS parisons with numerous modem genera that are no For comments on the manuscript I am grateful to Jon- longer considered valid (see Kahl 1971, 1972, 1979). athan Becker, Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr., J. Alan Hol- Short consideredMycteria and Ibis (the latter now in- man, and David W. Steadman. cluded in Mycteria) to be peculiar and to differ from Dissourodesin having the intercondylar groove “V- LITERATURE CITED shapedanteriorly but sharplyshifting to a U-shape near the baseof the groove.” Perhapsthis refers to the char- BECKER,J. J. 1987. Neogene avian localities ofNorth acteristic shape of the intercondylar fossa in Mycteria America. Smithsonian Institution Press, Wash- causedby the marked incision of the proximomedial ington, DC. margin of the external condyle. A cast of the holotype BICKART,K. J. 1990. The birds of the late Miocene- of Dissourodesmilleri shows this feature to be present early Pliocene Big Sandy Formation, Mohave and well-developed,however (Fig. 1B). This cast agrees County, Arizona, p. l-72. In Recent advances in further with Mycteria, and differs from Ciconia (sensu the study of Neogenefossil birds. Om. Monog. 44. lato), in the narrower intercondylar sulcus,as seen in BRODKORB,P. 1963. Catalogueof fossil birds. Part 1 distal view (Fig. 1). (Archaeopterygiformesthrough Ardeiformes). Bull. In comparing Dissourodesmilleri with the tibiotar- Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 7:179-273. susreferred to Mycteria wetmorei(Fig. l), I could de- CAMPBELL.K. E.. JR. 1980. A review of the Ran- tect no significant differences in qualitative features cholabrean avifauna of the Itchtucknee River, except the more robust shaft in D. milleri. The mea- Florida. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los An- surements of the Pleistocene fossil correspond very gelesCounty 330: 119-l 29. closelywith thosegiven by Short for D. milleri. If these CLAUSEN,C. J., A. D. COHEN, C. EMILIANI, J. A. fossils were of equivalent age, they might well be as- HOLMAN,AND J. J. STIPP. 1979. Little Salt Spring, signedto the samespecies. Considering the much great- Florida: a uniaue underwater site. Science 203: er ageof D. milleri, suchan action would be precipitate 609-614. - in view of the limited amount of fossil material. I can HOLMAN,J. A., AND C. J. CLAUSEN. 1984. Fossil ver- seeno justification, however, for separategeneric status tebrates associatedwith paleo-indian artifact at for D. milleri. Consequently the genus Dissourodes Little Salt Spring, Florida. J. Vert. Paleont. 4: 146- Short, 1966, may be regarded as a junior subjective 154. synonym of Mycteria Linnaeus, 1758, and its only in- HOWARD,H. 1935. The Ranch0 La Brea wood ibis. cluded speciesshould hence be known asMycteria mil- Condor 37:25 l-253. leri (Short), new combination. KAHL, M. P. 1971. Social behavior and taxonomic Unless Mycteria americana decreasedmarkedly in relationshins of the storks. Livina Bird 10:15 l- size since the end of the Pleistocene,all fossilsof Myc- 170. - teria yet found in North America are referable to M. KAHL, M. P. 1972. A revision of the family Ciconi- wetmorei;there is thus no confirmed Pleistocene oc- idae (Aves). J. Zool. (Proc. Zool. Sot., London) currence for the Wood Stork.
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    Wilson’ Bull., 91(4), 1979, pp. 512-523 RECENT WOOD STORK POPULATION TRENDS IN THE UNITED STATES JOHN C. OGDEN AND STEPHEN A. NESBITT The population of Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) resident in the United States occurs on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the southern Atlantic states. Historically, storks nested in all coastal states from Texas to South Carolina (Bent 1926, Cone and Hall 1970, Dusi and Dusi 1968, Howell 1932, Oberholser 1938, Oberholser and Kincaid 1974, Wayne 1910), although colonies outside Florida formed irregularly and contained few birds. The United States population of storks was not greatly disturbed during the plume-hunting era (Allen 1958), and probably con- tained between 75,000 and 100,000 birds of all age classes during the early twentieth century (Ogden 1978). I ncreased land development and the as- sociated drainage of freshwater wetlands eliminated many nesting and feeding sites, resulting in a severe decline in the total number of storks. Concern for the fate of this species in the United States was first expressed during the late 1950s (Allen 1958, Sprunt and Kahl 1960). A series of aerial surveys was conducted between 1957 and 1960, in an attempt to locate all remaining Wood Stork nesting colonies in the United States. Renewed concern for the status of storks during the early 1970s resulted in a second series of aerial surveys beginning in 1974. These 2 surveys produced the first complete counts of the number of storks nesting in the United States, and revealed that major colonies continued to decline between surveys.
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