ELDERS TECHNICAL SITE RESULTS Minlaton 2017 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 18 May 2017 Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system Sowing depth (cm) 2-3 cm VARIETY Combine make PJ Green TRIAL Combine configuration 6 tines at 235 mm spacing Soil moisture at surface Dry Soil moisture below surface Moist Fertiliser 18 May 2017 22:15 @ 90 kg/ha 2.0 L/ha Roundup Ultramax 30 mL/ha Hammer 18 May 2017 2.5 L/ha Boxer Gold 1.5 L/ha Triflur X 700 m L/ha Lorsban Pest control 600 mL/ha Axial 21 Jul 2017 500mL/100L Adigor 1.2 L/ha Talinor 24 Aug 2017 75 mL/ha Lontrel Advance 500 mL/100L Adigor Harvest date 05 Dec 2017

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Randomised complete block Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) Statistical analysis test were conducted using ARM18. Replications 3 Plot size 1.41 m x 10 m

PRODUCTS ACTIVE FORMULATION FORMULATION PRODUCT NAME FORMULATION INTRODUCTION INGREDIENT (AI) CONCENTRATION (G/L) CODE A trial was conducted at Minlaton, South Australia, demonstrating yield and disease susceptibility characteristics of new and existing Moddus Evo 250 DC Trinexapac-ethyl 250 g/L DC Dispersible concentrate barley varieties. The incidence and severity of net form of net blotch ( teres f. teres) was scored for each variety across several Amistar Xtra 280 SC Azoxystrobin + Cyroconazole 200 g/L + 80 g/L SC Suspension concentrate assessment timings to highlight the varying levels of disease susceptibility across the varieties. These outcomes were compared with Compass and LaTrobe with Amistar Xtra and Moddus Evo applied at GS32 and GS 61. Yield and grain quality testing was also undertaken TREATMENT LIST for each variety. Trt No. Variety Timing Rate 1 Compass T1 70 kg/ha AIMS 2 LaTrobe T1 70 kg/ha To demonstrate yield and quality of new and current Barley varieties. 3 Spartacus T1 70 kg/ha 4 Alestar T1 70 kg/ha DISEASE 5 Maltstar T1 70 kg/ha 6 SMBA06-4099A T1 70 kg/ha EPPO Code Scientific name Common name 7 Compass T1 70 kg/ha PYRNTE Pyrenophora teres f. teres Net form of net blotch (NFNB) Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra T2 – App A 200 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha Modus Evo T3 – App B 200 mL/ha 8 LaTrobe T1 70 kg/ha METHODS AND MATERIALS Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra T2 – App A 200 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha Modus Evo T3 – App B 200 mL/ha SITE DETAILS T1 = Seeding T2 = Application A = GS23 T3 = Application B = GS61 Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia GPS co-ordinates -34.793036, 137.661391 TRIAL LAYOUT/RANDOMISATION Soil texture Sandy loam 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 Compass LaTrobe 3 1 8 2 7 5 6 4 Spartacus Fertiliser applied Barley 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Alestar Maltstar 6 7 5 1 4 2 7 3 SMBA 06-4099A 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Sowing rate 70 kg/ha 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 4 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Assessments Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event Crop biomass assessment 18 May 2017 00DAS 00 Crop sown Date 26 Jul 2017 26 Jul 2017 -21DAAA 23 Crop biomass assessment Days after application timing -21DAAA 08 Aug 2017 0DAAA 32 Application A Sample size Whole plot 05 Sep 2017 20DAAA 53 Disease severity assessment 20 Sep 2017 35DAAA 61 Disease severity and incidence Method Visual assessment of crop biomass was conducted on a percentage scale (100% = untreated/no damage and 0% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results 21 Sep 2017 36DAAA 61 Application B were recorded as the mean percentage crop vigour. 56DAAA 11 Oct 2017 75 Disease severity and incidence 20DAAB Grain yield assessment 111DAAA 99 Crop harvested Date 05 Dec 2017 05 Dec 2017 75DAAB Grain yield assessed Days after application timing 111DAAA 120DAAA 14 Dec 2017 99 Grain quality assessed 75DAAB 84DAAB Sample size Whole plot DAS = Days after sowing DAAA = Days after application A DAAB = Days after application B Method Grain yield per plot was harvested using a small plot harvester and was recorded as the mean kg/ha of grain harvested. APPLICATION DETAILS – SPRAY Grain quality assessment Application A B Dates 08 Aug 2017 21 Sep 2017 Date 14 Dec 2017 Time 11:15 – 11:30 12:30 – 13:00 Days after application timing 120DAAA 84DAAB Treatments applied T7, T8 T7, T8 Temperature (°C) 13.5 22.5 Sample size 500 mL per plot 100 mL per plot Relative humidity (%) 71.2 58.4 Method Standard grain quality tests were Percent moisture, percent protein using Cloud cover (%) 100 20 conducted including percent screenings FOSS Sophia Infratec™ 1241 Grain Wind direction SW WSW by weight, and test weight (kg/hL). Analyser Wind speed (km/h) 8.5 3.0 Disease incidence Soil moisture Moist Dry surface, moist below Dates 201 Sep 2017 11 Oct 2017 Leaf wetness Dry Dry Days after application timing 35DAAA 56DAAA Crop stage (BBCH) 23 61 20DAAB Disease level No disease present Disease present Sample size 12 per plot Nozzle type Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan Method Disease incidence was calculated from disease severity data where the number of Nozzle number 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing plants with infection was recorded and expressed as a percentage of plants infected in Spray quality Coarse Coarse each layer of the canopy. Spray volume (L/ha) 100 100 Disease severity Pressure (kPa) 300 300 Dates 201 Sep 2017 11 Oct 2017 Ground speed (km/h) 7.2 7.2 Method Walk-on application of treatments Days after application timing 35DAAA 56DAAA 20DAAB Equipment LPG pressurised hand-held spray unit Sample size 12 plants per plot Method 12 plants per plot were assessed for disease severity. The canopy was split into three layers (bottom, middle, upper) with each layer assessed for disease separately. The percentage area of each plant infected with disease within those layers was estimated and recorded as a percentage severity of disease infection. Results were averaged across each plot and recorded in terms of mean disease severity for each canopy layer.

RESULTS • A significant yield response was observed when Moddus and Amistar Xtra were applied to Compass; however there was no such yield response for Latrobe when treated with Moddus and Amistar Xtra relative to the standalone LaTrobe treatment.

• Maltstar and SMBA06-4099A were the only two varieties whose mean protein percentage was less than 9%.

• Maltstar, Alestar and SMBA06-4099A consistently recorded the highest disease scores.

*Data presented as back-transformed means (Square Root).

4 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 5 Table 2. Net form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. teres) incidence in various barley varieties, Minlaton 6.0 Net form of net blotch incidence Appl. 5.5 No. Treatment Product rate (mean % plant infected) Timing Bottom Middle Top 5.0 BBCH61 BBCH75 BBCH61 BBCH75 BBCH61 BBCH75 4.5 1 Compass 70 kg/ha 100 100 100 100 11 97

4.0 2 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha 100 100 100 100 19 92 3 Spartacus 70 kg/ha 100 100 100 97 17 92 3.5 4 Alestar 70 kg/ha 100 100 100 100 47 100 3.0 5 Maltstar 70 kg/ha 100 100 97 100 44 100 6 SMBA06-4099A 70 kg/ha 100 100 100 100 61 100 2.5

Grain yield (t/ha) Grain 7 Compass 70 kg/ha Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 2.0 100 100 97 100 33 100 Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 1.5 200 mL/ha 8 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha 1.0 Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 100 100 100 100 44 100 Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 0.5 200 mL/ha P-value 1.000 1.000 0.4706 0.4706 0.2004 0.4706 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CV 0.00 0.00 2.24 1.71 68.16 6.69 Treatment no. LSD (P ≤ 0.05) NSD NSD NSD NSD NSD NSD Figure 1. Grain yield (t/ha) of various barley varieties, Minlaton T1 = Application A = GS23 T2 = Application B = GS61 Table 1. Grain yield and quality of various barley varieties, Minlaton NSD = No significant difference due to a P-value ›0.05

Grain quality Grain yield BBCH99 Table 3. Net form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. teres) severity in various barley varieties, Minlaton Appl. (mean t/ No. Treatment Product rate Test weight Protein Feed Net form of net blotch severity timing ha) Retention Appl. (mean kg/ content screenings No. Treatment Product rate (mean % plant area infected) BBCH99 (mean %) Timing hL) (mean %) (mean %) Bottom Middle Top 1 Compass 70 kg/ha 5.02 c 64.03 bc 9.13 bc 7.36 bc 91.22 a BBCH61 BBCH75 BBCH61 BBCH75 BBCH61 BBCH75 2 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha 5.42 ab 65.73 ab 9.53 ab 7.75 bc 87.34 bc 1 Compass 70 kg/ha 4.7 c 6.1 c 1.4 c 4.5 b 0.1 2.2 c 3 Spartacus 70 kg/ha 5.09 bc 66.23 a 9.73 a 7.68 bc 88.38 b 2 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha 7.3 bc 9.2 c 1.9 bc 4.3 b 0.2 2.3 c 4 Alestar 70 kg/ha 5.49 a 63.13 cd 9.13 bc 8.53 a 87.83 b 3 Spartacus 70 kg/ha 5.5 c 8.6 c 1.7 c 5.0 b 0.2 2.3 c 5 Maltstar 70 kg/ha 5.72 a 64.70 abc 8.70 d 8.44 a 85.97 c 4 Alestar 70 kg/ha 10.6 a 16.6 ab 3.3 ab 8.8 a 0.5 5.7 a 6 SMBA06-4099A 70 kg/ha 5.55 a 62.20 d 8.83 cd 7.34 bc 90.28 a 5 Maltstar 70 kg/ha 7.1 bc 13.6 b 2.4 bc 9.1 a 0.5 5.4 a 7 Compass 70 kg/ha 6 SMBA06-4099A 70 kg/ha 11.8 a 18.3 a 4.3 a 9.8 a 0.7 6.7 a Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 5.65 a 64.70 abc 9.30 b 7.12 c 91.66 a Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 7 Compass 70 kg/ha Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 200 mL/ha 5.7 c 8.8 c 2.3 bc 5.7 b 0.3 3.2 bc Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 8 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha 200 mL/ha Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 5.60 a 65.10 ab 9.37 ab 7.96 ab 87.66 b Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 8 LaTrobe 70 kg/ha Modus Evo + Amistar Xtra 200 mL/ha + T1 200 mL/ha 9.9 ab 18.3 a 4.3 a 10.9 a 0.6 4.8 ab Modus Evo 400 mL/ha T2 P-value 0.0077 0.0039 0.0020 0.0032 0.0001 200 mL/ha CV 3.87 1.55 2.60 4.84 0.93 P-value 0.0007 0.0001 0.0024 0.0002 0.2034 0.0015 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 0.369 1.748 0.420 0.659 1.440 CV 21.30 15.95 29.99 19.98 75.37 29.84 T1 = Application A = GS23 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 2.92 3.47 1.42 2.53 NSD 2.12 T2 = Application B = GS61 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) T1 = Application A = GS23 T2 = Application B = GS61 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD)

6 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 7 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 18 May 2017 WHEAT Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system Sowing depth (cm) 2-3 cm VARIETY Combine make PJ Green – AGX17068 Combine configuration 6 tines at 235 mm spacing Soil moisture at surface Dry Soil moisture below surface Moist Fertiliser 18 May 2017 22:15 @ 90 kg/ha 2.0 L/ha Roundup Ultramax 30 mL/ha Hammer 18 May 2017 2.5 L/ha Boxer Gold 1.5 L/ha Triflur X 700 m L/ha Lorsban Pest control 600 mL/ha Axial 21 Jul 2017 500mL/100L Adigor 1.2 L/ha Talinor 75 mL/ha Lontrel Advance 24 Aug 2017 500 mL/100L Adigor 600 mL/ha Amistar Xtra Harvest date 05 Dec 2017

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Randomised complete block Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) Statistical analysis test were conducted using ARM18. Replications 4 Plot size 1.41 m x 10 m

TREATMENT LIST INTRODUCTION No. Product Sowing Rate 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha A wheat variety trial was conducted at Minlaton, South Australia, demonstrating the yield and disease resistance attributes of new and current wheat varieties. The incidence and severity of Septoria (Septoria tritici) blotch was scored for each variety across several 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha assessment timings to highlight the varying levels of disease susceptibility between varieties. Yield and grain quality testing was also 3 Mace 90 kg/ha undertaken for each variety. 4 Chief 90 kg/ha 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha AIMS 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha To demonstrate yield and quality of new and current Wheat varieties. 7 Jet 90 kg/ha 8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha DISEASE 9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha

EPPO Code Scientific name Common name SEPTTR Septoria tritici Septoria Tritici Blotch TRIAL LAYOUT/RANDOMISATION 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 METHODS AND MATERIALS 7 3 1 5 6 8 9 2 4 201 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 SITE DETAILS 8 4 2 9 7 1 5 6 3 Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia GPS co-ordinates -34.793044, 137.661297 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Soil texture Sandy loam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scepter Trojan 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Mace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chief Crop and variety Wheat Ds Pascal Tungsten Jet Cobalt Tenfour Sowing rate 90 kg/ha

8 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 10 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS RESULTS Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event • Yield results were split into two echelons based on yield, with Trojan, DS Pascal, Tungsten, Jet and Cobalt all recorded equivalent 18 May 2017 00DAS 00 Crop sown mean yields of around 5.8-5-9 t/ha. 20 Sep 2017 125DAS 62 Disease severity and incidence • Trojan and Cobalt were the only varieties in this higher yielding echelon that had a protein percentage greater than 9%. 11 Oct 2017 146DAS 75 Disease severity and incidence Crop harvested • Scepter, Mace, Chief and Tenfour recorded statistically equivalent yields, with means ranging from 4.85 to 5.18 t/ha. The lower 05 Dec 2017 201DAS 99 Grain yield assessed yielding varieties all recorded mean protein percentages higher than 9%. 14 Dec 2017 210DAS 99 Grain quality assessed • Scepter and Mace consistently recorded the highest mean disease incidence across all sections of the canopy. This high disease incidence translated to these two varieties residing in the highest category of disease severity at both assessment timings, in all DAS = Days after sowing sections of the canopy.

Assessments • Conversely; Trojan, DS Pascal and Jet were consistently recorded the lowest mean disease severities. Grain yield assessment Date 05 Dec 2017 6.0 Days after sowing 201DAS Sample size Whole plot 5.0 Method Grain yield per plot was harvested using a small plot harvester and was recorded as the mean kg/ha of grain harvested. Grain quality assessment 4.0 Date 14 Dec 2017 Days after sowing 210DAS 3.0 Sample size 500 mL per plot

Method Standard grain quality tests were Standard grain quality tests were conducted yield (t/ha) Grain 2.0 conducted including percent screenings including percentage screenings by weight, and by weight, and test weight (kg/hL). test weight (kg/hL). Disease incidence 1.0 Date 201 Sep 2017 11 Oct 2017 Days after sowing 125DAS 146DAS 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample size 12 plants per plot Treatment no. Method Disease incidence was calculated from disease severity data where the number of plants with infection was recorded and expressed as a percentage of plants infected in each layer of the canopy. Table 1. Grain yield and quality of various wheat varieties, Minlaton Disease severity Grain quality Grain yield BBCH99 Date 201 Sep 2017 11 Oct 2017 (mean t/ No. Treatment Product rate Test weight Protein Moisture Days after sowing 125DAS 146DAS ha) Screenings (mean kg/ content content BBCH99 (mean %) Sample size 12 plants per plot hL) (mean %) (mean %) Method 12 plants per plot were assessed for disease severity. The plant canopy was split into 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha 5.07 b 77.90 ab 9.18 cde 14.35 a 1.04 bc three layers (bottom, middle, upper) with each layer assessed for disease separately. The percentage area of each plant infected with disease within those layers was estimated and 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha 5.83 a 78.38 a 9.18 cde 14.25 ab 0.88 cd recorded as a percentage severity of disease infection. Results were averaged across each 3 Mace 90 kg/ha 4.85 b 77.55 bc 9.50 bcd 14.25 ab 0.87 d plot and recorded in terms of mean disease severity for each canopy layer. 4 Chief 90 kg/ha 5.18 b 78.23 ab 10.10 ab 13.95 abc 0.86 d 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha 5.83 a 76.88 cd 8.90 de 13.85 bc 1.13 b 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha 5.83 a 73.40 e 8.58 e 14.00 abc 1.49 a 7 Jet 90 kg/ha 5.93 a 76.50 d 8.78 e 13.88 bc 1.11 b 8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha 5.85 a 78.20 ab 9.53 abc 13.80 c 0.89 cd 9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha 5.04 b 76.33 d 10.13 a 13.60 c 0.92 cd P-value 0.0008 0.0001 0.0001 0.0148 0.0001 CV 7.08 0.68 4.43 2.00 11.58 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 0.568 0.765 0.409 0.602 0.172

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD)

10 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 11 Table 2. Septoria Tritici Blotch (Septoria tritici) incidence in various wheat varieties, Minlaton

Septoria incidence No. Treatment Product rate (mean % plant infected) Bottom Middle Top BBCH62 BBCH75 BBCH62 BBCH75 BBCH62 BBCH75 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha 100 100 100 a 100 27.1 ab 97.9 ab 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha 100 100 62 b 100 6.3 cd 72.9 cd 3 Mace 90 kg/ha 100 100 97 a 100 39.6 a 100.0 a 4 Chief 90 kg/ha 100 100 93 a 100 12.5 bc 81.3 abc 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha 100 100 75 b 98 2.1 e 54.2 d 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha 100 100 93 a 100 21.4 ab 95.8 abc

7 Jet 90 kg/ha 100 98 62 b 100 4.2 de 81.3 bcd

8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha 100 100 37 c 100 0.0 e 100.0 a

9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha 100 100 16 c 100 2.1 e 100.0 a P-value 1.0000 0.4613 0.0001 0.4613 0.0001 0.0021 CV 0.00 1.39 17.22 1.39 41.87 18.41 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) NSD NSD tA NSD tL tA

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) tA = Data transformed using x = Arcsine square root percent (y) tL = Data transformed using x = Log (y + 1)

Table 3. Septoria Tritici Blotch (Septoria tritici) severity in various wheat varieties, Minlaton

Septoria severity (mean % plant area infected) No. Treatment Product rate Bottom Middle Top BBCH62 BBCH75 BBCH62 BBCH75 BBCH62 BBCH75 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha 8.1 a 34.4 a 3.0 a 13.7 a 0.4 a 5.0 ab 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha 3.5 b 21.0 bc 1.0 cd 5.9 d 0.1 b 2.1 de 3 Mace 90 kg/ha 8.0 a 38.6 a 3.4 a 16.2 a 0.4 a 6.7 a 4 Chief 90 kg/ha 4.7 b 24.7 b 1.9 b 8.6 bc 0.2 ab 2.7 cd 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha 3.5 b 16.8 c 1.4 bc 5.8 d 0.0 b 1.2 e 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha 4.3 b 25.1 b 2.0 b 9.3 b 0.2 ab 3.5 bc 7 Jet 90 kg/ha 4.2 b 17.5 c 1.1 cd 6.2 d 0.1 b 2.1 de 8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha 3.6 b 22.1 bc 0.6 de 9.4 b 0.0 b 4.4 b 9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha 1.9 c 17.3 c 0.2 e 7.0 cd 0.0 b 3.8 bc P-value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0175 0.0001 CV 12.55 6.22 23.63 7.32 119.37 14.08 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) tL tL tA tL 0.260 tS

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) tA = Data transformed using x = Arcsine square root percent (y) tL = Data transformed using x = Log (y + 1) tS = Data transformed using x = SQRT (y + 0.5)

12 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 13 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 19 May 2017 CEREAL GRASS Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system CONTROL TRIAL Sowing depth (cm) 2-3 cm Combine make PJ Green – AGX17069 Combine configuration 6 tines at 235 mm spacing Soil moisture at surface Dry Soil moisture below surface Moist Fertiliser 18 May 2017 22:15 @ 100 kg/ha 2.0 L/ha Roundup Ultramax 18 May 2017 30 mL/ha Hammer Pest control 700 m L/ha Lorsban 24 Aug 2017 600 mL/ha Amistar Xtra Harvest date 05 Dec 2017

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Randomised complete block Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) Statistical analysis test were conducted using ARM18. Replications 4 Plot size 1.41 m x 10 m

TREATMENT LIST No. Product Sowing Rate 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha OBJECTIVES 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha A trial was established at Minlaton, South Australia, demonstrating the options available for early season grass control in wheat across 3 Mace 90 kg/ha IBS, post sowing pre-emergent and early post emergent (GS13) application timings. Herbicide treatments were targeting annual ryegrass 4 Chief 90 kg/ha (Lolium rigidum). 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha AIMS 7 Jet 90 kg/ha To demonstrate various early season grass control options in Wheat. 8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha 9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha WEEDS

EPPO Code Scientific name Common name Formulation Formulation Product name Active ingredient (ai) Formulation LOLRI Lolium rigidum Annual ryegrass (ARG) concentration code Sakura Pyroxasulfone 850 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules Boxer Gold Prosulfocarb + S-Metolachlor 800 g/L + 120 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate METHODS AND MATERIALS Arcade Prosulfocarb 816 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate Avadex Xtra Triallate 500 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate SITE DETAILS Trifluralin Trifluralin 480 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia DC 148 Experimental Exp - - GPS co-ordinates -34.792990, 137.661281 Intervix Imazamox + Imazapyr 33 g/L + 15 g/L SL Soluble concentrate Soil texture Sandy loam Sentry Imazapic + Imazapyr 525 g/kg + 175 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules Crop and variety Wheat: Grenade Atlantis Mesosulfurn-methyl 30 g/L SC Suspension concentrate Sowing rate 90 kg/ha Rexade Pyroxsulam 150 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules

14 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 16 No. Timing Treatment Rate Timing Treatment Rate Application details – spray 1 -- Untreated ------Application A B C 2 T1 Sakura 118 g/ha ------Dates 19 May 2017 19 May 2017 10 Jul 2017 3 T1 Sakura + Avadex Xtra 118g/ha+ 3.2 L/ha ------Time 15:00 – 15:30 17:30 – 17:40 11:00 – 11:30 4 T1 Boxer Gold 2.5L/ha ------Treatments applied 1-21 5 16-22 5 T1 Boxer Gold 1.75L/ha T2 Boxer Gold 750 mL:/ha Temperature (°C) 16.5 14.0 14.0 6 T1 Boxer Gold + Avadex Xtra 2.5L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------7 T1 Arcade 3L/ha ------Relative humidity (%) 52 53 57 8 T1 Arcade + Sakura 2.5L/ha + 118g/ha ------Cloud cover (%) 0 0 45 9 T1 Arcade + Trifluralin 2.5L/ha + 2L/ha ------Wind direction SSW SSW SW 10 T1 Arcade + Avadex Xtra 2.5L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Wind speed (km/h) 1.0 1.0 4.0 11 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Soil moisture Dry on surface moist below Dry on surface moist below Moist 12 T1 DC 148 210mL/ha ------Timing for pre-em herbicides IBS PSPE EPE 13 T1 Sentry 50g/ha ------Leaf wetness Dry Dry Dry 14 T1 Terrain 120g/ha ------Crop stage (BBCH) 00 00 21 15 T1 Terrain + Trifluralin 120g/ha + 2L/ha ------16 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Boxer Gold 2.5L/ha Weed growth stage description 00 00 14 17 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Arcade 3L/ha Nozzle type Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan 18 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Decision 1L/ha Nozzle number 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 19 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Atlantis 330mL/ha Spray quality Coarse Coarse 10 20 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Rexade 100g/ha Spray volume (L/ha) 100 100 100 21 T1 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T3 Intervix + Kwicken 750mL/ha + 0.5% Pressure (kPa) 300 300 300 22 T3 Intervix + Kwicken 750mL/ha ------Ground speed (km/h) 7.2 7.2 7.2 T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) T2 = Post-sowing Pre-emergent (PSPE) Method Walk-on application of treatments T3 = Early Post Emergent (EPE) Equipment LPG pressurised hand-held spray unit

TRIAL LAYOUT/RANDOMISATION 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 21 19 9 7 16 13 20 5 12 18 14 17 8 1 4 2 22 11 15 10 3 6 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 3 17 12 2 8 14 4 10 1 19 16 15 22 11 21 20 5 9 6 7 13 18 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 10 22 15 6 18 19 9 11 13 20 4 21 5 17 3 12 7 1 14 16 2 8 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event 18 May 2017 00DAS 00 Crop sown Application of IBS treatments 1-21 Application of PSPE treatments 5 10 Jul 2017 53DAS 21 Application of EPE treatments 16-22 21 Jul 2017 63DAS 22 Weed density assessment Crop vigour and phytotoxicity assessment 26 Jul 2017 68DAS 24 Crop emergence assessment Weed control assessment 05 Sep 2017 109DAS 41 Weed control assessment Crop harvested 05 Dec 2017 200DAS 99 Grain yield assessed

DAS = Days after sowing

16 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 17 Assessments Table 1. Grain yield of wheat cv. Cobra, Minlaton Grain yield Crop vigour assessment Appl. No. Treatment Product rate (mean t/ha) timing Date 26 Jul 2017 BBCH99 Days after sowing 68DAS 1 Untreated control Nil 5.16 abcd Sample size Whole plot 2 Sakura 118 g/ha 5.21 abcd Method Visual assessment of crop vigour was conducted on a percentage scale (100% = untreated/no damage and 0% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results were recorded as the 3 Sakura + Avadex Xtra 118 g/ha+ 3.2 L/ha T1 5.66 a mean percentage crop vigour. 4 Boxer Gold 2.5 L/ha 4.87 cde Crop phytotoxicity assessment 5 Boxer Gold 1.75 L/ha T1 5.34 abcd Date 26 Jul 2017 Boxer Gold 750 mL/ha T2 Days after sowing 68DAS 6 Boxer Gold + Avadex Xtra 2.5 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 5.30 abcd Sample size Whole plot 7 Arcade 3 L/ha 4.96 bcde Method Visual assessment of crop phytotoxicity (e.g. chlorosis/necrosis etc.) was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no damage and 100% = crop death) relative to an 8 Arcade + Sakura 2.5 L/ha + 118 g/ha 4.97 bcde untreated control. Results were recorded as the mean percentage crop phytotoxicity. 9 Arcade + Trifluralin 2.5 L/ha + 2 L/ha 4.95 bcde Grain yield assessment 10 Arcade + Avadex Xtra 2.5 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 5.41 abc Date 05 Dec 2017 T1 11 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 4.96 bcde Days after sowing 200DAS 12 DC 148 210 mL/ha 4.98 bcde Sample size Whole plot 13 Sentry 50 g/ha 4.80 de Method Grain yield per plot was harvested using a small plot harvester and was recorded as the mean kg/ha of grain harvested. 14 Terrain 120 g/ha 4.84 cde Weed control assessment 15 Terrain + Trifluralin 120 g/ha + 2 L/ha 4.79 de Dates 26 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017 16 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 5.26 abcd Days after sowing 68DAS 109DAS Boxer Gold 2.5 L/ha T3 Sample size Whole plot 17 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 5.01 bcd Method Visual assessment of weed control was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no Arcade 3 L/ha T3 control and 100% = complete control/weed death) relative to the untreated control. All weeds 18 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 4.39 e present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were recorded as the mean Decision 1 L/ha T3 percentage weed control of each species. 19 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 4.86 cde Weed density assessment Atlantis 330 mL/ha T3 Date 21 Jul 2017 20 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 5.47 ab Days after sowing 63DAS Rexade 100 g/ha T3 21 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 Sample size 50 cm by 25 cm quadrat x 8 quadrats/plot 5.37 abcd Intervix + Kwicken 750 mL/ha + 0.5% T3 Method A quadrat was randomly placed within each plot and the number of live weeds counted and recorded to species level. The number of plants were counted in a minimum of eight 22 Intervix + Kwicken 750 mL/ha T1 5.22 abcd quadrats/plot and data converted to the mean number of weeds per m2. P-value 0.0345 CV 8.32 RESULTS LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 0.598

• A dryer than average start to the Minlaton growing season resulted in a delayed and highly variable ryegrass emergence, coupled T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) with a reduction in efficacy of treatments such as Sakura, Boxer Gold and Arcade. T2 = Post-sowing Pre-emergent (PSPE) • These dry early season conditions highlighted the benefits of a multi-faceted pre-emergent strategy to control annual ryegrass in T3 = Early Post Emergent (EPE) sandy soils. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) • Sakura, Boxer Gold and Arcade each benefitted significantly from the addition of Avadex Xtra, to a tank mix, a product which doesn’t require moisture for activation. • Under the conditions of this trial, there appeared to be no benefit attained in terms of annual ryegrass control where a post- emergent herbicide followed Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra applied IBS. • All treatments incorporating a post-emergent application recorded annual ryegrass control 109DAS that was equivalent to Avadex + Trifuluralin applied IBS.

18 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 19 Figure 1. Grain yield (t/ha) of wheat cv. Cobra, Minlaton Table 2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control and density in wheat cv. Cobra, Minlaton Annual ryegrass Annual ryegrass control density 22 Appl. (mean % relative to UTC) No. Treatment Product rate (mean no. per m2) Timing 21 68DAS 109DAS 63DAS 1 Untreated control Nil 0.0 j 0.0 j 24.8 abcde 20 2 Sakura 118 g/ha 50.0 hi 62.5 h 22.8 abc

3 Sakura + Avadex Xtra 118 g/ha+ 3.2 L/ha T1 93.3 abcd 87.5 abc 10.8 cdef 19 4 Boxer Gold 2.5 L/ha 75.0 efg 72.5 fg 21.8 abc

18 5 Boxer Gold 1.75 L/ha T1 68.8 gh 73.8 efg 15.3 bcdef Boxer Gold 750 mL/ha T2 17 6 Boxer Gold + Avadex Xtra 2.5 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 94.0 abc 92.5 a 7.5 ef

7 Arcade 3 L/ha 45.0 i 66.3 gh 22.5 abc 16 8 Arcade + Sakura 2.5 L/ha + 118 g/ha 72.0 fg 72.5 fg 27.5 ab

9 Arcade + Trifluralin 2.5 L/ha + 2 L/ha 87.8 abcde 81.3 cde 10.8 bcdef 15 10 Arcade + Avadex Xtra 2.5 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 95.3 ab 92.5 a 4.8 f T1 14 11 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha 92.5 abcd 86.3 abc 6.8 ef

12 DC 148 210 mL/ha 80.0 defg 80.0 cdef 9.3 def 13 13 Sentry 50 g/ha 43.8 i 53.8 i 33.5 a

14 Terrain 120 g/ha 82.5 cdefg 77.5 def 20.3 abcd 12 15 Terrain + Trifluralin 120 g/ha + 2 L/ha 86.3 bcdef 80.0 cdef 6.0 def 16 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 11 96.0 ab 92.5 a 8.5 def Boxer Gold 2.5 L/ha T3 Treatment no. Treatment 17 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 10 97.3 a 93.8 a 4.8 f Arcade 3 L/ha T3 18 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 9 88.3 abcdef 83.8 bcd 6.5 f Decision 1 L/ha T3 19 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 94.5 abc 92.5 a 5.5 ef 8 Atlantis 330 mL/ha T3 20 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 94.0 abc 90.0 ab 5.0 f 7 Rexade 100 g/ha T3 21 Trifluralin + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 89.5 abcde 90.0 ab 3.0 f 6 Intervix + Kwicken 750 mL/ha + 0.5% T3 22 Intervix + Kwicken 750 mL/ha T1 53.8 hi 61.3 hi 22.3 abcde 5 P-value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 CV 14.10 12.75 7.99 4 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) tA 8.64 tL

3 T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) T2 = Post-sowing Pre-emergent (PSPE) T3 = Early Post Emergent (EPE) 2 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) tA = Data transformed using x = Arcsine square root percent (y) tL = Data transformed using x = Log (y + 1) 1

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Grain yield (t/ha)

20 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 21 Figure 2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control in wheat cv. Cobra at 68DAS, Minlaton







Annual ryegrass 40.0

30.0 (mean % relative to untreated control) to untreated (mean % relative



0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Treatment no.

22 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 23 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 18 May 2017 CANOLA Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system HERBICIDE TRIAL Sowing depth (cm) 2-3 cm Combine make PJ Green – AGX17070 Combine configuration 6 tines at 235 mm spacing Soil moisture at surface Dry Soil moisture below surface Moist Fertiliser 18 May 2017 22:15 + GranAM (2:1) @ 100 kg/ha 2.0 L/ha Roundup Ultramax 18 May 2017 30 mL/ha Hammer Pest control 700 m L/ha Lorsban 24 Aug 2017 600 mL/ha Amistar Xtra

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Randomised complete block Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) Statistical analysis test were conducted using ARM18. Replications 4 Plot size 1.41 m x 10 m

TREATMENT LIST No. Product Sowing Rate 1 Scepter 90 kg/ha 2 Trojan 90 kg/ha INTRODUCTION 3 Mace 90 kg/ha IBS, post sowing pre-emergent, and early post-emergent (GS15) herbicide options in Canola were evaluated in a trial at Minlaton, South 4 Chief 90 kg/ha Australia. Herbicide treatments were targeting annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum). 5 DS Pascal 90 kg/ha 6 Tungsten 90 kg/ha AIMS 7 Jet 90 kg/ha To demonstrate the weed control of a range of pre and early post emergent herbicides in Canola. 8 Cobalt 90 kg/ha 9 Tenfour 90 kg/ha WEEDS Formulation Formulation EPPO Code Scientific name Common name Product name Active ingredient (ai) Formulation concentration code LOLRI Lolium rigidum Annual ryegrass (ARG) Trifluralin 480 Trifluralin 480 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate Avadex Xtra Triallate 500 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate METHODS AND MATERIALS AG – C4 Experimental - WG Water dispersible granules Rustler Propyzamide 500 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules SITE DETAILS D500 Experimental - - - Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia Altiplano - 435 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules GPS co-ordinates -34.793054, 137.661381 Arcade Prosulfocarb 816 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate Soil texture Sandy loam Butisan Metazachlor 500 g/L SC Suspension concentrate Crop and variety Canola: Bonito TT Simazine Simazine 900 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules Sowing rate 5.0 kg/ha Atrazine Atrazine 900 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules Factor Butroxydim 250 g/kg WG Water dispersible granules Havoc Clethodim 240 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate Supercharge Parraffin oil 471 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate NIS 240 g/L Uptake OL Oil Miscible Liquid Paraffinic oil 582 g/L

24 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 26 No. Timing Treatment Rate Timing Treatment Rate Application details – spray 1 -- Untreated Control ------Application A B C 2 T1 Trifluralin 480 118 g/ha ------Date 18 May 2017 18 May 2017 10 Jul 2017 3 T1 Trifluralin 480 + Avadex Xtra 118g/ha+ 3.2 L/ha ------Time 16:00 – 17:00 17:20 – 17:45 11:30 – 12:30 4 T1 Altiplano + Avadex Xtra 2.5L/ha ------Treatments applied 2-15 11 & 14 15, 18, 19 5 T1 Altiplano + Trifluralin 480 1.75L/ha ------Temperature (°C) 17.9 16.0 15.0 6 -- Untreated Control 2.5L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------7 T1 Altiplano 3L/ha ------Relative humidity (%) 64.2 66.0 52.0 8 T1 Altiplano + Arcade 2.5L/ha + 118g/ha ------Cloud cover (%) 0 0 40 9 T1 AG-C4 2.5L/ha + 2L/ha ------Wind direction NW NW SW 10 T1 AG-C4 2.5L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Wind speed (km/h) 10 10 4 11 T1 Trifluralin + Simazine 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha T2 Atrazine 400g/ha Soil moisture Dry on surface moist below Dry on surface moist below Moist 12 T1 D500 210mL/ha ------Timing for pre-em herbicides IBS PSPE EPE 13 T1 Rustler 50g/ha ------Leaf wetness Dry Dry Dry 14 T1 Butisan 120g/ha ------Crop stage (BBCH) 00 00 15 15 T1 Butisan 120g/ha + 2L/ha T3 Atrazine 1.1kg/ha 16 -- Untreated Control 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Weed growth stage description 00 00 14 17 T2 AG-C4 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Nozzle type Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan 18 T3 Factor + Havock + Supercharge 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Nozzle number 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 19 T3 Havock + Uptake 2L/ha + 3.2L/ha ------Spray quality Coarse

T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) Spray volume (L/ha) 100 T2 = Post-sowing pre-emergent (PSPE) T3 = Early post-emergent (EPE) Pressure (kPa) 300 Ground speed (km/h) 7.2 TRIAL LAYOUT/RANDOMISATION Method Walk-on application of treatments 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 4 17 12 11 6 3 15 1 14 2 8 7 19 10 18 9 13 16 5 Equipment LPG pressurised hand-held spray unit 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 5 10 16 14 2 12 17 18 6 13 19 9 11 7 8 1 3 4 15 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 8 18 15 19 16 9 10 11 4 1 17 14 3 5 13 6 7 2 12 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event Crop sown 18 May 2017 00DAS 00 Application of IBS treatments 2-15 Application of PSPE treatments 11 & 14 05 Jul 2017 47DAS 13 Crop vigour and phytotoxicity assessment 10 Jul 2017 53DAS 15 Application of EPE treatments 15, 18, 19 21 Jul 2017 63DAS 15 Weed density assessment Crop vigour and phytotoxicity assessment 26 Jul 2017 68DAS 16 Weed control assessment Crop vigour and phytotoxicity assessment 05 Sep 2017 109DAS 65 Weed control assessment

20 Sep 2017 124DAS 67 Weed density assessment

Crop vigour assessment 21 Sep 2017 125DAS 72 Weed control assessment DAS = Days after sowing

26 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 27 Assessments Table 1. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control in canola cv. Bonito TT, Minlaton Crop vigour assessment Annual ryegrass control Appl. (mean % relative to UTC) Dates 05 Jul 2017 26 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017 21 Sep 2017 No. Treatment Product rate Timing Days after sowing 47DAS 68DAS 109DAS 125DAS 68DAS 109DAS 125DAS

Sample size Whole plot 1 Untreated control Nil 0 g 0 i 0 g Method Visual assessment of crop vigour was conducted on a percentage scale (100% = untreated/no 2 Trifluralin 480 2 L/ha 55 f 65 gh 60 f damage and 0% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results were recorded as the mean percentage crop vigour. 3 Trifluralin 480 + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 72 cde 76 cde 72 e Crop phytotoxicity assessment 4 Altiplano + Avadex Xtra 2 kg/ha + 800 mL/ha 77 bcd 82 abc 86 ab Dates 05 Jul 2017 26 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017 5 Altiplano + Trifluralin 480 2 kg/ha + 1000 mL/ha 82 b 85 ab 83 bc Days after sowing 47DAS 68DAS 109DAS 6 Untreated control Nil T1 0 g 0 i 0 g Sample size Whole plot 7 Altiplano 3 kg/ha 80 bc 78 bcd 78 cde Method Visual assessment of crop phytotoxicity (e.g. chlorosis/necrosis etc.) was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no damage and 100% = crop death) relative to an 8 Altiplano + Arcade 2 kg/ha + 2.5 L/ha 76 bcd 7 def 72 e T1 untreated control. Results were recorded as the mean percentage crop phytotoxicity. 9 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha 91 a 82 abc 86 ab Weed control assessment 10 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha 97 a 87 a 91 a Dates 26 Jul 2017 05 Sep 2017 21 Sep 2017 11 Trifluralin + Simazine 1 L/ha + 800 g/ha T1 56 f 61 h 58 f Days after sowing 68DAS 109DAS 125DAS Atrazine 400 g/ha T2 Sample size Whole plot 12 D500 2 kg/ha 67 e 68 fg 76 de Method Visual assessment of weed control was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no 13 Rustler 1 L/ha control and 100% = complete control/weed death) relative to the untreated control. All weeds T1 55 f 61 h 62 f present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were recorded as the mean 14 Butisan 1.8 L/ha 70 de 70 efg 73 e percentage weed control of each species. 15 Butisan 1.8 L/ha T1 Weed density assessment 73 cde 78 bcd 83 bc Atrazine 1.1 kg/ha T3 Dates 21 Jul 2017 20 Sep 2017 16 Untreated control Nil 0 g 0 i 0 g Days after sowing 63DAS 124DAS 17 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha T2 72 cde 76 cde 76 de Sample size 50 cm by 25 cm quadrat x 8 quadrats/plot 18 Factor + Havock + 80 g/ha + 72 cde 77 cd 83 bc Method A quadrat was randomly placed within each plot and the number of live weeds counted Supercharge 350 mL/ha + 1.0 % T3 and recorded to species level. The number of plants were counted in a minimum of eight 19 Havock + Uptake 500 mL/ha + 1.0 % 73 cde 78 bcd 82 bcd quadrats/plot and data converted to the mean number of weeds per m2. P-value 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 RESULTS CV 9.48 7.76 7.17 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 8.30 6.96 6.57 • Uncharacteristically dry conditions in the month after sowing led to less than optimal crop establishment, and delayed annual ryegrass emergence. T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) • The herbicide treatments achieving commercially acceptable annual ryegrass control were AG-C, applied IBS as well as a split T2 = Post-sowing Pre-emergent (PSPE) application IBS & PSPE, and Altiplano + Avadex Xtra. T3 = Early Post Emergent (EPE) • All treatments containing a post-emergent application recorded a mean annual ryegrass control equivalent to AG-C4 applied IBS. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) AG-C4 was less effective in controlling ryegrass when applied PSPE, compared to the IBS application.

28 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 29 Figure 2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control in canola cv. Bonito TT at 125DAS, Minlaton Table 2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) density in canola cv. Bonito TT, Minlaton

Annual ryegrass control Appl. (mean % relative to UTC) 100.0 No. Treatment Product rate Timing 63DAS 124DAS 90.0 1 Untreated control Nil 50 ab 51 ab 2 Trifluralin 480 2 L/ha 33 def 44 abc 80.0 3 Trifluralin 480 + Avadex Xtra 2 L/ha + 3.2 L/ha T1 18 fgh 23 ef

70.0 4 Altiplano + Avadex Xtra 2 kg/ha + 800 mL/ha 16 ghi 22 fg

5 Altiplano + Trifluralin 480 2 kg/ha + 1000 mL/ha 18 fgh 27 ef 60.0 6 Untreated control Nil T1 58 abc 57 a 7 Altiplano 3 kg/ha 16 ghi 21 fg 50.0 8 Altiplano + Arcade 2 kg/ha + 2.5 L/ha 24 defg 28 ef T1 9 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha 40.0 12 hi 21 f

Annual ryegrass control Annual ryegrass 10 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha 12 i 13 g 30.0 11 Trifluralin + Simazine 1 L/ha + 800 g/ha T1

(mean % relative to untreated control) to untreated (mean % relative 28 efg 34 cde Atrazine 400 g/ha T2 20.0 12 D500 2 kg/ha 23 def 28 def 13 Rustler 1 L/ha T1 34 bcde 41 bcd 10.0 14 Butisan 1.8 L/ha 28 def 28 ef 15 Butisan 1.8 L/ha T1 0.0 37 cde 22 ef 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Atrazine 1.1 kg/ha T3 Treatment no. 16 Untreated control Nil 64 a 61 a 17 AG-C4 1.7 kg/ha T2 18 fgh 25 ef 18 Factor + Havock + Supercharge 80 g/ha + 50 abc 21 f 350 mL/ha + 1.0 % T3 19 Havock + Uptake 500 mL/ha + 1.0 % 40 bcd 23 ef P-value 0.0001 0.0001 CV 16.68 14.91 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) tL tS

T1 = Pre-emergent (IBS) T2 = Post-sowing Pre-emergent (PSPE) T3 = Early Post Emergent (EPE) Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) tS = Data transformed using x = SQRT (y + 0.5) tL = Data transformed using x = Log (y + 1)

30 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 31 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 14th May 2017 BLW CONTROL Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system Combine make Grower equipment IN CEREALS – Combine configuration 250 mm spacing

AGX17071A EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Randomised complete block Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test were conducted Statistical analysis using ARM18. Replications 2 Plot size 2.5 m x 10 m

Product name Active ingredient (ai) Formulation concentration Formulation code Formulation AU 1502 Experimental - - - Bromoxynil AU 1603 Diflufenican - - - MCPA 2,4-D 300 g/L Vortex SE Suspoemulsion Florasulam 6.25 g/L Metrabuzin 375 g/kg Aptitude WG Water dispersible granules Carfentrazone 90 g/kg Picolinafen 35 g/L Flight Bromoxynil 210 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate MCPA 350 g/L Bromoxynil 250 g/L Jaguar EC Emulsifiable concentrate Diflufenican 25 g/L Halauxifen-ethyl 16.25 g/L Pixxaro EC Emulsifiable concentrate Fluroxypyr 250 g/L Paradigm Florasulam 200 g/kg WG Water dispersible granule Pyrasulfotole 25 g/L INTRODUCTION Precept EC Emulsifiable concentrate MCPA 125 g/L Various options for the control of broadleaf weeds were demonstrated in a paddock with a history of group B resistance, at Minlaton, South Bicyclopyrone 37.5 g/L Australia. New and existing broadleaf herbicide products were evaluated for efficacy and crop safety in wheat cv. Scepter. No broadleaf Talinor EC Emulsifiable concentrate Bromoxynil 175 g/L weeds germinated in the sown trial plots, so two reps of the treatment list were sprayed in the surrounding wheat crop, with wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) control recorded. Bromoxynil 150 g/L Triathlon Diflufenican 25 g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate MCPA 250 g/L Bromoxynil 210 g/L AIMS Velocity EC Emulsifiable concentrate Pyrasulfotole 37.5 g/L To demonstrate appropriate resistance management in broadleaf weed control in Wheat. Ecopar Pyraflufen-ethyl 20 g/L SC Suspension concentrate WEEDS No. Timing Treatment Rate 1 3 Leaf Untreated Control EPPO Code Scientific name Common name 2 3 Leaf AU1502+ Uptake 1.5L/ha + 0.5% RAPRA Raphanus raphanistrum Wild radish 3 3 Leaf AU1603 1L/ha MEDSS Medicago sp Annual medic 4 3 Leaf Vortex + Uptake 820mL/ha + 0.5% 5 3 Leaf Velocity + Hasten 670 mL/ha + 1% 6 3 Leaf Velocity + Hasten 1L/ha + 1% METHODS AND MATERIALS 7 3 Leaf Precept + Hasten 1.5L/ha + 1% 8 3 Leaf Pixxaro + LVE MCPA 300 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha SITE DETAILS 9 3 Leaf Paradigm + LVE MCPA + Uptake 25g/ha + 499 mL/ha + 0.5% Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia 10 3 Leaf Ecopar + MCPA Amine 500 mL/ha + 500 mL/ha GPS co-ordinates -34.560413, 138.469344 11 3 Leaf Talinor + Adigor 750 mL/ha + 0.5% Soil texture Sandy loam 12 3 Leaf Jaguar 1L/ha Crop and variety Wheat: Scepter 13 3 Leaf Jaguar + MCPA LVE 570 1L/ha + 400 mL/ha Sowing rate 100 kg/ha 14 3 Leaf Triathlon 1L/ha 15 3 Leaf Aptitude 200g/ha 16 3 Leaf Flight 720mL/ha 17 3 Leaf LVE MCPA 570 750 mL/ha + 0.5%

32 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 34 TRIAL LAYOUT/RANDOMISATION Assessments 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Crop vigour assessment 17 10 7 6 2 8 14 4 16 1 13 3 9 11 12 5 15 Dates 26 Jul 2017 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Days after application 16DAA Sample size Whole plot Method Visual assessment of crop vigour was conducted on a percentage scale (100% = untreated/no CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS damage and 0% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results were recorded as the Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event mean percentage crop vigour. Crop sown 00 Crop phytotoxicity assessment 10 Jul 2017 0DAA 24 Application of all treatments Dates 26 Jul 2017 Crop vigour and phytotoxicity assessment Days after application 16DAA 26 Jul 2017 16DAA 31 Weed control assessment Sample size Whole plot 04 Sep 2017 56DAA 55 Weed control assessment Method Visual assessment of crop phytotoxicity (e.g. chlorosis/necrosis etc.) was conducted on 20 Sep 2017 72DAA 65 Weed density assessment a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no damage and 100% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results were recorded as the mean percentage crop phytotoxicity. DAA = Days after application Weed control assessment Dates 26 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017 Application details – spray Days after application 16DAA 56DAA Date 10 Jul 2017 Sample size Whole plot Time 12:00 – 12:50 Method Visual assessment of weed control was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no control and 100% = complete control/weed death) relative to the untreated control. All weeds Treatments applied 2-17 present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were recorded as the mean Temperature (°C) 13.5 percentage weed control of each species. Relative humidity (%) 78.0 Weed density assessment Dates 20 Sep 2017 Cloud cover (%) 50.0 Days after application 72DAA Wind direction NW Sample size 50 cm by 25 cm quadrat x 8 quadrats/plot Wind speed (km/h) 5.0 Method A quadrat was randomly placed within each plot and the number of live weeds counted Soil moisture Moist and recorded to species level. The number of plants were counted in a minimum of eight quadrats/plot and data converted to the mean number of weeds per m2. Timing EPE Leaf wetness Dry Crop stage (BBCH) 24 RESULTS • While most herbicide treatments recorded some phytotoxic symptoms 16DAA, all symptoms appeared to be transient and did not Weed growth stage description 16 lead to a reduction in crop vigour. Nozzle type Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan • Slower acting herbicides such as Vortex and Precept did not achieve any level of wild radish control 16DAA, however by 56DAA, all herbicides with the exception of LVE MCPA at 750 ml/ha provided high levels of wild radish control. Nozzle number 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing • Wild radish density was quite low across the two reps, with the untreated control recording a mean of 4.5 plants per square Spray quality Coarse metre 72DAA. • Medic (Medicago sp ) density was also assessed 72DAA with Velocity, Pixxaro and Talinor all recorded mean medic densities of Spray volume (L/ha) 100 0 plants per square metre relative to 26 plants per meter² in the untreated control. Pressure (kPa) 300 • AU1502 also recoded a mean medic density less than 1 plant per meter². Ground speed (km/h) 7.2 Method Walk-on application of treatments Equipment LPG pressurised hand-held spray unit

34 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 35 Table 1. Crop vigour and phytotoxicity of wheat cv. Scepter, Minlaton Table 2. Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum control in wheat cv. Scepter, Minlaton

Crop vigour Crop phytotoxicity Weed density No. Treatment Product rate (mean % relative to UTC) (mean % relative to UTC) (mean no. per m2) No. Treatment Product rate 16DAA 65DAA 1 Untreated Control Nil 100.0 0.0 f Wild radish Medic 2 AU1502+ Uptake 1.5 L/ha + 0.5 % 97.0 11.0 ab 1 Untreated Control Nil 4 26 3 AU1603 1 L/ha 97.5 6.0 bcde 2 AU1502+ Uptake 1.5 L/ha + 0.5 % 2 1 4 Vortex + Uptake 820 mL/ha + 0.5 % 100.0 2.5 ef 3 AU1603 1 L/ha 0 19 5 Velocity + Hasten 670 mL/ha + 1 % 100.0 1.5 ef 4 Vortex + Uptake 820 mL/ha + 0.5 % 1 6 6 Velocity + Hasten 1 L/ha + 1 % 100.0 0.0 f 5 Velocity + Hasten 670 mL/ha + 1 % 0 1 7 Precept + Hasten 1.5 L/ha + 1 % 97.5 0.0 f 6 Velocity + Hasten 1 L/ha + 1 % 0 0 8 Pixxaro + LVE MCPA 300 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha 100.0 1.5 ef 7 Precept + Hasten 1.5 L/ha + 1 % 0 2 9 Paradigm + LVE MCPA + Uptake 25 g/ha + 499 mL/ha + 0.5% 100.0 0.0 f 8 Pixxaro + LVE MCPA 300 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha 0 0 10 Ecopar + MCPA Amine 500 mL/ha + 500 mL/ha 97.5 13.5 a 9 Paradigm + LVE MCPA + Uptake 25 g/ha + 499 mL/ha + 0.5% 1 3 11 Talinor + Adigor 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 100.0 3.0 def 10 Ecopar + MCPA Amine 500 mL/ha + 500 mL/ha 1 10 12 Jaguar 1 L/ha 97.5 6.0 bcde 11 Talinor + Adigor 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 1 0 13 Jaguar + MCPA 12 Jaguar 1 L/ha 0 13 1 L/ha + 400 mL/ha 90.0 6.0 bcde LVE 570 13 Jaguar + MCPA 1 L/ha + 400 mL/ha 0 20 14 Triathlon 1 L/ha 97.5 9.0 abc LVE 570 15 Aptitude 200 g/ha 99.0 4.0 cdef 14 Triathlon 1 L/ha 0 10 16 Flight 720 mL/ha 92.5 8.5 abcd 15 Aptitude 200 g/ha 0 14 17 LVE MCPA 570 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 97.5 4.0 cdef 16 Flight 720 mL/ha 0 14 P-value 0.0847 0.0015 17 LVE MCPA 570 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 4 17 CV 2.84 58.83 P-value 0.0748 0.1352 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) NSD 5.61 CV 144.34 97.22 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) LSD (P ≤ 0.05) NSD NSD NSD = No significant difference due to a P-value › 0.05 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) Table 2. Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum control in wheat cv. Scepter, Minlaton NSD = No significant difference due to a P-value › 0.05

Wild radish control No. Treatment Product rate (mean % relative to untreated control) 31DAA 31DAA 1 Untreated Control Nil 0 g 0 b 2 AU1502+ Uptake 1.5 L/ha + 0.5 % 55 c 95 a 3 AU1603 1 L/ha 67 bc 97 a 4 Vortex + Uptake 820 mL/ha + 0.5 % 17 f 92 a 5 Velocity + Hasten 670 mL/ha + 1 % 85 a 95 a 6 Velocity + Hasten 1 L/ha + 1 % 57 c 95 a 7 Precept + Hasten 1.5 L/ha + 1 % 35 de 95 a 8 Pixxaro + LVE MCPA 300 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha 27 def 100 a 9 Paradigm + LVE MCPA + Uptake 25 g/ha + 499 mL/ha + 0.5% 25 ef 97 a 10 Ecopar + MCPA Amine 500 mL/ha + 500 mL/ha 77 ab 100 a 11 Talinor + Adigor 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 82 a 95 a 12 Jaguar 1 L/ha 82 a 100 a 13 Jaguar + MCPA 1 L/ha + 400 mL/ha 82 a 100 a LVE 570 14 Triathlon 1 L/ha 80 ab 92 a 15 Aptitude 200 g/ha 72 ab 97 a 16 Flight 720 mL/ha 85 a 100 a 17 LVE MCPA 570 750 mL/ha + 0.5 % 40 d 0 b P-value 0.0001 0.0001 CV 10.76 5.87 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 13.05 10.64 Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) NSD = No significant difference due to a P-value › 0.05 36 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 37 CROP MANAGEMENT Sowing date 19 May 2017

HERBICIDES Method Sown with a knife point press wheel system IN LEGUMES Sowing depth (cm) 3 cm - AGX17072 Combine make PJ Green Combine configuration 6 tines at 235 mm spacing

Soil moisture at surface Dry

Soil moisture below surface Moist

Fertiliser 19 May 2017 80 kg/ha MAP (10:22)

Pest control 18 May 2017 2.0 L/ha Roundup Ultramax 30 mL/ha Hammer 700 m L/ha Lorsban

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Trial design Non-Randomised complete block

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test were conducted Statistical analysis using ARM18.

4 (only for weed control data) Replications Un-replicated crop safety data

Plot size 1.41 m x 10 m

Formulation concentration Formulation Product name Active ingredient (ai) Formulation (g/L/g/kg) code INTRODUCTION Sakura Pyroxasulfone 850g/kg WG Water dispersible granule Lusta Chlorsulfuron 750g/kg WG Water dispersible granule A legume herbicide matrix was established at Minlaton, South Australia to evaluate the efficacy and crop safety of a range of herbicides applied IBS, post-sowing pre-emergence and early post emergent. 26 un-replicated treatments were applied across Hurricane lentils, Balance Isoxaflutole 750g/kg WG Water dispersible granule Jumbo 2 lentils, Genesis 090 chickpeas and Samira faba beans. Weed control data was collated for the 4 legume crops so that statistical analysis could be run. Stacato Metribuzin 750g/kg WG Water dispersible granule Terrain Flumioxazin 500g/kg WG Water dispersible granule

AIMS Ecopar Pyraflufen-ethyl 20g/L EC Emulsifiable concentrate To demonstrate weed control efficacy and crop effect of a range of herbicides at different timings in legume crops. Spinnaker Imazethapyr 700g/kg WG Water dispersible granule WEEDS Brodal Diflufenican 500g/L SC Suspension concentrate AG-C4 Experimental 900g/kg WG Water dispersible granule EPPO Code Scientific name Common name LOLRI Lolium rigidum Annual ryegrass (ARG) Terbyne Extreme Terbuthylazine 875g/kg WG Water dispersible granule RAPRA Raphanus raphanistrum Wild radish Diuron Diuron 90g/kg WG Water dispersible granule MEDSS Medicago sp. Medic Rustler Propyzamide 500g/kg SC Suspension concentrate

Raptor Imazamox 700g/kg WG Water dispersible granule METHODS AND MATERIALS Simazine Simazine 900g/kg WG Water dispersible granule SITE DETAILS Broadstrike Flumetsulam 800g/kg WG Water dispersible granule Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia Spreadwet 1000 Alkoxylated Alcohols 1000g/L AL Non-ionic surfactant GPS co-ordinates -34.793032, 137.661403 Soil texture Sandy loam MCPA Amine MCPA Amine 750g/L SL Soluble concentrate Hurricane XT 60 kg/ha Lentils Jumbo 2 50 kg/ha Crop and variety Chickpea Genesis 090 85 kg/ha Faba Bean Samira 120 kg/ha

38 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 40 No. Timing Treatment Rate Timing Treatment Rate Application details – spray 1 -- Untreated Control ------Application A B C 2 T1 Stacato 180 g/ha Dates 19 May 2017 19 May 2017 10 July 2017 3 T1 Stacato 280 g/ha Time 1615-1730 17415-1815 1400-1500 4 T1 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha Treatments applied 2-6,8-12 7,12,13,15-17 19-26 5 T1 Diuron 830 g/ha Temperature (°C) 17.9 16 15 6 T1 Terrain 180 g/ha 7 T1 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g/ha T2 Terbyne Xtreme 860 g/ha Relative humidity (%) 64.2 66 55 8 T1 Rustler 1008 mL/ha Cloud cover (%) 0 0 25 9 T1 Lusta 10 g/ha Wind direction NW NW SW 10 T1 Sakura 118 g/ha Wind speed (km/h) 11 10 8 11 T1 AG-C4 1700 g/ha Soil moisture Dry on surface moist below Dry on surface moist below Moist 12 T1 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g/ha T2 Simazine 1000 g/ha Timing for pre-em herbicides IBS PSPE EPE 13 T2 Spinnaker 1500 g/ha Leaf wetness - - Dry 14 Untreated Control Crop stage (BBCH) 0 0 16 15 T2 Stacato 180 g/ha 16 T2 Balance 100 g/ha Nozzle type Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat Agrotop AirMix 110-015 flat fan fan fan 17 T2 Balance + Simazine 100 g/ha + 1500 g/ha Nozzle number 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 4 with 50 cm nozzle spacing 18 -- Untreated Control ------Spray quality Coarse Coarse Coarse 19 T3 Broadstrike 25 g/ha 20 T3 Brodal 200 mL/ha Spray volume (L/ha) 100 100 100 21 T3 Brodal + MCPA Amine 200 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha Pressure (kPa) 300 300 300 22 T3 Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g/ha + 0.2 % V/V Ground speed (km/h) 4.8 4.8 4.8 23 T3 Raptor + Spreadwet 1000 45 g/ha +0.2% V/V Method Walk-on application of treatments 24 T3 Ecopar 400 mL/ha Equipment LPG pressurised hand-held spray unit 25 T3 Ecopar 800 mL/ha 26 T3 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL/ha + 180 g/ha


101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Date Timing Crop stage (BBCH) Event 18/05/2017 0DAS 0 Crop sown 18/05/2017 0DAS 0 Application A & B: IBS & PSPE treatments applied 05/07/2017 47DAS 16 Crop Vigour & phytotoxicity assessments 10/07/2017 53DAS 16 Application C: EPE treatments applied 21/07/2017 63DAS 16-23 Weed density counts Crop vigour & phytotoxicity and weed control 26/07/2017 68DAS 23-33 assessments Crop vigour & phytotoxicity and weed control 04/09/2017 108DAS 36-65 assessments 20/09/2017 124DAS 36-65 Weed count

DAS = Days after sowing

40 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 41 Assessments Table 1. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control in legumes, Minlaton Crop vigour assessment ARG control Appl. No. Treatment Rate (mL or g/ha) (mean % relative to UTC) Dates 05 Jul 2017 26 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017 timing 68DAS 108DAS Days after sowing 47DAS 68DAS 108DAS 1 Untreated Control Nil 0.0 g 0.0 h Sample size Whole plot 2 Stacato 180 g/ha 50.0 cd 21.3 cdef Method Visual assessment of crop vigour was conducted on a percentage scale (100% = untreated/no damage and 0% = crop death) relative to an untreated control. Results were recorded as the 3 Stacato 280 g/ha 60.0 bc 32.5 bcd mean percentage crop vigour. 4 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha IBS 58.8 bc 16.3 defgh Crop vigour assessment 5 Diuron 830 g/ha 58.8 bc 2.5 gh Dates 05 Jul 2017 26 Jul 2017 04 Sep 2017 6 Terrain 180 g/ha 63.8 b 17.5 cdefgh Days after application timing 47DAS 68DAS 108DAS IBS fb. 7 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g + 860 g 70.0 b 35.0 bc Sample size Whole plot PSPE 8 Method Visual assessment of crop phytotoxicity (e.g. chlorosis/necrosis etc.) was conducted on Rustler 1008 mL/ha 67.5 b 0.0 h a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no damage and 100% = crop death) relative to an 9 Lusta 10 g 42.5 d 30.0 bcde IBS untreated control. Results were recorded as the mean percentage crop phytotoxicity. 10 Sakura 118 g 85.0 a 46.3 ab Weed control assessment 11 AG-C4 1700 g 88.3 a 56.3 a Dates 26 Jul 2017 04 Sept 2017 IBS fb. 12 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g + 1000 g 92.5 a 58.8 a Days after application timing 68DAS 108DAS PSPE Sample size Whole plot 13 Spinnaker 70 g 2.5 fg 35.0 bc Method Visual assessment of weed control was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/no 15 Stacato 180 g 6.3 fg 16.3 defgh PSPE control and 100% = complete control/weed death) relative to the untreated control. All weeds 16 Balance 100 g 13.8 ef 22.5 cdef present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were recorded as the mean 17 Balance + Simazine 100 g + 1500 g 20.0 e 27.5 cde percentage weed control of each species. 19 Broadstrike 25 g 7.5 fg 12.5 efgh Weed density assessment 20 Brodal 200 mL 6.3 fg 17.5 cdefgh Dates 20 Sep 2017 21 MCPA Amine 200 mL + 400 mL 7.5 fg 28.8 bcde Days after application timing 124DAS 22 Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g + 0.2 % v/v 5.0 fg 6.3 fgh Sample size 50 cm by 25 cm quadrat x 8 quadrats/plot EPE 23 Raptor + Spreadwet 1000 45 g + 0.2 % v/v 8.8 efg 26.3 cde Method A quadrat was randomly placed within each plot and the number of live weeds counted and recorded to species level. The number of plants were counted in a minimum of eight 24 Ecopar 400 mL 8.8 efg 12.5 efgh 2 quadrats/plot and data converted to the mean number of weeds per m . 25 Ecopar 800 mL 12.5 ef 20.0 cdefg 26 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL + 180 g 11.3 efg 12.5 efgh RESULTS P-value 0.0001 0.0001 CV Annual ryegrass control 24.8 56.5 • A very dry start to the growing season may have delayed establishment and reduced the efficacy of some herbicide treatments LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 12.35 18.39 within the legume matrix. As a result an incredibly dense population of annual ryegrass was able to establish across the trial site. DAS = Days after sowing • AG-C4, as well as AG-C4 + Simazine were the only treatments to record an annual ryegrass control greater than 50% 108DAS. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) AG-C4, AG-C4 + Simazine and Sakura were the only herbicide treatments applying a meaningful reduction in the annual ryegrass population 124DAS.

Wild radish density • Balance applied PSPE significantly reduced wild radish density 124 DAS. Brodal and MCPA Amine applied EPE recorded excellent control of wild radish 124DAS, while Ecopar + Stacato applied EPE also significantly reduced wild radish density.

Medic density • Lusta applied IBS significantly reduced medic density 124DAS, while Balance ± Simazine applied PSPE also effectively reduced medic density. Ecopar + Stacato was the only EPE treatment to provide a significant reduction in medic density 124DAS.

Crop safety • Hurricane: Balance, Balance + Simazine, Brodal + MCPA Amine, Ecopar and Ecopar + Stacato were not safe for use in lentils cv. Hurricane. • Jumbo 2: Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme, Lusta, Spinnaker, Balance, Balance + Simazine, Brodal, Brodal + MCPA Amine, Spinnaker, Raptor, Ecopar, Ecopar or Ecopar + Stacato were not safe for use in lentils cv. Jumbo 2 • Genesis 090: Brodal + MCPA Amine, Spinnaker, Raptor, Ecopar, Ecopar or Ecopar + Stacato were not safe for use in chickpeas cv. Genesis 090 • Samira: Lusta, Balance, Balance + Simazine, Broadstrike, Brodal, Brodal + MCPA Amine, Spinnaker or Ecopar + Stacato were not safe for use in faba beans cv. Samira.

42 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 43 Table 2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) density in legumes, Minlaton Table 3. Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) density in legumes, Minlaton

ARG density Wild radish density Appl. Appl. No. Treatment Rate (mL or g/ha) (mean no. per m2) No. Treatment Rate (mL or g/ha) (mean no. per m2) timing timing 63DAS 124DAS 63DAS 124DAS 1 Untreated Control Nil 89.0 cde 68.0 abcd 1 Untreated Control Nil 3.8 abcd 4.0 cdef 2 Stacato 180 g/ha 66.3 fgh 51.8 de 2 Stacato 180 g/ha 1.0 cdef 3.3 cdefgh 3 Stacato 280 g/ha 60.8 ghi 54.0 cde 3 Stacato 280 g/ha 1.0 cdef 2.3 defgh 4 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha IBS 81.8 def 58.3 bcde 4 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha IBS 1.3 bcdef 3.8 cdefg 5 Diuron 830 g/ha 68.5 efgh 49.8 e 5 Diuron 830 g/ha 2.3 bcdef 5.3 bcd 6 Terrain 180 g/ha 72.8 efg 42.8 ef 6 Terrain 180 g/ha 1.0 cdef 4.8 cde IBS fb. IBS fb. 7 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g + 860 g 73.3 efg 45.0 ef 7 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g + 860 g 1.5 bcdef 2.8 defgh PSPE PSPE 8 Rustler 1008 mL/ha 75.3 efg 52.0 de 8 Rustler 1008 mL/ha 4.3 ab 6.3 abc 9 Lusta 10 g 96.5 bcd 68.0 abcd 9 Lusta 10 g 4.0 abc 8.5 ab IBS IBS 10 Sakura 118 g 50.3 hij 29.8 fg 10 Sakura 118 g 5.5 a 5.3 bcd 11 AG-C4 1700 g 34.5 j 23.3 g 11 AG-C4 1700 g 4.3 ab 5.0 cde IBS fb. IBS fb. 12 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g + 1000 g 40.5 ij 29.0 fg 12 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g + 1000 g 1.3 bcdef 2.8 defgh PSPE PSPE 13 Spinnaker 70 g 100.8 bcd 72.0 abc 13 Spinnaker 70 g 3.3 abcde 2.5 defgh 15 Stacato 180 g 98.3 bcd 81.3 a 15 Stacato 180 g 2.3 bcdef 2.3 defgh PSPE PSPE 16 Balance 100 g 109.3 abc 74.3 ab 16 Balance 100 g 0.0 f 0.5 gh 17 Balance + Simazine 100 g + 1500 g 98.0 bcd 76.8 a 17 Balance + Simazine 100 g + 1500 g 0.8 def 1.8 efgh 19 Broadstrike 25 g 111.5 ab 77.0 a 19 Broadstrike 25 g 6.0 a 9.3 a 20 Brodal 200 mL 114.5 ab 80.0 a 20 Brodal 200 mL 3.5 abcde 0.0 h 21 MCPA Amine 200 mL + 400 mL 115.5 ab 71.0 abc 21 MCPA Amine 200 mL + 400 mL 2.3 bcdef 0.0 h 22 Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g + 0.2 % v/v 122.0 a 75.8 ab 22 Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g + 0.2 % v/v 3.8 abcd 4.8 cde EPE EPE 23 Raptor + Spreadwet 1000 45 g + 0.2 % v/v 110.8 ab 72.5 ab 23 Raptor + Spreadwet 1000 45 g + 0.2 % v/v 3.8 abcd 5.5 bcd 24 Ecopar 400 mL 110.8 ab 73.0 ab 24 Ecopar 400 mL 1.0 cdef 4.5 cde 25 Ecopar 800 mL 114.8 ab 78.5 a 25 Ecopar 800 mL 0.5 ef 1.8 efgh 26 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL + 180 g 125.5 a 70.3 abc 26 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL + 180 g 0.5 ef 0.8 fgh P-value 0.0001 0.0001* P-value 0.0023* 0.0001* CV 16.46 20.79 CV 89.12 64.90 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 20.72 18.01 LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 3.06 3.33

DAS = Days after sowing DAS = Days after sowing * = Data failed Bartlett’s test and cannot be transformed for homogeneity * = Data failed Bartlett’s test and cannot be transformed for homogeneity Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD) Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD)

44 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 45 Table 4. Medic (Medicago sp.) density in legumes, Minlaton

Medic density Appl. Crop vigour 108DAS No. Treatment Rate (mL or g/ha) (mean no. per m2) No. Treatment Rate timing 63DAS 124DAS Hurricane Jumbo 2 Genesis Samira 1 Untreated Control Nil 12.8 abcdefg 36.8 ab 1 Untreated Control -- 100 100 100 100 2 Stacato 180 g/ha 9.8 bcdefg 22.8 bcdef 2 Stacato 180 g/ha 95 90 100 100 3 Stacato 280 g/ha 13.3 abcdef 22.5 bcdef 3 Stacato 280 g/ha 100 95 100 100 4 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha IBS 8.3 defg 15.8 def 4 Terbyne Extreme 860 g/ha 100 100 100 100 5 Diuron 830 g/ha 14.5 abcde 27.3 abcde 5 Diuron 830 g/ha 100 100 100 100 6 Terrain 180 g/ha 9.3 cdefg 26.8 abcde 6 Terrain 180 g/ha 100 90 100 100 IBS fb. 7 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g/ha 85 20 100 100 7 Terrain + Terbyne Xtreme 180 g + 860 g 8.5 defg 17.8 cdef PSPE 8 Rustler 1008 mL/ha 100 100 100 100 8 Rustler 1008 mL/ha 18.5 abc 33.3 ab 9 Lusta 10 g/ha 100 2 90 75 9 Lusta 10 g 4.0 fg 8.8 f IBS 10 Sakura 118 g/ha 100 95 100 90 10 Sakura 118 g 19.8 a 39.5 a 11 AG-C4 1700 g/ha 100 100 100 95 11 AG-C4 1700 g 14.8 abcde 35.3 ab 12 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g/ha 100 100 100 90 IBS fb. 12 AG-C4 + Simazine 1700 g + 1000 g 11.8 abcdefg 30.5 abcd 13 Spinnaker 1500 g/ha 100 15 100 85 PSPE 14 13 Spinnaker 70 g 19.8 a 31.3 abc Untreated Control 100 100 100 100 15 15 Stacato 180 g 19.5 ab 39.5 a Stacato 180 g/ha 85 100 100 100 PSPE 16 16 Balance 100 g 3.3 g 9.8 f Balance 100 g/ha 0 2 85 15 17 17 Balance + Simazine 100 g + 1500 g 8.0 efg 14.0 ef Balance + Simazine 100 g/ha + 1500 g/ha 0 5 90 15 18 19 Broadstrike 25 g 17.8 abcde 41.5 a Untreated Control 100 100 100 100 19 20 Brodal 200 mL 18.8 abc 31.5 abc Broadstrike 25 g/ha 100 85 90 70 20 21 MCPA Amine 200 mL + 400 mL 21.3 a 28.3 abcde Brodal 200 mL/ha 95 75 90 70 21 22 Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g + 0.2 % v/v 16.8 abcde 32.0 abc Brodal + MCPA Amine 200 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha 55 15 40 35 EPE 22 23 Raptor + Spreadwet 1000 45 g + 0.2 % v/v 19.0 abc 28.3 abcde Spinnaker + Spreadwet 1000 70 g/ha + 0.2 % V/V 85 10 50 80 23 24 Ecopar 400 mL 18.0 abcd 35.0 ab Raptor + 45 g/ha + 90 5 30 100 24 25 Ecopar 800 mL 13.5 abcdef 33.5 ab Ecopar 400 mL/ha 90 70 55 90 25 26 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL + 180 g 9.5 cdefg 14.3 ef Ecopar 800 mL/ha 70 75 55 95 P-value 0.0057 0.0001 26 Ecopar + Stacato 400 mL/ha +180 g/ha 70 50 50 65 CV 51.28 38.88 IBS LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 9.95 14.98 IBS + PSPE PSPE DAS = Days after sowing EPE Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05, LSD)

46 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 47 Formulation concentration Formulation Product name Active ingredient (ai) Formulation (g/L/g/kg) code FENCE LINE Roundup Ultramax Glyphosate 570 g/L SC Soluble concentrate DEMO Basta Glyphosate ammonium 200 g/L SC Soluble concentrate Paraquat Dichloride + Alliance 125 g/L + 250 g/L SC Soluble concentrate - AGX17072A Amitrole

Gramoxone 360 Praquat dichloride 360 g/L SC Soluble concentrate

Terrain Flumioxazin 500g/kg WG Water-dispersible granules

Uragan Bromacil 800 g/kg WG Water-dispersible granules

Atrazine Atrazine 900 g/kg WG Water-dispersible granules

No. Timing Treatment Rate Timing Treatment Rate 1 T1 Roundup Ultramax 2 L/ha ------2 T1 Roundup Ultramax 8 L/ha ------3 T1 Basta 2 L/ha ------4 T1 Basta 8 L/ha ------5 T1 Alliance 2 L/ha ------6 T1 Alliance 8 L/ha ------7 T1 Gramoxone 2 L/ha ------8 T1 Gramoxone 8 L/ha ------9 T1 Terrain 700 g/ha ------10 T1 Uragan 3.5 L/ha ------11 T1 Terrain 700 g/ha T2 Gramoxone 8 L/ha INTRODUCTION 12 T1 Uragan 3.5 L/ha T2 Gramoxone 8 L/ha 13 T1 Atrazine + Hasten 10 kg/ha ------The Minlaton trial site had a fence line with a dense population of annual ryegrass. Various herbicides were applied using a hand-held plot-sprayer boom to observe the knockdown and regrowth effects. A range of common knockdown options were explored, as well as some 14 T1 Gramoxone 2 L/ha T2 Gramoxone 2 L/ha alternative ‘off label’ treatments as well as four ‘double knock’ treatments. 15 T1 Glyphosate 8 L/ha T2 Gramoxone 2 L/ha

OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENTS To demonstrate various options for the control of fence line weed populations Weed brownout WEEDS Dates 26 Jul 2017 Days after application 16DAA EPPO Code Scientific name Common name Sample size Whole plot LOLRI Lolium rigidum Annual ryegrass (ARG) Visual assessment of brown out/control was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = untreated/ no control and 100% = complete control/weed death) relative to the untreated control. All Method weeds present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were recorded as the mean METHODS AND MATERIALS percent weed brownout of each species. SITE DETAILS Weed regrowth Location Minlaton, 5575, South Australia Dates 26 Jul 2017 GPS co-ordinates -34.793032, 137.661403 Days after application 16DAA Soil texture Sandy loam Sample size Whole plot Visual assessment of regrowth was conducted on a percentage scale (0% = no regrowth/ EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN complete control and 100% = complete regrowth equivalent to untreated control) relative to the Method Trial design Non-Randomised, single plot demonstration strips untreated control. All weeds present were identified and recorded to species level. Results were Statistical analysis None recorded as the mean percent regrowth of each species. Replications 1 Plot size 2 m x 8 m strips

48 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 50 RESULTS APPENDIX II. • Roundup and Basta treatments, traditionally slower acting, recorded a lower level of weed brownout, however this would have METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS improved if a follow up assessment had been completed. Temperature & Rainfall • Gramoxone 360 at both rates recorded high levels of annual ryegrass brownout. However, regrowth was recorded at 10% for both rates- highlighting the contact activity of this chemical group. • Despite being a costly control option, the addition of Gramoxone 360 as a follow up application to Terrain and Uragan provided a May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 high level of weed brownout, as well as a very low rate of weed regrowth. Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm 1 11.1 18.1 0.0 3.5 15.7 0.0 7.0 15.4 3.8 16.0 1.0 Tmt 2 6.4 19.0 1.6 3.5 17.6 0.0 6.0 17.0 6.7 12.6 0.0 Treatment Rate Brownout % 16DAA Regrowth % 16DAA no # 3 6.0 19.6 0.0 3.3 17.3 0.0 9.5 14.3 1.0 8.8 12.9 13.2 1 Roundup Ultramax 2 L/ha 50 75 4 6.1 18.4 0.4 1.6 16.3 0.0 10.6 16.0 11.6 7.3 13.6 0.4 2 Roundup Ultramax 8 L/ha 75 30 5 8.2 19.8 0.0 5.1 18.2 0.0 8.4 15.8 27.4 7.5 15.1 3 Basta 2 L/ha 70 50 6 9.0 20.6 0.0 6.5 17.5 0.0 7.5 16.2 4.4 8.6 14.2 4 Basta 8 L/ha 70 55 7 8.4 17.0 0.0 4.1 15.1 0.0 9.6 14.1 9.8 7.2 15.6 31.2 5 Alliance 2 L/ha 85 15 8 6.1 17.2 0.0 4.4 18.2 0.0 4.6 14.8 6.7 14.8 0.4 6 Alliance 8 L/ha 100 5 9 5.6 19.6 0.0 6.8 16.0 0.2 8.6 15.0 7.4 17.9 0.0 7 Gramoxone 2 L/ha 95 10 10 6.8 20.0 0.2 5.9 16.0 0.0 6.0 15.8 16.6 9.9 17.6 0.2 8 Gramoxone 8 L/ha 100 10 11 5.9 21.0 0.0 2.9 16.4 0.0 4.9 17.9 0.0 10.1 15.5 3.0 9 Terrain 700 g/ha 75 35 12 8.2 21.4 0.2 8.9 18.1 0.0 7.6 17.8 0.0 5.7 16.8 0.0 10 Uragan 3.5 L/ha 100 3 13 9.6 21.0 0.0 6.3 18.5 0.4 11.2 17.9 0.0 8.9 21.8 0.0 11 Terrain fb Gramoxone 700 g/ha + 8 L/ha 100 2 14 9.8 21.2 0.0 8.8 18.1 0.0 8.8 15.4 1.2 9.5 18.3 0.0 12 Uragan fb Gramoxone 3.5 L/ha + 8 L/ha 100 2 15 9.9 23.8 0.0 9.5 0.0 0.0 3.7 14.2 0.0 13.9 15.0 5.2 13 Atrazine + Hasten 10 kg/ha 100 7 16 13.5 18.7 0.0 9.9 15.2 0.6 8.0 13.2 0.0 11.6 16.4 7.6 14 Gramoxone fb Gramoxone 2 L/ha + 2 L/ha 100 7 17 13.9 19.6 3.6 8.5 18.5 10.4 15.5 10.0 11.2 15.4 5.0 15 Glyphosate fb Gramoxone 8 L/ha + 2 L/ha 75 30 18 10.5 21.7 0.2 3.8 18.5 8.9 14.6 12.4 8.6 15.2 3.8 19 8.5 18.9 0.0 5.9 18.8 0.8 7.8 14.6 7.4 2.2 15.7 20 10.3 19.8 5.4 17.2 0.2 2.6 13.4 0.0 4.6 12.9 APPENDIX I. 21 11.4 22.3 4.6 19.5 0.0 5.0 17.2 0.0 7.5 15.7 13.0 ANALYTICS 22 12.3 21.8 2.0 5.7 18.0 0.0 9.6 17.2 6.2 16.1 0.2 Soil Analysis 23 10.4 18.8 1.2 6.3 18.2 0.0 9.6 16.1 8.6 16.2 2.4 24 12.0 18.6 8.0 4.4 18.8 0.0 7.7 18.4 0.4 3.1 16.0 0.4 SAMPLE ID Unit MINLATON (0-10) 25 10.0 19.0 1.4 4.2 16.0 0.0 6.5 15.9 0.0 2.6 14.9 0.2

Sample Date 9/08/2017 26 8.1 20.2 0.2 5.3 15.7 0.0 4.2 16.1 0.0 2.3 14.6 Lab No. GI004 27 11.8 19.2 5.2 16.6 0.4 6.4 15.8 0.2 6.3 13.5 pH Water 8.53 28 9.0 16.1 7.4 14.7 0.0 5.1 18.4 1.2 0.9 12.8 1.0 pH CaCl 7.82 29 7.4 16.6 6.8 6.2 15.2 15.6 10.6 18.2 2.2 14.1 0.0 EC 1:5 dS/m 0.12 30 8.1 16.3 3.2 4.0 15.8 0.8 10.1 15.2 3.1 16.1 0.0 Organic Carbon (W&B) % 1.15 31 6.6 14.8 0.0 6.9 15.4 10.8 7.6 19.9 0.0 PBI Index 82 Total 29.0 19.0 114.4 88.2 Colwell P mg/kg 24 Mean 49.7 61.4 59.2 55.7 Colwell K mg/kg 458 The trial site was situated near Minlaton, 14.5 km from Minlaton Aerodrome weather station (Station No. 022031). Rainfall data was Sulfur (KCl) mg/kg 7.8 collected from Minlaton weather station (022009), 6 km from the site. NO3 Nitrate mg/kg 1.9 NH4 Ammonium mg/kg 2.5

50 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 51 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm Min °C Max °C mm 1 10.4 22.0 0.0 2.3 18.3 0.0 5.9 21.5 0.0 14.9 19.1 6.2 2 11.7 19.7 6.2 4.2 20.7 0.0 7.6 21.9 0.0 12.2 21.3 9.2 3 8.9 15.4 13.6 4.4 26.5 0.0 9.2 18.9 0.0 9.9 21.1 0.4 4 8.9 13.8 3.0 13.8 29.1 0.0 8.4 20.4 0.0 8.3 24.2 0.0 5 8.4 15.1 2.2 10.5 18.3 1.0 9.7 25.7 0.0 9.2 22.7 0.0 6 7.3 15.1 0.8 7.9 17.5 0.0 6.5 20.9 0.0 8.9 26.2 0.0 7 9.1 15.1 1.0 10.7 28.3 1.8 10.7 20.0 0.0 9.3 22.0 0.4 8 7.1 16.2 2.2 9.7 27.4 0.0 9.1 25.5 0.0 7.7 22.5 0.4 9 7.8 15.7 0.2 10.2 19.2 0.2 12.8 31.1 0.0 9.4 23.7 0.0 10 5.3 20.2 0.0 4.2 26.0 0.0 16.5 33.5 0.0 10.9 30.1 0.0 11 13.0 21.8 0.0 14.0 21.6 0.2 18.3 29.8 0.0 11.1 31.9 0.0 12 11.7 19.7 0.4 11.0 18.5 7.2 21.8 33.9 0.0 13.4 38.7 0.0 13 10.2 14.6 2.6 8.3 20.2 0.0 19.8 37.1 0.0 22.9 34.7 0.0 14 7.9 16.1 1.0 6.5 22.3 0.4 18.7 33.8 0.0 14.5 26.8 0.0 15 9.5 15.6 0.4 10.6 25.2 0.0 16.8 18.3 1.2 9.5 24.6 0.0 16 6.2 16.1 0.0 10.0 33.4 0.0 11.1 21.2 2.6 10.5 28.6 0.0 17 5.4 25.0 0.0 17.8 33.6 0.0 12.8 22.3 0.0 15.7 30.8 0.0 18 13.7 16.3 0.0 18.8 35.4 0.0 13.8 25.1 0.0 22.6 34.9 1.0 19 5.2 16.7 0.4 14.2 21.5 3.2 13.9 31.9 0.0 17.8 28.0 15.6 20 6.4 23.0 0.2 6.7 20.5 0.0 20.3 36.9 0.0 15.5 23.3 0.8 21 10.7 20.5 0.0 9.2 20.4 0.0 21.1 36.3 0.0 10.3 25.8 0.0 22 6.4 30.3 0.0 11.1 19.6 0.0 21.4 32.1 0.0 11.9 31.9 0.0 23 10.3 20.2 0.0 6.9 23.9 0.0 17.4 26.0 1.8 14.5 37.1 0.0 24 12.7 17.9 0.0 12.3 25.1 0.0 15.9 29.5 3.2 14.3 24.3 0.0 25 6.5 18.1 0.0 12.0 25.7 1.4 15.2 26.7 0.0 13.7 27.6 0.0 26 7.7 20.3 0.0 13.0 22.7 0.0 15.2 23.1 0.0 16.1 35.3 0.0 27 12.1 22.8 0.8 9.9 34.0 0.0 14.1 26.7 0.0 21.5 36.9 0.0 28 9.6 17.4 0.4 8.6 21.7 0.0 13.3 34.8 0.0 19.1 28.6 1.4 29 6.5 17.9 0.2 10.7 25.3 0.0 21.3 38.7 0.0 16.9 25.0 0.2 30 4.9 19.2 0.2 7.4 18.4 2.4 19.6 33.3 0.0 14.9 24.7 0.0 31 4.0 19.7 0.0 12.2 23.9 0.0 Total 35.8 17.8 8.8 35.6 Mean

52 | Elders Technology Demonstration Site Elders Technology Demonstration Site | 53