Extensions of Remarks 24761
July 20, 1972 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24761 Dopler, Jack E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Velte, Lawrence R., xxx-xx-xxxx . McLean, William E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ely, William J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Williams, Floyd, xxx-xx-xxxx . Massey, Raymon E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Fisher, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Williams, Hugh N., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mendis, Douglas D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Garwood, Paul A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Yuhas, Steven L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Morgan, William F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gary, William C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Zerull, Dietmar, W. L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Morrison, Terry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Girard, David L., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be second lieutenant Paris, Thomas F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gschwendtner, Joseph G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Parker, Sarah H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Baker, Robert E., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hardwick, Danny G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reichert, Lawrence W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bald, James F., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Harvey, Paul E., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ricketts, Roger A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Berchak, Henry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hendrickson, Allen W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Samples, Jerry W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bisol, Gene L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnson, David C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Sciba, Dennis G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Brotnov, Bruce A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jones, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Shaffer, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cannaday, Gerald D., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kay, Charles E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Shuffler, Jerry W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Carey, William F., III, xxx-xx-xxxx . Kenison, Artha L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Slesinger, Victor E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Clausi, Enrico A., xxx-xx-xxxx .
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