Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 The Storyboard

March/April 2015 Edition

Illawarra Christian School, Cordeaux Campus Vision: In Christ’s Service, our vision is to provide quality Christian Education Founded on the Word of God 2 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 A message from Mr Lainson

Doing your best

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your In this Edition heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23) March/April Edition articles

“That everyone …. take pleasure in all his toil - Mr Lainson’s Message 2 this is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13) 2016 Information Evenings 3

Doing our best is one of the values of our State Hockey & State Swimming Carnival 4 school. So what does it mean in our daily experience at school? CSSA State Touch Football & K-6 Creative arts 5 Night In 1 Corinthians 12 we are reminded that as Christians we are one body made up of many parts. Each part of the body is gifted by Year 7 French 6 God and is called to use his or her gifts in the service of God and the body of Christ. In Colossians 3:23 we reminded that we are Year 11 Drama 7 working for the Lord not men. God calls us to be faithful and do our best in all things – surely the creator of all things and Lord of Year 10 Language Day 8 the universe deserves of us to give our best as we serve and work for him. Year 10 History and Year 10 Geography 9-10 Texstyles Exhibition 11 God, as the giver of gifts, has expectations as to how we use the gifts and skills that he gives us. God calls us to be good stewards Careers 2015 12-13 of our resources. This is not only our money, but also our time and our academic abilities. We need to nurture our gifts and skills – this Prep 14 & 15 actually implies using them and giving things a go!

In Genesis we read that God created us to work and in Ecclesiastes Kinder and Year 12 Teddy Bear Picnic 16 3:13 we are told to take pleasure in our toil. In our society we so Alive Lunch Time Group 17 often speak of work as a chore, but God created us to work and to take great pleasure in our work. We should work hard as working Fete News and Thank You 18 & 19 for the Lord, be content in what we do, and be prepared give things a go even if they are difficult, recognising that mistakes are Bike for Bibles 2015 20 opportunities to learn and grow. We should delight in being challenged to learn new things and develop new skills. For school School News 21 & 22 students their work is school, they should seek to take pleasure in it as they work From the Counsellor’s Desk & Entertainment 23 Book Information We are called to work and the word ‘toil’ implies that it is not always easy. Persevering when we find things difficult is not easy, Black dog institute information 24 yet we are to continue to strive as working for the Lord. Community Announcements 25—27 Celebrating quality outcomes, appreciating and valuing excellence: A snapshot of March and April @ Cordeaux 28 Our school traditionally does very well in the HSC, in NAPLAN and other academic benchmarks. We have a number of students who are about to represent our school at a National level in a range of sports. We should celebrate quality outcomes, but in all of these giving glory to God, realising that he is the giver of gifts and we work hard so that he can be honoured. Articles, photos and community We are told to boast in Christ alone! Let us consider that our achievements are by the grace of God and acknowledge what we announcements for the Storyboard can be do in his name – so let us not grow conceited. Scripture tells us sent to [email protected] that he who exalts himself will be humbled and exhorts us to follow at anytime during the month. Content will Christ’s example and humble ourselves before the Lord. be published at the Principal’s discretion. Let us strive to honour by working hard and seeking to do our best in all things so that God might be glorified.

Front cover : Asha S—Year 3 at Stage 2 Elizabeth Farm Excursion

3 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015

4 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 State Hockey From Mr Clifford Ella G was selected in the NSW CSSA 16 & Under Hockey Team to play at The CIS State Trials at Pennant Hills at the end of March.

Five associations fought out a series of tight and competitive games. ISA won the day on ‘count back’ over AICES (competition points & goal differences could not separate them, it came down to actual goals for where 1 goal separated the teams).

The skill and sportsmanship on display was of a remarkably high level. All the games were exciting with a 1 goal margin at best separating the tightly contested games.

A great sporting day of Hockey overall, Ella played with grace, skill strength and tenacity. Her age of 14 did not prevent her from be a strong team member and contributing well.

AWESOME EFFORT ELLA. Secondary State Swimming Carnival From Mrs Kime On Tuesday the 10th of March, 21 secondary students travelled to Aquatic Centre, Homebush Bay for the CSSA State Swimming Championships.

Students and parents enjoyed a fantastic day at Homebush and the students were delighted to swim at the impressive venue, in front of a great crowd. It was amazing to have such a large number of students competing at State level, and it was especially exciting to have 6 ICS relay teams compete.

Nearly all ICS students achieved a personal best time, or improved their time from Zone. Three of our students qualified to represent our school at the next level, CIS. These students were Nathan D, Brendan E and Elina D.

Nathan and Brendan also deserve an extra congratulations for being selected as a part of the CSSA team to compete at the Christian School Nationals event. Both have been working extremely hard towards this, and it is exciting to see their hard work in training paying off.

Congratulations to all students for representing your school so well!

5 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 CSSA State Touch Football From Mrs Walker

Last week I had the privilege of taking 5 very talented touch football players to Coffs Harbour for the CSSA State Touch Football Competition.

The students that attended were

Christian S, Carly K, Princess D, Jess T and Ella G

They played as part of the South Coast representative teams (U15s and Opens, boys and girls).

All the teams played amazingly well, and the day was full of many exciting highlights.

Among these highlights was the selection of Christian into the U15s Boys CSSA representative team and Princess was selected as a shadow player in the Opens Girls representative team.

This is a very tough competition and they should be commended for their efforts in getting selected. Thanks to all 5 players for their hard work and dedication and I look forward many more rewarding sport trips!

Coach Walker

Creative Arts Night From Mrs Peters Dear Students and Parents; We are pleased to announce the date for the Infants/Primary Creative Arts night. This evening is an opportunity to celebrate the creative talents and gifts of our students from Kinder to Year 6.

The performance night will be held in the Hall on Tuesday 16th June 2015 commencing at 6:00pm. Specific details of the evening will be announced later.

We are looking for items in the area of Music, Dance and Drama and Speech We would like to have a variety of ages and experience. Class teachers will be selecting artworks.

If your child would like to audition for a performance spot we would love the opportunity to see them on Tues- day 19th May during school hours to audition. They will need to be prepared with performance tracks (either ipod or CD) and have their piece at, ‘near performance’ level. Please keep performances to a maximum of 5 min- utes. Suitable clothing for dance is required for the audition, but you do not have to have your performance clothes finalised just yet. We would also ask that parents not attend the audition.

Some ideas for performances could include: instrumental pieces, vocals, dance and movement, drama, poetry reading. A note went home with students last week of term 1. If you missed out please email me and I will send you a form to audition

In Christ’s Service, Mrs Judy Peters [email protected]

6 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Year 7 French

From Mrs Williams

“It feels like home now” What would it be like to move to another country away from everything you know, and have to learn a new language? Interview by Zac P—Year 7 Zac: Where did you come from? Zac: Did your family come to with work Presley: I came from South available or did they have to find work when you Africa. arrived? Presley: My dad already had work available but my Zac: How old were you when you mum had to find work. came to Australia? Presley: I was about five years Zac: What was it like in South Africa? old. Presley: It was a bit more dangerous to just walk about. You had a lot more security and you pretty Zac: Who did you travel with and much just walked around the block, you couldn’t ride why? your bike or your skateboard. Presley: I travelled with my sister and my mum, because my dad was already living in Zac: How is Australia different to South Africa? Australia. Presley: Australia is different because it’s a bit safer and not every house is blocked off by walls and Zac: What was it like moving to Australia? electric fences and stuff like that. Presley: It was exciting and a bit strange . Zac: Do you still have any relatives living in South Zac: Why was it exciting? Africa? Presley: It was exciting because I’d never been to Presley: Yes, I have my auntie, my uncle and my two another country other than Bulgaria and it was younger cousins. exciting to be living in a newer, different country. Zac: Have you ever gone back to South Africa for a Zac: And why was it strange? holiday? Presley: Because I didn’t know what I was going to Presley: Yes, I have, just last month. expect and I didn’t know what it would be like. Zac: Did you miss South Africa when you first came to Zac: Why did your family come to Australia? Australia? Presley: Because my dad’s work transferred him to Presley: I still do miss it, I had quite a lot of fun over Australia. there, it was very funny going to places and seeing monkeys walk around and stuff like that. Zac: Was it difficult learning English? Presley: Not really, because I was only five and I Zac: What do you like about Australia? didn’t really know many words anyway. Presley: I like that I can go to the nearest park and kick the soccer ball or ride my bike or skateboard and Zac: What language did you speak before? I’m free to do whatever I want. Presley: Bulgarian Zac: Does Australia feel like home to you now? Zac: Where did you first live when you got to Presley: Now it does because Australia’s been my Australia? home for the longest period of time than anywhere Presley: We first lived in Coniston. else. It feels like home now.

7 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Year 11—Drama Trip to The Crucible From Mrs Lainson Year 11 Drama excitedly travelled, with the chauffeuring skills of Mrs Williams – Thank you!!- to the North West of Sydney to the historic site of Bella Vista Farm. We went to see a performance of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and were privileged to enjoy a piece of site-specific theatre.

The theatre was a 200-year-old barn, which took us back to the 1600’s of Salem, Massachusetts. We were treated to a tour of the farmhouse, where we encountered the characters, which atmospherically set the stage for the performance. We returned to the barn to watch the unfolding of this powerful and mesmerizing performance.

It was a great experience and, despite the late night, we’re very thankful for the opportunity to see such a fantastic production!

8 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Year 10 Language Day—UOW From Mrs Williams On the 20th of February, ICS French students attended the UOW Languages Day. Together with over 300 language students from the region, the students participated in lectures and activities to inspire and motivate them.

First, the students heard inspirational stories about language learning from uni students (most of whom thought they were bad at languages! But are now ‘fluent’ in at least one!). This was followed by a quiz about celebrities and the languages they speak. After morning tea, students were put in groups with students from other schools and had the challenge of creating an advertisement (in French) for some vanilla wafers. Next students went on a “scavenger hunt” style tour of the campus - finding answers to questions in French along the way. After lunch we heard one final talk from the inspiring Dr. Carl Mahfouz whose quest for education and adventure has taken him to almost every country in the world, and inspired him to learn more than seven languages.

Here are some of the students’ thoughts and reflections about the day:

“I liked the food and the way they incorporated French into fun activities were great”

“A highlight from my day was touring the food facilities on campus.”

“The students who actually told us about how they came to the university and their experiences overseas were really inspiring.”

“My favourite part of the day was the campus tour and thought it was so clever how they tied that into the French sessions. Next time I hope they give us the chance to practise some more of our skills in a social environment.”

“I really enjoyed the experience of having actual people share their encounters from both in the classroom and overseas. Unfortunately I did not have much to do with the other attending students but would definitely like to go again”

“I thought the speakers were really interesting and loved how they shared their stories of lingual error, I hope the university holds more events that focus more on French speaking skills”

The students all came away inspired to use and learn French more and to find ways to connect with other students learning French in the area. They’re looking forward to next year’s Language Day, and hoping that they’ll have an opportunity to use more French and meet more French speakers.

In June it will be the senior students’ turn! Years 11 & 12 will attend the HSC preparation day at UOW. Stay tuned for their adventures.

9 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Year 10 History Excursion The Sydney Jewish Museum On the 20th of March, after a tiring, yet exciting one and a half hour bus drive, Year 10 arrived in the inner-city suburb of Darlinghurst to visit the Sydney Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial. After a quick break in the park, we eagerly crossed the road to enter the Museum.

We passed a security check, and proceeded to be seated in a lecture room, where we heard from Joe, a 90 year old holocaust survivor. Joe was between 18-20 years old when the Holocaust took place, his story ranging between 1943 and 1945. His story was told with such enthusiasm; his very presence being a testament of how strong willed and determined he was to survive. Joe was a Hungarian Jew who was forced to become the chef at a Nazi labour camp. After orders for transportation came, he and some of his fellow inmates escaped and proceeded back to their hometown in Hungary. Here they were found by members of the Jewish Resistance, and became part of the organisation’s work to weaken the strong Nazi hold of Hungary. Before hearing Joe speak, many members of Year 10 had not realised that there had been such Jewish resistance to the Nazis.

Following on from this amazing story was a tour of the museum, where the grim reality of the Holocaust hit home. Seeing photographs, reading newspaper articles and hearing of the countless atrocities that were committed, took our understanding to a much more personal level. The section dedicated as the children’s memorial was particularly moving.

After the exploration of the museum, we heard a lecture from Ari, a Sydney Jewish Museum educator, on why the holocaust was so bad, with the question being raised of how could humans do this to each other.

We are extremely blessed and privileged to be the last generation to hear from actual survivors of the Holocaust. The experience was bittersweet. It was incredible to hear a story of such heroism, a tale that sounded like the plot of a movie. It was incredibly insightful to see the artefacts of the time, images and accounts. But it was immensely saddening to see how bad it was, the mass genocide of more than six million Jews. An event that will be infamous, staining the history books for years to come.

I’m sure all of Year 10 would agree with me when I say it was an experience that we’ll never forget, and we are immensely grateful and thankful to have be given such an opportunity.

By Zach D (Yr10)

10 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Year 10 Geograply Field Trip to Warilla Beach

From Mrs Spreitzer On the 3rd March Year 10 participated in a geography field trip to Warilla Beach. The purpose of the fieldtrip was to evaluate the human impact on Warilla Beach and the effectiveness of coastal management strategies in place.

We were dropped off at Warilla Surf Life Saving Club. We then walked down to the southern end of beach past ‘Millionaires Row’ (Little Lake Cres). We walked across Elliot Lake Bridge and along the groyne. Students examined the impact of housing, recreation, waste management and introduced vegetation on this end of the beach through observations, field sketches, measurements and vegetation transects.

After a morning tea break on the grass outside the surf life saving club, we then walked to the northern end of the beach and examined the impact of humans on this end of the beach. We saw evidence of the hardwork of landcare groups to revegetate this area. Also how successful coastal management strategies such as sand traps and fencing have been.

We then walked across the tombolo past Windang Island before having lunch in the park on the Foreshore. Students spent time completing their field work booklets and evaluation of the fieldtrip. Students used data collected on the day to complete a Research Action Plan.

11 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Texstyle Exhibition

From Mrs Whitelock Earlier this term our Year 11 and 12 Textiles wide variety of stalls to discover the latest and Design students travelled to Rosehill offerings in textile goodies! The stalls Gardens to the Stitches and Craft Show for the showcased books, fabrics, unusual yarns, day. We travelled specifically to view the beads, state of the art sewing machines, TEXSTYLE exhibition which showcased a printmaking using textiles, dyeing, and various selection of HSC Major Textile Projects from materials and techniques developed to 2014. embellish textiles, to name just a few.

Students had the opportunity to peruse a wide There was inspiration in many forms, and the variety of projects, and saw first hand the students have been reassured and motivated to calibre of work that lies before them! The continue developing the initial stages of their support documentation displayed with each item own Textiles Major Projects! demonstrated the amount of detail required to accompany the process of designing and A huge thank you to Mrs Vanessa Sluyter for creating the project. assisting us with transport. She enjoyed the excursion just as much as the students did! Students also attended a seminar presented by an experienced Textiles and Design teacher and HSC marker. They were advised on various aspects of the Major Textile Project which Year 12 students are currently working on, such as practical considerations to keep in mind, how to correctly document the inspiration and design development of their projects. The marking process was clearly explained to assist students in understanding the specific requirements of their practical item and support documentation.

Our students had time to wander through the


12 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Caseers 2015 From Mrs Spence University of Save the date: Year 10 – 12 Information Evening. CHANGE OF DATE: now, Thursday, 7th May, Building 67, 6:30pm. Open Day – Saturday, 15th August, 10am to 4pm

Changes to the Secondary Schools Tax File Number Program in 2015 The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program ceased operation on 31st December 2014.

How can students apply for a TFN? Students need to apply online and present proof of identity documents at a participating Australia Post Of- fice. More information on applying online can be found at by searching for ’QC27248’ Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodg- ing this form can be found at by searching for ’QC22604’ If you require further information, phone 1300 130 282 between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Lions Australia Youth Exchange Lions Australia Youth Exchange provides the opportunity for 17 – 21 year olds to experience life overseas as part of a 5 or 6 week program that does not involve tourism, academic studies or employment. All Lions Youth Exchanges programs depart in early December and return in mid-January. Applications Close: Tue 30th June 2015

Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test Applications NOW OPEN. Applications Close: 5th June 2015 The test is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on the UMAT website ie if you are applying to any of the listed universities it is compulsory to sit the UMAT. Website:

Applying to the Australian Defence Force Academy It is advised that students wishing to study at ADFA apply in Year 11 as it is a competitive selection process which may take up to 12 months to complete. Gaining entry to ADFA is a dual process which requires stu- dents to apply directly to the Australian Defence Force while also applying concurrently to UNSW ADFA through UAC. An offer to study at ADFA is conditional to meeting the academic requirements of UNSW as well as the mental and physical requirements of the Australian Defence Force.

Career Expos Illawarra Coal Regional Careers Expo, Sports and Hockey Stadium, Unanderra Year 10 and Year 12 students will be attending on Tuesday, 12th May, 2pm to 3pm There is a Public Session – Tuesday, 12th May, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

An excellent opportunity to talk to exhibitors including universities from NSW and ACT, TAFE, private training providers, major employers and various help agencies.

The HSC and Careers Expo 2015 – Moore Park, Sydney Thursday, 28th May and Friday 29th May 9am to 3pm Saturday, 30th May and Sunday, 31st May, 10am to 3pm

13 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Careers 2015

Western Sydney Careers Expo 2015 – Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney Showground Thursday, 18th June and Friday 19th June, 9am to 3pm Saturday, 20th June and Sunday, 21st June, 10am to 3pm

Both of these Sydney events will have exhibitors including providers of HSC resources, universities, TAFE and training colleges plus 100 seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, career, gap year and study advice.

Please see me for a complimentary ticket which is valid for all 4 days.

A chance to visit the Port Kembla Steelworks and experience what it’s like inside the largest manufacturing site in Australia. Find out what happens in a research laboratory and what is involved to develop new products for BlueScope . Visit UOW and talk with current Engineering students about what they do and what it’s like. Have the chance to talk to current cadets who have made the choice to take up a BlueScope cadetship, and then decide for yourself if you want to be one of the new faces of the steel industry.

PRE-REQUISITES? Minimum age 15 years. All visitors must wear suitable clothing - long trousers, jeans or slacks; and fully enclosed shoes - flat heeled.

Due to some staircase access, the tour component of this program may not suit people with mobility problems.

The Port Kembla Steelworks is a working industrial area – the program on the day may be altered at any time to meet process or safety requirements.

HOW TO BOOK? Interested students need to book in for these sessions at Australia’s Industry World (contact Lynne Radburn on 4275 7023, or email: [email protected] ).

There will be no cost for this programme (normally $7 per student)

WHEN? The following Programs are planned for 2015 Monday 29th June, Tuesday 30th of June, Wednesday 1st July, Thursday 2nd July, Friday 3rd July 14 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Prep

15 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Prep

On Wednesday 1st April Prep went for their annual trip to the Wollongong Botanic Gardens Discovery Centre. This year the children were exploring the jungle and desert with the help of some leaves and puppets.

Each child was given a leaf ‘ticket’ and as we walked through the gardens they needed to match the leaf to one of the plants in the jungle or desert. When they found their matching leaves they shouted “Found it!”

The children walked for over 6kms exploring the different areas of the garden. They stopped for a short puppet show using some animals from the jungle that were stuck in the mud! They even found the Lone Pine and a talking cactus.

After our fun at the Discovery Centre we joined other Prep families for an Easter story, Easter egg hunt and a picnic near the playground.

To finish off the day the children had a play in the playground before yet another exciting trip back to Prep on the bus.

It was such a wonderful day and a great way to celebrate Easter. On behalf of the Prep staff we would like to say a very big thank you to all our amazing parent helpers.

16 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Kindergarten/Year 12 Teddy Bears’ Picnic From Miss Merrick & Mrs Bryant

On the last Tuesday of Term 1 a whole lot of teddy bears made their way to the kindergarten rooms. This is the event of the year that all the Year 12 and Kindergarten students look forward to: the Teddy Bear Picnic.

Kinder, Year 12 and parents all sang a few Teddy Bear songs with gusto as they danced their bears with their buddies. After a Teddy Bear story we went outside for some Teddy Bear games.

Kindergarten taught Year 12 how to balance a tiny teddy on a spoon and run a race. Then Year 12 taught Kinder how to toss their teddies on the parachute for a whole lot of fun.

It looked like rain, so we spread our picnic blankets out under the COLA for lunch as some of the kindergarten parents came to meet their child’s Year 12 buddy and shared some goodies. By the end of the picnic there were many smiling faces, full tummies and some very tired teddies!

17 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Alive Group From Mr Russell At lunchtime on Wednesday of Week 9 Term 1, the Alive Group (lunchtime Christian group) organised the first ever combined event. The combined event (which resembled a youth service) was organised and run by the Alive Group leaders. We were so excited to see over 110 students come along to sing songs, pray and hear a Bible talk from the local Youth and Children’s Minister at St Michael’s Anglican Cathedral, Andrew Stevenson.

Throughout term 1, the Alive leaders have been organising and leading small lunchtime Bible Study groups for Years 5 to 12. This term we studied the book of 1 Peter and we were excited to finish such a great term with a combined session where we took a deeper look into our last passage for the term, 1 Peter 5. It was a great success and we hope to organise similar events throughout the year.

The Alive leaders are looking forward to studying the book of Job in Term 2. If any students would like more information about the Alive groups, such as the day or time each year group Bible study takes place, please speak to one of the Alive leaders, Mrs Dunn or Mr Russell.

18 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Twilight Fete and Open Day THANK YOU! A HUGE thank you to the Stall Coordinators who have worked really hard over the last few months ensuring their stall was ready for last Saturday night! A BIG THANK YOU!

Thank you to the people who volunteered their time on stalls, donated items, made craft for the craft stall, baked cakes, slices and made jams. Our Fete came together through a huge Team Effort within our amazing school community, so … THANK YOU!

19 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Thank you for your support!

Please take a few minutes to read through the amazing local businesses that have donated to our 2015 Twilight Fete. Please support these businesses that supported our school.

 Auto PRO Unanderra Figtree  Premier Bus Company  Baker’s Delight Figtree  Gossips Coffee Shop  Priceline Warrawong  Balgownie Chiro Figtree  Pure Beauty Figtree  Beaton Park Leisure  Guardian Centre  Re-Kreate Mangerton Centre Gwynneville Pharmacy Unanderra  San Choi Chinese and  Blooms the Chemist  Healthy Living Thai Restaurant Figtree Figtree Chiropractor Centre  Seafood fresh Figtree  Chickos Figtree Unanderra  Sunshine Massage  Claire’s Café and  Hobby sew Figtree Figtree Bakery Cordeaux  Hot Heads Figtree  Tara Becker School of Heights  HT Convenience Dance—Mangerton  Coles Figtree Cordeaux Heights  The Nails Club Figtree  Cosy Café Delight  Illawarra Tennis  Tuscany Hair Salon and Unanderra Academy Nail Artistry Cordeaux  Country Grocer  Just Cuts Warrawong Heights Unanderra  KCC Kings Chargrill  Unanderra Caltex  Crinis Fruit Shop Chickens Figtree  Unanderra Newsagency Figtree  La Mode Hair & Beauty  Unanderra Pharmacy  Curves Figtree Figtree Unanderra  DMP Solutions  Lush Hair Unanderra  Unanderra Quality Unanderra  McKeon’s Swim School Butcher  DVD World Warrawong Unanderra  Wendy’s Ice Cream  Fantasy Donuts Figtree  Michael Hill Jeweler shop Figtree  Fernando’s Pizza Shop Figtree  Woolworths Unanderra Cordeaux Heights  Michelle’s Barber Shop  Figtree Gourmet Unanderra Kitchen  Mrs Fikkers for donated  Figtree Plaza Chemist many lovely Lego Sets  Flower Nails Unanderra  Phoenix Hair, Skin &  Gloria Jeans Coffee Beauty

20 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Bike for Bibles


Our Bike for Bibles ride is rapidly approaching and we need your help!!

Please Pray: Pray for safety as riders train both individually and on our next train- ing ride, Saturday morning April 18.

Please Sponsor: Sponsor individual riders or the team as a whole via Mr Best/Mrs Spence or Mr Pratt. Sponsorship money will go towards the Bible Society’s Literacy Project in Pakistan, helping abused women in particular. Sponsorship can also be done through the Everyday Hero website. Visit:

Please Cook: Marathon cyclists need lots of energy! Donations of food items such as small cakes and slices (especially those that will last a few days) would be greatly appreciated. These would need to be left at the school office on Thursday April 30 or Friday May 1. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

Please join us: Be part of the celebration in welcoming in our team back to Cordeaux on Monday May 4 at 2.30pm.

Our Cordeaux Team members include:

Josh Milliken, Scott Milliken, Julie Milliken, Daniel Cho, Matthew Robinson, Josh Bowden, Zach Bowden, Caelan Smith, Darren Smith, Aimee Halliday, Renee Halliday (roadie), David Widjaja, Joel Coleman, Ben Fraser, Thomas McClennan, Ben Goode, Tyrone Henson, Jason Lim, Madeline Estell, David Estell, Melinda Estell, Samuel Estell, Rachel Newing, Peter Newing, Lise Newing, Christopher Newing, Phil Pratt, Graeme Best, Colin Moodie, Hannah Moodie, Hannah Moodie, Margaret Moodie (roadie) Ben David (roadie), Tania Spence, Ryan McIntosh, Mitchell Wynn, Aiden Wynn .

Our Bike for Bibles ride is a team effort. While only some will be riding, we would love the involvement of the whole school community.


21 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 School News Winter Uniform Changeover  Winter Uniform is worn for Terms 2 and 3.  There is no changeover period.  Secondary Boys are required to wear ties.  Boys in Years 9-12 are required to wear long pants.  If students choose to wear a layer for added warmth under their shirts, these should not be visible. White skivvies are permitted for infants/primary students.  Scarfs and gloves are permitted in black only.  No beanies/hats/other headwear other than school approved hats.  Sports and regular uniforms should not be mixed and matched ie: woollen jumper with sports uniform or sports jacket with regular uniform.  Secondary students who do not have the correct uniform should come to the office after devotions to obtain a blue slip.  Parents of infants and primary children should fill in the note in the boomerang book or communication book and this should be given to the class teacher when a student is out of uniform.

Year 11 coffee & dessert Second Hand The Uniform Shop Uniforms Cordeaux Campus night Opening Hours:

th Donations of second Mondays 1.00pm to 4.00pm Wednesday 29 April, 8pm at hand uniforms can be Murphy’s Bar and Grill. Wednesdays 8.30am to 11.30am dropped off to the E: [email protected] Please sms your rsvp to Cathy Wynn office at any time. on 0411 027093 or Second hand Kathy Rhodes on 0422 501195 Ph: (02) 42 39 5220 th uniforms are by Monday 27 so that we can let Murphy’s know numbers. available to buy at the office. All Year 11 parents and carers welcome – Just see office staff. please join us!

Kinder—Year 6 School Banking 2015 Working Bee Dates 9th May (Years 3 & 4) School banking will be processed on Tuesdays. 13th June (Years 7 & 8) Please send bank books to school on Tuesdays. 8th August (Make up date 2pm – 5pm) th Notes have been sent out to students in relation to 12 September (Year 9 & 10) 10th October (Prep/Kinder) school banking. If you have any questions or any th 7 November (Years 5 & 6) further information please contact 5th December (Make up date 2pm – 5pm) [email protected] You are rostered on for the date of your youngest child. Please or leave a message at the office. remember that it is a condition of enrolment that one working bee is attended during the year. If you cannot make your rostered date, you are welcome to attend any of the other dates above.

22 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015

K-6 Mother’s Day Stall Wednesday 6th May This year Cordeaux Committee has purchased lots of great gifts from a supplier for your children to select from on the day. Gifts will be priced at $5, $7, $10

We need volunteers to help set up from 8am and sell gifts on the day from 9am until midday. We would really value and welcome your assistance helping at the stall for some or all of this time. Even if you can only help for an hour - this would be very much appreciated!

Please contact Sam Palmer on Mob: 0410 559 009 to register your willingness to help on the day.

Our children love to have the special job of choosing a gift for their mum or grandma for Mother's Day. Don’t forget to give your child their money to spend on the day!!

Illawarra Christian School 2015 Term Dates—Students Cordeaux Campus 4 Tyalla Place Term 1 Monday, 2 February 2015 Thursday, 2 April 2015 Cordeaux Heights NSW 2526 Ph: 42 395200 Fax: 4272 2989 Term 2 Tuesday, 21 April 2015 Friday, 26 June 2015 Term 3 Monday, 20 July 2015 Friday, 18 September 2015

Term 4 Wednesday, 7 October 2015 Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Business Centre Contact Details 2016 Term Dates—Students (for enrolment, school fee enquiries, Association membership) Ph: 4230 3777 Term 1 Monday, 1 February 2016 Friday, 8 April 2016 Fax: 4257 2071 Term 2 Monday, 26 April 2016 Friday, 1 July 2016 Postal address: PO Box 80 Albion Park NSW 2527 Term 3 Monday, 25 July 2016 Friday, 23 September 2016 Term 4 Monday, 10 October 2016 Thursday, 15 December 2016 23 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 From the Counsellor From Mrs Officer

CHILL OUT PROGRAM Can’t Sleep I can’t do it If this sounds like you (or someone close to you) No motivation I don’t know where to perhaps you would benefit start from a group run at school Sweaty hands Everyone else can do it but aiming to reduce some of these me unhelpful thoughts and Fast heartbeat I must get it all right feelings. Once a week for 6 sessions Overwhelmed It’s all my fault Term 2 Years 8-10. Teary/sad No one likes me Small, confidential group

I’ll never..... Email: officer.alyson Worried I’m so...... Or register your interest at the Nausea office. Tight muscles

Entertainment Books

Entertainment Books are available to order again this year

There is also the option of the new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment™ Book in a digital format for your Apple or Android device! So you have a choice: the traditional Entertainment™ Book Membership or the new Entertainment™ Digital Membership.

For more information contact Jane Whitelaw on 0407 157 913 or email [email protected] Or just order online: orderbooks/280d501

24 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015

25 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Community Announcements

Beginning in 2000 when a small group of teenagers from local community group Christian Surfers paddled 15km to raise money for 5 children they had decided to sponsor, the paddle has grown every year since, giving local surfers the chance to stretch themselves in an endurance paddle event, as well as give back to those less fortunate.

Last year was the biggest yet with 98 paddlers, aged 6 to 60, paddling the many kilometres from Stanwell Park to Thirroul, fully supported by local SLSC clubs, the Coast Guard and Wollongong Council, raising over $17,000 for impoverished children through Compassion Australia.

On Saturday May 2, 2015 our 15th Paddle Against Poverty will be held. This year we are aiming for over 100 paddlers to make the distance from Wollongong to Thirroul, and to top last year's amount raised for the children of Compassion, as well being able to give towards a local charity (to be announced).

The event is hosted by North Wollongong Christian Surfers, with Live Music School participants from local Boardriders Jayme Weston, lead guitarist from Punk band Mixtape For Drive, has started Live Music School clubs, SLSC and more. Stand-up with the vision of giving anyone the opportunity to learn how to sing or play guitar. paddleboards are the fastest- growing category of paddlers, but Education at Illawarra Christian School Tongarra and part of the music scene for several years, participants can enter with any Jayme has been trained in many forms of jazz and classical music for both acoustic and electric kind of paddle craft and most guitar and vocals. choose to paddle surf rescue boards. It is not a race, but rather He has also been a part of the teaching scene for several years teaching at the music school a community experience. “Music Star” and driving the “Music Bus” to several primary schools to teach drums, vocals, guitar and keyboard.

For further information call or text Jayme: 0437124611

26 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Community Announcements JJ’s Piano for Pleasure Lessons

Mrs Julie-Anne Jones is offering half hour piano lessons in her home on her baby grand piano. Who for: I am wanting to inspire and develop students love and talent of music. If you are in Year 2 or older, then this could be a great way for you to begin a lifelong love of music. Mums and Dads who always wished they had, but never did, you are most welcome. It’s never too late to start.

When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 4-6pm in Cordeaux Heights. Phone: 0439 623 855

TUTORING I am Benjamin Muscat, a past student of ICS and I am offering personal tutoring for high school students in Maths and Science (Yrs 7 - 10) and Maths (2 unit and Ext 1), Chemistry, Physics and Engineering Studies (Yrs 1-12) as well as Microsoft Office use.

To aid in helping you determine if tutoring is of benefit to your child, I am offering a 2 lesson ½ price trial period. The standard rate is otherwise $30/hour.

I am also happy to tutor both primary school and university students upon request.

Please contact me via email (preferred) or phone if you wish to enquire further. Benjamin Muscat M: 0450 210 490

27 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 Community Announcements


Izzi & Ellie from Year 9 have a unique opportunity to partici- pate in a cultural exchange program run by the school to visit a remote indigenous homeland on Elcho Island. Please come along and support their initiative as they raise funds needed to attend. FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, DATE SATURDAY 2 May 2015 healthier and happier! VENUE FAIRY MEADOW BOWLING CLUB TIME 7PM-10PM Go4Fun® is a healthy lifestyle program for kids aged 7 to 13 years who COST (MAXIMUM OF 8 PEOPLE PER TABLE/TEAM) are above their ideal weight. The program runs one afternoon per week PREPAID $10 PER PERSON ON NIGHT $15 PER PERSON over the school term and aims to improve health, fitness, self-esteem and CHANGE OF DATE confidence. Program highlights include active games, tips on healthy food, TO RESERVE TICKETS PLEASE CONTACT: label reading, portion sizes, a supermarket tour, plus much more! Term 2 CRAIG/MELISSA LESTER 0406450250 - 0414968855 programs will be held at Horsley Community Centre on Tuesdays from 4 – MICK/BRIGETTE LOMAX 0409030194 6pm starting 28th April and at Albion Park Rail Public School FAIRY MEADOW BOWLING CLUB th (ASK FOR GORDON LESTER) on Thursdays from 4 – 6pm starting 30 April. FOR ALL OTHER INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT [email protected]

For more information or to book in to a program


Coffee and Drop in Morning information, Education and Support For parents, carers and friends of children living with ADHD/ASD and associated disorders. We also support Adults diagnosed with these disorders.

WHEN: Last Friday of the month TIME: 10.30 am WHERE: Citylife Church 2/129 Jardine St (west end) Fairy Meadow 2519


Experienced tutors available for all High School Maths (up to Ext 1), Physics & Chemistry. We are committed to helping students reach their full potential. Contact Us: Matthew Dobie, 0432 529054, or Karen Dobie, 0421 900561 or email: [email protected]

28 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus March/April 2015 A snapshot of March/April @ Cordeaux