arianas ~riet.r:;~ ,_.. , .,,' Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&1. e\VS othersn e sighting ANOTHER snake sighting was It was the secondsighting in the snake sighting was reported the employee showed her a preserved once a snake has dispersed from reported to the Division of Fish As Teo area in one week. next day. ,specimen ofthatparticularsnake. the point of initial introduction, . and Wildlife last Thursday. De­ The person who saw the snake It is believed that this person According to, DFW. snake the chances of capture are drasti­ cember l Sth, days after another said that it crawled across her foot saw a brown tree snake because sightings in the Commonwealth cally reduced. Unless the brown person also reported seeing' a whileshe was outside of the house of the description she gave and of the Northern Mariana Islands tree snake is eradicated. it will snake in the same area. where she works and lives. The she confirmed it after a DFW have increased alarmingly in re­ establish a breeding populationin cent years and each additional the CNMI and threaten the ecol­ sighting raises the probability that ogy and economy in the Com­ the brown tree snake, a harmful monwealth. Church condemns the pest species. is establishing a The brown tree snake is respon­ breeding population in the Com­ sible for the drastic decline of monwealth. many bird species on Guam and spread ofdrugs in NMI The DFW's concern is' that, Continued on page 15 By Rafael I. Santos the worsening drug problem in Variety NewsStaff the commonwealth. Last week, CNMIgood to RP DRUG abuse in the CNMI has Governor Froilan C.Tenorio told become worse and has permeated reporters he did not like whatis "every corner" of the community happening. He complained that business-- Tenorio and destroyed the lives of many the government is wasting a lot of By Rafael H. Arroyo people. Bishop Tomas A. money to prove the guilt of drug Variety News Staff Camacho said yesterday. traffickers who come in with hun­ PERSISTENT: reports of la­ In a pastoral letter issued yes­ dreds of thousands of worth of bor abuse in the CNMI not­ terday. the bishop strongly con­ drugs, withstanding. Governor demned what he called the "evil Tenorio is expected to appoint Froilan Tenorio said Fili­ I C. i . which blinds the abuser of his or .a special assistance on drug abuse pino nationals are generally her true dignity and great value." this week who will help the gov­ afforded good opportunities to 8 "Wecondemnsubstance abuse. Tomas A. Camacho C'onfinuecfonpage do business in the Common­ including the personal and social wealth .. evils which cause and promote During a Thursday press it," the Bishop of Chalan Kanoa conference last week, Tenorio said. lamented how the CNMI has Camacho likened those who (111~I'i~gtll been criticized by the Philip~ 1;uccumb to 'drug use and abuse pine government for alleged 1A:l:IONQLtJPl1.~bAAetr~~m with Adam and Eve who' listened ·o£.'.Larry , .Garretr..,',:Scott labor abuse when the truth is iFedeiifAVlati~nAdininist~ion:;: to the deception of the serpent in Christiansen, Steve" Okimoto, the islands provide for a good . {p'M);igen~cii)~~t~Pacific~),:;' the Garden of Eden and ate the and headed by Steve Dahlenn business destination for Fili­ lJs~andA.~~~tio.t.i~~·;{~t4)opera-'~",'reviewed. fruit of a forbidden tree. and inspected 1111 of X:: pino entrepreneurs. (tionso~$~ipll;i1;'RoUl,and :oper~tion8,and,:: Many. he said. are still very GuaJ1.l ···..PJA·s flight. "I want you toknow there 'aaStweek'mrd',conduct~"prQv-:: much the children ofthe first Bib­ ". '.' maintenance procedures.,':':.•... .:.. are at least 235 .companies in Jng'iuIls'fof;':~'IAi()pe~tion lical couple "in our willingness to ·of >:\ . "Proving Runsl'.were coo",::' the CNMI that are owned by 25;SD3~60 36~eat listen to the serpent to our detri­ Part aircraft. ,>"duqted during which PIApet':';· Filipinos, not to mention com­ ment." '.>'According to a news release," 'sonne! were required 'to dem- . panies where Filipinos are In the recent weeks. a business­ ,'PIA successfully completed the onstrate their competence in'. shareholders and stockhold­ man and his worker were arrested tests and was granted FAA au- .the operation and maintenance' , ers'." said GovernorTenorio as for allegedly importing more than thorityto operate the larger air- of the aircraft. . ifto say Filipinos are treated 300 grams of the banned meth­ craft in 30 seatconfiguration on "PIAdemonstrated superior.j] well in the islands. amphetamine hydrochloride also ;itSroute'structure betweenthe ,performanc;e in all flight areas.;; "I just want everything on 'Mariana Islands," ., . ;.. . ':,:1: known as "ice."IgnacioAgbanlog ~:,LJ'h~FAAteamconsisting thetable here. We continue to and his employee Fernando of Continued en page.a? Garzon are awaiting trial in Supe­ jl rior Court on charges ofimporta­ 1,1 tion. possession and possession 1/II/fIIIa,.. '. "... ..' ."-':":" .;.' with intent to deliver controlled substance. The government has also noted Weather Outlook

··Partly cloudy with The midterm elections may be quite far yet, but lawmakers are now looking forward to Election Day 1995. Photo shows (I-r) Senators Juan S.. .:decreasing winds. , ( ~ . Demapan (Sa/pan), Paul A. Manglona (Rota) and David M Cing (Tinian) candidly discussing issues with reporters Friday. The trio's terms of office expire next year meaning they are up for reelection next November.


Shots fired at White House-- again! r By NANCY BENAC tieo and a second dropped on the several years ago in which a stray transformed into a crime scene. with plans to deliver his weekly " WASHINGTON (AP) - Gun­ reardriveway, said Dave Adams, bullet happened to come down RP gets tough vs drugs Yellow police tape was strung radio address from a community shots pelted the White House another Secret Service spokes­ harmlessly in the midst of a mo­ around the rear grounds and the college in the Virginia suburbs, By Rafael I. Santos to clarify whether the drug'pos­ the public concerning the Philip­ grounds Saturday for the second man. All four were found on the torc,ade carrying President Bush .adjacentEllipse park area, block­ his rnotorcade departing from the t Variety News Staff session is indeed punishable by pineImmigration Lawandrequire­ time in less than two months in grounds. across town. ing access to the annual "'Pag­ front drive rather than the rear as CUSTOMSauthoritiesinthe Phil­ death in the' country as reported mentregarding the travel of unac­ what an official said could have The Clintons were upstairs With the nation's third-high­ eant ofPeace" display, featuring is customary. ippines are reported to have re­ by the Star. companied minors who are hold­ been a drive-by shooting. One asleep at the time. est murder rate in 1993, Wash­ the National Christmas Tree. Saturday's shooting was the vised the Customs arrival decla­ Consul Renato Villapando said ers of foreign on non-Philippine bullet was found on the "They were never in any dan­ ington has come to symbolize Agents began a search at first ration .form to include a stern he inquired with the concerned passports. president's back porch and an­ third major White House secu­ ger," said another service the ills of urban society. Reports light, combing the grounds inch rity threat in recent months. In warning to travellers that mere agencies regarding the report and The travel advisory said that other reportedly pierced a win­ spokesman, Eric Harnischfeger. of gunfire are common, albeit by inch searching for bullets or possession of a prohibited sub­ requested a copy ofthe new law dow. September, a small plane childrenunderfifteenyearsofage, No one was injured and no one usually not at the White House. other evidence. stance is punishable by death. thatprescribescapitalpunishment accompanied by parents or not PresidentClinton slept through crashed-landed on the south was taken into custody. After Saturday's shooting, the, " Clinton seemed unfazed by the A report by the Philippine Star for the so-called heinous crimes. coming to a parent, are excluded the latest incident, which oc­ grounds ofthe White House and The incident nonetheless of­ White House was once again latest incident. He went ahead newspaper, a widely circulated As of last week, no word has curred just after 2 a.m. EST (700 its pilot was killed. fromentrytothe .Such fered a chilling reminder of the daily inthe country, did not Citea, been heard from Manila concern­ GMT), when shots were fired unaccompanied children may be violence in American society particular law or any other basis ing Villapando's request. The admitted at the port of entry pro­ from the direction of the grassy and revived questions about pro­ for making such revision in the Philippine Consulate is expected vided there is a Waiver of Exclu­ Ellipse southof theWhite House. tection of the president. N Korea withholds info arrival declaration form. to issue another travel advisory in sionGroundappliedin advanceto Investigators found four 9mm Less than two months ago, a But the bicameral Philippine the CNMI concerning strict drug the Commissioner of Philippine bullets apparently shot from the gunman sprayed the north side legislature has'amended the 1987 laws in the Asian nation. Immigration through the Philip­ same gun, but did not catch the of the White House with semi­ Constitution by requiring the im­ Last week, Villapando advised pine Consulate, the advisory said. Renata Villapanda person who fired them. The automatic weapon fire while on captured US soldiers position of death penalty on per-, Washington Post, quoting uni­ Clinton was upstairs watching SEOUL (AP) - North Korea on sons involved in heinous crimes. libo newspaper reported on Sun- their helicopter had strayed "any­ dentified sources, said one bullet TV. A 26-year-old Colorado SundaystonewalledU.S.requests Such crimes include rape, serious day. , wherefrom five to perhaps as penetrated a window of the State man, Francisco Martin Duran, for word on two American air­ cases of graft and corruption, "We're talking with North Ko­ much as eight kilometers" (three Dining Room on the first floor. has been charged with attempted men 24 hours after their helicop­ murder,drugtrafficking,andother Governor disowns most ofdeficit rea," Jim Coles, spokesman for to five miles) into North Korean Officials said it was not clear assassination in that incident and tercrossed into North Korean air­ seriouscriminal offenses By Rafael H. Arroyo ber we are in office less than nine' vances for power; $3 million for the U.S. military command, said territory. not incurred by his administra­ whether the White House was a is awaiting trial. space. Sunday. ' Capital punishment was abol­ Variety News Staff monthsinFY 1994," saidTenorio. claims and judgments, including "We do not know at this point tion. target, or just happened to be in Secret Service agents saidit The White House said the men ished when the old Philippine GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio Tenorio insists he believes he $2 million settlement for the Pub­ White House officials also said why thathappened," Panetta said. "You must understand that for the line of fire in a city where was too soon to tell whether the were on a routine observation Constitution which was drafted has admitted aspending deficit of inherited some $40 million defi­ lic School System federal dis­ they had no information on the Both soldiers were members of example, claims and judgments "raining" bullets afflict many White House was the intended flight Saturday when they appar­ under the Marcos dictatorship, between $20 million to $25 mil­ cit from the Guerrero Adminis­ crimination lawsuit; and some condition of Chief Warrant Of­ the 50Ist Aviation Regiment at of about $3 million, we did no neighborhoods - although usu­ target this time. entlywandered acrossthe heavily was changed under the govern­ lion in fiscalyear 1994butquickly tration, although conflicting re­ miscellaneous, $7 million. ficer, David Hilemon of Camp Page in South Korea. incur that, we inherited that. We ally not this one. "There are bullets raining all fortified border. mentof formerPresident Corazon attributed most of it to liabilities ports of a $19 million deficit ac­ All of these expenditures were Clarksville, Tenn., and Chief Congressman Bill Richardson, paid in FY 1994, but you're not It "looks like itcould be adrive­ over D.C.," Meyer said. Hesaid It was unclear whether the Aquino. incurred during the previous ad­ cumulated over the last two years unbudgeted,saidthegovernor and Warrant Officer Bobby Hall of who coincidentally is in North telling us that we're responsible by" shooting but "I wouldn't pre­ it was possible the bullets that small, two-seater helicopter was The new Customs form is said ministration. have lately surfaced. thus amount to deficits. Brooksville, Fla. Korea on behalf of the House for the PSS problem, are you," clude anything at this point," Se­ reached the White House shotdown or madean emergency to include this warning: "Philip­ During his weekly news con­ Ifthe $19 million deficit figure During the press conference, "We wantthem returned," Leon Intelligence Committee, re­ said Tenorio. ' cret Service spokesman Carl grounds, apparently fired from landing. North Korea announced pine law provides death penalty ference Thursday, Tenorio said was correct, it appears that the Tenorio said these unbudgeted Meyer said. Panetta, the White House chiefof quested immediate access to the "We did not incur the debt, but a handgun, were "just a stray Saturday that it had shot down an staff, said on CNN on Saturday. for trafficking and possession of unbudgeted expenditure items TenorioAdministration may have items have led to a bigger deficit we paid the debt," he added. A public street loops around crewmen, his spokesman, Stuart couple of rounds." "enemy" helicopter. "It's ominous that this incident prohibited drugs." The warning incurred by some government incurred a bigger deficit in nine because they were not appropri­ the White House grounds less Nagurka, said. To prove his point, Tenorio Witnesses had reported hear­ South Korean military sources took place. This should not have was to discourage drug traffick­ agencies over the last fiscal year months than what the previous ated for by the Legislature in bud­ than 100 yards (meters) from Nagurka, who spoke with cited as example theenactment of ing four to six shots. Meyer said said ground troops saw the heli­ happened." ers, many of whom have been has contributed to the deficit but administration has incurred over get appropriation acts. where the bullets were found. Richardson by telephone, said the law on Early Retirement bo­ tests indicated the four bullets copter cross into North Korean Panetta said U.S. officials did using Manila as a transshipment added that it was his administra­ the last two fiscal years. "The Legislature should have One bullet landed on the first­ there was no immediate response nus for government workers to found came from the same gun. territory, but reported no signs of not yet know exactly where the point, the report said. tion who would have to put up For this, Tenorio indicated the budgeted these amounts but they demonstrate how the previous floor balcony of the South Por- Meyer recalled an incident an attack or pursuit, the Dong-A men were being held. He said . Continued on page 15 The new form also includes a with the task of paying them. fault is not entirely his didn't. Okay, there's a law that administration got more liabili­ warning which says failure to de­ "We expect between $20 and administration's. government has to pay in advance ties. claretaxablegoods willmean their $25 million, plus what I honestly Breaking down the deficit fig­ for utilities and the Legislature "You got to remember, they seizure and forfeiture in favor of believe as at least $40 million we ure, the governor said there has did not appropriate this. What do passed this law to give govern­ the government, the newspaper inherited," saidTenorio, referring been around $6 million medical you want us to do, not pay it? We ment employees 30% bonus to article dated November 20 said. to the total deficit figure his ad­ referral spending by the Com­ could have done that but then are retire. See, the Retirement people Philippine consular officials in ministration faces. monwealth Health Center; about you willing to live without paid that but now they are asking theNorthernMarianaIslandshave "I don't know, I have to look at $9 millionfortheCommonwealth power," said Tenorio as he ar­ us to pay them and that's around asked the Philippine government the figures, but you must rernern- Utilities Corp., representing ad- gued that much of the deficit are $3 million. There are a lot of ex­ VARIETY STORE penditures like that we must put SAN JOSE AREA, BEACH ROAD SAIPAN, MAP 96950 • TEL.: 234-6533 up with," said the governor. On the $6 million deficit in­ ~~~~~~~~~ft~·':r "J' ...... ,I ,..---_ _-----_ , I curred by CHC! Tenorio said the ;, ~~~IIAiIll~~'i&~' " " I WE SEll ELECTRIC FANS, I 1"; bulk of that amount is on medical referral. an expenditure item that ,...------, I PILLOWS TOWELS I could not be helped, : M~N'S CASUAL PANTS :: WALKMAN, AIWA : "What do you want us to do about that, not to send people to I :;i24.99 II &SONY STEREOS I Hawaii, let them just die here? I BUY ONE GET ONE II ' §!:~-'F!'; I, Why didn't the Legislature bud­ I ~ tl~· I get that amount, knowing that... IBOY'S 2PC SET ~ g~~ I it's been like that. They knew CHC has been exceeding its bud­ I $9.99 only -dr v: I get but they did not budget that I ~~..,....., '.r:J'~';· / I because they did not have a bud­ I B2Y'S T-SHIRT & SHIRT " .~ _.J get. So we're stuck with having to ~ pay S6 million more because we I 18.99 I Assorted Toy s tOI Kids did not have any choice. We Men's & Ladies' Watches on Sale only I BUY ONE GET TWO FREE c, I (Musical dof and Clown) couldn't stop sending our people I '\ ....,1 ~ \' to Hawaii or to Guam." said (Dec. 16-17- 18) ~~~' ~1~·.i);'Srfi~~~ Tenorio. ' DIES 2PC. SET (MADE IN U.S.A.) ::" "That's the main reason why I SEIKOS (Automatic) 34.99 only (Size.S,M,L, ) '.\1" ....It. . would like a health insurance pro­ gram for the CNr-.H so we can cut It down on cost. Effective in Janu­ !G$R19~99sET ~~ " . ary, I instructed Finance who has WE DO LAY AWAY jurisdiction over health insurance u. to increase the premiums forgov­ { : BUY ONE GET ONE FREE f; I WE ACCEPT PAY CHECK ernment employees from 20% to CITIZEN (Quartz~~_, r I GIRLS DRESSES (MADE INE U.S.A)4 I 80% of total amount," said Tenorio. Buy one get One Free other Brand :20% OFF : f He pointed out thatgovernment employees have been getting I GIRLS SHORT AND TIGHTS $12.99 I ,." away with low premiums and that Double Bed,Sheet 'L. is why under a planned Executive wI 2 Pillow case ~Y~~onlY L:aUY ONE GET ONE FREE ~: Order 94-5. government health insurance is being transferred to Retirement Fund. 4-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19, 1994 MONDAY, DECEMBER 19,19.94-MARIANAS VARIET'lNEWSAND'VIEWS-~ No changes in Lucy Sablan ruling By Rafael I.Santos the motion for reconsideration tion at around 1:25 p.m.on that The prosecution also failed to the three and a half hours betweee VarietyNews Staff which washeld on December 9, day. The vehicle was taken to show why a warrant was not ob­ the arrest and the' search, JACK ANDERSON and MICHAEL BINSTEIN THE SUPERIOR Court has de­ Facts made during the hearing DPS central where it was im­ tained from a couIj judge during Manibusan said: . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND. nied a government request seek­ should have been presented dur­ pounded and another search was inga reconsideration of itsearlier ing the hearing on the motion to conducted. ~AVE YOU decision on a motion to suppress suppress, the court said. Sablan moved for the suppres­ AN6Ul£HED by armed robbery suspect Lucia "Finally, although the govern­ sion of the evidence claiming that Assad continues to EV~RVTHIf'¥7 Sablan. ment disagrees with the...order..., the search and seizure were ille­ OVER Associate Judge Edward this court does not believe that its gal. do business as usual IN THE Manibusan said he saw no valid decision is clear error or a mani­ The court acknowledged that WASHINGTON- Has Syrian President Hafez alAssad unleashed his reason to alter his decision grant­ fest injustice," Manibusan said in there was probable cause for the dogs of terrorism? PAPER/YET? ing Sablan's motion to suppress his decision issued last Thursday. police to believe that the truck' evidence, Sablan was accused in March contained some evidence in con­ In a veiled snub to the United States, Assad is departing from the .Manibusan saidbefore hecould ofattacking cashier Lea Gaspar at nection with the armed robbery. conciliatory note struck during President Clinton's recent visit, the first change his earlier order, there Poker and Games Kingdom with However, the government failed by an American president since 1974. should be exceptional circum­ a hammer and of robbing the es­ to prove the existence of what the Last month we detailed the imbroglio that arose on the airport tarmac stances, changes in the law or tablishment of more than $2,000. court called "exigent circum­ in Damascus between Secretary of State Warren Christopher and his new evidence that would warrant Sablan was pulled over in San stances" and' the inability to ob­ Syriancounterpart. Christopher was irate after Assad told reporters that a reconsideration. Jose where she was spotted by tain a warrant from a judge that thesubjectofterrorisrn never came up during his four hours of talks with Sablan, who was accused of policemen through the aid of a would justify the searches. President Clinton-when, in fact, the subject did arise. Assad's icy robbing a game room of more witness. She was then advised of According to the judge, the denial, and the awkwardness that followed, put a decided damper on than $2,000 claimed her vehicle her rights before 10:00 a.rri,after crock allegedly used in the rob­ Clinton's conciliatory gesture. was illegally and unreasonably she was apprehended and then bery should have been searched In the wake of that visit according to knowledgeable sources, Assad searched by agents of the Depart­ she was transported to DPS. immediately. The government appearsto be using threats by his in-house terrorists to give him another ment of.Public Safety. A crime scene technician took offered no legitimate reason as to card in the peace process. Manibusan agreed with the de­ photographs of the vehicle and why the firstsearch was delayed Armedrobbery suspect Lucia Sablan istaken fromthe courtroomin this file photo. Three Palestinian rejectionist leaders-George Habash, Nayef fense thatthe searches of Sablan's discovered the evidence in ques- three and a half hours. pick-up truck were illegal. Later, Hawatmeh and Ahmed Jibril (a suspect in the December 1988bombing the Attorney General's Office of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland)-recemly issued '1 moved for a reconsideration of threats against Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organi­ the decision. zation. The court however said that the Their ire was directed at Arafat for allowing Palestinian police to controlling law on warrantless arrest several people suspected in a recent terrorist bombing that killed searches has not been changed. three Israeli soldiers. Yet all three of these leaders, and their groups, are i·f i:_ Higher courts have not ruled that basedinSyria, where Assad keeps a tight rein on their activities. Several Congratulations Ms. Frances Borja to review the letterand spirit of its lawsgoverning child warrantlesssearches are valid, the sources believe that the threats would never have been issued without Itisvery humbling toseesomeone make personal molestation to ensurethe full protection of minors. judge said. andpublic history ina careerwhere eachstepis fully Assad's permission, though Assad would deny complicity. OfSigns Depicting Ladrones Manibusan also cited the earned with hard work. pride and dignity. It is even "They could not have publicly threatened retaliation against Arafat The power wasout when my other halflefthometo government's failure to present more exalting whenthatperson is an up-and-coming without Assad's explicit approval," said Noel Koch, former chief of pickme up aftera roundof golf withmy cousins. So we newevidence during a hearing on professional who captures a seat once dominated by counter-terrorism at the Pentagon who now runs a private security "decided to headtooneofourfavorite Japanese Restaurants \ is proud 10 bring you males. Thatperson isMs. Frances DIg. Borja whowas information service. Koch and others believe there is a strong circum­ for lunch. Tired and in no mood to engage in verbal • recently elected President of the Saipan Rotary Club. stantial case linking Assad to threats against Arafat. calisthenics I tacitly accepted the request from the War Fiji to tax Indeed, I have seen several of our women take Department to eat out. "Their statements (after all) were followed up by another from the positions of responsibility. A lotof themaremade of Attherestaurant, aparadeofyoungJapanese couples Syrian government. The threats, while directed to Ararat, are a calcu­ goods & form rather than substance. Frances ismore substance (honeymooners) curiously investigated my order. Most ADS lated gesture of contempt toward President Clinton, whose recent thanform. It takesintelligence andcourage tomakeit donned their newly bought island shorts and T-shirts. I • meeting with Assad in Damascus produced acrimony." in the glory or purgatory of leadership. These at­ soon noticed that everything they do is done in quick services Additional evidence of the intent of these threats can be found in the tributes are rarely found in anyone person, male or paces-walking, drinking, or slurping hot soba, etc. 1 PAPUA New Guinea's Fly River occupied territories-in the handwriting on the wall. In Gaza, graffiti is female. Frances has both of these qualities and her figured that they musthave come fromTokyoor Osaka Provincial Assemblyhasapproved the surest method of communication by radical Palestinian groups. background in business ought to bring fresh ideas not whereyou eitherwalkfast and makeit to thetrainstation a bill to impose tax on all taxable These days, the Fraffitl in Gaza is reminding Arafat of the fate of former onlyto theorganization she now heads, butanyother on timeor rent a room for the night. goodsandservicesnextyear,NBC Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who was killed by Muslim fundamen­ organization. public or private. she may choose to At the counterrightbelowthecashier's registry was reported Thursday. talists after making peace with Israel. enter. posted a signwritten inboldletters: "In God we trust, but Servicesaffectedareelectricity, The animosity between Ahmed Jibril and Arafat dates back almost 30 Up ahead I hope she dedicates a portion of her all others must paycash". I feltmycheeks wrinkled-up a post and telecommunication, wa­ years. In an interview with our associate Dale Van Atta several years career to thepublic sector. Iknow that shehastheright nervous andembarrassed smile. Iknowtheownerbutshe ter,airlineticketing,consultancies ago, Jibril predicted that Arafat would be killed by an assassin's bullet. credentials so direly needed inour legislative institu­ was out of town. We normally pay with pur personal and repair and maintenance. The highest tax rate of ten per cent is "Wecan figure that theend of Arafat is inevitable," he intoned. "It will tion where idealism hasseemingly fizzled outamong checkssoIquicklyaskedmyspouse ifshehasenoughcash imposedon all alcohol beverages. be a natural end. It is coming shortly. As similar as the end of Sadat." theBBGuns(Oooops ~) Boy Scouts. Herlatefather's forour meals. She responded in the affirmative. Jibril recalled that he and Arafat worked together in Syria on their illustrious political career may be a difficult one to Provincialfinance and planning Whata reliefto hearan affirmative answerin thatwe minister, Clement Hesaboda said common cause until 1965. "We were treating- him as family," Jibril tread. But think aboutitinthatthelate90sandthenext '~ qualifyunder the second category ...but all others must all natural resources in mining, said. He said he broke with Arafat because the PLO leader was century call foranentirely newagenda pasttheheads pay cash". I wasn't prepared to lord over the cashierby CDD forestryand fisheries will also be "shameless" and a liar. of thebaby boomers bunch. Fornow, mayI wish you insisting thatsheaccepts ourpersonal check. Infact, onthe taxed. He added that the province Huwag kaligtaan' In fact, the falling out occurred mainly because Arafat correctly well in your new post and we all look forward to a rightsideof thecounterwasanothersignwhich says,inno had over the years lost millions of surmised that Jibril was too much of a lackey for Syria to ever be an fruitful term asthefirst woman President ofiheSaipan uncertain terms, "No personal checks accepted!" They dollars in retail and services tax ~ independent leader for the Palestinians. Arafat once related to us the Rotary Club. Sen mas, Felis Pasgua yan Aiio Nuebo! only want your hard cashor creditcard, kid. because it did not have a law to • TV Patrol Home Along Da Riles story of a 1966 incident in Syria when Jibril tried to frame him for Ugly Facesof Justice On the way home, I remembe: seeing the "No per­ imposetaxon goods and services. murder: A news account hasit thatajudgeinFijiadmon­ sonalchecksaccepted" sign. posted in mostplaces on the Hesaboda said the provincial • Show • Tatak Pilipino Assad, who was Syria's defense minister at the time, had Personally ished two men accused ofrapethat though theycome island,i.e., all countryclubs, grocery stores,restaurants, government is expected to earn inducedJibriIto challenge Arafat for the leadership of the Palestinians. from prominent royal families, such prominence etc. Perhaps people have been writing rubbery checks $1.74 million annually from the • • Showbiz Lingo When the effort failed, the Syrian Directorate of Military Intelligence doesn't givethem the right to rape women nor will it hoping that the vendor won't take it to the bank until a' provincial sales and services tax. ordered Jibril to kill Arafat. exempt them from the equal application ofjustice. I certaindate. It mustbeveryfrustrating dribbling rubbery (p'acnews) In a ploy, Jibril sent word to Arafat that he wanted to make up. A applaud thecourageous judgeforputting the twomen paper-a thin square material-s-and I am not about'to meeting was arranged at the home of a mutual friend. But Jibril didn't in their place. suggestto vendors to "chargeitto experience" either. Veterans offer show up, and neither did a suspicious Arafat. Jibril sent a hit man, while A day or two later, however, another news ac­ Therehasto be a bettet wayto makeinstant scrutiny driving service count hasitthattwomen were sentScott Freeen rape' Arafat sent a representative who was summarily shot dead, along with of personal checks. Iknowthatthisserviceisavailable in DURING the holidays if you had charges because thetwominors they molested looked the man who hosted the meeting in his home. most cities in the US mainland where the cashierinserts too much to drink, a safe way Arafat and 20 of his aides were arrested as accomplices in the set-up alotmore mature fortheirtender age. Apparently, the your personal check into a computer to ensure fund home assistance is available free murder, and would likely have been executed if not for a quirk of fate. judge allegedly accepted the argument presented by sufficiency. Ifthere's orisn't any moneyinyour accoun~ of charge by calling 287-3058, The 2-year-old son of one of Arafat's aides had fallen to his death from the' attorney representing thetwomen. I hope there's the cashier instantly finds out and you are informed ..~ CNMIVeteransAssociation. Ser­ a balcony at his Damascus apartment. The boy's mother. UrnJihad, told anerrorinthenewsreporting. Orwasthestory written accordingly. Evencredit card limits are easily checked geantMajor(ret)FrankG. Cepeda us in a separate interview how she begged Syrian authorities to let her out of context and perspective? If not. Fiji's parlia­ and I am hoping that someday soon this type of challenges other organization to \ ment ought toscrutinize the qualifications ofthejudge husband out for the funeral, which they did. Jihad and her husband then service would link all the service sector so that we volunteer their services in mak­ MARiANAS CAbLEVisioN: \ when his reappointment is up for review. ': escaped Syria and were able to raise enough alarm in friendly Arab don't have to be threatened by the "...but all others ing asafe and happy'holidays for Otherwise justice will neverbe served molested 2J~ countries that Assad eventually released Arafat and his associates. must pay cash" category. Eh, we got new culture­ everybody. CAll TodAy ... 4MCV fen.ale minors based solely on their looks rather than This time, Arafat may not be as lucky. credit cards-eating up our biweekly checks in ad­ theiractual age. It's ridiculous! Orperhaps Fijineeds vance, yeah? IDon't Drink and Drive I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~MONDAy,DECEMBER19,19~-MA~ANASVA~ETYNEWSANDVlliWS~ 6-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19, 1994 Saipan to host 600 Hokkaidostudents US allows Palau to invest $66M By Rafael I. Santos. rive on December 30 aboard the 4:30 p.m. for a stop at Tinian for a tary and Junior High Schools. PSS scheduled at Tinian's Kammer Variety News Staff New Utopia cruise ship. The ves­ cultural exchange with island stu­ said the visit is expected to start Beach Park. said, "We have no reason why we "First Hawaiian will not ever By Sarah Clayton to be custodians of the $66 mil­ independent nation. HUNDREDS of students from sel will dock at the Charlie Dock at dents. with visitors' arrival at about 8:30 Hokkaido is the second-largest act as an investment manager," For the Variety lion. The U.S. approved all but the shouldn't." Japan are expected to arrive on 7:00 a.m, The Japanese students will meet a.m. and last for about four hours island of Japan located north ofthe she said. KOROR, Palau - Despite recent The report said that First Ha­ almost $10 million that was to be Calling the article highly inac­ Saipan before the end ofthe month The Hokkaido students, whose with children from Tinian Elernen- The visit includes activities island of Honshu. T"e approved investment man­ controversy, Palau received the waiian Bank ofHonolulu had lost invested in international stock curate, EconomistPaul Callaghan for a goodwill visit, the Public ages are between nine and twelve, agers are: Scudder, Stevens & official go-ahead from the United over a $100 million in high-risk markets. said, "First Hawaiian never had SchoolSystem announced. are scheduled to tour the island Clark; Hawaiian Trust; Missis­ States earlier this month to invest derivative trading. The rest of the funds are desig­ the money so they couldn't have Education officials are expect­ during the day and meet with sippi Advisors'; and Provident In­ most of the $66 million trust fund First Hawaiian has been chosen nated for U.S. markets. done anything wrong." ing approximately 600 students Saipan students at Micro Beach Since the fund's release in Oc­ vestment Counsel. received as part ofthe Compactof to handle almost $40 million of Wong said he believes the in­ from Japan to join the annual for lunch and activities from noon tober the $66 million has been In a Dec. 8 press release, First Free Association agreement, the trust fund money. ternational investment portion of Hokkaido cultural goodwill visit. until I:30 p.m. sitting in an account in Hawaiian Hawaiian Bank said it will serve Chairman Koichi Wong of the The $66 million was turned over the plan may have been rejected The students are expected to ar- They will depart from Saipan at trust fund board said Friday. to Palau Oct. I with the signing of in order for the plan to receive TrustCo. ofHonolulu while Palau "as a custodian, or safekeeper, for The controversy stems from a the Compact and is intended to approval from the American-mar­ waited for the approval of the Compact funds and does not make local news report Dec. 3 concern­ help give Palau economic stabil­ ket-oriented U.S. Congress. investment plan, he pointed out. any investment decisions for the ing one of the two banks chosen ity as it establishes itself as an The government expects to be­ Assistant Attorney General funds." . Palauans on Saipan I gin its investment program be­ Shari Bryan also pointed out that Palau is now in the process of fore the end of the year, according First Hawaiian' is a very large negotiating contracts with the' to Wong. institution and that 'the division approved money managers and voteinAngaur polls \ When asked whether Palau has that lost the funds 'will not be the Compact of Free Association place. any reservations over keeping its dealing with the Compact trust Board of Trustees is expected to By Sarah Clayton A preliminary count of the bal­ funds in First Hawaiian, Wong fund. meet early this week to choose a Far the Variety lots from Angaur, Koror and The bank will simply hold the money manager to handle the re­ KOROR, Palau - The state of Saipan is scheduled to be con­ funds, she added. maining $10 million. Angaur has established a polling place in Saipan for Palauan resi­ ducted Tuesday, Renguul said. dents who wish to vote in the The election results will be fi­ nalized after the deadline for ab­ state's general election. Around 65 girl scouts and 18 scout leaders were. invested in ceremonies held at the Rota Roundhouse las Vanuatu: Control over A ballot box was set upat the sentee ballots, Dec. 26, he said. December 9th. Photo shows part of the group that participated. . Carolinian Utt on Saipan, media not censorship Baudista Renguul, the election THE VANUATU government that the government pays all the official in charge of the Angaur says the control it exerts over the salaries of the media employees poll, said Friday. country's radio and the weekly who work for the Vanuatu Broad- He cautioned, however, that newspaper does not amount to casting and Television Corpora- only those who are already regis­ censorship, RNZI reported yes- tion. tered as voters will be eligible to NEW ZEALAND police have terday. The debate over the submit a ballot. been called in to provide extra The prime minister's spokes- govemment'srole comes afterlast The decision to send a repre­ security at Auckland airport for woman, Yvette Sam, says her of- week's suspension of the sentative to Saipan came at the Royal Tongan Airline flights dur­ fice needs to check the output of corporation's news manager, requestofAngaurGov.Theodosia ing the festive season, Radio the government-owned media to KaltauAyong, for abuse of power. F. Blailes, Renguul said. Tonga reported Thursday. be informed of items concerning Ayong hadsuspended nine staff He emphasized that the fund­ This follows an incident earlier the government. from the radio, of whom six have ing for the effort came from the last week in which airline check­ Her comments follow allega- now been reinstat~d. (Pacnews) state, not from federal coffers. in officials were threatened by an tions that all news from Radio and In the race for the governorship irate passenger leading to passen­ the Vanuatu Weekly newspaper, are: incumbent Blailes, former gers being stranded in Auckland. are being censored by the prime Gov. Arkagus "Orak" Yamada; The problem stemmed from minister's office. PNGto Balerio U. Pedro; and At-large apparent overbooking's which Sam says she needs to see the • Representative Steven R. Salii. meant people were finding they headlines and if some of them mcrease In the at-large race for the state did not have seats despite having concern the government, she legislature are: Arnold Alond confirmed tickets for the flights needs to be able to respond to Asao; incumbent Elizabeth S. 1. to Tonga. (Pacnews) them. She has also pointed out police Vereen; Emiliano Y. Abraham! Ignacio Santiago; Joshua Lewis; Leon Gulibert; Masayuki Alfred; strength incumbent Norbert Blau; Sophia Lei Kaiich; and incumbent Tasiano Merar. by 25% The top five legislative candi­ dates willjoin the four nonelected PAPUA New Guinea's prime traditional chiefs in the state leg­ minister Sir Julius Chan has islature on Jan. I. pledged to increase the country's The election was originally police strength from its current scheduled to take place Nov. 30, 4,800 members to 6,000 in three but was delayed Nov. 29 because years, the National reported yes­ no voter registration had taken terday. He said government. was also considering giving police thearms necessary to deal with criminals who are using sophisticated weap- .A.EL

.- ...... ~. WI-v. betn". mediJm'Of' thl direct' flight service between public uchange 01kjeas lor many yurt.. W. \aXelhal PIA gets... Guam and Saipan expected to ) respcns.bdCy seriously.OJI OOJT IS 10 bf'n;Jyouth(l peoplO and C"'Cl.l:, commence in early 1995. :hJI10UCh)'OUt Ille- Continued from page 1 objectrvely. Wdtvxll you. wee DI! Pacific Island Aviation flies speecrsess and thus was able to obtain the four round trips per day to Rota expandedoperatingauthority,the from both Guam and Saipan, flies * Keep paper and tinsel away from hot lights. airlines said in the release. houriy betweenSaipanandTinian PIA will phase the Shorts 3-60 and flies an expanding tourist Keep lights away from water. ; : .•.... aircraft into its existing route * .".. L-; .' .. charter schedule directly between structure between Saipan, Rota Saipan and Guam. and, Guam in the days immedi­ For further information please, *When stringing.lights outdoors, keep ladders away ately ahead, The aircraft willalso contact Jim Stowell, Chief Oper­ be used for the airlines expanded atina Officer. (670) 234-3600. from overhead power lines. * Unplug lights before you go out or to bed. The Best * Ensure that cords are completely insulated. Christmas Gift Plug THE SHOW OF PRINCE THEATRE \ .', .. , Felis Pasqua van Ano Naebo If you're going to choose some Christmas gift for your wife and children, the best choice is the show of Prince Theatre. Then you'll enjoy the top class Chinese acrobatics and Russian band, meanwhile you can have Into famous Chinese cuisine. You'll have a wonderful and unforgettable Christmas Eve Party in Prince Theatre. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation

The Christmas Sale from today to Dec. 31. The .Board of Directors and Executive Director extend Admission Fee: Holiday Dinner Show: 6:30 p.m.-8:20 p.m. $30 (Adults)/$20 (Children) our sincere gratitude to our customers for their (provide traditional Chinese Buffet and attractive Chinese acrobatics, f" Russian Band) eIY suggestions & support throughout the year! We are dedicated to improving our Customer Service and Night Club: 8:30 p.m.-2:00 a.m. $10 adult only (Russian band, Chinese acrobatics and disco in turns in every half hour ~ anotheryear of financial accountability and efficiency. Safety . . to 2:00 a.m.) ~ I


Carter offto formerYugoslavia Reach ~ Continental ,. By ROBERT H. REID missionto formerYugoslavia, for WhiteHouseChiefofStaffLeon acceptanceof thecontactgroup's nearby: Sources said one plane .~""'''I'l!I!I IP& -~--~~ M._~. Micronesia ~ SARAJEVO, Bosnia­ meetings with CroatianPresident Panetta,appearing onCNNSatur­ plan as the basis for negotia­ carriedanadvanceteamforCarter. I ,---",,"*-- "._ .. - _.__ Herzegovina (AP) - FormerU.S. Franjo Tudjman, Bosnian Prime day,questioned Carter's abilityto tions," he said. But the Serbs blocked -three President Jimmy Carter heads to MinisterHarisSilajdzicand U.N. resolve Bosnian issues "because The contact group - Britain, flightsearlierSaturdayandsetnew Croatia Sunday on a mission to chief for former Yugoslavia, they areverycomplicated andbe­ France, Germany;Russiaandthe conditions for resuming the hu­ persuadethe BosnianSerbs to ac­ YasushiAkashiof Japan. cause we have seen that,frankly, United States - has been pushing manitarianairlift. ceptapeaceplantheyhaverepeat­ Carter willthendecidewhether the motives ... involved here with the peace plan since the summer. The Serbs want to bar Bosnian edly rejected. to travel on to Sarajevo. If so, he the partiesare alwayssuspect." To lure Carter to Bosnia, citizens from' U.N. flights, U.N. CarterleftAtlantaSaturdayona willalso likelyvisitBosnianSerb Bosnianleaders. Serbia's pow­ Karadzic pledged Wednesday to sources said. They also want plane for Germany amid reports headquarters at 'Pale, outside erful leader Slobodan Milosevic, ease tension with the United Na­ Bosnian Serbs to be able to fly to that Bosnian government troops Sarajevo,and Belgrade. and Russia, a traditional Serbian tions. HisSerbshadvirtuallyshut Serbiaproper.Therehavebeenno had been routed from a key town Bosnian Serb leader Radovan ally,haveexpressed concernover down the U.N. operation - halt­ regular 'flights .to Serbia from in the northwest. Karadzic invited Carter to help the visit. ing convoyes through Serb terri­ Sarajevo. The Tanjugnewsagency based restartpeacetalks.Cartersuccess­ A statement from the Carter tory and taking hundreds of TheSerbs are alsorequiring the in the Serbiancapitalof Belgrade fully broke diplomatic stalemates Center in Atlanta said Carter de­ peacekeepers hostage - in re­ United Nations to get permission reportedthat rebelMuslimsfight­ thisyearinHaitiandNorthKorea. cided to make the trip after "ex­ sponse to NATO airstrikes'Iast foreachflightitwantstoland,said tensive discussions" with the month. a U.N. spokesman;'speaking on ing alongside Serbs in northwest ButCarter's visithasraisedcon­ Performing LIVE on stage BosniacapturedthetownofVelika cerns that he will undermine ef­ White House and U.N. officials. The Serbs allowed two U.N. condition of .anonymity. Before KIadusa forts to get the Serbs to acceptan "My purpose-in traveling to flights to land Saturday at the airport was closed,U.N..offi­ direct from L.A. U.N.sourcescouldnotconfirm international peaceplan. the region is to seek ways to Sarajevo'sairport,whichhadbeen cialsonlyhadtonotifySerbsabout ~ the report.The townhas been re­ The militarily dominant Serbs contribute to the cessation of closed since Nov. 21 after Serbs their flight plans 24 hours" in ad­ the high energy, upbeat ported in danger of falling for have rejected the plan, which hostilities and to encourage the positioned anti-aircraft missiies vance - not seek permission. Join in the fun with weeks under the siege Serbs would force them to pare their Latino six piece band. launched to retake the strategic holdingsofBosnianterritoryto49 Bihac area. percentfromthe70percentitnow Playing with an extensive. Carter will first go to Zagreb, holds. The Bosnian government Croatia,headquarters of the U.N. has accepted the plan. repertoire of Cha Cha, Salsa, Mambo and Rumba .f'~qubl.£ along with popular for a adult contemporary numbers, Hair News ~et!Ii; wi II provide you "Carnival In The Tropics" -vith an unforgettable at Latino carnivalfever.

Friday, December 30th 1994 $15.00 entrance fee.

Saturday, December 31st 1994 - frl?e entrance when you dine in any of • Straight Perm on I-Jyatt Regency Saipan's outlets • Body Wave Perm and enjoy the special New Year's Eve • Spiral Perm Friday - D.ecember 30th 1994 menus prepared by our Chefs. • Silk Touch Perm Saturday - New Years Eve 1994 Or if you prefer - just $1.5.00 at the door. • Hair Dye Sunday' -January 1st 1995 • Hot Oil Sunday, January 1st 1995 Haircut for Lady' and Man c:; 15.00 entrance fee.

u~ are J-fappy to Serve JOu!!! All performances 9:30 p.m. - 2:00 a.rn. ~w Merry Christmas .andJ-fappy year!!! Fortner California state Sen. PeulOerpenter, center, is escortedby U.S. marshals to the federal courthouse in Sacramento, Calif. Carpenter fled the country to Costa Rica in February, prior to sentencing for his ~IS. make reservation right now. Tel. #E4::~~ conviction on corruption charges stemming from an FBI investigation of the state Capitol. (AP Photo) Feinstein over Huffington, ehristmasfjifts officially ~ SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)­ MZC1WneSZan Tveasunes Democratic U.S. Sen. Dianne 'Feinstein's victoryoverRepubli­ can Michael Huffington became official Wednesday. Stateside Gifts Available Just In Time For Christmas! Results of the Nov. 8 election, challenged by Huffington, were certified by Acting Secretary of State Tony Miller.. Gifts For All Ages Including Kids! .Feinstein's final marginof vic­ Stuffed Animals, Wreaths, Ornaments, Gift Baskets, tory was 158,564 votes, or 1.9 percent of the 8.5 million votes Soaps, and Much More! cast in the mostexpensiveSenate rate in Ll.S. history. Feinstein, the incumbent, had led by 156,671 votes'in the last unofficial canvass. That was be­ forethetallyofmorethan750,000 Visit the newest gift shop with late absentee ballots. some of the lowest prices on the island! Huffington .stillhas not con­ ceded the election, saying he is We're·iocated at the Northern Marianas College Bookstore. investigating reports of massive Call for directions: 234-3690 ext. 1300-1302 voter fraud. He did not return a . telephone call Wednesday. MONDAY,DECEMBER 19, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSAND VIEWS-13 12-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19, 1994 New stamp issues from Marshalls;FSM US dem.ands soldiers' release By Tom Panholzer dropping of the atomic bomb on issue stampshonoringmanyfeline honoringtheSingapore1995Stamp will be captured on two colorful FortheVariety Hiroshima. The first of these will breeds includingtheSiamese,Ab­ Exhibition; and two traditional sets of four definitivestampsto be nation of it. By ROBERT BURNS behalf of the House Intelligence capital as part of a breakthrough In a written statement, Defense POHNPEI - Stamp collectors will be a 32 cent stamp sheet of 12 yssinian, and AmericanShorthair. Christmas stamps. issuedinMayandAugust.Alleight Other U.S, defense officials, WASHINGTON (AP) - The Committee, requested immediate agreement in October on the fu­ Secretary William Perry said their havenumerousnew issues of Cen­ entitled Yalta ConferenceBegins. A September 16 issue will ac­ The [mal issue plannedfor 1995 aredesignedbywildlifeartistChris speaking on condition of anonym­ United States demanded the re­ access to thecrewmen, hisspokes­ ture of North Korea' s nuclear pro­ OH-58C Kiowa Warrior, an un­ tral Pacific island nations' stamps V-E Day and V·] Day, to be knowledge the Beijing '95 Coin is a sheet of stamps showing the Calle. ity, said one of the two airmen is lease of two U.S, Army airmen man, Stuart Nagurka, said. gram. armed reconnaissance helicopter, to add to their collectionsover the issued May 8 and August 15, re­ and Stamp Exhibitionwith a sou­ world's legendaryjet fighters,This Other FSM issues plannedarea experienced at flying in the vicin­ whose helicopter crossed into Nagurka, who spoke with U.S.-North Korea relations '''strayed'' into North Korean air­ next 12 months according to' re­ spectively, will beconimemorated venirsheetshowing China'sSuzhou will be the first set of a continuing se-tenant strip of four Hibiscus ityof thedemilitarizedzone,which North Korean airspace Saturday Richardson by. telephone. said were especially tense during space and went down along an ports from theMarshallIslandsand withse-tenantblocksoffourstamps. Gardens. Marshalls series. stamps and a Souvenirsheet issue and waseithershotdown or forced there was no immediate response lengthy negotiations over the easternsectionofthedemilitarized is a 2.5-mile-wide (4:kilpmeter­ Federated States of Micronesia On .a Marshalls May 29 issue, In other issues willinclude a se­ The Federated States of marking the 50th Anniversary of wide) strip separating North and to land. from North Korean officials who nuclear program. At times. U.S. zone. stamp issuing authorities. John F. Kennedy will be featured tenant block of four stamps high­ Micronesiaalsoplanstoissuequite the United Nations. The FSM will South Korea. The White House called the met with the New Mexico Demo­ officials worried that the north The DMZ is a heavily fortified Bothnations willlaunch 50-cent on what would have been his 78th lighting tourism in the Marshall a.number of stunning stamps. On also issue souvenir sheets for the The other pilot was a newcomer incident "ominous." crat. might consider launching a rnili- . buffer zone that has separated the stampissues celebrating"TheYear birthday. A se-tenant strip stamps Islands, a souvenir sheet celebrat­ February cr, the FSM will issue Beijing '95 coinandStampExhibi­ and was on the flight to become More than 12 hours after North Richardson, who is in contact tary strike at the south, although north and south since the Korean of the Pig" inChineseastrology on recalling key events in the ing the 50th Anniversary of the .Tourism Sites of Chuuk. This will tion and theSingapore 1995Stamp familiar with the mountainouster­ Koreaannouneedithad shot down with Secretary of State Warren in recent months there had been War ended in 1953. U.S. forces, January 2. According to Chinese president's life will salute the in­ UnitedNations,eightPacificgame be the third in its series of stamps Exhibition. rain.. an "enemy" helicopter that vio­ Christopher, "stressed that fail­ no indications of increased ten­ currently numbering about tradition, various animals are as­ ception of the Peace Corps, the fish commemorativestamps; four highlighting exotic locations in it The FSM willalso issuetwosets lated its airspace, Clinton admin­ ure to aggressively investigate this sions along the border. 37,000, have helped South Ko­ Weather was not a factor in the signedina 12yearrepeatingcycle. Cuban MissileCrisis,andthelight­ stamps describing legends of the four island states visitedby ~ple of Christmas stamps. 'The Yule istration officials said they could case. and failure to returnthe miss­ The incident comes at sensitive rean armed forces patrol the area incident, one Pentagon official The FSM and Marshallese souve­ ing of the eternal flame. Marshall Islands; a souvenirsheet from all over the globe. Season seen through the eyes 01 not determine the condition of the ing servicemen, would have a se­ period for the North Korean lead­ ever since. said. " nir sheets will offer a salute to this . The Marshall islands will also In March and again in Septem­ children on two se-tenant pairs of two American airmen. rious impact on U.S.-North Ko­ ership. Kim Jong II is said to be in "It is unclear whether the heli­ U.S. helicopters routinely fly in ancienttradition. issue fifth and sixth sets in its de­ ber, the ruth and sixth setsof com­ stamps to be released October 30. The Pentagonidentified the men rean relations," Nagurka said. charge, but Korea-watchers say it copter made an emergency land­ the vicinity of the demilitarized The Marshall Islands will wrap finitiveseriestitledtheMillennium :American memorativestampsinthePioneers WinningentriesfromMicronesia's as Chief Warrant Officer David The lawmaker "has asked to remains unclear whether he has ingorwas shot down," Perry said. zone but do not enter it on the up its seven-year History of the ofNavigationin 1995. Thesestamps ·· .. ,' .. of Right series will be released. children's drawing contest will Hilemon of Clarksville. Tenn., urgently meet with military offi­ full control. He is the son of Kim "At this time, the condition of the North Korean side. The aircraft World War II in Postage Stamps will depict a number of interna­ ·amoasS .... Among the early aviators profJ.led grace theseholidaypostagestamps. and ChiefWarrant Officer Bobby cials to discuss this case and has II Sung. who founded the commu­ two-man crew is not known." involved in this incident was a serieswithafmal 15issuesin 1995, tional ships that once sailed the will be American rocket scientist For further informationon these reconnaissance aircraft often used Hall of Brooksville, Fla.Both are canceled all other discussions nist state in the 1940s and ran it . The State Department also con­ which will mark the 50th anniver­ oceans and waters around the deficit UP'. RobertH. GoddardastronautJames issues contact the MarshallIslands members of the 50 I st Aviation which were to have concentrated until his death last summer. tacted the North Korean mission as autility aircraft forscouting and saries of key wartime events of Marshall Islands. Among those A. Lowell,~Jr., and Ferdinand Graf Stamps and PhilatelicCenterorthe Regiment at Camp Page in South on the U.S., North Korean nuclear Panetta said U.S. officials did at the United Nations in New training. 1945.. The stampswillrecallAllied honored willbe thewhalerCharles to$23M· •. von Zeppelin, German inventor of FSM Stamp Agency, both at.One Korea. agreement," the spokesman not yet know exactly where the York on Saturday "to insist on the Militaryincidentsinrecentyears victories such as the taking of the W. Morgan and the U.S. Coast the airship that bore his name. UnicoverCenter,Cheyenne,Wyo­ men werebeing held. He said their urgency of information on the in­ have become rare along the 155­ "We want them returned," Leon added. Remagen Bridge, the conquest of Guard's Buttonwood. THE AMERICAN Samoa gov­ Four of the worlds best known ming 82008-21 (Marshalls) or helicopter had strayed "anywhere cident, as well as for prompt ac­ mile (250-km) DMZ. Panetta. the White House chiefof The United States has no for­ Berlin by Soviet forces, and the For cat lovers,theMarshallswill ernment has released its financial and perhaps best liked dogs will 82008-27 (FSM) or visit the FSM from five to perhaps as much as cess to the crew," Perry said. Nevertheless, some 2 miUion staff, said on CNN. "It's ominous mal diplomatic relations with statement for 1992, which is al­ find their mugs on a FSM set in PhilatelicCenterinbeautifuldown­ eight kilometers" (three to five The defense secretary said the troops are stationedalong the line, that this incident took place. This North Korea, although U.S. arid most two years late, RNZI re­ May, among them will be the Irish town Kolonia Town the next time miles) intoNorth Koreanterritory. Pentagon had received conflicting which stretches on a zigzag from should not have happened." North Korean officials recently ported yesterday. Setter, Springer Spaniel, and the you are in Pohnpei State. It's just Rep. Bill Richardson, who co­ began moving toward establish­ "We do not know at this point information about the incident and the Sea of Japan in the east to the Tattersall's begins The report shows that the gov­ Old English Sheepdog. across thestreetfromtheFSMPost why that happened," Panetta said: thuscould not provide a fullexpla- Yellow Sea in the west. incidentally is in North Korea on ing liaison offices in each other's ernment deficit grew from $6.5 Eight fish native to FSM waters OffIce. operations in Fiji million at the beginning of the year to $23 million at the end of AUSTRALIAN lottery giant cense to operate Tattslotto in Fiji, the year. Families await word on captured US airmen Tattersail's beganoperating Fiji's with an option for a further six The major cost overrun was in PUBLIC NOTICE By JAMES MARTINEZ Officer David Hilemon of Hall's family got a call with the to navigate. Mrs, Hall said if her the Kentucky border weren't an­ first computerized 'lottery months. the administration of the govern­ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BROOKSVILLE, Fla.(AP)· The Clarksville,Tenn. news,andthenavisitfroma military husband had been caught in bad swered. Wedriesday, nearly 13 years after Its expansions in Fiji has been ment health care system. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS last time he caJled home, Chief Thecrewmen's helicoptercrossed chaplain. HetoldHall'swife,Donna, weatherit may have caused the he­ Neighbors saidtheHilemon fam­ first getting the go-ahead, Daily plagued by delays since the Fiji American Samoa's budget is Warrant Officer Bobby Hall said intoNorthKoreaearlySaturdayand and their SOilS - Byron, 9, and Bran­ licopterto stray into North Korea. ily had lived thereaboutfiveyears. Post reported yesterday. governmentfirstagreed in Febru­ about $60 million. snowstorms made flyingArmy he­ was either shot down or forced to don, 6 - that all they could do was Hall,28,of Brooksville, about50 "I hope they find him," Patricia Project manager; Tony Fenton ary 1981 to allow Tattslotto to Revenues were $7 million less CIVIL ACTION NO. 94-586 licopters treacherous nearthemoun­ land. await news. miles (80 kms) north of Tampa, Haynes told WfVF television in says Fijian punters will now be operate in the country. than projected, while the govern­ competing on equal terms with Tattersail's future in Fiji will tainous border between North and The United States is demanding "Notknowingisthehardestpart," joined the Army after high school. Nashville, Tenn."He isa good per­ ment overspent its budget by $9 BANK OF GUAM, a Guam Banking Corporation, players for a .of depend on a current review of South Korea. thetwo menbefreed;NorthKorean saidHall'smother, "Justhear­ Afterthree yearsofbeingschooled son. He's sweet. He's kind." Australian slice million. Plaintiff, That off-handcomment perhaps officials have not yet responded. ingwordthattheyarealive,safeand in military intelligence inGermany, BackinFlorida, Mrs.Hall saidshe the Australia Lotto Bloc prize laws on lotteries, gaming and rac­ The outside auditorof the state­ -vs- tookon moresignificance Saturday Both are members of A Company, sound is what we're clinging to." he returned to the United States to paced the. same way during her pool. ing. The'influential Methodist ment has refused to issue an opin­ NICANOR F. NORITA, asHall's family clustered around 4th Battalion, 50lst Aviation Regi­ In his call home last week, Hall pilothelicopters. He went to Korea husband's seven-month stint in the Tattersall's and its-partner the Church is among several groups ion on the report because of the Defendant the television for news about him mentofCampPageinSouthKorea, told his wife how the snowstorms lastMarch. GulfWar.HewenttoKoreainMarch Fiji Sports Council have been opposed to allowing more gam­ inadequate record keeping. and a fellow pilot, Chief Warrant the Pentagonsaid. andmountains weremakingittough Hilern.1I1. 29, wasassigned to Fort foran IS-month tourof duty. granted an initial 12-morith li- bling. (Pacnews) (Pacnews) Campbell. Ky., from June 19l)() until "I have always had thatas partof NOTICE OF SALE March 1994. He served in the Gulf my life being married to a military War with the IOlst Airborne Divi­ man.' she said. "It's always been in WHEREAS, on July 8, 1994, the Commonwealth Superior Court simi. and went to Korea this year. thehackof my mind thatsomething' entered a Default Judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant in the Hiswifedid notwant totalkabout likethiscould happen -butthereality o MICRO SCHOOL SUPPLY I> amount of: (1) $15,751.35, plus interest thereon at the rate of twelve percent isstiII a shock. . herhusband, said Maj. Paul Aswcll. (12%) perannum from June 2, 1993; and (2) $1,217.16 for attorneys' fees spokesman lor FOI1 Campbell. Calls "I Ic made plans lor me to call on and costs of suit, plus any additional attorneys' fees and costs incurred by totheir Clarksville, Tenn., homelJlAU· Christmas day. I hope I still can." Plaintiff in its attempts to recover theju(Joment amount. WHEREAS, on October 18,1994, theCommonwealth Superior Court issued a Writ of Execution, ordering theChief ofPolice oftheNonhem Mariana Taking just a few extra minutes to follow safeguards can possibly mean the Islands, tosell, in the manner provided by law, all of theright, title, and interest difference between life and death in environments where welding is taking DIABETES of Defendant to thatcertain real property, described as follows: ~ , III place. Our Safety and Health Instructor, Alfred Johnson, a certified Welder ARTHRITIS fI~ ••• Land situated in Chalan Kiya, Saipan: by Henry Ford Community College, offers this workshop designed for RELATED PROBLEMS ... . lot No. 388"C·, containing anarea of25,000 square meters, more or less, as Owners, Safety Directors, Training Officers, Managers, Supervisors and ,-~~ shown on Drawing/Cadastral Plat No. 2055179, the original of which was . ·DEC. 5TH to 24TH ONLY. registered with the Land Registry as Document No. 8570, on the 14th day of Welders, both professionals and hobbyists. August, 1979. CALL NOW! Save as much liS 20% to 50% ~'1 NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY. Be prepared to save lives and for your next OSHA visit, 235-9811 W.'II open on Sundll~ 1%:00• $:00 p.m. during the sIIle. 0 DECEMBER 21. 1994. AT 9:00 A.M., at his office, the Chief of Police ofthe 0 I~'"""" Northern Mariana Islands will sell, at public auction, all ofthe right, title, and JtllSS interest ofDefendant in and totheaforementioned real property. h e n : Wednesday, 28 December Time: 9am-12noon ~ooJo on instructional products LEAHN HOW THOUSANDS HAVE Location: Northern Marianas College Room: V-205 FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given thattheterms and conditions of Register: RECEIVED UNBELIEVABLE HESULTS thesale will be as follows: ~ Now thru Fri., 23 December Fee: $25 per person it..O% on Western Publishing 1.The right isreserved toestablish minimum bids for theabove-described real USING "DHUG FHEE" PYCNOGENOL ~ Products property, which mayor may not disclosed at thesale, and to reject any or all To register see Ms. Rose Igitol or AI Johnson in building "V", for more bids, for any reason; and ttOOJO on Me"d Produefs 2. It will be required-that a deposit often percent (10%) ofthepurchase price information call AI Johnson at 234-5498 ext 1806. No refunds after close of be paid ontheday ofthe auction. The remaining balance will be due within ten registration unless cancelled by NMC. HEALTH RESOURCES ., It', " CIIrfstma pr.invent~ (10) days ofthe sale. Failure to make payment oftheremaining balance within -'¥ 'llr. ro.". In to 0,... ten(10) days will result in forfeiture by the buyer ofthe deposit, and any and all " l INC. ofthebuyer's rights, title and interest in theaforementioned property will revert to the Bank of Guam. Call.r Box AAA.eo. Mlddl. Road Northern Marianas College Aeroa. GaI....,.n Cant...1Park TRANS PAC BUSINESS CENTER T":1670J23~ DATED this 7th day ofDecember, 1994. Working to serve you better MIDDLE ROADI SUBWAY BLDG. /s/ CHIEF OF POLICE, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 2ND FLOOR I4-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19. 1994 . MONDI}Y, DECEMBER 19, 1994 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-IS Report: Kidney ailment keeps Kim from power Dentist-infectedAIDS case dies SEOUL (AP) - North Korea's More than five months have fanning rumors of ill health and Chosun I1bo reported that Kim medical records with him. He STUART,Fla. (AP) • The fourth band. Robert. from him. Scientists are baffled Among th~se infected was Kim- ofe.ight,?ave dozens ?f.speec~es mysterious leader Kim Jong II elapsed since Kim's father, long- political dissent. needs to receive a kidney traps- recentI~. returned to the North of six people infected with the "She was never bitter about her as to precisely how Acer trans- berly Bergalis, who wage~ a cru- nationwide about. living With suffers from a chronic kidney ail- time ruler Kim II Sung, died at Rarely seen in public since his plant, but that diabetes and a weak- amid r~ports his cancer was too AIDS virus by a dentist has died. death," said hospice counselor mitted the virus. sade for mandatory testing of AlD~. She was the teac.her ofthe ment that prevents him from for- age 82.. But the younger Kim, father's July 8 death, he had ened liver are complicating the advanced to treat successfully. Barbara Webb, 68, slipped into a PamJett. "She didn't dwell on the Acer, of Jens~n Beach, Fla., h~alt? care workers before she y~ar 111 1986-87 at Martin County 'mallytaking the helmofthe com- groomed as heir-apparent for de- looked ill in mid-October at the procedure. Little is known about Kim, who semi-coma earlier in the week, future, she lived in the present." died in 1990. He tS the only health died 111 December 19~ I. HIgh Sc~ool. . munist country, a published re- cades. still has not assumed full endoftheofficial IOj-day mourn- It said Kim was diagnosed by never met a foreign leader dur- accordin to Hos ice of Martin. Two years ago, a federal study professional ever kn~wn t? have W~bb. a former high school Webb IS survived by ~er hus- port said Sunday. power of the reclusive country, ing period for his father and had French doctors when North ing his years as second-in-com- She di;d Saturday on her 45th concluded that six of Dr. David transmitted HIV to hIS patients. English teacher and grandmother band and three grown children. lost considerable weight since his Korea'sNo.2man,miIitaryhead mand under his father. He has wedding anniversary to her hus- Acer's patients contractedHIV last previous appearance. 0 Jin U, was in Paris in October made only one public speech in Continued from page 1 Another. •• Two U.S. senators who visited to receive treatment for lurig can- his political career. China plan audits oflocal authorities the North last week had hoped to cer, it said, citing an unidentified But South Koreans who have' has caused numerous power out­ when the government offices are meet with Kim but were told he South Korean government met him in past years described Fifth Mianri prostitute ages resulting in financial loss for closed, the offices of Civil De­ still is in mourning for his father. source. -himas a heavy drinker, whocould who borrow foreign funds the island economy. fense or the Department ofPublic South Korea's leading daily 0 reportedly carried Kim's down a mug o(cognac in a gulp. BEIJING (AP) - China plans to Like the central government, projects involving foreign loans Anyone who sees a snake but is , Safetyshould becontacted because 'killed since September look more closely at whether pro­ local and provincial governments and financial assistance of $13.5 unable to kill it is asked to please they have people on duty 24hours vincial and local governments that have been seeking foreign capital billion and found no wasted mark the exact locationofwhere it a day. The numberfor the Depart­ MlAMI(AP)- Aprostitutewas four hours earlier. borrow foreign funds are using to fund China's.'fast economic money, Huang said. was seen and report it immediately ment ofPUblicSafety is 234-6333 NOTICE OF PUBLIC.HEARING The first victim, male trans­ , founddead Saturday inthe same a them properly. growth. It also audited more than 900 '. to the Division of Fish and Wild­ and the numbers for the Office of vestite. was found deadSept. 17. The governmentof the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. expectsan allocation of 'area where' four others were Few foreign commercial loans The increased audits are in­ jointventuresand found improper life at 233-9095/9729 or 322-9830/ Civil Defense are 322-9529,322­ $886,000 in Community Development Block Grants. (CDBG) funds for fiscal year 1995 from the . killed since September while, The most recent victim before to local governments have been tended "to help reinforce the con­ practices at "a large number" of 9834 during At nighttime ~as daytime, 9572, and 322-9274. working'aseedystripofmotels. Saturday'S found Nov. 25. audited s; far. Huang Shiqiang, a fidence of foreign investors and them, Huang said. U.S. Department of Housingand Urban Development...... Police did not know if the "There am several similarities senior auditing official, was create a better investment atmo­ The newspaper report said the Continued from page 2 The grantfunds, authorized underTitle I of the Housing and C~~~unity D.evelopmen! ~ct of 1974, woman was the fifth victim of .: in this case 'which-we believe quoted as saying in Sunday's of­ sphere," Huang said. biggest problem involves foreign N Korea. .. may be used for a wide range of community development activities principally benefiting low:and an unknown killer linked to the may be'linkea totheIother) ho­ ficial China Daily Business The administration plans to partners who do not put enough from the' North Korean officials The two countries have no dip- . moderate income persons. Information concerning eligible usesof the grantfundsmaybeobtained other deaths. They have not re­ micides...·sai'd John ,Farrell, check 172foreign-funded projects registered capital into the joint Weekly. who met with the New Mexico lomatic ties. uponrequestatthe officesof the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (NMHC, formerlyMIHA) leased the latest victim's name Metro-Dade chief, ofcriminal. .in- But next year State Audit Ad­ in 1995, he said. ventures or transfer their money Democrat. The incident comes at sensi- or cause of death. vestigations.' .. -\".- located on Saipan, Tinian and Rota. ministration officials will moni­ in the-past few years the admin­ out of the enterprises. Richardson, who is in contact tive period for the North Korean The woman's clothed body The Nov. -25 victim, Wanda ' tor commercial loans obtained by istration has focused on projects However, such problems are with Secretary of State Warren leadership. Kim Jong II is said to was found around 7 a.m. by a Cook Crawford; was. asphyxi- . TheCDBG program requires a grantrecipient to certify thatit willminimizedisplacement ofpersons both local and provincial govern­ financed by the World Bank, the rarely found in joint ventures Christopher, "stressed that fail- be in charge, but Korea-watch- man on his way to work. said ated, and the others before her as a result or activities assisted with CDBG funds. The CNMI government does not plan.on ments, said Huang, the director of Asian Development Bank and funded by major' international ure to aggressively investigate ers say it remains unclearwhether ~f unfor~seetl Metro-Dade Police spokesman .were strangled. The killer left a undertaking any activitywhich will cause displacement of persons. In the event any the agency's Foreign Funds Ap­ otherinternational organizations. companies with long-term plans this case. and failure to return he has full control: He is the son displacement resulting from any CDBG-funded activity, the CNMI governmentWill comply With the Patrick Brickman. Residents message scrawled, on' one plication Audit Department. Last ·.year it checked 162 such in China, Huang said. ". the missing servicemen, would ofKim II Sung, who founded the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real PropertyAcquisition Policies Ast of ,said the woman was one of the woman's back. Police did not have a serious impact on U.S.- communiststatein the 1940s and 1970,its implementing regulations and applicable local law. strip'sregular prostitutesand had have any suspects. inthe kill­ North Korean relations," ran it until his deathlast summer. been seen talking to a man about ings. Nagurka said. Thefrontier between North and In order to plan ahead as to the use(s) of the fiscal year 1995CDBG allocation which is expected Naney Kissinger in hospital The lawmaker "has asked to South Korea isa heavily forti- within the nextfewmonths, the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (NMHC), which administers NEW YORK (AP) • Nancy Kissinger married Nancy 60, has kept busy with appear­ urgently meet with military offi- fied buffer zone.. the CDBG program on behalf of the CNMI government, will be conducting hearings to obtain KYUNG ~~~/~x;~!I~~&q~~~/~ CLINIC public input on community development and housing needs and to provide information to the + Kissinger, wife of former Secre­ Maginnesin 1974, when he was ances at a variety of philanthropic cials to discuss this case and has U.S. forces fought under the publicon the statusof approvedand ongoing CDBGprojects. The hearingshavebeen scheduled ChineseMedicine Internal DC{J1. tary of State Henry Kissinger, was secretary of state and she was a events. The socialite also has kept canceled all other discussions U.N. flag for South Korea during to be held as follows: • HEADACHE • ARTHRITIS • HYPERACIDITY being treated Saturday at a hospi­ foreign policy aide to her long­ a regular pr~sence at fashion which wereto have concentrated the 1950-53 Korean War. and • FACiAl SPASM • PRURITUS • DIABETES 'CYSTIIS • LUMBAGO • CHRONIC THYROIDITIS tal for an intestinal ailment. time employer, Nelson shows on both sides of the Atlan­ on the U.S.• North Korean 37,000American soldiers remain • HYPERTENSION • MENSTRUAl IRREGULARITY • ARM NWRALGIA nuclear agreement," the spokes- there to help patrol the border 1. On Rota, December 27, 1994 at 6:30 p.rn., at the Rota Public Ubrary. • HYPOTENSION • PARAlYSIS ·ARM PAlAlYSIS Mrs. Kissinger was in stable Rockefeller. She directed inter­ tic. 2. On Tinian, December 28, 1994' at 6:30 p.m., at the Tinian High School Cafeteria. • INDIGESTION • FACIAl NEURAl.Y • RHEUMATISM man added. against North Korea. • STOMACH ULCER • FACiAl PARAlYSIS • NEURODERMATITIS condition late Saturday. said national studies for Rockefeller's She has suffered from ulcers 3. On Saipan, December 29, 194 at 6:30 p.m. at the NMHCCentral Office in Garapan. • BRONCHiAl ASTHMA • NEPHRITIS • SCIATICA Myrna Manners, a spokeswoman ~o • FROZEN SHOULDER • HEMIPLEGIA • MEND ·RRHAl GIA Commission on Critical Choices for at least years. She had 40 • KNEE PAIN • CHRONIC GASTRITIS for New York Hospital. for America. The Kissingers live percent of her stomach removed SISTER, THERESA'. .Additional inquiries concerning the CDBG program may be directed in writing to the Corpor~te • FREE CONSULTATION Manners would only say that in New York City. during surgery in 1976 fora gas­ HOURS: MONOAY·FRIDAY ·9:ooAM·7:ooPM Director, Northern MarianasHousing Corporation, P.O. Box 514, Saipan, MP 96950, or by callinq SATURDAY·9:OO AM·5:00PM Mrs. Kissinger was suffering from In recent years, Mrs. Kissinger, tric ulcer. Palms, Psychic.Reader &Advisor telephone numbers 234-6866/9447/7689. SUNDAY·CLOSED "routine intestinal problems." Attention all people ofSaipan. New in your area is aPsy­ KYUNG HEE CORPORATION Mrs. Kissinger was admitted to chic Reader and·Advisor able to help each and everyone /sl JOHN M .SABLAN CALLEn BOXAAA 921, SAIPAN. MP 96950 the hospital on Dec. 11. Corporate Director PLACE:CHAlAN KANOATEL: 235,6666/67 of you with all your problems whether it be love, mar­ riage, relationship of <:ny kind. Contact this Divine and Holy woman right away.' . *00you want toknow ityour sweetheart istrue toyou. DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) wishes to *What will the year bring. announce a job vacancy for one (1) Electronic Technicianl *Ifyou should make business changes. *If you can trust your friends. INVITATION TO B,ID JUAN SEMAN VILLAGOMEZ Electrician for the Operations Department of the Saipan DPW95-ITB-OD310 Katupak Bldg. Gall for Appt. & Information "Juan Kiyu/Juan Chana" International Airport. Beach Road, Susupe The Department otPublic Works in conjunction with the Public School System is soliciting sealed bids for the August 17, 1921 - December 18, 1994 Application forms can be picked up at the Office of the across from KSAI. at235-7024 Construction and Improvements of Marianas High School Concrete Walkways, Saipan, MP Commonwealth of Executive director, Saipan International Airport, Second Floor, Survived By: the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Director, Division of His Wife: Susana Camacho Villagomez Arrival Building. Procurement &Supply atLower Base, Saipanuntil 2:00 p.m., local time, January 04, 1995 atwhich time and Reared Daughter and Family: Nora, Raymond, RyAnn and Interested applicants must posses an Associated Degree. place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above time will not be Carmen Borja in Electronics and must have at least five years experience as accepted under any circumstances. Brother: Manuel and Luise P. Villagomez an electronic technician and at least one year experience 'as Ramona Sablan Camacho TheCommonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) Abond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. This security may be Certified Check, Cashier's' Mother-in-Law: electrician. Salary is negotiable, Brothers and Sisters-in-Law: Joaquin P. Tenorio (001) . is accepting applications for: Check, Bid Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth Estefania Camacho For more information, please contact Mr. Regina Celis, ofthe Northern Mariana Islands with anotation on the face of tpe check: "Credit Account No. 1471" Albert and Rosario Camacho Airport Manager, at the Saipan Internatianal Airport attelephone Antonia Camacho number 234-8323/24. Eight (8) Fire Fighters The bidder IS required to submit with his proposal, a copy of his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Trinidad and Ricardo T. Borja Interested applicants 'are requested to submittheir Froilan and Mary Camacho • L Margarita Camacho application forms no laterthan 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December for the Saipan International Airport. Applicants Specifications and Plans of the project are available on or after December 19, 1.994 at Technical Services Carlos and Winnie Camacho 23, 1994, togetherwith an updated original police clearance to must have at least a high school education or Division, Department ofPublic Works inSalpan, Anon-refundable payment of$150.00 isrequired foreach set. Benita and Jerry Kortz the Office of the Executive Director, second floor of the Arrival a GED diploma. To those who submitted Pre-conference forthis project will be held at 2:00 p.m., local time, Iuesday, December 27, 1994. Building, Saipan International Airport. He is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. applications within the past two months at the Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Rate Deterrninatlon of the CNMI Classification and Salary Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the lsi CARLOS A. SHODA CPA need not apply as those applications are Predeceased by: still active. Applications must accompany an Speclncatlons must be paid on this project. His Parents: Manuel Castro Villagomez and Antonia Seman Villagomez Executive Director Brothers: Joaquin and Soledad Villagomez . updated original police clearance. Application All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Government of the NorthernMariana Islands with Jesus and Joaquina Villagomez forms are available at the CPA Main Office on the exceptioh ofbid bonds, certified checks orcashier's check which will be returned tothe bidders inaccordance Jose and Antonia Villagomez the Second Floor of the Arrlvol Building at the with the specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page 1-2, Paragraph No. OS, Bid Guarantee. Vicente and Rosalia C. Villagomez Sisters: Rita P. Tenorio, Ana. Maria and Francisca Villagomez Salpan International Airport. For more 'The Government reserves the right to reject any orall bids and to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal Father-in-Law: Luis Taimanao Camacho information, please contact the CPA office at in the interest of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands." Brother and Sister-in-Law: Vicente Camacho Tel: 234-8315/6/7.The deadline for submission of REVJEWED AND SIGNED BY: Mariana and Francisco De Leon Guerrero application is 4:30 p.m. December 23,1994. Primitiva DLG. Camacho Is/ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BALAJADIA, P.E. IslWlLLIAM S. TORRES Nightly rosary is being said at their residence in Sadog Tase at 8,00 p.m. Is/CARLOS A. SHODA Secretary of Public Works Commissioner of Education "The Family" ------._._------Executive Director Date: 12/15/94 DATE: 12/16/94 16-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19, 1994 MONDAY, DECEMBER 19,1994 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17 rr- . ----..------.. -.-- _.- ...-- ~'iri..:.~ ~j.IlIIlII·~ ~:~_ I DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to pU~licatlon ..1 ! NOTE: If some reason your advertisement is Incorrect. call us .Irnrnedlotely to make thi} necessary corrections. The Marianas .Variety News and Views is responsible' 'only for one incorrect FOR RENT insertion. We reserve the right to edit. refuse. reject or cancel any Clinton, Di, O.J. among ada) any time. most intriguing in '94 • Quiet 2 Bedroom • Swimming,Pool Employment Wanted 1 SUPERINTENDENT, 1 CASHIER -High school grad., 2 years 1 ELECTRICAL DRAFTER - College NEW YORK (AP) - Bill Clinton, Princess Diana and OJ. Simpson • Tennis Court GREENSKEEPER-Collegegrad.,2years experience, Salary $2.50-$3.00 per hour. grad., 4 years experience. Salary'$1 ,000 experience. Salary $9.40 per hour. Contact: SAl PAN ICE, INC. P.O. Box per month. Please Drive have something in common: 1 SUPERINTENDENT, 1808. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 322­ They hold the distinction ofbeing on People magazine's list ofthe 25 Contact: EMC2-ELECTRICAL dba GREENSKEEPER-College grad" 2years 9455.(12/26)M. EMCE. PPP 149 Box 10000, Saipan, With Care most intriguing people of 1994. KANNAT GARDENS TEL.: 234-5117 experience. Salary$1 ;541.67permonthly. MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-0673.(1/02)M/ Other prominent names include Pope John Paul II, Rep. Newt Gingrich, Contact: SAl PAN LAULAU DEV'T. INC. 2 DISHWASHERS 17749. I who will be the next speaker of the House, and New Jersey Gov. dba Laolao Bay Golf Resort. PPP 1020. 10 WAITRESSES 1 FARM MANAGER - College grad" 2 Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 10 DANCERS Christine Todd Whitman. years experience, Salary $800 per 256-6789.(12/19)M/17615. 3 SINGERS The list also contains people who came to national attention through $' 0 an hour!!! month. 3 BARTENDERS the year's events, such as Shannon Faulkner, the 19-year-old seeking to FOR RENT Contact: SAIPAN EGG & POULTRY. 1 FAST FOOD WORKER - High school 3 COOKS - High school grad., 2 years grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 experience. Salary $2.45 per hour. become the Citadel's first female cadet. Need fluent Japanese-speaking/reading P.O. Box 5230 CHRB. Saipan, MP Two Bedroom Apartment atDandan, 96950. Tel. No. 322-9289.(12/19)M/ per hour. Contact: PHILIPPINE GOODS. INC. dba The magazine announced its selections Friday. and they appear in its surveyors for special survey on 17625. Contact: ROMAN B. MATSUMOTO dba Folk Pub Disco, Hest., etc. P.O. Box San Vicente, Fully Furnished Wall to Garapan Safeway Snack Bar. P.O. Box 165. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ year-end issue. Wall Carpet. Split Type A/e. All January 7-13, 1995. 1 BOUTIQUE MANAGER - College 1459, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234­ 6485/0455.(12126)M/0998, Some other picks: Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, Whitney Houston, Rooms including Living/Dining, ·5765.(12/ 19)M!17630. ------Michael Jordan, Tanya Harding, Andre Agassi and John Travolta. AM/PM shifts part time. grad., 2 years experience. Salarysaoo­ Breezy Atmosphere & with Ocean $5.00 per hour. 3 ELECTRICAL TE,CHNICIANS - High View, Spacious PJrking ONLY $7~O/ 1 ELECTRICIAN - Two years experi­ 1 GROUNDSKEEPER school equiv., 2 years experience. Sal­ 2 GROUND MAlNT. ary $2.45-$5.00 per hour. month. Please call Remy Lloyd at ence. Salary $2.45-$3.50 per hour. Contact: JESUS B. YUMUL dba YCO (GROUNDSKEEPER) - High school Contact: HANSAE (SAIPAN) INCO. dba Pope Time 'Man ofYear' 322-0661, for details, equiv., 2 years experience. Salary $2.45­ Kyung Suh Co. (Saipan) Lid. P.O. Box 17117272 Corporation. P.O. Box 932 CK, Saipan, For Inquiry Tel Nos 235.7 $2.70 per hour. 2029. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ NEW YORK - Pope John Paul II has been named Time magazine's (OF;:,CE) MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-6604/05.(12/ 1994 "Man of the Year" for his moral certainty and his success in 19)M/0903. 1 H.E.OPERATOR - High school equiv., . 1501/1502.(12/26)M/1 000. 235-6724 (HOME) 2 years experience. Salary $2.45-$3,25 reaching the masses with his message. Ask for ens, Paul. Mike 1 BEAUTICIAN 1 MANAGER, 0,PERATIONS - College per hour. "In a year waen so many people lamented the decline in moral values grad., 2 years experience. Salary $800 Contact: TROPEX GARDEN CO., LTO. 1 BARBER - Two years experience. ~rW1TE Vlmc~!~~Rn P.O. Box 2473, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. Salary $2.45 per hour. or made excuses for bad behavior, Pope John Paul II forcefully set forth per month. No. 288-7999.(12/19)M/17616. Contact: GENEROSO D. HUERTAS, to 1ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT -High his vision ofthe good life and urged the world follow it." the magazine Garapan Lagoon Frontage SR, dba Gene's BarberShop & Beauty wrote. "Forsuch rectitude - or recklessness, as his detractors would have school equiv., 2 years experience. Sal­ 41" TRI USCG CERT.l 5 BR/3 FB ary $2.50 per hour. 1 TRAVEL AGENT - !"iigh school grad., 2 Salon. P.O. Box 132. Saipan, MP96950. it - he is Time's Man of the Year." 1 ELECTRICIAN years experience. Salary $2.45 per hour. Tel. No. 233-6662.(12/26)M/17669. 49 PAX 150K 2,700 S.F. As evidence ofthe pope's influence, Time noted his bestselling book, 1 CARPENTER· High school equiv., 2 Contact: SAIPAN KORESCO CORPO­ RATION. P.O. Box 3013. Saipan, MP 1 CARPENTER - Salary $2.45-$3.00 "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"; his extensive travels, curbed re­ Tel: 234-8230/233-8231 years experience. Salary $2.45 perhour. ANAKS CONDO Contact: SHADOWIN INT'L INC. dba 96950. reI. No. 288-6001.(12/19)M/ per hour. cently due to ill-health; and his intervention in the United Nation's Ocean/Managaha View Harbin Art & Design Workshop. P.O. 17617. 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school gradu­ International Conference on Population and Development, where his ·····'.£6j·l·.).·.~1~~~:(.j Box 5642 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. ate. Salary $2.45-$3.00 per hour. . ••.•.••.••••••• 2BR/2fB 1WAITRESS, NIGHTCLUB-High school Contact: JOSEPH T. TORRES dba emissaries defeated a U.S.-backed proposition that the pope feared Tel. No. 233-4444.(12/19)M/17622. r Luxury Condo Available I ·••• (670) .• 234~·1.795(Saipon) •••.• >· PoollTennis 1 SALES MANAGER - College grad., 2 grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.50 Courtney's Plaza. P.O. Box 714. Saipan, would encourage abortions. per hour. MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-6098.(12/26)M/ • 2Bedrooms' 2 Bothrooms years experience. Salary $800 per Contact: TEA HWACORPORATION dba 17671. The magazine acknowledged the pope's pronouncements are not • Fully Furnished' Swimmir.g Pool &Joccuzi month. Busanhang Club. P.O. Box 2232. Saipan, universally acclaimed. For example, critics see the Catholic Church's • Located on Mt. lopuchoo Hove you dreamed of being a full-time 1 ASST. OPERATIONS MANAGER ­ I College grad., 4 years experience. Sal­ MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-9675 or 235­ 1 AUTO AIR CONDITION - High school refusal to endorse the use ofcondoms as dangerous and irresponsible in ~'\! Breathtaking Ocean View . ary $1,000 per month. 9675.(12/19)M!17618. graduate. Salary $2.45-$3.00 per hour. the era of AIDS. ~..;;.: Alexonder Reolty 234·5117 PC\VER 99 DISC JOCI

~ ... • .,,'. I .. , , " • <0 , 4

IS-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS ANDVIEWS-MONDAY-DECEMBER 19, 1994 • ."'.", ,I ., , ,I , ~ EEK & MEEK® by Howie Schneider r======--.::=:------MONDAY, DECEMBER 19.1994 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANI? VIEws-19 ,..----,.....-.,..------.., XXXX Beer Holiday Dart League IXJ ~ It-lll-Jk HE'S 11£5 RAI$fJG M{)!JGY I CROSSWORD PUZZLER I Member of AMOA·National Darts Association Inter-school swimming meet results PLANtJl/0G II ~ FCR FOR It-Ie ,lJGWT GJ.X:RfCl1 "A" Division Standings Team Name Win Loss Pet. Saipan Swim Club Elementary Elementary THE: FRESI~ (/J % ~ (QIJ3RtsSiC1JAl UeRARY . ACROSS 35 "Jurassic Park" I This Is It 69 21 .767 All Schools Meet Tracy Feger 3.1.'\.47 Xenavee Pangelinan 1.22.89 director (inits.) I.Jf.VJ, H£ CNJ'T 1 Promise 2 Cafe Mogambo 51 39 .567 December 10, 1994 Jennifer Pierce 3.39.09 Katherine Lizama 1.29.94 WAIT 1HAT~ ... 5 - Picone 36 Sprouted 3 XXXX Beer 48 42 .533 Results 9 Night bird 38 Type oflizard A.C. Soil -+.2l.ll Ah Young Shin 1.41.75 4 Mom's Round Two "Bad to the Bone" 42 48 .467 12-bene 39 Youngster (School Levels) :Junior High School Martha Satur 1.45.90 13- Hawkeyes 40 Classified 5 Taga Club #1 30 60 .3.'\.'\ Total 14 Cry of item f. Vanessa Kosach 2.55.90 Kirsten Gallacher 2.00:85 6 Team Steinlager 29 61 .322 Elem. Schools surprise 41 Newspaper Points High School Elizabeth Furey 2.02.72 15 Altogether paragraph Saipan Community Sch. 150 (2wds.) 42 Currier and- Match Results: Dec. 13, 1994 Jessica Jordan 2.47.13 Dolores Pangelinan 2'.24.07 ~I77i-:=-l_i11 I 44 Purchasing San Vicente School 8.'\ 17Oscarwinne Mom's Round Two-z.Cafe Mogambo, "Killer B's"-4 Chelsea Blackburn 3.-+2 ..'\2 Junior High School Dukakis 46 Baking dish Whispering Palms Sch. 19- ofLondon 48 Merits Taga Club 1-6, Team Steinlager-S 53 50 :\1 Free Women Jennifer Furey 1.I3.57 51 Roman 3.000 Grace Christian Academy 5~ 21 Acquire by This Is It-7, XXXX Beer-4 Elementary. Pualani Florian. 1.3 1.53 Garfield® by Jim Davis labor 52 "Men- Tanapag School .W 22 - Pop Space" Hat Tricks: Bong Mendoza, Cesar Mendoza, Armin Patricio, Dante Katherine Lizama 38.35 Mimi Newport 1.45.)tl 24 Maiden loved 54 Singer liily ­ GOOK Flaviano(2), Jojo Yamson, PaulTrombetta, Emil Bello, Frances Soriano. Koblerville Schoo! .~.~ Shy Maravilla 42.92 High School 55 Timber tree IDEE byZeus Crickhats: Demio Corvera, Jerry Zapanta, Jojo Yamson Seventh Day Adventist Sch. I ~ Brigette Ichihara 43.86 25 Joan Van­ 56 Try OAST Jessica Jordan 1.08.95 26 French yes 57 Bird call Calvery Christian Acad. I~ Jenny Atalig 50.18 Chelsea Blackburn 1.24.83 27 Mr. Bush 12-19 © 1994 United Feature Syndicate "B" Division Standings Junior High School Mae Suzuki 58.52 Dina Tenorio 1.32.60 . 29 Beatty 10 DOWN Team Name Win Loss Pet. 31 Thurman of 5 A·O linkup in vole Saipan Community Sch. 142 Aryana Mahmoudi 1.07.24 200 Free Women 9 Tea type. I Budweiser, "Low Lifes" 67 23 .744 "Pulp Fiction" 1 Black bird thevowels Whispering Palms. Sch, 68 Alicia Bjorkland 1.23.16 Elementary 32 Indian 2 Ench­ 6 Sorcery 10 Sounds ofa 2 DFS, "Bulls Eye" 67 23 .744 mulberry Stroheim 7 Shoemaker's top Hopwood Jr. High Sch. 21 Colette Waters 1.28.33 Esther Welch 3.16.70 11 Permission to 3 The Wine Cellar 46 44 .511 33 Estrada 10 3 Earache 10015 7th Day Adventist Sch. 12 Junior High School 34 Rowing need 4 -Cox 8 Negative use 4 Oleai, "Dogs" 41 49 .456 Tamiko Winkfield 4.01.73 16 Behold! Grace Christian Acad. 10 5 SurfTurf 30 60 .333 Julia Coward 3.'\.59 Kirsten Gallacher 4.23.15 18 Simple High School 20 Produce 6 Rudolphos, "Rudartos" 28 62 .311 Miranda Smith 54.45 Jenny Atalig 6.31.41 22 Debt notes Northern Marianas Acad. 74 Suaad Younis 59.76 Junior High School 23 Plant Marianas High School exudations Match Results: Dec. 15, 1994 35 High School Noriko Grandinetti 2.40.99 DFS~ Grace Christian Acad. PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz 25 Ripened. "Bulls Eye"-8, Rudolphos, "Rudartos"·3 1-+ HitormSaso 35.74 Audra Winkfield 2.48.66 27 Showy trinket Budweiser, "Low Lifes"·7, The Wine CeIlar-4 Results b)' Events ,--r------.;:--~ 28 Long and MiOk 42.66 Surf Turf.6, Oleai, "Dogs"·S zoo 1M Women Time contjriue~ftomQrrow I SUPPOSE IT NEVER slender 100 Free Women to be I' MONSIEUR " CLAUS? 29 - Thugnond OCCURRED TO '{OU THAT 30 Author Stoker 34 Become too "C" Division Standings HE MIGHT BE FRENCH .. large for Team Name Win Loss Pct. 36 Foundation I Mom's Round 2, "Dart Babes" 60 30 .667 37 Discquraqes 39 Axiom 2 Hot 98, "Roots, Rock & Reggae" 53 37 .589 41 Unsuitable 3 Taga Club #2 48 42 .533 42 "- La 4 Lens Restaurant 35 55 .389 Douce" 43 Improvise 5 Rudolphos, "Too" 35 55 .389 musically 6 Mom's Round 2, "Dart Bitches" 27 63 .300 44 Twining shoot 45 That is (abbr.' 47 Outfit Match Results: Dec. 14, 1994 4'9 Compass Mom's "Dart Babes"-8, Taga Club #2-3 STELLA WILDER point Hot 98, "Roots, Rock & Reggae"-11, Lens Restaurant-O 50 Opp. ofNNW (oret.) Rudolphos, "Too"-9, Mom's Round Two, "Dart Bitches"·2 53 Ear 1·------_... _------. ------_.------_.~- f YOUR BIRTHDAY the Banzai Triathlon is two hoursand de~ Banzai... 20 minutes for the first finisher, and .... SOLVE THE REBUS BY WRITING Continued from page 20 .... ~.'""IN THE NAMES OF THE PICTURE four hoursfor the last personto cross Japanese, Guamanians and those the line. .... CLUES AND ADDING OR SUBTRACTING THE LETTERS. day for those little emergencies. triathletes from Rota and Tinian, the NMITF .armounced the Banzai By StellaWilder your daily guide. NMfJF organized a home-stay pro­ Triathlon thisearlytogivetimeforthe TUESDAY, DEC. ZO GEMINIl (May 21-June 23) ­ gram, - . Born today, your interests al­ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. Take responsibility for yourself to­ triathletes toimprove theirperforrnance ways include what others consider 21) - Take care not to!ut your­ day. Now is no time to pass off Underthe home-stay plan, the off­ for theactual event. outdated, esoteric, overcomplicat­ self in such an elevate position your limitations on others. Be ac- WHEN SHOULD A island triathletes wiII bestaying inhomes Those interested to join the event ed or simply too specialized. you that it is impossible for others to countable! . CON 8LON HER, of local participants, as well as non­ may contact John Hoffman at .'\22­ will travel the world over to satisfy please you today. . CANCER (June 21-July 2Z) ­ HORN. ? participants who are supporting the 2060. your desire for learning as well as CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Mild irritations must not be al­ event. Hundreds of dollars worthof prizes physical challenge. You will proba­ 19) - Don't get too comfortable lowed to fester today. Learn to ac­ Hoffman said the estimate time in willberaffled inthebanquet. (AAPD) bly spend a good portion of your today or you might start taking cept another's point of view re­ .life alone. Even when enjoying the things for granted. Surpnses gardless of its practical value. company of friends, it's likely that sometimes come in a rush. LEO (July Z3-t\ug. 22) - A Ashowofgood defense prevented AQUARIUS (Jan. 2o-Feb. 18) test of your endurance is in the i. Northern... no one will share your particular Continued from page 20 theopposingteamfromscoring inthe

stars today. That assistance ~~-_._---- interests. You are willing to work - Try not to reveal more than you third quarter. and play on your own whenever should today. More people are you've been counting on may dis­ downonlyinthelastquartercourtesy In the last quarter. the Muraud­ necessary. watching than you had anticipat­ appear without any warning. ofCedricPalacios. JohnSablanmade Though you do not set out to at­ ed. Be modest! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. ZZ) ­ ers managed to catch up with the a run in for the an extra point. tract attention, you will neverthe­ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Let sleeping dogs lie today. The Northern Team when Marauders' - Someone close to you has been temper you might awaken could Inthesecondgame, Northernteam less make your mark in a yery #14 player made a touch down public manner. Your peers will be giving you good advice, but it may turn on you WIth considerable lived-up to its image as a team that seem to be in vain. It's time to force. after a pass from Anthony Borja. the first of a large number of peo­ knowsonly the word - victory. ple to finally realize the impor­ wise up and realize you may be in LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) - If Borja latercharted an extra point In the first quarter, Hugh Tait hit tance of your efforts. the wrong. you feel you must correct someone to tie the scare anew at 14 points Also born on this date are: ARIES (March 21-ApriJ 19) ­ close to you today, do it with kind­ theend zone for the firsttouchdown ~ all. Live on and William Parry, explorer: Rich­ You have been overly concerned ness. Acting officious and busi­ followinga 12-yardrun. with your physical appe~rance nesslike is less effective than us­ Hugh Taittookcenter stage when ard Leakey, anthropologist; Tim Head coach Steve Lizama's boy, Reid and Robert Urich, actors; lately. Remember: beauty .IS .on1y ing a personal touch. he made atouchdownaftera 28-y,mJ ~ TaitanoLizamaexecutedarun-inrun Alyssa Milano and Cicely Tyson, skin deep. Your true worth 15 mes­ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ­ run. actresses. timable. You will get a lot of attention to­ in for an extra point to establish a TAURUS ••••$tI1eam~.!; at thePauPau beach inMarpi. Tagaman Triathlon. 'Oeserl~iO~...· ··..~~,mr!i "Atleast26triathlete.~ from Japan The event will be open to team f 'Mo. Dam .: Timt<.· .. ' have already confinned to us their and individual participants. It will 1. Jan 21 .·7:00 a.m, ·CNMITracK Trials SPGIOceal1la> ..•...... ••··•.·N···.M'.Tt." . '2. Feb 18 7:oo.a.m.CNMlTracl.···.N·.·M·I·r"".·.•.•.•.• ··~nlau~18TraGkCtlalnpl(lllgtiIAA.·6AF/ island triathletesarejoining theevent Theentry fee for theevent is$25. ! 6. AprilMay 224 7:ooa~m'CNMIJraeKTriaISSPGlOcllanla> IT ....•••.•...... ••..•....•....•••...... •.•••..•....••...... ••...... ••.•• based on the rate of theapplication Theamount covers theevent t-shirts forms from GuamandJapan. andbanquet I ~: ~~. :~~t~::~~~~~~~{~~~I~~~~~~('~~~1 Lite is the major sponsor of the To make it economical for the , 9; Juoo24 6:00 a.l11. CNM' TracKTrials SPG!Oci:al1la .MVB}'.; event while the principal sponsors Continiied on page i10. AUI1 2 World Track Championshjp$-Smden'NMltff 19 ~ 11. 12 South P'ilclfic Games-Tahiti ...... > .ii ,:/>;,:'. tJJarianas %riety;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 6&) p.o. Box 231 Saipan. MP 96950 • Tel.(670) 234-<>341 • 7578 • 9797 Fax: (670) 234·9271 L- ~------_-_.__.._. __. .. ._