FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 9, 2013 Contact: Luke Macias (210) 259-5053


Today former State Representative Wayne Christian announced his campaign for the Republican nomination for Railroad Commissioner. Christian was recognized during his time in the Texas House as a conservative champion, spending three years as President of the Texas Conservative Coalition. Christian was also consistently ranked as a top conservative from groups like Young Conservatives of Texas, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, and Texas .

“Over the past few years the Federal Government has waged a war on oil and gas development,” said Christian. “Nowhere is that more apparent than in Texas. We’re blessed as a state with immense resources, and are fortunate to maintain a good business climate thanks to low taxation and appropriate regulation. If the Obama Administration has their way, however, Texas energy development will be suffocated by a wave of new regulations and bureaucratic red tape.”

A citizen of deep , Christian has seen first-hand the tremendous economic benefits that oil and natural gas development can provide to once poor communities.

“The benefits of Texas’ energy boom are far-reaching,” commented Christian. “Good paying jobs in oil and gas are putting food on the table for thousands of families, and are creating the need for more construction and infrastructure employment. Increased energy revenue means our schools can benefit from new learning materials, high-speed internet, and much needed repairs and renovations.”

“I have fought the EPA from Al Gore to Obama, and bring true experience to the table as a former Vice Chairman of the Regulated Industries and a two-time member of the Energy Committee. No other candidate in the race brings to the table two decades of fighting for conservative causes and winning. Now more than ever, Texas needs an experienced conservative fighter to protect our energy sector jobs, advocate for energy independence, and stand up to the Federal Government’s overreaching EPA.”

Wayne Christian grew up in the small town of Tenaha, Texas, where his father owned an Exxon service station. A 1973 Graduate of Stephen F. Austin University with a BBA in Business, Wayne is the long-time owner and operator of Wayne Christian Financial Services. Wayne and his family are members of the First Baptist Church in Center, where he has served as a member of the Texas Baptist Men’s Laity Board. Together Wayne and his wife Lisa have three daughters, Liza, Lindsey, and Lauren.

For more information please visit


Political Ad. Paid for by Wayne Christian for Texas