To Learn More... Who is SRWP? Our Volunteers….. The Salmon River Watershed Partnership is a collaboration The Salmon River Watershed Partner- Website: of local watershed towns in partnership with other local and ship is fortunate to have many dedicat- Facebook: Salmon River Watershed ed volunteers. If you are interested in state organizations including the volunteering, please see some of the Photo: Emma Coffey Partnership Colchester Land Trust, CT De- partment of Energy and Environ- opportunities described below: Email:
[email protected] Fall Stream Assessments: This is a commu- mental Protection, The Nature nity volunteer program that follows CT DEEP Conservancy and Trout Unlim- protocol to collect and ID benthic macroinverte- ited. brates. Certain species of caddisflies, stone- SRWP works collectively to flies and mayflies are intolerant of water pollu- manage the resources of the tion and are therefore good indicators of water Healthy Watershed watershed across municipal quality and stream health. Volunteers work lines, focusing on water quality, alongside SRWP field leaders to conduct field assessments. Healthy Communities land-use management, preser- vation and outreach and education. It is a program under CT Summer Baseline Stream Monitoring: Resource and Conservation Area, Inc., a qualified 501(3)(c) SRWP has been monitoring summer stream non-profit. SRWP is primarily funded through the watershed water quality conditions for the last 6 sum- mers. We measure water temperature, dis- towns. solved oxygen, pH, conductivity, total dis- Some of our Projects and Programs solved solids and salinity using hand-held meters. Summer is an especially challeng- Baseline Summer Water Quality Monitoring (1) ing time for fish and other critters that live in Stream Road Culvert Data Collection (2) our local waterways.