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¦•V-j K i>i. ¦ S 3 #i ¦r\K .'¦•*• *<_ RIO DE JANEIRO, THÜRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, ÍF29 N. 36 VOL. 20 .' -^ _nv ¦ ^í»U -. * ¦ *


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The Western Telegraph Company, Ltd, Established in Brazil 1874 DIRECT ROUTE UXDFR ONE MANAGEMENT Cable Stations in South America EASTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY WESTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY LONDON: Central Cable Station. Tower Pará(Belém),Boulevard da Republica, 48/49 Maranhão (S. Luís). Av. D. Pedro II, 24 Chambers, Moorgate, E. G. 2 Ceará (Fortaleza) R. Floriano Peixoto, 22 Liverpool: K 13, Exchange Bnildings Pernambuco (Recife) P. Gal. Arthur Oscar Manchester.* Maceió (Jar guá). Rua Sá e Albuquerque 55 Spring Gardens Nos. 516-520 v/._,_ _¦__r*_____i i v »s \w : 40 Royal Exchange Square Portugal Bahia (S. Salvador) Rua Newcastle-on-Tyne: Maritime Buildings. Victoria : Avenida Capichaba, 92 Rio do janeiro: Av. Rio Branco. i.|7 King Street : Vergueiro Santos Largo Senador ._ mm-ÊÊmm%Wr^y\ Birmingham : Guildhal Buidirgs S. Paulo.- Rua 15 de Novembro, 31 ______k. mwmmKvl^S—mm-m^—r^eÇ-^—- r..m ....\ Santa Catharina (Florianópolis), Rua Bradford : 4, Comniercial Stieet João __H______>flH\\m\*^m_-mm^^fsP_Ç^»Wt_'>1m^**'->^m*'\ 26 ______B__Ba______.______^__Rl____L>A------/ I ' Pinto, nn S|BPP**^B _-_^BnpS!-_Sy ‡1 Leeds King Street Chambers Rio ü. do Sul : Rua Andrade Neves, 94 52. Wel- ______A—9 r__*—l*t'*s~M*,,'--:?->-***-_''li__fi_ ^P*^-(____¦_¦/» _Amm-r 9 "'*-.**'»*_•_•*_--*-• f Iington Street URUGUAY: Pmr —>-^-^**_*_*/i" _^__fct_-*-*___,-:Jf Montevidéo, Calle Cerrito. 449 ,V<»7 ^.f^l__\W-mWB&&ieL •*•*"• / Cardifff: 33, Merchants' Exchange, Bute æAl -jí—H'MU^'-m\\fÁmmmmm\-mW-\>-•*— ARGENTINA *j_w.<_B___p<'"* / Docks Buenos Aires: Calle San Martin, 333 37 il pB5^''1 '***• /i *'_*^_Í2_\-\_ •"-"••ou/_l Madiid .- Calle de Ia Collegiata, ^ B______H_fiW*^7 i"«i°\**_bMdV__S^H_____HÍ«'o .*>''__? /# 13 WEST COAST OF AMERICA »*¦___TI*_____ii¥'' )>« á) H_BBv__B____^BlPWPvV>/# ****_ iw4..-.V)'i wH537______.____-______/__r Lisbon Rua Arsenal TELEGRAPH COMPANY ______n____p__—r_i_._. '•'***'*'*•'*'7_f__fii______^___BB ____~B ¦& /^ : do ' -•—.-'¦•'tr____r^_\_^AW m__\. CHILI: \B__ St. Vincent PERU & BOLÍVIA Western Madeira NORTH AMFRICA AND WEST INDIES » Western PARIS: R" B< Lavack' Bue úg mM[in< 73- BRÜSSELS: 58. Bne ¥an Hammée; HAMBUHG: AôenciGS-%• MónkeberQstrassG Caledonia Haus 5; POSTO ALEGRE: John AIston Maedonald. Rua SetG de Setembro. 841; HEAD OFFICE OF THE COMPANY: ELECTHA HOÜSE, MOCRGATE. LONDON. E. C. 2 lüHiiiüniüiaiimiiüiniüia^iaiüiRüiiuiii llllilBÜÜIflülílBIIIHIÜIIBIIIinillllHIIIIBIIIili l 2. Booth Line, Liverpool Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers Between NEW YORK, NORTH, MID and SOUTH BRAZIL (CALLING AT BARBADOS) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVRE VIGO, OPORTO, LISBON MADEIRA, PARA, MANÁOS, MARANHÃO, CEARÁ, PARAHYBA, IQUITOS. Agents for NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA: PARA' PERNAMBUCO Frederick von Sohsten BAHIA MANÁOS NATAL Julius von Sohsten RIO DE JANEIRO MARANHÃO Booth &. Co. CABEDELLO S. \ A. Wharton Pedroza SANTOS Wilson Sons CEARA' ( Ldon ) Ltd. MACEIÓ' R. B. Paterson RIO GRANDE DO SUL A Co., Ltd. PARNAHYBA VICTORIA Arbuckle & Co. PELOTAS IQUITOS FLORIANÓPOLIS Guilherme H. Chaplin PORTO ALEGRE PARANAGUÁ Empreza de Melhoramentos Urbanos de Paranaguá. SAO FRANCISCO DO SUL, R. ON. Addison. BARBADOS: Laurie & Co.. Ltd.


Ivyy^tt&yyyv-vyyys^ ______»______.______¦.______.__¦_.__¦_.______ _ _ B^?* September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW III

um3 THE COMMERCIAL TELEGRAM BUREAUX Supply Official Reports and Quotations of ali the leading American. European, Brazilian and Indian Markets to the Cotton, Coffee, Grain, a/^0±Sí$%_ Produce, Provision, Petroleum and Sugar Trades of Europe and /fe^i_____â_\' i/C***/*)«-0--DOM f-^^k «.ivrênpoòí. Un?/ \-rt*\ America; also retransmit Private Despatches by Cable to multiple «***C/ PARIS HAVRE.V*^\\ fl-Jf AM8TCR0AM1C \l and and |l_tl . MKWVORKJjD I addresses in Europe North South America. RIO DE 4ANEIROjf*.! \\*-_A S*"TO» \!fé\ S.Paulo/__j/ VV-«\ BUENOS AIRES/(*>// ^_^*»JI.VIOEO(_J^A^' Subscribers furnished with Intermediate or Closing American Reports at night by special arrangements with London, Liverpool, or Amsterdam Offices. ——————

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LONDON: 30MincingLane,E C, 3.Telephones BAHIA: Largo das Princezas, 22. Caixa 203 LIVERPOOL: 7, Rumford Str. 1983Cent.(two) RIO DE JANEIRO: R. Quitanda, 152-2? „ 266 NEW YORK: 34 Stone Street, Whitehall 6557 SANTOS: R. Cidade de Toledo, 4 „ 243 AMESTERDAM: De Clercqstraat, 20 3268 Z S. PAULO: R. 15 de Novembro, 17-A „ 1281 HAVRE: Rue Victor Hugo, 136534 MONTEVIDEO: Calle Sarandi, 469. Tel. 1093 ANTWERP: 41, Rempart Ste. Cathérine. 11852 B. AIRES: Bolsa de Commercio, 239. Teleph. PERNAMBUCO: Rua B. Jesus, 35. Caixa 146 U. T. 31-2420.




Review for one begin- Please enter ^subscription to Wileman's Brazilian year ning l for which ^enclose Name Address ~~"

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION (Post Free) In BrazilRs- ÍOOSOOO Payable in advance Elsewtiere£5-0-0,,99„ Single copies (to subscri- bersonly)Rs. 2$000 IV WILEMANS BRAZILIÁN REVIEW September 5, 1929 ¦_ai^Br:3!»ii:,'S.r;!,B!-r:B!-:iS:"!ia:-'Bi iniHüiiii Ü.KÜII :'Q. Si Hi'H: a- a- S3* Si RS ísSi- s :ís*;'13 iiamiiBüiiiEiiüíiaii PEfli ,B.-Bi ES LAMPORT & HOLT LINE NEW YORK, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE calling at TRINIDAD AND BARBADOS The famous „V" steamers specially constructed for Tropical Voyages. Large Cabins, spacious decks, unexcelled cuisine, perfect service.




VOLTAIRE 16th Sept. VANDYCK 15th Sept. VAUBAN 30thSept. VOLTAIRE 13thOct. VANDYCK 28th Oct. VAUBAN 27th Oct. VOLTAIRE 25th Nov. VANDYCK 24thNov VAUBAN 9th Dec. VOLTAIRE 22nd Dec m m Northbound "VOLTAIRE" and "VANDYCK" call at Pernambuco.g _Lamport d* Holt, Ltd.1 Santos: F. S. HAMPSHIRE

REDERIAKTIEBQLAGET NORDST JERNAN JOHNSON LINE FLÇET: 15 MOTOR SHIPS, TOTAL TONNAGE, 108,600 TONS. Regular Service between: - Finland, Sweden-Brazil. Finland, Sweden-River Plate Finland ' Norwav Sweden-Chile and Peru, Sweden, Norway-North Pacific, and vice-versa. OUTWARD SAILINGS FROM SWEDEN: SAILINGS FOR -- SWEDEN & FINLAND: From Rio PACIFIC due Rio Sept. 7th PEDRO CHRISTOPHERSEN - - 15th Sept. SAN FRANCISCO due Rio 26th Sept. SUÉCIA — 28th September - KR. MARGARETA due to sail Goth. llth Sept LIMA — lOth October VALPARAISO - 28th Sept. PACIFIC - 25th October For further particulars apply to the Agents .-Williams & Co., Pernambuco, Gueudeville & Co., Bahia; Johnson Line Agencies, Santos; Wigg Brothers, Rio Grande; and/or LUIZ CAMPOS FILHOS — Co. 84, RUA VISCONDE INHAÚMA, 84-RIO DE JANEIRO.

Printed by typ. Soe. Com. Hungaro-Brasileira Ltd. - Rua Carlos de Carvalho, 59 — Rio wilemm^s Irazilimt 1piro A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE. ECONOMICS AND SHIPPING VOL. 20 THÜRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1929 X. 36

*__*¦> ! tUTIll ATA l_-_n vniT.n_jtr_.r_ aíti. NHL- . BRANARIES. LIMITEI Officos: Head Offfleos: Rua da Quitanda, 106/110 •*8, Moorgate, Rio do Janeiro London, E.G- St Branches: Buenos Aires‡RosárioSão Paulo Bello Horizonte Calle Sarmiento660. ;443, Calle SarmientoRua Bôa Vista, 7 Rua Curityba. 434 FLOUR MILLS: Rua Gamboa No. 1 - 'NACIONAL". THE MILLS MARKS ARE: BUDA NACIONAL SEMOLINA', BRASILEIRA', "GUARANY Awards: — Gold Medal: Paris 1889. First Prize: - Brazil 1908. First Prize Brazil St. l.ouis 1904 ª» Turin 1911 ªª— ª1910 Horrs Concours—International Centenary Exbihition of Brazil 1922. COTTON MILLS: Rua Gamboa No. 2-36 tirana Prize - International Centenary Exhibition of Brazil 1922 Solo Agents for: Biscoitos AYMORÉ Limitada. Massas Alimentícias AYMORÉ Limitada. QUALITY EQUAL TO ENGLISH BISCUITS "BUT" AT HALF THE COST HORS CONCOURS: GRAND PRIZE. Exposição International Centenary Exhibition of Brazil 1922 Industrial e Agrícola do Eslado de Minas Geraes HORS CONCOURS Juiz de Fora, 1927. Exposição Industrial e Agrícola do Estado de Minas Geraes Juiz de Fora. 1927. HORS CONCOURS E MEMBRO DO JURY: HORS CONCOURS E MEMBRO DO JURY Exposição de Agricultura. Industria e Commercio. Exposição de Agricultura, Industria e Commercio. Bello Horizonte, 1927 Bello Horizonte, 1927 These foclor.es are eqoipped with tbe most modem and hydieiic machiner?, even cure betai taken io the minafactore ot tbeir Predocts "EPIDERMIS" Telegrams: - Telephones: NORTE 1450/1 - Post Office Bot No 4*6 AGENCIES IN EVERY STATE IN BRAZIL [j- oooooooeoooeooooeooocooeoooooaa ¦**>oscocooc*ccccco Missíons to Seamen - Rio de laneiro Branch BRITISH SU5SCRIPTION LIÕRARY Hon. CHAPLAIN-Ven. Archdeacon RUA SACHET No. 39 - 2nd Floor Morrey Jones. (Just behind the Jornal do Commercio Building) Seamens Institute Rua Saccadura Cabral, 61 APPLY TO THE LIBRARIAN FOR Rio de Janeiro MEMBERSHIP, 100$000 or Temporary Membei- Subscriptions and donations are badly needed yearly to defray the cost of upkeep of the institute. Another ship at special rate during your short stay in Rio. five contos of réis per annum would place us upon a sound financial basis. __ VALUABLE BOOKS If you are not already a subscriber. why not MANY OLD become one? 6,474 seamen visited the institute last LARGE SUPPLY OF MODERN BOOKS OF FICTION, year and'526 meai Tickets were issued to the distitute. DA1L1ES AND ILLUSTRATED WEEKL1ES, THF MISSÍONS TO SEAMEN IS SADLY IN NEED OF BRITISH *k AMERICAN MAGAZINES IN CIRCULATION NEWPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. loooooooooooooooccqbòoocooooboòooa -OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB #

September 5, 1929 980 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW TOUeman's Srajtlian IRevíew- Established 1898. EDITOR—H. F. WILEMAN. Ltd. OFFICES: RUA SÃO PEDRO, 61, 1° ANDAR, Rio Cape Line, SALA 3. Direct Cargo Service from Rio de Janeiro RIO DE JANEIRO and Santos to South and East Aírican Ports. Telephone: Norte 1966—Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) 809. THE STEAMER * Tel. Address: "REVIEW," Riojaneiro. JAPANESE « KAMAKURA MARU » Redactor Responsável: H. F. WILEMAN. (Under Contract) S. Pedro, 61, l°and. Redacção e Administração, Rua leaves 2õth September, 1929, for to the Editor. Ali Communications to be addressed Elizabeth, Subscriptions in Advance):— Cap Town, Mossel Bay, Port (Payable Bay. Brazil, 1001000 per annum. Abroad, £.5 pei* annum. East London, Durban and Delagoa 2$000. Back Numbers 2$500 copy. Separate copies per further apply to: ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. For particulars AGENTS: CUMMING YOUNG • NICTHEROY:— the Rio Cape Line, Ltd. 138 da Conceição. Agent for. Luiz Waddington, Rua Saraiva, 32 SÃO PAULO:— 32, Rua Consellaeiro C. T. Nash, c/o "Anglo-Brazilian Chronicle," > ¦-¦'¦¦ Telephone — Norte 2864 Caixa Postal 2124. RIO DE PARÁ:— JANEIRO A. Lobo & Cia., Rua Santo Antônio, 62. MARANHÃO:— A. Lobo & Cia., Rua Nina Rodrigues, 45. MAIL. FIXTURES LONDON:— G. Street & Co., Ltd., 6 Gracechurch Street, ' ¦¦'¦During the Month of September. NEW YORK:— TO EUROPE. "The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal," 79 Wall 7__CONTE VERDE, Lloyd Sabaudo Street. 10—DESEADO, Royal Mail COPEHAGEN: "The 10— ELANDRIA, Holland Royal Lloyd Scandinavian Shipping Gazette," 38 Ve- 10— BAYERN, Hamburg Amerika \ stre Boulevard, 10—SIERRA MORENA, Norddeutscher Lloyd Notice:—The Editor is not responsible for Cor- 15—ANDES, Royal Mail rèspondence or Articles signed with the writer's 15—DUILIO, Navigazione G. Italiana name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or that are 16—LUTETIA, Chargeurs Reunis mared "Communicated." The Editor must like- 16—H. CHIEFTAIN, Nelson Line wise not necessarily be held in agreement with the 17-AVELONA STAR, views therein contained or with the mode of ex- 17—M. OLIVIA, Hamburg Suedamerikanische pfession. • In accòrdance with the Brazilian Press Law, TO THE UNITED STATES no correspondence or contribution will be published 11—AMERICAN LÉG.ON, Munson Line .h this Review unléss authenticated, by the date, 15—VANDYCK, Lamport & Holt name, and address of the contributor, though not necessarily for püblication. TO THE RIVER PLATE. Announcements of births, deaths and marriages 9—A. DELFINO, Hamburg Suedamerikanische cpncerning subscribers and friends are inserted in 10—LI PARI, "Review" Chargeurs Reunis this fr.ee of charge. 12-WUERTTEMBERG, Hamburg Amerika Linie .|hiiiihiiií__iiiii_-Iihiiiihiiii«i /4-AVILA STAR, Blue Star Line 16—ZEELANDIA, Holland Royal Lloyd GHARGEURS REUNIS ET SÜD-ATLANTIfll 19—PAN AMERICA, Munson Line | 19—ESPANA, Hamburg Suedamerikanische i PASSENGER SERVICE Next Sailings ¦ N O T I C E S The Luxurious Liner For River Plate For Europe m ANDREWIttl-LLER Broker 4 Sept. LUTETIA 16' Sept.1 REAL ESTATE, HOUSES AND LAND BOUGHT OR The Best "Cuisine^-Maximum Comfort SOLD; MORTGAGES AND LOANS ARRANGED, GO- VERNEMENT STOCK AND COMPANIES; SHARES 11 & 13 Avenida Rio Branco. | BOUGHT AND SOLD; OFFICES AND RESIDENCES Telephone: Norte 6.207 ARRANGED. RUA SAO PEDRO 61, FIRST FLOOR. Rio de Janeiro —— TELEPHONE, NORTE 0162- POSTAL ADDRESS, CAI- í XA POSTAL 213; CABLE ADDRESS: RELLIM - RIO. fllHIIBI -¦IIIIH!UII»illfliiillll!IIH Septembèr 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 981 -—MtohS^)— ,4: *wfe >;í "ELITE" CABLES CORRESPONDENCE CAIXA 1391 -mék___

LONDON 186 Bishopsgate St. ^^EHPI; i mÊ\_í — _\_^l~\\_wk \\\\\\\\\\^m^^k______BRANCH8 AT: ______^___Wàu \__ m\.m *wL ^SSBx9k \\__\_\-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ __m ^N HLdvS MiH \_l ,s\_\__\_f__w *CS 5b. BHflH^MI ^^c^^Er^D^^B^P^^bt^^^^k PARIS RIO DE JANEIRO 5 Av: de 1'Opera R. Senador Vergueiro 147 NEW YORK Broadway 760


CHAMBERS ENCYCLOPEDIA RETAIL PRICES OF TWENTY-ONE LEADING FOOD ARTICLES AT RIO DE For sale complete, 10 volumes. Offers to L., 26 Rua JANEIRO. Cândido Mendes. Per kilo, except fresh1 milk per litre and condensed milk, per tin. — ²In mil reis— —. Prices1929Index Number NOTES 1929 on 1914 AprilJulyAprilJuly THE COST OF LIVING IN BRAZIL AND THE UNITED Bacon4,0004,000328328 Beans, black800800200200 THE PRICE OF COFFEE. STATES AND Bread1,4001,400233233 The object of this article is to arrive at a codusion Butter9,0008,800300293 -wifh regard to the fallacious inference to the effect that Codfish3,8003,100419342 BraziPs artificial protection of its coffee industry by restric- Coffee4,8004,800400. 400 tive measures has enhanced the of coffee abroad to Indian500500278278 price "rich Corn, •such an extent as to raise it to the rank of the Lard4,0004,000286286 man's beverage". Meat, fresh'2,0002,000222. 222 Prior to arriving at conclusions, we will make an Meat, jerked4,0004,400262.282 effort to substaintiate them with the lastest returns of prices Milk, fresh1,0001,000250250 -of leading comniodities, i. e., average retail prices of specified Milk condensed2,8002,800280280 articles of food of first neoessity in Brazil and the Üni- Mandioca Flour800800242242 ted States. Onions2,2002,300275287 Olive oil8,8008,000346346 The figures at our disposal for the city of Rio de Potatoes1,2001,200380380 are those for last and for the United States, Janeiro July Rice1,8001,600241214 New York are for 15th November, 1928, discriminating etc, Salt40040040040Ò from the Statistical Abstract of the United Sta- compiled Sugar, refined1,7001,418191159 1928, by the Department of Commerce tes for published Tea of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Wa- (Liptons)35,00035,000292292 the Wheat flour 1,4001,400285285 shington Average²29028(5 Prices of the twenty-one leading food articles at Rio atRio de in last show a de Janeiro in April and July last and the Index Number Prices Janeirocity July onan average, as compared. with April. in July, as compared with 1914 (=100), are as follows:— slight decline September 5, 1929 982 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW





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Omni ft L September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 983

¦"¦:¦'¦-.*•-'¦• ' Compared with 1914, the index number for the twén- Bread, per lb. 5:&: >9:1:„1§3 ty-one articles of food specified above in July, 1929, avera- Flour, do. 3.3 5.1" íSs ged 286 or 186 per cent. higher. Coffee and salt, both Rice, do. 8.7 9.8113 national products, averaged 400; potatpes, 380; codfish, Potatoes, do. _^''"f lvèisr***-** 2,2í„2 342; bacon, 328, etc, the lowest index number . being that Sugar, granulated, per lb.; 5.4^-1 6.8|. 126 of refined sugar, averaging 159, or only 59 per cent. above Tèa, do. _ 54.5 77.4|: 142 the 1914 levei. Coffee, do. 29.8 49.7167 The foregoing index numbers for the. twenty-one spe- . By no stretch of hnagination can coffee be consi- cified articles show the cost of living in Brazil to be dered. a rich/man's luxury, for the simple reason that its still abnormally high, so far as articles of food are con- price per lb. in the United States averaged on 15th No- cerned. Were clothing, rents, transport and other neces- vember, 7928, below the essential articles of food—as much sities to be included, the index number for July last would for the poor, as for the rich—as butter, tea, etc, and slightly average well over 300 or 200 per cent. above the 1914 above meat. and bacon.. W|i'at is much more important, its levei. Wages and salaries, however, have not risen in pro- index number on 15th November, 1928, as compared with 1913, did not rise to the extent of those portion, whilst the purchasing power of the milreis has 15th November, depreciated considerably owing to the fali in exchange. for meat, hens, and cheese, and is just below bread, milk, The index numbers of retail prices of foodstuffs in bacon, flour and butter. Furthermore, coffee hdlds the same Brazil compare with those in some other countries, as at position in thé above list, in relation to prices in 1928, as September, 1928, as compared with 1913 or 1914, as foi- in 1913, i. e., third, after tea and butter. That the index num-- lows:— ber of flour averaged slightly below that of coffee is significant in view of the fact that whilst the United States is the Home of INDEX NUMBERS OF RETAIL PRICES OF FOOD - flour, coffee is imported from long distances overseas, STUFFS IN BRAZIL AND OTHER COUNTRIES subject to heavy freight rates, insurance, extra charges, etc. lt must be borne in mind that the average retail price Base=100September, 1928 of coffee is further eríhanced by the increase in freight ra- Brazil 1914)321 (July tes, dearer money, and other outside char- Belgium 1914)825 propaganda (April and, consequently, compares very favourably with those 1914)149 ges, ' (July of American foodstuffs domcstically, in view of Czechoslovakia 1914)928 produced "out- (July the fact that the latter are not subject to the same Finland 1914)1174 (Jan.-June *109 side" charges." Then again, in spite of the objection to France Paris-Aug. 1914) (except the so calíed Brazilian monopoly of coffee, the United Sta- Ditto 1914)*110 (Paris-July tes to the wheat industry with Germany 1913-July 1914)153 proposed protect producing (Oct. the same restrictive measures as adopted in this country to Italy (1913)525 enhance of that commodity. Even without such protection, Netherlands 1914)148 prices (Jan.-June the index number of wheat is not much below that of cof- Norway 1914)164 (July fee in the United States. It cannot be said, therefore, that Sweden 1914)155 (July the Brazilian effort to save coffee from1 falling dis- Denmark 1914)152 prices (July astrously has affected the consumer to an aggravating ex- Switzerland 1914)156 (July tent; if anything, the ambitious is likely to cause United Kingdom 1914)156 protection (July much more disturbance in Brazil itself than in consuming United States 1914)154 (July markets, in view of a dislocation of production. Austrália 1914)150 pending (July There is no monopoly, for Brazil is not the only New Zealand 1914)147 poffee (July country in thé world and other countries are, * In producing gold in fact, benefiting more from the Brazilian protection than The most expensive country to live in, as per above, Brazil itself. Furthermore, the Defense policy has affected is Finland, followed by Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Italy and the local consumer more than foreign consumérs, Brazil, in order of index numbers, ali other countries dis- (Brazilian) American, as shown as follows:— criminated averaging between 109 (France) and 164 (Nor- particular way). NUMBERS OF AVERAGE RETAIL PRICES OF The average retail prices of specified food articles INDEX AT DE and index numbers on 15th November, 1928, as compared PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF FOOD RIO JANEIRO STATES witlí 15th November, 1913, in the United States, are as AND UNITED follows:— U.S.A.Rio Basis: 1914=100 Nov. 1928July 1929 AVERAGE RETAIL PRICES OF SPECIFIED FOOD AR- Bacon 164328 TICLES IN THE UNITED STATES AND INDEX NUM- Bread 163233 BERS. Butter 151293 ' 167400 Av. Ret. Price-Nov. 15 Index Coffee 19131928 Number Flour 155285 1928 on Lard 121286 189222 Cents Cents 1913-==100 Meat, fresh Milk 157250 ARTICLE 122380 lb.22.742.9189 Potatoes Meat, per H3214> Bacon, do. 27.244.5164 Rice 20.638.0184 Sugar 126159 Hens, do. M2292 Milk, fresh, 9.114.3157 Tea quart is not tfie highest item' onthé U.S.A. But ter, lb. 38.758.3151 Whilst coffee per list, being second to meat, at Riode Janeiro Cheese, do. 22.538.5171 side of thé thé averaging 400, in July last, as Lard, do. 15.919.2121 it was by far highest, 167 on 15th November last inthe United Eggs, fresh, doz. 49.759.3H9 against only September 5, 1929 984 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW _READ THE íííBRAZAM EVERY SATURDAY


50S000 per year in Brazil ||| 70S00O per year Elsewhere


Rua Cândido Mendes, 42 Phone Beira Mar 2057 (Antiga Dona Luiza) — Gloria Caixa Postal 629 8 ta^^^^^^-S^^^j THE CALORIC OOIVi_P^!_iY

FÜELOILRIODEIANEIRODIESEL OIL -EQR Avenida Rodrigues Alves, 487 INDUSTRIES, RAILWAYS, FQR INTERNAL COMBUSTION i, :: STEAMERS.Telephone Norte 4497ENGINES Telegraphic Address "Petroloric" P. O. Box 1965. ;U Fuel Oil Stations at: — PARÁ, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA and SANTOS BARÕESSTEAMERS BUNKERED DRUMS TANK CARSTHROUGH PIPE LINE ALONG THE QUAYS. TANKTRUCKS '• "¦•¦* :*Complete W- estimates furnished for oil Burning installations, Land and Marine.

, THE CITY OF SANTOS IMPROVEMENTS COMP., LTD. ESTADO DE S. PAULO - CAIXA 4 ~ SANTOS Gas Department.— Special coke and tar produced by the coniinuous carbonization Also soft waterproofing process: pitch * purposes, crude benzol and oils for the manufature of desinfectants. Water Department.-Distribution on lhe consiant supply system. Special cheap rates for industrial supplies. hnips_supplied with water of guaranteed puriiy, at lhe rate of 150 tons per hour if required. Eleetricity Department. Installaiions of any magnitude for Lighl and Power. Cheap for íong-hour consumers. Motor repairs. power Tramways Department. Seventy kilomeires of rapid eleciric service. Season tickets with non-siop service. Special terms for large parlies, parcel delivery; service io ali points. Electric iransporl of goods and building material at cheap rates. Goods from inierior should be despatched "Companhia City, Desvio Saboc."Yr9 Motor Omnibus Services; Town, Avenues and Beach. V . Tel. Addres: -^ "CIDADE" — Santos. ¦¦¦ .¦¦¦ .. . . ...

| September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 985

States. Tlie valorization of coffee, thèrefore,: has affected AVERAGE;. WHQLESALJE^AUGUST 1912 AND the local consumer much more seriously than the American 1929 AT RIO DE JANEIRO. is Home for consumer, in spite of the fact that Brazil the Av. Prices milreis Index coffee and its consumption here is as much of a necessity % Aug: 3 Aug. Number as bread. ,|--|. : 19121929 ^10Q|(1912= The foregoing index numbers speak for themselves, • Article and Unit& but we may add that coffee is not the highest priced ar- of Price:— fur- ticle in the list of American essential foodstuffs and, Àicohol (400 pf.) per 480Iits 290.000345.000 119 of thermorc that, its index number averages below that Bacon (coarse), per kilo85Ò2.500 294 meát, and just above those of bacon and bread. Beans (black), kilo260750 289 The outcry against the Brazilian protectiõn of cof- Butter, kilo3.7005.600 151 fee* by artificial means is, consequently, without reason, Codfish, 60 ks.. ,38.500118.000 307 for we have proved that it continues to be anything but a Coffee (7s.) arroba-12.15037.630 310 luxury, and that it is still as much the beverage of the Indian Corn, kilo124287 231 poor as of the rich. Kerosene, case7.50035.000 467 In New Orleans and New York cities, the average Lard, 60 ks.9702.815 289 retail prices of coffee are lower still than for the whole of Mandioca flour, kilo187889 476 the United States, as showrt as follows:— Meat, fres/í, kilo6201.580 255 — 367 — — Cents per pound — Meat, jerked, kilo830, 3.050 Nov. 15. Oct. 15. Nov. 15. Potatoes, kilo190775 408 192719281928 Rice, Superior, kilo433580 134 170 United States47.849.649.7 Salt, North, 60 ks.5.0008.500 118 New Orleans35.435.135.0 Sugar (white cryst.) ko.570671 New York45.845.745.4 Tobacco (Minas twist) ko.1.300 4,330333 Average²— 3?*--1 Origin of prices: Bureau of Labor Statisties, Depart- ment of Labor, U.S.A. a ín- The above table is most instruetive, for it shows The above index numbers show even greater cost of living, as compared with 1912, than that whilst the average retail price of coffee in the whole crease in the the article under the title of the of the United States rose steadily from; 47.8 cents per lb. the table published in "Cost in Brazil and the United States and the on 15th November, 1927, to 49.7 per lb. on 15th No vem- of Living Price of Coffee". ber, 1928, prices in N. Orleans fell from! 35.4 per Ib. to 35.0 respectively and in New York from 45.8 to 45.4 per lb., It is impracticable to compare the average total in- which seems to indicate manipulations of speculators, whóse dex numbers of the two tables owing to thè difference them. Nèverthèiess profits in futures have been reduced to a m.nimum in vir- in the number of articles contained in aggregate of 373, tue of thehand-to-month policy. adopted by the trade, and the last* table shows an average on the showing the làr- the Brazilian protective measures. The outcry against Bra- potatoes, Mandioca flour and Kerosene with August, zil-s policy, consequently, comfes from speculators and not gest increases, as compared ,1912. from the legitimate consumer, who pays less in the Uni- The rent of a house for a small family has inefea- ted States for coffee than for tea, ham, butter, eggs and sed, as compared with 1913, by 267 per cent. (index num- oranges. ber, 367), a suit of clothes, by 250 per cent. (350 index), "Bears" The are the only interests responsible for etc. campaign. the ante protectiõn of coffee Prospects are anything but promising, in view of a never been unconditional advocators of cof- We have threatèned increase in the príce of fresh meat and Muni- fee valorisation, control and what not, but in with persuance cipal taxes on prad.ically evèry article of first necessity. Brazil s interests, we must now, as well as ali coffee interests he- will not be taxed directly, "status It is true that the last named re and abroad must, submit to the for a serioüs dis- quo'*, but it is proposed to raise the tax on licences of every mechanism at this disturbahce in the Brazilian protective cription, which will eventually fali on the consumer. juneture or in the future will bring wide-spread disaster, which would reflect on ali branehes of thè coffee trade ali over the world. It is, consequently, to the interest of the trade in general to help Brazil to correct errors and de- EXPORTS OF COFFEE AND POLITICS. fects, rather than place obstacles on her Pam- It is regrettable that politicians, should try to vi- tiate statisties with the object of lowering the morale of COST OF LIVING IN BRAZIL the Government. of the in opposition to the We have already given, in the preceding article, a Certain members parties candidate to thè Presidency of the Republic table showing retail prices of twenty-one leading food ar- Government figures of exports of coffee from this country ticles at Rio de Janeiro in July last and their index num- have quoted crop showing a serious falling off, as bers, as compared. with1 1914. during the current last which, we below actual who- compared with the corresponding period year, In addition to the above, give shipments at however, are vitiated in view of thè fact that lesale prices etc, of principal articles of consumption at the of Rio and Santos and Victoria during the-cur- Rio de Janeiro and those ruling in 1912 and index num- port to date show increases, as follows:—^ ._ -.¦•:' bers, as follows:— rent crop 5, 1929 986 W1LEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW September

T-Bi:ií!ll!ll iniüllBIIIIIR!! ,~~~_ . 1 NEWS THE FINANCIAL m| Scott & Urner Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1884 PENCE Engineering Contractors __ Bullders DAILY TWO THE FINANCIAL NEWS is the oldest and most influential Daily Financial newspaper in the world; It is acknowledged to be the most Design & Execution of Reinforced Con- Potent Authority on Finance and an Adver- | crete Buildings, Bridges, Piers, Wharves, 1 tising Médium of unique value. Water Tanks, Silos, etc. SPECIAL FEATURES; International Finance; Banking í Insurance & Projects Execution of Foundations & Mining; Rubber; Oii; Engineering; Shipping; Piledriving Work. Land and Estates; Miscellaneous Industries; Projects & Construetion of Cold With Storages & Packing Plants. COMPLETE MARKET REPORTS. Subscription Rates Free) Design dc Erection of Steel Frame (Post 12 months £3-18-0 & Bridges. Buildings 9 1-19-0 Hydraulic Engineering Work. 3 19-6 General Building Works of ali Classes. Read THE FINAMCIAL NEWS Head Offices: Av. Rio Branco, 109-5.°-RIO DE JANEIRO \ 14,18 And 20-Bishopsgate, London,E.C.2. R. Barão de Itapetininga 37-A-SÃO PAULO TelephonesTelegrams & Cables: AVENUE 7543 six lines FINEWS, STOCK. LONDON

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THE Hamburg-Suedamerikanische Anglo-Brazilian Chronicle Dampfschiffahrts GesellschQft (Hamburg South American Steamship Company) known as the A. B. C.) (Generally Regular service with the well known, íuxurious, express "Cap "Cap English Weekly on sale regularly every Sa- steamers Arcona", Polo- nio," Antônio Delfino" and "Cap Norte" turday is the Ideal Newspaper for the Home. between and San- It is in the morning in Rio, São Paulo Hamburg, Boulogne s. mer, Vigo, Lisbon, tos, and has subscribers in. every of the part Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo. country, as well as throughout the world, Buenos Aires and vice-versa. serving thereby as *. s ire link between the The s.s. "Cap to scattered British Colonies ?n Brazil. It Arcona" is the íastest ship provides North-Europe, the voyage from with ali the news of local and performing its readers Rio to Lisbon in 9 days, to Boulogne s.m. in and a half foreign interest, and in the two 11 days and to Hamburg in 12 days. of its existence has secured for itself the years "delivering Next sailings for Europe. reputation of always the goods". IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE A. B. C. Monte Olivia . . . . . Sept. 17 Cap. Arcona Sept. 18 One year's Subscription: Abroad 40SOOO Brazil 25S00O Regular services with modern and full powered cargo steamers between Hamburg. Antwerp, Portugal, Brazil São Paulo: and River Plate Ports. R. Quintino Bocayuva, 4, 2nd, Floor, Room 10 For further particulars apply to the agents: Caixa Postal 2124. Tel. Central 4751 Theodor Will® & Co Rio Representative: RIO DE JANEIRO SANTOS.VICTORIA.SÃO D. S. Fox. Rua 1.° de Março 33, lst floor PAULO. 79, AVENIDA RIO BRANCO, 79 ii September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 987

SHIPMENTS (Embarques) OF COFFEE DURING FIRST There was a marked increase in exports from San- TWO MONTHS OF CROP, tos in July last, as compared with July, 1928, of 105,105 In bags bags, but a slight shrinkage during the first seven months July and August of the current year of 48,340 bags, as compared with 19291928 same period last year. Rio de Janeiro 474,851514,878 The feature of exports during the seven months en- Santos 1,657,971 1,391,339 ding July last was the very marked increase of shipments Total 2,132,822 1,906 217 to France of 430,714 bags or 126.8 per cent. * Victoria 334,726 222,890 ______Grand total 2,467,548 D1STRIBUTION OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS TO THE •Subject to alteration PRESS. The figures an increase in shipments dur- above show We have, on several occasions, referred to the lack ing the first two months of the current crop, as compared of free distribution to the Press by the British Government with the last of 338,361 bags corresponding period year, of official returns of trade, statistical abstracts, etc. or 15.8 cent., and not a shrinkage, as politicans would, per In view of the enormous expenditure to the press have it. in that subscriptioris to such would It that the exports of coffee from ali Brazil general publications is true entail, certain and have to rely on the half of the current show a shrinkage journals periodicals during the first year of Governments, once they recognise the value of 593,000 bags or 8.3 cent., but by tenden- generosity per judging of specified organs of the for essential statistical data cies, this decline will be made by the close of the press, good for compárisons of returns, etc. . current year. As an accredited international on Brazilian Exports from Santos during the first month of the journal economics, finances, commerce, trade and shipping, not only current last) show an appreciable increase, as crop (July in Brazil, but throughout the world, in virtue of its world- compared with the same month last yeár, as follows:— wide circulation, the Governments of many countries, par- EXPORTS OF COFFEE FROM SANTOS DURING JULY ticularly of the United States, forward us regularly offi- In bags ciai monthly and annual trade returns and statistical ab- 19291928 stracts, etc, which not only facilitate compárisons, but is a United States475,035520.167 source of propaganda for the countries which distribute France137.546 . 37.704 such publications so liberally. Holland69.41948.779 The proof of pudding is in the eating, and a re- Germany46.92449.299 ference to the current and last issues of this Review, in Sweden25.30820.200 which we quote official statistics issued by the Department Belgium18.8168.132 of Commerce of Washington, will show the extent fo which Italy18.05414.764 free distribution to accredited organs may act as a médium Denmark15.4605.725 of propaganda.\->im River Plate8.3535.013 May we humbly suggest to H. M. Stationary Office, Spain3,6111.581 London, the adoption of as liberal a policy of free distribu- U. Kingdom1.513979 tion of official matter as that practiced by Washington! Egypt.6482.125 IOO Finland318400 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Portugal30119 We beg to remind our readers that our offices have japan133200 been moved to rue São Pedro, 61, lo andar, sala 3, to Sundry___ 267421 which ali local Communications should be forwarded. Mai- Total, overseas822.138716.621 led matter, however ,should be addressed to Caixa do Coastwise8591.271 Correio (P- O. Box) No. 809, Rio. Grand Total"822.997717.892 MIIIHIIIM^ EXPORTS FROM SANTOS DURINGJAN. TO JULY. "Medeiros" HIME dk CIA- Rua T. Ottoni, 52 | From Bullètin (esq. da R. Quitanda) I In bags • i ___^_^ Caixa Postal 593 ¦ si P19291928 End. Teíg. "FERRO" m§ United States3.222.6733.646.629 Telephone Norte 6u75 . ;.r ..:' France... 760D62339.348 Import. de ferro, aço, ferragens, cimento, tintas, óleos. m Brasi- m Germany338.823'447.276 Depositários dos productos da Companhia Mètállurgicas— com grande lami- | Holland359.113383.749 leira de Uzinas nação de ferro em barras,: vergas e cantoneiras fun- m Sweden163.402168.080 dição de ferro e bronze, fabricação de parafusos, S Italy157.740139.562 rebites, pára trilhos, lèrrós de en^ommar. pregos e de . Belgium . ‡142.940.90.497 balanças, louça de ferro fundido, estanhado estanhado, de; canos de chumbo, etc. Denmark77.55075.455 ferro batido A65.52345.009 River Plate FABRICAS: «Nova Industria» — Pontas de Paris, taxas para Spain25.97519.282 sapateiro, em ferro e latão, louça de ferro batido :MtNorWay&% 6:238^ 9;708 esmaltado, etc. e —Fogões, nhm Egypt. Uo > 5:0239.907 «Enipreza Progresso» caixas dágua, fer- ^ú etc.§ .> Finland ... raduras, portas de .aço, gradis, ; 4J684.600 Phosphoros marca «Sol».—Metal Deployé.r-Coalho | Jv. Kingdom-J',2.6873.029 «Jacaré». — Cimento «Saccadura», white Brothers. | e Geíignite da «Nobels Explosives Co.. 1 "ms ''• Japan1.3011.136 Dynamite Suridry7J38__^28 Limitada. — Dpòsitarios do ferro guza dasI ¦ Uzinas Morro Grandeí ° Total, overseaslí5f34Ô;95_f51_96?516 ESPERANÇA, BÜRN1ER, RIO ACIMA Coastwise 11.7624.543 j Grand Total5.352.7185.401.058 LIHIIIHIIIHIIIIHIiliHIIIIHIUIB^^ •fe


•-.'í''.' The Balance of Trade of Brazil OVERSEAS TRADE DURING THE MONTHS OF JANUA RY TO JUNE Deadweight in tons of 1000 kilos.

19 2 9 19 2 8


January 157,532 539,528 381,996 151,293 539,011 387,718 February 149,599 472,199 322 600 156,571 569,992 413,421 March 173,717 514,785 341,068 168,758 448,356 279,598 April 188.975 489,537 300,562 167,262 503,365 336,103 May 174,680 539,663 364,983 196.777 416,196 219.419 June 168,093 478,092 309,999 177,139 476,558 299,419

Total 6 months. . 1,012,596 3.033.804 2,021,208 1,017,800 2,953,478 1.635,678 Incr. or decr.: June on í May - 6,587 ²61,571 - 54,984 - 19,638 + 60,362 + 80,000 Ditto, on Jan. + 10,561 61,436 - 71,997 + 25,846 + 62,453 - 88,299

VALUE IN £ 1.000.



January ...... 8.206 7.960+ 2468.011 7.269+ 742 February...... 7.915 7.159+ 7567.470 7.082+388 March 7.654 7.658- 8.372 6.961+1.411 April 7,846 6,811+1,0357,747 6,845+ 902 May 7,219 8,444-1,2259,082 7,533+1,549 June ^ 7.177 6.882+ 2957,850 7,390+ 460

Total 6 months.... 46,017 44,914+1,10340,53243,080+ 5,452 • *¦ «. f f>• . Incr. do decr. íune on: May— 42—1,562+1,520 1,232— 143 -1,089 Ditto on Jan.-1.029—1,078— 49 161+ 121 - 282 ¦iu,'..; ..

The official returns of the overseas trade of. Bra- Compared with the same month last year, f.o.b. va- zil for the month June were more encouraging so far as lue of exports shows shrinkage of £673,000 or 8.5 per the balance of trade is concerned, but disappointing with cent., and c.i.f. imports of £508,000 or 6.7 per cent.; the regards to exports, in view of a further fali in both vo- balance in faVour of exports, consequently, fell off from lume and value of exports. Th*, decline in imports was tò £460,000 in June last year to only £295,000 in June be expected, in view of the increase in duties on textiles last. which carne into force in May last. The shrinkage in ex- Compared with the same period last year, exports is ali the more discouraging owing to the fact that the ports during the first six months of the current year show in- value of other exports shows a shrinkage of £153,000 or crease in volume of 5,204 tons, but shrinkage in f.o.b. or 7.3 cent., whilst coffee shows an increase in both per value of £2,515,000; imports, on the other hand, show an and value. quantity ali round increase of 80,326 tons in volume and of . . . . Compared with the previous month, volume of ex- £1,832,000 in c.i.f. value; the balance in favour of value ports show shrinkage of 6,587 tons and that of imports of exports, consequently, fell off from £5,452,000 during of 61,571 tons,* in June last and in sterling likewise de- the first six months of 1928, to only £1,103,000 duiring crease of £42,000 in f.o.b. exports and £1,562,000 c. i. f. the same period this year, the smallest since 1921. Inclii- the balance of trade, consequently, turned in value imports; ding imports of gold specie, the position shows no im- against exports in May, to from £1,225,000, £295,000 in provement, as compared with last year, as shown as foi- favour of same in June. lows:— Seotember 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 989 _____ jüélA BLUE 5TAR LINE


.-^^-vlr »lr r r r r r rr MAKE YOUR BUSINESS TRIP $¦£ FIRST CLASS B,r. .^,, T-r-NO EMIGRANTS^*5 passengers HOLIDAY-TRAVEL IN LUXURY-IT CARRIED only COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK V I TO EUROPE TO RIVER PLATE Avelona Star . .¦'*. . 17 Sep. Ávila Star14 Sep. Ávila Star 1 Oct. Almeda Star . . . 2ô Sep. Almeda Star15 Oct. Andalucia Star. . . 19 Oct. Andalucia Star... 5 Nov. Avelona Star .... 2 Nov. Wilson Sons & Co. I_td. — Avenida Rio Branco, 37 Rio de Janeiro Rua da 12 São Paulo BLUE STAR LINE ! Quitanda, ] Rua 15 de Novembro, 206 Santos

Six months, Jan. to June:— Compared with the previous month, coffee shows in- 19291928 Inc. or Dec. crease in quantity of 45,000 bags or 4.6 per cent., and in value f.o.b. sterling value of £11,000 or 0.2 per cent.; value of Exports of merchandíse46.01748.532 . — 2.515 other exports show shrinkage of £153,000 or 7.3 per cent. Imports of gold specie367 7.722 — 7.355 exports of cof- Total gold resouces46.38456_254— - 9.870 Compared with the same period last year, Imports of merchandíse44.91443.080 +1.834 fee during the first half of the current year, show shrin- —11.704 Favourable balance in g ldl7_7Õ13.174 kage in quantity of 593,000 bags or 8.3 per cent. and in Including the net imports of gold specie, the favou- sterling f.o.b. value of £1,308,000 or 3.7 per cent.; other rable balance in during the first six months of the gold exports show likewise shrinkage in value of £1,207,000 or current year amounted to only £1,470,000, as against. . . 9.0 cent. £13,174,000 during the same period in 1928. per DISCRIMINATION OF COFFEE FROM OTHER EX- DISCRIMINATION OF EXPORTS BY CLASS, SIX PORTS. MONTHS, JANUARY-JUNE Six months, January-June, 1929 19291928 Incr. ordecr: Other Exports CoffeeF .n Q %yalue £ 100Q £ 1.000£ 1.000£ 1.000% 1000 bags Total £aJ^Value% ,Animais and their 4 5455.505- 96017.4 . 1.204 6.30276.41.95023.6 8.252 products January ' IIMinerais, ditto. . . 617644— 274.2 Februâry 1.186 6.15678.21.71321.8 7.869 IIIVegetables, ditto. 40.85542 383-1.5283.6 March... 1.074 5.51272.22.14228.0 7.654 April.... 1.086 5.66972.22.17727.8 7.846 Total 46.01748.532 | -2,5155,1 May 980 5,06970.22,15029,8 7 219 There was an ali round. shrinkage in the three cias- June 1,025 5,18071.71.99728.3 7.177 ses of exports in value, of which £960,000 or 17.4 per cent. in class I, £27,000 or 4.2 per cent. in class II, and ¦¦•¦ 6 months 6:555 33.88873.412.12926.6 46.017 £1,528,000 or 3.6 per cent. in class III. total f.o.b. Ditto, 1928 7.148 35.19672.713.33627.3 48.532 Class I accounted for 9.8 per cent. of II for 1.3 cent., anil Rise or fali 59.3 -1,308 - . -1,207 ²-2,515 sterling valuè of expor/s; class per cent. Ditto, % 8.3 — 3.7 - — 9,0 — 5-1 class III for 88.8 per '#,


EXPORTS BY ARTICLES ARE AS FOLLOWS, SIX AVERAGE PER TON OF TOTAL IMPORTS AND EX- MONTHS, JANUARY-JUNE, 1929. PORTS, In tons of 1,000 kilos, except where otherwise mentioned. Six months, January-June

INCR. OR DECR. QUANTITY VALUE - 1929 on 1928 Imports:; Exports

i.B—— TONS £1000 TONS £1000 ; . Mil reis Mil reis ;.; £

CLASS I. 1925.... 770$ 17.72:228$ 51.4 Animais and their 1926.... 486$ 14.71:680$*-' 5G.9 products 1927.... 584$ 14.2'1-777$ 43.1 Lard 12 1 4- 2 Preserved ment... 2.197 139 í- 320 + H 1928.... 595$ 14.6' 1:944$ 47.7 Frozen and chilled 1929.... 603$ 14.81:851$ 45.4 meat 52,753 1,752 + 14.366 + 589 Hides 16.003 986 - 17.739 1.674 £ and decimais. Wool 4.144 596 + 754 + 113 COFFEE averaged, during the first six months of the cur- Skins 154 54 2.792 649 rent year 211$ per bag, equivalent to £5-3s. per bag, as Tallow 167 7 2.421 73 against 200$ and £4-18s. in 1928. Jerked beef 2.636 149 + 2.019 + 118 Sundry 5418 266 2.561 + 7 GOLD Total class I .... 86.122 4.545 5.414 960 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF CLASS II. During the Six months, January to June, in £ 1,000 Minerais and their products 1928 | 1929| Inc. or decr. Manganese 163.591 (ore).. 416 + 1.750 + 25 Imports 7,722 370— 7,352 10Precious stones Kilos 128 — 76 Exports3_ Sundry 8.368 73 -I-JL.797 24 j.+ Bal. in fav. imports 7.722 3677,355 Total class II.;.. 171.959 617 + 3.547 | - 27 CLASS III Vegetables and their OFFICIAL AVERAGE SIGHT RATES OF EXCHANGE products For the six months, to 11Raw cotton. 5.031 447j +1,555 +-444 January June 4 12Rice 234 j - 140 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 13Sugar 9.312 157—1.611 27 14Rubber% 11.025 855+1,232 43 C58, On London (Pence mil reis) 533/c< r\ 32 D .'64 5115/ 128 5225 25Í 15Còcoa (raw) 25.056 1.052+1.252 271 16Coffee (raw) (1000 On New York (Mil reis per bags) 6.555 33.888- 593 1,308 dollar).... 9$145 6$819 8$488Í 8$341 8$431 17Carnaúba wax.... 3.475 338- 229 49 18Bran, ali kinds... 39.614 239+7.177 49 19Manioc meai... . 3.046 32+ 772 + , 7 FINANCES OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT 20Fruits and nuts The Mnucipality of de has to (edible) 48.084 320 + 9.3S8 106 Rio Janeiro remitted 21Oil pro d ucing Dillon, Read & Co., New York, the sum1 of 600,560 dollars 187 S66QS* ••••••••• 51.440 1.093+ 4.514 for the service of 1921 loan for $21,000,000. Tlie coupon 13.121 36 22Tobacco 752+ 360 + fell due on lst inst. 23Mate (Brazilián tea) 32.075 994- 3.539 115 24Timber 58.403 304- 2.397 + 17 25Maize..- 803 - 770 4 FAILURES IN SAO PAULO 26Vegetable oil 85 4 7—42 Official statistics relating to the number of commer- Sundry 60.411 365+14.721 + 39 ciai failures in São Paulo during the first two quarters Total class III ... 754.515 40.855 — 3.337 1.528 of the current year are as follows:— Grand total . . . . 1.842.941 45,313 — 5,204 - 2,515 lst 2nd Total lst half 1/4 1/4 1929 1928 Bankruptcies petitioned 173 163 269 336 Bankruptcies decreed 10498185202 "Concordatas" Your aim in placing announcements in a paper is "Concordatas" petitioned 30364666 primaraly because you know that what you offer meets in bankruptcy' 24297553 the eye of persons most likely to be interested. Once rea- Bankrupts in liquidation 4358122101 "Wileman's the enquiry into good business. Brazilián Re- CONDITIONS IN ders are interested it rests with the advertiser to push SAO PAULO. "Monthly view" numbers amongst its readers every coffee, banking, The August issue of the Journal" of the British Chamber export and import house of any standing in three of Commerce of São Paulo contains the con- following:— tinents. lt is rare for an advertisement to be withdrawn. The past month has been one of wild rumour and if The inference is obvious. ali the reports circulated were to be believed there are September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 991;


' ' I. NEW YORK—SOUTH AMERICA *•'',~., ¦• % í LUXURIOUS ÀCCOMMODÀTION - FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS ONLY NEW YORK RIO 12 DAYS "*i¦ *. i * -';';*' ' • . :|-'.' '[. '•' * ..¦¦¦,''' íl I-. %s.,#é''2>:k4. fM ' **> w. I % ¦¦•' EASTERN PRINCE WILL SAIL ON 18TH SEPTEMBER FOR BAHIA, TRINIDAD AND NEW YORK


-j ; í í 1 icooooooo&oooooooooooooooocoooooooooocoooocogoo^ very few houses in São Paulo which are not on the brink cotton textiles, and the conscientious local agent, who has of failure. It is true that the situation is bad; but it is by to live on commissions, ref rains from booking orders for: no means hopeless, and it has been pointed out to us that which the cash may never be forthcoming. in many lines of business sales are not much belovv the Of particular moment at the present time is the pó- average. In fact, there are retail houses doing a cash busi- litical situation and a few words on the subject will not ness which report a larger volume of sales during July be out of place. It is not proposed, however, to dilate of this year than during the corresponding month of 1928. on the intricacies of Brazilian politics, but it may be said The outstanding feature of the crisis—and to which that one of the prerogatives (a prerogative not defined in we have already drawn attention—is the disporportion bet- the Constitution but admitted by custom) of the President ween the liabilities and the registered capital of many of of the Republic is to indicate his successor. In a country those who have gone into bankruptcy or have compounded with like Brazil, whose Constitution is based on democratic ideais, their créditors. Isolated cases such as those which have oc- this may smack of dictatoriâl practice, but the system of curred are common to ali commercial centres, but there government which has grown up in Brazil is éntirely dif- is something radically wrong when the common practice ferent from that which has been evolved in other coun- is for liabilities to be six, seven or eight times the amount triesand should not be judged lightly by those who. have of registered capital. Firms which have sprung up during little, if any, real knowledge of thé peculiar problems which the last two or three years and which prabably had less present themselves in a Republic of such extensive ter- than thirty or forty contos of capital with_ which to com- ritpry and in which the units which make up the Federation mence business are able to present lists of créditors repre- are so unequal in economic, financial and political impor- senting purchases to the extent of several hundreds of con- tance. tos. The blame for this state of affairs has been variously It had been known for some time past that the no- assigned, yet, at first glance, it would appear that these minee of Dr. Washington Luis would be Dr. Júlio Prestes créditors themselves'are cülpable in large pari de Albuquerque, President of the State of São Paulo, whose has been _A peculiar pháseone might say craze—of modern administrative ability during the past two years made business is the desire for' volume, the fundamental, that well proved, and this nomination was to have been have been profit and not volume is the aim of business, apparently public in September next. However, matters pre- being overlooked. As a wellknown British journal recently cipitated during the month because of an agreement en- most dehsely pointed out, it is rarely difficult to sell goods, but it is tered into between the State of Minas (the do another matter when it comes to choosing customers, that populated State in Brazil) and thê State of Rio Grande latter is, to be sure the goods will be paid for and net a profit Sul, whereby Dr. Getúlio Vargas, President of the when sold. That would seem to have been the trouble in State, stands nominated as successor to Dr. Washington Parahyba, son o. São Paulo during the past few mpnths; a desire to sell Luis, Dr. João Pessoa, of the State of at the Hague goods without due regard to the financial capacity of the Dr. Epitácio Pessoa (Brazil's representative client.(, Court and formèrly a President of the Republic), having accepted the nomination to run as Vice-President: Among"*1 During this period of acute depression Home firms in the of this is áíi* should not be surprised at the of orders. Thé mar- the principal items programme group paucity 1924 revolutiõn and the in a long range of especially amnesty to those in volveu in the ket is over-stocked goods, ...• .-. .* ¦ •- -m Ac.A- viüf- 992 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5. 1929

llilHIlIlHIllHllllHIIIIHIIIHIIIIIUIIIIHI «a IMPORTS OF AUTOMOBILES INTO BRAZIL. "Thè m It is interesting to note, says Monthly Jour- 1 nal" of the British Chamber of Commerce in S. Paulo, 1 that in spite of the trade depression the number of motor cars and lorries imported into Brazil during the first quar- ¦ ter of 1929 was more than double the number during1 VaS?^/ the first three months of 1928, figures for the past five years being as follows: — Number Value in £ 1.000 SHIP AND SAILf 19256,069 730 19269,823 1,076 19276,715 895 MUNSON i 19286,331 802 STEAMSHIP LINE.| 192913,810 1,454 Twelve Days to New York1 Fortnightly Saillings by| NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. S.S. PAN AMERICA1 The statement of the National City Bank of New York S.S. AMERICAN LEGION1 as at 29th S.S. WESTERN June, 1929, including domestic and foreign WORLD§ branches, shows assets totalling $2,062,400,220, made up S.S. SOUTHERN CROSS| as follows: — ,Ali speed records for merchant ships between| Cash in vault and in Federal Reserve Bank and due PRio de Janeiro and New York are held by1 frorn banks, bankers and U. S. Treasurer, $365,468,042,* ,these 21,000 displacement ton vessels. Com-1 loans, discounts and acceptances of other banks, $1,249,135,316; United States Government bonds and certificafes, State and _bining express speed with great steadiness.1 Pthey offer the discriminating Municipal bonds, stock in Federal Reserve Bank, other traveler the1 bonds and Pcomfort and luxury of the best securities, $234,606,259; subsidiaries, Interna- hotéis.| tional Banking Corporation and Bank of Haiti, $8,000,000; s For rates and further information addressf§ bank buildings, $33,872,730; items in transit with branches, FEDERAL EXPRESS COMPANY.| $11,904,010; customers' liability account of acceptances, _THE — — PRio Santos Sfto Paulo.m $151,335,517; other assets, $8,078,343. WllllinillinilllHIHIHIIIIHII!lllll« On the liabilities side appears capital, surplus and undi- vided prof its, $235,260,406; deposits, $1,470,891,893; lia- introduction of the secret ballot system in Brazil. It was bility on acceptances and foreingn bills, $243,329,248; cir- though t at one time that a conciliation candidate would culation, $99,345; due to Federal Reserve Bank, $90,000,000; be forthcoming, but Dr. Washington Luis, having secu- reserves for dividends, interest, taxes and 'and expenses and red the support of ali the remaining States the Federal contingencies, $22,819,326; total, $2,062,400,220. District, has not seen his way to withdraw the name of Dr. Júlio Prestes. A further complication is that the new- ly formed Democratic Party in S. Paulo—formed in oppo- END OF GERARD LEE BEVAN ENTERPRISE sition to the Republican Party, the dominant political party in Brazil and which to date has nominated ali candidates A partnership action in the Chancery Division, before Mr. Clauson, to administrative positions—has gained many adherents in Justice arising out of one of the many enter- several of the States and at a Convention shortly to be held prises of Mr. Gerard Lee Bevan was disposed of on 24 th July last in London. will probably vote to support the candidacy of Dr. Getulio Vargas. It concerned the purchase for development of seven ranches in the State With çontinuity of policy being of outstanding im- of San Paulo, Brazil, and was brought during the stage of reconstruction in Bra- by Mr. Charles Fitzroy Ponsonby McNeill, one the adven- portance present turers, zil, it is to be noted that both candidates are warm sup- against Mr. Peter Haig Thomas, the City Equitable Fire of the currency stabilisation scheme, which was in- Insurance Company (in liquidation), the trustees in porters bankruptcy troduced during the time Dr. Getulio Vargas Minister of of Mr. Gerard Lee Bevan and other joint adven- Finance. turers, for dissolution of the partnership and an account These are the facts, very briefly stated, of the si- of the dealings between the parties. tuation which has arisen and while to the outside world Mr. W. F. Swords, for the plaintiff, stated that the latter there may be notAing alarming because of the nomination was appointed receiver of.the business in April, 1922, as he of a rival candidate to the Presidency, those who remember was in Brazil and was the only partner who knew anythmg about the outcome of the political campaign which resulted in narches. The amount subscribed by the co- adventurers the election of Dr. Arthur Bernardes look forward with no was £ 773,640 3s. Ali the assets had now been realised little trepidation to the outcome of the campaign now to by Mr. McNeill and totalled £140,000, which had be initiated. been lodged in Court. He was now asking that the receivar should be dis- charged, IMPORTS OF CIMENT AND COAL INTO THE PORT his remuneration having been agreed at £ 1 250 and that OF SANTOS. the £ 140,000 should be distributed among the partners in proportion to their CIMENT — During July, 1929, 59,380 barreis, weig- contributions. There was £ 25 due from hing 9,496 tons; Jan. to 1929, 442,353 barreis, Bevan's estate to the part- July, weig- nership and this sum hing, 60,598 tons of 1,000 kilos. ould be set off against the amount payable to his trustees out of the COAL — Imports into Santos during the month of fund in Court. There was no opposition, last amounted to 87,459 tons of 1,000 kilos and His Lordship made the July and from order asked for. January to July, 1929, to 424,695 tons. September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 993

INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE «URGES This Congress adopting the resolutions of the Lon- ADOPTION OF A SIMPLIFIED CALÈNDAR AND A FI- don Chamber of Commerce recommends that: XED DATE FOR EASTER The International Chamber qf Gommterce take ali pos- the following from Mr. sible steps^ towards the accomplishment of this long de- Wé have received letter O. ;ltíS N. Solbert, Secretary of fh'e National Contmittee on Ca- layed. reform.I JIAMf-0 — lander Reform U.S.A., dated London, July 25th, 1929:— 1923 Rome resolution: V^ereas the desirability "The ternational Chamber capricious way in which Easter jumps over a of Commeroe> having regard to the wòrld wide expression of opinion period of 35 days in our present calendar, coming early in in favour of fixing ttie date of Easter one year and weeks later in the next, has been the cause re-affirms the resolutions adopted at thie of much trouble. Second Congress of Rome, 1923, c^Ujng the International Chamber of Commerce to take ali towards Ali human activities, and particularly those of busi- pp$sible steps the accomplishment of this long ness and industry, that Jiave to be planned according to a delayèd reform. This Congress takes cognizaííce of the fixed programme are seriously A'ampered by the ever-varying ,useful work already by the Chamber in the number of days preceding Easter. performed pressing que- stion at the League of Nations, and decide that the Cham- The present %Gregorian calendar adopted in most Euro- ber will renew its efforts in this and directions pean countries in 1582 was an onward step in thé right otíier sp direction, but now requires improvement to fill the needs fhat the resolutions rntày! be carried into effect at the earliest of modern business methods. possible date."| By request of the International Chamber of Commerce the League of Nations took up the study of the above NORTZ & COS COFFEE CIRCULAR 9th, 1928) questions in 1923, and in 1926 requested ali countries (August 1o form their national committees to study and report on Supplementing the report which we published two the subject. Various countries have taken action accor- weeks ago, we háve received the following memorandum dingly. from Mr. F. E. Nortz, giving his views of the situation The International Chamber of Commerce, at its 5th just prior to his de.parture from Braizl. Congress (Amsterdam, July, 1929), passed a resolution ur- In our former report we estimated the yield of the ging that the nations who have not yet done so, should present Santos crop at from 17 to 17V2 million bags. From form' their national committee to investigate impartially ca- the impression which we have gained from various conver- lendar reform in their respective countries, and that the sations we have since had with people in close oontact with League of Nations should convene an International Con- the coffee growing

next years crop, there was perhaps some hesitation on led to the fact that such money paid for charges here, tlie part of the Institute as to what policies should be folio- after ali, remains in the country, and that present prices wed. A distinet reversal in their attitude has taken place maintain exchange, which would be endangered by a decline however, as demonstrated by their recent heavy purchases in coffee prices. They insisted that the present crop would of future coffee contracts for Dècemtíer delivery in San* not materially exceed 14,000,000 bags, and that tlie next tos. They also seem to have bought quite soma coffee in crop is not likely to exceed from 9,000,000 to 10,000,000 Rio de Janeiro, and some more in Victoria. Furthermore, they bags. The wonderful condition of the coffee trees every* have informed coffee growers throughout the State- in an where was admitted, but it was thought that the trees, official note published on July llth, that railroads have in view of their heavy bearing this year would develop leaves been instrúcted to accept for shipment ali coffee presented rather than flowers, and that their present aspect is no cri- at their stations, as far as the available material pèrrhíts— terioii of what might happen later in the season. Naturally that they are reacly to receive this coffee in their warehou-- we do not know what other measures the Government here ses and that they are also ready to finance ali th_ coffee may have in min d to meet the present criticai outlook of coming forth. At present tiiey are advaricihg 603000 on things, but we finei it difficult to depict the impression each bag of-coffee. There were rumors that they had con- made on those who approach the men now in charge of this templated reducing this advance to 5O-S0O0, however, nothing' gigantic operation, by their firrnness of conviction and pur- seems to have been done so far in this regard. There is a pose. Whatewer may happen in the end, it is a wonderful general feéling that tlie readiness of the Government to spectacle of courage, in the face of a rather unsatisfactory finance the crop must to a great extent alleviate the severe outlook. tension existing of late, owing to financial conditions here The tales we hcard from coffee growing interests,. and that it will help to reassure coffee planters so that they the trade, and the Banks here were of a rather different may hesitate to sell their coffee too cheap. In the balance nature. We would like to say. at this time, that foreigners shéèt of the Banco do Estado de S. Paulo published today,. here are averse to expressing an opinion on existing condi- the 14th of July, their ready cash is indicated as tions, which they consider as internai affairs and we have 197.000.000$000 corresponding to an advance on about 31. received our impressions mostly from Brazilian quarters. million bags of coffee. There are also stored in the various Nobody can help being struck by the growing wave of pes- Government warehouses, about 8% million bags of coffee simism which is now pervading almost everything and evey- of crops, ali tied up with some finan- preceding practically body here. Money is scarcer than ever because practically ciai operation. The same statement says that this money is ali the "disponível ready cash is going into the financing of coffee. nos Bancos",, which means probably that it is Rctail trade is stagnant—payments do not come in and the lent out to the different banks in the form of call money, cost of living is increasing. The general hope is that by who are probably employing it, in their turn, for their patiently making the best of a very trying situation, they banking operatipns in connection with stocks of coffee. may permit those in to find; a way o,ut of the power 'time present While, by these few figures, it will be easy to measure* the labyrinth. Everybody feels that it is no for rocking the scope of the financial involved by the heavy problem present the boat. At the same time there is a growing and very coffee crop, it also becomes evident by the attitude of the outspoken feeling that Brazil made a big mistake the day Institute that they must have sueceeded in creating other that she decided to let valorization from a means of de- resources in form of cash, perhaps the of further foreign fense, as was intended at the beginning, become instead, an credits. in responsihle We were distinctly told, quarters, that irífctrument of aggression in order to raise coffee and 20,30 40 prices quantities of or even million bags of coffee, ac- maintain them at a high levei. This caused more coffee ta in the interior warehouses of São Paulo, would çumulated be planted throughout the world generally and especially not cause them any worry nor are they afraid of the in* in Brazil, so that now a situation has arisen which not only creasing competition of other coffee producing countries, menaces BraziFs former monopoly of coffee Our timicl objection, that the storing up of so much production, coffee but at the same time offers little choice for its final out- and its financing might be a heavy burden for farmers, come. It is now generally thought that, instead of basing was countered by the answer that the present prices paid the whole financial strueture of Brazil and its international for coffee would have to compensate the risk and that, trade balance solely on the maintenance of present in any case, are better off as they are than. if they prices, planters and stimulating to the point of frenzy, the optimism of had to their crops at any Our attention sell price. was cal- everybody here concerned with coffee, with manufacturing September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 995

•UM UlUIBIIIIIHIIIBIIIlBIlIlUlIlinillllBIIIIHIIIIIBiiniHIIIII many new trees have already been planted and probably the other coffee growing States would object to any mea- Next sailings sure aiming at the curtailment of their economic develòp- WÊ Norddeutscher for Bahia, Ma- ment, in favor of São Paulo which, to some extent has Lloyd Bremen deira, Lisbon, become saturated with coffee planting. Even a monopòiy Leixões, Vigo, has become impossible, in view of the progress of coffee La Coruna, Boulogne planting in other parts of the world. Most people express m s/m and BREMEN themselves quite freely—that it would be better to lower NORD coffee prices to a point where coffee growing would be- DEimCHER come un remünerative. While it is true that LLOYD Sierra Morena 10 Sept. perfectly new Werra25 Sept. coffee planting in São Paulo has greatly diminished of late, it is to be feared that the laying out of new estates is for Freight and other particular, apply io the General Agents going on lustily everywhere else, in the conviction that S. HERM. STOLTZ & CO.; Telegrams Paulo will have to see the game through. The increasing "NORD LLOYD'* use of modern implements iri Brazil has entirely changed Av. Rio Branco, 66/74 Caixa 200 the underlying conditions of the economical development of this great country. Nowadays it takes only months to achieve what in former times necessitated so many years. > Distances have been conquered. Roads, easy enough to open and with land values, it would have been safer to preach up here owing to the solid nature of the soil, are making and to practice a policy of economy and of the curtailment rapid progress everywere through new lands and new di- of expenses—but what country is doing this nowadays? stricts, and following in their wake comes the settler and There is evidently an anomaly in the fact, at the very mo- contractor for new estates because, in the coffee growing ment when Brazil, on account of the good prices obtained industry the laying out of new plantations is the part which for her crops, might be supposed to be floating on a sea pays best. of prosperity, practically everybody there is in a tight cor- The comparison with what happened after the bumper ner financially, and that coffee sells in the interior at from crop of 1906-07, that is, the gradual absorbing of the 80.000 to 100$000 a bag, while it is quoted in Santos at then existing world's visible supply of about 17,000,000 205$000 or about 1601000 after the deduction of expenses. bags, does not entirely hold good now in that coffee pri- Nobody here really believes any more in the successful ces then were at their lowest ebb and for many years ham- end of valorization tactics which, so far, have mainly tended pered new planting while the present overproduction is the to assure a means of existence to eVen the highest cost pro- consequence of stimulating prices. ducer and to supersede the law of the survival of the fit- It is difficult to find a solution to the present problem. test. It is realized that, owing to the heavy rains this' year, Responsible quarters here are willing enough to listen to not only has the elimination of old and uriprofitable esta- any reasonable suggestion, in fact, the simplicity and straight tes, consisting of a few hundred million trees, become im- forwardness with which they will talk with everybody, de- possible—which would have been necessary with other hun- serves special mention here—but, as explained above, their dreds of millions of young trees coming- to the front but present viewpoint is not favorable to any suggestion tending that these estates have been gratly improved—partly in toward a .sacrifice or toward a gradual reduction of pri- consequence of good care and partly through fertilizing and ces so as to save their country from the commotion of a favorable weather. sudden collapse of the market, which might inflict untold The thing here are concerned about is the fi- hardship on the whole -nal people commonwealth. outcome. Some people think that this will depend upon Great attention is now being given here to the im- the question of further foreign credits; others that, things portant question of how to increase consumption, but, we will go on for the duration of the present administration— regret to say, there is no concerned action on the part of in power for another year and a half; others hope that so- the Governments of the various coffee growing States as mething may hap/;en to change the present aspect of things. to a definite program. Our personal opinion is that what It is pointed out that should São Paulo really be com-- has been done so far, though well intended, is of little pelled to lay down her cards, that is, give up the game, she avail. We feel that to achieve real results, the task should tvíII find herself saddled with the whole weight of the be taken out of the hands of amateurs, of politics and Of supplies stored up in the interior and with ali the losses social interference and entrusted to professionals such' as we while, so far, ali her competitors both here and abroad have have in the United States, where there are the most won- disposed of their coffee at the end of every season, leav- derful examples of effort and results achieved. Advertising ing it to São Paulo to keep her surplus and to hold the and propaganda has become a science anti a branch in the bag. teaching of political economy. During the war different coun-* In the preceding lines, we have endeavored to set tries appointed a Minister of Ammunitions—the coffee pro- forth' impartially and dispassionately, the different viewpoints blem now stands in need o,f a Ministry of Propaganda, as we have heard them expressed here at practically every under strict control, but with full liberty to exercise its po- corner. They are sufficiently succinct to permit everybody wers and to chose its collaborateurs and also with sufficient to fòrm. his own opinion. ammunition. The best means of propaganda for any article The weak point of coffee defense is that while the is evidently the profits made by the middle man in itsi di- policies now' being followed tend to prolonga the struggle, stribufion. There is also no greater stimulus for the di- they offer no solution for the problem. The only solution stribution of any commodity than free markets and the con- seemis to be a reduction of production and the cessation of fidence of the trade. Brazilian control of prices and quanti- new planting to a point where the average output will again ties of coffee has deliberately aimed, so far, at the suppres- balance consumption and permit the gradual absorbing of sion in this, beyond ali expectations. In carrying out the course accumulated supplies, thus eliminating their increasing pres- that she has decided upon, Brazil could not do otherwise. sure upon the whole situation. It is recognized by everybody However, the effects persist and are reflected by the insuf- that even the forbidding of new planting, at this juncture, ficient deliveries of the last two years. Tvould* not have theMesired effect in that already far too The strong point of the position taken at present by 996 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW September. 5, 1929 the Institute is that they are still in possession of thej keys Our market has been a listless affáir with a tendeu-2 ot" the fortress-that is, they continue to retain control of cy to seek lower leveis. Recognizable support from Bra- the available supply of coffee in Brazil and they are, so to zil was in evidence at times and the easier tone of C. & F. speak, the only bulls at a tim'e when the rest of1 the world, offers from Brazil was to a large extent responsible for including Brazil, has turned bear and consuming countries the depression. A well known shipper offered 3/5 at 19.6-» are more or less short of coffee. It is the same' game that with a good description, equal to about 20.25c for Ex- has been góing on for three years with, perhaps the odds change delivery with September selling at 20.50c to 20.40c. a little more against the Institute at present. The weak points, Victoria coffee was offered at 13.50 for prompt shipment consisting mainly in the present crop outlook and in supplies, and at 13.65 for immediate shipment. These prices, while we have explained above. The whole situation now resolves very close to the parity of September Contract A, were itself into an enonnous poker game in which the potentiali- not sufficiently attractive to promote business, on account of ties for next year's yield are the joker, where the Insti- the very dull demand from the consuming trade. tute knows the cards held by the others but the others do Rain was reported in ali districts on one day and at not know the cards held by the Institute nor the amount the same time the temperatures were generally low. A num- of money which they are in a position to throw into the ber of buying orders were received here from Brazil, which The following game. * had the effect of steadying" prices for a day. This is ali we wish to say for the present. We shall day fine weafher was reported once more and prices re- rièifher imitatè Mark Anthony who praised in order to con- ceded. demn nor shall we venture an)r predictions in regard to the The workTs deliveries for the first month of the further trend of coffee prices in a situation where we feel crop year show up quite well, amounting to 1,740,000 bags that unlimited possibilities exist; where, as far as the In- compared with 1,718,000 bags last year and 1,693,000 bags stifute is concerned, temporary effects only, seem to be con- two years ago. Arrivals of milds in the U. S. were slightly tcmplated and where crop accidents are by no means preclu- ahead of former years but arrivals in Europe decreased 200,000 ded. It seems to us that thí. facts speak for themselves, bags compared with last year and the total arrivals of sufficiently—the rest belongs to Providence. milds in the U.S. and Europe show a decrease of 145,000 At this moment we have been made acquainted with bags. the annual message which the President of São Paulo has just published. We may have to revert to this elaborate BRAZIL LAND, CATTLE AND PACKING CO. document some other time today, let us simply say that Report for year ended Dec. 31, 1928, states pro- it states there are now 1,150,000,000 coffee trees in the ceeds of cattle sales amounted to $ 154,948, increase of State of São Paulo which probably means trees forma- $¦25,392. Several small sales of land were efíected and das, that is, trees in bearing as demonstrated by the yearly receipts therefrom amounted to $8,963.52. Management is communal tax of 2\/__ milreis payable for each thóusand hopeful of more activity in this direction within reasonable trees. In addition there must be at least 250 million new period. Miscellaneous revenue, including interest and divi-* trees, up to five years, to come into bearing during the next dend on 7 per Cent. Preferred shares of Continental Products year. The message is silent in regard to this year's crop Co., amounted to $79,544 ($S6,689). Gompany's holding the condition of the trees and the outlook for next year. at Dec. 31, 1927, of $420,000 par value 7 per Cent. To show what extraordinarily complicated problems the Preferred shares of Continental Products Co: was repaid present financial system entails, we shall quote as an exam- in August, 1926, and consequently dividend from this source pie that, as stated above, the Banco do Estado gives the in 1928 showed substantial reduetion compared with 1927, figure of its available cash, lent out to different banks, as which was largely offset by increase in miscellaneous re- 197,000 Contos in round figures (Conto de Reis is about venue. Total expenses in Brazil at $143,923 were higher 120 dollars). There is a possibility, if not a probability, the- by^ $11,075, due mainly to larger turnover. General admi- refore, that the same money figures again in the Balance nistration expenses show increase of $4,085, representing -tlius shects of the different Banks as a Cash Balance- ap- cost of directors visit to Brazil and additional work entailed péaring twice. in connection with capital distributions to Debenture holders. The President states that the Banco do Estado fi- Average value of Brazilian currency during year remained nanceci last year 4,780,000 bags of coffee. We surmise that practically constant round about 5/8d. After providing for in view of the fact that the interior stock of São Paulo administration and general expenses there is profit for year, has only decreased by about 25%, the amount of the old including miscellaneous revenue, of $59,258, increase of advances has remained more or less the same. The Banks' $1,051. To this is added balance of $32 already standing cash figure corresponds ío about 5V_ million bags, mort- to credit of Debenture holders, making $59,291, which gaged at the rate of about 60 milreis per bag" while, unless will allow of distribution on account of arrears of interest j we are mistaken, the cash balance of the Bank has remained equivalent to 4 per cent. on original amount of Debentures, about the same. The financing of the new crop, which the outstanding, leaving $5,847 carried forward to credit of Government is ready to do, will in volve further heavy mo- Debenture holders. Warrants for Debenture interest payable vements of cash. The 197,000» Contos, now owned by the were posted by London registrars yesterday. After this bank would permit the financing of 3'.V_ million bags of payment arrears of Debenture interest acerued to Dec. 31, coffee in a crop likely to yield an extremely heavy sur- 1928, amount to $154,321. Capital expenditure amounted this at a time when private banks and Commissarios to $9,950.26, and represented mainly cost plus "Various of additional are most unwilling lenders — probably because their funds fencing at ranches. Sum of $420,000 realised from are tied up and they are afraid of what may come after- redemption of 7 per Cent. Preference shares of Continental ward. Products Co., together with two-thirds (or $5,975) of pro- Perhaps our good friend Mr. Medeiros, always so ceeds of land sales during 1928, added to $13,570, repre- willing to oblige, can satisfactorily explain this financial senting balance of capital receipts brought forward, made riddle. We are unable to do so and neither were some ban- total of $439,546 available towards repayment pro rata of kers with whom we consulted in a last minute interview. . Income Debentures at par. Out of this amount capital distribution of 30 per cent., absorbing $400,836, was made * * * to Debenture holders on Jan. 1, 1929, thus reducing De- September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 997

to congratulate ourselves upon the composition of these Boards. I should like to express on behalf of our share-, holders and directors our high appreciation of the colla- Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Co., Ltd. boration of these gentlemen in our endeavour to open up | the serources of North Paraná. 8 The directors' report gives you fairly full information 8 Lighterage Contractors, Stevedores, Tug and X about the operations of the Land Company during the year RLatihch Owners, Salvage Operators.S 1928. The increase of our shares in and loans to the Land ‡\ Company is due to conversion of old loans into shares and '.— to our having advancéd further money to that company \ Fleet—Over 165 Lighters: 20,000 tons total b during the year. In the main the money so advancéd has capacity. been required by the Land Company to pay for land acquired east of the original and antici- RAPID HANDLINO OF CARGO GUARAN- SI property on the pated line of approach of the railway when extended west TEED. of the Tibagy river. "Emily" s Salvage Tug equipped with Modern o The additional lands purchased during the year 1928 Salvage Appliances. ÄK amounted in ali to approximately 230,000 acres. Now regarding the Railway Company. You will see that we hold about 98 per cent. of the. issued shares of this RIO DE JANEIRO com>pany and that our advances to it as at 31st December, 75, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 75 1928, amounted to approximately 1,213 contos, or, say, lj some £ 30,000. The railway-s revenue account for the year P. O. BOX 1164.h 1928 shows a loss on operation of about £ 7,975. As TELEQRAMS — "LIGHTERAGE RIO- 8 stated in the report, the railway had only 29 kilometres in traffic, and until an economic length of line is in traffic JANEIRO' some loss on operation is inevitable. In the circumstances Codes—BENTLEVS, A. B. C. 4th Ed, LIE- Ifi the present loss is not discouraging. A loss of the same BER'S, A . nature is to be anticipated during the current year. LONDON — Dashwood House, Old Broad 8 There is already a through eonnection via the Soro- Street, E. C. 2 cabana and São Paulo railways to Santos, the port of the State of São Paulo. The gap between the railhead of the São Paulo Rio Grande Railway and our railway is only ENQUIRIES INVITED. about twenty kilometres as the crow flies. The extension of that railway has been proceeding slowly, and it seems reasonable to anticipate that a junetion with our line will be effected within the next two or three years. This will .$801,672. reali- bentures outstanding to Balance of capital be advantageous as giving us a through eonnection to Para- sations, amounting to $38,710, will be carried forward to naguá, the port of the State of Paraná. credit of Debenture holders, to be added io subsequent ca- It is encouraging to see that the goods traffics of our pitai receipts available towards repayment of Debentures. railway have been showing a steady tendency to increase. Now regarding the organisation of the Railway Com- PARANÁ' PLANTATIONS. pany's present headquarters. Captain Hamilton had difficulty The third ordinary general meeting of the members of in obtaining the land required at Ourinhos, but eventually Paraná Plantations, Ltd., was held on 7th August, 1929 at by the exercise of patience he acquired suitable land a't a Winchester House, Old Broad-street, E. C, the Mon. A. reasonable price, and he is at present actively engaged M. Ásqiiith, D. S. O. (the chairman), presiding. upon the erection of offices, staff quarters and workshops, The Secretary (Mr. W. O. Simms) having read the upon reconditioning the existing track with heavier rails, notice convening the meeting and the report of the auditors, and upon the assembly and erection of new locomotives and The Chairman said: Gentlemen, — The accounts are rolling-stock. From the time when we acquired our interest simple and call for little comment. They show that our in the Railway Company to date, three locomotives and authorised capital was increased during the year from fortythree carriages and wagons have been purchased by £ 750,000 to £ 1,500,000, and that of the new shares it, and you will be glad to hear that ali these have been 560,000 were issued at par, and have since been fully paid. bought in this country. They also show an increase in our shareholding in and in Now to turn to the survey and cost of construetion our loans to the Land Company from about £495,219 to of the line. In a circular last year you were- given a forecast about £ 528.325. You will observe that at the end of pf the length and cost of the proposed line. This forecast 1928 our shareholding in and loans to the railway com- was based on such reconnaissance surveys as were then pany amounted to £ 209,477 8s 2d. available, and Sir Frederick Eckstein warned you in his After writing off the balance of the company's preli- speech that «in his experience engineers' estimates havé minary expenses and the whole of the expenses of the an unfortunate habit of being exceeded more often than not». increase of capital, amounting together to some £11,888, I find that upon my return from Brazil I told vou that and after making a reserve against taxation, we emerged at that stage such forecasts must «to some extent be from the year 1928 with a balance of sundry receipts over guesswork». For the greater part of the route the country sundry expenses reduced from £ 2,445 as at the end of is densely covered with virgin forest, through which in order 1927 to about £ 1,424. to move ten yards in any direction off the roads you havé In our report we have set out the personnel of the to cut your way, and I should like you to appreciate that Boards of the Land Company and of the Railway Company Macdonald Gibbs and Co.'s surveyors have had to undergo in which our main investments lie. The directors are ali considerable hardships in making their surveys and that, men of recognised standing and experience in the businêss from ali accounts, they have been carrying out their task community of São Paulo, and. I think we have good cause conscientiously and well. The contours of such a country 998 WiLEMAN-S BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

can only be revealed by detailed survey, and in this case the land has been opened up and planted. And further detailed survey of alternative routes seems to show that ahead again, áreas of virgin forest have been cut down the best route will entail something like 153 kilometres and plantations have been started. of new construction, or, say, something like 30 kilometres I made a study of the prices at which land has beea more than we had hoped. The cost of construction per changing hands in this district, and in my opinion it would kilometre looks like being higher than was anticipated in be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to-day to buy a the circular, the extra cost being due in part to the lighter block of any size on the eastern boundary of our land. gradients and the heavier rails, which, with the promise for under £ 1 an acre, which compares very favourably of fairly heavy traffie from an early date, it has been with the 4s 2d all-in cost at which the land stands in decided to adopt. You will appreciate that such lighter the Land Company's books to-day. Land has changed hands gradients and heavier rails, though adding to the initial both to the north and to the west of our land at prices cost of the line, will enable heavier loads to be pulled and much in excess of the price which we paid. so secure considerable economies in operation. Our cons- The motion was carried unanimously. truetion contracts provide for the first 95 kilometres of The Chairman: We now have before us the resolutions new construction to be opened for goods traffie by the to increase the authorised capital of this company by 200,000 end of December next year, and are so framed as to Ordinary shares of £ 1 each, so that we may offer our give the contractors strong incentives to economy. With the new shares so. created in a share-for-share exchange

IIHIIIHII The manager of Brazil Plantations in Brazil is Mr. A. H. M. Thomas, who is also managing director of the Cia. de Terras Norte do Paraná, and both companies are housed THE TEA in São Paulo in the same offices. The proposed offer of an exchange of shares is to be & conditional upon acceptance by 90 per cent. of the Brazil Plantations shareholders, this proportion saving us ali stamp COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL duty on increase of capital and upon transfer of shares. We know that the holders of a large proportion of the shares of the Brazil Plantations Syndicate, Ltd., will Publishéd monthlY on the lOth accept our shares in exchange for theirs if the offer is at 79, Wall Street, New York made, and it seems reasonable to assume that Brazil Plan- tations shareholders generally will welcome this opportu- nity of becoming associated with us in what we believe The International Organ of will turn out to be a very profitable undertaking., It is the Tea and Coffee Trade the unanimous opinion of the directors of both companies that the proposed transaction is in the interests of the shareholders of both companies. By Subseription I now formally move the resolutions. annum. Mr. A. Maclntyre, who seconded the resolutions, said _$3.00 per that it might help on Application shareholders to realise the extent of †Advertising Rates the land in which they were interested if he stated that it approximated to the total área of the counties of Kent, Sussex and Subscripiions and Adveriising received by: Hampshire. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The retiring directors (the Hon. A. M. Asquith and Wileman's Brazilián Review Mr. - Edward Greene) were reelected, and the auditors | McAuliffe Davis (Agents for Brazil) (Messrs. and Hope) were reappointed. The proceedings then terminated. 1 RUA S. PEDRO, 61-lo., CAIXA POSTAL (P.O.B.) 809. Rio de Janeiro .¦ ftlll MONEY Official Exchange Câmara Syndical andVales. does largely on possible prospective values of land and upon Quotations, the period over which the realisation of the land may 90 daysSight Sovereigns DollarsVales be spread. Aug. 28 . 5.15/165.7/843§000 8$4454$567 On the London Stock Exchange Brazil Plantations Aug. 29 . 5.15/165.7/841$850 S§4484$567 shares have been up to about 65s and down to about 12s; Aug. 30 . 5.15/165.7/841$850 S$4494$567 Paraná Plantations shares have been up to about 35s and Aug. 31 . 5.15/165.7/841$800 8§4484$567 down to about 14s. More recently the shares of the two Sept. 2 . 5.15/165.7/842$000 8$4484$567 companies have been quoted within a shilling or so of Sept. 5 15/165.7/8428000 8S4474S567 parity with one another. The fact is that of Brazil Plan- Average5.15/165.7/841$917 8$4484$567 tations assets a greater proportion is in the form of cash Equivalent 5.937.500 5.875.000²²— or of land already enjoying communication, and so pro- bably convertible into cash at a comparatively early date. The Paraná properties in which, through its share- holding in the Cia. de Terras Norte do Paraná and its THE DAILY MOVEMENT OF EXCHANGE right to select 60,000 acres, the Brazil Plantations Syndicate Thursday, Aug. 29th, 1929.The Bank of Brazil already has a substantial interest, have, we believe, a very posted 5 61/64d, with money at 5 3l/32d, and foreign banks great eventual value. But they do not yet enjoy railwav quoted same rates, the market ruling quiet. communication, and therefore cannot be realised as cash The New York-London rate came at $4,8.43/4 and Pa- so soon. Thus, the Brazil Plantations Syndicate has among ris—London fes. 123.83 to the £. its assets a higher proportion of cash, or of land readily Friday, Aug. 30th, 1929.Local rates unchanged. convertible into cash, and Paraná Plantations has a lower The New York-London rate came at $4.84 23/32 and Pa- proportion of cash and readily realisable land ano> a higher ris—London at fes. 123.85 to thè £. proportion of land of great eventual value. Saturday, Aug. 31st, 1929.The Bank of Brazil To sum up, the arguments in favour of amalgamation posted 5 6l/64d, with' money at 5 31/32d, and foreign banks are as follows: — First, that since its abandonment of cotton quoted 5 121/128d, with money at 5 31/32d, the market growing there remains nothing to differentiate the activities being easier. of Brazil Plantations from those of Paraná Plantations. The New York-London rate came at $4.843/* and Both these companies are vitally interested in the extension Paris-London at fes. 123.88 to the £. of the railway, and it suits both companies that Brazil Monday to Wednesday, Sept. 2nd to 4th, respectively: Plantations funds should be made available for this pur- Local rates unchanged. pose. Secondly, that it will be to the advantage of both com- The New York London rate came as follows:—. panies that there should be no possibility of conflict of 2nd, $4.84 25/32; 3rd, $4.843/4, and 4th', $4.84 25/32. interests between them in the cómpetitive ..selling of land Paris-London: 2nd, fes. 123.91; 3rd, fes. 123.88 and or otherwise. Thirdly, that such an amalgamation will make 4th, fes. 123,85 to the £. for greater simplicity and economy òf internai administration. 000 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

THE EXCHANGE MARKET THE RIO MONEY MARKET atA A . Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 4th, 1929 Exchange rates 31 Aug.*28 sight, Rio on: ²V& Qü days closing dravving rates: - London . . 5r,5/C4--57/8d.55n, d 5*7 -S57/ d Bk Brzil Other Bks Rio-N.V N.Y.-Lond pence (U-557/G4 ParisS3301 $333 PencePence Dol. Doi. to _£. /2- $338$329- $334 $329 Italy$442 - $445$440 - $444 $440 $445 Sept. 4, 1929 5 61/64 5 121/128 8.1.350 4.84 25/32 Belgium (gold) . 1$175-1$1791$175-1$178 1$170 -1$175 Aug. 28, 1929 5 61/64 5 15/16 88330 4.84 13/10 Portugal$379 - $390$380 - $390 $384 $390 The exchanged market continues lifeless, both take rs New YorkS$430 -8$4608$410 -8$470 8$360 -8$400 and sellers contiriüiríg to be conspicuous by their absenee, Canadá8$440-8$4508$440-8$450 8$395 -8$400 the market closing this afternoon steady, with no rnarked B. Aires gold . . 8$338 -8$3478$398 -8$407 8$150 -8$220 tendencies. B. Aires (paper). 3$558-3$5633$555-3$567 3$520 -3$600 There is little to add to our recent remarks with re- Sweden2$270-2$7792$268-2$274 2$752 -2$260 gard to conditiòns and prospects beyond repeating that no Norway2$258-2$2632$258 -2$268 2$247 -2$250 rnarked ehangcd can be expected so long as the market Japan3$980 -3$9953$980-3$995 3$840 -3$890 is not disturbecl by polities, which continue seathing and Spain1$246-1$2581$425 -1$433 1$399 -1$405 threaten to culminate in art embroilment, which should b. Roumania- $059- $059 $055 $057 avoided at ali costs, whatever the sacrifice may be. lt is Hamburg (Reich- regrettable that unpatriotic elem.nts should shut their eyès mark)2$012 -2$0202$010 -2$020 2$002 -2$010 to the real interests of the country, thr_.at.ning' its credit Montevidéo ....3$387-3$3938$350 -8$380 3$372 -3$385 abroad with internai political strife.. The situation here is Holland²3$385 -3$398 àlready reflecting on opinion abroad, evinced by a cable Value of £ sterling "leader" from London of to-day's date which quotes a pub- at sight rate. . 40.209-40$21440-.209-40$214 "Financial lished by the London Times", which staícs that Value of 1 sove- an opposition to the candidate for future Presidency of the reign, buyers . — Republic favoured by Dr. Washington Luiz may ernban-ass Discount London.5.15/32%5.15/32% 4 l/2°/0 the credit of Brazil. The people of this country are alien Do New York ...5.1/8%5. l/4°;0 4 3/4°/0 to polities, in view of the control exercised by political Do Bank of Eng- wire pulleis, and, consequently. having little to say in the land5 1/2%5. l/2°/ò 41/2-/° matter of candidates, desire oni)-- peace and a man who can Do Bk. Germany control the countrv's destinies and soundly. patriotically (gold)71/2%7 l/2°/0 7 % Do Bk. France . 3 l/20/°3 1. 2°/0 31/2°/0


Biircau) ¦ (Stabilisation i Deposits on Saturday, 3lst August, 1929 THE STOCK MARKET 31 Aug-'29 24Aug.'29 3l Aug/28 _, Discrimination of gold: Value of gold in res- Equivalent in •- Rio Oii Specie: pective correncies milreis paper Li i £ Sterling £7,748,618 3I5.214*87.'$120 Uniformisadas (5°/0) . . , 759$000 755$000 755$000 Dollars, U. S. $48,872,165 408.522:427$270 Railway Bonds 991 $000 990$000 990$000 Franc, French Fcs.9,027,260 14.560:068$080 «Municipal 1906, buyers 164$000 Mares, German Rm. 2,050,110 4.082:261$070 Ditto, 1920, buyers. . . . 155$000 155$000 Pesetas Pts. 726,035 * 1.171:02í$830 «Bank of Brazil 448$500 450$000 445$O0O Brazilian Milreis Rs. 13:720$ 62:600$ 170 London Other specie 327:351$370 Brazil Funding, 1898, 5 per cent. 921/4 92 94 Total 743.94U:6ò6$910 '5/8 Ditto, 1914 new 84 1/4 84 86 Bullion (Bars) Conversipn, 1910, 4 per cent. 55 3/4 55 1/2 50 3/4 Fine 20.101,2S5grs.304 111.673:806$880 gold Ditto, 1908,5 per cent 96 96 95 Total deposits 855.614:473$790 Federal District, 5 per cent. 801/2 801/2 82 Note circulation:- Brazil Railway 271/4 271/4 27 Caixa notes 855.608:550$000 Brazil Traction 73 72 3/4 59 Diyisional coin 5:923$790 S. Paulo Railway 2021/2 2021/2 205' Total circulation S55.614:473$790 Leopoldina Railway 65 641/2 62 Dumont Cofee, 6 per cent. pref. 5 4 3/4 61/2 St. John dei Rey Mining Ord. 15.6 15.7 1/2 11-9 IMPORTANT NOTICE. Rio Flour Mills 61.3 61-3 85-3 "Wilemans Brazilian Review" circulates in 31 coun- Bank of London and South. America 9 3/4 tries, in the two hemisphere and in 123 different cities, 93/4 10 7/8 Royal Mail 57 54 73 and towns, of which 31 in Brazil, 17 in the United Sta- British War, Loan, 5 per cent. tes, 14 in the United Kingdom, 7 in Sweden, 6 in Fin- 1929/47 101 1011/4 1021/2 l/2 land, 4 in Germany, 4 in Italy, 4 in Norway, 4 in Ja- Consols, 2 per cent 54 54 56 pàn, 3 in France, 3 in Holland, 3 in Switzerland, 3 in Paris South África, 2 in Argentina, 2 in Belgium, 2 in Egypt, French rent, 3 per cent 75.15 74. 70 68.05 2 in Denmark and Venezuela and 1 each in Uruguay, Ditto, 5 per cent 103. 60 103. 25 94.10 Chile, Peru, Salvador, Áustria, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Rou- Ditto, 4 per cent. 1917 94.80 94.10 81.10 mania. Austrália, índia and Dutch East Indies. Java, Note. — Rio quotations .- buyers. September 5, 1929 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1001

AS. PAULO STOCK EXCHANGE. São Paulo, 2nd September, 1929 SellersBuyers The Hungarian Colony in Brazil State of São Paulo Treasury Bonds²8658000 is composed of 100,000 souls Ditto, 1921²9108000 S. Paulo Municipal Bonds 6 p/o²— braziliai Magyar Ujság Ditto, 1909 ²82$000 (The Hungarian-Brazilian Journal) "." ²808000 Ditto, 1910 . Ditto, 1913 ²828000 is the most widely read paper by the Colony Ditto, 1918²91$000 throught Brasil Ditto, 1925 ._ ; ²91$000 Ditto, 1926 ²938000 The Braziliai Magyar Ujsag, is conseguently Banco Commercio e Industria -—6008000 an excellent advertising médium. Banco Commercial do E. S. Paulo ²3418000 ²2108000 Banco de S. Paulo OFFICES: North-Western Bank of S. Paulo ²SÓèoÓÔ Cia. Armazéns Qeraes de S. Paulo £-— 301, Avenida Mem de Sá, 301 Caixa de Liquidação ²— Telephone N. 4573-Caixa Postal 1263 Mogyana Co. ²1938000 Railway RIO DE Paulista Railway Co. ²2528000 JANEIRO


Gashj Desconts _ LoansSíéht DepositsFixedDeposits "/.> of cash to Síéht Depôs i June JulyI June JulyJune JulyJune ij July JuneJuly ²L - — ¦¦' ~ Bk of Brazil ...... 805.752 817.0291.210.074 1.223.072 1.130.818 !l. 152.774435.742424.85170.970.8 Italo-Belge 13 852 12.34553 523 59 81219.097 | 18.50321.82124.50172.500.5 Hollandische V.Z.A .... 3.058 I 4.573. 30.950 30.9040.081 I 0.2045.8585.07954.773.7 Brasileiro-Allemão .... 13.701 | 19.87009.030 04.93421.291 | 21.92938.1723(5.73581.590.0 D. Uberseeische  10 352 19.37092.437 88.54235.095 37.25838.79230.820.45.851.7 Portuguez do Brasil . . . 10.011 17..18(55.235 03.38450.975 50.98(57.4120.87331.435.1 Française et Italienne . . (51.021 59.892275.707 273.884141.249 134.9439(5 02190.78443.(584.3 Commercial e Ind. S. Paulo 81.594 82.1.04340.089 330.540242.887 j 243.11359.93458 27133.033.8 Commercial E. S. Paulo 05.414 | 03.739309.240 318.240187.431 | 190.80758.S3452.28434.933 4 Hyp. e Agricola de Minas 25.506 I 109.54774.1.92 i . 76.08749.31549.33234.432.7 Bk do E. de S. Paulo . . 190.708 165.262537.934 j 514.257 L187 583 I 198.340482.948452.96910.283 3 Noroeste do E. de S. Paulo 10.185 10.31267.874; 73.656!53.642 | 53.16311.(52518.88919.019.3 31.5 Bk of S. Paulo ...... 23.250 22.502127.934 124.295 _73.116 j 71.39518.38717.24531.8 j Com. e Ind. Minas Geraes 19.522 19.909118 069 j 121.27748.385 j 49.43228.350_ 27^41740.340^ Total1.347.180 1.340.028Sil8.769i3.402.950¦ 2.279.042 2/304.99.31.353.2111.302.71059.158 2 ! æI I

BALANCE SHEETS FOR RIO CITY ONLY. DepositsM*7<< Cashto Sigh Depts CashDesconts BLoans SíéhtDeposits j Fixed June""July~~June MT"Julyíune~~| July j June j July,June~r| July 7Z~. London & South America 15.57321.83080.90577.33043.59252.34030.70332.43135.741.7 British of Sonth America 14.2841S.08143.99442.35539.74240.80439.17230.590j 35.939.9 Royal of Canadá 11.12512.01552.22352.84434.01141.22425.40323.84732.130.0 National City of N. York 15.11115.52708.09270.30977.77770.08711.48510.634| 19.420.2 Dd. Sudamerikanische . . 8.10113.25709.58870.93426.79731.11234.12737.24030.442.6 Mercantil Rio de Janeiro 29.10633.59592.08895.72085.87494.4777*1567.18733.935.6 Boavista 11.39711.43061.13460.06937.19939.99714.27113.62430.628.6 Canadian of Commerce . . 1.8763.64710.14710.7827.0927.7453.4573.22126.447.1 Bk do Commercio .... 2.3962.1727.7096.8893.3373.38434852.55171.8.. 64.1 Com. do Rio de Janeiro . 4.4985.29524.19322.70818.29418.8125.2454 26824.628.1 Pelotense 2.4783.88332.91129.4036.620% 8.1845.8685.23537.447.4 Total, .ik . . ... 116.005 141.932 543.644539.343 380.93.5420.772186.372176.84330.433.7 1002 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW Septembèr 5, 1929


BANCO COMMERCIAL DO ESTADO DE SAO . PAULO Founded 1912 BANK OF LONDON * SOUTH Subscribed capital Rs. 100.000:0005000 Capital paid up Rs. 79.799:3608000 Reserve fundRs. 54.000:0008000 AMERICA LIMITED Balance Sheet of month Aug., 1929 Assets Authorised Capital....£.4,000,000 Capital uncalled20.200:6408000 Subscribed Capital....£.3,540,000 Bills Discounted220.302:6978650 Paid-up Capital£.3,540,000 Bills Receivable : Reserve Fund£.3,000,000 Foreign3.804:10S$550 Domestic 277.643:3768480281.447:4858030 HEAD OFFICE-6, 7 & ô Tokenhouse Yard-London, E.C.2. Loans in current Account88.298;643$48Ó MANCHESTER PARIS| Segurities pledged 143.260:4068310 36. Charlotfe Street. 9,Rue du Helder.i Securities deposited .... 185.672:3008500 ¦ Directors Guarantee .... 150:0008000329.082:8278110 BRADFORD ANTWERP| Agencias and Branches. . 114.510:2218690 33, Hustlergate 10,Rue Nationale.1 Correspondents Abroad2.969:1588610 Correspondents in Brasil2.033:8418500 NEW YORK LISBON1 Securities owned by Bank2.447:1268500 67, Wall Street. 44, Rua ÁureaI Bank Building19.715:3518480 Cash in band. deposited in the Banco do OPORTO-9-Rua Infante Henrique. Brasil and other Banks63.980:2608950 Sundry accounts4.939:9448730 BRAZIL Rs. 1.149.928:1988730 Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santos, Curityba, Liabilities Porto Alegre; Pelotas, Rio Grande, Victoria, Capital 100.000:0008000 Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Ceará, Maranhão, Reserve Fund 54.009:0008000 Manáos, Pará, Ditto, to be realised with new issue 118:8478540 Juiz de Fora, Bello Horizonte. Deposits in current account ARGENTINA with interest 173-144:1938180 Buenos Aires, Rosário, Deposits in currant account Bahia Blanca, Tucu- Without interest 15.923:7278870 man, Mendoza, Paraná, Concórdia, Cordoba, Fixed Deposits 48.421:9418290 237.489:8678340 Azul, Santa Fé, Posadas, Tres Arroyos. Securities in Guarantee and deposit 328.932.8278110 URUGUAY Directors Gurantee150-0008000 329.082:8278110 Montevidéo, Paysandú, Salto e Rivera. Bills for collection 281.447:4858030 Agencias and Branches . 133.612:9398410 CHILE ^-Correspondents Brasil and abroad 2.151:7818260 Santiago, Valparaiso, Antofogasta. Bills payable 6712:4258780 Profit and loss account 1.083:7728620 PARAGUAY Sundry accounts 10.228:2528640 Asuncion. Rs. 1.149.928^988730 COLÔMBIA S. Paulo, 3rd Septembèr, 1929. J. M. Whitaker, Su- perintenden-Director; L. de Assumpção, Manager; Cassio S. Barranquilila, Bogotá, Medellin, Manizales. Werneck, Accountant. Cali, Buenaventura. Agents and correspondenls STOCK EXCHANGE YEAR BOOK. in ali the principal ¦ For sale, several volumes of old editions of the «Stock CITIES OF THE WORLD. Exchange Year Book», London, which contains a careful The Bank is affiliated to digest of information relating to the origin, history and present position of eachc of the Public Securities and Joint LLOYDS BANK LIMITED Stock Companies known to the markets of the United King- Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund £25,010,252 dom. Likewise a few volumes of «Who's Who» (back edi- tions). To which Bank is also affiliated. Offers to «Year Book», c/o of this «Review», Caixa do Correio, 809, or Rua São Pedro 61, l.oandar, sala 3. THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LTD. Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund £2,550,000 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The three I have appointed Mr. Mario Silva Costa, who has Banks provide over 1,950 for many years been in my service, the Business Ma- Branches in ali the principal Trade Centres "Wileman's nager of Brazilian Review", with power to sign in Great Britain, South America, Europe, receipts. índia, Burmah. 1 Proprietor and Editor. ¦ H. F. Wileman, Jll«lilW»«ll!!HiHI!MUK!l!H!i uiuiiniiiHiiiiniiiui September 5, 1929 WILEMÂN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1003 SAO PAULO RAILWAY COMPANY Time-table, until turther notice Trains leaving SANTOS for SÃO PAULOTrains leaving SÃO PAULO for ~~~SANTOS Santos Panlo PanloSantos______„__-_ ' ¦:— -epnrt |S. arrive RKemarits A Nlsjj^ a_ri?eRemarks ~ _ B. 6.24 8.49 Daily, Buffet Car.6.018.26Daily, Buffet Car. Excursion tickets not available, 8.19 10.20 Working days only. Pullman7.569.47Working days only, lst. class only Buffet car Numbered se its. Car and numbered seats. 8.0610.25Daily. Restau,ant Car- 10.05 12.30 Daüy, Restaurant Car.l°°71233Daily' Car' PuUnUI1 Cat OIÜy en Workiné Days 12.46 15 02 Daüy, with Pullman Car on week days only:144°Daíly' W# 14.03 16.28 Daily, Buffet Car. 16.33 18.24 Working days only Pullman Car «fe numberedseats. 14.3116.56Daily. Pullman Car on Sun 'ays and Holidays. 16.48 19.02 Daily, Buffet Car «fc numbered seats._,a. 1151718.09Working days only. Pullman Car «fc lst class coaches V;; 17.18 19,42 Daily.only. With numbered seats. 18.52 21.17 Daily, Restaurant Car. 2nd claas Excursiontickets 17-04,9-29Daily, Buffet Car. not availableI ^.5221.09Daily, Restaurant Car. Excursion tickets not available. Sundays and Holidays only.Sundays antl Holidays only 8.19 10.27 Pullman Car «fc numbered seats.5.467.592nd. Class coaches only. 16.15 18.23 Pullman Car «fe numbered seats,7 119.24Numbered seats. 18.20 20.317.569 57lst. Class coaches only. Buffet Car numbered seats. 20.02 22.13 Pullman Car «fe numbered seats.20.0522.17PULLMAN Car.

TrailSlt PRSSeilgerS calling at Santos usually have ample time to Sâo Panlo sometimes called the «Chicago of South America» and whose ~————————————_—— ¦—-———————- ascen_ the slopes of the forest-clad mountain prosperity bids fair at no distant date to rival that of its above range known as the «Serra do Mar>; special trains will, at an hour's notice, be named American contemporary — is a bright breezy city, situated on a tablekind placed at their disposal at a cost of 200 milreis for 40 passengers, plus Govern 2,700 feet above sea-level, and distant 79 kilometres, or, lh. 50ms.by São Paulo ment impost pf 1$800 per passenger travelling. Above that number 7$500 Railway from Santos, lt possesses wide streets, important public buildings, thea- each person. tres, excellent shops, etc, and electriç tramway and lighting services, and ls The return trip lasts 3 hours in ali, giving time for lunch at the top of the- notable for the unusual architecture and floral beauty of some of its residential Serra («Alto da Serra»), • , suburbs. The sanitation is perfect and the climate bland. Passengers arriving early at Santos can also usually visit the city of São possesses wharves alongside which ali ocean São Paulo; leaving Santos by the 8.19 train, they reach São Paulo at 10.20. The Port of Santos"" " steamers are berthed. Its and spa- After a motor drive through this large city with over 1000.000 inhabitants, the going quays cious warehouses are equipped for the rapid despatch of ali descriptions 12,15 train will hind them in Santos at 14.40.in good time to catch the steamer perfectly of cargo. sailing at 15.30 or later. The São Paulo Railway, whose first section began in 1860, has been assi- BUSineSS in SâO PanIO State l

RAILWAY NEWS. S.p.R. _ TOTAL TO DATE IN CURRENCY THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY. Year Week Ended Main Line BragantinaJoint Estimated weekly traffic receipts. 1929 August 25th. 69,917:999$900 1,167.416$700 71.085:416$60o 1928 August 26th. 64,811:407$000 1,129:193$000 65,940:60Ò$000 RECEIPTS FOR WEEKTOTAL Increase 5.106:592$900 38:223$700 5,l44:816$600 . Year Week Endedfrom January Decrease Currency | Exchange | Sterlinglst -¦ ' '__ i 1929 3lst Aug. 3 O24:u00$ 5.15/16 74.9121.554.7<»1 COFFEE 1928 lst Sept. l.F54:0QC$ 5 121/128 45.9281.63V.285 Rio de Janeiro, 28th August, 1929 Increase...--1.170:000$28.884 Closing Quotations -Ne w- Yor N - «4.624 SPOT: Decrease.. -.. 1/128 Rio Santos Rio —Santos— 7s 4s 7s 4s7s" Aug. 28,1929. 25$602 33S500 16'/,c. 22l/4C 20.x/4c. SAO PAULO RAILWAY COMPANY. Sept. 4, 1929 24$512 33S500 16.0c. 22V4C. 2OV4C OV4C Estimated weekly traffic receipts. Fali 1$090 Ditto % . . . 4.2 ²1.5 RECEIPTS FORWEEKTOTAL OPTIONS: Rio — Santos — —New-York— Year Week EndedTO CurrencyExchangeSterling DATE Sept. Sept. Oct. Dec. Mar. (*) Aug. 28, 1929 25 875 35$000 35S500 13.95: 13.37c 13.22c 1929 August 25th, 2.160:319

THE SANTOS COFFEE MARKET COFFEE PRICES CURRENT. week ending 29 August 1929. (Week-Ending 29th August, 1929.) During the —1 Locally very firm as regards options, with prices Aug.• Aug.Aug.Aug.Ang.Aug.,.,.,._ rulling well over last week's quotations. Spot, however, COFFEE SERVICE28242027 28 2»AH»H rather dull once more, and the general situation of the coffee market abroad seems to be very undecided owing Rio spot No. 6 .. 26*0781C*07825*94255*94225*94225*80628*964 to the contradictory news from this side. Rio, and espe- » » » 7 .. 25*73825*73828*60226*60225*8022 :*4fl 6125*624 » cially Victoria quotations, shew weakness, and this is very . » 8...25*05725*05724*92124*92124*92124*78624*943 the trade creating, as it does, more futures August.25*80825*90025*650UOQOOtrtVBQIlOted25*783 disconcerting to abroad, September26*20026*20025*92525*80025*87526*00026*000 and more distrust. October. 26*700ití*52526*22526*250J 26*30026*37526*395 However, we still think that, before long, the De- November26*90826*80026*65026*75026*903:26*95026*825 fence will tackle the situation in Rio and Victoria in such December.27*90027*70027*50027*50027*50027*80027*650 Junuary. 26*00026*00025*750UnqUOted25*82525*90025*895 a way that competition from those quarters will lessen, February25*20025*200 and then, as a consequencé, we shall -experience a better Sales2.0:0niinii1.0002,000 nii1.666 trade demand for Santos coffee, and generally higher spot K33*50033*50033*500«3*50033*50033*500 '•-*, .* r\_r^- Good avera .e33*50 prices.v ._ No. 32*50032*59032*500b2*50032*5ü032*50032*500 . 34*485 The market closed with September at 35S050, Octo- Santos futures, Aug.34*22534*3j034*55634*55034*800. September34*55834*55031*70034*87535*00035*05034*787 ber at 35$500, November at 35$900, December at 36$475, Otober..34*55034*55037*70034*87535*0V035*05034*787 January at 34$500 and February at 34$375. November.34$8U034*65035*03035*15035*50035*50035*133 Exchange slightly easier without, however, much change Sales....1,0003,0002,000nii12,0002,0.04.080 in the rates. New York Rio spot No. . 16 1/2Holiday! 16 1/216 3/416 3/416 3/416 3/4 New York Rio spot No.  ‡16do1616 1/416 1/4161,416 1/4 THE SANTOS COFFEE MARKET N. York Santos No. 22do2222 1/422 1/422 1/4221/4 No.720 1/4do20 1/420 1/220 1/220 1/42o 1/4 Week ending 22nd; August, 1929. „ futures Sept.14,23do14,3114.3214.24 14,2314,'<*6 December.13.80do13.9613,9513,95. 13.9513,92 Better markets have characterised the period under reviw March...13,20do13.4013,35ia, 37 13.3213,32 and quotations have advanced steadily ali along the line. May ....12.79do12,9212.Q512.94 12.9312,90 Business in described 4's has been done up to 20.i/2 c, Sales. . . 20,0.0do30.00020.00020,00015,00021.000 against the recent low levei of I9.V2C, and there is generally HAVRE September429430 1/4 434 1/2 438432 1/4432432,66 a healthier tone. An important feature has been the sharp December.428 1/44304344374311/44311/4431,95 advance in Milds, especially Colombian, which had been March...420 1/44213/4425 1/4428 3/44233/4424 1/2424,04 report an advance of May....4151/2416419 ./24221/24171/24191/2418,41 heavily oversold and today's cables Sales. . . õ.OQO5,0004.0UO3.0005,0104,0004.500 2.ct.p.lb over the last 10 days. It looks very much as if would continue, as the Institute HAMBURG Sept66 1/266 1/26« 1/267 1/266 i/2671/267,00 the advance in ali markets December.66 1/266 1/266 3/407 i/267 1/467 3/467,04 and their respective henchmen have the situation well in March...65 1/265 1/466 1/466 1/466 1/466 1/266,00 hand and with the large short interest existing everywriere, May ...64 1/264 1/464 3/4C5 1/465 Í/465 1/264,91 it should prove easy to push values locally and elsewhere. Sales . . 3,0006,0001,000J.CO01,0003.0QD2 0,U0 The market closed witji August at 34$000, September at 34$300, October at 34$500, November at 35$ 100, De- cember at 35$475 and January at 34$000, whilst Exchange fluctuation remains infinitesimally narrow. CLEARANCES OVERSEAS FROM THE PORTS OF RIO AND SANTOS DURING THE WEEK ENDING 29 August 1929. THE STATE OF MINAS GEREAS AND THE COFFE AND 1929-1930 CROP TO DATE. CONVENTION Week ended By Flag: Crop to 29 August 29 August of Minas has issued The Government of the State Bags BagsBags the report circulated at % an official announcement denying British to U. S. 202,094 59,644,496 withdraw from Santos and S. Paulo that that State intended to To Europe67,297 19,8,13,899 and that Minas will coffee convention to be held this month Sundry..69,932 20,621,225 be duly represented and that it is to support ali prepared Total339,32319,080,070 resolutions tending to thè local ce_ífee industry and protect OtherFlags-U.S.A.455,49125,524,175 trade. Brazilián307,70317,24,875 Itaiian....*94,6025,332,746 Scandinavian144.7958,128,317 RAIN IN SAO PAULO. Dutch137.9987,736,617 French122,4526,921,995 Paulo that rain fell over Reports from S. state prac- German100,0465,6882 tically ali the coffee zones of the State, during the last month, during the last two Japanese28,7471,6125 week of the past particularly Belgian40,0992.212,229 The wheater continues unsettled and more rain is fore- days. Spanish10,1900,67,654 which is expected to do much to the crop. casted, good Finnish1,3750,1— that harvesting is well advanced, three-fifths It is reported Argentine²²— of the crop having already been which are out of picked, Chilian3,6480,2-•- danger of any damage. Total1,786,469100,0249,685 September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1005

COMPANHIA REGISTRADORA E CAIXA DE LIQUI- gaiiiininiM DAÇAO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Quotationá of futures I Companhia Nacional úe Commercio de Café 1 During the week ending 31 August, 1929. Rua da Quitanda, 143| (Per 10 kilos.) Kio de Janeiro Highest Lowest Months Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Cable Address: "AXECO"

August 1929.... 26$40025$90025$900 25$500 September 26$50026$20026$050 25$800 COFFEE EXPORTERS October...... 26$95026$52526$600 26$200 — ¦ November 27$50026$96026$900 26$500 ¦ December 28$ 10027$80027$600 25$850 I January 1930... 26$50026$OC026$000 25$600 Agents and Sub-Agents ali over the world. 1 February...... 26$02525$20025$600 25$100 Total sales of futures during the week, 13.000 bags. iiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiuiiiiHiiH

COFFEE CLEARED FROM THE PORTS OF RIO AND SANTOS. Total Crop Crop to 29 August Week 1927-28 1928-29 1928-29 1929-30 Inc or Dec. 7o ended 29 August ‡i United States . . . ,301.588 6.293.580 892.956 875.515 17.691 Í.O 69.121 27.7 France ,247.144 1.252.153 147.556 274.515 + .126.959 86.0 36.948 14.8 Germany 951.181 754.594 121.874 87.935 33 939 27.8 1.882 | 0.7 French Possessions ...... 165.938 130.942 17.597 20.581 + 2.984 17.0 1 Italy. .  858.590 560.890 98 039 75.238 22.801 23.3 24.763 9.9 Fiume 1.126 250 United Kingdon• . 7.259 9.354 1.371 1.413 + 42 3.1 British.Possessions (ex discriminated) . 10.277 7.792 1.637 1.541 96 5.9 63 Canada".'"".7*..:;> 32.625 28.807 4.650 4.944 294 6.3 Cuba'".".' .•"".". 400 + 400 100.0 Tangiers 314 376 251 4- 251 100.0 125 South África 195.466 169.854 31.835 31.748 87 0.3 17.638 7.1 Egypt‡ 82.364 59.599 11.625 7.761 3.864 33.2 4.750 1.9 Belgium 272.561 244.824 25.480 44.622 19.142 75.1 12,874 5.2 Holland .. . 920.760 739.655 116.478 126.615 10.137 8.7 35.740. 14.3 Denmark 172.738 143.099 16.453 33.546 17.093 103.9 7.385 3.0 Norway 46.256 28.271 4.601 4.909 308 6.7 Sweden . 435.888 378.073 48.677 73.156 24,479 50,3 17.234 6.9 Spain and Colonies...... 75.120 50.759 6.399 10.945 4.546 71.1 3.400 1.4 Portugal and Islands 38.040 37.550 5.629 . 4.907 722 12.8 2432 1.0 Plate and Pacific ...... ". 461.193 396.028 52 341 72.145 + 19.804 37.8 5.134 2.1 Japan and East•-. . . 1.688 3.101 250 183 67 33,5 50 Finland .  . 79.810 91.138 12.628 13j872 1,244 9.8 2.623 1.0 Syria 50 63 + Switzerland...... Greece and Crete...... \ 17.925 17.875 1.377 4.360 2.983 216.7 2.044 0.8 Smyrna 5.615 2.784 1.063 189 874 82.3 63 Roumania 4.071 6.758 575 895 320 55.7 425 0.2 Bulgária 1.188 988 63 31 62 98.5 Palestine 481 Dantzig, Port of ...... 1.688 5.881 1.002 4,066 + 3.064 305.8 563 0.2 Turkey . . 50.194 40.760 8.241 10.436 2.195 26.6 4 427 1.8 Tripoli • 188 1.135 Total Overseas 13.438.845 11.457.414 1.630.397 1.786.469 -f- 156.072 9.6 249.685 100.0 Coastwise 144.222 147.359 23.799 24.804 -f 1005 4.2 3.391 Grand Total ...... 13.583.067 11.604.773 1.654.196 1.811.273 + 157.077 9.5 253.076 100.0 'fí*.

•;,. 1(.V.

¦ ¦; .¦ F. O. B. VALUE of coffee cleared at the ports of STOCKS AT RIO, SANTOS AND BAHIA on August Rio and Santos for the week ending Aug. 29th 1929, avera- 29th, 1929 (excluding interior stocks) amounted to 1,116,018 ged £5.07/ per bag, as agains £5.303 per bag for the bags, discriminated as follows:— week ending August 22nd 1929, and £5.043 per bag for Rio de Janeiro 254.043 the week ending August 30thf 1928. ;Ii Santos 848,325 -_¦_*.* rií i Bahia 13,650 For the crop to Aug. f.o.b. value for two 29th the Total stocks, three ports, Aug. 29, 1929 1.116.018 ports averaged, £5.192, as against £5.200 during the ssame Ditto, August 22, 1929 1,207,017 period last crop.ü.o Ditto, August 30, 1928 :_*>¦ 1.361,345 006 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

NEW YORK AND HAVRE VISIBLE SUPPLY AND STOCKS ai Visible Supply in the United States. — The United States Stocks and Visible Supply on 3rd Sept. 1929 were foi rs follows, in bags of 60 kilos; stocks 333.000 bags de- liveries 156.000 bags; visible supply K27.OO0 bags inclu- do lo ¦ E' ding afloat, as against 311.000 bags, 14?..0()0 bags and _ P__P^ 9 726 000 bags respectively on 27th Aug., and 413.000 bags, 14Ô.000 bags and 833.0U0 bags on 4th Sept. 1928. "LOIDU" Unico producto italiano de fama mundial Que iríccionando en las sienes. refuerza ei nervio óptico quita ei cansancio de los ojos. evita ei uso de Havre Stocks on Ist Aug. 1929 - are as follows, lentes incluso septuagenários recuperandose en poucos dias una vista envidiable No mas míopes, presbitas in bags of 60 kilos; Brazil sorts, 251.000 bags other sorts, ní vista debites. 209.000 bags, iotal 46O.000 bags, as against212.000 bags, PED1D HOY MISMO EL 23 4.000 bags; 426.000 bags, respectively 25tla 1929, on Aug. INTERESSANTE LIBRO GRÁTIS and 202.000 bags, 215.000 bags and 417.000 bags on Ist Dir.ccion General: UGO MARONE Sept., 1928. Plazza Falcone ai Vomero. 1 (Itália) NAPOLI i;fllllilflll!IIBll!IIBIIIIIB]llliBIIIIIBIIIIB.III___lÍ

COST AND FREIGHT QUOTATIONS. The quotations are as follows:-- American, Brazilian and Cost and Freight Prices. Rio 7sNear SpotMonthVictoriaVictoriaRio 7s.Rio 7s.SantosSantosRaie ExchangeStoreN. York 7/8s.7,8s. f. o. b. ReisCents4. Reis4. CentsFreight N. YorkOptionsReis perCents PerPer lb. PerPer lb.Cents |y-**s Pence DollarscentscentsArrobaPer lbArrobaf. o. b.10 kilosf. o. EPer bag July 13th 5 127/128 8822516 1/415.5732800014.4040800015.4036800022.3560.00 August 31 st 5 63/64 8825017 3/415.7835800015.6042860016.1035860022.3560.00 September 28th 6 8824017 1/216.0234$50015.8543850016.4035890022.3060.00 October 31st 5 255/256 8824017 1/216.0535800015.4043840016.4034870021.6060.00 November 30th 5 63/64 8826018 1/415.7534850015.6042830016.6035800021*6060.00 December 28th 5 125/128 8826518 1/415.4034800015.4042850016.2034860021 4060 00 1929. January 24th 6 8823518 1/416.37348S0015.7042880016.4036890022.7060.00 Feb. 15th 5 63/64 8826018 1/217.3036850016.4044820016.8538830023.206o!oO March 29th 5 241/256 8831517 3/415.8335830016.0042840016.4037890022.8060.00 April 26th 5 127/128 8825017 1/216.18348400. 15.6041880016.1035870021.7560.00 May 31st 5 31/32 8828516 3/415.3132800014.8040830015.4034800021.3060.00 June 28fh 5 125/128 8828516 3/415.0230800013.7038840014.7035S0OO21.2060.00 July 5th 5 31/32 8829016 1/214.9928850013.5038800014.8034870021.1060 00 July 12th 5 249/256 8829016 1/415.1528850013.3038850014.8534850021.2060.00 July 19th 5 31/32 8829016 0/014.8029800013.6038800014.4033840020.7060.00 July 26th 5 31/32 8823516 0/015.1528850013.5037880014.4033830020.7060.00 Aug. 2nd 5 31/32 8829016 3/814.1529850013.4037880014.3032840020.0060.00 Aug. 9th 5 247/256 8829515 3/414.1127850013.1037830014.2030890019.6060.00 Aug. 16th 5 247/256 8829015 1/214.1327850013.1337880014.4030880019706000 Aúg. 23rd 5 127/128 88285 1614.2928850013.1037880014.4032860020.4060 00 Aug. 30th 5 31/32 882901614.2828820013.1037840014.20348500213060 00 (NOTE. Quotations for the whole of the year 1927 have been published in supplement form. Any reader destring to obtain a copy of this supplement need only apply to the Editor).

SALVADOR AND VENEZUELA COFFEE CROPS PRO FINE COFFEE CAMPAIGN According to the Department of Commerce, Washing- The Defence of Coffee Service of the State ton, that the Venezuelan 1929-30 coffee crop is estimated of Espi- rito Santo has been actively engaged to 30 cent. less than the last crop and that in the campaign in yield per prospects favour of the and supply for the current Salvador crop are favourable. production of fine coffees, which is already showing very encouraging results. CONSUMPTION OF BRAZIILAN COFFEE IN FRANCE During the month of July last alone entries of Espi- rito Santo During the six months of the current year, deliveries Coffee at Rio de Janeiro Regulating Warehouses of coffee for consumption in France amounted to 1,414,000, show a much larger percentage of 7s and superior sorts than during of which 824,580 bags Brazil sorts, as against 1,393,233 the whole of the previous six months (January to during the same period in 1928, of which 784,918 bags June), total entries from that origin in that month amoun- Brazil sorts. There was an increase in deliveries of Brazil ting to 19,139 bags, of which 7,576 bags of 7s, as against sorts during the first half of the current year, as compared a total of 24,449 bags during the first six months, of which with the corresponding period in 1928, of 39,662 bags, only 3,697 bags were 7s. or 5.5 per cent. September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1007

COFFEE IN THE STATES OF, ESPIRITO SANTO, RIO SWEDISH COFFEE STATISTICS -DE JANEIRO AND GOYAZ Statistics of M. A. Seymer & Co., Stockholm "Boletim The de Café" ofEspirito San- Bags of 60 kilos to, of January last, states that accordingto statistics or- Stocks: ganised in 7927, the number of trees thenin existence was 1929 1928 1927 237,933,159, of which 161,471,050 treesin bearing and Jan. lst 154.358 118.295 150.088 76,462,109 new trees. Feb. lst 132.510 112.548 141.171 In estimating the 1928-1929 crop, the Coffee Service March. lst 125.824 128.433 138.828 of the State of Rio de Janeiro, verified the existence of April lst 135.536 141.166 133.013 274,288,277 trees, of 245,999,397 trees under production and May lst 161.764 148.778 138.025 28,288,880 new trees. June lst 186.705 172.393 142.465 July lst 198.445 189.488 142.396 According to official returns Goyaz possesses Aug. lst. 201.075 185.782 137.928 13,257,000 trees, of which 6,257,000 trees under production and 7,000,000 new trees. During the 1928-1929, the pro- Arrivals: duetion of coffee in the State of Goyaz amounted to . . . January 28.585 50.048 42.009 128,000 bags, of which 102,000 bags were sent to São February 40.111 73.368 49.608 Paulo. March 57.260 75.041 49.948 April 86.685 68.413 61.751 May 46.032 89.972 71*144 MOVEMENT OF COFFEE AT THE PORT OF RIO DE June 58.634 75.991 54.987 JANEIRO DURING JULY July 50.673 49.045 48.672 Total 367.930 378TlÍ9 Entries of coffee atthe port of Rio de Janeiro dur- 48Í.878" ing the month of July last amounted to 234,652 bags, dis- Deliveries: criminated as follows:— January . 50.433 55.795 50.321 São Paulo10,528 February 46.797 57.483 52.553 Minas Geraes136,252 March 47.548 62.308 55.769 Rio de Janeiro70,268 April 60.457 60.841 56.734 Espirito Santo17,604 May 21.091 66.317 66.706 June 46.894 58.896 55.056 Total, July, 1929 234,652 July 48.043 52.751 53.140 Ditto, July, 1928 273,149 Total 321.263 414.391 390.279

Embarques (shipments) during July last amounted to 242,935 bags, as against 242,737 bags during the' same COFFEE STATISTICS month last year, discriminated as follows:— Destination:— — — crop ENTRIES. 1929-30 1928-29 In bags of 60 kilo. Europe124,338 157,585 Week ending August 29, 1929. United States58,554 35,700 River Plate27,327 21,486 FOR THE WEEK ENDEDFOR THECROP TO South África15,830 17,510 Aug. 29 «ug. 22 Aug. 30Aug. 29Aug. 30 Pacific ports5,451 1929 1929 192819291928 Total overseas 231,500 232,281 10,456 Central «fe Leopold.) 66 435 62.406 57 090472.226526 062 Coast wise 11,435 *- Coastwise Total, month July242,935242,737 Total 66-435 V2 406 57 090472 226526.062 Stocks on 31st july last amounted to 246,942 bags, 283,020 Total Rio including as against 287,092 bags on 30th June last and Nictheroy 66 435 62.406 67.090472 226526.062 on 31 st last bags July year. Total Santos 159 160 159.182 115 8541.227 7281.354.190 Total Rio «fe Santos. 225.695 221.583 172.644U99.9541.880.252

The total entries by different S. Paulo Railway s for the crop to Aug. 29, 1929 MOVEMENT OF COFFEE AT VICTORIA were as fallows Remainington of Victoria during Past. Jundiahy Sorocabana Total atTotal at The movernent of coffee at the port Per and others S. PauloSantos , S. Paulo 1929, and the crop to same the week ending 24th Aug., 1929/1930703.763 561.887 1.265.6501.227.728 date, is as follows:— 1928/1929962.373 372 136 1.334.5091.354.190 Bags Stock on /8th August, 192933,708 Entries during the week ending 24th August20,078 SALES OF COFFEE (DECLARED) Week ending August 29, 1929. Available 53,786 60 kilo. Clearances during the same week In bags of Overseas 23,600 Aug. 29/1929 Aug. 22/1929 Aug. 30/1928 42:397 Coastwise 870 24,470 Rio...... 24.32928,645 Santos 199.000210,000 130.000 29,316 Stock, 24th August, 1929 Total. 223,329 238,645 172.397' 121,914 Ditto, 25th August, 1928 1008 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

COFFEE LOADED (EMBARQUES) MA N IF ES T S O F C OFF E E In bags of 60 kilo. RIÓ DE JANEIRO Week ending 29th Aug., 1929. Clearances during the week ending — DURING WEEK ENDEDFOR THE CROP TO Aug., 1 1929 11 Atlanta—Trieste Aug., 29 Aug. 22 Au., 30Aug., 2è Aug., 30 Cia 2.614 1929 ly29 1928;a^9 1928 Ornstein &. S. Pereira & Cia 625 Cia 575 Rip 70.245 31.735 63.471458 775 505.073 Castro Silva & Santos 243 079 188 219 187.4711.604.647 1.368.541 Cia Nacional Commercio Total Rio & Santos 313.324 220.014 250 9422.063.422 1.873.614 de Café 503 Theodor Wille & Cia 375 í E. G. Fontes & Cia 250 COFFEE SAILED. Fraga Irmão & Cia 250 In bags of 60 kilo. ¦ , Hard, Rand & Cia 250 Week ending 29th Aug., 1929. Leon Israel Co S-A 250 Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia 188 EUROPE Jt UNITED ' PORTS MEDITER- „,.«._RIVER FORCROP Mc Kinlay & Cia 164 STATES COASTPLATE CAPEA„„OTHERPORTSTOTALWEEK TO RANEAN DATE Pinto & Cia 50 æ¦ -Venice Rio - 49.78? 2.720 2.225'19.2>073.947405.909 Ornstein & Cia 314 Santos.... 69.121 106.3U3 671 2.909Í 125179.1291.405.364 E. G. Fontes & Cia 125 , Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia 125 1929/1930 . . 69.121 l56.0?5 3.391 5.134 19.315253.0761.811.273 Susak Hard, Rand & Cia 63 1928/1929 . 53.693 73.477 2,550 3.934 17.525151.1791.654.196 Naples Cia Nacional Commercio de Café 375 VALUE OF COFFEE CLEARED FOR FOREIGN Metkovic Cia Nacional Commercio PORTS. de Café 375 Week ending August 29, 1929. Lage Irmãos 367 In bags of 60 kilo. Pinheiro Ladeira & Cia 125 Ornstein & Cia 63 PORTSAug.29Aug. 22Aug. 29Aug. 22Crop to Aug. 29/1929 —Ancona Pinto Lopes & Cia 126 1924 192919291929 _| - Bari Pinto Lopes & Cia 125 BagsBags Bags£ —Patras Ornstein & Cia 189 Ri° 7122728.175279 544111.992384.346 1 522.855 —Pireus Ornstein & Cia 250 Santos178 458164.835986.823_ 911^492±402.J23 7-753.349 Mc Kinlay & Cia 250 Total 1929,1930249 685193 0101.266 3671Í02374841.786*469 9.276.204 Hard, Rand & Cia 125 „ 1928/1929 M8 629190.255749 547985.0461,630.397 8.478.664 -Constanza Hard, Rand & Cia 63 Salonica Ornstein & Cia 188 -Cospoli Fraga Irmão & Cia 500 OUR OWN STOCKS. Lage Irmãos 375 Cia In bags of 60 kilo. Nacional Commercio de Café 250 RIO STOCK on August, 22, 1929 . 261.353 Theodor Wille & Cia 250 Entries during week ended Mc Kinlay & Cia 63 Aug. 29, 1929. . . . . 66.435 Castro Silva & Cia 62 327.788 —Alexandria Theodor Wille & Cia 875 Loaded (Embarques) for week Ornstein & Cia 125 ended Aug. 29, 1929 . . 70.245 Lage Irmãos 125 Local consumption 3.500 — Mersina Castro Silva & Cia 63 STOCK AT RIO on —Smyrna Mc Kinlay & Cia 126 -Jaffa Aug. 29, 1929... 254.043 Mc Kinlay & Cia 125 SANTOS STOCK on Aug. 22, 1929 932.244 Entries for week ended 12.278 Aug. 29, 1929... 159.160 22 Natia—Havre Mc Kinlay & Cia 1.000 1.091.404 Capella & Cia 500 Loaded (Embarques) during same week Aug. 29. 1929 . 243.079 Rotundo & Cia 375 Magalhães & Cia 250 STOCK AT SANTOS on Aug. 1929... 29, 848.325 2.125 1929 BAHIA STOCK on Aug.22. 13420 22 Ubá- Havre Entries during week ended Oswaldo Tardim & Cia 1.625 1929... Aug. 29, 4.406 Ornstein & Cia1.125 17.826 Battermann & Cia500 Clearances during same week 4,176 —Antwerp Oswaldo Tardim & Cia 500 STOCK AT BAHIA on Aug. 29, 1929 13.650 3.750 Stock at Rio, Santos and Bahia Aug.29, 1929 1116.018 25 Severn—Las Palmas Stock at Rio, Santos and Bahia Aug. 22,1929 1.207.017 Mc Kinlay & Cia 350 Stock at Rio, Santos and Bahia Aug. 30 1928 1 .361.34 ^ -SSÜp.SP-»-'

7~:'-'S2 -27-i:--.' 2á

September 5, 192*9 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1009 nilHIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIiHlllini ¦mi 28 Josephine Charlotte- Antwerp - — E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd375 F. D. Wilcox C. E. Schmidt W. J. Ganucheau, Jr. 1 ' I i *"' r;;¦:• Vivacqua Irmãos Cr Cia375 F. D. WILCOX CO. ; ií i Theodor Wille & Cia250 Hard, Rand & Cia125 Oswaldo Tardim & Cia125 COFFEE =_=_ irmi;--) ¦ 502 Natchez St. New Orleans, U.S.A. 1.250 '¦: '¦ _¦'¦::' Solicit representation reputable Brazilian 28 Balfe—New York , i Coffee Shippers for North America. ¦ j. Aron & Cia, Ltd1.000 Consignments handled.S American Coffee Corp. .1000 S Rebello Alves & Cia250 EstablishedReferences: — New Orleans Banks, m 1914.Mercantile Agencias. ( 2.250 Cable Address.-WILCO, New Orleans, La.1 i'. ni 28 Barbacena—New Orleans ..¦iiiiniiHiiiini J. Aron & Cia, Ltd3.022 Ornstein & Cia1.750 25Antônio Delfinò—Hamburg Oswaldo Tardim & Cia1.125 Theodor Wille & Cia672 Rebello Alves & Cia1.000 Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia375 Cia Nacional Commercio Ornstein & Cia325 de Café 900 E. G. Fontes Cr Cia300 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 660 Lage -r-Gefle Oswaldo Tardim Cr Cia250 Irmãos500 Vicri —Reykjavik Ornstein & Cia125 S-A500 Mc Kinlay & Cia250 2.047 Eliakim «5- Cia, Ltd250 E. G. Fontes & Cia250 26Almirante Jaceguay—Montevideo Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia 250 'Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia625 ! íih.rr! Pinto Lopes & Cia603 ¦msifJf. Mc Kinlay & Cia50 10.457 — 29 Hakata Maru'—Cape Town 1.275 ¦¦*]• Cia Nacional 26 Asturias—Santander Commercio de Café 1.425 Mc Kinlay & Cia 250 msnsj Mc Kinlay & Cia 975 —H-ueíva Mc Kinlay & Cia 80 E. G. Fontes -5* Cia750 Ornstein & Cia575 330 Castro Silva & Cia450 27 Nevada—Copenhagen *.¦;'i Theodor Wille & Cia50 Theodor Wille & Cia 150- Port Elizabeth Mc Kinlay & Cia875 !!)'¦ Tude Irmão & Cia 150ei: Castro Silva & Cia850 —B. AiresE. G. Fontes & Cia 1.100 Ornstein & Cia700 Pinto Lopes & Cia 1.000 E. G. Fontes & Cia620 Oswaldo Tardim & Cia 550 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 350 Theodor Wille & Cia 425•,. Theodor Wille & Cia150 Pinheiro Ladeira & Cia 403 Norton Megaw & Cia100 Hard, Rand & Cia 300 <*-

¦-.;:¦ —Dantzig ¦•/ Ornstein & Cia 63—Durban *•'« > Ornstein & Cia925 —Malta Ornstein & Cia 126Ç7.à*ií. Mc Kinlay & Cia425 [fj-l _.; f* Htlr "i'0{'iC E. G. Fontes :& Cia540 .,f* .• oií-ifV 624 oi?*;- i-.-rís?'I Hard, Rand & Cia350 1010 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW Septembèr 5, 1929

Cia Nacional Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 250 Commercio de Café175 Queiroz dos Santos250 Castro Silva & Cia175 Nossack & Cia 125 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 50 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd125 —Lourenço Marques Ornstein & Cia925 Houston Queiroz dos Santos300 Pinto & Cia175 Cia Leme Ferreira150 Mc Kinlay & Cia125 Kobe Andrade Junqueira & Cia 125 E. G. Fontes & Cia115 Junqueira, Meirelles -Ludéritz Bay Pinto & Cia50 & Cia ...... 1 Walfish Bay E. G. Fontes & Cia130 Castro Silva & Cia50 18.312 Beira E. G. Fontos & Cia125 22 Sierra Cordoba—Bremen Naumann, Gepp & Cia, 15.550 Ltd1.500 1 Northern Prince Buenos Aires Almeida Prado & Cia250 OswaldoTardim & Cia 750 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd259 Ornstein& Cia 150 —Assuncion E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd125 Ornstein& Cia 100 Hamburg Almeida Prado & Cia500 Cia S. Paulo de 1.000 Exportação250 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Total Overseas58.949 Ltd125 S. A. Levy125 SANTOS Consumption Bunck & Cia1 Aug. 1929 Zerrenner, Bulow & Cia1 During the week ending 22 Principessá Maria -Genoa 3.127 Hard, Rand & Cia875 23 Eastern Prince—New York ' Cia Prado Chaves375 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd 2.500 Martins, Wright & Cia, Mc Laughlin & Cia, Ltd250 Ltd2.500 Cia Paulista de Martins, Wright & Cia, Exportação125 Ltd2.000 Rubiac & Cia125 Leon Israel Co S-A1.650 Cunha Bueno & Cia5 Hard, Rand & Cia625 —NaplesNossack & Cia125 Lima, Nogueira & Cia 500 J. C Mello & Cia125 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 500 R. M. Guimarães3 A. Ferreira & Cia500 N. Pizarro & Cia1 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 500 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, 2.009 Ltd300 22 Santos Maru' -.New Orleans Thomas E. Rittscher254 Almeida Prado & Cia 2.050 Soe. Nacional Leon Israel Co S-A 2.033 Exportadora, Ltd250 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Cia Leme Ferreira250 Ltd 1.921 Sampaio Bueno & Cia 250 Lima, Nogueira & Cia 1.875 Rangel, Oliveira & Cia 250 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd 1.000 Theodor Wille & Cia 250 Hard, Rand & Cia 1.000 Fred. H. Cox & Cia250 Nossack & Cia 750 Vidal & Cia200 Junqueira, Meirelles & Cia 750 13.529 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 750 23 Severn—Havre Soe. Nacional Cia Leme Ferreira 690 Exportadora, Ltd15.000 Soe. Nacional Vicente C. Mello1.000 Exportação, Ltd 500 Ennor & Cia, Ltd500 Fred. H. Cox & Cia 500 Cia Prado Chaves250 Ennor & Cia, Ltd 425 Almeida Prado . & Cia 250 Nioac & Cia, Ltd 425 Sion & Cia250 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 310 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 125 Queiroz dos Santos 250Antwerp Páscual & Cia2 Oliveira, Osório & Cia 250 Ennor & Cia.1 Martins, Wright & Cia, Ltd 250 17.378 . ; Cia Santos e Campinas 23 Swiatowid—Buenos Aires tu A. Geraes 250 Lima, Nogueira & Cia... 200 Silva Ferreira & Cia 250 01-.' — GalvestonTheodor Wille & Cia 500 24 Antônio Delf ino—Hamburg Almeida Prado & Cia 250 SiTheodor Wille & Cia 3.313 -?'«rj3 ¦.'7r"."7**-W '.-¦ . -rV-í";V -v '¦*riw¦*>. -¦?; ¦-..>.• -W^Wi "TIP. (Sp*^'? «\f ;-wa. HJMP-- *>Jt*'^>4fe^-'-**iitw?_-^^

September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1011

25 Balfe—Ne}w York American Coffee Corp. 7.500 l_ Ia I I ' Al " Hard, Rand & Cia4.125 rs of Brazil Coffees Seekmg J. Aron & Cia, Ltd3.000 General European Repre- E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 750 sent ative Contemplating Rangel, Oliveira & Cia 500 pr Theodor Wille & Cia 500 Cia Leme Ferreira 500 Changes in Their Agency Junqueira, Carvalho Arrangements are Requested & Cia 194 to Communicate with 17.069 25 Josephine Charlotte Antwerp H. FLINDT J. Aron & Cia, Ltd 2.750 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, 137 Fenchur _____ Street-LONDOIV E.C.3 Ltd1.794 Established 1905 — lst Class References Cia Leme Ferreira1.343 Hard, Rand & Cia1.250 Theodor Wille & Cia 925 Martins, Wright & Cia, Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Ltd625 Ltd 2.000 A. Ferreira <_- Cia375 Teixeira, Martins & Cia 1.875 Leon Israel Co S-A250 Leon Israel Co S-A 875 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 250 S. A. Levy 804 Teixeira, Martins & Cia 250 Soe. Nacional Nossack & Cia125 Exportadora, Ltd 625 Cia Prado Chaves 500 9.937 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd 500 25 Drechterland—Amsterdam Lima, Nogueira & Cia 500 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd. 1.763 Fred. H. Cox & Cia 500 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Junqueira, Meirelles Ltd1.250 & Cia 375 Theodor Wille & Cia 1.000 Sampaio Bueno & Cia 299 Franco, Soares & Cia 250 Cia S. Paulo de J. Aron & Cia, Ltd250 Exportação 250 Almeida Prado & Cia 250 Almeida Prado & Cia 250 Martins, Wright & Cia, Nossack & Cia 200 Ltd125 —Stockholm Cia Prado Chaves 750 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 125 Fred. H. Cox & Cia 125 S. A. Levv125 - Bilbao Hard, Rand & Cia 125 Leon Israel Co S-A 125 5.138 —Carlskrona Theodor Wille & Cia 125 25 Asturias - —Sahtander Sion & Cia 50 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, —Consumption Bunck & Cia 1 Ltd250 A-hadeo Frugoli1 14.167 24 Teresa—Trieste 251 Theodor Wille & Cia 900 25 Barbacena—New Orleans Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Vicri S-A4.250 Ltd 245 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd3.250 Almeida Prado & Cia 126 Naumann, Gepp & Cia, J. C. Mello & Cia 125 Ltd2.669 Cia Paulista de Almeida Prado & Cia1.575 Exportação 125 Theodor Wille & Cia1.500 Martins, Wright & Cia, Teixeira, Martins & Cia1.425 Ltd 100 Cia Leme Ferreira1.228 Leon Israel Co S-A 63 Oliveira, Osório & Cia750 Raphael Sampaio & Cia 63 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 750 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 62 Soe. Nacional Cia Leme Ferreira 50 Exportadora, Ltd625 Venice Cia Leme Ferreira 125 S. A. Levy500 Leon Israel Co S-A 125 Hard, Rand & Cia500 Cia Prado Chaves 125 Vidal & Cia500 _ - Alexandria Cia Prado Chaves 25Ó Sion & Cia500 Theodor Wille & Cia 125 Martins, Wright & Cia, Naples E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 200 Ltd500 Silva, Ferreira & Cia500 2.809 Queiroz dos Santos250 1012 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 250E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 1.500 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 250Hard, Rand & Cia 1.400 Junqueira, CarvalhoJ. C. Mello & Cia 1..ÒÔ4 - & Cia 100Cia S. Paulo de.:','"..'"v Jacksonville Theodor Wille & Cia 5.000Exportação 1.000 S. A. Levy 1.500Leon Israel Co S-A 875 Houston S. A. Levy 5.000Cia Santos e Campinas Havana Hard, Rand & Cia 150A. Geraes 750 Oswaldo Ferreira & Cia 250 33.522Baccàrat & Cia 5 25 Hakata Maru'—Durban —HamburgSoe. Nacional J. Aron & Cia, Ltd 25Exportadora, Ltd 3.000 --AntwerpCia Paulista de 26 Nevada—Copenhagen Exportação500 Hard, Rand & Cia1.000 Almeida Prado & Cia 125 J. Aron & Cia, Ltd750 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 500 41.169 J. C. Mello & Cia500 28 Cordoba— Theodor Wille & Cia375 S. A. Levy 509 Leon Israel Co S-A375 Lima, Nogueira Cr Cia 100 Nossack & Cia349 Theodor Wille & Cia 100 S. A. Levy250 Raphael Sampaio Cr Cia 98 Teixeira, Martins & Cia250 Nioac & Cia, Ltd 50 Cia Paulista de- Rosário Lima, Nogueira & Cia 100 Exportação125 Martins, Wright & Cia, 957 Ltd125 Almeida Prado & Cia125 Total Overseas 210.422

¦'"* * 4.724 * 26 Aldabi Rotterdam COASTWISE Theodor Wille & Cia 2.875 27 Mantiqueira—Rio de Janeiro Leon Israel Co S-A1.824 Martins, Wright & Cia, Naumann, Gepp & Cia, Ltd2 Ltd1.750 24 Araranguá—Porto Alegre E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 1.275 Vicente C. Mello50 Almeida Prado & Cia 1.000 22 Commandante Capella-Porto Alegre S. A. Levy250 V. Moral & Cia500 Martins, Wright & Cia, Ltd250 Total Coastwise552 Cia Prado Chaves250 Nossack & Cia250 Teixeira, Martins & Cia 250 SHIPPERS OF COFFEE CLEARED AT THE PORT OF 9.974 SANTOS DURING THE MONTH OF JULY. 27 Aurigny—Havre Being the first month of the crop. J. Aron & Cia, Ltd2.750 • ¦ BIn bags of 60 kilos. Hard, Rand & Cia2.500 Shippers:- Naumann, Gepp & Cia, 1929 1928 1927 Ltd2.375 Jl Aron & Cia, Ltd 79.145 60.480 27.371 Eduardo M. Hafers2.000 Theodor Wille & Cia 76.789 82.739 87.915 Soe. Nacional Naumann, Gepp & Cia 67.570 20.067 58.124 Exportadora, Ltd2.000 American Coffee Corp. 60.500 76.000 49.750 Almeida Prado & Cia1.250 Soe. Nacional Export. 58.144 13.182 15.900 Theodor Wille Cr Cia1.00(1 Leon Israel Cr Cia 48.511 49.928 67.527 Leon Israel Co S-A1.000 Hard, Rand & Cia 47.639 53.453 67.913 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 500 S. A. Levy 47.089 30.887 35.887 Nioac Cr Cia, Ltd250 Almeida Prado & Cia 34.626 27.241 40.538 Nossack & Cia250 E. Johnston & Cia, Ltd 27.813 33.434 36.200 Raphael Sampaio & Cia 250 Lima Nogueira Cr Cia 21.931 15.626 14.135 Cia Leme Ferreira 21.617 17.435 9.957 16.125 Martins, Wright & Cia 16.237 23.773 32.994 27 Barboza—Havre Ruy Cia Prado Chaves 14.671 11.923 21.958 Soe. Nacional Queiroz dos Santos 13.734 00.000 00.000 Exportadora, Ltd13.885 Sampaio Bueno & Cia 12.289 7.333 8.536 Theodor Wille Cia5.125 Arbúckle & Cia 12.121 18.679 14.447 Picone & Filhos,Ltd4.250 Cia Paulista de Exportação 10.306 6.334 21.573 Almeida Prado Cia3.250 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 10.290 20.116 2.260 Silva, Ferreira Cia2.750 Vicri S-A 9.750 9.000 20.103 Prudente Ferreira& Cia 1.500 Oswaldo Ferreira C- Cia 9.560 00.000 00.000 September 5, 1929 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1013

Frederico H. Cox 9.127 00.000 00.000 Queiroz dos Santos & Co3.300 Nossack & Cia 8.341 18.415 14.288 Ennor fr Co. Ltd. ., 3.284 A. Ferreira & Cia . 7.709 8.732 11.875 Whitakér, Brotero fr Co2.500 Picone & Filho, Ltd 7.250 2.000 17.448 A. S. Michelet & Co2.125 Oliveira Osório & Cia 6.380 1.779 8.417 Fred. H. Cox & Co. 2.021 Raphael Sampaio & Cia 6.184 9.519 9.990 Vicente C. Mello 2.001 Teixeira Martins & Cia 5.962 00.000 00.000 Ferreira, Ruivo & Co. 1.955 Prudente Ferreira & Cia 5.952 00.000 00.000 Troncoso Hermanos fr Co. 1.750 Junqueira Meirelles & Cia 5.885 00.000 00.000 Bartholomei, Serra & Co1.750 Cia S. Paulo de Exportação 5.886 7.271 00.000 R. A. Danon fr C. 1.375 Silva Ferreira & Cia 5.577 11.754 17.400 Sion fr Co. 1.362 Mc. Laughlin & Cia 5.537 6.900 9.370 Rebello, Alves fr Co. 1.233 Vicente C. Mello 5.063 00.000 00.000 Zerrenner, Bulow & Co. Ltd1.052 J. C. Mello & Cia 4.129 10.625 6.750 Negrão fr Co1.Ò00 Thomaz E. Richter 3.974 .00.000 00.000 Ribeiro de Barros fr Co. 988 Franco Soares & Cia 3.551 4.125 5.675 C. S. Paulo de Exportação 970 Sion & Cia 3.460 8.248 26.013 Baccarat & Co. . 672 Vidal & Cia 3.403 00.000 00.000 Eugênio Teuber 502 Eduardo M. Hafers 2.918 r. 327 1.262 Thomas E. Rittscher 492 Nioac & Cia 2.488 5.170 7.188 Toledo, Assumpção fr Co375 Rangel Oliveira & Cia 2.343 7.304 250 Junqueira, Carvalho & Co275 Ennor & Cia, Ltd 2.151 2.698 2.720 Soe. Mogyana Export. Ltd252 Cia Santos e Camps. A. Os. 1.750 00.000 00.000 Ramon Sanchez & Co236 Baccarat & Cia 1.278 2.752 9.875 V. Morei & &178 Junqueira Carvalho & Cia 1.251 00.000 383 Amaral, Lima fr Co. 150 Asiatic Trading Corp. 1.000 7.850 18.390 Barreto, Holl & Co. 28 E. Barros fr Co.16 Diversos55 Consumo de bordo 30 EXPORTS OF COFFEE FROM THE PORT OF SANTOS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY,1929 Total I704:601 — — In bags of 60 kilos Shippers Coastwise: Shippers — Overseas: — Vicente C. Mello505 Theodor Wille & Co. ...92.365 V. Morei & Co450 "fr J. Aron Co. Ltd69.203 Theodor Wille fr Co. 250 American Coffee Corp. Inc...... 59750 G. C. Silveira165 Naumann, Gepp & Co. Ltd54.364 The Asiatic Trading Corp130 Leon Israel Co. S/A.45.128 Andrade Junqueira & Co125 Almeida Prado & Co40.194 Eugênio Teuber . . .89 Hard, Rand & Co38.483 Eduardo M. Hafers 50 S/A Levy27.539 J. C. Mello fr Co.50 E, Johnston fr Co. Ltd...... 21.477 Lima, Nogueira fr. Co. ... . 19.601 Total, per shippers ...... ;.706.415 Cia. Prado Chaves•••••••15*415. Destination: — Sampaio Bueno & Co.15.270 New York196.208 Cia. Leme Ferreira ..;...14.933 New Orleans120.366 Martins, Wright fr Co. Ltd...... 12.564 Havre 111.083 Andrade Junqueira & Co10.907 Hamburg34.204 Nossack & Co. ...» 9.930 Boston30.915 Prudente, Ferreira fr Co. . .  8.768 Amsterdam23.005 Vicri S/A . .  8.350 Rotterdam , 14.963 Soe; Nac. Export. Ltd , 8.167 Antwerp ...... 14.456 Eduardo M. Hafers 8.138 Baltimore ...13.500 Cia. Paul. de Export 8.095 PHiladelphia . . 13.125 A. Ferreira & Co 7.563 S. Francisco (Calif.) 12.349 ¦•-•; Arbuckle & Co.  7.490 Copenhagen .. . 12.310 The Asiatic Trading Corp 6.875 Buenos Aires 10.606 Nioac fr Co. Ltd 6.862 Gothenburg9.733 Franco, Soares & Co 6,779 Genoa . . --.'-.8.827 Picone e Filhos, Ltd f 6.000 Houston 8.750 Oswaldo Ferreira fr Co 5.255 Bremen •*-_•*'8.305 Junqueira, Meirelles & Co 5.250 Stockholm ...... 8.228 Raphael Sampaio fr Co 5.086 Trieste ....7.905 Mc. Laughlin & Co4..991 Marseille 5.645 Silva, Ferreira fr Cia 4.936 Helsingborg ª3.017 J. C. Mello fr Co.'.' 4.625 San Pedro‡2975 Rangel, Oliveira fr Co. . 4.408 Bordeaux 2.641 Oliveira, Osório & Co 4.000 ...v%. Barcelona ...... 2.401 Vidal fr Co. ‡• » • ».: 3.918 Seattle ..:..-...... 2.300 1014 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW September ¦-, 5, 1929

Naples . .¦ 2.183 EXPORTS OF COFFEE Malmoe 2.100 Norfolk2.000 FROM THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO Vancouver1.925 DURINÜ THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1929 0ef,e .»1.875 ! In bags of 60 kilos RosárioI.557 Shippers: —-. - Galveston1.125 Ornstein & Co. 1... .-,'. 42.809 °sl° 1.100 Vivacqua Irmãos Helsinki & Co., ...22.540 qçq Theodor Wille Co Montreal397 & ...' 20.558 Cia. Nacional Nantas de Commercio de Café20.263 §75 Mc. Kinlay & Co15.388 Venice'. . 750 °ran627 Rebello Alves & Co13.437 Norrkoping625 Oswaldo Tardin & Co9.149 E. G. Fontes Ancona & Co7.843 625 Tude Bergen Irmão & Co6.312 500 Hard Alexandria Rand & Co6.075 500 Fraga, Irmão & Co. Ltd4.474 L-ivorno ...... 500 Portland Ed. Johnston & Co. Ltd4.374 500 Irmão Helsjng-fors Lage , 3.640 375 Magalhães & Co.3.437 Ahus 375 Atee-- American Coffee Corp. lnc3.400 375 Castro Montevideo350 Silva & Co3.115 Eliakin & Cia. Kobe Ltd. . 2.871 250 Pinheiro Ladeira 8: Co2.707 Catania 250 Giión A. Sion 8: Co2.319 210 Pinto 8- Co2.125 Valencia 200 Tacoma200 Leon Israel Co. S. $1.414 Norton Megaw 8c Co1.308 Casablanca Igg Southampton Pinto Lopes _-«. Co1.283 154 Batermann & Co1.264 Lisbon 13 j S. Pereira & Co906 Halmstad 125 Serafim Fernandes & Cia749 Viborg 125 Mario Telles 600 La rache 125 Bilbao125 Rotundo 8c Co550 E. M. da Silva 500 Sundsvall 125 Capella 8^ Co431 Stettin 125 Trondhjem Tardin Ô£ Erthal 430 125 Vidal & Co400 Dantzig ... 125 S. A. Luiz Corrêa 281 Ystad 125 Kalmar J. Aron & Co203 125 Fábio Netto viffo 125 100 Pheu 125 Ornskoldsvik Total 207.255 125 DESTINATION:- Odense 125 United States: — Kolding 125 Avilles New-York22.752 125 New-Orleans Oscarshamn 125 17.038 Norresundby S. Francisco, Califórnia 2.400 112 Baltimore Tl,nis 63 250 Eiume 63 Gibraltar59 42.440 Europe: — Cape Tovvn 25 Beyrouth4 Marseille35.176 Tr»€ste Consumption on board 30 íq.026 Hamburg 17.382 Havre Total 704.601 12.043 Amsterdam 5.817 Gen°a ª Coastwise: — 5.264 Stockholm , 4.963 Porto Alegre 1.125 Copenhagen 3.675 Rio de Janeiro 250 Rotterdam2.974 Pelotas 200 Norway 2.540 Rio Grande iqo Antwerp \ 535 S. Francisco§q Lisbon 235 lmbituba 50 Barbados j20 Leixões 5Q Grand total 706.415 110.801 River Plate: — Buenos Ayres 21.099 * ;*, September 5, 1929 W1LEMAN'S BRAZILIÁN REVIEW 1015

Rosário de Sta. Fé 750 COT TON. Montevidéo200 The Pernambuco Market closed on 28th Aug., with first 22.049 sorts quoted at 43$000 buyers, against 43$000 buyers on the África: — previous Wendnesday and 53$000 buyers on 29th August The Cape18.380 last year. Pacific Ports: — The movement at Pernambuco for the week ended 28th Valparaizo 4.603 August, 1929, was as follows, in bales of 80 kilos: Coastwi.se: — Stock on 21 Aug5.300 Northeru Ports4.673 Entries during the week ended 28 Aug1,700 Southern Ports 4.309 Available7.000 Deliveries during the same week400 S.982 Stock on 28 Aug. .1929frÃÕÕ Ditto, on 29 August 19282.000 Total . 207.255 For the crop to date entries amounted of 189.400 bales as against 154.300 bales for the same period last crop. — The Rio Market closed on 28 Aug. 1929, with prices RUBBER quoted as follows: '2921 '29 28 Aug. Aug. 29 Aug. '28 HARD FINE PARA' — was quoted on 31st August, 1929, according to a cable from our own correspondent Sertões 44$000-45$000 46$000-47$000 44$000>45$000 of same date, as follows:— Médium... 43$000-44$000 45$000-46$000 43$000-44$000 First. 40$000-41$000 42$000-43$000 40$000-43$000 London, 103/t per lb.; Pará.2*800 per kilo, as against 10% and 2*800 respectively on 24thl August, 1929 and Paulista... 41$000'42$000 43$000-44$000 41$000-42$000 11-Vád and 2$750 on lst September. 1929. The movemente at Rio de Janeiro during the week ended 28 Aug. 1929, was as followsc NEW YORK RUBBER PRICES, WEEK ENDING Stock on 21 August 19295.008 3rd September 1929 Entries during the same week endeding 28 Aug....521 (BY CABLE). 28th 29th 2Qth 31st Its 3rd Deliveries during the same week993 t.'j.)."'vci' Fine WíisiVòfl & Stock on 28; Aug. 1929'. -.. .j 47536 Dried¦¦¦_'. :.. 263/8 26*/8 26*/, Holiflay Holiday 261/, ' ' " ' Ditto,1 29 Au^g., 19284.200 Upnver Fine . . . . 21f/8 215/8-IVfA'-» »'*2P/4 Upriver Coarse . . ..ll3/8 ll3/8 J*l/8 ªªll1/» Caucho Bali. . . --• lP/8 ll«,„ll1/, ªªll1/* (' ;•': '. ' Pari Island Fine . 9?/8 xj*j^ ªªQ->/4 9-/8' '»' ""'¦'»101/. Pará island Goarse . : loa/8 l^/8"WfA' "¦ 1'Ma;** • 'itirni Sm o k _• d: ? .; SI GAR '¦' -»• 20x/< Sheets ...... 203/8 208/8 201/, .» .¦j Do. Látex Crepe . . • 213/8 21*/, 211/, ªª**__1/; Stock Orient rubber in U. S. A. on 3rd September 134395 tons. Market steady. The Pernambuco Market closed. on 2lst August, 1929 firm, with as follows, 10 kilos; Usina list "sorts, quotations por nominal Demeraras, nominal* 3rd PARA RUBBER MOVEMENT AND PRICES (BY nominal; Crystals, CABLE). The Movement of rubber at Pará during week sorts, nominal somenos nominal and brutos seccos nominal ending Aug. 31 1929, was follows:—Kilos as- against Usinas first sorts nominal; crystal 6$ to ,7$000, Stock on Aug. 24 1929 ...... 1.779.034 Demeraras, nominal; 3rd sorts nominal somenos, 6$000 Entries during the week ending Aug. 31 . . 611.093 to 7$000, Brutos seccos 5$800 to 7$500 on the previous Available2.390.127 Wednesday.( .. movement at Pernambuco tor the week ended 28th Clearances during the same week: The 1929, was follows, in bags of 60 kilos: To United States . . . . . 21.580 August, 21 August 1929I18.8ÜÒ To Europe, .... 96.785 Stock on Entries during week ended July 281.300 To Sundry ports11.850130.215 a2.259.912 Available120.100 Stock on Aug. 31 1929 . . . A Z Deliveries during the same Week....46.000 Spot were in Aug. 31 as follows kilo:— prices quoted per Stock on Aug-. 28 1929_.74.100 Aug. 31Aug. 25 Ditto, Aug. 29 1928 .'.'.800 Upriver fine ...... 2$8002$800 For the crop date esfries amounted 4.492.100 bags, as Upriver coarse . ... . • 1$1001$200 against 3.687.700 bags for the same period last crop. Island fine . 2$oÓO2$000 —The Rio Market closed on 28 August, with prices Island coarse ...... l$1001$150 quoted as follows, per kilo: crystal $633 to $667 Demeraras, Caucho Bali 1$2501$250 nominal; Mascavinho, nominal; Mascavo, $600 to $633. The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the week ended Your aim in placing announcements in a paper is 28th August, 1929, was as follows : primaraly because you know that what you offer meets Stock on 21 th August» 1929221.756 the eye of persons most likely to be interested. Once rea- "Wileman's Entries during the same week ended 28 August16.308 the enquiry into good business. Brazilián Re- ders are interested it rests with the advertiser to push Available238.064 view" numbers amongst its readers every coffee, banking, Deliveries during the same week52.884 export and import house of any standing in three con- Ditto, on 28 August, 1928185.180 tinents. It is rare for an advertisement to be withdrawn. Stock on 29 August, 192985.905 The inference is obvious. 1016 WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW Septembèr 5, 1929

QUOTATIONS OF COTTON AND "Silarus" SUGAR IN FOREIGN due Rio 8 9 29 for "Sambre" Santos, etc. MARKETS. left Bahia 1 9 29 for "Somme" Pernambuco and Europe due Rio 8 9 29 for Bahia Week ending 29th August, 1929. "Orita" and Europe due Rio 7 10 29 for "Darro" Montevidéo direct left Rio 27 8 29 for Lisbon direct COTTON SERVICE232426272829

Liverpool 12,30 pm ...... Pernambuco Maceió fairSpot 10.12[0,1610,1710,1810,1910,24 LAMPORT & HOLT, LTD. American middling "Voltaire" Spot . ',0,3210,36IC.3710,3810,3910^44 due Rio 16 9 29 for Santos, Montevidéo and futures October . 9,879.939,899,94!0,OQ9~97 Buenos Aires January 9,869,919,899,931q'ü09,98 "Vauban" due March . 9,919379,911 10,0010,0710,05 Rio 30 9 29 for Santos, Montevidéo and May...9,9510.009,99' Buenos Aires 1.0,0410,1110,09 "Vandyck" leaves 15 New York American Middling "Biela" Rio 9 29 for N. York Uplands' 18.6518.7018,6518,7018,9019,05 leaves Santos 4 9 29 for Rio and New York American "Balzac" N. York Futures leaves Santos 18-9-29 °ctober 18,4218, ^818,4218,5113,7018,83 "Lalande" for N. York New York American Futures leaves Rio 10-9-29 for Bahia, Boston and New J^uary18,8018,9018,8318,9519,1119,25 York New York American Futures "Raeburn" March18,9919,0819.0619,1519,3119,44 left Santos 4-9-29 "Herschel" for Rio Grande New York American futures. * due May19.1019,2019,1519,27J9.4319,55 Rio 14-9-29 for Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Aires "Holbein" due 20-9-29 SUGAR SERVICE "Newton" Rio for Santos and Rio Grande due Rio 5-10-29 for Santos London Futures August.. 10;-10/11/210/-10/-10/-10/- "Plutarch" due Rio 19-10-29 for Santos December10/7 1/210/7 1/210/910/7 1 10/7 1/2 10/7 1/2 "Bernini" and R. Grande March...10/10 1/210 SI/-U/M/2U/-'10/101/2 due Rio 18-9-29 for Santos and R. Grande May....11/3'l 1/4 1/211'4 1,211/611/311/3

New York futures Septembèr2,00Holiday1,972,032,042,07 » December2,12do2,102,142,1|2f,13 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA » March . 2,22do2,202,242,2i2^21 » May . . 2,28do2.272,312.282 (Lamport & Holt, Agents) 27 "Kamakura Maru" leaves Rio 25-9-29 for Cape Town, Afri- can ports and the Far East EXPORTS OF SUNDRY PRODUCE FROM THE PORT OF SANTOS. FURNESS PRINCE LINE BANANAS — During the month of July, 557,518 bun- Houlder Brothers & Co., Limited, Agents. ches, valued at 1,610 contos; "M-S. Jan. to July, 1929, 3,788,130 Eastern Prince" leaves Rio 18 Sept. for Bahia, Tri- bunches, valued at 11,023 contos. nidad and N. York FROZEN and CHILLED MEAT - "M-S. Month of July, Southern Prince" due Rio from N. York 12 Sept., 121,342 quarters, weighing 6,563 tons of 1,000 kilos; sails for Santos, Montevidéo and B. Aires to 560,056 "M-S. Jan. July, quarters of 33,940 tons. Southern Prince" leaves Rio 2 Oct. for Trinidad OFFAL, CHILLED and FROZEN - Month of July, and N. York 30,626 bales, weighing 867 tons; "M-S. Jan. to July, 136,408 Northern Prince" due Rio from' N. York 10 Oct., bales of 3,360 tons. sails for Santos, Montevidéo and B. Aires ORANGES — Mont/z "M-S. of July, 8,748 cases, weighing Northern Prince" leaves Rio 30 Oct. for Trinidad 292 tons; Jan. to July, 271,455 cases of 7,421 tons. and N. York PINEAPPLES — Month of July, 86 cases, weighing 4 tons; Jan. to July, 5,389 cases of 125 tons. — HIDES-SALTED Month of July, 29,215 hides, weig- PRINCE LINE hing 820 tons; Jan. to July, 1929, 145,235 hides, weighing (Houlder Bros. & Co., Ltd., Agents) 3,815 tons. "M-S. Castilian Prince" loads for Trinidad, N. York and Boston 21 Sept. "S-S. S H I P P I N G Sardinian Prince" loads for Trinidad, N. York and Boston 11 Oct. Steamers' Movement "M-S. Brazilian Prince" at Boston THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. "S-S. "Andes" Corsican Prince" en route for N. York left Santos 1 9 29 for Santos and Plate "S-S. "Asturias" Manchurian Prince" en route N. York—Rio due Rio 13 9 29 for Santos and Plate "S-S. "Almanzora" Highland Prince" loading in N. York for Rio and Santos arrived Southampton 3 9 29 homewards "Alcântara" left Rio 29 8 29 for Lisbon direct "Desna" arrives Rio 5 9 29 for Santos and Plate "Demerara" due Rio 19 9 29 for Santos NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. "Deseado" and Plate arrives and leaves Rio 10 9 29 for Lisbon di- Herm. Stoltz & Co., General Agents rect "Sierra "Highland Cordoba" left Bremen 26-Aug. for South Brigade" due Rio 8 9 29 for America "Highland River Plate and arr. 13 Sept. in Rio Pride" due Rio 24 9 29 for Plate "Sierra "Highland River Morena" left B. Aires 5 Sept. homewards Chieftain" arrives and leaves for Europe Rio 16 9 29 for and arr. 10 Sept. in Rio Las Palmas direct "Sierra "Sarthe" Ventana" in Bremen, leaves Bremen 16 Sept. for arrived Rio Grande 31 8 29 for River Plate South America and arr. 4 Oct. in Rio

'"k--. September 5, 1929 WILEMANS- BRAZILIAN REVIEW 1017

MC CORMICK STEAMSHIP CO. (P. A. B. LINE). Federal Express Co. — General Agents. THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED "Hollywood" CENTRAL OFFICE—BARÃO arrived Puerto Columbia Sept. 2, thènce Pa- DE MAUA STATION cific AVENIDA FRANCISCO BICALHO ports of U.S.A. ' "West Rio de Janeiro. Camargo" left Rio Sept. 2, due Bahia Sept. 5, thènce DAILY EXPRESSES to Pacific ports of U.S.A. . Telephone Villa "West 2200- Nilus" due Santos Sept. 18 sails Sept. TRAINS TO INTERIOR 20, calling Rio Sept. 21, Bahia 25, to íoad for Pacific ports of From Deparlurt Destination U. S. A. BARÃO DE MAUA 5.40 ) Campos. Miracerna, Itape- NICTHEROY 6.10 f mirim, Porciuncula. BARÃO DE MAUA 5.40 I- Friburgo, Cantagallo, Ma- CHÀRGEURS REUNIS - SUD-ATLANTIQUE NICTHEROY 6.35 f cuco, Portella. 'Kerguelen" expected from the Plate NICTHEROY 16.25 Rio Bonito (Mondays. Wed- 'Lutetia" 7 Sept. expected from' the Plate nesdays, Thursdays and 'Groix" 16 Sept. Sundays to Moc-nlié). expected from the Plate - 'Lipari" 17 Sept. BARÃO DE MAUA 6.00 expected from the Plate E. Rios, Uhá, Ponte Nova, 'Massilia" 30 Sept. Raul Soares. expected from the Plate 'Lipari" 7 Oct. expected from Europe BARÃO DE MAUA 6.00 Porto Novo, Recreio, Cata- 'Desirade" 10 Sept. expected from Europe guazes, Carangola, Ma- 'Krakus" 15 Sept. 7 nl.üassú. expected from Europe 'Massilia" 21 Sept. expected ffoim Europe NIGHT EXPRESSES 'Eubee" 25 Sept. expected from Europe 26 Sept. BARÃO DE MAUA 20.45 Campos, Itapemirim, Vicio- _ NICTHEROY 21.45 ria—Mondays and Fri- days. —Wednesdays. BARÃO DE MAUA 20.10 E. Rios, Ubá, Ponte Nova, JOHNSON LINE Raul Soares—Mondays Luiz and Campos, filhos & Co., Agents. Thursdays. "M-S. •» Pacific" left Gothenburg 13 ult. for BARÃO DE MAUA 20.10 Porto Novo, Cataguazes, Rio, Santos and Buenos Aires. Due here 7 Carangola, Manhuassú "M-S. inst. Mondays and Thurs- San Francisco" left Gothenburg 31 ult. for Rio, San- days. tos, Montevideo and B. Aires. "M-S. Due here 26 inst. Kronprinsessan Margareta" due to leave Gothenburg 11 Sept. for Rio, Santos and B.. Aires. Due here 7 Oct. ._' "Madrid" "M-S. left Rio 28 Aug. homewards for North Brazil Valparaiso" due to leave Gothenburg 28 inst., for and Europe and arr. 17 Sept. in Bremen Rio, Santos, Montevideo and B. Aires. "Werra" ' ' ¦ Due here 21 left Rio 3 Sept. Oct.. for La Plata ports, arr.. 9 Sept. "M-S. in B. Aires Kronprins Gustaf Adolf" due to leave "Weser" Gothenburg 9 left Bremen 2 Sept. for South America and arr. Oct., for Rio, Santos, and B. Aires. Due here 4 No- 24tlí Sept. in Rio vember "Gotha" "M-S. in Bremen, leaves Bremen 23 Sept. for South Kronprins Gustaf Adolf" left Bahia 15 ult, forSwe- America and arr. 15 Oct. in Rio den and Finland "Ansgir" "M-S. expected in Rio 20 Sept. Santos" left Bahia 1 Sept, for Sweden and Fin- land "M-S. Pedro Christophersen" due to leave B. Aires 5* inst, loading at Santos 9 inst, Rio 14 inst, Victoria 16 MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINES. inst., Bahia 18 inst, for Sweden and Finland "M-S. Suécia" Federal Express Co. ¦— General Agents. due to leave B. Aires 19. inst, loading at "Pan, Santos 24 inst, Rio 27 inst, Victoria 29t inst, Ba, America" leaving N. York Sept. 7, due Rio Sept. hia 1 Oct, for Sweden and Finland 19, Santos Sept 20, Montevideo 23rd, B. Aires Sep- tember 24 "American Legion" leaves B. Aires Sept. 5, Montevideo 6, Santos 10, Rio Tl, due N. York Sept. 24 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHÀ. "Southern Cross" left N. York Aug. 24, due Rio Sept. 5, Wilson Sons & Co., Ltd., Agents. "m-v. Santos 6, Montevideo 9, B. Aires Sept. 10 Montevideo Maru" arrives "Western Rio 7 Sept. from Japan. Wor\d" left Bahia, Aug. 30, leaving Trinidad Sails same day for Santos, Montevideo and Buenos Sept. 7, due N. York Sept. 10 Aires s-s. Manila Maru" sails Santos 7 Sept. for Rio (arr. and sails 8) Victoria, Belém, N. Orleans, Galveston, Los Angeles, Yokohama and Kobe MUNSON "s-s. STEAMSHIP LINE. Hawaii Maru" sails Hong Kong. 7 Sept for Saigon, Singapore, Corgo Service. Colombo, Durban, Cape Town, Rio (arr. ¦*'Walter sails 20 Oct) Santos, Montevideo" D Munson" left Rio Aug. 10, direct to N. York "m-v. and B. Aires "Munamar" Santos Maru" sails Los Angeles 7 Sept. for Yoko- leaving Santos Sept. 7, Rio 9 direct to N. York "Munorleans" hama and Kobe leaves "m-v. N. York Sept. 14 for Bahia, Rio and La Plata Maru" in Kobe Santos 1018 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW September 5, 1929

BLUE STAR LINE. TO THE ADVERTISER Wilson Sons & Co.. Ltd., Agents. "s-s. Your aim in placing announcements in a paper is Andalucia StaV' sailed Rio 3 Sept. for St. Vincent, primarily because vou know that what you offer meets Madeira, Lisbon, , "s-s: Boulogne and London the eye of persons most likely to become your customers. Avelona Star" in Buenos "'s-s. Aires Once- the advertiser is interested, it rests with him to Ávila Star" "Wileman's sailed Madeira 3 Sept. for St. Vincent, push his ware into a market. Brazilian Re- Rio (arr. 13 Sept., sails 14) Santos, Montevidéo and view" numbers amongst its readers the world's leading Buenos Aires "s-s. business men. This assertion may sound illusive, but, never- Almeda Star" in London "s-s. theless, it is genuine, in so. far as our circulation is con- Arandora Star" "s-s. sails 7 Sept. for Mediterranean Cruise cerned,; for it reaches every coffee, banking, expor+ and Celticstár" sails Rio 21 Sept. for London direct import house of any standing in the four corners of the earth. This statement can be ascertained by any reader HAMBURG - SUEDAMERIKANISCHE who wishes to inspect our subscription files. "bona-fide" DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTS - GESELSCHAFT, HAMBURG. The following list shows the countries "Wileman's Theodor Wille & Co., Agents. and cities to which Brazilian Review" is po- "Cap sted weekly: BRAZIL: — Manaos, Pará, Arcona" left Lisbon 31 Au g.for Brazil and Árgeri- Maranhão, Na- tina; due Rio 9 Sept. tal, Fortaleza, Parahyba (Piauhy), Parnahyba, Per- "Cap nambuco, Polônio" leaves Hamburg 20 Sept. for Brazil and Maceió, Bahia (City), llheos, Victoria, Bel- Argentina lo Horizonte, Villa Nova de Lima (Morro Velho), "Cap Itabira do Matto Norte" leaves Hamburg 7 Sept. for Brazil and Ar- Dentro, Rio de Janeiro (City), Ni. gentina ctheroy, Petropolis, São Paulo (City), Santos, Ribei- "Monte rão Preto, Cervantes" leaves Hamburg 13 Sept. for Brazil and Villa Americana (S. Paulo), Santa Erne Argentina stina (S. Paulo), Mattão (S. Paulo), Curityba, Rio "Monte Olivia" loading at B. Grande do Sul (City), Livramento. Pelotas, Porto "Monte Aires for Hamburg Sarmiento" left Alegre and Águas Virtuosas. "Argentina" Rio 3 Sept. for Hamburg left Hamburg 5 URUGUAY :-Montevideo.« "Bahia" Sept. for Mid-Brazil ports dischàrging at South ARGENTINA:—Buenos Aires and Rosário. "Bilbao" Brazil ports dischàrging at Santos CHILE:—Valparaiso. "Entrerios" left Rio 26 Aug. PERU:-Lima. "Espana" for Antwerp and Hamburg left Hamburg 29 VENEZUELA:—Maracaibo. "La Aug. for Brazil and Argentina Coruna" left 29 SALVADOR :-Sant'Anna. "Maasdijk" Rio Aug. for Rotterdam and Ham- dischàrging at Florianópolis UNITED STATES:—Washington, New York, New Orleans, "Paraná" loading at South Brazil Chicago, San Francisco Philadelphia, Hano- "Pernambuco" ports (Cal.), left Hamburg 20 ver (Pa.), Boston, Wellesley Hills Cam- "Rio Aug. for South Brazil ports (Mass.), de Janeiro" left Rio 7 Aug. bridge (Mass.), Evanston Dayton Mo- "Santa for Hamburg (111.), (Ohio), Fé" left Hamburg 22 bil (Alabama), Columbas (Ohio), Houston "Santa Aug. for Mid-Brazil ports (Texas) Theresa" left Antwerp 17 and Morristown "Teneriffe" Aug. for Mid-Brazil ports (Pa.). leaves Hamburg 19 CANADA:—Montreal and Toronto. "Vigo" Sept. for Mid-Brazil ports en route for Hamburg from UNITED KINGDOM:—London, Liverpool, Manchester, "Villagarcia" Argentina dischàrging at Rio Grande S. Cheltenham, Hull, Eastbourne, Tunbridge Wells, Horn- church, Thetford, Bexhill-on-Sea, Burnham (Bucks.) and Kilmarnock HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE, HAMBURG. (Scot.). FRANCE:—Paris, Havre and Marseilles. Theodor Wille & Co.. Agents. BELGIUM:—Antwerp "Baden" and Brussels. leaves Hamburg 18 Sept. HOLLAND:—Rotterdam, "Bayern" for Braizl and Argentina Amsterdam and Enschede. leaves Rio 10 Sept. for "Wuerttemberg" Hamburg GERMANY:—Hamburg, Kiel, Berlin and Bremen. left Lisbon 30 Aug. for Brazil and Ar- ÁUSTRIA :-Vienna. gentina CZECHOSLAVAKIA:- "General Prague. Belgrano" due 7 SWITZERLAND:-Bale, "General Rio Sept. bound for B. Aires Genea and Zunch. Mitre" dischàrging at B. ITALY:—Trieste, "General Aires Genoa, Turin and Milan. Osório" leaves Hamburg 6 Sept. for Brazil and DENMARK:—Copenhagen and Kolding. ' Argentina "Albingia" NORWAY:—Oslo, Bergen, Hagesund and Ryfylka. left Hamburg 31 Aug. for SWEDEN "Antiochia" Brazil :-Stockholm, Goteborg, Gefle, Kristianschamm, en route for Hamburg "Artemisia" from Argentina Vasteras, Uppsala, Khristianstad and Helsingborg. en route for Hamburg from Argentina FINLAND:-Helsingfors, Gamla, Karleby and Kuopio. "Denderáh" at Santos "Geórgia" LATVIA:-Riga. dischàrging in Argentina ROUMAN IA:- Bucharest. "Holm" at Hamburg "Kyphissia" AUSTRÁLIA :-Melbourne. due Rio 7 Sept. from Hamburg and Antwerp EGYPT:—Aleaxndria and Heliopolis. VLuebeck" en route for Bahia Blanca SOUTH "Niederwald" from Santos ÁFRICA:—Cap Town, Johannesburg and Bloem- leaves Hamburg 14 Sept. for Brazil and San- fontein.* ta Fé "Palatia" JAVA:—Melang. en route for Hamburg " "Wasgenwald" from Bahia Blanca INDIA:-Calcutta. left Antwerp 17 Aug. for Mid-Brazil ports DUTCH EAST INDIES:-Sourabaya. and Bahia Blanca JAPAN:-Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Sapporo. LINEA SUD-AMERICANA INC., NEW YORK . There is no better "Sud advertising médium than a publi- Americano" leaves N. York 6 Sept. for Brazil and cation with a world-wide circulation. Argentina "Sud CAIXA POSTAL 809. - RIO DE Expresso" loading at B. Aires JANEIRO. WILEMANS BRAZILIAN REVIEW.