Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Gorham, N.H., for The
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF GORHAM, N. H. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST 1967 « Courier Printing Company, Inc. Littleton, New Hampshire Report of Special Budget Meeting A special Budget Committee meeting was held Wednesday, Feb- ruary 21, 1968 at the request of the Gorham School Board. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they requested the following items in their previously submitted budget (Pages 17, 18, 19) be amended as follows: Amended Item No. Increase Total 210 Salaries $ 23,400.00 $ 314,400.00 215 Textbooks 2,400.00 8,200.00 220 Audio-Visual 700.00 3,700.00 230 Instructional Supplies 960.00 10,460.00 235 Contracted Services 48.00 5,795.00 500 Pupil Trans, (for larger bus) 4,000.00 24,770.00 630 Operational Supplies 400.00 3,400.00 850 Fixed Charges 1,435.84 22,435.84 1266 Buildings (for Ed. Fenn addition) 250,000.00 1,150,000.00 1371 Other Debt Service 4,850.00 31,595.50 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $288,193.84 $1,704,225.50 TOTAL REVENUES 254,000.00 1,271,144.00 NET APPROPRIATION $ 34,193.84 $ 433,081.50 Summary of Budget (Page 11) and Details of Budget (Page 15) are amended as follows: ESTIMATED NET TOWN BUDGET $ 178,891.00 COUNTY TAX (Estimated) 50,000.00 SCHOOL BUDGET (Regular and Building) $1,704,225.50 Estimated Revenues 1,271,144.00 NET SCHOOL BUDGET 433,081.50 ESTIMATED TOWN, COUNTY AND SCHOOL BUDGETS $ 661,972.50 Resumes of Budgets (Page 15) are amended as follows: TOTAL TOWN BUDGET $ 271 691 00 TOTAL SCHOOL 1,704,225 50 TOTAL TOWN AND SCHOOL BUDGETS $1,975,916.50 Less: Estimated Receipts and Credits Town $ 92,800.00 School 1,271,144.00 1,363,944.00 NET TOWN AND SCHOOL BUDGETS $ 611,972 50 ESTIMATED COUNTY TAX 50,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED TOWN, SCHOOL AND COUNTY BUDGETS $ 661,972.50 The Budget Committee recommends the above increases be appropriated, the Edward Fenn Building project to be financed by bonds, the bonding and construction to be handled as one project with the previously submitted High School and Ann Lary projects.
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