Inspiration Mars Design Team

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Inspiration Mars Design Team UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME INSPIRATION MARS DESIGN TEAM University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 2 . UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME INSPIRATION MARS DESIGN TEAM MISSION ARCHITECTURE PROPOSAL Sarah Jackson Matthew Kudija Sebastian Ortega Brian Quinn Ryan VanDeCasteele March 15, 2014 University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 3 Abstract The Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team, consisting of five undergraduate students in the Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, proposes the mission architecture for a free-return Mars flyby mission. The mission is to launch in late 2017 to take advantage of the low energy free-return trajectory published by the Inspiration Mars Foundation and carry two crew members within 100 km of the surface of Mars before returning them safely to Earth. The Team builds o↵the work of the Inspiration Mars Foundation and proposes a mission architecture that relies less heavily on NASA support to reduce mission schedule risk as compared to the IM proposal. The mission launch architecture uses a modified SpaceX Dragon capsule to deliver the crew to orbit and ensure their safe reentry, a modified Orbital Sciences Cygnus module for crew habitation, and a newly designed upper stage for trans-Mars injec- tion. These vehicles are launched aboard SpaceX Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets currently in production or under development. The crew selection and training process is carefully analyzed to ensure the crew can meet the intense physiological and psychological demands of an extended deep space mission. Their work during the mission includes a number of science experiments to further our understanding of technologies required to eventually settle and terraform Mars. This mission architecture study provides a comprehensive vision for successfully completing the objectives put forward by the Inspiration Mars Foundation to design a Mars flyby architecture that is as low cost, safe, and operationally simple as possible. Future work for this Team will further analyze this mission architecture proposal and examine this proposal in the larger context of future manned space exploration. University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 4 Contents 1 Nomenclature 6 2 Project Background 7 2.1 Inspiration Mars Proposal . 7 2.2 Mission Purpose . 7 2.3 NotreDameDesignPhilosophy . 8 2.3.1 TheNotreDameApproach . 8 2.3.2 RisksofUsingCommercialLaunchProviders . 9 2.4 TheNotreDameTeam.............................. 9 3 Proposed Mission Architecture 12 3.1 Overview & Concept of Operations . 12 3.1.1 LEO Test Mission . 12 3.1.2 FlybyMission............................... 12 3.1.3 Launch Vehicles . 13 3.2 Capsule Selection . 14 3.3 HabitationModule(HAB)Selection. 15 3.4 UpperStageDesign................................ 15 3.5 Reentry . 16 3.5.1 ReentryBurnFeasibility . 17 3.6 Landing & Recovery . 17 4 Spacecraft Systems 18 4.1 Attitude Control . 18 4.2 EnvironmentalControl . 18 4.3 Power ....................................... 19 4.4 SolarFlareProtection .............................. 19 4.5 Navigation..................................... 20 4.6 Communication .................................. 20 5 Crew Considerations 21 5.1 Selection & Training . 21 5.2 Crew Duties . 22 5.2.1 Pre-Flight ................................. 22 5.2.2 On-Orbit . 23 5.3 Safety . 23 5.3.1 Crew Launch Safety . 24 5.3.2 On-Orbit Safety . 24 6 Science Mission 25 University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 5 7 Mission Summary Documents 26 7.1 ∆V Budget . 26 7.2 MissionSpecificationsSummary . 26 7.3 Mission Cost Estimates . 27 7.4 VehicleDevelopment&IntegrationTime-line . 28 7.4.1 HardwareandVehicleDevelopment . 29 7.4.2 Testing and Verification . 29 7.4.3 MissionExecution ............................ 30 8 Other Ideas 31 9 Future Work 32 10 Mission Graphics 32 11 Acknowledgments 37 List of Figures 1 MissionRiskAnalysis:SLSLaunch.. 11 2 MissionRiskAnalysis: Non-SLSLaunch. 11 3 Plot of Predicted Sun Spot Count for Cycle 24 (NASA Image). 20 4 MissionVehicleStack. .............................. 33 5MissionLaunchSequence.............................34 6MissionMap....................................35 List of Tables 1 MissionArchitectureLaunchSummary . 13 2∆V Budget .................................... 26 3 ComponentMasses ................................ 27 4LaunchVehicleSpecifications..........................27 5DragonCapsuleSpecifications..........................27 6 CygnusHabitationModuleSpecifications. 28 7 NotreDameTeam-DesignedUpperStageSpecifications . 28 8MissionCostEstimates.............................28 9VehicleDevelopmentandIntegrationTime-line................30 University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 6 1 Nomenclature Abbreviations and Acronyms ACS Attitude Control System ATV Automated Transfer Vehicle ECASS Enhanced Course Analog Sun Sensor ESA European Space Agency EI Entry Interface F9 Falcon 9 Rocket, Developed by Space Exploration Technologies Corp. FH Falcon Heavy Rocket, Developed by Space Exploration Technologies Corp. HAB Habitation Module IM Inspiration Mars IMF Inspiration Mars Foundation ISS International Space Station L/D Lift to Drag Ratio LEO Low Earth Orbit NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Orbital Orbital Sciences Corporation PLA Payload Adapter RF Radio Frequency SLS NASA Space Launch System SpaceX Space Exploration Technologies Corp. STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math TMI Trans-Mars Injection Burn TPS Thermal Protection System US Upper Stage VCD Vapor Compression and Distillation Greek ∆V Change in Velocity (Delta-V) University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 7 2 Project Background 2.1 Inspiration Mars Proposal The Inspiration Mars (IM) competition, sponsored by the Mars Society and based on the Inspiration Mars Foundation’s (IMF) Architecture Study Report Summary [1], serves as the foundation for the Notre Dame team’s mission design and feasibility study. In the Founda- tion’s proposal, a Cygnus-derived habitation module (HAB), a modified Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, and a currently undeveloped upper stage, are boosted to orbit aboard a single NASA Space Launch System (SLS) launch vehicle. Shortly thereafter, the mission crew launches aboard a commercial capsule and docks with the vehicle stack in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) before completing the trans-Mars injection (TMI) burn. Mission termination occurs after the Orion capsule reenters Earth’s atmosphere at 14.2 km/s and splashes down. In addition to the detailed analysis of how to accomplish the flyby mission, the Foundation also went to great lengths to describe why such a mission is beneficial both to the manned space program and the human race. Recognizing the value of this analysis, the Notre Dame team concentrated its e↵orts on improving the architecture presented to increase the opera- tional simplicity of the mission, the safety of the crew, and the cost e↵ectiveness of such an endeavor. 2.2 Mission Purpose The Inspiration Mars mission is an important step in the e↵orts of the United States to pursue manned exploration of our solar system’s celestial bodies and an essential opportunity to test many of the technologies and procedures that will be required for future landings on Mars, currently forecasted to take place in the early 2030s. Long duration manned spaceflight remains a largely untested frontier of human experience waiting to be explored and, as with Apollo, lessons learned in simply reaching Mars with a human crew are transferable to many aspects of subsequent landing attempts. Perhaps as important as paving the way for landings on Mars, the successful com- pletion of the IM mission would bolster the American spirit and economy in a multitude of ways. As scheduled, all launch vehicles and spacecraft modules are to be designed and manufactured in the United States, increasing the need for skilled work in the space sector that has diminished with the retirement of the Space Shuttle. Additionally, the mission provides a unique platform from which NASA’s Office of Education can continue to promote the benefits of working and training in the STEM professions. Ambitious missions such as this provide the inspiration for school children to further pursue their technical studies and will spawn the next generation of driven leaders in the space industry, continuing the push by the Inspiration Mars Society and NASA to send humans farther from Earth than they have ever been before. University of Notre Dame Inspiration Mars Design Team 8 2.3 Notre Dame Design Philosophy Paramount to the design philosophy employed by the Notre Dame Team was to build on the strengths of the existing IM architecture proposal while reducing its reliance on NASA resources in certain strategic areas to mitigate launch schedule risk. As outlined in Subsection 2.1, the IM proposal relies heavily the NASA-funded Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and Space Launch System. Although the current development schedule calls for completion of the SLS by 2017, this leaves only a small window of opportunity in which to conduct tests before the launch of the IM mission. Requested NASA support also extends to areas such as heat shield development, mission operations facilities and infrastructure, and significant monetary provisions. These place tremendous pressure on the agency to redistribute personnel and resources from its other chartered programs to meet deadlines for the Inspiration Mars mission. The SLS’s extended development period is a consequence of NASA’s unstable political position in
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