
Supplementary Online Content

Management of In-Flight Medical Emergencies

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Martin-Gill C, Doyle TJ, Yealy DM. In-flight medical emergencies: a review. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.19842

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. SYNCOPE / NEAR-SYNCOPE 30% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment-suspect Vasovagal: Pale, diaphoretic, improves with simple measures in 15-30 min. Cardiac cause (eg, myocardial infarction): Chest pain, dyspnea, arm or jaw pain, persistent bradycardia. Pulmonary: Dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain. Stroke: Slurred speech, facial droop, or arm weakness. Hypoglycemia: Diaphoretic, cool skin; assess with glucometer if available.

Management and expected course If unconscious Lie flat, elevate legs, apply . If no pulse or signs of life, follow cardiac arrest card. If transient syncope Supine position, elevate legs. Oral fluids with head raised if nausea absent. If improves in 15-30 min, slowly sit up and return to seat if tolerated. If hypoglycemia Oral glucose or 25 g of dextrose 50% intravenously. If other conditions suspected Refer to relevant card. If no improvement or not progressing as expected Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. GASTROINTESTINAL ILLNESS 15% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Identify extent and timing of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, and specifics of any abdominal pain (location, quality, and severity).

Management and expected course If nausea/emesis Use an oral antiemetic if available; if not tolerated, consider a parenteral antiemetic. Provide oral hydration if tolerated. Use sugar-containing if symptoms of hypoglycemia. If oral intake not tolerated, consider intravenous fluids. If dyspepsia Use an antacid if available in the emergency medical kit. If diarrhea Use an antidiarrheal if available in the emergency medical kit. If patient has fever and persistent diarrhea (>14 d), contact ground-based medical support, as local public health authorities may need to be contacted at the destination. If severe abdominal pain, tenderness on examination, rigid abdomen, or blood in bodily fluid Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. RESPIRATORY DISTRESS 10% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Identify history of respiratory disease, scuba diving, extremity swelling, or infectious symptoms. If available, check pulse oximetry.

Management and expected course If ongoing dyspnea or known oxygen saturation is <95% Administer oxygen. If passenger’s portable oxygen concentrator fails or is not used for a patient with preexisting lung disease, consider trial of . If passenger uses ≥4 L/min on the ground, the onboard oxygen supply may not be enough to reverse . Monitor flow rate of oxygen administered; canister consumption is variable and aircraft may not have sufficient oxygen for continuous use for the duration of the flight. If bronchospasm Administer albuterol, 2.5 mg inhaled. If allergic reaction Refer to allergic reaction card. If passenger does not improve Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. CARDIOVASCULAR SYMPTOMS 7% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Identify if any prior myocardial infarction or other cardiovascular history. In some settings, a 12-lead electrocardiogram may be obtained and transmitted for ground review (and/or volunteer review if qualified to read). Suspected acute coronary syndrome: Chest pain, dyspnea, arm or jaw pain. Suspected arrhythmia: Persistent bradycardia, tachycardia, or irregular heartbeat. Suspected dyspepsia: Isolated epigastric burning with no associated symptoms. This is a consideration of exclusion, supported by history of similar symptoms. Management and expected course If suspected acute coronary syndrome Aspirin, 325 mg orally; nitroglycerin, 0.4 mg sublingually every 5-10 min (if systolic blood pressure is ≥100 mm Hg). If any dyspnea or respiratory distress Give oxygen, unless saturations are known to be near or at normal levels. If dyspepsia suspected Antacids or other analgesics can be given after appropriate risk stratification. Alternative causes should first be considered. If persistent or additional symptoms Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations. Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. STROKE-LIKE SYMPTOMS Up to 5% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment A focused history should include the time of symptom onset, specific motor and sensory components, and any other associated symptoms including headache or sensorium changes. Screening for stroke: Speech disturbance, facial droop, or arm weakness.

Management and expected course Administer oxygen, unless saturations are known to be near or at normal levels. If patient has ongoing neurological deficits suggestive of a stroke Contact ground-based medical support. Recommendation may include diversion, which may not be to the closest airport if stroke care is not present at that airport. Ground-based team should have information on capabilities for medical care near most major airports.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. SEIZURE Up to 5% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Identify the symptoms the passenger exhibited during the event: Including onset, duration of movement activity, quality of movements (eg, tonic-clonic), and loss of bowel or bladder function.

Management and expected course If unresponsive Lay passenger on floor on side, monitor airway, and assess vital signs with ongoing neurological examination as above. If ongoing seizing Administer parenteral benzodiazepines if available in the emergency medical kit (not usually available on US commercial airlines). If alert following a prolonged or recurrent seizure Ground-based medical support may recommend an added dose of the patient’s own antiepileptic medication (if history of seizures and available) or an oral benzodiazepine (if available in the emergency medical kit). If seizure resolves and patient regains normal mental status Diversion is not commonly necessary.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. TRAUMA 5% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Assess all injuries for any open wounds, tenderness, deformity, or active bleeding. Assess patients with injury to the head, neck, or back for any neurological symptoms.

Management and expected course Injuries from falling luggage Typically minor and may be assessed further at the destination. Active bleeding Control bleeding with direct pressure using a gloved hand. Ongoing heavy extremity bleeding Consider applying a tourniquet. Suspected long bone or joint injuries Splinting material is not commonly found in the emergency medical kit, but may be improvised from available equipment (eg, a U-shaped half-rolled magazine secured with tape will make a good forearm or wrist splint).

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. CARDIOVASCULARGASTROINTESTINALSYNCOPSTROKE-LIKEPSYCHIATRICRESPIRATORYETRAUMASEIZURE/ NEAR-SYNCOPE SYMPTOMS DISTRESS SYMPTOMS ILLNESS Up30%15%10% 7%5%to 5%3% of of all ofall allin-flight in-flight in-flight emergencies emergencies emergencies Initial assessment-suspectassessment Vasovagal:IdentifyAAssessAim focused to allcreate ifextenthistorythe historyinjuriesany Pale, symptoms aprior and rapportof diaphoretic,should for respiratory timingmyocardial any the withinclude open ofpassenger the symptoms,improves disease, wounds,infarctionthe passenger time exhibited of withincludingscubaorsymptomduringtenderness,to otherdeescalate simple diving, the cardiovascular onset,nausea, event: measuresdeformity, extremitythe specific situation.vomiting, in orhistory. motorswelling, 15-30 active diarrhea, and min. bleeding. sensory bleeding, CardiacInAssessElicitandorcomponents,Including someinfectious specifics information patients causesettings, onset, andsymptoms. of(eg, with anyduration anya and myocardial12-lead abdominalinjuryother consider of associated toelectrocardiogram movement the infarction): thepain head, passenger’s (location, symptoms neck,activity, may ChestIfbeorusequality,includingquality available, backobtained of pain,mood-altering offorand headache movements anydyspnea, andcheckseverity). neurological transmitted pulseor armsensoriumsubstances. (eg, oximetry. or tonic-clonic), jawsymptoms.for changes.groundpain, review and loss of bowel or bladder function. Identifypersistent(and/orScreening volunteerif forpatientbradycardia. stroke: reviewtakes Speech specific if qualified disturbance, psychiatric to read). facial droop, or arm weakness. Pulmonary:Suspectedmedications,Management acute Dyspnea, dosing, and coronary expected lastpleuritic dose syndrome: taken,coursechest pain. Chest pain, dyspnea,and if available arm or on jaw aircraft. pain. InjuriesStroke:IfManagement ongoingnausea/emesis Slurredfrom dyspnea falling andspeech, Useorexpected luggage known anfacial oral oxygen droop, courseantiemeticTypically saturation minor Management and expected course andorSuspectedisIfif available;unresponsive <95%arm may weakness. be Administerarrhythmia: assessedif not Laytolerated, further passengeroxygen. Persistent considerat the on bradycardia, destination.floor a on side, monitorAdministerparenteralManagement airway, antiemetic. oxygen, and and expectedunless assess saturationsvital course signs with are known Hypoglycemia:tachycardia,If passenger’s or irregularDiaphoretic,portable heartbeat.oxygen cool concentrator skin; ongoingtoActive be near bleeding neurological or at normal Control examination levels. bleeding as with above. direct pressureassessSuspectedIffailsProvide verbal or with isdeescalation usingoral dyspepsia:not glucometer hydration useda gloved for Isolatedineffective aifhand. patient available.tolerated. epigastric with preexisting burning withIfConsiderlung ongoingpatient no disease, associated ahas seizingbenzodiazepine ongoing consider symptoms. Administer neurological trial if of availableThis oxygen parenteral is deficitsa consideration fromtherapy. an OngoingUse sugar-containing heavy extremity liquids bleeding if symptoms ofbenzodiazepinessuggestiveextended exclusion, emergency of supported a stroke if available medical byContact history in kit. the ground-based emergency ConsiderManagementIfof passenger hypoglycemia. applying uses and a≥4 expectedtourniquet. L/min on course the ground, ofmedicalBenzodiazepines similar kitsupport. symptoms. (not usually are not available commonly available in IfIfthe unconscious oral onboard intake oxygen not Lie tolerated, flat, supply elevate mayconsider legs,not be apply enough onSuspectedRecommendationthe US emergency commercial long bone medical airlines). may or jointinclude kit and injuries diversion,are infrequently oxygen.Managementintravenousto reverse If no hypoxia. pulsefluids. and orexpected signs of life,course IfSplintingwhichnecessary alert following may material even not be whena isprolonged to not the available. commonly closest or recurrent airport found inseizure the emergencyIffollowMonitor dyspepsiasuspected cardiac flow medical acute Usearrestrate coronaryan ofkit, card. antacidoxygen but may syndrome ifadministered; available be improvised in the IfGround-basedif combative stroke care medicalisRefer not presentto support flight at crew maythat for airport.recommend individual IffromemergencyAspirin,canister transient available 325 consumption medicalsyncope mg equipment orally; kit. Supine isnitroglycerin, variable(eg, position, a U-shaped and 0.4 aircraftelevate mg legs. sublinguallyairlineanmayGround-based added not security dosehave every of sufficient protocols,team the 5-10 patient’sshould min oxygen which (ifhave own systolic takefor information antiepileptic continuous precedence blood IfOralhalf-rolled diarrhea fluids with magazine Use head an antidiarrheal securedraised if withnausea if availabletape absent. will in the pressureovermedicationuseon capabilities attemptsfor theis ≥ (if duration100 athistory for medicalmm medical of Hg).of the seizures management. careflight. near and mostavailable) oremergencyIfmake improves an orala good benzodiazepine medical in forearm 15-30 kit. min,or wrist (ifslowly available splint). sit up in the IfAirlinemajor anybronchospasm dyspnea airports. security or protocols respiratory vary distress by airline and may emergencyandIf patient return hastomedical seat fever if kit). tolerated.and persistent diarrhea GiveAdministerinclude oxygen, restraining albuterol, unless saturationsthe 2.5 passenger mg inhaled. are or known diverting Ifthe(>14 seizurehypoglycemia aircraft d), resolves contact for the and ground-basedOral safety patient glucose of regains other or medical 25 passengers g of support, dextrose toIf allergic be near reactionor at normal levels. normal50%andas local intravenously.crew. mental public status health authorities may need to be IfDiversionRefercontacted dyspepsiaother to conditionsallergic is notat suspected the commonly reaction destination. suspected card. Antacids necessary. or other analgesics can be given after appropriate risk IReferIff severepassenger to relevantabdominal does card.not pain, improve tenderness on examination, stratification. Alternative causes should first rigidContact abdomen, ground-based or blood medical in bodily support fluid beIf no considered. improvement or not progressing asContactfor expected additional ground-based recommendations.Contact ground-basedmedical support Ifmedicalfor persistent additional support or recommendations. additional for additional symptoms recommendations. Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations. Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. SUBSTANCECARDIOVASCULARGASTROINTESTINALSYNCOPSTROKE-LIKEPSYCHIATRICRESPIRATORY ABUSEETRAUMASEIZURE/ NEAR-SYNCOPE ANDSYMPTOMS DISTRESS SYMPTOMS WITHDRAWAL ILLNESS Up30%15%10% 7%5%to 5%3% of of all ofall allin-flight in-flight in-flight emergencies emergencies emergencies Initial assessment-suspectassessment Vasovagal:IdentifyAAssessAim focused to allcreate ifextenthistorythetype, historyinjuriesany Pale, symptoms aamount,prior and rapportof diaphoretic,should for respiratory timingmyocardial any andthe withinclude open of passengertiming the symptoms,improves disease, wounds,infarctionthe passenger time exhibited of withincludingscubaorsymptomduringtenderness,toof substancesotherdeescalate simple diving, the cardiovascular onset,nausea, event: measuresdeformity, extremitytheused. specific situation.vomiting, in orhistory. motorswelling, 15-30 active diarrhea, and min. bleeding. sensory bleeding, CardiacInAssessElicitIdentifyandorcomponents,Including someinfectious specifics information patients causesettings,symptoms onset, andsymptoms. of(eg, with anyduration anya and myocardial 12-leadand abdominalinjuryother consider mental of associated toelectrocardiogram movement the infarction): status, thepain head, passenger’s (location, symptoms neck,activity, may ChestIfbeorusealongquality,includingquality available, backobtained of withpain,mood-altering offorand headache movements vitalanydyspnea, andcheckseverity). neurological signs.transmitted pulseor armsensoriumsubstances. (eg, oximetry. or tonic-clonic), jawsymptoms.for changes.groundpain, review and loss of bowel or bladder function. IdentifySuspectedpersistent(and/orScreening volunteerif for patientbradycardia.opioid stroke: ingestion:reviewtakes Speech specific if qualified disturbance,Altered psychiatric mentation,to read). facial droop, or arm weakness. Pulmonary:Suspectedmedications,constrictedManagement acute pupils,Dyspnea, dosing, and coronary respiratory expected lastpleuritic dose syndrome: taken,coursechestdepression. pain. Chest pain, dyspnea,and if available arm or on jaw aircraft. pain. InjuriesStroke:SuspectedIfManagement ongoingnausea/emesis Slurredfrom dyspneaalcohol falling andspeech, ingestion: Useorexpected luggage known anfacial oral Altered oxygen droop, courseantiemeticTypically saturationmentation, minor Management and expected course andorSuspectedslurredisIfif available;unresponsive <95%arm may weakness.speech, be Administerarrhythmia: assessedif not behavior Laytolerated, further passengeroxygen. Persistent changes. considerat the on bradycardia, destination.floor a on side, monitorAdministerparenteralManagement airway, antiemetic. oxygen, and and expectedunless assess saturationsvital course signs with are known Hypoglycemia:Suspectedtachycardia,If passenger’s stimulant or irregularDiaphoretic,portable ingestion: heartbeat.oxygen cool Altered concentrator skin; mentation, ongoingtoActive be near bleeding neurological or at normal Control examination levels. bleeding as with above. direct pressureassessSuspectedtachycardia,IffailsProvide verbal or with isdeescalation usingoral dyspepsia:not glucometer dilated hydration useda gloved forpupils, Isolatedineffective aifhand. patient available.tolerated. agitation. epigastric with preexisting burning withIfConsiderlung ongoingpatient no disease, associated ahas seizingbenzodiazepine ongoing consider symptoms. Administer neurological trial if of availableThis oxygen parenteral is deficitsa consideration fromtherapy. an OngoingUse sugar-containing heavy extremity liquids bleeding if symptoms ofbenzodiazepinessuggestiveextended exclusion, emergency of supported a stroke if available medical byContact history in kit. the ground-based emergency ConsiderManagementIfof passenger hypoglycemia. applying uses and a≥4 expectedtourniquet. L/min on course the ground, ofmedicalBenzodiazepines similar kitsupport. symptoms. (not usually are not available commonly available in IfIfthe normalunconscious oral onboard intake vital oxygen signs not Lie tolerated, and flat, supply no elevate respiratory mayconsider legs,not compromise be apply enough onSuspectedRecommendationthe US emergency commercial long bone medical airlines). may or jointinclude kit and injuries diversion,are infrequently oxygen.ObservationManagementintravenousto reverse If no hypoxia. only. pulsefluids. and orexpected signs of life,course IfSplintingwhichnecessary alert following may material even not be whena isprolonged to not the available. commonly closest or recurrent airport found inseizure the emergencyIffollowMonitor dyspepsiasuspected cardiac flow medical opioidacute Usearrestrate coronaryan ofingestionkit, card. antacidoxygen but may syndrome withifadministered; available be respiratory improvised in the IfGround-basedif combative stroke care medicalisRefer not presentto support flight at crew maythat for airport.recommend individual IffromemergencydepressionAspirin,canister transient available 325 consumption medicalsyncope mg Naloxone, equipment orally; kit. Supine isnitroglycerin, 0.4-0.8 variable(eg, position, a U-shapedmg and intravenously 0.4 aircraftelevate mg legs. orsublinguallyairlineanmayGround-based 2added mg not security intramuscularly/intranasally. dosehave every of sufficient protocols,team the 5-10 patient’sshould min oxygen which (ifhave own systolic takefor information antiepileptic continuous precedence blood IfOralhalf-rolled diarrhea fluids with magazine Use head an antidiarrheal securedraised if withnausea if availabletape absent. will in the pressureovermedicationuseon capabilities attemptsfor theis ≥ (if duration100 athistory for medicalmm medical of Hg).of the seizures management. careflight. near and mostavailable) emergencyIfmake improvessuspected a good medical in alcoholforearm 15-30 kit. overdose min,or wrist slowly splint). sit up ormajor an oral airports. benzodiazepine (if available in the IfObserveAirline anybronchospasm dyspnea securityand provide or protocols respiratory antiemetic vary distress bytherapy. airline and may emergencyandIf patient return hastomedical seat fever if kit). tolerated.and persistent diarrhea GiveAdministerinclude oxygen, restraining albuterol, unless saturationsthe 2.5 passenger mg inhaled. are or known diverting Ifthe(>14 seizurehypoglycemiasuspected aircraft d), resolves contact stimulantfor the and ground-basedOral safety patient ingestion glucose of regains other or medical 25 passengers g of support, dextrose toIf allergic be near reactionor at normal levels. normal50%Observeandas local intravenously.crew. mental andpublic hydrate status health (for authorities tachycardia). may need to be IfDiversionConsiderRefercontacted dyspepsiaother to conditionsallergic benzodiazepineis notat suspected the commonly reaction destination. suspected card. Antacids ifnecessary. available or fromother the analgesicsemergency can medical be given kit. after appropriate risk IReferIff severepassenger to relevantabdominal does card.not pain, improve tenderness on examination, stratification. Alternative causes should first rigidIfContact ongoing abdomen, ground-based respiratory or blood distressmedical in bodily or support combativenessfluid beIf no considered. improvement or not progressing asContactfor expected additional ground-based recommendations.Contact ground-basedmedical support for Ifmedicalforadditional persistent additional support recommendations. or recommendations. additional for additional symptoms Refer recommendations. to airline crew Contactfor individual ground-based airline security medical protocols. support for additional recommendations. Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. SUBSTANCECARDIOVASCULARGASTROINTESTINALSYNCOPSTROKE-LIKEPSYCHIATRICRESPIRATORYALLERGIC ABUSEETRAUMASEIZURE/ NEAR-SYNCOPE REACTION ANDSYMPTOMS DISTRESS SYMPTOMS WITHDRAWAL ILLNESS Up30%15%10% 7%5%2%to 5%3% of of all ofall allin-flight in-flight in-flight emergencies emergencies emergencies Initial assessment-suspectassessment Vasovagal:IdentifyAAssessAim focused to allcreate ifextenthistorythetype,any historyinjuriesany Pale, symptomsknown aamount,prior and rapportof diaphoretic,should for respiratory timingmyocardialor any likely andthe withinclude open of passengertiming allergenthe symptoms,improves disease, wounds,infarctionthe passenger time exposure; exhibited of withincludingscubaorsymptomduringtenderness,toofduration substancesotherdeescalate simple diving, the cardiovascular and onset,nausea, event: measuresdeformity, severity extremitytheused. specific situation.vomiting, ofin orhistory. motor swelling,symptoms;15-30 active diarrhea, and min. bleeding. sensory and bleeding, any CardiacInAssessElicitIdentifyandorcomponents,Includingairway someinfectious specifics information patientsswelling, causesettings,symptoms onset, andsymptoms. of(eg, with anydurationrespiratory anya and myocardial 12-leadand abdominalinjuryother consider mental of associated toelectrocardiogram involvement,movement the infarction): status, thepain head, passenger’s (location, symptoms neck,activity, or signs may ChestIfbeorusealongquality,includingqualityof available, systemicbackobtained of withpain,mood-altering offorand headache movements vitalany dyspnea, reactionandcheckseverity). neurological signs.transmitted pulseor such armsensoriumsubstances. (eg, oximetry. oras tonic-clonic), jawsymptoms.generalizedfor changes.groundpain, review hives. and loss of bowel or bladder function. IdentifySuspectedpersistent(and/orScreening volunteerif for patientbradycardia.opioidlocal stroke: allergic ingestion:reviewtakes Speech specificreaction: if qualified disturbance,Altered psychiatric Localized mentation,to read). facialpruritic droop, rash oror armisolated weakness. hives. Pulmonary:Suspectedmedications,constrictedManagement acute pupils,Dyspnea, dosing, and coronary respiratory expected lastpleuritic dose syndrome: taken,coursechestdepression. pain. Chest pain, dyspnea,andSuspected if available arm anaphylaxis: or on jaw aircraft. pain. Airway swelling, InjuriesStroke:SuspectedIfManagement ongoingnausea/emesis Slurredfrom dyspneaalcohol falling andspeech, ingestion: Useorexpected luggage known anfacial oral Altered oxygen droop, courseantiemeticTypically saturationmentation, minor respiratoryManagement distress, and expected generalized course hives, andorSuspectedslurredisIfif available;unresponsive <95%arm may weakness.speech, be Administerarrhythmia: assessedif not behavior Laytolerated, further passengeroxygen. Persistent changes. considerat the on bradycardia, destination.floor a on side, monitorAdministerparenteralhypotension,Management airway, antiemetic. oxygen, nausea/vomiting. and and expectedunless assess saturationsvital course signs with are known Hypoglycemia:Suspectedtachycardia,If passenger’s stimulant or irregularDiaphoretic,portable ingestion: heartbeat.oxygen cool Altered concentrator skin; mentation, ongoingtoActive be near bleeding neurological or at normal Control examination levels. bleeding as with above. direct pressureassessSuspectedtachycardia,IffailsProvide verbal or with isdeescalation usingoral dyspepsia:not glucometer dilated hydration useda gloved forpupils, Isolatedineffective aifhand. patient available.tolerated. agitation. epigastric with preexisting burning withIfConsiderManagementUselung ongoingpatient no sugar-containing disease, associated ahas seizingbenzodiazepine ongoing considerand symptoms. expected Administer neurological liquids trial if of availableThis if courseoxygen parenteralsymptoms is deficitsa consideration fromtherapy. an extendedOngoing heavy emergency extremity medical bleeding kit. IfofbenzodiazepinessuggestiveManagementIfof local exclusion, passenger hypoglycemia. allergic of supported auses andreactionstroke if ≥4available expected L/min by Contact history onin coursethe the ground-based emergency ground, medicalConsiderManagement support. applying and a expectedtourniquet. course Diphenhydramine,IfofmedicaltheBenzodiazepines normal similar onboard kit vital symptoms. (not oxygensigns usually are 25-50and supplynot no available mgcommonlyrespiratory may in adults not availablecompromisebe or enough 1 mg/kg in SuspectedIfIf unconscious oral intake long not bone Lie tolerated, flat, or joint elevate considerinjuries legs, apply inObservationontoRecommendationthe children US reverse emergency commercial orally. hypoxia. only. medical airlines). may include kit and diversion,are infrequently Splintingoxygen.Managementintravenous If material no pulsefluids. and is or expectednot signs commonly of life,course found in the IfIfwhichnecessary alert unable following may to even toleratenot be whena prolonged to oral the available. ingestion, closest or recurrent airport diphenhydramine seizure emergencyIffollowMonitor dyspepsiasuspected cardiac flow medical opioidacute Usearrestrate coronaryan ofingestionkit, card. antacidoxygen but may syndrome withifadministered; available be respiratory improvised in the IfGround-basedintravenously/intramuscularlyif combative stroke care medicalisRefer not presentto support flight at crew maythatat above for airport.recommend individual dose. IffromemergencydepressionAspirin,canister transient available 325 consumption medicalsyncope mg Naloxone, equipment orally; kit. Supine isnitroglycerin, 0.4-0.8 variable(eg, position, a U-shapedmg and intravenously 0.4 aircraftelevate mg legs. orsublinguallyairlineanTrymayGround-based 2added mga not differentsecurity intramuscularly/intranasally. dosehave every of sufficient protocols,teamhistamine the 5-10 patient’sshould min oxygen whichblocker (ifhave own systolic takefor information antiepileptic continuous precedence blood IfOralhalf-rolled diarrhea fluids with magazine Use head an antidiarrheal securedraised if withnausea if availabletape absent. will in the pressureovermedicationifuseon available capabilities attemptsfor theis ≥ (if durationin100 athistorythe for medicalmm emergency medical of Hg).of the seizures management. careflight. medical near and mostavailable) kit. emergencyIfmake improvessuspected a good medical in alcoholforearm 15-30 kit. overdose min,or wrist slowly splint). sit up ormajor an oral airports. benzodiazepine (if available in the IfObserveAirline anaphylaxisanybronchospasm dyspnea securityand provide or Epinephrine, protocols respiratory antiemetic vary distress1 mg/mL bytherapy. airline (0.3 and mL may emergencyandIf patient return hastomedical seat fever if kit). tolerated.and persistent diarrhea inGiveAdministerinclude adults, oxygen, restrainingor albuterol, 0.15 unless mL saturations thein 2.5 children passenger mg inhaled. areintramuscularly), or known diverting If(>14 hypoglycemiasuspected d), contact stimulant ground-basedOral ingestion glucose or medical 25 g of support, dextrose diphenhydramine,toIfthe seizure be aircraft near resolves or forat normal the and and safety patient steroids levels. of regains other if available passengers in the 50%ObserveIfas allergic local intravenously. andpublic reaction hydrate health (for authorities tachycardia). may need to be emergencynormaland crew. mental medical status kit. Epinephrine may be IfDiversionConsiderRefercontacted dyspepsiaother to conditionsallergic benzodiazepineis notat suspected the commonly reaction destination. suspected card. Antacids ifnecessary. available or fromother the availableanalgesicsemergency as can medicalan autoinjecbe given kit. torafter or appropriate in an ampoule risk IReferIff severepassenger to relevantabdominal does card.not pain, improve tenderness on examination, tostratification. be drawn up Alternative via . causes should first rigidIfContact ongoing abdomen, ground-based respiratory or blood distressmedical in bodily or support combativenessfluid Ifbe thereno considered. improvement is no improvement or not progressing Contactfor additional ground-based recommendations. medical support for Contactas expected ground-based Contact ground-basedmedical support Ifmedicalforadditional persistent additional support recommendations. or recommendations. additional for additional symptoms Refer recommendations. to airline crew forContact additionalindividual ground-based airlinerecommendations. security medical protocols. support for additional recommendations. Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. OBSTETRIC EMERGENCIES 1% of all in-flight emergencies Initial assessment Identify onset and detailed description of symptoms, along with information about the pregnancy (eg, parity, gestational age, and any preceding complications). Vaginal bleeding: Assess duration and severity (ie, equivalent of pads per h). Labor suspected: Regular contraction, gush of vaginal fluid.

Management and expected course If vaginal bleeding <1 pad per h Expectant management is common. If preterm labor in third trimester Place the passenger on left side and consider fluid intravenously if any concerns exist for blood loss or distress. Active labor, ongoing/severe vaginal bleeding, or increasing/severe abdominal pain Contact ground-based medical support for additional recommendations.

Downloaded From:© 2018 https://jamanetwork.com/ American Medical Association. on 10/01/2021All rights reserved. SUBSTANCECARDIOVASCULARGASTROINTESTINALSYNCOPOBSTETRICSTROKE-LIKEPSYCHIATRICRESPIRATORYALLERGICCARDIAC ABUSEETRAUMASEIZURE/ NEAR-SYNCOPE EMERGENCIES REACTION ARRESTANDSYMPTOMS DISTRESS SYMPTOMS WITHDRAWAL ILLNESS Up0.2%30%15%10% 7%5%2%1%to 5%3% of ofof all of allall allin-flight in-flightin-flight in-flight emergencies emergenciesemergencies emergencies Initial assessment-suspectassessment Vasovagal:IdentifyAAssessAimCheck focused to breathingallcreate ifextenthistorythetype,anyonset historyinjuriesany Pale, symptomsknown aamount,priorand and rapportof diaphoretic,andshould for respiratorydetailed timingmyocardialor pulse;any likely andthe withinclude open of passenger timingdescriptionlimit allergenthe symptoms,improves disease, wounds,infarctionthe passengerpulse time exposure; exhibited checks of withincludingscubaorsymptomduringtenderness,toofduration substancessymptoms,otherdeescalate<10 simple diving, theseconds. cardiovascular and onset,nausea, event: measuresdeformity, severity extremitytheused.along specific situation.vomiting, with ofin orhistory. motor swelling,symptoms;15-30 information active diarrhea, and min. bleeding. sensory and aboutbleeding, any the CardiacInAssessElicitIdentifyandorcomponents,Includingairwaypregnancy someinfectious specifics information patientsswelling, causesettings,symptoms onset, (eg, andsymptoms. of(eg, parity,with anydurationrespiratory anya and myocardial 12-leadand abdominalinjuryother considergestational mental of associated toelectrocardiogram involvement,movement the infarction): status, thepain head, age, passenger’s (location, symptoms andneck,activity, or any signs may ChestIfbeorusealongquality,includingqualityofprecedingManagement available, systemicbackobtained of withpain,mood-altering offorand headache movementscomplications). vitalany dyspnea, reactionandcheckseverity). andneurological signs.transmitted pulseor expected such armsensoriumsubstances. (eg, oximetry. oras tonic-clonic), jawsymptoms.generalizedfor course changes.groundpain, review hives. and loss of bowel or bladder function. IdentifySuspectedpersistent(and/orScreeningVaginalIf no pulse bleeding:volunteerif forpatient bradycardia.opioidlocalor stroke:signs allergic ingestion:Assessreviewtakes of Speech life specificreaction: durationif qualified disturbance,Altered psychiatric Localizedand mentation,to severity read). facialpruritic(ie, equivalent droop, rash oror armofisolated pads weakness. per hives. h). Pulmonary:Suspectedmedications,constrictedManagementStart chest acute pupils,Dyspnea, compression-only dosing, and coronary respiratory expected lastpleuritic dose syndrome: taken,coursechestdepression.cardiopulmonary pain. Chest pain, dyspnea,andSuspectedLaborresuscitation, if availablesuspected: arm anaphylaxis: or withon jaw Regular aircraft. pain.addition Airway contraction, of swelling, bag-valve-mask InjuriesStroke:SuspectedIfManagement ongoingnausea/emesis Slurredfrom dyspneaalcohol falling andspeech, ingestion: Useorexpected luggage known anfacial oral Altered oxygen droop, courseantiemeticTypically saturationmentation, minor respiratorygushManagementventilation of vaginal distress, (30 and fluid. compressions expected generalized courseto hives, 2 ventilations) andorSuspectedslurredisIfif available;unresponsive <95%arm may weakness.speech, be Administerarrhythmia: assessedif not behavior Laytolerated, further passengeroxygen. Persistent changes. considerat the on bradycardia, destination.floor a on side, monitorAdministerparenteralhypotension,Managementwhen the airway, antiemetic. emergencyoxygen, nausea/vomiting. and and expectedunless assess medical saturationsvital coursekit signs is available with are known Hypoglycemia:Suspectedtachycardia,If passenger’s stimulant or irregularDiaphoretic,portable ingestion: heartbeat.oxygen cool Altered concentrator skin; mentation, ongoingtoActiveand be someonenear bleeding neurological or at skilled normal Control examinationis levels. present. bleeding as with above. direct pressureassessSuspectedtachycardia,IfManagementfailsProvide verbal or with isdeescalation usingoral dyspepsia:not glucometer dilated hydration usedaand gloved expectedforpupils, Isolatedineffective aifhand. patient available.tolerated. agitation. epigastric course with preexisting burning withIfConsiderManagementlungObtain ongoingpatient no disease, associated and ahas seizingbenzodiazepine apply ongoing considerand symptoms. automated expected Administer neurological trial if of available Thisexternal courseoxygen parenteral is deficitsa consideration fromdefibrillatortherapy. an OngoingIfUse vaginal sugar-containing heavy bleeding extremity <1 pad liquids bleeding per ifh symptoms Ifofbenzodiazepinessuggestiveextendedas local exclusion, soon allergic as emergency of possible supported a reactionstroke if available and medical by Contact follow history in kit. the instructions ground-based emergency ConsiderExpectantManagementIfof passenger hypoglycemia. applying management uses and a≥4 expectedtourniquet. L/min is common. on course the ground, Diphenhydramine,medicalfor defibrillation. kitsupport. (not usually 25-50 available mg in adults or 1 mg/kg IfofIftheBenzodiazepines normalpreterm similar oral onboard intake vital symptoms. labor oxygen signsnot in tolerated,are thirdand supplynot no trimester commonlyrespiratory mayconsider not availablecompromise be enough in inonSuspectedIfIf unconsciouschildren USno commercialshock longorally. is advised, bone Lie airlines). flat, or orjoint elevate AFTER injuries legs,a shock apply is PlaceObservationManagementintravenoustoRecommendationthe reverse emergency the passenger hypoxia. only. fluids. and medical may expectedon left include kit side and course diversion,andare infrequentlyconsider fluid Splintingoxygen.delivered, If material no resume pulse is orcardiopulmonary not signs commonly of life, found resuscitation in the intravenouslyIfIfwhichnecessary alert unable following may to even toleratenot if anybe whena prolonged to oralconcerns the available. ingestion, closest orexist recurrent airport diphenhydramine for blood seizure loss emergencyIffollowifMonitor dyspepsiasuspected there cardiac is flow nomedical opioidacute pulse.Usearrestrate coronaryan ofingestionkit, card. antacidoxygen but may syndrome withifadministered; available be respiratory improvised in the IforGround-basedintravenously/intramuscularlyif combative distress. stroke care medicalisRefer not presentto support flight at crew maythatat above for airport.recommend individual dose. IffromemergencydepressionAspirin,canister transient available 325 consumption medicalsyncope mg Naloxone, equipment orally; kit. Supine isnitroglycerin, 0.4-0.8 variable(eg, position, a U-shapedmg and intravenously 0.4 aircraftelevate mg legs. orsublinguallyairlineanTrymayGround-basedIf 2 addedno mga not response differentsecurity intramuscularly/intranasally. dosehave every of sufficient protocols,toteamhistamine the cardiopulmonary5-10 patient’sshould min oxygen whichblocker (ifhave own systolic takefor information antiepileptic resuscitationcontinuous precedence blood IfOralhalf-rolledActive diarrhea fluids labor, with magazine Use ongoing/severe head an antidiarrheal securedraised if vaginal withnausea if availabletape bleeding,absent. will in the pressureovermedicationifuseonand available capabilities attemptsforautomated theis ≥ (if durationin100 athistorythe for externalmedicalmm emergency medical of Hg).of the seizures management.defibrillator, careflight. medical near and mostavailable) initiatekit. an emergencyIfmakeor improvessuspected increasing/severe a good medical in alcoholforearm 15-30 kit. overdose abdominal min,or wrist slowly splint). pain sit up ormajorintravenous an oral airports. benzodiazepine line. Administer (if available epinephrine in the IfObserveContactAirline anaphylaxisanybronchospasm dyspnea ground-basedsecurityand provide or Epinephrine, protocols respiratory antiemetic medical vary distress1 support mg/mL bytherapy. airline (0.3 and mL may emergencyandIf(0.1 patient return mg/mL) hastomedical seat 1fever mg if kit). intravenously,tolerated.and persistent alongdiarrhea with inGiveAdministerforinclude adults, additional oxygen, restrainingor albuterol, 0.15 unless recommendations. mL saturations thein 2.5 children passenger mg inhaled. areintramuscularly), or known diverting If(>14consideration hypoglycemiasuspected d), contact stimulant of causal ground-basedOral ingestion glucose reversible or medical 25 conditions g of support, dextrose diphenhydramine,toIfthe seizure be aircraft near resolves or forat normal the and and safety patient steroids levels. of regains other if available passengers in the 50%ObserveIfassuch allergic local intravenously. as andhypovolemiapublic reaction hydrate health (for andauthorities tachycardia). tension maypneumothorax. need to be emergencynormaland crew. mental medical status kit. Epinephrine may be IfInstructDiversionConsiderRefercontacted dyspepsiaother to conditionsallergicflight benzodiazepineis notat suspected thecrew commonly reaction destination. suspected to notify card. Antacids ifnecessary. available the ground or fromother team the and availableanalgesicsemergency as can medicalan autoinjecbe given kit. torafter or appropriate in an ampoule risk IReferIfpilotf severepassenger if to not relevantabdominal already does card.not done.pain, improve tenderness If no shock on is examination, delivered, tostratification. be drawn up Alternative via syringe. causes should first rigidIfContactthe ongoing decision abdomen, ground-based respiratory to divertor blood will distressmedical in be bodily influenced or support combativenessfluid by how Ifbe thereno considered. improvement is no improvement or not progressing Contactforlong additional ongoing ground-based cardiopulmonaryrecommendations. medical supportresuscitation for exists Contactas expected ground-based Contact ground-basedmedical support Ifmedicalforadditionalwithout persistent additional returnsupport recommendations. or recommendations. ofadditional for circulation. additional symptoms Refer recommendations. to airline crew forContact additionalindividual ground-based airlinerecommendations. security medical protocols. support for additional recommendations. 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