
Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

01 - : 01 - Giuseppe Verdi: ATTILA Act II - Recitativo e di Ezio Act II - Ezio: Recitative and Aria

Ezio Ezio "Tregua è cogl’Unni. A Roma, "Truce has been declared with the . Return Ezio, tosto ritorna . . . a te l’impone forthwith to , Ezio... such is Valentinian’s Valentinian." command." L’impone!...e in cotal modo, Command!...do you thus coronato fanciul, me tu richiami?... recall me, child emperor?... Ovver, più che del barbaro le mie It seems you fear my troops schiere paventi!... Un prode more than the barbarian’s!... Will a brave guerrier canuto piegherà mai sempre and seasoned warrior ever bow down dinanzi a imbelle, a concubino servo? to a servile, illegitimate coward? Ben io verrò... Ma qual si addice al forte, Very well, I shall return...But as befits a man of arms, il cui poter supremo whose supreme power la patria leverà da tanto estremo! will save his nation from its present despair!

Dagli immortali vertici From the proud, immortal belli di gloria, un giorno, heights, ah, may one day l’ombre degli avi, ah, sorgano our ancestors’ shades arise solo un istante intorno! and join us for just one moment! Di là vittrice l’aquila From there the conquering eagle per l’orbe il vol spiegò...ah! once flew across the globe...ah! Roma nel vil cadavere Who now can recognise chi ravvisare or può? Rome in this abject corpse?

02 - Gioachino Rossini: IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA 02 - Gioachino Rossini: IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA Act I - Cavatina di Figaro Act I - Figaro: Cavatina

Figaro Figaro Là là làlera... La, la, la, la... làralirà... la, la, la, la... Largo al factotum Make way for della città. the city factotum!. Là là là là... La, la, la, la... Presto a bottega, Dashing to his shop, che l’alba è già. for day’s already broken. Là là là là... La, la, la, la... Ah, che bel vivere, Ah, what a fine life, che bel piacere what a pleasure per un barbiere for a barber di qualità! of quality! Ah, bravo Figaro Ah, bravo Figaro, bravo bravissimo bravo, bravissimo! Là là là là... La, la, la, la... fortunatissimo the luckiest of men per verità! he is indeed! Là là là là... La, la, la, la... Pronto a far tutto Ready for anything, la notte e il giorno night and day, sempre d’intorno he’s always there, in giro sta. round and about. Miglior cuccagna For a barber per un barbiere there can be vita più nobile no easier living, no, non si dà. no nobler way of life. Là là là là... La, la, la, la... Rasori e pettini Rasors and combs, lancette e forbici lancets and scissors, al mio comando I have all here tutto qui sta. at my command. V’è la risorsa, Here are the tools poi, del mestiere of my trade, con la donnetta for ladies, col cavaliere... for gentlemen... con la donnetta... for ladies... là là lallallero La, la, lallallero, col cavaliere... for gentlemen... à là lallallà! la la la la!

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Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

Ah, che bel vivere, Ah, what a fine life, che bel piacere what a pleasure per un barbiere for a barber di qualità! of quality! Tutti mi chiedono Everyone asks for me, tutti mi vogliono everyone wants me, donne, ragazzi, women, young lads, vecchi, fanciulle, old men and girls. qua la parrucca... One needs a wig... presto la barba... another his beard trimmed... qua la sanguigna... this one needs bleeding... presto il biglietto... here’s a letter to deliver... Ahi!... Figaro... Figaro... Heavens!... Figaro... Figaro... Ohimè che furia, Dear me, what a racket , ohimè che folla, dear me, what a crowd, uno alla volta one at a time per carità. for pity’s sake. Figaro... Figaro... Son qua! Here I am! Ehi, pst! Figaro... Hey, pst! Figaro... Son qua! Here I am! Figaro qua, Figaro là, Figaro here, Figaro there, Figaro su, Figaro giu... Figaro up, Figaro down... Pronto prontissimo Always ready and on the spot, son come un fulmine as quick as lightning, sono il factotum the city factotum della città. am I. Ah bravo Figaro Ah, bravo Figaro, bravo bravissimo bravo bravissimo, fortunatissimo luckiest of men, a te fortuna non mancherà! fortune will always smile on you! Là là là lallera La la la lallera, la la là lallà! la la la lalla! Sono il factotum the city factotum della città! am I!

03 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: LE NOZZE DI FIGARO 03 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: LE NOZZE DI FIGARO Act III - Recitativo e Aria del Conte d’Almaviva Act III - Count Almaviva: Recitative and Aria

Conte d’Almaviva Count Almaviva Hai già vinta la causa! Cosa sento! You’ve already won the case! What’s this I hear? In qual laccio io cadea! Into what trap have I been lured? Perfidi! Io voglio...io voglio Treacherous pair! I’ll...I’ll find di tal modo punirvi...A piacer mio some way to punish you...The sentence la sentenza sarà... will be of my choosing... Ma s’ei pagasse What if he were to pay off la vecchia pretendente? his elderly admirer? Pagarla? In qual maniera?... Pay her off? But how? E poi v’è Antonio, And then there’s Antonio, che a un incognito Figaro who refuses to marry his niece ricusa di dare una nipote in matrimonio. to Figaro, his origins unknown. Coltivando l’orgoglio If I play on di questo mentecatto... this idiot’s pride, Tutto giova a un raggiro...il colpo è fatto! all conspires to help me fool him... the die is cast!

Vedrò mentr’io sospiro, While I suffer, shall I see felice un servo mio? a servant of mine happy? E un ben ch’invan desio, And is he to possess ei posseder dovrà? the object of my vain yearning? Vedrò per man d’amore Shall I see the hand of love unita a un vile oggetto unite to this good-for-nothing chi in me destò un affetto the woman who’s awoken feelings in me che per me poi non ha? that she does not share? Ah, no! Lasciarti in pace Ah, no! I shan’t allow you non vo’ questo contento! to enjoy this happiness! Tu non nascesti, audace, You didn’t come into this world, per dare a me tormento, you upstart, just to torment me, e forse ancor per ridere and perhaps even to laugh di mia infelicità. at my misfortune.

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Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

Già la speranza sola Now all that brings me delle vendette mie comfort and joy quest’anima consola, is the hope e giubilar mi fa! of sweet revenge!

04 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: DON GIOVANNI 04 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: DON GIOVANNI Act II - Canzonetta (Serenata) di Don Giovanni Act II - Don Giovanni: Canzonetta (Serenata)

Don Giovanni Don Giovanni Deh, vieni alla finestra, o mio tesoro! Ah, come to the window, my love! Deh, vieni a consolar il pianto mio: Ah, come and comfort me in my distress: se neghi a me di dar qualche ristoro, if your consolation you deny me, davanti agli occhi tuoi morir vogl’io. I shall die here before your eyes. Tu ch’hai la bocca dolce più che’l miele, You whose lips are sweeter than honey, tu che il zucchero porti in mezzo al core, you whose heart is filled with sugar, non esser, gioia mia, con me crudele: light of my life, be not cruel to me: lasciati almen veder, mio bell’amore! show yourself at least, my fair beloved!

05 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: DON GIOVANNI 05 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: DON GIOVANNI Act I - Aria (Brindisi) di Don Giovanni Act I - Don Giovanni: Aria (Brindisi)

Don Giovanni Don Giovanni Fin ch’han del vino Until their heads calda la testa, are warmed with wine, una gran festa have a great feast fa’ preparar. made ready. Se trovi in piazza If you find some girls qualche ragazza, in the town square, teco pur quella try and bring them cerca menar. along with you. Senza alcun ordine Let the dancing la danza sia, be free as you please: chi ‘l minuetto have some chi la follia, dance the minuet, chi l’alemanna some the follia, farai ballar. others the allemande. Ed io frattanto, I, meanwhile, dall’altro canto, on the other hand, Con questa e quella will make love vo’ amoreggiar. to girl after girl. Ah! la mia lista Ah! by morning doman mattina my list of conquests d’ una decina should be longer devi aumentar. by a dozen or so.

06 - Gaetano Donizetti: LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR 06 - Gaetano Donizetti: LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR Act I - Cavatina e di Enrico Act I - Enrico: Cavatina and Cabaletta

Enrico Enrico Cruda...funesta smania What alarm and foreboding tu m’hai svegliata in petto!... you have aroused in my breast!... È troppo, è troppo orribile This fatal suspicion questo fatal sospetto! is too dreadful to bear! Mi fa gelare e fremere!... Chilled to the bone, I shiver!... Solleva in fronte il crin! My hair stands on end! Colma di tanto obbrobrio She who was born my sister chi suora a me nascea! fills me with such shame! Pria che d’amor sì perfido I should feel less grief a me svelarti rea, were you to be struck by lightning se ti colpisse un fulmine, than I should on discovering fora men rio dolor. that you were guilty of a traitorous love.

La pietade in suo favore In vain does compassion miti sensi invan ti detta... bid you to plead on her behalf… se mi parli di vendetta I shall only hear you solo intender ti potrò. if you speak to me of vengeance. Sciagurati!... il mio furore Wicked pair!... my fury già su voi tremendo rugge... now rages around you... l’empia fiamma che vi strugge With blood shall I quench

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Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

io col sangue spegnerò. the evil flame that consumes you.

07 - Gaetano Donizetti: LA FAVORITA 07 - Gaetano Donizetti: LA FAVORITA Act II - Recitativo, Aria e Cabaletta di Alfonso Act II - Alfonso: Recitative, Aria and Cabaletta

Alfonso Alfonso Ma de’ malvagi invan sul capo mio, In vain the villains pour their scorn, sventure impreca, invidia, rabbia... their rage and envy upon me… Di tutti l’inique trame io scerno; I uncover all their ill-intentioned plots; per te, mia vita, affronterei l’averno. for you, my life, I shall face hell.

Vien, Leonora, ai piedi tuoi Come, Leonora! At your feet serto e soglio il cor ti dona. my heart lays both crown and throne. Ah! se amare il re tu puoi, Ah! if you can love the king, mai del dono si pentirà... he will never regret his gift… No mai del don si pentirà! No, he will never regret his gift! Che per soglio e per corona For in exchange for crown and throne, gli riman la tua beltà! he will have your beauty! Ah, se amar il re tu puoi, Ah! if you can love the king, mai del don si pentirà! he will never regret his gift… no, mai del don si pentirà! No, he will never regret his gift!

Ah, mia Leonora, deh, vieni a me! Ah, my Leonora, ah, come to me! De’ nemici tuoi lo sdegno With you by my side I can disfidar saprò per te; withstand the wrath of your enemies; se ti cessi e l’alma e il regno, though my heart and throne I cede to you, io per gli altri ancor son re! I am still king of all others! De’ miei dì compagna io voglio farti, I would make you my companion in life, o bella, innanzi al ciel, o my beauty, before heaven, al mio fianco unita in soglio. to sit beside me on the throne, al mio fianco nell’avel! to lie beside me in the grave! Sì... mio ben... ah!... Yes… my love… ah!...

08 - Giuseppe Verdi: 08 - Giuseppe Verdi: ERNANI Act III (La Clemenza) - Recitativo e Aria di Don Carlo Act III (Clemency) - Don Carlo: Recitative and Aria

Don Carlo Don Carlo Gran Dio! costor sui sepolcrali marmi Good God! on marble tombs affilano il pugnal per trucidarmi!... they’re sharpening knives with which to kill me!... Scettri!...dovizie!...onori!... Power!...wealth!...honour!... bellezza!...gioventù!...che siete voi? beauty!...youth!...what are you? Cimbe natanti sovra il mar degl’anni, Boats floating on the sea of years, cui l’onda batte d’incessanti affanni, buffeted by never-ending woes, finché giunti allo scoglio della tomba until you founder on the rocks of death con voi nel nulla il nome vostro piomba! and your name sinks into oblivion with you!

Oh, de’ verd’anni miei O dreams and illusory spirits sogni e bugiarde larve, of my younger days, se troppo vi credei, if I placed too much faith in you, I’incanto ora disparve. your enchantment now has vanished. S’ora chiamato sono, If now I am summoned al più sublime trono, to the highest throne, della virtù com’aquila like an eagle I shall soar sui vanni m’alzerò, ah, on the wings of virtue, ah, e vincitor dei secoli and victorious over the ages il nome mio farò. I shall make my name.

09 - Giuseppe Verdi: 09 - Giuseppe Verdi: I VESPRI SICILIANI Act III - Aria di Monforte Act III - Monforte: Aria

Monforte Monforte In braccio alle dovizie, Surrounded by riches, nel seno degli onor, laden with honours, un vuoto immenso, I felt an immense and terrible orribile regnava nel mio cor! emptiness in my heart! D’un avvenir beato The promise of a happy future splende il sorriso a me, now smiles upon me, se viver mi fia dato, figlio, if it be granted to me, my son, viver vicino a te! to live my life close by you!

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Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

L’odio invano a me lo toglie, In vain does hatred try and keep him from me, vincerà quel fero cor, the powerful love of a father’s heart sì, nel fulgor di queste soglie, will overcome that wild heart, cor paterno, immenso amor, yes, in the splendour of this place, sì, lo vinca amore del genitor, sì! yes, let his father’s love tame him, yes! In braccio alle dovizie... Surrounded by riches, etc.

10 - Ruggero Leoncavallo: ZAZÀ 10 - Ruggero Leoncavallo: ZAZÀ Act II - Aria di Cascart Act II - Cascart: Aria

Cascart Cascart Buona Zazà del mio buon tempo ascolta: Dearest Zazà, for old times’ sake, listen, è il vecchio amico che ti parla al cuore: this is your old friend speaking to your heart: non è il geloso che domanda amore... no jealous man demanding love… ma l’uom che alla miseria un dì t’ha tolta! but he who once rescued you from misery! Per te sola son qui: per te m’increbbe For you alone am I here: it grieved me di veder l’arte tua da te tradita! to see you betray your art! Hai avuto un capriccio!...e chi non l’ebbe? You had a whim!...who among us hasn’t? ma il capriccio è di un dì...lunga è la vita!... but a whim lasts only a day…and life is long!...

11 - Jules Massenet: HERODIADE 11 - Jules Massenet: HERODIADE Act II - Recitatif et Air de Hérode Act II - Herod: Recitative and Aria

Hérode Herod Ce breuvage pourrait me donner un tel rêve! This potion could give me that dream! Je pourrais la revoir... I could see her again... Contempler sa beauté! Gaze upon her beauty! Divine volupté à mes regards promise! Divine vision of voluptuousness promised to me! Espérance trop brève Hope too short-lived, qui viens bercer mon cœur et troubler ma raison... which lulls my heart and disturbs my mind... Ah! ne t’enfuis pas douce illusion! Ah! flee not, sweet illusion!

Vision fugitive et toujours poursuivie, Fleeting vision, always pursued, ange mystérieux qui prend toute ma vie... mysterious angel who has taken over my life... Ah! c’est toi! que je veux voir, Ah! it is you I long to see, ô mon amour! ô mon espoir! o my love! o my hope! Vision fugitive! c’est toi! Fleeting vision! it is you, qui prends toute ma vie! who has taken over my life! Te presser dans mes bras! To hold you in my arms! Sentir battre ton cœur To feel your heart beating d’une amoureuse ardeur! with a passionate love! Puis mourir enlacés...dans une même ivresse, Then to die entwined...in mutual rapture, dans une même ivresse... in mutual rapture... Pour ces transports...pour cette flamme, For such transport...for that flame, ah! sans remords et sans plainte ah! with no remorse, no reproach, je donnerais mon âme, I would give my soul, pour toi mon amour! mon espoir! for you, my love, my hope! Vision fugitive! c’est toi! Fleeting vision! it is you qui prends toute ma vie! who has taken over my life! Oui! c’est toi! mon amour! Yes! it is you, my love! Toi, mon seul amour! mon espoir! You, my only love, my hope!

12 - Georges Bizet: CARMEN 12 - Georges Bizet: CARMEN Act II - Couplets de Escamillo Act II - Escamillo: Couplets

Escamillo Escamillo Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre, I toast you in return, señors, señors, car avec les soldats good sirs, for bullfighters oui, les toreros peuvent s’entendre; and soldiers understand each other; pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs, ils ont les combats! both take pleasure in their battles! Le cirque est plein, c’est jour de fête! The ring is full, it’s a holiday! Le cirque est plein du haut en bas; The ring is full from top to bottom; les spectateurs perdant la tête, the people in the crowd, losing their heads, les spectateurs s’interpellent à grands fracas! call to each other at the tops of their voices. Apostrophes, cris et tapage Insults, shouting, uproar, poussés jusques à la fureur! whipped up to fury pitch! Car c’est la fête du courage! For it’s a celebration of courage! C’est la fête des gens de coeur! It’s the day for men of valour! Allons! en garde! Let’s go! On guard!

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Vocal Recital: Ataneli, Lado 8.572438

allons! allons! ah! let’s go! let’s go! ah! Toréador, en garde! Toreador, on guard! Toréador! Toréador! Toreador! Toreador! Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant And remember, remember as you fight qu’un œil noir te regarde that a pair of dark eyes are watching you et que l’amour t’attend, and love awaits you, Toréador, l’amour, l’amour t’attend!... Toreador, love awaits you!...

Tout d’un coup, on fait silence, Suddenly, the crowd falls silent, on fait silence...ah! que se passe-t-il? falls silent…ah! what’s happening? Plus de cris, c’est l’instant! No more shouting, the moment’s arrived! Plus de cris, c’est l’instant! No more shouting, the moment’s arrived! Le taureau s’élance en bondissant The bull comes bounding headlong hors du toril! Il s’élance! out of the pen! Bounding headlong! Il entre, il frappe!...un cheval roule, It enters the ring and strikes!...a horse rolls, entraînant un picador. dragging a picador with it. “Ah! Bravo! Toro!” hurle la foule; “Ah! Bravo! Toro!” yells the crowd; le taureau va...il vient...il vient et frappe encore! the bull backs off, then turns…and strikes again! En secouant ses banderilles, Shaking off the darts, plein de fureur, il court!... raging, it charges!... le cirque est plein de sang! the arena’s full of blood! On se sauve...on franchit les grilles!.. Everyone runs…and jumps the barriers!... C’est ton tour maintenant! Now it’s your turn! Allons! en garde! Let’s go! On guard! allons! allons! ah! let’s go! let’s go! ah! Toréador, en garde! Toreador, on guard! Toréador! Toréador! Toreador! Toreador! Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant And remember, remember as you fight qu’un œil noir te regarde that a pair of dark eyes are watching you et que l’amour t’attend, and love awaits you, Toréador, l’amour, l’amour t’attend! Toreador, love awaits you! Toréador! Toréador! Toreador! Toreador! L’amour t’attend! Love awaits you!

13 - D. Arakishvili: TKMULEBA SHOTA RUSTAWELZE 13 - D. Arakishvili: TKMULEBA SHOTA RUSTAWELZE Act II - Madloba gmerts Act II - Thanks Be To God

Madloba gmerts, zlivs marto davrchit! Thanks be to God, we are finally alone. Ra tkbilia sikwaruli tkbilad kwnesis misgan guli, How sweet is our love, my heart beats because of it. ra tkbilia sikwaruli gulsa shigan chaisruli. How sweet is this love, it is deep down in my heart. Mepes tavs moahrevinebs,da zhare zremls agwrewinebs, This love can make even a king bow his head, mzesa buchos sheuertebs da monasa gaagmertebs, And cry in sadness. ra tkbilia sikwaruli tkbilad kwnesis misgan guli. This love can bring the sun and the moon together, Me shen mikwarhar lamaso, and it can make a slave become a princess. wit chemi bedis warskwlawi shena har How sweet is this love, my heart beats because of it. chemi sizozhle shena har chemi tazari. I love you my beautiful one, like my destiny’s star. You are my life, you are my grave. Without you there is only darkness. After you there is no longer any sunshine. You are my life, you are my altar.

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