SIC Langhe di Spigno Monferrato

Category: More

business description:

Municipalities involved: (AL), Spigno Monferrato (AL), Mombaldone (AT), (AT), (AT) site is located on the hills on the hydrographic left of the Bormida of Spigno. The site is located in the upper Langa in an area that stands out for a complex morphology generated by the intense meteoric erosion of soft rocks namely marl, sand and sandstone (gullies). Some paths start from the bottom of the valley close to the town of Merana, and head for the highest reliefs. Their route follows the dividing ridgelines of the hydrographic basins and gives the possibility to appreciate particular gully descents that furrow the slopes. The specific interest of the site, one of the areas with the hottest climates in the Langhe, is linked to the presence of characteristic thermoxerophilous flora, with an elevated presence of Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean elements. The most distinctly Mediterranean species present here include the Filago pyramidata, entered in the Italian Red List, terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus), sorb tree (Sorbus domestica), Spanish broom (Spartium junceum) and Italian strawflower (Helichrysum italicum). The presence of marsh gladiolus (Gladiolus palustris) has also been reported, a species inserted in the attachments of the H.D. (Att. II and IV) and listed as vulnerable in the Regional Red List; there is also the presence of Canterbury bells (Campanula medium), a sub-endemic species of the reliefs of the Western Alps, of the internal hilly reliefs of and the Apennines. The habitats of community interest include the xeric meadows of Bromus erectus (6210), which are classified as priority according to H.D. due to the abundant seasonal flowering of orchids. Among the habitats of community interest, the chestnut groves (9260) and residues of shrubby bitter willow groves (3240) have also been surveyed. The morphology and the particular climatic conditions make the territory particularly favourable to hosting numerous species of reptiles: 9 have been surveyed, 5 are of community interest. The presence of several less diffused elements in Piedmont stand out, such as the Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) and the dice snake (Natrix tessellate), both included in Att. IV of the H.D. and of typically Mediterranean species, like the viperine snake (Natrix maura) and the three-toed skink (Chalcides chalcides), the latter at the limit of its distribution area. (In the humid areas along the Bormida of Spigno and along the torrents which cross the area of the site, 4 amphibians have also been surveyed: the common toad (Bufo bufo), the pool frog (Rana lessonae, Att. IV), the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) and the Apennine alpine newt (Triturus alpestris apuanus), also typical Mediterranean element, in Piedmont at the limit of its distribution area. There are 25 species of birds, all breeding and the majority are connected to forest habitats; 3 species are inserted in Attachment I of the Bird Directive (B.D.): the nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus), the wood lark (Lullula arborea) and the small red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio).

tag: Community Interest Site

Address: 15018 - Spigno Monferrato , Merana

Admission fee: No

other notes:

SCI - Site of Community Importance

ALEXALA Piazza S. Maria Di Castello 14 15121 (AL) tel: +39 (0131) 288095 email: [email protected] sito web: - I contenuti riportati possono subire variazioni nel tempo. Informativa ai sensi dell'art. 13 del Lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196. I dati raccolti, il cui conferimento è necessario per ottemperare alla Sua richiesta, verranno inseriti nella banca dati elettronica e saranno utilizzati ai soli fini d'invio di materiale informativo, non saranno comunicati o diffusi. Titolare del trattamento è ALEXALA. Ai sensi dell'art. 7 del Lgs. 196/2003 ha diritto di conoscere in ogni momento quali sono i suoi dati e come vengono utilizzati nonché di farli rettificare, integrare, aggiornare, cancellare od opporsi al loro trattamento, scrivendo a: ALEXALA - Piazza S. Maria di Castello, 14 - I-15100 ALESSANDRIA () - E-mail: [email protected]

Itinerario di prova – Pagina 1 / 2 Periods opening

Always valid on request

Monday: - all day

Tuesday: - all day

Wednesday: - all day

Thursday: - all day

Friday: - all day

Saturday: - all day

Sunday: - all day


ALEXALA Piazza S. Maria Di Castello 14 15121 Alessandria (AL) tel: +39 (0131) 288095 email: [email protected] sito web: - I contenuti riportati possono subire variazioni nel tempo. Informativa ai sensi dell'art. 13 del Lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n. 196. I dati raccolti, il cui conferimento è necessario per ottemperare alla Sua richiesta, verranno inseriti nella banca dati elettronica e saranno utilizzati ai soli fini d'invio di materiale informativo, non saranno comunicati o diffusi. Titolare del trattamento è ALEXALA. Ai sensi dell'art. 7 del Lgs. 196/2003 ha diritto di conoscere in ogni momento quali sono i suoi dati e come vengono utilizzati nonché di farli rettificare, integrare, aggiornare, cancellare od opporsi al loro trattamento, scrivendo a: ALEXALA - Piazza S. Maria di Castello, 14 - I-15100 ALESSANDRIA (Italy) - E-mail: [email protected]

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