Treatment with Convalescent Plasma for COVID‐19 Patients in Wuhan
Tangfeng Lv ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7224-8468 Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China Mingxiang Ye, MD, PhD Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Dian Fu, MD Department of Urology, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Yi Ren, MD Department of Emergency, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.25882. Accepted Article This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Faxiang Wang, MD Department of Emergency, 904 Hospital, Wuxi, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Dong Wang, MD, PhD Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Fang Zhang, MD Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Infectious Disease, Unit 4-1, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Xinyi Xia, MD Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, China Department of Laboratory Medicine, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, Wuhan, China Accepted Article This article is protected by copyright.
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