933 bus time schedule & line map

933 Winlaton View In Website Mode

The 933 bus line Winlaton has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Winlaton: 5:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 933 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 933 bus arriving.

Direction: Winlaton 933 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Winlaton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:10 PM Marquisway - Kingsway South, Team Valley Tuesday 5:10 PM Kingsway South, Team Valley Wednesday 5:10 PM Kingsway-Seventh Avenue, Team Valley Thursday 5:10 PM

Team Valley Centre, Team Valley Friday 5:10 PM Kingsway North, Saturday Not Operational Kingsway-Fifth Avenue, Team Valley

Kingsway-Fourth Avenue, Team Valley

Kingsway-Second Avenue, Team Valley 933 bus Info Direction: Winlaton Kingsway North, Team Valley Stops: 59 Trip Duration: 49 min Road - New Road, Team Valley Line Summary: Marquisway - Kingsway South, Team Valley, Kingsway South, Team Valley, Kingsway- B1426, Gateshead Seventh Avenue, Team Valley, Team Valley Centre, Team Valley, Kingsway-Fifth Avenue, Team Valley, Lobley Hill Road - Beechwood Gardens, Lobley Hill Kingsway-Fourth Avenue, Team Valley, Kingsway- A692, Gateshead Second Avenue, Team Valley, Kingsway North, Team Valley, Lobley Hill Road - New Road, Team Valley, Lobley Hill Road-Rothbury Gardens, Lobley Hill Lobley Hill Road - Beechwood Gardens, Lobley Hill, Lobley Hill Road-Rothbury Gardens, Lobley Hill, Highway-Knightside Gardens, Lobley Whickham Highway-Knightside Gardens, Lobley Hill, Hill Whickham Highway-The Highwayman, Lobley Hill, Dunston Hill Hospital, Dunston, Whickham Highway- Whickham Highway-The Highwayman, Lobley Hill Coniston Avenue, Whickham, Front Street- Dockendale Lane, Whickham, Front Street - Rectory Dunston Hill Hospital, Dunston Lane, Whickham, Rectory Lane-Milleld Road, Whickham Highway, Gateshead Whickham, Whaggs Lane-Oakeld Road, Whickham, Whaggs Lane-Asheld Road, Whickham, Sunniside Whickham Highway-Coniston Avenue, Whickham Road-Grange Lane, Whickham, Sunniside Road- Napier Court, Whickham, Sunniside Road-Hole Lane, Front Street- Dockendale Lane, Whickham Sunniside, Gateshead Road, Sunniside, Church Front Street, Gateshead Street-The Crescent, Sunniside, Church Street-St Cuthberts Road, , Church Street-Cuthbert Front Street - Rectory Lane, Whickham Street, Marley Hill, Church Street-Longeld Farm, 34-36 Front Street, Gateshead Marley Hill, Lobley Hill Road-Schoolhouse Lane, Marley Hill, Lobley Hill Road-Strathmore Crescent, Rectory Lane-Milleld Road, Whickham Crookgate, Lobley Hill Road-Sacred Heart, Crookgate, , Crookgate, Pack Horse, Whaggs Lane-Oakeld Road, Whickham Crookgate, Post Oce, Burnopeld, Fountain, Burnopeld, Busty Bank Foot, Burnopeld, Whaggs Lane-Asheld Road, Whickham Chapel Entrance, Burnopeld, Stirling Lane, , Stathmore Road, Rowlands Gill, Sunniside Road-Grange Lane, Whickham Smailes Lane-Pipe Bridge, Higheld, Smailes Lane- Valley View, Higheld, Smailes Lane - Higheld Road, Sunniside Road-Napier Court, Whickham Higheld, Hookergate Lane-School, Higheld, Hookergate Lane-Lintzford Lane, Hooker Gate, Sunniside Road-Hole Lane, Sunniside Hookergate Lane- Woods Road, Hooker Gate, Hookergate Lane-Ethel Terrace, Hooker Gate, Hookergate Lane, , Collingdon Road- Gateshead Road, Sunniside Collingdon Gardens, High Spen, Strothers Road, High Spen, Ramsey Street, High Spen, Pawston Road, Church Street-The Crescent, Sunniside Barlow, Barlow Road-Barlow Fell Road, Barlow, Barlow Road, Barlow, Barlow Road-North Farm, Church Street-St Cuthberts Road, Marley Hill Barlow, Barlow Lane-Knobbyends Lane, Winlaton, Barlow Lane-Number 42, Winlaton, Burn Road- Church Street-Cuthbert Street, Marley Hill Mosspool, Burn, North Street, Winlaton, Church Street, Winlaton Bus Station, Winlaton

Church Street-Longeld Farm, Marley Hill

Lobley Hill Road-Schoolhouse Lane, Marley Hill

Lobley Hill Road-Strathmore Crescent, Crookgate

Lobley Hill Road-Sacred Heart, Crookgate

Byermoor, Crookgate

Pack Horse, Crookgate Lobleyhill Road, England

Post Oce, Burnopeld

Fountain, Burnopeld

Busty Bank Foot, Burnopeld

Gibside Chapel Entrance, Burnopeld

Stirling Lane, Rowlands Gill Stirling Avenue, Higheld

Stathmore Road, Rowlands Gill

Smailes Lane-Pipe Bridge, Higheld

Smailes Lane-Valley View, Higheld Valley View, England

Smailes Lane - Higheld Road, Higheld North View, England

Hookergate Lane-School, Higheld

Hookergate Lane-Lintzford Lane, Hooker Gate Hookergate Lane-Chopwell Woods Road, Hooker Gate

Hookergate Lane-Ethel Terrace, Hooker Gate Hugar Road, England

Hookergate Lane, High Spen The Paddock, England

Collingdon Road-Collingdon Gardens, High Spen Collingdon Green, England

Strothers Road, High Spen Dobson Close, England

Ramsey Street, High Spen

Pawston Road, Barlow

Barlow Road-Barlow Fell Road, Barlow

Barlow Road, Barlow

Barlow Road-North Farm, Barlow Barlow Road, England

Barlow Lane-Knobbyends Lane, Winlaton

Barlow Lane-Number 42, Winlaton Barlow Lane, England

Burn Road-Mosspool, Blaydon Burn

North Street, Winlaton 1 North Street, Blaydon

Winlaton Bus Station, Winlaton Back Street, Blaydon 933 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved