The Building of Nations in Habsburg Central Europe, 1740-1914

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The Building of Nations in Habsburg Central Europe, 1740-1914 The London School of Economics and Political Science The Building of Nations in Habsburg Central Europe, 1740-1914 Philipp Decker A thesis submitted to the Department of Government of the London School of Economics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, London, December 2017. DECLARATION I certify that the thesis I have presented for examination for the PhD degree of the London School of Economics and Political Science is solely my own work other than where I have clearly indicated that it is the work of others (in which case the extent of any work carried out jointly by me and any other person is clearly identified in it). The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. Quotation from it is permitted, provided that full acknowledgement is made. This thesis may not be reproduced without my prior written consent. I warrant that this authorisation does not, to the best of my belief, infringe the rights of any third party. I declare that my thesis consists of 124,741 words. I can confirm that my thesis was copy edited for conventions of language, spelling and grammar by Wendy Kopisch 2 December 2017 Philipp Decker 2 ABSTRACT This study investigates the question as to why and to what extent nationalism and national movements emerged as critical factors determining the transformation of politics and society in late imperial Austria. Drawing on debates in nationalism studies, this research will consider the instrumentalist and political modernist schools in order to unveil the determinants of nationalist politics and political crisis during this period. In contrast to the dominant treatments of nationalism as either a product of elite agitation ‘from above’ or the consequence of growing national identity and political allegiance ‘from below’, the hypothesis is that state modernisation in itself has structurally determined the growing significance of the category of nationality. This has created the conditions for new forms of nationalism as an ideology, as politics, and as a movement. This research applies process tracing with a focus on Austrian modernisation between 1740 and 1914. Divided into five period chapters, the empirical examination will seek to explain how particular patterns of political modernisation determined the development of nationalism in the Habsburg monarchy. It argues that state policies, province-based intellectuals, and cultural institutions are critical for explaining the building of nations in Habsburg Central Europe. Finally, the empirical results and theoretical implications emerging from the research will be summarised: First, regime transformations and state policies are critical for shaping the discursive meaning of nationality, its role in politics, and its significance as a sentiment. Second, the research identifies two politico-ideological functions of nationalism that are critical for explaining the reshaping of politics during the nineteenth and early twentieth century: a statist and a populist function. This case study seeks to contribute to the scholarly discussion on the role of nationalism in modern politics by developing a conceptual and analytical framework to serve as the basis for future comparative research. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am truly grateful to my supervisor, John Breuilly, whose example of intellectual curiosity and rigorous academic research has guided my journey through this project. The critique and thorough feedback I have received have been the source of intellectual stimulation and of repeated encouragement to learn from his experience and wisdom. I am also privileged to have benefited from the support of my advisor John Hutchinson. He co-organised the research workshop GV510 at LSE’s Government Department together with John Breuilly. Our weekly discussions in this workshop stimulated my interest in the field and advanced the skills necessary for this research. I wish to thank all colleagues who participated. I would like to express special thanks to Sarah Correia, Daphne Halikiopoulou, Atsuko Ichijo, Ellie Knott, Durukan Kuzu, Athena Leoussi, and Gordana Uzelac. I wish to express my gratitude to my friends and teammates at the Government Department, Helen Addison, Karabekir Akkoyunlu, Jürgen Braunstein, Izabela Corrêa, Navid Nekoui Mohanad Hage-Ali, Maja Rasmussen, Moritz Schmoll and Pon Souvannaseng. You listened to my concerns, gave me advice and contributed so much to my experience in London. My academic journey started during my undergraduate days in Vienna, and I am particularly thankful to Johann Dvorak for his invaluable advice and hospitality, and to Hannes Wimmer for his guidance and support. I am also indebted to Tom Lodge, my mentor during my time in Limerick. At Central European University it was Shlomo Avineri, András Kovács and Anton Pelinka in particular who awakened my interest in historical conundrums in Central Europe, and inspired me to continue my academic journey. I would also like to express my gratitude to the entire team of the Georg Eckert Institute for their warm welcome and caring support of my family and me during my research stay in Brunswick. I am forever indebted to Suna Güzin Aydemir Decker, not only for her patient ear and moral support, but also for her intellectual mentorship and scholarly advice. Above all, I am deeply grateful to my family. This work is dedicated to them. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................. 2 ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 5 LIST OF MAPS ............................................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... 9 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 11 1.1. THE PUZZLE AND RESEARCH QUESTION ........................................................................................... 11 1.2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 13 1.2.1. Contemporary and Secondary Literature before the Development of ‘Nationalism Studies’ ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.2.2. Nationalism Studies Literature ............................................................................................................. 16 1.2.3. Subsequent Literature ............................................................................................................................... 17 1.3. THE POLITICAL MODERNIST APPROACH OF THIS STUDY ................................................................ 22 2. NATIONALISM AND POLITICAL MODERNISATION .................................................................... 24 2.1. POLITICAL MODERNITY: INSTITUTING STATE AND SOCIETY .......................................................... 24 2.2. NATIONALISM AS AN IDEOLOGY, AS POLITICS AND AS A POLITICAL MOVEMENT ........................ 27 2.2.1. The Statist and Populist Function of Nationalism ........................................................................ 28 2.2.2. Regimes and the Function of Intellectuals ........................................................................................ 29 2.3. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... 31 3. THE JOSEPHIST STATE PROJECT AND CIVIC NATIONALITY (1740-1790) ........................ 32 3.1. STATE-BUILDING IN THE CONTEXT OF EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY POWER POLITICS .................... 33 3.1.1. Competing Fiscal-Military States ......................................................................................................... 34 3.1.2. Rational-Legal Authority and the Bureaucratic Military State .............................................. 35 3.1.3. Cameralism, the Capitalist State, and Commercial Society ...................................................... 39 3.2. THE JOSEPHIST PROJECT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND FACTIONAL POLITICS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 3.2.1. Networks of Intellectuals and Civil Society ...................................................................................... 43 3.2.2. The Josephist Project .................................................................................................................................. 45 3.2.3. Dynastic Regime and Josephist Faction ............................................................................................. 48 3.3. POLICIES OF JOSEPHIST STATE-BUILDING ........................................................................................
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