Random Operators Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics

Michael Aizenman Simone Warzel

Graduate Studies in Volume 168

American Mathematical Society Random Operators Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics


Random Operators Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics

Michael Aizenman Simone Warzel

Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 168

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dan Abramovich Daniel S. Freed Rafe Mazzeo (Chair) Gigliola Staffilani

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 82B44, 60H25, 47B80, 81Q10, 81Q35, 82D30, 46N50.

For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/gsm-168

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Aizenman, Michael. Random operators : disorder effects on quantum spectra and dynamics / Michael Aizenman, Simone Warzel. pages cm. — (Graduate studies in mathematics ; volume 168) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4704-1913-4 (alk. paper) 1. Random operators. 2. analysis. 3. Order-disorder models. I. Warzel, Simone, 1973– II. Title.

QA274.28.A39 2015 535.150151923—dc23 2015025474

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Preface xiii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 §1.1. The random Schr¨odinger operator 2 §1.2. The Anderson localization-delocalization transition 3 §1.3. Interference, path expansions, and the Green function 6 §1.4. Eigenfunction correlator and fractional moment bounds 8 §1.5. Persistence of extended states versus resonant delocalization 9 §1.6. The book’s organization and topics not covered 10 Chapter 2. General Relations Between Spectra and Dynamics 11 §2.1. Infinite systems and their spectral decomposition 12 §2.2. Characterization of spectra through recurrence rates 15 §2.3. Recurrence and the resolvent 18 §2.4. The RAGE theorem 19 §2.5. A scattering perspective on the ac spectrum 21 Notes 23 Exercises 24 Chapter 3. Ergodic Operators and Their Self-Averaging Properties 27 §3.1. Terminology and basic examples 28 §3.2. Deterministic spectra 34 §3.3. Self-averaging of the empirical density of states 37

vii viii Contents

§3.4. The limiting density of states for sequences of operators 38 §3.5. * Statistic mechanical significance of the DOS 41 Notes 41 Exercises 42 Chapter 4. Density of States Bounds: Wegner Estimate and Lifshitz Tails 45 §4.1. The Wegner estimate 46 §4.2. * DOS bounds for potentials of singular distributions 48 §4.3. Dirichlet-Neumann bracketing 51 §4.4. Lifshitz tails for random operators 56 §4.5. Large deviation estimate 62 §4.6. * DOS bounds which imply localization 63 Notes 66 Exercises 67 Chapter 5. The Relation of Green Functions to Eigenfunctions 69 §5.1. The spectral flow under rank-one perturbations 70 §5.2. The general spectral averaging principle 74 §5.3. The Simon-Wolff criterion 76 §5.4. Simplicity of the pure-point spectrum 79 §5.5. Finite-rank perturbation theory 80 §5.6. * A zero-one boost for the Simon-Wolff criterion 84 Notes 87 Exercises 88 Chapter 6. Anderson Localization Through Path Expansions 91 §6.1. A expansion 91 §6.2. Feenberg’s loop-erased expansion 93 §6.3. A high-disorder localization bound 94 §6.4. Factorization of Green functions 96 Notes 98 Exercises 99 Chapter 7. Dynamical Localization and Fractional Moment Criteria 101 §7.1. Criteria for dynamical and spectral localization 102 §7.2. Finite-volume approximations 105 §7.3. The relation to the Green function 107 Contents ix

§7.4. The 1-condition for localization 113 Notes 114 Exercises 115 Chapter 8. Fractional Moments from an Analytical Perspective 117 §8.1. Finiteness of fractional moments 118 §8.2. The Herglotz-Pick perspective 119 §8.3. Extension to the resolvent’s off-diagonal elements 122 §8.4. * Decoupling inequalities 125 Notes 131 Exercises 132 Chapter 9. Strategies for Mapping Exponential Decay 135 §9.1. Three models with a common theme 135 §9.2. Single-step condition: Subharmonicity and contraction arguments 138 §9.3. Mapping the regime of exponential decay: The Hammersley stratagem 142 §9.4. Decay rates in domains with boundary modes 145 Notes 147 Exercises 147 Chapter 10. Localization at High Disorder and at Extreme Energies 149 §10.1. Localization at high disorder 150 §10.2. Localization at weak disorder and at extreme energies 154 §10.3. The Combes-Thomas estimate 159 Notes 162 Exercises 163 Chapter 11. Constructive Criteria for Anderson Localization 165 §11.1. Finite-volume localization criteria 165 §11.2. Localization in the bulk 167 §11.3. Derivation of the finite-volume criteria 168 §11.4. Additional implications 172 Notes 174 Exercises 174 x Contents

Chapter 12. Complete Localization in One Dimension 175 §12.1. Weyl functions and recursion relations 177 §12.2. Lyapunov exponent and Thouless relation 178 §12.3. The Lyapunov exponent criterion for ac spectrum 181 §12.4. Kotani theory 183 §12.5. * Implications for quantum wires 185 §12.6. A moment-generating function 187 §12.7. Complete dynamical localization 193 Notes 194 Exercises 197 Chapter 13. Diffusion Hypothesis and the Green-Kubo-Streda Formula 199 §13.1. The diffusion hypothesis 199 §13.2. Heuristic linear response theory 201 §13.3. The Green-Kubo-Streda formulas 203 §13.4. Localization and decay of the two-point function 210 Notes 212 Exercises 213 Chapter 14. Integer Quantum Hall Effect 215 §14.1. Laughlin’s charge pump 217 §14.2. Charge transport as an index 219 §14.3. A calculable expression for the index 221 §14.4. Evaluating the charge transport index in a mobility gap 224 §14.5. Quantization of the Kubo-Streda-Hall conductance 226 §14.6. The Connes area formula 228 Notes 229 Exercises 231 Chapter 15. Resonant Delocalization 233 §15.1. Quasi-modes and pairwise tunneling amplitude 234 §15.2. Delocalization through resonant tunneling 236 §15.3. * Exploring the argument’s limits 245 Notes 247 Exercises 248 Contents xi

Chapter 16. Phase Diagrams for Regular Tree Graphs 249 §16.1. Summary of the main results 250 §16.2. Recursion and factorization of the Green function 253 §16.3. Spectrum and DOS of the adjacency operator 255 §16.4. Decay of the Green function 257 §16.5. Resonant delocalization and localization 260 Notes 265 Exercises 267 Chapter 17. The Eigenvalue and a Conjectured Dichotomy 269 §17.1. Poisson versus level repulsion 269 §17.2. Essential characteristics of the Poisson point processes 272 §17.3. Poisson statistics in finite dimensions in the localization regime 275 §17.4. The Minami bound and its CGK generalization 282 §17.5. Level statistics on finite tree graphs 283 §17.6. Regular trees as the large N limit of d-regular graphs 285 Notes 286 Exercises 287 Appendix A. Elements of 289 §A.1. Hilbert spaces, self-adjoint linear operators, and their resolvents 289 §A.2. Spectral calculus and spectral types 293 §A.3. Relevant notions of convergence 296 Notes 298 Appendix B. Herglotz-Pick Functions and Their Spectra 299 §B.1. Herglotz representation theorems 299 §B.2. Boundary function and its relation to the spectral measure 300 §B.3. Fractional moments of HP functions 301 §B.4. Relation to operator monotonicity 302 §B.5. Universality in the distribution of the values of random HP functions 302 Bibliography 303 Index 323


Disorder effects on quantum spectra and dynamics have drawn the attention of both physicists and mathematicians. In this introduction to the subject we aim to present some of the relevant mathematics, paying heed also to the physics perspective. The techniques presented here combine elements of analysis and proba- bility, and the mathematical discussion is accompanied by comments with a relevant physics perspective. The seeds of the subject were initially planted by theoretical and experimental physicists. The mathematical analysis was, however, enabled not by filling the gaps in the theoretical physics argu- ments, but through paths which proceed on different tracks. As in other areas of , a mathematical formulation of the theory is expected both to be of intrinsic interest and to potentially also facilitate further propagation of insights which originated in physics. The text is based on notes from courses that were presented at our respective institutions and attended by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Some of the lectures were delivered by course participants, and for that purpose we found the availability of organized material to be of great value. The chapters in the book were originally intended to provide reading ma- terial for, roughly, a week each; but it is clear that for such a pace omissions should be made and some of the material left for discretionary reading. The book starts with some of the core topics of random operator theory, which are also covered in other texts (e.g., [105, 82, 324, 228, 230, 367]). From Chapter 5 on, the discussion also includes material which has so far been presented in research papers and not so much in monographs on the subject. The mark ∗ next to a section number indicates material which the reader is

xiii xiv Preface advised to skip at first reading but which may later be found useful. The selection presented in the book is not exhaustive, and for some topics and methods the reader is referred to other resources. During the work on this book we have been encouraged by family and many colleagues. In particular we wish to thank Yosi Avron, Marek Biskup, Joseph Imry, Vojkan Jaksic, Werner Kirsch, Hajo Leschke, Elliott Lieb, Peter M¨uller, Barry Simon, Uzy Smilansky, Sasha Sodin, and Philippe Sosoe for constructive suggestions. Above all Michael would like to thank his wife, Marta, for her support, patience, and wise advice. The editorial and production team at AMS and in particular Ina Mette and Arlene O‘Sean are thanked for their support, patience, and thorough- ness. We also would like to acknowledge the valuable support which this project received through NSF research grants, a Sloan Fellowship (to Si- mone), and a Simons Fellowship (to Michael). Our collaboration was facili- tated through Michael’s invitation as J. von Neumann Visiting Professor at TU M¨unchen and Simone’s invitation as Visiting Research Collaborator at . Some of the writing was carried out during visits to CIRM (Luminy) and to the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot). We are grateful to all who enabled this project and helped to make it enjoyable.

Michael Aizenman, Princeton and Rehovot Simone Warzel, Munich 2015 Bibliography

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σ-moment regular Connes area formula, 228 definition, 125 contraction bound, 140 uniformly, 155 Cram´er’s theorem, 62 K-property, 84 critical exponent, 145 current Abelian average, 18 density, 202 Abelian-Tauberian theorem, 18 functional, 186 adjacency operator, 96, 254 cyclic subspace HH,φ, 70, 294 almost-Mathieu operator, 32 cyclic vector, 294 Andr´e-Aubrey duality, 33, 41 anomalous transport, 212 de la Vall´ee-Poussin theorem, 300 ballistic transport, 4, 24, 200, 266 decoupling inequality, 125, 126, 131, 133 Bernoulli potentials, 115 degree Berry-Tabor conjecture, 271 graph, 52 Bethe lattice, 250 operator, 53 Birkhoff theorem, 30 delocalization criterion, 240 Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture, density of states (DOS) 271 finite-volume measure, 39 Boole’s equality, 119, 131 function, 46 Borel-Stieltjes transformation measure, 38 spectral representation, 300 deterministic potential, 183 1 weak L -estimate, 119 diffusive transport, 5, 99, 200, 266 boundary condition, 40 Dirichlet-Neumann bracketing, 53 box ΛL,36 distance distΛ(x, y), 146 distributional convergence canopy graph, 283 point processes, 273 Cantor spectrum, 33 Ces`aro average, 16 Combes-Germinet-Klein estimate, 282 eigenfunction correlator Combes-Thomas estimate, 159 Q(x, y; I), 101 concentration function, 48 bound, 107, 112 conditional probability distribution, 46 interpolated, 111 conductivity tensor, 203 lower semicontinuity, 106

323 324 Index

relation to Green function, 107, 110, Kesten-McKay law, 256 112 Kotani-Simon theorem, 182, 183 eigenfunction localization, 104 Krein-Feshbach-Schur formula, 81 eigenvalue counting measure, 270 Kubo-Greenwood formula, 201, 203, 208 ergodic operator, 29 positive temperatures, 208 standard, 29 Streda version, 205 ergodicity, 28 Kunz-Souillard theorem, 36 exponential dynamical localization definition, 103 Landauer-B¨uttiker formalism, 21 strong, 103 Laplacian Dirichlet, 52 Feenberg expansion, 93 graph, 52, 290 Fekete lemma, 188 lattice, 30, 292 ferromagnetic Ising spins, 137 magnetic, 31, 290 Fourier transformation on Zd, 292 Neumann, 52 fractional moments (FM) periodic, 67 finiteness, 119, 122 large deviation estimate, 62, 246 lattice shifts, 30 gauge transformation, 43 (Sx)x∈Zd ,29 gauge transformation Ua, 219 Laughlin’s charge pump, 218 Gaussian random matrix ensembles layer-cake representation, 118, 122 (GOE, GUE, GSE), 271, 286 Lebesgue point, 270 Gibb’s measure, 137 level repulsion, 270 Green function, 72 Lieb-Robinson bound, 24 G(x, y; z), 7, 83 Lifshitz tails, 56, 57 factorization, 97, 98, 177, 255 localization via, 173 Guarneri bound, 25 linear response ansatz, 202, 213 Liouville operator, 204 Hall conductance, 206, 215, 218 Llyod model, 68, 163 plateaux, 226 local spectral measure (LSM), 37 quantization, 221, 226 localization center, 104 Hammersley stratagem, 145 localization proof Harper Hamiltonian, 16, 32 at extreme energies, 156, 163 Herglotz representation theorem, 299 at high disorder, 94, 152, 153 Herglotz-Pick function, 299 at weak disorder, 156 Hilbertspace,289 tree graph, 262, 263 2(G), 12, 289 via finite-volume criteria, 166, 168, Hofstadter butterfly, 33 172 via Lifshitz tails, 173 independent bond percolation, 136 locator expansion, 94 independent, identically distributed L¨owner theorem, 302 (iid), 31 Lyapunov exponent index one dimension, 179 charge transport, 224, 226 tree graph, 257 Fredholm-Noether, 230, 231 magnetic translations, 32, 223 pair of orthogonal projections, 220 marginally- 1-criterion, 113 integrated density of states measurable covariant operator, 203 n(E), 40 min-max principle, 54 continuity, 44 Minami estimate, 282 finite-volume, 40 , 42 intensity measure, 272 Ishii-Pastur theorem, 181 Index 325

mobility edge Riccati equation, 177 location, 64, 154, 158, 166, 264 Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, 15 mollifier, 278 rooted tree, 250 moment-generating function one dimension, 187 scalar product, 203, 289 tree graph, 258 Schatten-p class, 222 monotonicity, 53, 55, 302 Schatten-p norm, 222 multi-scale analysis, 51, 115 self-adjointness, 291 multiplication operator, 4, 291 self-consistency relation, 265 semicircle law, 255 null array, 274 separating surface condition, 142 sequence Ohm’s law, 203 subadditive, 188 operator norm, 290 superadditive, 188 orthogonal projection, 294 Simon-Lieb inequality, 143 Simon-Wolff criterion, 78 Paley-Zygmund inequality, 241 zero-one law, 84 Pastur theorem, 34 sine kernel, 271 perturbation formula single-hump function, 49 rank one, 73, 83 single-step bound, 138 rank two, 83 spectral averaging, 75 phase diagram, 4, 144, 166, 252, 253, 264 spectral decomposition Poisson eigenvalue statistics, 275 Hilbert spaces, 295 Poisson kernel, 121, 276, 278 spectra, 295 Poisson process spectral localization, 103 characterizations, 272 spectral measure definition, 272 μψ, μϕ,ψ, 293 moment-generating function, 273 absolutely continuous (ac), 13, 294 Portmanteau theorem, 297 ac density, 14, 300 projection-valued measure, 294 pure-point (pp), 13, 294 singular continuous (sc), 13, 294 quadratic form, 52, 291 total variation, 101 quantum diffusion conjecture, 5, 99, spectral statistics conjecture, 271 201, 266 spectral transport, 73, 87 quantum Hall effect (QHE), 216 spectrum quasi-mode, 235 σ(H), 291 absolutely continuous (ac), 295 Radon-Nikodym theorem, 294 almost-sure, 34, 37 RAGE theorem, 19 discrete, 295 random counting measure, 270 essential, 295 random matrix statistics, 271 pure-point (pp), 295 random potential, 30 singular continuous (sc), 295 Rayleigh-Ritz principle, 55 Stone-Weierstrass theorem, 297 reflection coefficient, 23 Strichartz-Last theorem, 17 reflectionless, 183, 187 strips, 196, 286 regular decay, 125 subharmonicity, 140 q-decay, 125 supersymmetric models, 10, 201 resolvent convergence norm, 296 Temple’s inequality, 58 strong, 105, 296 thermal equilibrium state θβ , 202 EF resolvent equation, 292 Thouless relation, 179 resolvent set, 291 trace per unit volume, 38, 204 326 Index

transfer matrix, 194 transmission probability, 23 tree graph canopy, 283 regular, 250 regular rooted, 250 tunneling amplitude, 234, 235 two-point function non-interacting fermions, 210 percolation, 136 spin models, 136 uniformly τ-H¨older continuous (UτH), 16 locally, 125 multivariate case, 49 vague convergence, 297 van Hove asymptotics, 56, 68 vector potential, 31 velocity correlation measure, 207 velocity operator, 202 von Neumann-Wigner non-crossing rule, 87 weak convergence, 297 Wegner estimate, 46, 51, 76 weight function, 104 Weyl criterion, 35 Weyl function, 177 Weyl sequence, 35 whispering gallery modes (WGM), 138, 146 Wiener theorem, 16 Selected Published Titles in This Series

168 Michael Aizenman and Simone Warzel, Random Operators, 2015 164 Terence Tao, Expansion in Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type, 2015 163 G´erald Tenenbaum, Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Third Edition, 2015 162 Firas Rassoul-Agha and Timo Sepp¨al¨ainen, A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures, 2015 161 Diane Maclagan and Bernd Sturmfels, Introduction to Tropical Geometry, 2015 160 Marius Overholt, A Course in Analytic Number Theory, 2014 159 John R. Faulkner, The Role of Nonassociative Algebra in Projective Geometry, 2014 158 Fritz Colonius and Wolfgang Kliemann, Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra, 2014 157 Gerald Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics: With Applications to Schr¨odinger Operators, Second Edition, 2014 156 Markus Haase, Functional Analysis, 2014 155 Emmanuel Kowalski, An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups, 2014 154 Wilhelm Schlag, A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces, 2014 153 Terence Tao, Hilbert’s Fifth Problem and Related Topics, 2014 152 G´abor Sz´ekelyhidi, An Introduction to Extremal K¨ahler Metrics, 2014 151 Jennifer Schultens, Introduction to 3-Manifolds, 2014 150 Joe Diestel and Angela Spalsbury, The Joys of Haar Measure, 2013 149 Daniel W. Stroock, Mathematics of Probability, 2013 148 Luis Barreira and Yakov Pesin, Introduction to Smooth Ergodic Theory, 2013 147 Xingzhi Zhan, Matrix Theory, 2013 146 Aaron N. Siegel, Combinatorial Game Theory, 2013 145 Charles A. Weibel, The K-book, 2013 144 Shun-Jen Cheng and Weiqiang Wang, Dualities and Representations of Lie Superalgebras, 2012 143 Alberto Bressan, Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis, 2013 142 Terence Tao, Higher Order Fourier Analysis, 2012 141 John B. Conway, A Course in Abstract Analysis, 2012 140 Gerald Teschl, Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2012 139 John B. Walsh, Knowing the Odds, 2012 138 Maciej Zworski, Semiclassical Analysis, 2012 137 Luis Barreira and Claudia Valls, Ordinary Differential Equations, 2012 136 Arshak Petrosyan, Henrik Shahgholian, and Nina Uraltseva, Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems, 2012 135 Pascal Cherrier and Albert Milani, Linear and Quasi-linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces, 2012 134 Jean-Marie De Koninck and Florian Luca, Analytic Number Theory, 2012 133 Jeffrey Rauch, Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Optics, 2012 132 Terence Tao, Topics in Random Matrix Theory, 2012 131 Ian M. Musson, Lie Superalgebras and Enveloping Algebras, 2012 130 Viviana Ene and J¨urgen Herzog, Gr¨obner Bases in Commutative Algebra, 2011 129 Stuart P. Hastings and J. Bryce McLeod, Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations, 2012 128 J. M. Landsberg, Tensors: Geometry and Applications, 2012

For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the AMS Bookstore at www.ams.org/bookstore/gsmseries/. This book provides an introduction to the math- ematical theory of disorder effects on quantum spectra and dynamics. Topics covered range from the basic theory of spectra and dynamics of self-adjoint operators through Anderson localization—presented here via the fractional moment method, up to recent results on reso- nant delocalization. Aizenman Photo courtesy of Joshua The subject’s multifaceted presentation is organized into seventeen chapters, each JSGYWIH SR IMXLIV E WTIGM½G QEXLIQEXMGEP XSTMG SV SR E HIQSRWXVEXMSR SJ XLI theory’s relevance to physics, e.g., its implications for the quantum Hall effect. The mathematical chapters include general relations of quantum spectra and dynamics, ergodicity and its implications, methods for establishing spectral and dynamical local- ization regimes, applications and properties of the Green function, its relation to the eigenfunction correlator, fractional moments of Herglotz-Pick functions, the phase diagram for tree graph operators, resonant delocalization, the spectral statistics conjecture, and related results. The text incorporates notes from courses that were presented at the authors’ respective institutions and attended by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. It has been almost 25 years since the last major book on this subject. The authors master- fully update the subject but more importantly present their own probabilistic insights in clear fashion. This wonderful book is ideal for both researchers and advanced students. —Barry Simon, California Institute of Technology

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