CONFERIR E, CASO NECESSÁRIO, AJUSTAR LOMBADA ISBN 978-85-7052-544-4 9 788570 525444 KEYNES AND HIS WORK IN THE INSURANCE MARKET JOHN MAYNARD Pedro Carvalho de Mello, Master and PhD. on Economics from the University of Chicago, he is a Professor at ESAGS, Adjunct Professor at Ohio University College of Business; International Coordinator at FGV - Getúlio Vargas Foundation; John Maynard Keynes member of LASFRC (Latin America Shadow Financial Committee) and member of the Fiscal Council of B2W. He was Visiting Professor AND HIS WORK IN THE INSURANCE MARKET at Columbia University and the PEDRO CARVALHO DE MELLO PEDRO CARVALHO University of Richmond, and visiting PEDRO CARVALHO DE MELLO scholar at Tsukuba University (Japan). Associate Professor (retired) of the Esalq/USP. He was Director (two terms of three years each) of CVM (Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil), Director of BM&F (Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange), and Vice-President of PNC International Bank. Author of several books and articles in the areas of economics, finance, insurance and economic history. 1st edition in Portuguese: November 2012 Fundação Escola Nacional de Seguros – Funenseg Rua Senador Dantas, 74 – Térreo, 2º, 3º, 4º e 14º andares Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil – CEP 20031-205 Phone: (21) 3380-1000 Fax: (21) 3380-1546 Internet: E-mail:
[email protected] Editorial Coordination Directorate of Higher Education and Research Editing Vera de Souza Mariana Santiago Graphic production Hercules Rabello Front Cover/Layout