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For Senators Ulation, Or Is It Hinged to His 9 K9652 Being a Generally Acknowledged Worth His Weight in Gold

For Senators Ulation, Or Is It Hinged to His 9 K9652 Being a Generally Acknowledged Worth His Weight in Gold

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FRIDAY, DEClM BlBa 8^; 1907 i^ q s T W S M T r fliuic^Ht^r Ev^nittfi 9^rald A n m ^ O fR y Net Praas Rua The .Weathisr For tiM Week BwM South MetbodUt Church will F a ir tonight. Low la 90a. AboHt Town have a program of folk music SS. 1 S « Tomorrow partly cloudy. Sgh for vacationing college students lEttPttttig H rra U i In SOa. o i llHioiiHtar Bar* and high school seniors tonight radcB, Vatanm o t W biM W ar at 7:80 In the church reception 15,563 Manche$ter-—A CUy of Village Charm I aad AndUaiy, wiB maat to­ hall. Hie Rev. RichaM DupM is * " f ■ ■ night at T at iba Jolm F. Tlar- In charge of the piagram. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1967 (OtoMlfled ACvtirHilng on Page U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS nay Ftm ral Homa, XU W. Om i- VOL. LXXXVIL NO. 76 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) tar 8t, to pay reapaota to tha Members of the CMstoforo lata A n ^ Acoathtam, a mam- and Koglianeae Socletlea will ■ lif I H bar. ■ meet tonight at 7 :S0 at the John IL iB V w % F . T ierney Funeral H om e, 210 L Ifemban of Campball W. Center St., to pay respects Rate H ike OowoU, KofC, will maat tonight to the late Albert Agoetlnelll, a U.S. Probes at 7;M at the KofO Home and member of both groiqM. proceed in a group to the John F. Tierney Funeral Home, 3ia The Crlstoforo Colombo So­ Scored in W. Cmter 8t., to radte the Ro­ ciety will meet and elect offi­ In Cambodia sary at 8 for the late Albert cers Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Agoetlnelll, a member. Italian American Club, 180 Bl- M edicare WASHINGTON (AP) — U.8. Immediate Interest In the presi­ dridge St. diplomatic inquiries are under dential envoy and ICC proposals WAgHmOTON (AP) — The than in Sihanouk’s apparent ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woy- way to determine whether leador ot a naUctiwlAe oltlxena knowledgment that U.S. forMs kovsky ot 63 Niles Dr. will enter­ An Individual Communion group aaya increasing the pre­ Prince Norodom Sihanouk of In South Vietnam could, despite tain at a breakfast in honor of Service for members and NOW AT NORMAN’S Cambodia will offlcdally back up mium -V>r the voluntary part of his protests against all intrud­ friends of South Methodist theiih daughter, Miss Lorraine medicare mean* the aaUon'B his prees statement about keep­ ers, pursue the Reds across the Church will be conducted Sun­ Ann Woykovsky, after the Pa- elderty are “having to pay for w ing his country free of the war border. day from 7 to 9 p.m . vane Ball tonight in Hartford. the failure of Oongresa to pre­ in neighboring South Vietnam. Some U.S. commanders have vent the eacalaUon Of doctor*’ If Sihanouk’s answer is yes, been anxious to strike at Com­ f6M>" U.S. sources Indicated a presi­ munist sanctuaries in Cambo­ “It’e dlegraceful,’’ eald Wil­ dential envoy—perhaps Sen. dia. But Washington diplomatic On Brand ]\(*w 1968 Qualily T(*sfrd liam R. Hutton, executive direc­ Mike Mansfield, D-Mont.,— sources say there is not much tor of the ^rational Oouncil of could quickly head for Phnom military pressure generally for Pinehurst Holiday Senior CltUena, which claima to Penh and new efforts could be invading the Ciambodian havens ba the largest oiganixaUon of mounted for international super­ at this time. the elderly in the country with 2 vision of Cambodia’s frontier. What the United States wants, mllUon member* In 2,000 affili­ It may be several days before (See Page Fourteen) 2 ated d u b e. Washington receives a definite The toomnae Aram fS to 44 a reply. Cambodia has severed re­ month, announced Friday and lations with the United States CHUCK SALE Mfectlve,April 1, appUe* to tha and communications between part of medicare which pays Shop Friday Night and Saturday for the long weekoid. We the two governments are for­ doctor coats. It was e3q>ected. warded through the Australian Stocks H it are open tonight tlU nine and Saturday from eight a.m. tlU The government contributes an Embassy in the Cambodian cap­ 6:60 p.m. Last Friday and Saturday were Just about the equal monthly amount. ital. busiest days we ever experienced at Pinehurst . . . and we Hutton’s group has urged Oon- Sihanouk opened the way for 2nd H igh 9 expect a very busy Saturday. We will be ready for your holi­ gress to set limits’ on doctors’ a potential new approach to set­ day food needs at 8 A.M. Sat. w l^ extra supplies of Seal test fees under medicare. But he tle the long-festering Cambo­ Egg Nog, Heavy and Light Cream . . . Planters Salted Nuts RCA Victor COIOR TV ■aid In an Interview It hasn’t dian sanctuary Issue in ari inter­ In V olum e been done because “ the medical view published in the Washing­ of all kinds . . . By JACK LEFLEB profassion has an enormous po­ ton Post Friday. litical influence and Congress la The Cambodian leader said AP Buslnesa Writer Pepp«rfdg* Form and Arnold's Rolls Portable # Table Models afraid because it needs them his small military forces could (AP)—The stock Oscar Mayor Tiny Cocktail Franks (doctor*) to run this.” not prevent limited intrusions market enjoyed a traditional Comment from the American Jumbo Shrimp in 1 ond 3>lb. bags... .lb. $2.50 by North Vietnamese or Viet yearend raUy this week and on Consoles 0 Consolettes Madioal AssociatKm on the new Itdiablted regions” of Cambodia the final trading day o f 1967 Cocktail Souco.. .Horsorodish rates was not immediately or American combat with the the New York Stock Exchange Combinations In Any Styles avaUable. Reds there. He said Cambodia rang up its second highest vol­ Critlca ot medicare say it has would protest but would not in­ ume in history. PinehuiBt. . . Famous For Fresher Ground Meats a buUt-ln tendency toward high­ (AP Ffiototax) tervene militarily it American The advance got under way er coats because doctors are naoTANou LAm trooi>e entered such regions In Tuesday, the first trading day free to charge “reasonble and pursuit of (fommunlst forces. after Christmas, and carried customary" rates. President Johnson, Dr. Barnard Talk He proposed an immediate through briskly except for a Administration officials say LBJ holds his grandson as they meet with Dr. Christian Barnard the South AfritMUi heart transplant surgeon today at the LBJ Ranch. beefing up of the three-nation slowdown Thursday. C « | j OR they have no plans to Mk tor International Control Oommts- Brokers attributed the confl- While Ude sale Is on ground meata. It’# a good lAme to fUI any form of fee-setting o r lim i­ slon (ICC) to Improve Its poUc- dence of Investors to favorable your freecer... tation on fees. Ing of Cambodia’s borders. business statistics and economic An administration source said And, mentioning Senate Ma­ forecasts issued recenUy. one reason It Is not now consid­ U.S. CHOICE Cease-Fire Extended by South Viet jority Leader Mansfield by During this week it was an­ ering fee sch^ules is that doc­ name, he said he would gladly nounced that the auto industry tor’s fees are not isxpccted to receive a Johnson emissary to has scheduled record car pro­ rise even as fast as the cost of dlscusa reconciliation with the duction for January, and Beore- Ground Chuok living next year. United States. And, he noted, some AMA and 3 in 1 Blend Bitter Battle Goes on Past Truce U.S. officials diowed more (Bee Page Five) leaders recently expressed con­ Marines ran Into about 800 Of several thousand men—ran Into In 10 Lb. Lots • SAIGON (AP) — Bitter worid, but Informed sources in­ ners shot down a Navy Fr Phan­ cern about the Increase in doc­ the North Vietnamese on the heavy Oommuntst resistance marshland fighting that has dicated It was also in response tom Jet ecMt of Haipltong Fri- In smaller lo t s ...... lb. tors, fees. border of ’Thus Thien and The U.S. Command reported ( klUed 70 U.S. Marines and to a request from Washington. ylay, but both crewmen bailed “They know there’s a lot of Quang Nam provinces and were the Marines lost 19 dead and 28 pressiu*’’ tor a fee schedule, he wounded 128 w ore on paM the The Marine camialUes were out over the Tonkin Gulf and pinned down. wounded. The enemy casualties said. start of the Viet Cong’s \udlater- announced today in Mayed were rescued. Vincent Massey Dies, ’The focus of the ground war When the battle smoke subald- were listed ae 88 dead plue 80 Hutton and others have al New Year’s truce today. U.S. Command reports that toM was along the South China Sea ed Friday there were 27 enemy more believed killed by artil­ argued that rates should be South Vietnam aimounoed it of grim new battles in South coast below the demilitarised known l^ed against the Ma- lery . fixed—-the way they are, for ex­ would extend to 86 hours the Vietnam’s three northernmost aciM, where heavy dashes have rine’s 48 dead and 41 wounded. Several thousand Ifarifiea and Ex-Canada Governor ample, under the Blue Shield day-long oease-flre the aHies provinces and massive air iVw only 95c lb. you can buy Pinehurst DELUXE U.S. flat«d and subsided sines last An almost equally letlial ser- Vietnamese 'troopers main­ LONden (AP) — Vincent Mas- vriien he went into public lUe. private medical Insurance plan. plan to begin Sunday. strikes to leXeve the hard- Wadnesday. Some battle reports les of battles was raging Thurs- tained pressure today in Thua eey, 80, the first nativo bom The following year hO^Mrame The rate announced by f e ­ pressed Lsathefiwokg.. E CHOICE ROUND STEAK frashly ground. The Saigon government said from the fU^d were being held day near Hoi An souj^M t of Thien and Quang Nam where gover-general of Canada and Canadian mlniater to the United retory John W. Gardner of the The war also continued una­ the exteiwion was being made in up at U.S. hOadquartens on the Da Nang. A ooordinalki sweep the old Imperial capital of Hue brother of actor Raymond Mas­ States. It was the first diplomat­ Department of Health Educa- bated In the air over North Viet­ Une with Pope Paul’s ai^Mol request of local commanders by Marines, Infantrymen of tbs and the big bu e at Da Nstng are sey, died of pneumonia, a Cana­ ic appointment of ministerial tton and Welfare will remain In nam. The U.S. Command an- that Jan. 1 be observed as a whose units were still sparring First Cavaliy Division and located. dian government spokesman rank to be made by the domin­ effect for the next two years. nounced that Red ground gun­ “day of peace” throughout the with the enemy after the an- Souto Vietnamese—a force of said. ion and he stayed In the poet un­ Gardner said the increase waa In the air war, heavy weather nounced start of the Commu­ The diplomat and one-time til 1980. baaed on actual costs since the overv e r NdifeiNORh Vietnam again ham­ nists’ truce period at 1 a.m. Sat- iraRraonMOOraoOHOIOOOOai chief representative of the program began July 1, 1966, and pered American airmen and re­ Ironically, friends said It was W o wiN footuro soosonod LAM B PATT16S, modo I, queen in Canada succumbed at on projected coets. urday, tocal time. stricted available target areas. Vincent who wanted as a youth planea. King Edward v n ’s Hospital for Officials said one-fourth of the The heaviest casualties came No H erald Carrier-based Navy to become an* actor, and Ray- from U.S. Choico Lamb, at 39c lb.— 3 lbs. $1.00 Officers. A niece ssid he had mond, later famous for his por- increase waa the direct result of CIA Aid to Groups In a savage battle which raged swept through breaks in the taken ill recently with what trayals of Abraham Lincoln, a the rise In doctors’ fees. Hie Wednesday and Thursday and Monday weather to pour bombs on sup­ LAMB IS ALWAYS A FAVORITE AFTER m CHRISTMAS ended with the Marines storm­ ply points above Haiphong but seemed to be a cold. dlplom at. fees have gone up more than Massey became govemor-geh- seven per cent during the past ing the Jortlfled village of Thon There will be no edition the effort cost one Phantom Jet. Urbane and scholarly, the HOLIDAY and our meat manager has an CKtm supply of To End on Sunday eral in 1962 and served for sev­ year. Tham Kee 410 miles north of The Phantom had gone In eai> governor general spoke with an of Tbe Herald Monday. en years. ■Imply dellclou* LAMB LEGS, Rib, Loin and Shoulder Lnmh Axwther one-fourth of the in­ Saigon. ly to scout the weather and waa English-accented voice, but waa WASHING’rON (AP) — ’The President, covert CIA funding of Please drive carefully B om In T oronto F eb. 20,1887, crease la necessary, officials The fighting with regulars of flying relatively low over a intensely proud of Canada. Al­ Chops. and soberiy and have a he was the eldest son of Chester *• 716th North Vietnamese seemingly peaceful island when though a symbol of the queen said, because (1) use of f ------Daniel and Anna Vincent Mas­ is expected to Increase by two ^ ^vate organisations by the Army regiment broke out wtwhen Happy New Year! ground fire suddenly opened up and Canada’s ties with the mon­ sey. His mother was an Ameri- per «int and (2) the $B0-a-year ,0 0 0 i archy, he used his fluent French . ends officially at midnight Sun- be discontinued prior to Dec. 81, deductible amount will be a officially at midnight ni^S ^e m*me ow father’s ancestry to vriii the confidence of resl- day. What will follow is still a 1967. BgAAAAiaismaller portionUUA UVfl Vtof theUIC Wcoat 0I. tU» as j .. toe^tor^d^bSlef out-aS Maas^usetta set- dents of Quebec where he spent both usage and doctors’ fees liv “ At the time of termination of Jere^^kerlp^ Ir t ttor. to the 17th c«tory. at an official reeldence. M aseey’ s grandfather Three booka were published crease Department an- sui^KMt,” thef! State Departm ent later by helicopters. amassed a. fortune as founder of under his name. One, called Patlints have to pay the first announcement added, “some of with the recommendatiwi of a the organisations received con­ 7 In Rights Case The loss was the 771st U.S. Jet Maasey-Harrls, the biggest ..Qn Being a Canadian,’* was (See Page Fourteen) special panel named by the tributions to tide them over the reported k>st over North V iet­ farm imidement producer In the ^dely quoted for its insights Block Chuck nam by the U.S. Command. period required to develop new British common wealth. hito' the (Canadian condousneaa. sources of funds.’’ Thla figure Includes one aircraft Massey himself worked tor | ____ downed some time In the post the fam ily con cern until 1926 (Baa F aga SavwK) As In Uie post, press officer Get Prison Term s week. The loss was not reported Robert J. McCloekey refused to Roast Bongps Thump, Girls Dance Pnloe, 29, chief deputy sheriff of by U.S. headquarters at the By VERNON A. GUIDRY JR. name the organlsationa getting Asaooiatod Presa Writer Neshoba County where the ttiree { Blade or first cut Central Intelligence Agendy tim e. were killed, and BiHy Wayne help. He has erid only a “very JACKSON, Mtas. (AP) — Sev­ The announcement of the en men .among them a Ku Klux Poeey, 81, em ploye o f an oU dis- Center cuts o f very lean U.S. Choloe Blodc Chuck are small” number among more truce Wtenslon—it will push the I^ory Coast Greets KtaJi leader, have been aen- tributM* at PMtadelphla, the than 1,000 private groiq>a en fdlled ceaae Are to 6 a.m. Tuea- a special value at 53c lb. For those who like solid roasts gaged ov^as acOvtota. re- ^ ^ k tor oonaptilng to vlolata the civ- *•*»»"•« ------^ celved CIA aid. cutoff Ume—waa ngarded as an U righto of three young men we feature lean whole or smaB half Shoulder Clods Humphrey on Tour To dlocloee their names Three-year terms were given «q,ignaUon for the "urgent” slatn In numl Mississippi more to Honuse Doyle Barnette, 29, nieetlng Friday between South at 99c lb. Center Clod for roast or London Broil "would not be In the national in­ ABIDJAN, Ivocy Coast (AP) in the United States after the terest and might Jeopardise than four year* ago. now living near ttnevep<»t, Vietnamese Prealdent Nguyen Samuel Holloway Bowen Jr., lb. n .l9 i — Welcomed to the Ivory Coast Civil War. their cliances of developing new La-; Jimmy Arledge, 80, a Me- yan Thleu and U.S. Ambassar today by the thump of bongo The African swing will also means of support," he said.. 42, Im perial wiaard'4>f the White rldtan steel firm employe, and dor Ellsworth Bunker. Thleu Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, drums and barefoot giris done- take Humphrey to Ghana, the President Johnson named the Jimmie Snowden, 84, a Meridi­ had refused to dloolose the pur­ and Alton Waynq. Roberts, 29, a If you praftr our Lm h i Boutluss Economy Chuck ing under a tropical sky. Vice Congo, Zambia, Ethiopia, So- panel and -picked Undersecre­ an launthry driver. pose ef the hurried conterenoe. former night club bouncer, were Presldant Hubert H. Humphrey mall, Kenya and ’Tunisia, tary Nicholas Katsenbach to AH plan appeals of thefr Got. sentenced F rid ay to 10 y e a n 20 convictions by an all-white In another political develop­ Roast.. . It's spoclol ot 69e lb. And Hw Chuck launched his 12-day tour of nine The lig-sag itinerary avoids head it last February amid the ment, Thleu eatd the Viet African nattona. Imprisoasnent by U.S. Dlst (See Page Fourteea) (See Plage Fourtoen) Judge Harold Cox. Cecil R. (Sse Page Ttooe) Cong’s National Liberation Cross Rib or Eyu of Chuck b on «< | W veduo at Several groups o f 60 to 100 Front could not seek peace un­ well-wishers broke from the less It Is told to do so by the crowd of a thousand, pressed 79e lb. ^ North Vietnamese. past airport security barriers and Jostled around Humjtorey, “The eo-called NIF is not a trying to shake hia hand. He separate entity from Hanoi,” reacted In good humor. Though 1967 Ends on a Sunday Thleu said. “ Even U It wants to Humphrey said before hia m ^e peace. It is powerless to takeoff from Washington Friday do so, unless Hanoi actually de­ One last holiday wioid about Pineburat Swedish Korv that he. hoped to show Afrioans cides for peace.” made from the original Alexander Berggren recipe that America wishes Africa Celebrations W on’t Be Slowed Thleu said today peace, progress and “human op­ the arrest of a Viet Cong emis­ from the fineat govetument inspected pmrk and beef. portunity." sary who said be was on bis W e are grinding KORV every day this week with the “Hare, as elsewhere through­ By LOUISE COOK Bargaln-huiiting would-be re­ the RCA Building, offers dinner way to contact the U.S. Embas­ Aaooelated Preoa Writer veler* can still oelebrate and and dancing for 486 per penoa, list early Saturday. We should have enough to take out' the new Africa." Humphrey sy about exchange of {wtsaners said at the airport, “people are NEW YORK (AP) — Hioae save their pocketbooks too, how­ tax and tlpe Included. The same had resisted In the arrest of cslsbratlon last year coot 437.60 care e t the denuuid . . . but If you are coming in bte building their nations by their New Tsar's Evs celebratloas— ever. eight more peracos. per perran, but the figure did S WINGS . own efforts and determining and New Tear’s Day hongovsn In St. Louts, Mo.» one place is But Thleu also sold the emis­ Saturday . . . why dont you eidl 648-4151 and phMb not Include tax and tlpe. S. RVICE . . their own destinies. The people —will cost Just as much and charging on ly a 41-par^ paraon sary was not Ugh-ranUtig and your ordder. Smuo Rnulics to chuck orround ground in cover for which favors will be of the Unltod States share your maybe nunre than aver this , which has no that ha doubted the man was a case you want 10 lb. lots freean* wrapped. Flease call Guaranteed SATISFACTION year, and, in most states, won't provided. Now Haven, Conn., Sunday closing law. Is Issuing aspirattons.” legitimate representative of the be slowed down a bit by die fact oelebranU can pay 41M0 par ahead and it will be ready for you. Principally, Humphrey has special permits .allowliig clubs Viet ConT" Nattonol Uberatton that 1967 ends on a Sunday. ooiqple for a buffet dtamo# and a to stay open untB- 8 a.m . M on­ coma to represent President Front. Buy Now and Save Big Last-minute leglsUtfon and Is­ ■how. And for 417.40 per ooiqilo, Johnson at the Inauguratlan of day. Reliable aouroea reported suance of special licenses will Plttaburgh reridsnts can gst For those who are willing to President William Tubman of Dee. 1 that the emissary had pennlt the sale of liquor In dimisr, see a stage play and brave the cold, there will be the Uboria Monday and Tuesday. been arrested by Vietnamese many ptaess wharo alcohol nor­ dance. They also can drink, traditional midnight towering of Tlibman was rs-docted last national police, thereby thwart­ May for his sixtfa oonsecuttva mally can’t be sold on the Sab­ thanks to a qwclol law passed A lighted boll from the Allied ing a Viet Cong-U.8. Embassy tarm . bath. Other places will sdl only by the state Isgtalatura. Co. Tower in Times H um phrey and beer and wine until midnight, At the other end of the seals Square. The city also has invlt- m eeting. Thleu told newsmen at a New with Mpsnaas Osurt JasOee than switch to hard liquor. ore clubs In the big cittss. sd everyone to g a ^ r In Central PINEHURST ochu Tear's reception for members Thurgsed M anhd asrii a soors Nightclubs and restaurants, The Psralan R in New Park for a gotqpel concert and A t 901 Main. . . Neath «f the Anaoiy of tho foreign community: ”Ons of sOMr D.S. ofnoiala, are to pasOeuloriy In the isrmfi eitlss, York’s Ploaa Hotel has been post-midnight dancing under the JrtB prominent guests tram all rapert a brisk rsservaSoo bust- sold out for two weeks at 440 par star*. man fcom the VO (Viet Cong) At Tha Oonar ef Midddb Tun^ike and Mate base came out to talk lo the p aita a t the woM at the New ness, even at prices close to 4100 psroaa tor dinner and a rixnr. Honolulu reeldente, who don’t A par ootqile. Many have boon The Rainbow Grill, overlooking American Embassy about ex- Tsar's Dey oeramonlas for Tttb- (See Page Fanrtocn) 445 HARTFORD ROAD • MANCHESTER • HOME Of FAMOUS BRANDS man in Monravta, Th* capital of sold out for a week or laager. midtown Manhattan from atop changa of prisonera Before that Afkloa’s oMset repubUe, Monro­ (Bee Page FCurtoea) Vincent M»saey via waa Bottlod by alavea fhsod ICAMCRBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, DBCBBIBER 80,1967 PA<» WIANCHESTER JTV'ENING HEP ALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80,1987 rA O K T W O

with «B avenge o( 1.S00 letten incoming per day. Sheinwold on Bridge Hudson-Amaio Office &>8t The qoeedon of office staff Please Their Announced at New Year tea and mail accommoda- gniPATHBTIC PASniBB Saaih dealer M m S a n a Murla Ani8la i sides Uncle Sugar. we spades out of the way, and led partner. oada gown, iiatfiioiMid wtOi B a g "But with computers, 120 CHARTER OAK ST,r-MANCHESTBB I . "i / 1

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1967 P A O B flfl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEaTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DBCEMBERAO, 1987 1 Nutcracker V em on Events •Wonders of the Vnivetser Siplian Assembly Line for Wigs A ntrl|r«trr lo(i(«r ftaid H ponible to uiy, u w« aay : Marked by In W orld farewell to that 1M7, that thine* will $1,000 of Ashe Fund to Aid By PAHUCIA KINO have to get hny worse before they beein Why Is Temperature €iittiltt0 l|rr«it to better, llie year ends wHh all of i Light Grace Building of Hospital Chapel ^iT2*^ew NEW YORK—(NBA) — In us facing unparalleled dancer and de(- toe world of women (n general radatlon with two contradictory emo- By JOHN GBiniEB wTxs*Over $1,000 willwsaa be given tow It.m.u’o saavI« aawssa ft.««sx> wmsbvAft. nM frtmnAm ** and ‘beauty in paithxilar, Uttle On Venus So Hmh? bas caused aa great a caimnD- tlooal feelinea, the one of unceilinfed -MM' f t . s ? . p t - m - . h . a , , dtocoveng "characteristic of last evening’s Chapel, B’und from toe ifiemoiv fund to over $10,000, and tills shall win so tlan as wigs and hntrpieoes. euphoria, the other one of bottomless By I», I-M, LEVITT, France have a ^ water vapor there. Therefore, ’Nutcracker” Ballet offered at *** fund.^t tq> to honor toe late without a campaign. The goal „ Mot only ha‘ve ttiey become powsrleasness. Anythine next has to be d i b b c t o b the two compounds forming Uje :the Bushnell to a capacity audl- ^ h v U le ' Fire ChW John F. to $18,000 'The Island Is obvious- big beauty news but Mg busi­ an improvement of some kind. The Fels Planetarlnm ness as wMl. FefcU*ed B r«ry ------Of the Fraaklla Inatitote greenhouse on earth are a l^ M c^ It was the flfth time the * •<>“^ t-* «® r m o. ^ VnltoA SUtea to make OoUtmra. Sntmd « ^ e PnN OOec at ,^ r k haa been offered here, -the origlhally set up the Bollettn Board Just how thto Mg, yet relar jjanrhiTM- Oom., — »BOond O ms Mi present on Venus, with the con­ trouble, said Ho, according to Now that aclenttots have had centrations consldorably hlghw. annual presentations being the Inten^tod to provide The RoolcvlUe General Hob- Hanoi’s Vietnam News Asenev ttveiy young, business can Bi­ The resulU from the Soviets ;,Work of toe Hartford BaUet Co., annual sMioIs>$tops, one to pditai Auxiltaary wortc group will monitored In Tbkvo “ Y ethalf a ^ ttoonomy and way ol B u te c B sm o v rates A Non-Beautiful Storm the opportunity to assess pre- RipaWe ia Adrance __ Venus 4 todboaitod That DO to directed by Joseph Albano. “• 8ra*ia0ng senloh at Rock- meeit TMmsday in the Auxtttary mUllon U 8 trooro have been toousands of limlnsury results of the Venus Back of our hand compliments to the 90 per cent of the atmosphere Whether. It was a principal «** ^® Room 10 ajw. to 3 pm. ^ Vletaam who to- "*"®® women Three Monllsi ...... AM architects of what we hope has been the probes of both ^ c e powers, to carbon dioxide irilh dancer ending a "grande Jetee" leadership, and the other to Anyone plamdng to May ^rer 700,000 pupnet ™ protoicto toeir One Konlh ...... LM they agree that its surface tem­ last major storm of 1067. maining 8 per cent nitrogen Z ir only a child toy soldier fall- ® graduating senior excelUhg In through toe hinch hour to aSh- ^ sateUlte troops are d ^ y tolgere to a rather HERIBBR OF perature to Inordinately high fag In battle wltii a mouse, In religion at the planned 8t. Thdm- ed to M tog a sandwtdi. Coffee massacring Vietnamese people fa»cl**stoig story. It began with the gray, ominous open­ Mjariner 6 pcobe Indlcatod THE ASBOCKATBD F R W ^ ^ —^between 800 and 600 degrees the carbon dioxide content w u accordance with the Hoffmann___ More High School. OoiiBtnK!> and tea will be seeved. _ One company with a flsetury The Asaodated Press is csOlustTely entitled ing of Whittier’s "Snowbound" without and burning down Vietnamese to «he use of nsiiiliUcattan of all news ^ F. With these results arises the between 72 and 87 per cmt. ^ story, the entire company was been scheduled to bo- The Rockville Homemakers towns and rillages’’ Baroellotia, Slctly, wnploys paSoiies credited w it or not otbeiwUe cretW- that cloistered generation’s hope of ulti­ question; Why should the sur­ ed In this paper and also the local news pidl>- a wray these two value* are not characterised by lightness suCh year «m the CathoUc Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. gome observers say Hanoi’s '***•' P®®P>®. mostly young llahad bare. ^ mate peaceful stay-at-home cheer. It face temperature of Venus be Incompatible. The America]^ to seldom encountered. Even School. at (he home of Mrs. Homer big hope to winning over a great ****■’ 1* years old. A t 13 AH rIMals of republlcaitlan of special din- sa liereto arer also reserved. flourished Into a gay and slashing dance so high? postulate nitrogen In the Venu­ ’’entrechats" were presented With plans for the new high waltz. Three-deipth pillows will part of the American public to ^**®‘*' o«»r«*ao®* of flakes acros s the landscape. It The first logical answer to l e atmosphere. If It should Ije school canceled due to unex- pe the project. its view that American Involv- *•*'**• aspects d wig- The Herald Prlntbis Company Inc., ^.poiselessly, a certain sign of sumwi IK> Ibnnrtsl reaponsinllty for typo- merged, with the coming of dusk. Into that, on the average, Venus Is neon, then the American rSsiflt • fine training and careful execu- pectedly high Increases In H'atoeway MHler Ameri- ment In Vietnam to wrong and msdclng aoxl by the time they Cruddoal etrass sppearlna tn adveitlseinentB only two-thlrds as far from the reach 20. they usually get mar- another ominous gray blend with the would have to revised upwaitl. o^lon. building costs, the six-member Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 futile. villi'- aiuolher___other readlnr matter hi ^ Tbe Manohester “ “ ‘ sun as the earth and must, there­ t i S . Ehreninc Hemld. darkness. It rattled, against the window, Young America Counts On Sen. McCarthy reads just one sign carried by While water vapor content "to Principal dancers______of — tills___committee In charge of the me- ^ EHtngton -will meet Jan. 9 at "Friends,” said Ho, apparent- - .. ' A , ;f‘ fore, receive twice as much en­ low, as verified by the lack of TTie worldMrlxle demand for FUU service client of N. E. A. Service. Inc the hopeful Illusion of sleet about to turn youthful supporters of Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D-Minn., at a poh'tical rally in hyear’s production were Julia morial fund decided to give that g p m. at the hwne o f Mrs. Ann ly addressing himself to those Pubtiahers Hepreeematlve* — The, Jul^Julius Cambridge, Mass. Here, he urges stune of the 1,000 delegates to the CoHe^ ergy. Because of this increase acceleration of the transmitted Frederic, Judy GosnMl, Diane money to toe hospital chapel BuscagUa, Glenwood Rd., El- Americana already oppoeing hsdr hM become so greet and llathewB Speclai Asency — New York, CM- to rain. It subsided, during the post- Ih eneigy Venue should be hot­ radio signals to earth, water Is, the supfily can no longer be oacQ. Detroit and Bostco. Young Democrats convention to involve themselves in the 1968 presidential .^em ing and Donald EngUah. Amd- R was felt that too con- ui^^ton. ~ U.S. policy, "In struggling hard midnight hours. Into quieter phases, ter —but it should not approach nevertheless, there. Even hydro­ „Also In featured roles were two Whution to toe chapel fund Burpee ReHef Oorpe plans a to make toe U.S. government met by women setlfing a Ufe- MEMBER AimiT BUREAU OF CIBCUUA- during which it was possible to hope campaign. 600 degrees. As a point of fact, gen has been discovered around time’s growth ol hair to a taic- •nONB. AManehester girls, Janet Pope- '"'ould be in keeping -with Chief pothick supper at- 6 p.m. stop Ua aggression In Vietnam that nothing, abac^utely nothing, was straightforward computations In­ Venus, as a planetary cordta .. jeskl and Enid Rosenthal, both Ashe’s devotion to hls church. Wednesday. Mrs. Faiith Gibbs to you are defending Justice and, tory. To meet their demand, Di^gaiy^ aidvertiahwMhsf daahis hours: dicate that Venus should have which extends only 8,000 miles peddlers caled “oafdddnrl’’ Monday — 1 p.m. mday. happening outside. > of whom did very well indeed. Charles E. 'Pressler, Ashe chalirman. Installsitdon of offl- at toe same time, you are glv- FVir TUeaday — 1 p.l a temperature equivalent to out, according to the Marlneri8 „,Boto took supporting roles as ^mid treasurer, said that over cers wm fodlaw the supper. ing us support." roam the RttUan countryside, But In the morning. It was there with Y W found hi the eummer Ftor Wednesday — 1 p.m. A niooilit f«r Todsy Does Sen. McCarthy data, compared to 13,000 miles well as featured variations such 33,000 has been donated to toe Rockvlllo Hospital Notes ooUeettng hair ifrom the peasant Plor ‘nuiraday — 1 p.m. Tuea^y. Ua full gift—with a basic fall of snow In Montreal, Canada —80 de­ For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday, SpaasoNd by the ManChsater for the earth. ,«ts toe Snow Queen and Madame ^she fund to date and contribu- visiting hours are 1Z:80 to 8 Moscow Ltve Wire wemen. Rather quaintly, these rt>T Satur^y — ? p.m. Thursday. much deeper than had seemed possible grees P. But this to only a frac­ Council oC Ohurolies It to because of the Inordinate ■Regnlbre, respectively. They ^*®n® 'J® scen ted at toe p.m. In all areas except ma- MOSCOW (AP) — A power buyers bajfter with lace and damKled deadHne — 6 p.m. d » b ^ when we went to bed, vdth an elegant­ tion of the temperature Indicat­ publlcatlan. 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday Want Presidency? concentration of carbon dlpxltle pidoubled In other featured as- Savings Bank df RockvUle un- temity where they are 2 to 4 Hne went down In Moscow and a dishes rather than ounency. A l­ ly allck top crust which was Just stiff ed by the Venus probes. Why? that the temperature attains _ sigiunents m weH. 31. Of this amount $2,- ter ooUeoUng a subMzmtlail Then a child stood up among The answer involves not only and 6:80 to 8 p.m, •s’F (*>® “ ve wire dan- Saturday, December SO enough to constitute an annoying break­ By NOEL GROVE ‘1 divide the useful sensitorB such elevated level*. We haVe aaI Jufty GoeneU had the fat rMe will be held In trust with and 6:80 ao SUng near an apartment house amount, they sell It to the them. He seemed excited. " I ’ve the distance to the sun but also through handicap for the foot and NEA Staff Correspondent —and oentainly I would Include found that Venus received twice ^„of Su^:ar Plum Fairy in which ^® Interest to finance toe Rock- Adlmtted ’ Thursday: John hurriedly phemed toe emergency ’^rossteta” (wtioIesBler) who listened to you old people talk the composition of the atmos­ shovel, with a f i ^ new coating of thin WASHINGTON — (NEA) — MloCaxtlty among those — into the energy a* the earth. Of this ■..she was seen to great advan- vlUe High School Scholarship. Howells, Evergreen R d.; sW number. brings the supply to the fac­ on and on about the ‘Will of phere. To understand the role Ice on everything, including the best- Fame, said Emily Dlcklnaon, is tiwo categories. Tbere are those energy, 70 per cent to refleclM .,,,tage, partnered by Donald Eng- Ronalning funds will benefit George Mlchallow, 144 West "So what?” was toe response. tory. Anything: Next Has To Be Better God,’ You talk as If Ood had who fight to g ot legislaifaion of the atmosphere, let’s talk plowed streets, and, with a new lower­ a fickle food upon a shifting back Into space because of uie «. Msh as "danseur noble." In th* chapel fund. Main St.; Margaret Blcknell, The operator finally told him At first the hair U unraveled to write out on paper or In the through, who wheedle and trade about the esorth. Uie year to which we are now sayinc plate. dense, highly reflective clolid „„i^ccordanoe with toe customary The hospital chapel will be South Rd.; Louise Ballasy, 22 no emergency crews were and separated Into Afferent ing down of that grayness which hinted sky each day what His will Is in the lobbies and offlioes and Most o i the solar energy or farewell has probably been unique In Still confusing to many to layers on Venus. This mewis English translation of toe part, located In toe original portion Middle Butcher Rd. around but that If one showed colors. Then a minature bed of In the wash room of a wig factory (above left), the hair is washed twice, once at limitless capacities to keep some­ for us. You keep waiting for God on the phone. Then there are radlatiiHi reaching the earth one reaped. whether Sen. Eugene McCarthy that only 80 per cent reaches 'riOas GoeneU was costumed ih of toe hospital after the 76-room Birtlis Thursday: A daughter up, it would be sent. Two hours nails*separates It Into different in hot water and special salts and once in shampoo. The drying process of natu­ thing coming at us, for as long as we to do something. You keep won­ those whom I osdl educational lies In the visible portion of the Just wants to toy with his serv­ the surface. Once there It 1* a shade reminiscent oi a Dam- addition Is com|rieted in 1969. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mtotret- later V. Melnikov, who wrote up lengths, and Uien It’s put ral hair (fdwve right) is similar to the way fruits are put to dry in the sun. We would deacribe It aa a year which might pretend to keep up the struggle dering why your questions aren’t senators, who malce eloquent spectrum and of this 38 per cent really trapped, for rnily 1 l^r ‘ jMxi fdilm, but toe original Hb- According to Dr. Joseph J. ta, Crestwood Dr.; a daughter the story In a Soviet newspaper, through the washing process. The rooms are h ^ ed and it takes about eight hours to dry real h ^ . A young haa been remarkable for the wide gulf answered. . .why people keep ing, gobble It all, or eat well speeches on the ftoor .and is reflected back Into space by toward normalcy. Tetto names this dancer "La Kristan, chairman of toe Hos- to Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Smith, called an electric company di- The hair Is washed once In hot dying In Vietnam. . .why col­ and save any leftovers for clouds. The remaining 65 per cent of the energy can escajie lady working on a machine-made wig (lower left) ia sewing the weft of hair onto between the private atatua and experi­ Mix such components together, and the wheels o f legtolatlion In mo­ “'Fee Dragee." pltal Religion and Medicine 82 Village St; a daughter to rector. water with soap and salts EUid ored people aren’t happier. 1072. cent penetrates the atmosphere through the heavy blanket -of a net cap, Napoli, president of the wig company, watches the you ^ girls as they ence and fortune of all of ua, or almost then bring to us an Individual who tion, afthough In doing so ttioy It, Committee and one of toe Inl- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gashel, 98 FlnaUy a crew arrived but once in shampoo. From this Could It be that you old people Since he first'’ appeared as to reach the surface to be ab­ carbon dioxide and water vap- In case you don’t know sit at a work table making hand-made wigs. The process is meticulous because all of us, aa Indivlduala. and the public often ruffle feathers along the 'dragees are those sUvery, ball- tiators of toe project, toe Chapel West Main St.; a son to Mr. they didn't have enough wire, point, 78 per cent of the hair is claims to find delight In such a storm, are Just playing games with a potential presidential candi­ sorbed and heat the ground. Sci­ or. Thls accumulated enei^n^ attuation and fortune of which we are line. " 'bearingUke Uttle ornaments used wlU be not only a place to pray and Mrs. John Kaminski, 66 Vll- they said, and could Melnlkw dyed into 68 colors. each hair must be individually sewn on to a silk cap. and we will show you a real kook. each other? Aren’t we Just to date opposing the incumbent, entists can compute the surface builds up heat on the surface “ I tMnk of McCJanthy as an "to decorate cakes, and 1 for one and hold smaU services] but wlU lage St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. supply some? Melnikov Three types of wigs are made also a part. be and do the very best we political observers have been temperature imder these condi­ until, flnaUy, It reaches an equU- educaibionfU aenobor.” “''would like to see tWa fairy out- proirlde space for conference^ Chester Lempitaky, Warehouse seme wire In a tool shed. But — handmade, seml-machlne- a silk net cap. The seml- women would work a lO-how a factory and needed girls who Never have so many people traveled can each day and then offer it trying to decide what the^ 81- tions M d they find that while Ibrium point, where Just as The latest men who would be ' “fitted In something sUvery, as with pastors, baptisms, confes-- Point; a son to Mr. and Mva. the crew boss, Ivan Ivantsoi^ made and machine-made. For machine-made is wefted but day In the fields for as Uttle as knew how to sew. He not only Whose Facts Do You Read? up for God to use? I don’t see year-old Minnesotan wants, president to a tall, attractiive, the, surface temperature should much energy to reflected ,as so far In so short a time toward their ■’^Is done in Europe. As presented slons and access to religious Paul Rldzon, West Wllllngton. pronounced It unsuitable and handmade wigs, each strand of hand-finished. 600 lire to 1,000 lire a day ($1- had to convince the girls’ par- what to so mysterious about while John Q. Public is still articulate Inteileotual whose be minus 20 degrees F. it actual­ enters, and that to somewhere own dlsaater with leaa disturbance to If a newspaperman has any special In jthis : country generally as books and He caUed Discharged Thursday: Norma pulled out a roll from hls truck h^ir must be Individually sewed Barcellona was originally se- $1.00). With the arrival of the ents but also their brothers, God’s will? God gave \u hands, trying to put the name with dovish viewpoints on the Viet­ ly Is plus 60 degrees F. To ac­ between 800 and 600 degrees.,In their normal routines. message for today’s Inquiring young 'V e ir os last evening, the an Island M refuge” In toe Caldwell, Tolland; Johanne wWich he apporenWy had been Into a fine silk base. For ma- lected aa a factory by Vincent factory. Jobs became available uncles,) aunts and cousins. minds, and feelings. We do His a face. Unless you are from nam war found an early haven count for this increase, they this fashion scientists now sx- pas it "an Island M people, he would say: Use the utmost Rump, 48 Ridgewood Dr. saving for other Jobs. chine-made wigs, the hair Is Napoli, (president of Lisa Wigs at the unheard of $8 a day, In­ Napoli said, "It was more This Is. of course, a subjective conclu­ will when we use all his gifts Minnesota or remember names in the academic and dericaJ reason that the atmosphere acts plain high surface temperaturps. --dea deux becomes remlidscent srrowinK bospltd. care in ascertaining your facta. Remem­ '"bf the duet “ Bluebird," from an Melnikov said he and other fed onto a sewing machine that and Wigleta) because It was cluding government insurances difficult and time-consuming sion, posed by the speclai feeling, at responsibly.” and faces from nominating con­ communities. At an eastern as a sort of trap to keep the In the event one thinks this ber that normal, honest individuals - ‘■entirely different <^ius. apartment dwellers are talking sews and resewa the hair Into mainly populated by females, and pension taxes. winning the confidence of these this moment, of the particular human There was sUence In the room. ventions three and seven years university he chided the press radiation emitted by the sur­ explanation results from some '"T. Oostumlng was beautiful, and about buying a fire engine. They a thread called a weft, which The only area of work In Bar­ When Napoli went to B^rcel- people than getting the factory being who la wrlUng this particular may differ, not only concerning the Then a preacher stood up and back. Sen. McCarthy probably “you guys all ask the same face from escaping to space. fancy second guessing, it might Road Conditions Said Cause '“ on toe whole thoroughly appro- think they might need their own is sewed In spiral fashion onto cellona was In agriculture. The lona to form the factory, he dis­ started." opinions and conclusions to be derived said, "I think we ought to read stSIl means a guy chased questions”) and called on But with this statement anoth­ be remembered that back ->ln editorial. It can be accepted or rejected "priate. Even in toe instance If a fire ever breaks out. covered how suspicious Sicilians (Ne-wspaper Enterprise Assn.) from today’ssfacts, but concerning what the Bible and then maybe God’s Ckimmles back In the '50s. scholar^ fbr help ( “There’s a er basic question arises; why 1968 American scientists wpre by other members of the race. It can­ " “With which I have takMi Issue, Of Several Vehicle Mishaps are of foreigners. And anyone are the facte- themselves. will might be. . .’’ It’s not that fame has been need for a real intellectual re­ should the atmosphere trap the building models of the Venetian not be either proved or disproved. -^ e r e Is plenty of precedent. Mao*s Wife lU who Is not of their, -village Is a Don’t accept only such facta as agree Earle R. Custer, Pastor particularly elusive to this sponse” ) and the kids cheered radiation on the way out and atmosphere to attempt to de­ Police yesterday and this awayjwlth front end damage, One can say, for Instance, that the •"niere ware loads of youngsters TOKYO (AP) — Red Chinese foreigner. It was only because with your own preconceptions. North Methodist Church Sen. McCarthy, nor that he has and the profs beamed. not reflect It on the way In? termine the equilibrium tem­ morning Investigated 10 motor A wooden fence post at the Events in Capital Premier Chou En-lal has Indi­ he spoke the dialect that he world, and Its presumably moat civi­ Suppose you were to note the facts— completely Ignored the case for Quick o f wit, he can reel off The answer involves the compo­ perature. They arrived then lat - I n toe proddcttoii, drawn from vehicle mishaps Involving a tot- Hartman Tobacco Co. at 22 cated that Illness has caused the was able to gain the people’s lised, pnllghtened single nation are be­ as regards Vietnam, China, hlppiies, the It. Hls light has flared briefly informal banter Uke a sUver- sition of the earth's atmosphere*- these high temperatures which “ '•the Hartford School of Ballet, al of 19 vehloles In nine of toe Burnham St. was knocked down Cool Greetings absence from public view of Blast Debris Found confidence euid oon-vlnce the having, in Vietnam, precUely as if they welfare state, the Pentagon—implicit in over 19 years on Capitol HUl, heired Johnny Carson, or, in When solar radiations are ab­ appeared reasonable, for our ra­ ft and comporting toemerfves accidents police Indicate toe when a car driven by Carol A. WASHINGTON (AP) — Ra- TflV MOSCOW (AP) —Soviet lead­ —'With aplomb and good ensem- Avery of 21 Salem Rd. ran into Chlang Ching, wife of Mao Tse- Dual Home Delivery families that he wanted to start had learned exactly nothing from the the articles In the New Statesman (Lon­ nine of them in the Senate. It dealing out seemingly off-the- sorbed by the earth’s surface dio astronomy measures also road was snowy or Icy. One dlocustive debris from last ers published today coolly prop­ • Hble. They were .used for every­ It after It turned sharply to the tung. previous history of mankind, and that don) or the New Republic (USA). Com­ has, however, failed to exude cuff parables and metaphcricai . they are changed from radia­ person was arrested, one writ­ week’s reported Red Chinese OGDEN, Utah (AP)—A cab er greetings for the 20th anni­ were beginning to show similar thing from guests at the Christ- right to avoid an oncoming, The Nov. 8 Issue of Canton FAIRWAY pare these with the facta on the same a steady, glow. tales, dome o ff more genuinely tions in the visible range to in­ ten warning was issued, and nuclear blast has been recov- company is offering a dual they are doing this at a period In history versary of (Communist Roma­ findings. ‘ 'i’’ma* party to snowflakes, and skidding other car. Minor dam- Wanke Tunghsun quoted Chou Veterans remember hls stir­ Lincdnesque than anyone else visible infrared radiations. one person complained of In­ 8H1UUU1K uurei as saying ’’arduous struggle has ered from toe upper atmosphere home delivery” service New when the risks and dangers are a thou­ subjects as seen by U.S. News i World nia, whose relations with the So­ The high temperatures can „ managed to be convinolng in ring speech in support of Adlai on the scene. Thus, short-wave radiations jury but required no treatment. Year’s Eve. sand times greater than they ever were Report or Time magazine. You’d find a viet Union have been strained. also account for the lack of w a-, "•their roles rather than "aren’t-,- N EW Y E A R ’S Vi wide divergence. One needs to amend Stevenson at the 1960 Demo- Or the luvnor moiy turn droM reach the surface and long--wave Richard Beebe, 16, o t East Chlng’s health, but spiritual Energy Oommiasion scientists. For a single one-way fare, a before. ' Pravda, the Soviet Commu­ ter on the Venusian surface. ji.toey-cute’’ banalities. * A car driven by Arthur J. ^ Streomen, Confetti craitic conventlan and hls bid and biting. Using one o f his radiations are reflected from it Hartford, was charged with fail­ An AEC spokesman said It cab will pick up toe celebrant for plastte • Marahall McLuhan to say, not that the nist party newspaper, also car­ Such heat would have made the Settings were luxurious and rYftmofttift IQ of Willimantlc consolation and Inspiration will Paper Platoe, NapUns If one says this, that to a matter of for the vice presidency In 1964. double references in answer to The atmosphere of the earth ure to drive right at a trafflo and also bring an extra driver I medium to the message, but that the ried a reply from Romanian water evaporate into the at­ H-iStaglng smooth. Lighting was S t the r^ar of a car driven b^ Individual opinion and ^idgment. The But mostly hls career in pub­ a student’s question (“Who do contains carbon dioxide and wa­ rotary last night, alter the car results of toe fallout analysis to take toe partygoer’a auto storm wioiowl^ particular medium may, wittingly or party Secretary-General Noco- mosphere as water vapor. Once _:exceUent and imaginative. This Eugene F. Broderick, 21, of 77 Mao’s ^ e ^ Wled to a^ ARTHUR DRU8 only proof that could come would have lic life has been one of quiet ter vapor. These two constitu­ he was driving hit a car driven will be made public.' liome safely, said company unwittingly, color the message. lae Ceasescu to Soviet congratu­ you think would make the best there, solar short-wave radia­ Laurel St. as the Broderick car P®®*" -ftaraui all the> more remanuiDieremarkable . n Vihh#»rtR 20 of 46 LAurei BC. as uie oioucnun f - __.. communist china, has not con­ manager Ray Ross. to come after waiting for the story In And what you accept as gospel truth lations on his recent election as aloofness —the scholarly, med­ Republican candidate?” ), be re­ ents, while making up less than tions would have dissociated the since a full rohearoal had to be S’ flowed to make a turn onto Tay- mgs m^to that she would itative senator who. In fact, sponded wryly, ”I thirk we 1 per cent of the earth’s at­ Delmont St. no™aUy attend. firmed the test reported Sunday Vietnam to play Itself out to Hs end. will odor your views and conduct. president. A watqr vapor Into oxygen, and A.canceled Thursday, because of once considered becoming a have enough trouble in our own mosphere, trap 90 per cent Police say toe Beebe car waa , The former actress and depu­ by the AEC. Ih e commission es­ And quite conceivably, in tlA way of For example, suppose you watched, Caeusescu, the driving force hydrogen, with the hydrogen es­ ,„.Jhe snowstorm and its ensuing leper colony without crawling of the reflected or outgoing ra­ traveling east on Tolland night. Both cars were driveable. ty chairman of toe Communist timated toe explosion was of a many supposed great final erwes in the last evening, a graphic TV documentary behind Romanian efforts to take Benedictine monk. caping from the planet. On the -•'transportation problems. *■ over tho wall.” diation. Tpke., failed to drive to toe purge committee was last re­ affairs of men, Vietnam could eomehow on Vietnam. IJ centered on the hard­ an Independent line from Mos­ “He’s Just not a Senate oper­ basis of the strength of the "Nutcracker” has become a This is the same effect that right of toe traffic rotary at toe ported ill In November 1966. ships, and sufferings of the refugees, cow, said cooperation between ator, .not an aron-twlstlng, ca­ He has been called philo­ radar signals transmitted from Christmas tradition in Hartford, subside and peter out without coming occurs in a greenhouse where Intersection of Oakland St., and dropped on Hlroehima. the two countries "will constant­ joling ajctdon man,” observed a sophic, dreamy, even lazy. Venus to earth, American sclbn- „„and one of which toe city may vlMations. The tradtng ban con­ to any great dramatic result, either caused by bombings and uprootings. solar radiation enters, is ab­ hit toe Vlbberts car. The AEC analysis may help in th e ly develop in the interests of our colleague. “He’s no Sen. Mag- "1 don't know what it takes ttots estimate that there ia -no be Justly proud. Eskimo Rescue tinues through Jan. 12. plus or minus, that could be taken as Suppose you supplemented this with an sorbed and changed into long­ The Vlbberts car had to be CHURCHILL, Man. (AP) — pinpoint the explosive yield of peoples." nuson. to make a philosopher,” he more than the equivalent ' of School Menus proof of anything except the Infinite re­ eye-wltnesa story of refugee plight In wave rstdlations -which are trap­ towed away; toe Beebe station Rescue aircraft headed ,for toe toe Mast and Indicate whether It Capital Footnotes your favorite news magazine or news­ laughed. "I’d say I’m reflect­ one Inch of water in the entire silience of human nature. ive, thoughtful, probably more ped by the glass enclosure. The wagon was drlveaUe. Ice-choked waters of Hudson was set off by a conventional iQovenisnent dnvwstigaltara re­ paper. I don’t know about you, but after atmosphere of Venus compared Beebe Is scheduled for court Or one can say, for another Instance than some senators, and I’ve carbon dioxide and water vapor Next W eek Bay today to pluck two Eskimos atomic devloe or an H-bomb. port Army and Air Force instal­ about three such encounters, I am ready behave like the glass In the to Earth’s uniform water layer pertinent to the experience of the year written some theoretical pieces Stocks H it appearance qn Jan. 16, from a small Ice floe on which lations could cut cost* by sever­ to conclude: "This war 1s disastrous. greenhouse, making planetary of about two miles. Supreme Court Bid 1067, that that same great nation, pre­ Connecticut Yankee on the operation of the govern­ Richard C. Marlow, 26, of 78 — ***®y **®'*® **®®" ^®f al mllhon dollars a year by oonr Let’s get out fast." * temperatures higher than com­ One overtone to these tem­ W. Center St. received a writ- eight days. WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. sumably the world's most intelligent ment.” peratures Is that it may be a verting manually operated coal AU right, but suppose instead you’ve By A .H .O . puted values. However, even ten warning for dri-ving after ^ ^ ^ ef^ d JSJJ, a Royal Canadian Mounted Sam J.‘ Ervin Jr.. D-N.C., has furnaces to automatic gas or oil and clvlltoed, has failed almost totally watched a televtoion documentary which Though hls generally lack­ with this explanation, how do we long time. If ever, before an 2n d H igh drinking, after toe car he was Police spokesman said toe two asked the Supreme Court to per- Gift A had Just arrived In the luster Senate career does not astronaut lands on the Venusian In the business of getting a real aolu- zeroes in on Amerlcan-Saigon victories, We do not often find ourselves account for the extraordinarily driving skidded on W. Middle Oensus Bureau says mall. Would we be Interested? suggest one who spoils for con­ surface. Neither current tech­ ticn-headed grip on Its own domestic and some very worthy rehabilitation ef­ In possession of a truly firm high temperature of Venus? Tpke. near New State Rd. and eral aid to parochial sdiools on Americans plan to buy fewer Net result of shopping early flicts, the ones he picks are The Venus probes provide the nology, nor that of the foresee­ In V olu m e its left rear hit a car driven by toe ground It vtolatea toe consti­ problem of the social and economic re­ forts among the rice paddles. And der, sandwiches of tuna fish, ? “ ®? new cars and houses over toe New Year’s resolution. This for Gift A: Double Christmas usually formidable. answer. It has long been known able future, gives‘ any Indica­ William A. Pomroy of 18 Crest- floe In temperatures that dipped tutional prohlMOon against lationship between people who happen you’ve supplemented this with a dis­ (Continued from Page One) cheese, peanut butter and Jel­ next six months than they year, with recent experience for recipient and for donor’s In 1952 he challenged the tion of materials that could be to have skins of different hue. Again, patch detailing respected Ambassador that carbon dioxide Is a consti­ wood Dr. The Pomroy car waa to 40 degrees below zero. state-supported religion. plaimed for toe current Octo- witch-hunting tactics of that used in spacecraft and function tary of Commerce Alexander towed away. i ly. Dessert, milk and sandwich­ ^ Bunker’s reasons why the war Is going fresh In our fatigued mind, we pocketbook. , tuent of the Venusian atmos­ The pilot who spotted tqp Es- Ervin filed a "friend of the ber-March period. this to a subjective Judgment; we may.- other Sen. McCarthy and debat­ satisfactorily in a temperatbre es served with all meals. ■"“•better, why constructive rebuilding 1s have one. The chronology of Gift B ran phere. Within the past few years Trowbridge predicted '‘sn In- -phe mishap took place at 1:20 klmos said neither appeared In- court" brief BYlday on behalf of 'ur prayers go with yours, for be doing bettbr than H seems to some ed him publicly, when most NortheastJie C U P t OSchool: C t l W t • Wednesday, ft w sift now possible. One may well come away We hereby resolve never as follows: scientists in this country and In BO high. crease of at least $80 billion thls morning. Americans for Public Capital Quote a New 'Year pf peace and o( us. We may not already have lost members of Congress were in toe gross national • product A pickup truck driven by "The ’A’ In NASA 1* 'worth from this experience with a belief that again to try to do our Christ­ Dec. 11: Telephone call to ery abundance. W e wi^h you much the engagements upon which the final maintaining a dtocreet silence. in 1068. htercel J. Couturier, 26, of Wap- Association of Virginia In a case more than two per cent."—Sen. the struggle Is worthwhile. mas shopping early. big city retailer, to see If he t tall; Thursday, outcome of the battle depended. Or we He riidced a secure House seat One brMter commented; food. appealed from New York. A. 8. Mike Monroney, D-Okla., happiness, and thank you sincerely. The pokit to, both sets of documen- For 'happy, easy, compara- had certain hard to find Item In ping, slid on toe Ice on Me- roUs, baked beans, sauerkraut, to run as a distinct underdog But Some Negro Heads Criticize "The economic picture con­ He urged the court to reverse may somehow, with that apparently In­ tarlM and dispatches could have been tlvelj^ carefree years, We were stock. He had- Arranged to NfOl St. at Hale Rd. yesterday complaining that only two per for the Senate in 1958. tinues (lK(:show favorable de­ ftcft p f t c h f t ;« a 1923 decision which has been cent of toe National Aeronautics exhaustible escape artistry of ours, factual, accurate, from where the re­ a datch-aa-catch-can Christ­ mail check for proper amount, morning and hit a car driven And tdiallenglng an Incum­ velopments, and - we would ex­ oni and cheesd, tossed salad, Either toe radio w*s used to prevent such on Space Administration budget Is 24 Birch St., Manchester avoid the final terror and tragedy ahead mas shopper, getting to the ^ to be followed by delivery of by Barbara Duff of 28 Dover made. porter, the cameraman, stood. bent president of your own pect toe market to carry toe Jello and cream. Milk, bread . „ more likely, toe grounds that individuals carhot earmfu*ked for aeronauUce re Recently a student came in to discuss task late, and making the ob­ Gift B to our suburban office Miami’s ^Get ^ough’ Policy Rd. Couturier was attempting Just Around the Comer of us, and find the mercy of gradualism party can hardly be consid­ jrearend rally Into toe coming ^ gtop sign at Hale and butter served artto all men could not figure out bow to stiaw any cnaneiasy IntJuxtos search even though air passen­ Miami a column. He had marched In a number jects of our affection do with address. meals. and postponement available to ua once ered playing Tiddlywinks, de­ •"year.’’ Rd. when tile car skidded, use it. from tile alleged vialatlon. ger and oaigo miles are multi- THE FLORIST From Main Street. of peace demonstrations. He told how whatever could be obtained on Dec. 18; Checked by phone Skinner Road School: Wednes­ again. spite ithe dissension over thb Starts with Official Backing On IFridBy -voluine to the New The Duff car was towed away. The suit specifically attaMu Ikying rapidly. TV cameramen had walked dowm the instant notice. ThOse years of with retailer, aa to whereabouts day, meat balls In brown gravyr So the fatefulness of our public predic­ war. ^ ■’“York Stock Exchange soared to A bus driven by John M. Ca- the ’’chll<^4>eneflt’ ’ theory that file of marchers, photographing only the carefree happiness were blurr­ of Gift B. Supposedly sent out; MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - - Miami’s the Southern Christian Leader­ mashed potatoes, spinach, but ament remains a matter of Judgment, ”I’m not the kind o f fellow ~ 14.90 mUllon shares, which had pello, 64, of RockviUe, and a DupKcftte Bridge there Is no vlMaUon of the es- long-haired, the hipple-dresaed, the un­ ed, however, by, twinges of con­ checking would be done. Talked ship Conference’s Miami chap­ not any confirmed certainty. who rustles In If someone else new controversial "get tough" '“’’been exceeded only on Oct 20, V«aacar driven waaaswB by toe Rev. Kenneth san^chea, ^ arraW. Thursday, f«AV*n YWUmilt rice ^ 1 ■ ■ - paration of church and state If kempt, avoiding the earnest, the neat, science. Sometimes we settled with gentleman who handled ter, said "the first time a dog beef and gravy, com, peanut iFUrSt fSace wtiwers the pupil rather than the school Therw*la Igss division of Judgment will do what I think needs to entixarimo policy proceeded to­ --^lOOO, toe day of toe historic W. Steere, 48, of 42 Richmond the middle-aged. This happens. The ef­ for gifts of mediocre suitability. original transaction. • attacks an Innocent citizen (In ” "biarket crash, when 16.41 mil­ r... ftftoh ftfw butter sandwiches. Friday, vege- in _a Team of Four champion- recMves the aseiatance. and opinion, liowever, as to the other be done,” he said. “ But then. day -with official support, but fort to not Intentionally to deceive, but And we were always nagged by Dec. 20; Checked again, and the Negro area) you know what lion ajiares chieuiged bands. 8t near**toe Center vesterdav *®'^® *** dupUcate bridge game at ’■IThe citisens’ Intereet In side of the equation, where we measure In the MIcCarthy debates, as to the face o ciitiCJam by some St. near toe Center yesterday De^iert and milk are the Italian American Club am to catch the dramatic, the spectacular-. the spectacle of those supreme­ talked with different gentle­ will happen.” * Brqkcrs said last-minute tax afternoon. Both vMilclea were maintaining the wall of eepara- now, I think If an Issue be­ Negro kaders. ,1. Chatmon added: “ Let’s talk served with each meal. ' Dennis RoMnson, Rocky Norris^ and appraise the private lives we have I recall two dtopatchea, appearing ly capable persons who aJways man, who became quite inter­ 'v' scUlQg and bargain hunting con- traveling north on Main St. tion between church and state is HOLIDAY comes vital enough, someone Police CaUef Walter Headley in terms of the basic causes of Lake Sfneet Sdionl; Weihiea- Vincent Mango and Lloyd John- "1 been living while our world wobbles on about the same time In the New York-- gave nothing but the perfect gift ested, promising to' check and "'"trlbuted to toe heavy trading, side-to-slde when contact w m great and compelling and is cer- needs bo speak out.” assured a City Commission crime. We have got to have day, raVlaM green bpans, cheeM son. Us axis. *' Times aind a news magazine. Both con­ because they made sure to be­ ..to call back. * The issue that has become Volume for toe four-day hoU- made. The bus wa* not: dam- taiidv sufficient reason to be al- J Dec. 21: After 21 dialings public hearing Friday he' would jobs, better housing, equality." wedges, fkiutt; Thuiraday, hot Second place waa won by Mr. Except for the relatively few among cerned the over-all Vietnam plc^re. One gin their Christmas shopping “vital” iMiNil to Vietnam, ac­ day week totaled 49,321,070 aged, police say. ) lowba to sue,” Ervin contended. reported the United States forces aa early enough to be sure they got throilgh the increasing heavy wage ^ar on crime relentlessly The Rev. Tenrance VingM, a A 4 A_ 1. ft-i 1. Tftft <3®K 1*1 n mil, potaitD Milps, ap- and Mrs. A1 LaPlant, Mrs. Nor- us where the course of one or the other cording to' Gene McCarthy. " “thares, compared with 82,920,- A t ( ^ h ^ k driven by M - tomato soup, buna ma Fagan and Mr*. Mary Roy. thln-stretched, their strategies spoiled. what they really wanted to phone traffic, reached the gen; against whites and Negroes Neg;ro minister, said, “ We had - -'020 for five days lost week. SEC Orders Siupensionuspens of the two great tragedies haa hit home Vital enough to risk a party alike. to stop our church services .be­ ^ r d Joseph MoriroiU, 26, of U6 peanut (witter sand- Other top teams are James TTie other saSd the American effort, at give. tlemad' who was Interested, buj spUt, despite the danger flags Friday waa a big day, too, on charter Oak S t could not stop WASHINOTON (AP) — The In a casualty In Vietnam, or In some cause of hoodlums—people were h. mvMinngw.__i___ n ______A__ wienes, caiw. PoUtee, WlUlam McDougal, long last, was beginning to succeed. , So this year we conducted who had not been able to comf Headley said tils' new policy ---toe American Stock Exchange, on icy Brookfield St. yesterday Securities and Exchange Com­ being hoisted ' by many of his afraid to walk the streets.” |He Vemon Elementary School: Mrs. June Roebuck iuid Mrs. preliminary brush agatnat the savagery Which Is one to believe? two shopping early experi­ plete his checking. " that includes arming police whth ''“Isfaeie volume of 7.15 million afternoon and bit the rear a mission hM ordered a 10-day Democratic colleagues. expressed 100 per cent suK>®rt Wednesday, ravioli, green Glenna HartUng; William Rad- // of either black or white power at home— Perhaps you are familiar with the ments. They were designed to Later Dec. 21: Received mes­ “Most senators have a high shotguns, increased use of dog shares w m toe third largeet In car driven by Helen Warring­ suspension of the over-the-coun­ for the "get tough’’ policy. beans, cole slow; Thursday, zewlcz, Raymond Robblne, we have never had It so good. The sta­ well-known Journalism class exercise. A get precisely what we wanted sage to call Interested gentle­ respect for McCarthy,’* said an patrols and .“itp and frisk tac­ Its history. This total w m ex- ton of 27 Woodland St. The ter bustnees of tlM First Pruden­ About a dozen members; of hot dog In roll, chlpe, vege­ MUchel Bala and Edward Bala; ^^Carriage H ouse Boutic|ue tistics prove It. Our living rooms prove simulated hold-up takes place; police and to see that we had the gift man next morning. aide to another mldwestem sen­ tics, was initiated in the Negro ‘"'ceeded by 8.29 million sharsf Warrington car w m ston^wd at tial Corp. of New York City., a youth group called the Southern table sticks, pickles; Friday, James Tatro, m iton Gottlieb, It. Our garages prove it;. Our bank ac­ burst into the classroom. Afterward, the in hand well before any last Dec. 22; After 30 dialings, ator. "I would say he is very district only because of a crime test O ct 20 and 7.28 milUon E. ICddle Tpke. member firm of toe New York wave there. Forces will be de­ Student Organizing Cmntitjeei macaroni and cheese, macaroni Joe Tboe and Ralph Maguire; and American stock exchanges. counts prove it. And more important students are asked to write their ver­ minute crush of time and pres­ penetrated retailer’s switch­ highly regarded. " ’Oct. 27. A truck driveil by Clarence ployed throughout the city as wore targets pinned to their and tomatoes, peM, lettuce Miss Mary Bergen, Frank The SEC aald Ite action sterna sions of what happened. Believe It or sure. board; interested gentleman “ But there is a certain The Dow Jones average of 80 R. LeBlanc, 24, of 12 Hudeon than any of these, although supported by needed, he said. backs—“to make It easier for •alftd. Ilomo undo doiicirti or O’Brien, ^ Louis___ Halpryn___. |Znd from an Investigation Into the not, they differ markedly, and these stu­ We cite, herewith, the happened to be out for coffee. amount of puzzlement as to industrials advanced 17.74 to St,, and a cor drtVMB by fruit served with aU meals, in ThomM McCormack; and Paul 15 COCKTAIL sizes 5-20 . , ...... N O W Vi PRICE! them, there to an actual warm and com­ The police chief entered the the shotgun people." > stock trading of Roto American dents have been In training to become chronology of Gift A : An hour later, after only six where he Is headed. It ^ not 906.11 for the week. lyn M. Pella of 870 BldweH St. addition to milk, bread and but- Barton, Richard Voaiburgh and fortable sense of well being which haa crowded hearing room carrying The Aseociated Press 60-stock Corp., a probe wMch resulted Reg. $16-$80 newsmen. Nov. 18: Visited proper re­ dialings, reached retailer's clear to a lot of senators as to collided at BldweU and Horace ter, Mr. uid Mrs. Arthur Pyka. somehow worked Its way Into our very a bulging brief case. He said It Wedneoday In m oourt order bar­ Vi PRICE! What’s the answer? First of all, read tailer, and, after examining switchboard again. Interested what he stands to gain. sivenMge rose «1 to 322.3 for the yesterday afternoon. Botii Vemon Center Junior High The gfame w m sponsored by 20 HIGH FASHION HATS ...... NOW contained more than BOO tele­ ring illegal sale of the stock by Mood. a newspaper or news magazine that you stock, decided . object desired gentleman out for doughnuts to "We Just don’t know what week. vehicles were drtveaUe. The School: Tuesday, hot dog on soft the Manchester Bridge Club. A grams and letters from through­ H erald Of 1,630 issues traded toU eight defendants. including Never has quite so much private op- feel you can trust. Next, read more for Gift A would have to be or­ go with coffee. Talked with he wants," said another. Pella woman complained of roll, btiked beans, sauerkraut.. regular dupUcate biitofe pnuiential out the nation regarding his week, 1,010 advanced and.494 Umtom, ao much touchingly human eu­ widely. If the New Republic to your dered. Watched order notation original gentleman, who pro­ So far, he acts very much as pain but bad no vlsltde sign peanut butter sandwiches, open to the puMlc, will be lllay--'**^jj!^_^. 12 ALL W OOL COATS sixes 5-16 ...... N O W $35 - $95 crime lighting campaign. Yesterdays declined. ^ First Prudential, toe SBC aald phoria, flourished in such proximity to Journal, read U.S. News & World Re­ being made. fessed concern. Gentleman with though he wants to be president, of injury and was not treated brownies; Wednesday, lasagne ed Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. although McCarthy himself de­ Later, he told reporters the The five most active stocks police say. F rt^ y , WM charged with sell- Reg. $12.90 > so much public doom. port, as a countering force, or -vice ver­ Dec. 11: Dropped in csisually doughnuts came back, got on with meat and sausage, assort­ the chib at 180 Eldiidge St nies It from a pure philoaophlcal communications expressed 25 Years Ago on toe New York Stock Bx- A car driven by Carol J. . .N O W $8.95 sa. Distinguish between Journals of opin­ to pick up Gift A, which had phone, and reported near solu­ ed cheese, cole slaw, bread and iTALIAN' FLAT SHOES 72 pairs, sixes 6-10. Who wants to disturb the euphoria? standpoint. about 100 to 1 satisfaction with ' change this week were: Bartlett of 149 Taylor St ttdd- ion and newspapers. When you’re watch­ not yet arrived. It might be tn tion df mystery. Previous at­ New machines -worth |10,000 .. . . ______butt6r, tftpioo puddinif iwith Noiiody. "I don’t know If anybody hls program. CHbb Aldon, off H At on aUppery Summit St. hurt* cream; Thuivday, meat in Reg. $22 ing a televlaion newscast, ask youraalf with the next day’s mall. tempts to deliver bad failed be­ Including a Van Norman milling really wants ’to be president," After dozens of citizens, most­ 840,700 ebares; American Tele- and hit a parked, empty gravy, »yiiftH potatoee, tossed PRICE! Who wouldn’t rather play the poaalbil- Dec. 18: Called on retailer cause no door had been found machine are received at toe 7 ARNEL ROBES...... NOW '/i If you’re seeing the whole picture. he said. "I certaiiily dtei't” ly Negroes, expressed cladiing phone, off % at0Q%; U.S. Unes, truck belonging to Benedict W. salad, French bread and butter, Hy that somehow we c m be saved and Cultivate a. healthy skeptlciam. I said about Gift A, which was still open. New attempt would be trade school. A Happy and Prosperous ’’I don’t know If anybody opinions on the matter. Mayor up U H at 47%; International Tasillo - ...... of 01- Fairfield...... - St — The apple criqi; Friday, tuna flsh Reg. $20 • $120 be spared In aomethiilg like our accus­ healthy. Not hate-fllled. Compassionate. being expecte^ although there made that same day. Mean­ The American Bed Ooss and really wants to be president," Stephen Clark told Headley: *"' Wper, tqp S at 80%; and Ameri- truck w m parked near Flower casserole with noodles, wedge tomed world without ever really trying was a fatnt.^\^)os8iblIlty that while, emergency duplicate of Manchester Memorial Hospital 54 Famous Name Dresses and Suits, sixes 3-18 N O W $15 - $70 Discerning. Remember that most news­ he said. "I certainly d on 't” “You are charged with enforc­ can Photocopy, u^ 1% at 10. gt. ' of cheese, green peas, assorted New Year to do anything draatic ourselves? wholesaler orald not supply Gift B had been set aside and are asking Manchester to fur­ men are trying hard to "get It straight." "But I think If you are In poli­ ing the law wltiiout discrimina­ * The five most aettv* stocks a car driven by Georg* H. fruits. Dessert end milk served would be rushed by speclai nish 100 trained volunteer nurs­ T o a l our friends and patrons. Reg. $2 Finally, how does any' private individ­ So are most editors. And If some have Gift A as per catalogue. tics for some time there are tion and by all legal means." A on the American Stock Bx- ooohran, 19, ot 887 W. Center wltb each meal. messenger If necessary. es’ aides during 1943. > , FISH NET STOCKINGS, 40^pairs ..NOW '/i PRICE! ual have the aUgbteat chance of biflu- built-in biases, maybe you have too. Too Dec. 19; Gift A seemed out. conditions which build around majority of the commissioners change were: st. w m linage to stop In time Bast Elementary School: W e Win Be Cloeed Monday m d Tneaday. often we seek out, take tn. Just what we Ordered Substitute Gift A, Dec. 23; Original Gift B Is encing the course of such great and fate­ you, and It can become a re­ supported Headley. lO^Yeara Ago Associated Wl, up 1% at •% on Center St near Cooper St Wednesday, spaghetti and meat Reopen Wednesday Reg. $10 r $80 ful events, even ahould be let himself want to believe. • which could arrive in a day. waiting for us on our arrival at sponsibility to seek the presi­ Praise for the "get toug^” 449,100 sbarM; Oompudyne, u«t night and hit the rear ol bolls, qitascb; 'nntrsday, ham- Dec. 20: Substltfite Gift A for­ the office , and our second 7 ALL LEATHER B A G S ...... , • - N O W $10 $20 be worried Into trying to do something Man has the gift of Insight and Intui­ dency." policy came from some Negro Mrs. Wayne Lundbeig to, toe f ' Off 1% at 8%; Panooastal, 70 « car driven by Donlri J. Bar- buig on soft* rolL potato ritips, got to u rlve, Christmas e a f 1 y Christmas businessmen and ministers. Op­ about oomethlng? tion. "Seek and ye shall find." An accu­ new church secretary NoW '1 % at 2%; G r ^ Am atoon m - rlaon. 18. of Boot Hartford, pickle aUcea; Friday, tuna PAVIS BAKERY rately Informed public opinion to a Dec. 21: Substitute Gift A ar­ shopping venture to saved, with Robert Froet sold hls first position came from civil rights Methodist Church. dustries, up % at 7%; odilcta bod slowad down to moke oorole, psM . Sondwtehes, bome- 18 Oak StraeV, Manchester .Phone 647-1538 Such hava been the problems posed, strong bulwark in any nation. You can rived, and was bought and paid hours to spare, and no casual­ poem in 1892, when he eras 17 leadsrs who expressed fear the Marlow’s department stor* ^.I^jrransoontinontal Invootlag, a turn. made desserts and milk served 521 MAIN SniBET— MANCHESTER the moods responding, the Inooncluskma help build that kind o< opinion.—WIL­ for. ties except a lame dialing fin­ years old. He received $15 lor crime war would *be concentrat­ sells ticket books toe three ;..W « • The Cochran oar w m towod with oU meals. left dominant, in ttie yaar 1967. LIAM H. STRINGER IN THE CHRIS­ Dec. 22: Received telephone ger. the poem, which was called, ed against Negroes. Hartford bridges for convfail' Being entirely subjective agabi, we no TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR call from retailer, who said that Resolved; Never again! "My Butterfly." James Chatmon, president of ence of Manohester residents. » "J

MANCHESTER EVENINO EDSRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80,1967 P A cn , v » M ^ 8 K MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1967 e Area Churches P eople In ^ Firms Found Gni^ STA R GAXEIC* First EvesgeUeal C h u re he ^ -rs------By CLAY R. POLLAN------F in li CImrali Church o f BeoKvHIe Of Yiolatmg Antitrust Law MAR.22 Yom-DhUy AefMty Gukk* H Ih R M •I Christ Eaetmineter United Business Bodies •t «M Na St Bridget Chardi Center Oani^gatloiial Church S»T.23 Pnebyteriau Fellewshlp B«v. Rldiard E. Beetran, ANi ao 'f According Aee^rtii/ta to#a thofha Start..Stars. Pastor NEW YORK (AP) — Tlirse meat prosecutor sold 1 St R«v. Jotai J. Debuiejr, Paator United Church of Christ 00*. 23l Oeeige B. Slye School The News Bev. IH. Bradley Jr., msjor drug firms have bean Cyanlmld rsaUssd ■ e k B * e r t # . Bev. B afcert t. KeMi II Center St ■ ^ 7-13-24-341 To develop mesioge for Sunday, 4- 51936,36JT Klugeton Dr. off Oak St. GETS TRAVEUSS POST officer since he Joined the bank Exchange Command found guilty of antitrust viols- profits on tbs snttblolle caDsd Rev. KtMUMtk jr. Friable Bev. CUffOrd O. Slnlpaen, reod words corrssponding to numbers 4S6S8a<9 0 ^ Eaet Hartford 9 a.m., Sunday School. of your Zodiac birth siga Bernard L. Felton at Mans­ in October 1985. In his new du­ tions tn the manufacture and tstracyeUne. • ft:S0 a.m ., SmiSay SdMMl. Minister Bev. Gordon S .Betee, 10:80 a.m., Tlie Service. WASHINGTON (AP) — Gan. AML at 1 Portntr 31 Y our OCT . 24 I 9:45 a.m „ Churdi gehtel. field Center former assistant ad­ ties, Herig will assume Increase When the oast at manufaetur- eSaasea for all ago g ra q ^ . Masses at 7, 8, 0:10, 10:80 In Bev. Kenneth W. Steere, 61 O K id * Bflnlster WkHaee M. Graaiw Jr„ raGrtog dWaUwtton of $1.7 bOtoo wcrGi MAY 21 2 It 's 32 Y our 62S(M c Io I NOV. 22 ' 11 a.m., Mondng Worsiqii. Our Savltfr Lutheian Ohaich ministrator at Manchester Me­ administrative responslbUity in ing 100 capsules at tbs drug 10;4S a.m ., Worrtilp Service. the church. 0:15, 10:80 and 13:00 Associate Minister 33oyout 33 Good 63ITo Marina Corps commandant, antiWotics. 0 ^ 1 11-4271 Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brad­ morial Hoepltal, has been named all areas of installment loans. ’The conspiracy case against ranged from $1.89 to $ $.fl tor Meaaage by the pastor. Nursery. in the auditorium. Mias Antoinette Bierce, 4 T o d o / i 3 4 T h o 64 Or pO-22-3 10 a.m.. Worship and CSiurch S8$ Graham Bend, Wapplag turned over hte port Friday to 4-77-0«l 5 T b . 35 A n 65 Fifth 64-75 ley. Rev. Walter L. Abd, Pastor assistant direetor, medicare. ■ a r e f the American Cyanlmld Co., the two companies, bs ssld, • p.m., Junior Fellowaiqp. Director of Chrlstlaa Education 6 Ailftwntt School. Sermon: "Wise Men Al­ Lt Gen. Leonard F. Chmiman 36 To 66 RdoHvm SAaiTTAtWS MANAGES OFFICE N I”"! VJ _ Bristol Myers Oo. and CSwries each sold that quantity of tstra- Teen and Young Adult Fellow- St James’ Church > MAY 22 7 G lv« 37 A j n id t n 67 N «>r Jr. In a ceremony i r Karine S D o y 38 Ottorgints 68 R«n«li« S t John’s Eplooapal Churrii ways Worship.” John P, BakuIsM at 4 Wad­ Pfteer-and Oo. marked a slgnlfl- cycUne to druggists tor IIO.B) Msgr. Edward J. Bearden, 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Worship Ser­ ^iUME22 9 a.m.. Early Worship, Sun- *e Barraoks. 9 To 39 A t 6 9 R tla x B t 89 near HOMde Ave., dell Rd. web oppchited mana­ cant confrontation between the eirt Gw oonMmwto oort WM Monday, • p.m., Film, *'Be> Pastor vice. Philip Rider of Manches­ lO Sonw otw 40 Plonning 70 A p p lio n e n Second Coogregatlonal Church day School. Oapt Charles B. Robb, Presi­ I1-13-25-37M Vernon 10:80 a.m.. Late Worship. ger of the Unemployment Oom- U £ . goveromanit and the mUtl- $61- loved Bnemy." Bev. Joseph E. Vu)s ter, guest preacher. 7-SM7 I I O O M 41 Gottiorinat 71 Romantic B t 44A, Coventry dent Johnson’s son-in-law and 1 2 A 42 A nd 72 In 453849 M Bev. James L. Grant Reotor Sunday School. peraatton Depesitment hi Hart- bUlion-doUar U.8. pharmaceuti- In addition to the three firms, 10:80 p.m., Felloirdilp. Rev. Tfiomas Barry Sermon: "Ooncemlng the Na­ l3 D o o rt * 43 M in d 73 Nitwt Bev. Robert K. Bechtold. Ami. BalotiMci tisHl been aoriat- Karine Barracks adjutant, {as­ Bev. Vincent J. Flynn ture of Elephants.” Church )UN(2J U B o w o r. 44 Chonco 74 Uniont cal industry. the indictment obtained by the U;80 p.mr. Watch-night med­ 1 5 T lm . 45 Crodit 7:45 a.m., Holy Oommunkm. Mlnistor ent manager tn Maihtord beAire sented the Marine Corps colors School. Crib Room at 9:15 only. JULY 23 75 A M ttogt TaloottviOe Oongregattonal A U.S. District Court Jury of Justice Department in IQU also itation and prayer. 16 O r 4 6 IU o d 76 Today 9 a.m.r Holy OommunlMi, ser­ Church hto promatton. to Chapman, who takes office 11 men and a woman found the named the Olln Mathleson Masses at 6, 7. 8, 9, 10:15 17 Y o u 'll 47 Answ or 77 A m 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Ser- Bakuleki Joined ithe depett- Jan. 1. and 11:80 a.m. Community Baptist Church 3- 8 - 9-53 ISBo 78 D u . 1-1529-40^ mon, claseee, babyeittliig. gev* Trumaa O. Ireland, three firms guilty of restraint of Oiemlcal Oorp., whose drug Sooth Methodist Church l9 R n p o n d 79 To S&52-75 ^ 10 a.m.. Holy Oommunion, mon: “Surviving or EtfecOng Pastor ment In 1964 and wea appodnit- Also present was 061. Joseph trade, conspiracy to monopoltee making arm is Squibb, and the 585 East Center St 20Bwtw 50 Somothino Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. ISO 80 And Feast of the Orcumcision, New Oiange.” No Sunday School. ed to his Ant masiagerial poei- O. Fegan Jr., barraoks and actual monoply. ’Che panel-WpJohii Oo. as co-conspbwtors Church of the Assumption Rev. Wnlter H. Loomis, JULY 24 2 IC h o n g o 51 A nd 81 And Pastor 22 Brings 52 Tidings 82 And lAJi. 21 Year’s Day. Child care. Church School 'tton in Tonington to 1968. commander. , returned the verdict Friday but not defendants. Adams S t and T h om pm Rd. Bflnlster „ Aud 23 23 For FES.' 19 9:46 < Bev. RIdiard W. Dnpee 53 Entortoin 83 Fovotod 10:45 a.m.. Holy Oommunion No OonflrmaUon Oass of Pil­ Nursery through A graduoite of Maacheoter night after beginning tolibera- ’The proeecutor said the dtod Associate Pastor Rev. Friincia J. Mihalek S17-18-27-M 2 4 F rl« id 54 Your 84Compromlt. classes achonlB, BokulsM attended Gw 25 T o 55 Fri«ndi 8 5 0 4 152538494’ and sermon. grim Fellowship. I Ambassador Rescued tiona ’Thursday. companle4|. agraed to Umlt the Pastor 9 a.m.. Church School for all >*^73«2-87 • Adult. Unkvenlty o f CkmneoUout where Bev. Gary B. Cornell 2 6 0 4 56 Draws 8 6 H .IP 5960-70 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Maximum penalties on the manufacture of tetracycllM to Associate Pastor Rev. Ernest J. Ooppa ages. An expanded aesaion for 27 PlMtontly 5 7 3 4 ft 87 C h o n gM Wapplag Community Church he earned a BA degree. LERIDA, Spain (AP) — U.8. Nursery through Grade 4 oon- Aua 24 28 SurprlMd 58 W rit* 88LOV. United Methodist Church charges are fines of $160,000 the three defendants and sal* of 29 Rolatlv.*s 59 Dafaetivo F a. 20 1 CongregaUonal Ambassador Angler Bldfie 8:15, 10:80 tlnuea during Worship Service, se>^22 89 Now B t 44A, Bolton l o c a l Churches, ADD, cd against each defendant. The the drug to the defendants and 9 and 10:45 a.m., Worship Ser- Masses at 7, 8, 3 0 Fam ily 60 Elwtricol 9 0 R « 4 MAi.21 ' Bev. Dr. Jdm E. Thornes, .SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Duke was among a number of oo-conspiratora with all salea by guest preacher. fN 22 -: -3 2 -4 ^ 12/31 Bev. Hugh A. Gillie Emanuel Lutheran OhaM! winter vacationists rescued aft­ convictions also open the way vice. Student Recognition Day. and 11:46 a.m. )Good ^^Advetse ^^Neutnl ^2131-43^ Interim Minister Mira. Laura V. Poeppel of 54 the parties to be at substantially ----- 10 a.m,, Wbrship Hour. The 72-81-86 51-51-7984V BOnleter diuroh and Chestnut Sto.^ er some 80 ears and several for civU suite from major pur­ The Rev. Dr. Jihaw preaching. Seaman Ctoole has Joli^ Field chasers .The Sherman Antitrust Identical prices. Rev. Frederick R. Brace, guest 9 and 10:80 a.m ., Worship Ser­ Bev. O. Henry Ahdenon, Entmprtoes Eduofltional Oocp. buses were trapped by a heavy Sermon: "Life’s Priorities.” St. Bortholomaw’s Church 9:80 a.m., Church School and Pastor Act provides for treble damages Attorney^ for Pfiur held that Church School for two-year-olds preacher. Topic: “Bethlehem Is vice. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. as a port-ttme rdpresenhaGve. snowfall. Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor Morning Worriiip. Bev. Eric J. Gothberg, against vtolators. the drug price was arrival at In­ through Grade 12. Nursery for Here!" Children’s atory: "Grow­ Thomas, "Resources for Chris­ She recently oompleted her The vacationers were on Gielr Rev. Edward M. LaRose 11 a.m.. Morning Wonhip; Assistant Pastor The trial occurred as growing dependently by the firm and babies and toddlers. Assistant Pastor ing Toiwunl God." .A'^ursery M tian Achievement.” Church training pertod under Gie guid- way Thursday to the sM trails was not the result of any con­ 3 provided. Sermon: "The Wrong Bide of federal Involvement In the 3 10:45 a.m .. Senior High For­ My Window on the World School. (Temporarily held at the onoe of the kKal area represent- of the Aran Valley In the Pyre­ Christmas.” - „ , 9 and 10:45 a.m., Dlvlno Wor­ health field through medicare spiracy. um. Masses at 6:45, 7:46, 9, 10:16 attve. nees. U;80 p.m.. United New Year’s South Windsor IBgh School.) ship and Church School. and other programs has gener­ The defense also said the * 7 to 9 p.m .. Individual com - and 11:80 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran By Rev. Qifford O. Simpson Fteld Entetprises Ooeip. .pro- price Included not only ]>roduo- Eve Watch Night Service at Bol' Nursery for Infants. Sermon by One bus was half submerged ated increased concern over the munlon service. ------Church St. George’s Episcopal Church group department at the Trav- duces and dtstrihubea reference tion costs but costs of headquar­ CRUNCH! The tree thaf in western but tradltton ton Congregational Church. Earl Werdelin, a student at the In snow when rescuers arrived. cost and quality of that care. (Mlseouri Synod) Bt. 44 A, Bolton elers Insurance Companies. boohs for children aitd adults, ters organltation, LEGAL, ad­ Church of Jesus Christ of Cooper and High Sts. Mocked our way was cniriied demands that the fathers of the Lutheran Seminary, Phila- Felton Joined the company in Including Gw WoiOd Book En- Biddle’s oar was sUdled be­ The drug industry has been Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Bev. Douglaa E. Theuner, ^ a r vertising department and other Rev. Walter L. Abel, under a giant ho


DIDN'T THE CLU B^AW PF*^ ,SPONSOR FIRST-]KW T T -T T A I w h a t s t h i s t h e o w l * O .U 6 AID TRAINING J/SOME CAY *FOR (HILKMENjlVOO 3NCKALS I3CEAN ROAM F006HT EVERY P u n t o VOLTRE SELL-j ,^0TH6R-RAY AS ITS CIVIC i/ WILL <50 TOO A i m w w t o r j a n A T A (MILK d e l iv e r ie s PRO JECT ^ E A R IN ABOUSINS [ Military Musings ABO UT N O T 3U6T SO THEY’D THE WRATH OF USINESS SERVICES IRECTORY < M A K IN 6 iHAVE A RIDE A C R o n SNatol Ttaasl’ B iHOME/ emcar WAV/eS NEW IBatOtoIBnll 4 Virulent Y EA K 5 E V E ? T SBraad spread 4MuItai7 anm STann in tberaashoa tSeldlir'f mMl U King o( JwUli CAMPING H IG H GRADE • Companions CAR LEASING U » « - t Jewish month E9UIPMENT ilwtt«r«d tid* lOLMaral part PRINTING 14 DinnountFt U litt tt'Stand Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, 15 RcvcTM id (ab .) O i t r J Job and Commercial (prin t) 36 Indtvidoais 41Gem 1 A ir Mattresses, Stoves, U B t a M M b i M f ITtotiric 43 OperaUe sow Printiiig BT V. T. HAMLIN U V «r tb » ' I t Musical term 39 Arboreal bsma Lanterns 11 Abuse 44 Omrs with turf Prompt and EGtolent SO Rant again 31 Wash Hghtly 46 Depend YEAR P U N SlSu^ma Salag 31 Street in New 11 Roman goddess MANCHESTER ...IP TWBY HAD D C aD ^ it African fly «7 Piece oltrnin Printing Of AH Klada TO SET IT UP WaHT SlLova god York City track Bint Iw Mawrtmatnr. New S4Iatana 36 banish stnam 40 Historic---- SURPLUS SALES CO. HERB IN MOO/ 46 Hold im cars, full mnlnteamBoe, fully 169 N. MAIN ST. 36 Inland SBF^owaner (Id.) BOMasepuna Gommunity P ren STUnKof walgM 37 HabiUtions o t 41& titan’ i s insared to reduce your prob- at Depot Square SOOot BOIT Sheyf a •as aad worries. For fqV Opeu Dally to 9:00 P.M. 9 East Middle Tpke. COUNT-1 n Ancient city ol r " l” IB TT Asia Minor i !” r 4 Infonnsttoii, enll J. F A R R — 648-7111 Telephone 643-5727 IN6 0 N ' , M SiBMniatural n r 12 IT WOONEY'51 balngf (myth.) 1 r Pm I Dod«« Pontioe HEARSE =, SSUniU o I 16 H A N N A W l Y ST. 381 Main Strtat 649-6384 (SO association in town. They have time to talk over your problems. I t ill.®"’ ’ ®*®®" ®®^'“ P’ ®"® CAPAMBA, MV MEAP.' MOVING ANO Phonu 643-0012 been m «nbers fo r over twenty Much as we dislike to think of ‘ ® takes to M si^ a ce PhoiM 643-9149 years. The AFDS offers inter­ death, It Is better to discuss lut “ *® TRUGKING GO. national service, and through oroblems that mav arise when ''® ‘*‘^*‘cult to list them all, but perfept gasket seal, and the en- Hydramatlc Transmission 3-DAY this membership Watklns-Wcst d S dcis^curieS dOme" “ Is safe to say Ifif you can take operation takes justlust ten R epairing GLASS the part to Manchester Auto minutes. It offers micrometer e For Auto Windshields SERVICE can and does handle all the de­ to know what decisions to make. All Work Guaranteed tails exactly as you specify. Parts, their top-notch machine control stock removal, positive * For Store Fronts and Perhaps you do not have a all sixes of windows This service is available to you c e m ^ t ^ i X w d X e n 'o n e Is f®Pbe able to do the work ^c^k holding fixtures, permits Texaco Lubrication Servloe We Give Green Stamp* o For Table Tops BY ROY CRANE FURNITURE CLEANING day or night, and help is just a Durchnsed hurriediv one does machining Of cylinder heads and BUZZ SAWYER 'telephone call away. O PEN 8 AJM. to 5 P.M. On Oct. 8, 1697 Watklns- ‘T ” " ”• H m w v T ' ^ t h e s t a f f w i v e s w i l l , MO, THAT W O NT PO . F A STR A N G E W O M AN VISITS A I H AVE rri.. .G E T H ER A RO O M ' U. H«. I. Wl,.r. SATURDAY 8 AJ«.-NO(»t M&SMTYER, GLADLY K EEP HER NAVY FAM ILY, W ELL-M EANING FRIENPS VALLVM NTTO IN TH E H O SPITA L. -fflE R E lL BE ) West had been serving the com­ your funeral director can be of ^oea not have the home faciii- ® .T munity for a period of 93 years — eat hein to voii i me n(>me laciii winter upon us, you T0URAINE~ MMSEHUSBANO COMMHY.AD/MRAL. KNOW ALL ABO UT H ER . W E / HO TONGUE^VM GGIHG ABO UT STEVENSON’S great neip to you. ties to do the work. If you are a » iitn^ to STAFF W IVES VISITING A and is started now Into Its 94th J. A. WHITE i I I M I S S N 6 O F F ?HGS W ELCOM E TO KEEP TH IS M ISSILE BUSINESS The Watklns-West Funeral under the impression that Man- ohoeka on vmir oar- thov CUBA. STAY W ITH M A R Y VERY HUSH-HUSH. PATIENT TH ER E. year of serving the people of SO THAT'S WHERE Home is a beautiful one, fully Chester Auto Parts Is strlcUy i!)® . w h en ^t rome!!^ to PAINTS A N P M E . ESSO Mandiester and viclntty. The GLASS CO. I WA9 lA?r Nla^T/ air conditioned and large commercial and does not cater . HrivinD- more ao in alln- business was started on Oct. 8, 81 BIsseU S t— TeL 64C-7888 405 MAIN ST. enough to hold a large service to the Individual motorist, just ®^® 7hJn dnrinv FOR BEST RESULTS TEL. 649-5533 1874, Ormond West joined the or can be made Intimate enough atop In and see tor yourseU the P®*^ ^ business in 1944, and In 1966 it for a small one. Music Is avail- many services offered that the month. Dow * Tun«-Ups become known as the Watklns- able If it Is wished. One has average motorist can enjoy ®*mce and sway im 'tMy. Does PAUL'S West Funeral Service. the feeling of being In a private here. ®°i7‘®'’ “ ‘i ®’’ ° " '‘*’ " ^ TURNPIKE * Engina Cleaning Today there are many mat­ PAINT SUPPLY I2ri0 home, yet privacy is afford- Edward and Victor Della- ‘bese conditions pertain to * Minor Ropairs ters that need attention when ed for the family. Fera, owners* of Manchester Au- <^r, the chhnces are thw 645 MAIN STREET TEXACO death occurs that did not exist At the rear of Watkins-West to Parts, not only take pride in shocks are worn badly ^ * Stomps Td. 649-0300 Open 24 B o o n A Bay "I brought Jimmy over, Mom, to prove there IS some­ is a large paved area where you the fine business they have condlUon of me may park when visiting the built but they go a step further. caiwes me trouble, Firestone Tires body who can make a worse mete than I oanl” home. This is also used for They stock practically anything Many people do not know just 13.60 o'HE^ Quality Line Produeto United Rua-aun. forming processions out of the the average garage might need, '''bat a potenUal danger worn MICKY F IN N BY LANK LEONARD Osfrinsky traffic. Should your need as- and now th eir' excellent ma- ®*' useless shocks are, but th ^ Tool Equipment Gen. Repairers License ^ JUDGB GRANtTB ANO X DO VOU N I ONLY FOR THIRTY YEARS! SHERIFF' WE slstance, Watklns-West Is at chine shop offers the finest in **® cause accldente. Comer Broad and DEALER IN WASTE your service night or day service to the individual motor- Have your shocks checked to RETEY'S GRANDFATHER ) KNOW IF OF 1 HAVE WHAT BY WALT WETTERBERU 868 B U R N SID E A V E . Rental Middle Tpke. West BOTH BELONG TO THE J THEY'RE IS KNOWN AS THE WILLETS MATERIALS ^ t e a h j C l u h ______Ist, see If you do need new ones. O M i G O S ^ / CRESTSHORE FRIENDS? A p r o b l e m ; BIAST HAB^TFORD At Manchester Auto Parts, Y®u find that you do need “WeyRent Most Everything” Phone 643-2176 C O U N TR Y c l u b !! 0066 HAVE TAKEN Luncheons and Dinners 289-6333 drums may be turned, they re- new „ shocks, get Columbus 1 JUST AAADE. RA6S, IRON Radio Today line break shoes, king pin fit- shocks from Manchester Auto A P SOME WBWS— t ALL THE. F U N OUT , Tuesday thru Sunday Power and Hand Tools Painting and Decorating WDBC—1360 ting and bushings, valve refac- Parts. They have regular and O i T A D O O ! OF A\AK\N6 n e w s ; SGRAP METAL 1:00 Mike Millard ing, piston pins fitted, cylinders heavy duty shocks; the^regular Entertainment Nightly Toola 4:00 Long John Wade EQUIPMENT nON WILLIS in the Gibson Lounge Garden and Land Tools S:03 Dick Robinson bored, head grinding is done, ones csirry a guarantee of two 986 C E N TE R S TR E E T and PAPER Baby, Household, Party 1:00 News, Sign Off WBCH—910 and If you should find your years of service or 24,000 miles, MANCHESTER 860 Main S t, Eaat H artford and Banquet Supplies 1:00 Matinee drums scored, these may be whichever comes first. If GARA6E 7S1 PABKEB ST. InvaUd Needs 4:30 Hartford Highlights 649-8068 TeL 648-5788 o r 648-6879 Telephane 889-4869 7:00 New.'! grround. you constantly carry heavy 18 Main S t, TeL 649-4531 7:.30 Gaslight One machine which works loads, why not consider Colum- 12:00 Quiet Hours WTIC—1080 wonders here Is the Van Nor- bus Levellzers that carry Spoelollilng In 1:00 New.s man Model 870 Rotary Broach a written g;uarantee that will GUNLIFFE 1:15 Monitor /^aaSaaw 6:00 News, Weather for the precision mnohlnl'n.-" of be good for as long as you drive AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SERVICE IHINTIAC WVHIS TRADE 6:20 Strictly Sports cylinder heads, engine blocks your car? Ask about them at MOTOR SALES 6:30 Monitor AND o Layaway Plan 11:00 News and other surfaces. The ma- Manchester Auto Parts. Front End Alignmont MR. ABEIWATHY BY RCLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 11:16 Sports Final SUPPLIES o One of the largest inven­ EXPXST AUTO BODY and 11:30 Other Side of Day ^ • iS tories In New England l^ENDEB RBiPAlttS WPOP—1410 Gonorol Ropair Woifc PATIENCE—rr HOW ABOUT A BIO OAMB TEMPEST a Supplies and Accessories 1:00 Woody Show PLUS OP TIDOiyWINKS? ENAMEL and LACQUER 6:00 Lee "Babl" Simms Show Departure Brings Delight, Regret I'MBORBJOUST SALES and SERVICE REFINISHINGS WINF—1*80 MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVALU CONNECTICUT 1:00 News MACHINE SHOP SmiNGHEREl \ REASONABLE PRICES 1:10 Jack Drees on Sports, VALLEY COIN CO. 1:16 S p e^ Up SERVICE D u P D N rS ATTHATUATE PAUL DODGE 97 Center St., Manchester BT. 88r-VEBNON, CONN. 1:30 Blue-Gray Game New York Times’ Crowther I\E BEEN HEACIN0 T THINK! life GCeiiT lUATMOPBANDMOPB 4:00 Speak Up A U7T AB O U T EABIBSAOESaNG BOON eVS2V Ve^R. I'LL NEVER ’ 64S-6396 Just A bove the Tr^.-Ho 6:10 World This Week Stop ’n Do ThB POPULATION R O N O JT O F PONTIAG, ING. C ircle 6:30 Weekend DaUy 16 A.M. to 6 P.M . 7:00 News Quits Job as Film Reviewer MANCHESTER B X P L 0 6 IO N . W P S TO Thura. and Fri. tUl 9 P.M . T E L . 648-0016 7:10 Sports Time Atlantic Senrleo e& TOPON, 878 M al9 S t^ T e L 648-8881 7:16 Speak Up Hartford HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Bosley abroad that might otherwise Closed Monday 8:10 Jack Drees Prop: “Rady” DuPont 8:15 Sneak Up Hartford Crowther of the New York have been lost amid the-flood of AUTO PARTS 9:00 News Times is quitting his chore of commercial films, 128 East Center Street Special 9:40 Speak Up Hartford 270 BROAD Sf 11:30 Barry Farber dally film reviewing this (veek. He also took up other causes Phone: 649-6977 Dube Tool Co. Free St(»Rffe 12:00 News and his departure Is greeted during his career, notably In his with both delight and reg;ret In attacks on blacklists and film Featuring a complete Hue ot Drill dig Bashings On All Summer > OPEN Atlantic Products pint Steel and (Carbide Clothes Cleaiied | Illinois Bests Iowa the power circles of Hollywood, censorship. Even during his last General Automotive __ The delight Is expressed by months of reviewing he showed SAT. TO 5 P.M. Special Beamera By Us SPRINGFIELD, ni. — Bllnois Repairing PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER Decimal Sixes From mVllton *be fUm makers who bear many his capacity for stirring contro- .080 thru .600 in Stepa o f .001 wounds from the uncompromls- versy. His attacks on the vlo- Bring Your Clothes, AFRAID BUT HOW C»ULD' , IT'S Meyer Steel Ping Gages Tnurn’w nrodiiettnn which IngT Tcvlewer. The regret comes lence of sudh films as "Bonnie DEAR HE OROW; SO OLD B E E N A In Steps of .001 Oowna, Suedes, Drapes, II IN SUCH A SHORT^ RO U O H WOtrHUt*TJHW.M.M0a| /X'30 Carr Lane Jig and Fixture Parts Bedapreada, Slip Covert TIME? .VEAR/ BaU Look Pins For Quality Cleaning Painting— Decorating Bortte Boring Bara—Carbtde T o The « " 3 » ' ______as Hf^ywood’s coi^sclence dur- Crowther will continue to COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER TVaaal In StyU, EUgmmm Also Representing Other Amd Cam/ert By Quality Mannfacturera PARKADE PREDATES INDEPENDENCE Ing his 27 yeara ^ penning film write movie p l^ e s for toe a-BUr WE JUFT FRANKFORT Kv (AP) __ crttlqueB for the Times. Times, concentrdting on the ilnterior— Exterior— Color Consolting Service 6 John, East H artford— 888-6469 H APPENep TO BBE UM( GLEANERS Daniel Boone M d James Har- Tb®«^ be no doubt that a broader aspecto of enter^n- TK AMTENNAi/IIOD iatncuL(AC \ Complete Insurance Coverage WBRECUFIOOPI N ext To L ig g e tt D rug rod surveyed the alto and laid review could sting, As ® Eat. 1915 649-7853 W!-.cre you sret low out the ^ of Harrodaburg, MenUon his name to many a s ^ f ^ . Kentuckv'a first uermanent Prnducer ®r director and you b®®k by Crowther which Is a prices 1^ a \%% Read Herald Ads white settlement two years be- strike sparks. Actors seem fine companion volume to his Btmns Card . . . To ’ ^ to haye a higher regard for previous volume^, "The Lion’s WM. DICKSON & SON SaveW ithI fore the signing of the Decleira- tlon'of Independence. CroMfther; he seems to have Share,” a well-documented hls- Tel. 649-0920— Manchester, Conn. been kinder to them. tory of MGM, and “ Hollywood No doubt CJrowther enjoys his Rajah,” a scathing view of toe I . K enemies. He has not succumbed life and times of Louis B. May- BY BOB LUBBEIM to toe trap that has destroyed or. many a critic: Becoming a per- Called "The Great Films: 80 B im PLYWOOD CENTER aonal friend of those he criticiz- Golden Years of Motion Pic­ es. Robert Benchley finally had ture,” is gives film buffs a pan­ fM M M Em Hb. . . M hMM )« t R t ilM Da t a l MriforH .. Ii aim M mridi uqi^t HtM • Lm >p Plaza to give up being a dramatic crit- oramlc view of toe milestones of guMtion on o k rT . . . uiMt M M t?. . . how to to RT Ic because “ Those people up movie history and also affords Ronte 83, Vernon there on toe stage are my insight on the critical facullties MU It hi Mgirt btig la imr tori aaiaUni ito. 875-4304 rJTTLE SPORTS friends." ®^ Bosley Crowther. "Crowther was especially Historians can argue over P A t N T C Q adept at seeing through the pom- some of his famous fifty, espe- E / U o h o a o o SEZ pOsitlea and lack of substance of d a ily "Th e Story of Gosta Ber­ 718 M AIN ST^ MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-4501 the Hollywood epics, and this is ling.” notable only because it what made his name anathema marked Greta Garbo’s film de- iU Y THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE, WORK You’ll and the anest. plywood wlto local powers. They claimed but, and toe recent "Ulysses ” paneling, cabinet plywoods, ktteb- that he gave kinder treatment which seems somewhat le » cn cabinets and Armstrong ceiBngs M fir lit trilM anin to foreign films. than great. But most of Crowto- 46 WEST CENTCR STREET 11H> PAiNi 3 . . . Oped Tburs., JTM. f P J f. fo r But Crowther performed toe er’a choices appear apt and re­ *iJ Oaa/I NMwm Ctop. yonr oonvenlenec. valuable fimctlon of bringing at- fleet the taste of a man who ob- SILVER LANE BICIINSION tention to worthy movies from viously loves movies. PAQITBN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 80. 1967 Melody Man of Hour as East Defeats Weaver, 57-55 Fourth Straight Triumph for Indians Last Second Basket Settles Hoop Thriller Sports Viewing^ A Snowed Out! By RICH DYER SATVBDAT F or the eighth time In 18 Dazding Doug Melody became man ) Blne-Oray Foot- eight years, the scheduled the game-winning badeet to hand Ihe unbeatanJBagleB- baU. New Year’s Day Golf Tour­ a 57-55 tbHTMng win over dMM A A powethoiee We»vor In Downing Platt t:M ( 8) Oator Bowl—Flo­ nament at the Manchester High of Hartford. The headlong rida State vs. Penn Country Club has been can­ clash of the two Undefeated 8tat< celed. clubs drew a crowd of 1,100 to By BARRY COWLES 4:60 (80) Let’s Oo to the The reason: Snow. the East gym tor the fast-mov­ An exceptionaNy stronsr second half by the Manches­ Races Thus, golfers and backers ing, frantic contest that went 4 :15 ( 8) Hockey LA Kings ter High Indians last night, determined the outcome as ■ /V —^wlU have to wait untU undecided down to the final bus- vs. Phlla. Flyers another day before trying out the locals defeated Platt High of Meriden, 76-65, in a 4:80 (80) Shrine East-West that new equipment received Ahead tor moat of the game, CCIL meeting and the fourth strai^t win icr the loads. Football on Christmas. but nearer by m ore than several Manchester now stands at 4-1 StO O ( 8) Wide Worid of :poMs, East went Mto ttw record for the season while Sports fourth quarter in a 46-43 leaider. Platt fell to 1-4 mark. The In­ lift (80) King Orange Jam­ Alimmi Stops Weaver picked up nine points dians travel to West Hartford boree Parade in the period’s first five min­ Tuesday to face_Hall Hl^h. 18:80 ( 8) NFL East High­ Injun Tankers utes, but Mike Kennedy's Jump Action was slow gretUng start­ lights shot and three clutch hoops by ed and two minutes had ticked 11:48 (80) RoUer Derby Swimming to first place in all Tim Kearns had the Eaglea off the clock before the first SUNDAY but one eveiit, the Manchester back on top, 68-82 with 2:20 re­ score was made. Dick Oobb was 3 8 :80 ( 8) NFL Green Bay High Alumni defeated the var­ maining. fouled and made the two free vs. Dallas sity, 67-36, yesterd£tyht the high throws good to put the Indians I t was a wUd and wooley fi­ 4:00 (SO) College All-Stars school pool. Former captain a n d ______on the scoreboard, 2-0. This was nal mimiibe theit aattled ttthigs. 8:00 (80) AFL—Oakland vs. all-OCIL Ted Brlndamour paced Be^' ens ne«adned the lid about the only thing that went '■> & W • Honston I the Alumni winning the 100-back qjj ^ long outside ahot by OU well for Oobb as he seemed to and 260-free style posting a 1:01 have a mark on his back be­ MONDAY Hampton, lost it when^Melody 1:48 ( 8) Cotton Bowl—Ala. for toe back swim and 2:07 for sank a i^ r of foul shots with fore the game started. He had toe free style Jaunt. three personal fouls early in the bama vs. Texas 33 seconds left and toen knott­ first stansa and watched the 1:48 (80) Sugar Bowl—V/y~ Summary: ed the count at 66-60 as Hamp­ game from the bench untU re­ .. omlng vs. Louisiana Merlley relay — Cartwright ton saidc the first free throw of __ game. The Beavers «hit- 0 turning to play in the fourth 4:4li (80) Bose Bowl—Indi­ Schofield, Oakman (A), 1:66. a ot>e-torK)ne situation. But his pointed too Eagles 17-14 in toe period. However, it didn't last ana vs. use > 260 free-Brindamour (A), Pas­ second throw was errant. Mel­ second frame and 17-16 in toe more than two minutes as he 7:48 (80) Orange Bowl—Ok* tel (M), Hurl (A), 2:02. ody brought toe 1 ^ . downcourt, third while both teams tallied fouled twice for a total of five lahoma vs. Tennessee 60-60 free-Stuek (A), Sapeto looked for one islg play, and 12 points in toe final period. and a free ticket to the bench. 10:48 (80) Bowl Game High­ (M ), Conrad (A) 23.4. with four second showing on East led 29-26 at halftime and Manchester led at the end of the lights Iivdlvldual-medley - Schofield toe clock, swiitoed a 10-foot by one point at toe third bux- (A), Conklin (M), Kelderilng Jump shot as' a standing Blast zer. ’The nip and tuck atmos­ quarter, 16-9. L E F T H O OK — ^Wiilis Reed o f N ew Y ork appears to Ben Grysb entered the game (M ) 2:43. throng roared. phere prevailed throughout as losere in rebounding with eight for Oobb and did an outstanding be throwing left hook at Tom Hawkins of Lakers. 100 butterfly-Oakman (A), "We had planned the last play Weaver time and again closed grabs. Pats W in , Reed missed but Hawkins scored. (AP Photofax). Miller (M), Turklngton (A) 1:08 so that Melody would attempt gap but failed to pin down Job rebounding and scored 11 The looeiks hit 30 of 64 tries points. Dale ^Wed ^ ^ ^ g 100 free-Stuek (A), Moyer to drive,” Coach Don Bums said the lead. Ram s Bow (M), Miller (M), 64.1 later, "but Doug found toe lane Melody and Kearns teamed five poli^ in toe second st^ ^ for M net- 100 back-Brlndamour (A), to pace toe Indian scoring. Pete blocked and took toe Jumper. well in shouldering toe Eagles ting 36.4 per cent. The Indians Illness, Injuries Pose Problems Kelderilng (M ), Larson (M) 1:01 He showed a great deal of per­ scoring buitlen and seemed to Weronlck sunk five tor toe Pan­ Nt 18 of 30 ait the charity line Back to winning ways are O^ch Ron Badsteubner and his 400 free-Pastel (M), Hury (A), ception and really indicated come up with the crucial scores thers .but only made one tor and Platt was 13 for 31 from seven charity tosses in toe Coventry High Patriots (3-2) as Conard (A) 6:06 throughout the entire game toe during toe hectic second half. the free itioas Une. 100 breast-Schofield (A), Frost type of player he is." The two combined for 20 points period. This set Manchester weU “It was a strong team effort, they handed E. O. Smith its ahead at toe half, 34-24, a lead fourth straight defeat last night, Three Bowl Teams (M), Oakman (A) 1:11 Bums also had high praise for after intermission while also both offensively and defensive­ 200 free medley-Belcher, the Indians managed to hold. ly," eKpressed Phil Hyde of the 60-63. Strong rebounding and Kearns, a sophomore. "Hm styling East’s offensive play in Coming back strong in toe bail ccmtrol for toe Coventry Komer, Brlndamour, Turking- picked a fine game to come in other ways. Melody provided Indians. ton (A ), 1:46. third canto toe Indians’ scoring Also having a very good quintet paid off. toi his on ^ and helped us im­ some adept ball handling, par­ was dlrtded with lOght, the Manchester Jayvees It was a fourth straight loss Lose Key Players measurably” the coach com­ ticularly later in the game when (8) the ^ downed Platt, 67-65, for the*- for RockvlUe High (1*^) It mented. Kearns followed Melody the locals restored to ball con­ trol tacUcs. Kearns was a maln- ****'**■ second win straight. Dave______Waretraveled to Newington High (4- ______(AP)— ^__ , ______Illness and injury, . . . sometimes SASKETBAUt in scoring with 18 points and (17) added tour ea^. This w m soorliw chores with 1) for a 79-46 defeat in a cvc strong allies of Old’ Man Upset, seem to be working tumed in a tenacious rebound- stay in East’s offensive rebound­ toe 26 points. Bob Herdfc added 11 clash. The host held toe visiting against Southern California, Tennessee and Alabama, scones ing effort. ing. also as it It talUed lainea 16 lo points. pomui. jsJfia-m gmntn hlaherMhher 10. Try-Trv- Rams to only eight field goals - ...... I It waa toe fifth straight win Weaver tightened its defense each favored to win a major college football bowl game Cobb (9) led ing hard to maOce the «k)ul)le wlth 29 points netted at toe Y MIDGETS fQf tjig Eagles and unquestlon- during toe second half, pressing while Rico BucclUl (8) and Mke column was Whltey Jen- Monday. In last nighit’s anttotinpacked ably their zUffest test yet this in a dogged attempt to sway charity4Une tor toe losers. In the most recent develop­ Getman (14) added 1 ^ with nine potato. Rose, Sugar and Orange Bowls game, iBaJaind OU defeaibed Gie season. Coach Frank Selza’s things its way. Rebounding and COVENTRY — BIU Morgan ment, Richmond Flowers, Ten­ each. Manchester Maher, Waire and Dennis by NBC and the Cotton by CBS. Elks, 36-24. Jon Wollenberig team, always highly regarded shxMtlng by Boyster and Hamp­ set toe scoring pace with 26 nessee’s ace pass receiver, was Air times, all Eastern Standard, toe buzser. WaWi dOd an exoellenit Job in points tor the game high while was top gun for the OUmaii in Connecticut basketball cir- ton contributed to the game's The fourth stanza found four stricken with a virus late Fri­ are 1:45 p.m. for the Sugar and wiGt 14 itoilUeB.' Phdl Stonatnan cles, now posts a 2-1 record, frenzied closeness. Gw nboundlrig deipartment. Bob Plaster and Randy Glen- day. He is not expected to start Manchester players leaving toe Herdlc and Jenfktas added their Cotton Bowl games, 4:46 p.m. led Gie Elks with 10 potato. Nolan Lewis sank 18 polnto Blast CaUuUlc’s J.V.’s went ney added 17 and 12 points re­ against Oklahoma in the Orange for toe Rose and 7 :46 p.m. for acUoR with five persoikl foulds. talents on offense with good spectively. It was the Popleskl EAST SIDE PEEWBE8 toe Beavers^ Hampton down to their first defeat of toe They were Oobb, OoughUn, Bowl at Miami, Fla. the Orange. with 17. Cleve Boy- season a 73-66 victim to Weaver passes and moves. brothers, kfike and Earl, who Southern Cal, the nation’s top- Boland Olf walloped Gryzb and Ed Kowal. Gryzb Marie SSeseok and Jay Teegle led toe scoring for toe losing Tennessee, Alabama and______LSU ster, Weaver’s well-touted 6-6 in toe prelim. Tom Juknis (20) however, tallied eight points he- ranked team, will be without are one touchdown favorites Hoseanen. last n ^ r t toythe lop- center,-owas held to nine points, and Tom Sullivan (16) played **** tooers with 11 polnto squad as Mike sank >».•« «14 —.v..and Earl Mike Scarpace, its star right foro leae^ to pwe the Red W foitawed by Chris 2SaJac u, the only double figuree. while Southern CJallfomla, 9-1, Is ail scored In toe second half. well in a losing cause. White. Oatrout, Kelly and Kent cartson and Ed guard. In the Rose Bowl game a two-touchdown choice to heat n«rs had four men in dotade Ironically, it wtw at toe foul Eoit Catholic (61) NEWINGTON — This CVC against Indiana at Pasadena, figuries, Rtahy Ntoola (16), Tom P B F Smith (11) added four talUes strong rebound- Indiana, 9-1, playing in Its first line where East etched out Its E pairing saw Chuck Albreysht Nihola (15), Fete Thompwn 3 Reynotdo ...... 2 CM) each tor the final score. Calif. The big, 260-pound senior Rose Bowl game. victory count. Weaver went 26- 3 Kennedy ...... 3 24 It was a strong last canto for igssrhntrr (74) tally 22 points to pace toe scor­ underwent surgery Friday for a (14) and Mike Shenslile (13). 61 from toe floor, edging the lo­ 3 Keanu ...... 9 OO 18 ing for toe winners. Dace Howe tom right knee ligament suf­ The odds might drop, though; For Gic Hoaemen, Frank FUlo- 1 Mkody ...... 8 5-6 21 the Panthars as Oatman sank f _ __ B F if the patients’ temperatures go cals who registered a 24-66 field 1 Klnel ...... a 10. 6 (M) (12) and Bill Fuggetta (10) also fered in a practice earlier this pena (7), Jeff Qtiirtel (5), Ran­ 0 Wede ...... '...... 0 1-4 1 10 hoops while Greg Besek (9) | * up. goal attempt. But Eagle free 0 Juknis ...... 0 OO 0 added five in a losing effort, o Ostoout ...... 7 4r8 scored well. Steve WUde scored week. dy Cooper (2) did aill Gie K or- throws hl^at a 9-18 clip, sub­ 2 17 "Flowers has a respiratory OO 17 polnto to lead the Rams in And toe tide might be swing­ stantially better than their 0 6aly ...... 0 OO 0 P latt had the height adivaii- J S S h I M 11 condition which we hope is not toga hut seeimad to lack the ex- 4 canon ...... 1 M a a frulUess effort. ing aVay from Alabama, too, guests 6-14 showing. T otals 34 04 3 the flu,” reported Tennessee 1 1 peatsnea needed to have good ^ ...... ' J Cbventry (46) because eight members of its Thirteen points provided by Weaver (56) OO 4 coach Doug Dickey. "We are The irightoawk feeds entirely P B F 6-7 14 1 ® their ocntTOl o f the ball. Several s O n ^ ...... 4 Floater ...... L . 7 ^ ***17 t63m, including star passer Ken giving him the best treatment on Insects. The stomach of one Melody and Kearns got 2 Hojng>ton ...... 8 i>4 OO 0 Mbiaan ...... 9 7 26 Stabler, are bedded with the flu. team off to a strong start and a L#ewls ...... 9 oa pasea ware given up by the 0 OO 0 so that he will be ready for bird was found to be packed 3 Royster ...... 4 1 4 OO 0 Gteraiey ...... 6 f ^3 The Crlknaon Tide, 8-1-1 takes a 16-9 first quarter lead. It was Panthers, which the Indians 0 Maiming ...... 0 O rcutt ...... 1 Monday night’s game.” with a mass of living, glowing 2 'MaUbews ...... 1 1-1 tumed to scores. Four of Platt's Sherman ...... 1 1 3 on Texas A&M, 6-4, In the C!!ot- fireflies, anotoer with 600 mos­ toe only stanza In which East 2 ...... 1 04 Dickey announced that Bill 00 . I fiiva ■tartars ware over the tOx 23 ^ ton Bowl at Dallas. quitos, a third with 1,800 wing­ outscored Weaver, though, as q HoiidSay^ .!!'.!!!!!!!• a 2 3 ST. U Platt <65> Baker, a 190-pound junior, will toot meric hut the Indians still P B F O. Smith <6S) In the fourth big game, ed ants and a fourth with 60 toe visitors kept toe margin a - ^ Maris ha oontrolled the boards. Manches­ 4 Oetman ...... 4 6-7 B Wyoming, 10-0, meets Louisiana start at wingback in place of grasshoppers. good deal closer for toe rest of score BThoif: 3946. East that he'll a Boacek ...... 3 3« M. Poplcakl Flowers, the top target for ter grabbed 44 rebounds com­ 0 Werontek ...... 2 1-8 Robertaon .. 3 State, 6-3-1, In the Sugar Bowl at with. Bell pared to 32 for Plaltt. Ocyri) 4 Oobb ...... 4 1-3 StBUb ...... 6 New Orleans. quarterback Dewey Warren’s spring tr 4 Bennett ...... 3 1-6 U. Porteakt w passes. During the seasbn. snared 11 to lead the locals. Os- 0-1 Clark ...... 6 The college aiitlon actually 41 in Row for Top-Rated Bruin Hpopsters The St 4 BuccNU ...... 4 Flowers caught 41 aerials for trout pulled down 10 and Smith 1...... Grady ...... 1 1-1 Alien ...... 2 got underway today when four fielder s« Lavallee .... 6 585 yards and four touchdowns. seven while Coughllii, Cobb and l ...... g g^ John ...... 6 games, all nationally televised, I feel be' KeHy diviaed up the remaOning 0 B y e x y r a i d 0 04 Dunnack ... 2 were played. Oklahoma has its troubles, better, T 16. KeUy also had four assists. - ^ Jaslnalrl ___ 0 too. 'Steve Barrett, toe Sooners’ rig h t” Relchet ___ _ _2 They were the Oator Bowl Panthars’ ScDie at haU; 34-34. Moncheater. No. 1 defensive safety, is a Holiday Feast Continues Marts : 13 63 gamej In Jacksonville, Fla. doubtful starter because of an week tha mateq^ng Penn State, 8-2, and ankle Injury. play If t F Pt8 Florlda'vState, 7-2,1, starting at affected Rugged Subs Now Starters 0 12 2:16 p.m/, EST., ABC; ^ the Sun "We would hate not to, have Howe ...... 6 For All-Conquering UCLA side of I Sullivan ...... 2 J Bowl game at El Paso, Tex., Barrett,” said C3huck Fair­ Braze! ...... 2 inability 6 with Mississippi, 6-3-1, facing banks, Oklahoma’s head cbach. Davidson ...... 0 has caus With use in Rose Bowl Albrcyoht ...... 10 ^ the University of Texas at El "He’s strong where Tennessee NEW YORK (AP) — beaten for^the first time by 'Vanderbilt trailed MIdilgan can hurt you most—out In the fectlng h PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Job-replacing Stove Lehmer who 5 10 Paso, 6-2-1, 3 p.m., EST on spe- UCLA’s holiday feast is Iowa Friday night, found some State by a point at the half, but passing a/ea.” solace in a 78-68 victory over casne on ■trong to win 78-68. His opl I clal network television; the proceeding according to made to 8 Blue-Gray game at Montgom- Both the Vols and Sooners Southern CaUlomla. Tom Hagan scored 24 polnto for suirr'S'i" ss.S'Si H,:. - ■ ■■ ■ I GIobe-De and Fred Khaslgian, substitutes Athletic Association’s Jun- Beach ...... 2 J ery, Ala., 2 p.m., EST, (3BS; finished toe regular campaign schedule—the Bruins con­ In toe Far West tournament t>>® winning Commodores, and 1 ama a teleph( duringOi,v4via- thjithe noatpast aAAonn.season, face the (q....,. college ....H traniferfAAviAfAVi rule, m lo PerklfH ...... 1 0 and the East-West Shrine game wfith 9-1 records. tinue to gobble up every- Hyelaon ...... 0 1-a. 1- A. T j- at Portland, Ore., fifth-ranked Le® Lafayette had 25 for We Independ rugged test as starters for Then All ■ PacUlc - 8 Mike ™ at San Francisco, 4:30 p.m., Coach John McKay of South­ th in ^ in In d i- CaioUzuL 8QU66i6d pAst SpArtans. Southern California In the Rose gcarpace went out with tom Houston ad- Borkvlllr (46) EST, NBC. ern Cal said that Dennis Bom, a ana’s once-proinis’injr menu sevento-mted Utah 86-84. The Second-ranked Bowl. knee ligaments and both of the Monday's big four also will be 236-pound senior, will replace has tumed in’to a double Taiheels will meet Oregon State yanoed to the final round of toe They carry a big part of the understudies had starting as- 9 put on toe home screens, the Scarpace. helping of crow. in the final tonld!ht as toe Bea­ Rainbow Classlo in Honolulu, responslbiUty tor opening holes signmento. The tojcfrrated Bruins made it vers edged Washington State beating Martpiette 77-65 as SX- through which O.J. Simpson Despite toe loas of the two ^ ^ 41 In a row Friday night, toying 62-61. vln Hayes scored 45 points and can dash, and toe AU-Amerlea starting guards. Southern Cali- wito St. Louis University 106-67 pulled down 16 irebounds. North Carolina trailed all toe In toe AU-CoUege toumamont halfback is the man U80 counts fomla remained a two - touch- in toe semifinal round of toe Lo(S way, by as many as 17 points in on most against Indiana on down favorite to turn back the Farris Angeles Classic. at OUahoma City, Okla., Br^- the second half, but tied toe twun Young beat Virginia YeMi New Tear’s Day. unpredictable Big Ten Club led ...... — i!!!!'.! 0 a The poor Hooelers, however. Three days ago the senior by sophomores Harry Qonso at I****** 97-64 to move into Gie Totals 8 i i unbeaten and rated No. 8 when Leirry MOler with a mtaute leit. round against OUahoma Olty, Bom and the sojUiomore Khasl- quartertmek and John Isenbarg- they landed in.DaUas, Tex., for Charley Scott won toe game which beat Auburn 78-68. gian were battll^ for a single er at haUbaok. the AU-^ports Association Tour­ with a basket with Just eight nament, suffered their second Georgia won the Tclaii0e East Grappl^rs seconds left , dasslo at Rcdelgh, N.C., beat­ loss in as memy games Friday. In the Svgar Bowl tovbmament And whUe toe first defeat was ing North Carolina State 62-66 Top Manchester at New Orleans, La., a final be­ and Army edg®6 Tale 60-49 In administered by a strong West­ tween eighth-ranked Davidson ern Kentucky teem, toe last toe consolation round. For the second successive and ninth-rated VanderbQt was Calvin Murphy scored 41 year. East Catholic wresUers de­ humBiaUon was a 91-84 oonsola- set up for tonight tion-round setback by Southern polnto In leading Niagara to a feated the Manchester High Davidson ran into some stal­ U8-82 victory over Va^araUo SNOWTIRE matmen, 86-18, as toe local Methodist, which hadn’t won a ing taettOB from Memphis State, and Into toe final of toe Motor schoolboys paired off at the game la eight prevtous starts this season. but prevailed 51-44 wito MOce City tournament in Detroit East gym before about 50 Maloy scoring 16 polnto and per­ agUnst Detroit, which beat cheering spectators yesterday UCLA’s, game was.stricUy no forming well under toe boards. Portlaad 80-69. afternoon. oontest—which of them isT—as Four pins and two decisions Luolus Allen scored S3 points. Clearance! Lew Alrtndor threw in 26 and plus a forfeit by Manchester ac­ counted tor toe ovenrtielmlng Bt Louis spent all evening try­ Texas Christian, U U Win victory, ithe 'third (straight for ing to sdve a hdl-oourt press. ALIL SIZES the Eagles, Manchester poato a The Bruins wlU meet Wyoming, STORRS, Conn. (AP)—Texas tory after tnuiam and Mary 1-2 season record. which beat Iowa 94-87 in two Christian defeated Oooneotlcut closed to within three r«»into in 4 overtimes Friday, In toe touma- and Maasachusetto beat William the finoi mtanito. Summary: David 103 Crandal (M) dec. ment final tonight, and Maiy Friday night in the NEW BRITAIN. Conn. (A P )-I ter, 123 112 Forfeit Manchester Southern Methodtot’s vlotoiy- windup of toe round-robin Con- University, fifth Unlversl was as complete as tt waa biu> necti o u t Classic BaUtotball ranked team In toe 120 Anton (B) pin Ryan (M) wrestUoi Priced! 127 Connora (B ) deo Plante prising. The Mustangs totto an Tournament Press Smoii OoHege POU, de- Vi son, haz (M) earty lead and never trailed, Oonneotlout piflled to wltoln a feated Boston UniverUty 76-61 FOR PRICES. CALU- tor the f 138 McMahon (E) pin Hick though Indiana tied toe aooxa point, 05-04, lete in the game, FMday night to win the (Antral day seal 643-5332 649-6924 643-5273 (M) once In toe last half. BIU Vcight but TCU employed a hflloourt Oonneotlout Holiday In toe 188 Forfeit East-Poitras scored 26 polnto, Gary Sibley press to win 72-60. Oonnaetloufs tournament wtU reti 145 Forfeit Manchester-Poitraa had 23 and Lyxm PhlQIfe n fir Urn Smith led all soorers with The winners were paced by 9 when DISCOUNT 154 Jacques (E) dee Shortock SMC, whUe Joe Cooke topped 29 points. Larry Newbold. who scored M College (M) toe Boosters with M. Bill Tindall and Joe Disarelna points and was ^ STATION 165 Slwy (E) pin Finney (M) The AU-Spoits Utle arent to had 20 polnto each and Massa- nay’ s • moot valuable player Harva 180 Clccalone (B) pin Sproul ON THE FIRST day of the "Criterium (criteriwi) Western Kentucky, which beat dxusetto’ otoer three starters BU’s' Jim Hayes scond 21 of the Finrt Snow” ski meet in Val d’lsere, France, 2 senior 451 WEST CENTER STw-MANCHESTER (M) OaUfomla 96-W, whQe In the also scored in double figures as polnto and hla 77 in three tour- Karen Budge swept down the elopes. Miss Budge, passed Unlimited Sweet (M) pin oonaolatlon round tat Loe An- too Redmen Jumped to sn earty ney games give him the tndtvid- Crimson 18, of Jaclmoti, Wyo finished thkd in the slalom. geles, fourth rated Tennessee, lead and held on tor a 9868 vie- ual eomiig record. Vlau (E) .7 was the In an Iv MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCRMRER. CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1967 PAGE

Binlnau SarvIcM SnotD^ Bone Cold and Cutting Wind Due ^ Ollarad 13 i l 4 CLASSIFIED L ig h t t r u c k in g — moving w e s r o b b in s cavpwitnr' rw and odd Jobe, reliable. Also modeling speeialist. bunting barrels delivered, 84. rec rooms, ionhers, poniMM, Fav6^rs G reen B ay 644-1776. cabinets^ formtoa, baOMas; bathrooms, Mtotaens. 818I IM. ^ ...... 4V ADVERTISING SALES AND Service on A rlto, ORBENRAY.Wis. (AP) gam e," said Lombaifil, whose CLASSIFIED ADVER'nSiNG DEPT. HOURS Hahn Eclipse, Jacobsen lawn — Gfteen Bay ahfotdd fe d Packers are shooting for an un­ mowers. Also Homellte chain right at home Sunday' with precedented third straight 8 AJ)I. to 5 PJM. saws and International Cub Spaelcri Sarvl c t I S the inospect of snoiw flur­ league playoff crown. "I’d like Cadet Tractors. Rental equip- g jjo w Plowing — CommereM to win it. I’ll be very much dis­ ries, bone-chflllng cdd and COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ment and sharpening service parking lota. Free estimatM. appointed it we don’t. Most of 6 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION on all makes. L A M Equip­ cutnnff wind for the Na­ all. I’d like ito see us play real 648-5811. o u r f o r Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 0 p.m. Friday. ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon. tional fVxilthall League title weU." lilts and «une between tiie favored 875-7609 Manchester Exchange L E scle s- The big prise, in addition to — Enterprise 1946. SNOW PLOWING -reasonaMe. Packers and the Dallas the prestige of the NFL title and W ea v er PLEASE READ YOUR AD CaH 643-2301. f Cowboys. an approximate 87,600 winning ClnaslHcd or “Want Ads” are taken over the phone ns a Although the surface of Lam- share per player (the losers will convenience, 'fhe advertiser should read his ad the FIRST Household Services beau Field trill be heated to 00 get about 85,200), is a crack at DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the SNOW PLOVXNO — residential degrees by 14 miles of electric the 818,000 Super Bowl Jackpot next insertion. The Herald Is responsible tor only ONE Incor­ Offered 13-A and commercial. Call M9-S110. in Miami, Fla. Jan. l against rect or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then only wiring beneath it, the temper­ REWEAVING OF bums, moth SNOW PLOWING — driveways. the American Football League to the extent of u “ make good" Insertion. Errors which do atures in the rest of Fackeriand holes, zippers repaired, Win- reasonable. W. HuUbstrd, 806 champion. ’The Packers already not lessen the value of the adverttsemeot will not be corrected are expected to be in the middle dow shades made to measure, East Middle Tpke., 649-6876. know how sweet the Super l>y ” m;ik« good” Insertion. ’ teens by game time at 2 p.tn., all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys dough can be, having beaten BBT. \ made'while you wait. Tape re­ Kansas City last January in Los The rematch of last season’s corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 Angeles. 643-2711 Roofing and UUe game, whldi ended drama- 875-3136 Main St. 649-5221. , Summing up the differences (Boekvllle, ToU Free) tlcaUy in a 84-97 Packer victory Chimnoys 16-A bemeen the defensive strategy wlU be carried on networit of the two clubs, Landry said, R(X)FING — SpeclalU^ re­ (CBS) radio aM television with Building— "Green Bay is a containing pairing roofs of all kinds, new the Green Bay area blacked out team. ’They let you bend them a Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? Contracting 14 roofs, gutter work, chimneye on television. little with the run, but keep you n e w t o n H. /SMITH A SON — cleaned and repaired, 30 years' Dallas flew in from the South­ away from the goal line. We try 24-Hour Answering Service Remodeling, repairing, addi­ experience. FYee estimates. land Friday afternoon a few to shut off the ruh." ' tions, rec rooms, garages, Call Howley 648-8361, 644- hours after the Packers com­ Both coaches expect Bob Free to Herald Readers 8333. 3 porches and roofing. No Job pleted their heavy work in an- Hayes, the former Olympic Want Information on onr of our classified advertlseiuenteT too small. Call 649-3144. oUter closed session. Both teams sprint champ to be a more im ­ were to do little more than lim­ portant factor than last year, \'o aiiM\v»r •)< thn telertiione llstedT Simply naO the CARPENTRY — concrete steps, Moving— ^Trucking— ber until game time. when he caught only one pass. floors, hatchways, remodeling, Storage 20 ” I feel it will be a defensive “ A guy like Hayes is going to EDWARDS porches, garages, closets, ceil­ »T game," said Coach Tom Lendty catch some,’’ admitted Lombar­ ings, attics finished, rec MANCHESTER Delivery—light of the Cowboys, the Eastern di. ANSWERING SERVICE rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ trucking and package delivery. er related work. No Job too ivers dut- (inference champions. *T deift "Anything Bob does will be an Refrigerators, washers and; small. Dan Moran, Builder. -14 in the anticipate another 84-27 score. 1 improvement over last year,’’ stove moving specialty, BV»ld-' -16 In Uie think this one wilt be tougher. 649^500 875-2519 Evenings 649-8880. Ing chairs for rent. 649-0762.; 0 said Landry, "H e’ll be more ms tallied Of course, one side may get out ready this time. He had a good and leave your message. YouXl hear from our advertiser HOMES, GARAGES, porches, 1 period. ahead and run away with it os year. When he didn’t start well in Jig time without spending nil evening at the telqthone. rec rooms, room additions, IfUme and so often ht^>pens in NFL title last year, Don Meredith looked kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ third bus- NOTICE games. I look for defense to pre­ elsewhere. I think he’ll be aim­ eral repair work. Financing ck atmoe- dominate because both us Autemobllot For ScriW 4 A public hearing will be held ing at Hayes a few times Sun­ available. No down payment. Mighout as have had less time to get r^ady by the Planning and Zoning day.’ ’ 1962 OLDSMOBILE converti­ Econotpy Builders, Inc. 643- ain closed CJommlsslon of Manchester, i for this one." [ HERALD ble, excellent condition. Must 6159. ! pin down Vince Lombardi, confideig of sell, going into service. 742- ____ Connecticut, on Wednesday eve- Lou Boudreau was only 24 another fine performance bji hto 9714, 643-8311 atier 4. ADDITIONS, remodeling, gar- nlng, Jantiary 3, 1968 at 8 p.m. IS teamed Western Conference chainpe years old in 1941 when he was BOX LEHERS ages, jrec rooms, bathrooms In the Hearing Room of the Mu- he Eagles made no prediction. appointed manager of the MERCEDES-BENZ 220S, 1958, tlled, kitchens remodeled, ce- nlcipal Building, to consider an For Your seemed to "I ]ust hope It is a good ball Packer Ace Bart Starr 01evelan)^IndlaM. 7,000 miles on rebuilt engine. ment Work, cellar floors, pat­ application for .Special Permit clal scores Information Red leather Interior, AM-FM; ios, roofing. Call Leon Cels- for Group Dwellings to be lo^ ond half, radio. Excellent throughout, zynski.' BuUder. 649-4291. cated on the east side of New ; r 20 points Thinking Man^s Quarterback First Goal THE HERALD wlU not some work needed on clutch, State Road, Residence Zone A. i idle also Grid Loops dlSDlose the identity at 8600. 649-6944 after 1 p.m. This is in accordance with A rti-! any advertiser using box ve play in cle IV, Section n of the Zoning | r provided lettM-a Readers answer­ 1966 (COUNTRY Squire, 8 cylin­ By Plager NOTICE Regulations, for the following! Ulng, par- Ask Ruling ing blind box ads who' der, atitomatic, power steering, Raiders Tack Hopes (Isslre to protect their PUBLIC HEARINO titled project: ; ;ame when radio, good condition. 876-0638, identity can fttilow this BOARD OF DIRECTORS “Proposed Apartments — . » ball con- On Jumping Helps Win proo^ure: 1964 PONTIAC Bonneville con­ TOWN OP MANCHESTER, New State Road, Manches- | as a main- vertible, automatic transmis­ CONNECTICUT ter, Connecticut — Property re rebound- GRSBN BAT, Wls. (AP) — On Daryle Lamonica ST. LOUIS (AP)— Barclay Enclose your reply to tlie Tuesday, January 2, 1968 box In an — sion, engine work needed, call of Raymond and Louis Da- Professional football has no le­ In October. They carry a 10- Plager was feeling no pain after The Board of Directors will Its defense OAKLAND (AP) — addressed to the Classi- 649-9017. mato—Scale: l’’-40’ Date: ; gal weapon to keep players game winning streak and a he scored his first National conduct a public session Tues­ If, pressing Daryle Lamonica, the lin k ­ fled Manager, Manchester December 1967 — prepared j from Jumping between the two best-ever 13-1 record into Sun­ Evening Herald, together day, January 2, 1968 from 9:00 it to sway ing man’s quarterback, Hockey league goal. by: Gates — Scarpa A As- i major leagues after playing out day's sudden-death game , with a memo listing the a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Munl- imdlng and The young defenseman’s goal Trucks— ^Tractors 5 soclates, 168 Newington | their optloiiB, says commission­ thinks he knows how to against the Eastern champlona companies you do NOT clpad Building Hearing Room to emd Hamp- with 43 seconds left In the sec­ Road, Elmwood, Connect!- • er Fete Roselle. beat the Houston Oilers Oilers, who finished 9-4-1. want to see your letter. CHEVROLET 1963 Corvalr pan­ hear comments and suggestions he game’s ond period pulled the St. Louis cut’’ But both the American and Sunday and win the Amer­ A sell-out crowd of 63,000 is Your letter will be de­ el truck, back and aide doors, from the public. Blues even with the stroyed If the advertiser All Interested persons may National Football leagues will assured for the game, which excellent condition, 8660. 643- F\iture sessions will be held •V.’s went ican Football League cham­ Penguiiis Friday night. Gerry is one you’ve mentioned. attend this hearing. soon have an arrangement to will be nationally televised by 5668. the first Tuesday of each month ifeat of the pionship for the Oakland Melnyk ” then scored a goal at ! t not it win be handled Planning and assiure Just compensation for NBC, starting at 6 p.m., EST. from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in to Weaver Raiders. 3:62 of the final period as the in the usual manner. Zoning Commission! tciain whdch loses a player to The winner advances to the the Mimlclpal Building Hearing Tuknis (20) . “ The game is pretty well or­ Blues defeated the Penguins 2-1 M. Adler Dobkin, i the other circuit, Roselle said. Super Bowl against the National TRUCKS Room and the third Thursday of 16) played ganized in my mind,” said La­ In the only NHL action. Chairman [ Such an arrangement is al-- League champion. each month from 6:80 p.m. to monica, who emerged from Lost and Feuiid 1 Clamence W. Welti,' ready in effect within, but not Victory wUl be worth between Plager deflected a shot off the 8 :30 p.m. in the Town Counsel’s back-up man at Buffalo to first- '69 International, on e, ton, (67) between, the two leagues. 86.000 and 87>000 per player—an back of his leg midway through Office in the Municipal Build­ Secretary B F Pts, string star with the Raiders. 4-wheel drive 8695. a CM) Roselle, in Green Bay to AFX. record—as well as the Su­ the last period, but laughed It FOUND — White pig. Call dog ing. a a-3 "Now it’s Just a matter of exe- check on preparations for Sun­ per Bowl berth and the promise off afterward. warden, 643-4131. ’64 Wyllls Jeep, 4-wheel John I. Garside Jr. cuUon.” day’s NFL championship game, of even more cash. “ You don’t feel a thing when drive 696. Secretary E spoke at a news conference Fri­ Lamonica brings an engi­ ” We’re thinking about Hous­ your team Is ahead emd you’ve Board of Directors ’68 G.M.C. % ton, 4-speed NOTICE day before flying on to Oakland neer’s approach to every game ton and that’s all,” said Lamon­ jui^t scored your first goal." Announcomonts 2 Manchester, Ckinectlcut Then he laughed about the fact transmission 128. Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ TOWN OF MANOHXS8TEB, for the AFL title game there he plays, carefully sketching it ica after practice Friday. "We CONNECTICUT that goalie Seth Martin glossed ELECrrttOLUX vacuum clean­ Sunday. out on paper before hand. Sun­ can’t afford to look ahead. Sure, ’62 Chevy dump truck 126. cut, this 28th day of December, REFUSE COLLECmON M3 57 day’s blueprint is complete, and we know there’s a Super Bowl an outstanding performance by ers, sales and service, bonded 1067. There will be no refuse now it’s up to the AFL’s most to be played and we hope to be coming up with his first assist representative. Alfred Amell. ’61 Ford Econoline, paneled 896. Maris Confident valuable player to make it in the NHL. |647-1719 or 643-4918. collection on Monday, Jan­ there. But we have to get past ’61 ’Volkswagen delivery, uary 1, 1968. At bouaebolds work. ^ Martin blocked a Pittsburgh He’ll Play Again Houston first.” paneled 296. normally schedaled tor col­ "If we play sound football and Lamonica, who passed for 30 shot and passed off to Plager lection on tUa day, their C Pononub BONANZA don’t make any mistakes, we’ll touchdowns and 3,228 yards saild near the St. Louis goal. Plager ST. LOUIS (AP) — Roger next collection day will be win Sunday,” said Lamonica, took it all the way through the See TIM MORIARTY Thursday, January 4, IfH . Maris has expressed confidence both figures achieved pre-sea­ STEAK HOUSE 3B M4 66 who finished the season as the F’ittsburgh defense and sent a BE A DISC J0C3CEY. For In­ that he’ll soon be over his bout son goals. "I wanted 30 ’TDs and Christmas tree coUeotion EkuS. No. 1-ranked quarterback in the 20-foot Into the Pen­ formation call, 246-5418. SILK TOWN MOTORS with-Bell’s Palsy and ready for 3.000 yards, but the only statis­ Help warned! Mole or female for all households will be league. guin net. spring training. tic that really counts Is the won- full-time days, Monday thru made on regolariy schedaled “ We’re probably as well 270 Hartford Rd., Manchester The St. Louis Cardinal right- lost column,” he said. The victory was the third in a Friday. Must be neat and collection days. prepared as any team In foot­ INCOME Tax Returns prepar­ fielder said, "It’s getting better, The Raiders defeated Houston row and moved them to within alert. Good starting pay. ball,” said Lamonica. ” If we ed. (^ 1 Dan Mosler, 640-8329. Christmas trees should be I feel better. Since It is getting 19-7 during the regular season two points of fourth-place Min­ lose a game, it’s because we but the game ranks as a sore GARDEN tractors, t and 10 h.p., Apply in Person placed at curb tor plcknp by better, ran sure it will be aW nesota. the town contractor. beat ourselves, not because we with mowers and snow blades. right.’ ’ spot with Lamonica. It was the The Penguins had taken the Automobllos For Solo 4 BONANZA STEAK HOUSE weren’t ready for it.” For information call 742-8261. gs Maris had said earlier in the only time all year that he failed early lead when veteran Earl 287 WMt BUddle Tomplke William D. o ’Ncin The Raiders lost only once all Director of week that he feared he couldn’t to throw at least one touchdown Inkarfleld hit on the only shot NEED CAR? Credit very bad? Manchester, Conn. season and that was way back PobUo Works play If the ailment, which has pass. Martin couldn’t handle. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ affected the nerves In the right est Douglas accepts lowest Businoss Sorvicot LA side of his face, hung on. His down, smallest payments, any­ Offortd 13 inability to blink his right eye where. Not small loan finance company plan. Douglas WILLIAMS Tree Service, spec-, I MTdiigsn has'caused it to film over, af­ fecting his vision. Celts Have Back to Wall, Motors, 846 Mata. iallslng in tree and shrub care. lie half, hut 648-8104. win 78-68. His optimistic comments were 19M CHEVROLET Bel Air — 6 HELP WANTED 14 potato for made to Jack Herman, St. Louis cylinder, automatic, excellent y o u ” a r e A-1, truck Is A-1. Globe-Democrat sportawriter in adores, end Tough Road Trip Ahead condition. 648-9121. Cellars, attics, yard and GAS STATION ATTENDANT 2S for the. a telephone interview from his small trucking done A -l right. Independence, Mo., home. NEW YORK (AP)—The Nate Thurmond had 26 for the Jerry West had 30 points and 1960 MGA, good shape, new top, Call Tremano Trucking Serv­ PULL OR PART TIME—DAYS wltii 7 wire wheels, 8876. firm. i\ buston ad- Boston CJeltics, ridingr hisrh Warriors. Elgin Baylor 29 for the Lakers ice toll free, ’f42-9487. round of the a week ago, sudiienly have Lou Hudson hit two field goals as Los Angeles ruined the 643-0574. ' A P P L Y ^ a Honolulu, tiieir backs to the wall, a late in the last quarter, break­ coaching debut of Red Holzman TREE EXPERT — Trees cut, 1961 RAMBLER classic, 4-door, building lots cleared, trees top­ 77-60 as El- College Comer ing a 97-97 tie and sending St. of New York. The Lakers reeled completely overhauled, rebuilt demandinfir road trip ahead off 13 straight points In the Iqst ped. Got a'tree problem? Well DON WILLIS GARAGE S potato and (if tiiem and a big . deficit Louis to its victory over Detroit. engine, 8650. Call 643-7420. unds. The Hawks hit on 60 per cent of period as the Knlcks lost their worth phone call, 742-8262. 18 MAkN STREET—MANCHESTER to make up. fifth straight. 1002 OLDSMOBILE F86 — de- toumamdbt their shots. Len Wilkens led the SHARPENING Service — Saws, Okla., Br^- The defending champion 1^11- Hawks with 23 points and 10 as­ luxe sedan, excellent con­ adelphla 76ers ripped Boston knives, axes, shears, skates, ligtala Tetti , sists. Name Ashistant dition, private owner. Call 183-123^ PhUadelfdila Friday rotary blades. Quick service. o the final Baltimore put on a 22-6 scor­ CINCINNATI (AP) — Tom 643-4286. I night. It was Boston's third Capitol Equipment C!o. 38 Main thoma Olty, ing ‘burst in the second half and Bass, former assistant coach St., Manchester. Hours, dally 7M8. straight loss, and the 76ers’ first I960—FORD—6 cylinder, romped in against Cincinnati. with the San Diego Chargers, matic, radio and heater; good 7:30-5, Thursday 7:80-0. Satur­ 10 Triantfe victory over the Celtics in four Oscar Robertson of the Royals Thursday was named an assist­ PARAGON TOOL CO., INC. games this season, increasing condition, 8160. 646-0017. day 7:30-4. e43-7908. N.O., beat- led all scorers with 36 points, ant coach of the new Cincinnati Philadelphia’s Eastern Division state 62-06 and Jack Marin threw in 29 for ^ehgttls of the American ■F'oot- lead in the NaUonal Bausketball rale 0(M9 'ta Baltimore. ball League. d . Association to 2% games. « » r e d 41 Los Angeles whipped New llagara to a York 126-115, Baltimore beat Has Openings r Va4>araUo Cincinnati 130-113, Chicago took 9f the motor San Francisco 107-100, and St. MANCHESTER IMMEDIATE OPENING in Detroit Louis defeated Detroit 122-111 at For which beat Miami In other NBA games. FOR A In the American Basketball SPORTSMEIfS ASSOCIATION • TOOL MAKEnS AssociaUon, Pittsburgh beat MERJROW ROAD — NORTH COVENTRY Dallas 124-118, Kentucky SALES whipped New Orleans 130-116 • ALL AHOUNO MAGHIMSTS Win and Anaheim trounced New Jer­ HAS OPENED THEIR sey 122-109. REPRESENTATIVE i and ICary Boston, facing a coast-to-coeist • BHIDBEPOHT OPEHATOnS ree potato in road trip in \riiich it plays four SKEET HELD FOR THE SEASON If you are a hig’h school gfraduate, female <>r male, David R(tarbach of Manches­ games in five days, was never • LATHE OPERATORS in good he^h, possess a pleasing personality, you Doan. (A P )-: ter, 123 pound cocaptain o f the in it at Philadelphia. The 76ers Starting Time Sunday—-10 A.M. I rerslty, fifth University o t Hartford varsity took the lead early in the first may be the person we are looking for. You would « Aasooiatod wrestUog team this winter sea­ quarter and never trailed, lead­ Every Sunday Thereafter Until Further Notice be with very congenial people in very pleasant Exporionco Proforrtd go POU, de- ing by as many as 18 points. son, has a 1-1 won-lost rectrd BegiimerB, Novioes and Skilled Shooters surroundings. iveratty 7S«a for the Hawks prior to the holi­ Billy Cunningham tossed in 86 InviM To Use Onr Facilities Also Will Train QiraHfiod Porsonnol a the Central day season. Rohrbach, a senior points, 12 In the last quarter to t y Basketball quell a Boston rally, and Wilt Come in soon. Apply to the Advertising Itelft. We’ll in tae School of Bn^eering, Turiiey Shoot This Sunday will return

-■fii I; “I “I a o H '"’’I riO B tWELYB MANCHESTER EVENTNO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80,1967 ICAltCHBSnsR EVSNm a h e r a l d . MANCHESmt. COHN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80.1967 PAGE IMp Wawtad THERE 0U6IITA BE A LAW BT SHORTEN end WHIPPLE B1 _____ 4 3 rk 7 2 Omt O f TewTR 1 . 9 U 3 B ORIENTAL rugs, oM and new, ______5 4 OONOORD RD. — Beautiful Annulli to Locate (HHce FUU^TIMB hairdresser, ex­ S o m e cm arit^ n e v e r h e a r d o f A m d SHORfb/ lUEREAnER AB0UT3 VOZeti various slsss, reasonable lOOKINO FOR anything In n Borgmne Would License Actors CLASSIFIED prices. OaU BHMMae after S.-80 real estate rentals — apart- ITOIUD IY>R RENT. Main 8L, perienced. preferred but not GOT 1HC iDEh OABNEV MIGHT HtCK IH OTV4ER CHARlHEE GOT THE SAME iP E A f p.m. Manchaerar. in Stats 'niaatt* mal dining room, cabinet “ y KKLEW EB ‘ a i* Mm wliat be le. Hell aay It He >iat finished working in necessaryi 64949188, 8484088. VITTH A OOHADON-AND THEV VIERE aOM T- msntsb homes, multiple d « ^ - Rantti, in In Pioneer Industrial Park M , P0MIM9» AM011IER WICH JUST Ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real bolMlng, raaaonalils rant Dot idtAen, S bedmonie, reorea- garage, fnU hot Hollywood Oerreependem. bate an actor.” two ptetorse at once — fjiey a, baiK4M; taAmqatlaa plaaea caU theati* tion room, landseapod yard. . M il Mia* ••MMniins" I.M . n . ^ plush, now huUdfaig, to OT approximately 6,400 sqasre tjiRifiiniain IT^FROM CAMC.OABHE'/r 1HEV Bstafte, 648-6126. water heat. wooded, privacy. h o IKYWOOD — (NEA) — ■adtliout na. MM«M. ADVERTISING ALL UXM UHE aaanagnr at 64978S2. Ofarton B. Roberteon, Realtor, Only $14,900. nanMs, says that APPLY NOW! 'NMOCRtm ONE and two bedroom Garden Hayes Agency, qh^ g| these shining yestrs, we riorage area of the AnnuUl Con- for office apace and 4,000 aq. CAME 84 CHARHV L E T IW S f MODERN otore, heated, 20’XT0\ 648-Om. may find a theater marquee ed Hloltywood peifrgvnora-*msra ere SUtlon Zsbra^^ rtniotton Oo.. to being ptommed ft for a tto ^ end ttop ai^ CLASSmBp AOVERTISINO DEPT. HOURS ROCK MAPLE type flats and duplexes avaU- not reaBy eetore-—4b9jr era per- end of Lodah MANCHESTER large basement 882 Main St, MANCHESTER — Immaculate that reads Uke this: Of Lylah Clara and MArch In Pioneer Induatrtol A warrantee deed ter fhe 1- able. $180 to $186 per mmUh. NORTH COVENTRY eonalWwe who heW* gotten would often do a acene In one 8 AJf. to S PJL oentnL CaU 629SU4. 7-room Raised Ranch, with 2 ^ "Starring OMMAUi^ NormanAwiaaimaa Gormani.nrti8U Park, off McNaU and Doming acre aale was filed yeeterday in MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CaU Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, wbere they a n tbrougb the par- In the morning and the other in full baths, built-in oven and Sta., adjacent to the WUbur the town clerk’s office. OommanM HAS VACANCIES KITCHEN 6494B$6. ______Another B A W BeautjHjfr-A- •**•! Helen Yeiien p .a fectlcn of their bodtoa end dneea the efternoon. ______N o ____ COPY C L ( ^ 6 TIMB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. STORE FOR RENT — down range, dining room, large Uv- The P. A.T Ibat’e Ernest Croee Highway. price was Indicated. « estlmatM. R idee taim that they are called On top of that, he shot a isavrtHiriinilR — Park bheM* town Manttiestor, State Thee- Ing room with fireplace, 8 bed- Ooiq^eous 6H room SpUt Borgnine’a dream — a degree Orlando AnnuUi h u purchap- AnnuUl eald that he to plan­ 6 PJH. DAT PDBIdOA'nON WE NEED aatac* and put in the some pilot for a new telovtolon aeries, COU N TER nut Garden J^rtments, Two tre Bldg, inquire 'Manager. foome and a heated tomlly Level Just over Bolton town for actors, perhaps "Professio­ ed a one-acre tract from John nlng office faclUtiea buUt around State n iaatre. 6497882. ■pileeelfiooitlou with genuine pros, tt bear* the tentative UUe, Btt- OeadBae for Saturday and Monday is 6 p.m. Friday. bedrooms, 4% rooms, Im* room, 2-car garage, $26,600. line. Thto home feejures 8 nal A ctor,” Just as doctors and Barnlnl, owner o f the l(X>-acre an atrium, a central haU lead- SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — *T vwtfced hard to become ly end the Kid, and deal* with -reaaomMc. Typing required, part-time. msdlate occiq>ancy. 8H rooms TAVERN tor sale —inquire Wolverton Agency, Peel tom, fuU baths, fam ily room, ga­ accountants and even tree sur­ induotrial park. R to on the ing from an outdoor, glaee patio, and CABINETS rage, big flreidace — also ea actor,” he aays. "For five a drifter tai the Old West and a February 1. Heat, hot water, Birch S t Tavern or eaU 649 6492818. geons proudly list their creden- north side of Hale Rd., opposite Hie shop and storage area, he CENTRAL SERVICE AIDE—8- oven, range, refrigerator, 16x82 In-ground poM. $22,600. tiato, Inltlal-wtoe, after their years, I was at the Barter boy he befriends. DIAL 643-2711 8110 or 6498006. MANCHESTER —^Ideal starter Tbeater tn Vlrghda, starting at ” I think It would be good to the $1 mlUlon Pioneer Panir said, wOl be of tUt-up constrae- 11:80 p.m. High School Grad­ Complete with sink and pariclng. Can 627-92U between CaU John Sledeeky, 6496806. names. chute plant, which was complet- tion, with exposed nggi-egntea — ra^denttal uate Required. hardware. Display item, or retirement home, spotleea 9 the bottom. 1 pefrded scenery, diow the public a warm rela­ 96 p.m. 647*1871 after 6. room Ranch on a tree shaded Borgnlne feels strongly about ed in mid-February. (clustera.) CUl M » ^ 9 . Conrtniiad From Pwcatfng P oy never used. Must be sold. Hooiat For Roat 55 W thto. He thinks the pubUc has drove a track, stratyhtoned out tionship Uke that,” he saya. NURSES AIDE AND NURSES FIVE ROOMS, first floor, nice lot, assumable mortgage. Wol­ bent nalto—anything and evory- "The pubUe needs to leam The AnnuUl building, only the Town Manager Robert Wetos -driveways, AIDE TRAINEES. verton Agency, Realtors, 449 BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. a right to know If the actor second in the park, wlU be of eald yesterday' that he was jrard on bus lino, older couple SIX ROOM HOUSE complete­ they are paying money to see thhig. about love — the love of an luUbard, 806 PetoHng Paptring 21 H«lp WemMd— $ 200. or young working couple pre­ ly lurntohed, heat included, 2813. Menchester Parkade ‘*We used to keep as many adult____ and a oliUd. In todav’s ■*®*te-story design and wlU cost closely involved In negotiations I., 0 4 9 ^ 6 . UN’s and LPN'ji Manchester 6496806 are trained proleeslonato who aa Id'ptay* ^ ou r'teaA at the movlee, hemneexusHty to In and estimated $88,000. It wUl cov- leading to the 1-acre tr ^ e r, DmCRIOR and exterior paint­ 3 5 ferred. No pete. 6499888. $a8i>. per month. PhUhrick ROCKLKDGE —New Raised know what thejr’ re about. Agency, 6496847. ing and papering. Call Phil STOCK ROOM CLERK, Part- 648-9678 Ranch, modern kitchen with BOLTON Cantor — 6 room ■sme time. It wa* herd woric, leabtoniam to In, but good, eoUd GIRL to work in small office, CHARLES ApartmenU — 4% "When you caU a doctor," Er­ life to ou t Denoncourt, 742-6178. time, 8-12 noon. huUt-iiiB, dining room, 8 bed­ Ranoh, 8 bedrooms, m hatha, ______but Vtmtm hour we learned our a n d typing essential, some know­ room duplex deluxe apart­ MANCHB8TB1R — newer hixu- nie says, "you can be sure he craft. Todey,. you w o n t owteh 7m sorry, I guess Pm old- ledge of bookkeeping. Call 289 LABORATORY ASSISTANT.A ment, IH baths, appliances, rlous 4 room duplex, fine resi­ rooms, family room, 3-car gar­ l^ni^vlDg room with^b^ad hid’ hto' training aqd t^m lys 1 6 - A PAINTlNa — Interior and exte age, aluminum elding, $81,900. eeiUBgm and .■ fireplace.. , •2-car s9 ^ exams and ton’t some amateur. many people who do Chat oned, hut I want no part of 8406, ask for'hp^keeper only. _ completely alr-conditloned, dential area, $146 per motdh. i t " MUNieiPAL BUlinNG rior, very rea^onablo, free ea- ____ L______—____ 1 REGISTERED X-RAY TECH- PhUhrick Agei^, Realtora, tached garage, Mce view, a —and ttiat’a why tSere era so ilallslng re> sotmd proofing In walls. Base­ Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649 But you can't teU with actors few real prafeeeionel eotors tlmates. Call Richard Martin, WAITRESSES ahd. Hostess. NICIAN. WHITE IROlt^^uble bed with 4686. ~ 0496847. tranquU s e tti^ . Mid 20’ s il kinds, new ment garage, storage and ex­ If they know their burinesa or among the young ones.” 6490288, 64944U. Part-time nights, bo experience brass rail, $16. 6492Q18. PaiU W Dougan, Realtor, 649 not. There should be some way Oven Bird rk, chimneys needed, il^ply man«iger or INHALATION THERAPIST, glULhJ fttStiti55S-6fc tras. AvaUable January. raCALL 9 r ^ house, heat H^C»M TTO —'9tomrily, 96. 4618. Borgnlne feSto tiiat a Ueens- red, SO years’ JOSEPH P. Lewis custom MOVING Roper ga« range, HOt- Adults. Charles PonOcelU, 649 of regtotering or Ucenaing ac­ ing exeminattan would weed out The oven bird to named tor head Hostess. 6-7 Internationa] d ju k CTOR OF DEVELOP- furnished, stove and retrigera-^ convenient to bus lines, per­ e estimates. painting. Interior and exterior polnt ref|igerator, reasonable. 4 up. Oom- tom in HoUywood to deoUn- work,” Borgnlne seya. "But as Emargaticy Tolaphoiia Numbars: ' )ellvery—light Why Not Work Lo<»lly? above Pagani’s Barber Shop. pletdy renovate^: Both apart­ walk-out baaement tree shad­ WASHINGTON — The Atomic Ouellette 648-0043 or 646-6828. recUy helping other people. For Hartford. i 2891681. BeUlslma, Wapplng, 644*1016. WANTED TO BUY — antiques, tor, 6494680. tag,” he aaya "Nowaydays, Boon aa the wrinklea an out Energy Oommlerion to develop- kage delivery, Switchboard Operator Production Workers Inquire 4 Peari' St. ments vacant. Aluminum rid- ed stone patio. $18,000. CaU vaahers and INSIDE-outside painting. Spe­ additional Information phone ------• steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ Paul W D^an Realtor 849 ervecybody oaUs mmseirMmsatf on ac- Ofo( their beUle* belUe* they start whin-whln- mg a "life detoeUw” to be H ighvfoy ...... 5 4 9 -5 0 7 0 Wanted Part - Time Personnel Department, Man­ ed lamps, art glass, prtmltlvee, FOUR ROOM bouse for rent lng( garages, fine residential ‘ ,„Jf • te^You ste|> any htyiXe on the ing about it being aU too hard shipped by spacecraft to Man eclalty. Fold- cial rates for people over 68. section. T. J. Crockett, Real­ G oriN iga ...... 549-1885 25 Hours Per Week chester Memorial Hospital, 648- Openings on all tftree shifts, iSifuotioni W an f d any quantity. 844*8682. Johnson Road, Bolton. CaU 648- ’ Shrtp, with hto hair long and ter them.” to determine whether Uvlng or- rent. 049-0702. Call my competitors, then call starting rate $2.42 pea hour Fumlslwd 4808. ty, 6491877. Sanitary Sowar and W o ta r...... 549-9597 0 1141, Ext. 243. DAIRY PLANT WANTS BOLTON Center — 6 room unwaahed and hto cloQies dirty Borgnlne erito himself "a gantoms exist there. The devtoe me. Estimates given. 640-7863, and up. Excellent mnge J Faiwcdt 38 CXXXSCS bought, sefld, traded, ApartHMnls 63-A Experience AvaUable to Jime 10. $100. room, double garage, lots of ing (specializing in older Paid Sick Leave ture and standard, 6 weeks to B rifk m Agenoy, 648-0121. ngs to be lo^ non Haven, 878-2077. Manchester, Conn. glassware. We buy estates. VU- Planni*^ aM Zoning monthly. 7497607. trees, low SO’s. Hayes Agenoy, floors). Inside painting. Paper­ 6 months, both colors, guaran­ : side of New ; Paid HoUdays lags Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 Commission of M^chestw, COMPLETELY redone brick 6490181. hanging. No Job too small. teed at a fair price. Also Wel- lence Zone A. i Or call Miss Banister, 1-774-6606 Group Insurance Plan Lake St., Bolton. 6498247. (3onnecUcut, on Roneh, all city utiUties, new John Verfaille, 6498780. RN OR LPN, 8-7 p.m. or 7-11 OPERATORS maraners. 1-628-6678. SOUTH WINDSOR — Immacu- nee with ArU- Medical Plan nlng, January 3, 1968 at 8 P.M. W onlod To tant 58 heat, garages for 8 oars. Big p.m. Call 6494819. lato 7-room home huUt 1986, of the Zoning ______J. GROOMINO ALL breeds. Har- BUY AND SELL antiques, in the Hearing Room of the Mu- treed and rimibbed lot. An Im- Pension Plan WANTED 4 bedroom home in heated finlihed reo room, 9 the following Bond^->Stocks— • many HUl. H.C. Chase, Hebron and used furniture, china, nicipal Building, on the follow- maculate home priced to aeU RN or LPN, 11-7 shift, full or WANTED 6 Day Week Manchester. Provide other in­ car heated garage, qluminum part-time, room and board R d., Bolton, 643-6427. glass, silver, picture frames, ing appllcaticms for zone Immediately at $24,900. Bel- irtments — Mertgagas 27 DEAN MACHINE old coins, guns, pewter, scrap change: formation rfihut house and lot riding, swimming poed, large from the furnished, 649-4816. Including price to. P . O. fiore Agency, 048-6121. d, Manches- SECOND MORTGAGE —Un­ APPLY TALKING Mynah bird, large g«Hd, watches, old Jewel^, hob- CENTER STREET—To change treed lot with brook, many ex­ Box 1101, Muieheater. tras. For further information t — Property limited funds available for sec­ (XERK TYPIST — some exper­ AT 102 Colonial Rd., Manchester vocabulary, one year old, must by coVlecUons, paintings, attic ^ Residence Zone C, all or NEAT AND CLEAN 9room Co- sell, $66, cage included. 649 contents or whole estates. Fur­ caU R.F. Dlmock Oo. 649-0240. id Louis Da- ond mortgages, payments to ience In payroll preferred. Ap- KNUDSEN’S part of an area now In Resi­ WANTED 8% or 4 rooms. Itaital wltit garage and patio. 0017. niture Repair Service, 648-7446. Central location. Low 20’s and L”-40’ Date; suit your_ budget. _ _Expedient __ ply Dean Machine Products, Has Immediate openings dence Zone A, described as CentraUy located. caU 647- SOUTH Wi n d s o r — you can BROTHERS DAIRY worth it. Belfiore Agency, 049 — prepared sei^ce~ J. dT Realty, 643-8129.^ 102 Colonial Rd., Mancheeter. SNET days and nights: follows: Starting at a point on 1087. move right into this Immacu­ MANCHESTER NEW YEAR baby kittens, lov­ 0121. carpa k As- ~~ '^'FILE CLERK willing to learn *1100 BURNSIDE AVE. able, black Tom, tabby female, Rooms WIHiout Board 59 the north aide of Center St. late 6 room Oolooial with Newington EAST HARTFORD home with little extra love. 648- 1(W’, more or less, from the SECLUDED SPUT in dorirahle screened eun porch on large Smliwss Opportunity 28 PBX switchboard and Zerox Turret Lathe Operators Burinou Froporty d, OonnectI' machine, 37^ hours, Manches- You need no previous 7888. TOE THOMPioN House -Cot- east line of Stone St., th^ line Adelaide Road area. Seven beautlfUUy landsciqiod corner PHILLIPS Petroleum Co. has a ter Office, Mrs. ICelly, 646-8361. experience. We’ll train Hardinge Chucker Operators tage St. centrally located, large runs easterly 80’, more or For Sola 70 rooms, 2 oar garage, 2 acne lot In choice reridential area on BOARD of REALTORS persons may modem 3 bay service station you at a good starting pleasantly furnished rooms, less; thence northerly 172’, BlUngton Rd. Near sdiool, General Machinists ' c o m m e r c i a l - Industrial at h eat Circa I960. Beautiful­ for lease. Ehccellent opportu­ COUNTER GIRL for evening ArtIciM For Scrio 45 parking. Call 646-2388 for over­ more or less; thence westerly dnirch, ahopping centers. salary. Valuable bene­ Manchester Green, approx­ ly treed lot. Priced to ooU im­ nity, paid training program. night aitd permanent guest 60', m<^ or leas; thence BuOt-ln appUanoes Including shift, 7 p.m. - mldnlgiit. Please fits, pleasant working Milling Machine Operators LOFTY PILE. Free from soil im ately 10,000 square feet, mediately. Belfiore Agency, seen a continuing growth in both volume and membership in the nlsskm! Call 286-8770 aftei 6 p.m. or apply Mister Donut, 288 West ASSISTANT MANAGER rates. dtoposal and dishwasher. Vso 1967 has conditions, opportunity Is the carpet cleaned with southerly along present boun­ jnxiduclng $800 per month in­ 0498121. ? 1-201-877-8100. Middle Tpke. for advancement. Drill Press Operators dary of Rea. Zone C, 166’ , car garage. OwMr changing 0 Manchester Board•ard of Realtors. This is particularly gratifying since, firstly, 1966 Blue Lustre. Rent electric CLEAN comfortable rooms for come. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, MANCHESTER — Seven room Man with restaurant expe­ more or less, to point of be­ porition. OaU 2897190 tor was a banner year, volume wise— in spite of a severe financing shortage— and shsunpooer $1. The Sherwin- refined gentlemen. Also effi­ 64915n. house on 290x160 lot recorded WolO, J OFFICE WORK — variety of Ehcperience In Job Shop rience has ou|afhnding op­ ginning. Applicant: • Alexan­ appointment Visit our employment Williams o>. ciency. 160 Tolland Tpke., Man­ as 0 separate lots. ExceUent this past year nas seen a scarcity of no using relative to demand. Yat substan­ SUNOCO duties In small office, 'typing Preferred portunity fbr ‘advMcement der Jarvis. office at 82 East Center chester. investment potential/'Bel Air VERNON tial sales increases have bean posted year after year in the Board s effective and light bookkeeping, 8 a.m. Street, Manchester, with new restaurant chain. PROCESSED gravel for drive- WILBUR (7ROSS PKWY. (Lau­ Hoiksos For Sale 72. Has available a 68|000 gallon - 4:80 p.m. Apply Ka-Klar Toy ’ R eal Estate, 6499882. TAKE A PEEK and afficiant Multiple Listing Service. Membership, also, has been rising steadily per month modem 3-bay Inter­ open Monday through New plant, completely alr- Fringe benefits, itc . Ck>ntact ways and parking areas. Also CXIMPDRTABLE room for rel Lake Area)—to change to Co., 90 HlUlard St. Mr. Gibbs. bank nm gravel and fill at our gentleman, private entrance, $11,000 BUYS thto nice 0 room CaU John McLaughUn to state location. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 oonditioned for summer and Industrial Zone, all or part year 'round lake front pro­ MANCHESTER — Vemon line, — and this has bean a pleasant surprise, since the very, very great praMnder- p.m. Or call 643-4101. screening plant or delivered. free parking., 14Vi Hackma­ of an area now ' In Rural see this nice, 6H room ICE SECRETARY — receptionist — winter, aU benefits. perty. ExceUent investment or OVi room Ranch, 1% baths, ance of real estate agents in Manchester have seen fit to becoine members of 1. Earn $20,000. and up. Evening and Saturday OePer HUl St. 6490896. thence In an easteriy dlrec- buUt-in oven and range, attach­ Board's success, is the strict and enforceable Realtor Code of Ethics embody­ field, 8298321 for appointment. meet our evergrowing demand N shipping, $96 value now $44.96. tir of 'An Angel A-1 Stores, 24 Park St., Hart­ Apartmanls— Rots— of the Conn. Power Co., year old Ratood Randi, 1)4 J. Correnti, Agency, 648-6868. unstintingly both within and outside of their Board to make the Manchester Works ford, 622-0931. which point is 1000’, more or 6492818. baths, large lot, good condi­ E. TIME KEEPER Tanamants 53 area a constantly Improving place in which to live and work. The Manchester Stenographer less, south of Middle Turn­ MANCHESTER Bowen tion. Mitton A genoy, Realtora, GUARANTEED Sole! Wo wUl 1 SOUP’S on, the rug that is, so _ - — — ——- 9496980. guarantee in writing to; buy Board of Realtors wishes to taka this opportunity to thank you for your con­ clean the spot with Blue rooms pike West and 60', more or School area, neat 9room Cape, less, easterly of the Hocka- your homo at a pre-kgreod PERSONNEL DEPT. COST CLERK Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ heated, parking, 247-4046, 1-638- 4 rooms down, 2* finished iqv NEW listing — 6 room Cape, stantly increasing support, and to pledge itself to continually strive to improve 7402. num River, a distance of one car garage, private yard, price if it to not aold during Exciting position In busy er $1. Olcott Variety Store. 4 down, 2 unfinlriied iq>, 2 bed­ the listing pottod.’ we era its services to you. Experienced In Job shop pre­ 1400’ more or less; thence March occupancy; T. J. Crock­ office, involves Interview­ SIX room duidex with garage, rooms, kitchen with oaUnets proven prodiiCto*. CaU tor da- ferred. Apply in person. southeasterly along the south­ ett, Realtor, 6491077. plus added features. A-1 con­ ing, Ught steno, maintain­ NEEDS A Boats and A ceatsorios 45 excellent condition, centrally erly line of the R.O.W. of the taUs. Belfiore Agency, Roal- ing records, compiling re­ dition, A-1 loeation and priced tors, y m m .______located. 6498788 or 643-8188. Conn. Power (3o., a distance SIX ROOM Ranch, hreeieway, IN 1968 , ports and many varied du­ 14 FOOT flbreglas, Starcraft for a qulok sale. Hurry coU 1220’, more or less to a point 2*0ar garage, paneled recrea­ II ties. DEAN SaUboat. leftover, never been WE HAVE customers waiting tion room , treed lo t $22,- now, Paul J, Correnti Agenoy, ALL CASH tor your property. G A R A G E In the property of the Town of MACHINE PRODUCTS In water. Sale priced. Regular for the renW o' your apart­ 000. Hutchins Agenoy, Realtor* 648-0868. Pasek, Realtors, 2897476, 749 WHETHER BUYING ORi SELLING Company offer.T co;n;Tctltlve $666, closeout price $496 plus ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Manchester presenUy zoned 6496624. 8248, 649-0680. starting salary, 8:394:80 102 Colonial Rd., Manbbester tate, 643-8129. Industrial; thence westerly MANCHESTER — WaddeU transportation and tax. 649 School area. Cosy 9room TH^^ of Showing... And hours, excellent benefits, M ECHAhflC 8747. McBride’s Sport Spot, along said industrial zone, MANCHESTER —Two famUy, SEE A MEMBER free parking, subsidized 1330’, more or less, to a 4-4 flat on 90 X 180 lo t Central Cape, 2 fuU baths, waU to waU Showing? Are they looking you 639 Center Bt. Legal Notices^ over os a Sunday Sport? Bet­ cafeteria, congenial co- point; thence soulheriy along location, modem kltriien and carpeting, large ponried OF Experienced mechanic OFFSET PRESS man. Fast ter let us screen tboee workers, excellent working OBDEB OF NOTICE said industrial zone, to a hath, 2 ear garage. Bel Air httriien, birch cabinets, built-in to service and fepair growing Hartford printing com­ prospects tor you. We bring conditions. Diamonds— W otchos— AT A CX3URT OF PROBATE, R eal Estate. 6499882. range, one car garage, ome- » company vehicles our pany has opening for ex­ held at Manchester, wUhln and (or point In the northerly line of dtocriminatlng. Interested, THE MANCHESTER BOARD QF REALTORS the district of Manchester, on the the HELCO R.O.W., a dis­ atte drive, riutded lot iqiptwcl- MANCHESTER office. perienced press man, operating ^ Jawalry 48 S8lh day o£ December, A.D. 1967. IT.900 — 4 ' ROOM RANCH, mately 70x800. Owner leaving qualified buyers to see a a p p l y J 28 inch and 22 Inch one color — Present, Hon. John J. Wallett, tance of 1280’, more or less; 3 ^TCH AND JEWELRY huUt-ias, woU-waU carpeting, state, $18,900. No agents. CaU property. . . without bothering presses. Insurance, paid hoU­ re- Judge, thence westerly along the Hours: 4:30 Ijn Esta^ ci Ooslma Monaco a-k-a ottoidMd gnnge, s^proxi- 6499881. the owner, Keith Real Estate, II FIRST NATIONAL p.m. to days, ov«rttine. CaU Don Val­ palling. Prompt service, Cossimina Monaco, late of Man­ north line of HELCO R.O.W. 12:30 a.m. m otoly $1,600 down. $66.00 tel. 6;|91«22.______STORES ient at News Press, 288-8884. to $20 on your old watch in chester, in said dlMriot, deceased. 3600', more or less, to point of SIX ROOM bouse — Good con­ trade. Closed Mondays. F.B. Upon appUoation of Henry Mona­ nunthly Inclodlng toxos. Mlt- co, executor, praying lor authority beginning. Applicants: Case dition. Must be moved from fO YOUR HOME? For Park and Oakland Aves. Bray, 737 Main St., State Thea­ ten A gm ey, Rooltora, 64$-69M. Sew- , Good salary. Regular PART-TIMB .drivers. Apply In to sell certeiin real eststk more par- Bros.. Inc. and Clifford Treat, present location. For intorma- yinpt. oouttoous servtoe that East Hartford tre Building. Oculariy described In sdld appuca- raises. person. Alcar Auto Parts, 226 tkm on (Ue.it Is et al, and extended by Plan­ MANCHESTER — Income po- tion caU 649027L gets resulta, caU Louto Dimoek Valuable benefits. Spruce. ORDERED: That the (oregoinK totitiol In thto sturdy home on Realty, 6499628. _ . application wobe heard and ____deter- ning and Zoning Commission COLONIAL — large living room Spruce St 9 large rooms and RELJAB^K WOMAN to help in - ^ ^ 4 9 - A to include land n/f Leone, with flreplaoe, formal dining U8TTN08 NEEDED, oU price reataurant, hours 8 a.m. • 8 Visit our employment Cohn Bros., State of Conn., room tor expansion, per­ FIREPLACE wood, clean, $18. no" room, sun room, family size ranges. OaU us for a qulok 0 p.m. Aiqply In person, Morning office at 62 East Center Holp W onfod— and Town of Manchester. manent riding, aluminum sale, we also buy housoe for Street, Manchester, a pick-up load. Phono 232- to all persons lnteI^ Btorma and screens, 2-car ga­ kitchen, 8 bedrooms, 1)4 baths, Glory Restaurant, 816 Main Bt. Mala or Famola 37 ested in said estaite of the pendency Maps - of the above___ r --« proposed -_____ 2-car garage. BxoeUent condi­ cash. Hayes Agenoy, 6490181. open Monday through and rage, $28,000. Wolverton Agen­ ______"to"------and " L place" * ? application of hearing thereon,the by time zone changes maym av bedo seen Inm tion, 128,900. Morion E. Robert­ Friday, 8:80 a.m. to 8 oy, Realtors, 6492818. WANTED by private potty, S HAIRDRESSER — manager, to HIGH QuaUty seasoned hard- pubiiaihtng a copy of this order tn tne Planning Office. AU inter- son. Realtor, 6496961. p.m. Or call 648-4101, manage beauty salon, ex­ fomUy house, S or 6 roams H*lp W anted— Male 35 Ebct. 388. Evening and wood, cut to any length and !to?®n"IISf^t''ptet“'1[‘t*i4sf‘^ n may attend the cellent wages Inquire The spUt, stored Inside. Leonard the day nf said hear- Waring. M anchestw eorit In good oondtUon tn M u- 2051 CXINTROL desk operator, Saturday Intervlewa ar­ Wlggery Beauty Salon, or call /tisiL ssojuiia ‘" f l 'S s-ppear If they see cause a t - ' Lof* For Sola ^ oheeter, no agents. CWI OT ranged. OigllO, Bolton, 649-8818. said time and iriace and be heard Plaiming and / A L L S T O N E Suit6d for woar is a nlghta. Inquire In person HoU- 1-22966(M. relative therertx>, and make return Zoning Commlsalon 4U4. carefree and comfortable skirt A cute plUow for the gtrt’s to this cctirt. Eight room Ranch-Colonial. BUILDINO l o t s — 86x196’ , ISTS day Lane, 86 Spencer St., JOHN J. WaiAETT, Judge, M. Adler DobUn, having slash pockets and two *wm, tl»e nursery or as a con- Two-oar garage, 8 fire- FTairidin S t City water, sew­ Manchester. HousohoM Goods 51 cc: Geoigo C, Leeaner, Atty. Chairman invertad front pleats. Make It versatofi piece In any room! THE SOUTHERN HELP WANTED places. Deadend street er. cun 6496782 after 6. HRS In your favorite plaid. You'U find ttifr tovely >angel WANTED — Man for Janitorial CLElAN, USED refrigerators UMITATION OBDEB Clarence W. WeiU, Only $88,600. AT A CDURT OF PROBATE, MANCBBSTBR — Tteed SOllM Oil Coots Moumfaig No. 8241 with Patt-O-Rama Is fun to smock end so very nice work, fuU-tlme, rent and sal- NEW ENGLAND ranges,- automatic washers, held at il4ancheeter, wWhIn and for S ecretary. ___ Bhcperienced waltreues and See al me B-sone lot WolTarton Agency, KUW AIT—BVxir jw an S( In waUt sizes 24, 28, 26, 28, 30, to t» »- “ T- 848-2088. WithIV guarantee.1. n I, . <1 them Ssita day of December, 1967 DEAL WITH A MEMBER OF 82 Inches. Size 28, 1% yards Pattern No. 2061 has «n o ck TELEPHONE COMPANY dishwasher. Please apply. B. D. Pearl a AppUancea. 649 Present. Hon. John J. VVallett PASEK ■w gtoee toveelment required to o f 491nch. *nF peftem pDeceo; fuU Mam St. Call 8492171. „ / produce one banel of oU to the THE MANCHESTER BOARD OF REALTORS — lathe and mUllng machine ex­ Realtora Send 80 cents in coins plus dfreettuns. An Equal Opportunity G A S U G H T 748A248 MIddto Battr-lio find tt, get tt perience, also Norton Hyprolap SINGER automaUc z lg 'u i sew- 2$97478 out of tlM ground and mo>ra It 18 cents for first-class mall and Send 38c In C3ecial Uon, monoynuns, ncniSi but* jr., 5 Gram Road. Manchester, tern. hafuUteg for each putterr<. ators. Metronlcs, Inc., 640 Hil­ so Oak St., Manchester '$1A900 - 9hadroom O0p9 Now ft to atoout $666. tonholes, fancy designs, %to Connecticut executor. dotman, al^oandtUoner, neo* BTAFPORDVnXB Sue > Burnett, Manchester Anne Oabot, Manotieetjer Eve- liard St. n ri>in .liv nwar nrloa . That three monUis onglnaUy over $800. o u r pnea from Ute arth day of December, and ttooB. HuteUna Afenoy. funttobed cottage, tot 100x160’ You Deserve No Less . . conditioned at Evening Herald, 1180 AIY:. OF nlng Herald, 1160 AVE. OF u c E N S E D Journeyman eleo- PI^IYCRM worker* ft»r night ______m. ^ I M ■■ a mssssMMi ^ n ^ T V n B W '* _ . . . aasM«sl* ^^a11 saas aiaA«s#_9laMA Wt now, $64. or pay $9. monthly, }>« airi the aame are Umlted R ooltant 8496814. fidl prioe, $6,906. daa days, asnemfUig, NEW YORK, N.Y. AMERICAS, NEW YORK work. FuU or part-time, must DIBHWASHER — days. TXiee- Roo.Aaei ni—*, and alloared for the creditors within 2,000-Foot Tower? trlclan, experienced eleotrl- CaU 022-0081, dealer. , ^ bring in their c l a ^ •492888. iberal over- reside In Manchester or East day and Thursday, 96 or 9-3. tMM. N.Y. loose. cian’a helper or apprentice ------'------against osJd estate, and said ex- MAMOBBBIER — 9 4 two TOKYO — Tokyw wWeb to Only A Realtor May Display The Above «r the holi- Print Nome. Address with Print Name, Address with Hartford area. Steady work, aU Apidy in person, Treat Shoppe, WASHING machine, exceUent «**»mr direct^ to give public no- Gracious Apartment electrician. CaU H. O. Schulie, family, ntoe condition, large O at O f t o w E ■^ 4 t o ooter the tall IwiBigigr Zip Code, Style Number and ZI|> Code and Otyte Number, Inc., 876-9707. benefits. CaU 289027S, Mr. Route 88, TalcottvlUe. condltlon, reaaonable. CaU 643- ’^PSSST’saW ^ m- Mandieater tot, oidy $19,900. Mitton Agen­ (». DELUXE TOWN HOUSES are od ite dsrokgpnMnt, wlB gigs. You’U want a copy of our Wolfberg or Mr. Kaplan. 6670. by iwtillshing a copy of this oy, R eolton , 6496880. 75 Two Emblems! WANTED school bus drivers, ______croer In some newspaper having a At Moderate Prices need a taller taterlrioo 4m Get at head start on up-to-the new ’67 FtaS A Winter Album FUBIL oU driver, must be e x ------r —------■— clrouhUlon to aaSd p r o l^ district mtoeion teaser os a vosutt od t minute styling wrlth the new Fall to eee aU the designs from perlenced, top wages and aU JOURNEYMAN electrician, Im- men or women, 7-9 a.m-, 2-4 ___ 'riUiln ten days from (he date of I^tal Agmt n x ROOM ^ COpo, 8 BOt/PON — Near Canter, 7- p.m. 644-1902 after 5 {xm . H. 19" ZENITH portable TV, $90. (fcl# tmd return moke to thia J. D. REALTY toU tnas, taiga tot. room Orionlal. 9cor gong*, teteiCitenoa paxlblrins skysonp* ESnter '67 Issue of Basic wMch you can diooM your benefits. Year 'round work, mediate steady employment. court of the nothse ttvm. era onritto. Ftonmns ore nsMsg A. Frink Inc., Wapplng. with stand. 742-08S1. JOHN J, Wi’jSLLb t t , e S iS -S m $88,006. PhUhrick Agency, both and a half, flroplace. Fkablon. Only 60 cents • copy, needleworic patterns. OiUy 60c Wyman OU Oo., 24 Main St WUaon Electrical Oo., 649-4817. Judge. dor et TV tnwer 8.000 fort Wgli. J R ^ . 64968H. Ownw. W O O - 6690886.

r $ m SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1967 PAOB FOURTEEN mattrliPBtpr lEii^nins

Hebron Bolton > A Safe Gamble To Town Officiak «.400 Obituary No Herald A almple card game called |. f t iltottod Transfers Residents on Private Roads “Sober Sam” could provide ind 4,000 a«. Monday some fun and safety tor mo­ A Happy New Year Id ih^ ana. lahn J. Krawlec torists attending New Tear’s Id ft>r (IM !• iROCKVIDliD—Jo»m J. Kra^ Recorded There will be no edition Score Lack of Snow Plowing Eve parties, the Automobile A New Year brings with it new h < ^ , new plans and 1 yMterday ia wtec, 46, of Haaardvtlle. foimcr- of TTie Herald Monday. Legal Association (ALA) said new futfiBments. We all wish Mlc«. Mo ly^of RorfcvUle, le- Highway Superintendent Ern- Woronecki of Melrose; and a qj^ Colchester Rd.; Amston patient. drive home the other party- mientation of Ids expcrienoe as Tureck —An opportunity to stepbrotlier, Peter Krawiec of j^,,g q,, jg Donald B. and _____ last year after a piece of roads. Lakeside La. Is paved ADMITTED YESTERDAY ! gqyjpment got stuck and dam- and In good condition, although goers in his group. mayor for four years, and more identify rare trees In Ids new Enfield. Lillian G. Mattoon, loU 91, 92, opportunttilea to show Ida pgat as park superintendent, Funeral services will be held gjA and 92A Amston Lake and Napoleon Aubut. TS^ Birch 8t.| ^ggd last year because of the narrow. Mrs. Sarah Bartlett, 65 Helalne condition of a road In Rosedale Morra said that If one private dancing prowess. An Acting Highway Super- tomorrow at UO p.m. at the John C. Hamilton to Ralph GIl- Rd.; Emery Berube, Wlndsor- John I. Oandde —More intendent Herman Passcantell— Leete Funeral Hame, 125 Pearl man, Lawrence Michaud and The finance board, when asked road Is plowed, all should be, Humphrey Stops vllle; Paul Cavagnaro, 89 Tan­ to appropriate money for pulling and will be. If the board of fl­ chances to skirmish with the a minimum of snowfalls and a St., niooTwpsonvilte. Burial will William M. Christiana, lots 1 ner St.; Mrs. June Christensen, Democrat'.c minority, and lees maximum of equipment, be in St. Adalbert Cemetery, and 6 on Hope Valley Rd. out the truck and repairing It, nance agrees. They will be At Ivory Coast 36 Main St.; Mrs. Martha Cos­ asked the selectmen what the plowed only alter big storms, (Continued from Page One) need to abstain from votes. Budding Inspector Hiomas C. ThompsonviUe. Also, Arthur Strickland to grove, RFD 2. Manchester; Wliniam E. FtttzGerald — Monahan —Compliance with Friends may call_ at the fu- Lucille Fish, land on Wall St.’j highway crews were doing plow- however, not after a slight ac- to 4 Mrs. Victoria England, 81 Ar- Ine private roads in the first cumulaUon. all the "revoludonary" African More chances to okilnmlsh with „>nlng regulations by aU per- neral home today from 2 Lucille Fish to Anthony Syl- cellla Dr.; Mrs. Margie Hollis­ He Implored residents not to republics that lean more toward the RepubMcan majority, and g at St. Bartholomew ^completed a two-month deploy- health, education and welfarb, Board of Finance for a special toe Orange Bowl parade. Officials were privately en­ Church. The Rev. Edward La- ment to the Mediterranean werfe the other members of the couraged by Sihanouk's recogni­ Rose was celebrant. Paul Chet- aboard the provision stores ship Katzenbach committee whldh T tion that at least “small units” 1 elat was organist and soloist. USS Denebola. TTie ship visited) now formally goes out of exlnt- Tm JViPtl) t t a U G n of Communist troops have at Burial was in Rose Hill Me- ports at Naples, Italy, Rota, ence. times entered his territory, mortal Park, Rocky Hill. Father Spain and'M alta. TTie ship. The problem of future funding something he has denied in toe LaRose read toe committal serv- usually based in Norfolk, Va., for the private organizations past. The prince declcuivd In his ice. brought 3,(X)0 tons of fresh, has been handed to the larger press statement, though, that Bearers were John Malln, frozen and dry provisions to toe committee under Secretary of Infiltrated Meetings Set ‘Bomb Plot’ “there caimot be on our soH” Raymond Pitkin, Anthony sixth Fleet. State Dean Rusk. This group of any large-scale Communist Urban, Edward May, Donald J. prominent persons In and out of NEW HAVEN (AP) — ’Three They are Ronald Johnson, 26, Police Chief Francis V. Me- fuses and all toe “plastic ex- sanctuaries. Duffy and Peter Janaltls. The Prophets Will play for government has been meeting meetings infiltrated by state Curtis Belton, 22, Alonso Rus- Manus has described toe Inves- plosives possible,” Tiernan said, The American officios noted dancing tonight from 7:30 to 11 for months without arriving at a and federal undercover agents sell, 27, and WllUam Brooks, all tigatlon which led to toe ar- At toe third meeting, toe fed- also that Sihanouk had personal pjn. at the Teen Center. conclusion. last month produced an “organ- Negroes from New Haven, and rests as the most far-reaching eral officer was told that 46 praise______for Johnson,______and that he Ized plan” to kill police offlcl- James Cotter, 28, a white resl- conducted during hla IS years sticks of dynamite had already blamed toe S o i^ Uidon and Personal Notices als and blow up several build- dent of Guilford, formerly of as chief. been disposed of and that toe Poland for failure of the ICC to Ings, a state’s attorney says. New Haven, Shotgim-carrylng police s$ood organization had acquired anoto- do an adequate Job so far. Card Of Thanks State’s Atty. George Tiernan Tiernan confirmed Friday that guard this week at toe home of er 40 sticks and expected still The Soviet Union and Britain ‘Bitter Battle Rages said Friday the plotters planned several police officers were list- Mayor Richard C. Lee, at City another shipment, according to are cochairmen of the 1864 Ge­ W- of toe First New Haven and cers were on toe list. Extra custodians were as patliy shown us In our .recent be­ Dispite VC Truce ton, Russell and Brooks K3C, compoeef of Indian, Cana- reavement. We especially thank all Second National banks. The organization planning toe signed by city officials to each arraigned Tuesday in Circuit dlail and tivose wtio sent the beautiful flural memberai was tributes and Mass cards. (Continued from Page One) The bombings,____ _ , Tiernan con- bombings had all the money It of toe city’s three high schools court and are scheduled to be set up •'to su|)ervlae the agree­ Stanley Oialach Sr. and Funilly der arrest. He added there had firmed, were to be timed with needed, access to all too dy- and four middle schools, nor- put to plea Jan. 9. ment. IVashington haa long he was arrested by toe police, been no pressure from toe U.S. the first major snowstorm of namlte It needed, and all the mally protected only by a night cotter and John

•> r t k and none f e a r

I. u id J n n d

I W l - town IRanrlri^Btrr. E n t­ DEC. 30 thru JAN. 5 lEttienittd li^raUi ity to €n^ttitt9 Ifrrdli TV Shows nt. luper- itoU— and a Dramas to Beat By CmTHIA liOWmr Playhouse” did make a.promts- The result was that some of NEW YORK (AP) The year ^ start with an occasional the writers vdio had quit the 1987 has not been the greatert In dramaOc sh^. al- medium in fn istr^ and d^ “ though It was able to turn out spair, once again became inter- television history. It has been (jjj^ jnngrams dining the ested. Reginald Rose and Ix>r- notable primarily because xa.month period. .The determi- Ing Mandel have had their tele­ broadcasts of motion ptctures ^ develop once again plays “broadcast and_ are work- oiiginally made for theaters original television dramas may ing on second dramas. Tad Mo- domlnated the schedules of the ppove to have been the most sel, Gore Vidal and Paddy three major networks, consist- interesting event of the year. Chayefsky—long gone from TV ently attracted large audiences project was actually — are commissioned for future and generally raised hob with uiro years ago this week productions. CBS has used up the popularity a t TV programs ^ en the top CBS executives its first |800,000 and is now busl- which were opposite them. / the taped ly spending Ite second $600,000. n H. Some may speculate that the production of “Death of a Sales- “Most of the money went to « tings popularity of old movies stems man.” They realized it would new writers,” Dann said, “but when from the perennial problem in cause excitement, and decided the surprising thing is that we m ore television of maintaining a to try to develop some original found very few. Pinters and Al- ^ m s . steady supply of satiafying, plays. bees are hard to come by. But i V. meaningful drama. ABCs “We decided that dramas had we are still working with about i-week “Stage 67” which started out so to start at the typewriter,” re- 14 of them. But even Mandel I. optimistically in 1966 to help fill called CBS Vice President Mi- worked over his drama five or irm an this void, limped painfully into chael Dann. “We couldn’t do a six times before it was pro- 3 that oblivion at the season’s end. weekly dramatic ahow. From duced.” tbered But in the past year “CBS past experience we knew that Three original dramatic pro- e next about one out of eight shows ducUons in two years of work is — —- r ---- -— ------would be really good, and today almost insignificant in a medl- 'rancls a weekly series with that aver- um with such a voracious appe- dll not age couldn’t laat sU months.” tite, but "CBS Playhouse” is in the ______CBS set aside $600,000 lor now tooled up, has many proj- t town g B B r ■ i T T scripts, particularly earmarked ects in the works and two more I I B I I 1 Sm S for new writers. ’To the net- shows will be coming along soon irry — work’s surprise, the project has —Robert Crean’s “My Father [e and had the effect of luring back to and My Mother” on Jan. 29 and tch to televisimi some of Its most Ulus- Mosel’s "Secrete” early In Feb- > hlgh- No Glow trious dropouts. niary. “ CBS Playhouse” pays $25,000 What U hopeful about the proj- Qeno- NEW YORK (NXIA) — John {or each drama, about double eot is that it has drawn audi- y and Barthotomew Tucker is a total- tjie usual amount, and gives the ences of respectable size, re­ 3 once- ly improbable name tor the authors all'subsequent rights to ceived good noUces and satis- public master of ceremonies a day- the property, makes no de- fled the network and the spon- B r o e teitovM on s iH W . But ttien mands as to length, is careful sor. Dann thinks it’s greatest . Shea John Bartludomew ’Tucker is to- about the placement commer- success has been that It "caused IS, and tally Improbable In the role. cials and signs big stars to play excitement” and people talked sm out DJ) to how, daytime MCs have the leading roles. about the shows the next day.” teeth BO ivorylike you could play “Chopsticks” on them, sUck, black hair, and a persMiallty that even outg^ws the combined Ehijilish actress Lynn Redgrave in a puckish mood teeth and hair. on CBS’s “Carol Burnett Show” Monday at 10 p.m. Ive di- JBT has none of these. He’s zyk — plesant-looking but could be ipletion the neighborhood bairiier. He’s got personllty, intelligence and Edwin genuine wit, but IIS’ low-keyed. Johnny Cries Again to put His hair is blondish, and his Art Ckofonkel on teeth are all there, but unobtru­ Victor Boige with folk NEW YORK — Remem­ sold more than 4 million re- NBC’s “Kraft Music “ “ ay 9-10 pjn. cords since the inlUal press- Nicho- siv ely so. ber “The Little White Cloud that He was nevertheless chosen . Cried” and "Cry” ? Ings. pllance And when he takes the spot­ c-tanks by creative consultant Mark) Fifteen years ag^ they were L ew is Ito head A B C -T V ’s now • songs at the top of the music light for his numbers, another daytime game show, “Treasure charis and so was the singer Ray trademark, his hearing aid, ihes for will also be in evidence. , know- Isle,” which premiered Dec. 18 who recorded them — Johnnie icia l is from Palm'Beach Shores, Fla. ] R ay. “I’ve frequently been accus­ ne goal And it cost Lewis $25 to even The song^ also put Ray on a ed In print of using the hearing get to talk to talk to Tucker on global merry g^ ‘round, and he add as an attention-getting gim­ the telephone. • hasn’t been seen much around mick,” Ray said during a re­ -After a career as a school Hollywood for well over a de­ hearsal break at ABC’s Holly­ teacher, a pea vlner near his cade. He spent the time mak­ wood Palace Theatre. “It’s also native Ooudersport, Pa., a sU ing personal sqipearances, rang­ been said that I could get along salesman at Macy’s, a disc ing from Australia and New with a less conspicuous one. J.S. Jockey in such places as Spring- Zealand to South Africa and ‘‘They’re wrong on both One) field, Mass., Binghamton, N.Y., South America and including 12 counts. I’ve been deaf since I was 11 years old. And as for oUty for Baltimore and finally a televi­ tours of Europe. sion program in San Francisco, using a smaller contraption, it riolah(»i But he’s through with ^ b e JBT came to New York and Just won’t work. People tamlHar )s, they trotting, he claims, and has went to work ^or Channel IS, with hearing aids know that the ippy to stopped moving long enough to the local educatnonal station. smaller the instrument, the less id as a guest on the PhyQis DOIer-host- Came the station’s fund-raising the volume. I need all I can 1th the ed outing of ABC-’TV’s "The birthday party, which lasted for Hollywood Palace” airing Tues­ (Bee Page Two) a week, and JBT was seen con­ day 10-11 p.m . During the show stantly as cohost with people he offers “LitUe White Cloud” like Victor Borge and -Margaret and “ Cry,” the songs that start­ Truman Daniel. ed him on his way and have “My big line,” he says wry­ ly , “ w as ‘ 985-9940 is the tele­ phone number for pledges. Don’ t forg et thej area code is TEMPLE’S Carpet 212 if you’re outside the city. ^tamk In addition to saying that, I ft Floor Covoriag ELECTRONICS hosted a chess game. The shows ran about three hours LABORATORIES each for five nights. On Mon­ American Made day,’ the first nlg^t, everything Ceramic Tile Bathroom went wrong, but I’m ^ing to im e s 277 BROAD leave out most of the horror. ■ tely en- Anyway, I g^t a telejrfione call, ^ InstoUed Up Yo 100 reeognl- and it was Mario Lewis and he I* Sq. Ft. Material 11 units” STEREO arranged an audition.” have at W h at JIBT didn’t know was Armstrong Inlaid w n itory, that when Lewis telephoned, Linoleum Embossed TAPES id in the the operator would not put hkn and V inyls ed in his th ra i^ h


;e One) icare cov- P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80,1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30,1967 P A G E TH R E E S A T U R D A Y JC/ P R O G R A M Mornine M O N D A Y JO PROGRAM Educational T U E S D A Y JO PROGRAM UiM (>»4»4»> Tn GiU (0> "Danger at Ocean I>eep" to break up a bunco racket 1:8 (88) ntiabnsTH «a U o f T obb. 148 (8) Baal M ar thy B (8-a> Tha bvitefs (G> <•) n « B «3 |m <0> (O ) Oadaheat Qaddia but he dwcoyens a crime T V ^ <48> The - - 8:88 (848) Bat Patiol (O) TV Part I "Up Psrisoope" '88 (848) Danglss 8 Roy Thlnnea. Ttoceitt dJacov- The iB e y Bkaw much more serious than a 1:88 a> 1 Love the Bate are sent to reaooe LL Is ordared aboard sub to T h aate I T ers on old friend has been U :M -jrcluuqr Qb m * <0> »> Fmak MeOee simple confidence game. 1:48 (8) Oattaa BOM O a iw (C> Britiah ganeral take photographs ot Japanese- The FUatstones (O "programmed" by the aliens (S M M t) Cm I MoOm I <0> 18:88 (8) N F L Bast <0> (Monday — Friday) (884848) Sagar Bawl F ratM ed' tado ' ) desert 1 (IFBDB,Chauui24) held Mluid. James Gamer, Bd- MeHato’s Mavy with a ra ^ o implant (I> Aaurtoui <0) Championship Hi-Llghts. Oaiaa <0> inaad O’Brien. (C ) 8:88 ( ^ Big Pletsre 8:88 (8848) Tuesday Might at 1:M (I> The iM e Mtmgtm <€> (S)<$) 1The daehte Qleaaea Shew 11:88 (8d-48) News — qiarts From New Orieans, Loa An­ 848 ^ Aady OtUBIh Shaw (0 ) (88) FUm (88) Cambat Maries (O (M ) rUm WMUhBP (O) 6:68 (8) Msaeato af Carafert aaj geles State U vs U ot Wytontw (M B ) ib ia m I t aad (C> (88) At Hoara WHh KHty (48) The ~ "The Evil of Frankenstein” BM to M U:U <38dW News -Bperts Newseswe (848) N e ir iy i^ Gaasa W Howard Duff and gnesto Ghas. Guest Is Rita MeDmes ot 8:88 (88) _ ^ew n: Frank Fontaine, HS- 848 Jaha MeOBI Peter (bishing and Peter <88)> lalC lIa 8:88 (848) Baby Gaasa (0 ) Aldman and JemoM ------OathoUo Women's Qub. (48) Peter Jeaalags Mews (0> Woodthrope. Baron Franken­ Fred Leninir VB'jlm Stefftiuch Annatroog, Bert Kaempeil, (8) Festtral ef Hit* <*? Fun-ftUed game show feator- SgL Stone aad DeL (88) DIvareo Oasrt 8:88 (848) News — Sparto aad stein returns to his wrecked (O "Battle of the Worlds" (8) bunt Jealous hushaiid who '__ teS a sa lla m ^ lS M ^ ***’** *** (48) Tba Ih rittva W aateT (G) Jerry O d lW ' Repeat ot Deo. 88. 8:00 pm mountain castle In Karistaad News aal Wealber (C) Dr. Lendon smith . . 8:88 (8) FsatOy_____ - i IHalr (C) (8) 1 Leva Lacy (88) MeBale* Mavy (8 M »8 6 ) I M s f (Sbaw <0> (848)■ d ) PT^Isa ^ to a Phtoe (0) 648 Praaeh Chet *TT Commercial" 8:88 (8) Sparto — Mews aad Weath­ 8:18 (8) Good Morning WatM (0 ) Tbe Qaeit — BeM. CM- Featlyal erent on Miami's rockets... but not before (848) Oeaeral Haspital Bitoehe * (848) N . T f .D. (G) (Fla,) Blscayne Bouleyard. earth Is terrorised! ‘8L (S^Friaais at Mr. Oaaber (0 ) Devlooa Bsnrdar plan is set 8:88(8) Lave b A Maay Sptoad- er (0 ) (48) News, Weather a a i l ^ i t s (8) 8D- hdo motloa: Betiy tries to 7:88 Bspertai T Thualsd* DBA aied Thing (01 (48) OambfA "The Patriots" t:M CMtm B nrt <0> Raymond Burr and Anita Biy- "The Giant Leeches" (48) Dark Mtod g t* (O) ThSwaddlng a 18:88 (8) Mews Special (G> Post-Seaaoii FooUMUl Oeme. ant are commentators. To­ Ken Clark and Yyette Tickers. (8) Year Oammaaitr (0) (O (t e e r up B its: Bddie lasisto (8848-88) Days Of Onr Lives 8:88 (8) Ski B ^ S to fa i <8> <^lalB Kaagaiaa Jacksonyllle, Fla. hlJIghta w ill be on MonaSr, tures cause nayoc and murder (48) T w ee Btosges ed rtri. (848) The Mewlywed Game 8:18 (I ) News with Walter Gran­ (8) MIekey Mease 'T Love Mavln” ’6t 18:88 (8) O M BarasM « (O) 8:88 Tathibs (C> u le (0 ) Phyllis DlOer, guest hostess, Jerry Blayat glade*.' n (48) Maasters tographer who wants his (M8> Big Talley (C) 8:88 (8) Art Liaktoltor's Hansa (8) Peter Jeanlngs Newa (0) (8) Hap Blekasds Shaw (C> Baihara Stanwyck. (I t ) S a < ^ Seeirity In AeUaa Johnnie Ray, smgerdancer “MUaile to the Moon" <«•> DaMag Game <0) (18) Film chorus glri-friend on magar F a itr (0 ) Shari Lewis, The Siuidplpers. Richard Travla and Oathy SiM (M) . Neatewed Oame (0) U;2S (48) F ea tu e 48 (8) Oypar Base Lee Shew sine’ cover, Donald O’Oannor, (88) Saap Jadpaeal (0> Maaday, Jaaaaiy 1 (88«M8> The Daetars (0) (88^ Haalley-BrtaUey Ba- "Incredible Petrified World" Parade (0 ) d48 Msaumaat to a Dream 1:M (848) Mew* WIHiMarieBe Saa-^ 11:18 (8 8 88 8848) Mews — Sports ylea (B-M) Lawieaee Walk <0) ' 88. (88) Marv OrtfllB Sbaw ( (48) MeBala’ s N am lt:a (1M8) Bawl Oaaui BLUghto 8:88 What** Haw dan (0 ) 7:88 (8) After Dtaaer Mevto (G> and. Weather (C) "The Jdaan Story" Iiets Go te the Baeea 11:88 <8> Batarday Speetaealar (88) That Bests PUbUs Sbaw '4:46 (884848) Raao Bawl Fbatod ( 0 ) Repeat of 8:80 pm 8:88 (8) TS Ten The T n lh (0> "Belles on their Toes" ‘52. (88) Tam BweU Shaw “Beayen Knows, Mr. Allison" (48) Jack iJ ja a a e Shaw 11:86 (8) Tnesday Stori^ (C> Lany P w s portraja famoua • :M W Hana’s Herees (0) Game (0 ) U.-88(1 I 8I 8848) News — Sparto 748 dieebelies are Paepla (88-8848) A a a te r WatM (0> Sequel to "Cheaper by the entertainer but the aonsa are Marine Is stranded on an 8:U <8) Wally Gator (0) The Roots of the Problem (8-48) Oaaatal HaapMal Dosen” . Adventures of wom­ •The M ortllat” '67. Boganan learns that ia Gestapo 8:18 <8> Moke Beam far DaM y From Pasadena. CaUf. p of Mon who watches sternly over actually aunc by yolce of the official knows of his erolonage island wim a nun. Robert Bootb OOlfornia vs U of In- (88) Law Bad Mr. 7:18 BagUshTPael aad Foaey 8:88 (8) Maws (O) an who tries to keep her fam- late A1 JolaofL - Mltch:nn, jOiaborah Kerr. (C> (8) The Dattag Gama U:88 (8) Maaday Watiltl (C) 8:88 (8) The Dlek Taa Dyke 8 h «v Oy of 12 and her late hus- city's morals is actually a operation at Btalag 18 sad (88) FDm scoundrel and a lecher. T lt- S;M (M> HeaHh la T ear Fatare knows something of Manhat­ “Night is My Future" 5:88 (48) FUatotoaes (0 ) "A Dangerous Age" '88. 848 naaS^Oket (G) biutd's businem under control. 8:M ChamptoaaUp Beariinx Maf Zettorilng, Birger (48) Troasare Island Young couple la love have Teal Prince Oriott (884848) Tan Don’t Say (O) Mrroa Lay, Jeanne (brain. toria DeSica, Alberto SordL tan Project in OB. Malmsten ’6X 6:88 (48) News with Bab Yauag dimculty adJortiBg to worid 848 AaHeaes (8) Hr. Oaaber (C) (It) HnaUey-B^Uey Beport 11:18 (8848-88) TsaIgM Shaw (0 ) 4:M (11) Aa ScheeU Mateh WUa (8MI-S8> Batarday Night at Bess Myerson de­ and Its demsads, Ben Ploasa, Marine Art (48) Dash Shadaws (0 ) (G) Starring Johnny Carson & Maiy'a Hlth BobobI of the Maytes (O) New Tears Day 8:88 jt-W> Now* —Weather ^ (8-48) Jsey Bishop Shaw (O) Weatfleld challenge* the win­ "Something Wild" 18:88 (8) Taaiaameiri ef Ptoses Pre­ scribes the "Touma- Anne P drigoil 8:I8NJB.T. Jeaimd 4:88 (8) Tha Banger Andy Shaw (8)' TwflightTw flii laae view U :S « (888M8) Tsalght (0> April Is the Bad ot Summer (0 ) " W t o ^ ' 1:18 (8) News — Memento o f Cam- ner of Dec. 23rd. Carroll Baker and Ralph 8:86 ( I T ^ i t o — Now* aad W e i^ ment of Roses Pa­ Starring Jolu^ Cwaoa (i«> LePa O* (a the Baeea Meeker. Having stopped teen­ 18:88 <8> Catton Bawl Festival P a ­ er ^ (O) M48 RaeBal: Blehaid Prsvaet (8848-88) Tha Mateh Game (8 »«4 t. > . Mews, Sparto aad fart — Gnldapasto n d a (0 ) (88) Tsaiaamsat at Bsaas Guitar (0 ) W a ster (88) Oae O’ Glaek Report — (8) Nattejuri Haekey age assault ylcUm from tak­ (48) Oamkht rade” Monday 11:30 ing her life a young man at­ (88-88) King Oraage Jambaree 8:88 (8) Ski With Stoto <0> Parade (0 ) (48) Baaa t e Gtown (0 ) 7:88 (48) Dr. Albert Baikal (C> Sbn Off Loa Angdes Klnga ya Parade a.m. to 1:45 p.m. on From Fasedma, CkUfonila. 4 :H (894848) Mews (G) 7:88 (8848-88) I Dream Of Beaanlq M ) News Headllaes — US delphta n yers. tempts to oyercome hla lone­ “ Single UphlD Stem Christie” (848) Jaay Btobap tta w (O) Tuesday, Jaaaaiy 8 Air Fatee Bellgtoas Film aad liness by imprisoning her la Taped hi-Ughts of annual 8:88 (8) News with Walter CBS. PM 4:88 (8) B ig 8 Theater (848) Oantosn’ s CtorOlas (C) 'iS S - Aaaaal Shi^ Orange BowT FesUval event kite / (O) 18UW (8) News aad Waalher — Ma- "T h eN a va d a n " '60. Marshal 8:88 (884848) J e rn Lew b Show Sign Off (0> Sast-West Fastball Game (0) his dreary basement apart­ oo Miami’* (Florida) Blscayne 848 Dtoeaveiy assigned to recover stolen gold Gueat are Nanette Fabray 1:88 (8) Mews and W a o te r — Me Oldest of college all-atar foot­ ment (8) Peter Jeaalags News (O) menl o f MedUattoa aad Sign Bird Homes Boulevard that took place Sa­ (8) After Dtaaer Movie Oft eacountors danger and ro­ and S e n ^ FranchL meat e f Medttatton and Sign ball conteeta colorcast from 8:88 (8) Pettleaat JaaetlsB (0 ) Into leaving. turday night, Dec. 80. Bay- 7:1 (8) Tiuth Of Oaamqaeaees 8:88 7Vhat's New mance. Randolph Scott, Doro- 8:88 (I ) Red siceltoB Hear (C> O ff (C ) Candlestick Park. Ban Fran­ (8) Iraa Herse (O) 1:48 (88) News and Big* (Mf "BOUday For Loven" ,,'68. 7:88 (48) Dr. Albert Bufce (0 ) 1:88 (8) News — Maasaats at Oaos- Repeat ot 6:80 pet'i mond Burr and Anita Bryant Psychiatrist aad his wife try tort — Oatdapasto 7:08 Maaumeat to a Praam cisco. (48) Tsalght at Mayles 8:18 (8) News — MOmeat* sf Cem- are commentators. 7:88 (8M M 8) Mews (C) (88) One O’Olsek Bapart — I <8-M) Wide World of Starts "Fatal Desire" fsrt aad Galdepests to keep their daughter from Repeat of Deo. Sj 8:00 pm 11:88 (8-8848) Toananuat af Basaa getting nmaatlcallY Involved (8-48) O s itey la Africa « n O ff 748 n U t Nartsa Bevkws <0 ) Anthony <)ulim. Mai BrlU. '85. 8:18 (8) Momeat e f MedMattoa aad Parade (0 ) U8 A ir I (8) Thaaderblrda (0) l>etectiye Mannlg is assigned Blga O ff during lA tln Amerlcam tour, 7:48 (884848) Oraage Bawl Feat- (48) Naws Head 848 OsaaaetteBt Iscaa U ve coverage of 79th annual cnifton Webb, Jane Wyman, Game (0 ) Faroe BeUgtoas : 848 Baatoa Ilf mpbsaj Orahastra event from Pasadena, Chllf. Carol Lynley, Paul Henrold. Ficm1 iSaml,i . Florida. U of Oft Sen. Everett Dlrksen (R, HI.) is grand marshall. Lome Wedaesday, Jaaaary 8 Greene and Betty White are commentators. 8:88 Travd T te e M a^ of Mexico W E D N E S D A Y JO PROGRAM 8:88 WhaPs New 18:88 (8) CaadM Camera Repeat of 6:80 pm (S8-n-tt) Saap Jadgmeat (C> 1:88 (8) Best SaUar and Sbnon and Garfunliel. 11:88 (84.184848) Naws, Sports S U N D A Y JO PROGRAM 7:88 Mas he the Sea Threeim t program featuring and Weather (G) (8) P J > .«. (G Slora of Sealab H Part n "Up Periscope" (48 Daltag Game 7:88 A Osavsraattoa: James Gamer, Bdmund O'­ Borge, Idas Wdaon and Sbnon (88) Baslga O’Taale 7:88 (88) AgricaMare ea Parade S:M (8) O0 to See the Wbard (C in a dangerous swamp with 18:85 (884848) News____ (C) Fred Rogers aad Don Francks Brien (C ) and (terfuidcri In separate 11:86 (t) Wedaesday Starlight (C> 7:45 (8) Sacred Heart (48) Unas the Ucaheaitod InspectorctorBn' Brsklne ‘ and Agent . 18:88 (8) Hamemsker's MeVie 8:88 Nsws la Farspeettve (88) FUm penCormonceB. “Kangaroo” '62. 7:86 (8) Blga OB aad Prayer 8:88 (48) MUtoa the Moastor ColbyOolby hothe on his trail. (88-8848) OanceatrattoB (G> 8:88 BxMrimaat (U> At Heme mih Bitty (8-48) Wedaesday Night at Sailor becomes involved in a 8:88 (8) 'The Christophers 8:48 (U) "King of the Wild StoL (tA'a-tt) MethersJa-Law (C) (8 ^ ) Daaaa Beed Shaw O iudhood of the CSilmpansee Today's feature: Behlnd-the- Maries mistaken Identity misad­ (U8) TUs Is the Ufe Itoao” Bve Arden and Kaye Ballard. 11:88 (884848 Persaaallty (0) 8:88 N.B.T. Playbanse Bcanca of NBC-TTYs "High * *BouMsbout" venture In Australia. Richard 8:15 (48) This la the U fe George Montgomery and 8:88 (8) S m e a rs Bretaers Come­ (8-48) Temptatton Chaparral" Elvis Presley and Barbara Boone, Peter Lawford, Mau­ Tb6 flnnficmnr Stanwyck. Fmtuted in this (8) Adveatares •! Gamby Diane Brewster, dy Hoar (C) U:88 (8) News (C) Repeat of Dee. 88, 8:00 pm (88) DIvareo Caart . reen O'Hara. 8:88 (8) Davey aad Goliath (C ) 4:88 (8-48) “ Coach Bryaat: Alaba­ (8848-88) Boaaoaa (C) 11:88 (8 8 4 8 ^ ) HoByaraad Saaare* (48) The FluM ve V musIc-fUled romantic carnival 11:88 (8848-88) T t ^ h t Shew (C> (88) Boso the Clowa (C ) ma’ s B ear" (C) Lome Greene. R (8) Haw’s Tear Houei4^ 1:88 (8) As Tha Warid Tams (0) story are Joan Freenun. Leif (8-48) Joey Biskop Show (0 ) 8:46 (48) Dawa Bible lastttate (0> News doctunenlary special (8-48) Sunday NlaU Movie L a w f (€ ) Tkarsday, Jaaaary 4 (884848) Let’s Moke A Deni Bricksou, Sue Anne Langdon, 1:88 (8) Mew* — Momeats e f Com­ about Paul (B eer) Bryant, one "A Girl Named Tamlko" '63 18:88 (8) Love af Ufe (C> PM (C> others. 'M (C) fort — Goldonosto 9:88 Forest Baagers (C ) 8:48 Maa la t e Sea . 8:88 (S< He end She (C) 8:88 What’ s Maw (884848>l>nys Of Onr Uvea Paul agrees to negotiate busi­ Air Fkrce Bellgisns Film and 9:14 (48) Sacred Heart (0 ) Repeat of 6:80 pm ness deal for an Industrialist Sign O ff (0> 9:88 (St) From the CoUege 0:88 (8) Saadiw Movie Spaetoealor Orient. (O 18 :M (t> Searoh tor Tomorrow (O (G> "Deadly Companions" 18:88 (8) Mlsstoa: InumslUo (C) (88 88-88) Bye Gaes* (O) 7:88 A Oaavaraattaa; Frad Bsge'rs (L48) The Mmriywed OaoM and discovers assignment is a 1:86 (I) News aad Weather — Mo­ Campas <0) aad D m Fraaeks front for on IntemotloiuU pow­ ment of Medltotloa and Sign Wesleyan University Maureen O’Hara and Brian (8848-88) HlghiOhaparnd (C) (48) OIri lU k (C) Keith. Crooe-country funeral Ijo if Erickson and Cameron 18:46 (8) OaidlBg Light (0) 8:88 (8) Art U aU eltor’s Hansa er struggle. (d) o n (8) The Christophers (C) procession Is dance-hall host­ MitcheU. 7:88 MaUag Thtogs Grew Piute (Q (St) Uaele Waldo (C) 18:86 (S»48-S8> Newo (C) 848 WasMwtoa; Weak in Review (48) Insight (C) ess' desire to prove legitimacy U:88 (8484848) News — Sparto aad H • Wa Bnwmpdm VwrtmSm (S8-»-88> The Doeton (C| of son when he's accidentally Weather (C) BELAFONTE HOST (8-48) The B a lv Game (0 ) 18:88 (8) Lamp aato My Feet shot by gumnan who then es­ 11:16 (8) TO be ABBOBaeed 8:88 Can We A t M Haaest Asaaa- 8:88 (848) G U M i^ pactor (G) (8) Dialogae sa n r, "Juvenile Ckmrts'' Part B R corts her thru Apeu^he terri­ 11:88 (8) New Year’s Bye with Qay Harry Belafonte will substi­ 8:88 (t> Ta Ten The Tm th ( a tory. '62 (C) Lambarda (0) tute as host on NBC’s “ The To­ (l»4S-88> AnaUer Wtorid (0 ) (88) Chalice of SalvatloB (28) AFX ChamploBsUp Gome (8) New Year's Bve at tbe (8-48) General Haspital (88) King Leonardo night Show Starring Jerfinny Car- Friday, Jaaaary I (48) The Christophers (C) From Oakload, CoUf. Park Plasa 8:88 (S> Nasrs (C) 18:88 (3) Look Up and U ve Oakland Raiders vs Houston (88) ChaaglBg Times son’’ the week of Feb. 5. 8:81 Travel Tlase 8:88 (8) The Dlek Vaa Dyke Shaw ‘Gimsmoke’ Is Up (8) VidIcoB Oilers £M) Saaday Night Tsalght of Mexico (G) "ItUernatlonal Zone", "The (48) Tear Bad Bevlew Show (O) (8848-88) Tan Daa’ t Soy (C> NEW TOR K (AP) — The tele- ie night — Monday from 9 to 11 Umbrella Man" 6:88 (48) Iroa Herse (C) 18:88 (88) Peter GBaa SYLVANIA .:88 5ffiS^ ““ (8) Mr. Oaaber (G> (38) Btenud Ught (C> 8:88 (8) 81st Ceatary (C) "Send a ‘niter’ (48) D oik ttadaws (0> vialon (xnneback story of 1967- EST — to its schedule next Sep­ (48) Faith for Today (C> 6:88 (8) Bat Maatoraoa (48) Feat(u « 48 PUNNING FOR 7:88 ^ ^ fsatlaa’8ntk**toeld 4:88 (8> The Baager Aady Bbsw 68 has been the strong riiowlng tember. Cbiirently each network "Ledger of Guilt" "Carnival of Souls” FM and AM RADIOS TSyabee (C) 11: (3) Camera Three -(C) (48) Part Time at the Baces Candace MflUgoen, Sid Berg- . Hl*toiy aad the Hlatoriaa (8988-14) The Match Game of CBS's "Gunsmoke” in the has two prime time movie (8f Civil Defense Fentnn Film 6:45 (8) Great Maaie REHREMENTf 7:88 Warid From Review (C) eariy Monday evening time nights a week. (88) CniMUlInn Sports Film 7:88 (8) Lassie (C) 18 :S8 (9) FesUval of Hits 8:88 Craaitve Persia (48) JBoaa t e Gtowa (C> "Slci West” and ^'Hlgh Riders" (8-48) Voyage to Bottom of "(ausen Kane" Orson Welles W elte Fischer 4:18 (894848) Mews (0 ) spot. It was actually cancried It has long been aintlclpated (C ) ’ Boa (O) and Joseph Gotten. Cn]oy fami^r pretoetian wMto 8:88 M .B ^ Flashaase 8:88 (8) Big 8 Theater at one point, but was given a that one of the networks would (38) Sacrifice e f the Maos The notorious pirate Black- (40) Bnllwlnkle (C) 1:88 around new-born triplets, or­ duction of two-hour films aim­ :45 (88) Sacred Heart Program row — A behind-th04cene Ferae Bellgtoas Film aad Blga 1S9 (48) MeHala’a Mavy phaned at birth, suggest that ed at the television market. NBC I (8) We BeUeve (C) look at newet attractions at Read Herald Ads 8:88 (88) Dtoeavaitag America O ff (o Mountain the character of the long-play­ Protestant "Churches Make Disneyland fronv first sketches 8:48 (8) Newa — Mameato s f Com- Rood (88) Oambot presumably will step up produc­ News" to completion. tort aad Ontdepesto _ (48) The FUatstones (C> ing aeries — once the prototype 649-48S0 tion of Its “Worid Premiere” (8) OplaioBated Man 8 :t » (8) Bd SalUvaa Show (0 ) 8:68 (8) Newt sad Weather — Mo­ 8:88 (18) Lndlas Day A of tbe "adult Western” — has Dr. Julius Landwlrth of Yale (8A8) The F3.I. There was Doc, a colorful cur­ for subsequent theater release. (80) The Chiiatophen CHICKEN (88) wigMigai- mudgeon with a heart of soft (88) ChampioBalilp BewUag Metropol i s life Totn e X o n a a d guests. (C) - ft ^ A INSTANT Brown in 6 IHnatoa (88) MoBales Mavy gold, carrying on about sending (SO) Blag Aroand the World 848 (8) Sports — Mews aad Wentk- the tables to “ the asylym.” And (40) Manstera SS8 Etwt Center St j TIm world’s “daeat eatlu' CHILDREN’S FILMS • » (0 ) Kitty, once the swinging owner I (80) The U vlag Word Bianohester I EARNINGS riUtdraB" wltfc tnnnmparatlin (48) Combat 1 (80) Feeas Johnny Cries A gain S AV IN G S 6:28 (8)- Ski~uwfiia (0) of a Dodge City tar, was help­ “The Children's Film Festi­ I (8) Face the Natlea (C) taste. "SkinW n _ (and B ^ •’ klto (0 ) mulas for the children. Marshal neaaon Fcft>. 4 on C B S. F U fn « (88) Jewish U fo part of sleep.” ' RANGE and DRYER from day of deposit Pick Up 10 BUmrirn Later (S> Pater Jennings Mews (O) Dillon never once <)rew a gun. scheduled this season | include (40) MagiBa OoriUa g e t." (88) Mew HariaaM Asked if he. has ever turned And the character of Featus, the > (8) Te be AanoBBeed Johnnie has never forgotten WIRING SERVICE 4 tbnes yearly. (8848) Hnaltoy-ltilnkley Be- “Testadlrapa” (Italian), “Fim- (8888-88) Meet the Frees (C) his aid off at parties or during part (C> manbal'p oomtosil aldelldlck, ny Stories” (Russian) and "The (8) Way Oat the silent years of his childhood. Service Changes. Complete Rfginnra ' 8i,8fT riuAaaiAk laaTivaTiai. DECI’S DRIYE-IN 8:48 (88) News "The Antkeepor”. This new conversations, he replied with seems ^ have be<»me more Im- Goal Keeper Also Lives On Our In 1962 he established the John­ wiring InstaUnttons tat OM 1007 MAIN ST., BCANCHE8TER a ROUTE SI, CXIVENTRT 448 CENTER 8 T. dU 8068 7:88 (8) What ta Tha WatM (0 ) (xdor film produced by Luther­ a sly smile. “Now you’ve got Tton ray, Finland and Swe- portant’in the series since It has Street” (Czechoelovaldan). The an Church of America will nie Ray Foundation for the and New Homea aad Bosl- me.' That’s the only advantage.” been aimed — very successfully series will repeat three popular make up moat of program. It Deaf, which supplies hearing (^ ) Haattoy-MaUsy Bapart is a searching commentary on — at young audiences. films from last year: “Skinny clvUlaation today. aids to children and adults who Electrio Heat InstaOstlons. (t> TwUhte laae MORE MOVIES and Fatty’’ (Japanese), “The (48) Amerleaa Itoadidstaad are not able to afford them. "Worid Difference" 1:88 (8833) larotEka (O) TURNPIKE Every night will be movie The work of the foundation ‘ROBIN HOOD’-DATE 1 I d,” MANCHESTER 748 (48) Dr. Albert Bathe gtcal dig In the Jordan Talley a mufitcai for beknriaion, wUl TEXACO 7sS8 (8) Lest ta Spnea (0 ) NBC announced Tuesda)r it (British). Kukla, Fran and Ol- that may give worid better tm- er’s travels. Lond(^'s Ewing be televised by NBC on Feb. 18. <^MO 24 H o u ^ A Day (8942-88) The T ltrialaa (G) would add another feature mov­ Be w ill continue vm the hoirte. I derstandlng of BIblloal l^tory. Society for the Deaf and the James Drury and Doug Mc- . (8) Oemmeato aad People St. Louis Institute for the Hard David W ats(» has the title role. OLDSMOBILRS CtUK. (38) Saaday Attoraoea at Others appearing are Douglas ^ ■-1------^ ------■- Firestone Tires (948) (C) Mavlea of Hearing are among the many Voar wlQllllOMiB WCMI Wayne MAimder. Oister It ’’Onoe Upon a Time" Gary Fairbanks Jr., Noel Harrison fine organisations that have Qndlity Line Prod nets tra p ^ by four Sioux braves AUTOMATIC " Grant benefited from It. and Roddy )( 24 H O UR CUSTOM ER S E R V IC E — 649-3701 Cameron Mitchell and Teresa an Insomniac. When I remove “The Art Game,” a documen- ComRr Broad an^ 8:88 (S' Green Aeres (O) W right ELEC1RICAL CO. (884848) Kraft M ^ HoU 51 BISSELL ST. (48) The Bestlea It at night after wearing it all tary on art sales Hnd specula- Beatdenttal-Conun.-bd. NEW or USED Middle TTtake. ~Wc 8:88 (8) N FL CKamptoasUp Game day, the stillness is really tom, wtU be broadcast in the M 94U17 — 64S-U88 iP h a iMm 6 4 ^ 2 1 7 4 ‘ ^Trio for T C n ii^ " LT aWOODCO. Plume 643-1129 < C ) VIotor Borgs, itaiicy Wilson (48) Peter Totoaias Jarring," he explained. "People spring, NBC has announced. PAOB FOUR MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER COJfN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30,1967 THURSDAY JU PROGRAM 1:M <» Best fldler B:M (M> This to the Life (•> Thenday Night Ib tte Fart n “Up Periscope”. <>•> Cemhat "Music Man” Psit L Bobert James Omnier, Edmond O’­ (4»> The .Tllststoaiis Newi — Sparta a at t:M Sergeant FHdb and OfUcer The TUgitive Thil Siren Shew Gannon invMugate leader of a psychodeUe cult who Is sus- 1:M <1) Am The Werid Toms (C> T o ia cS8«*aad guests. pettod of selUng oaccotios to (IM M t) Let’s Make A Deal (t> I Lsve Laejr Betty confeasea her part In X:M t;U (!) SU Witt Stott kicked out of his rooming (X»n-SS>DBre Of Oar Uvea "Slnale Mambo Turn” house and violenoe erupts at (C) • :W < » News Waller Graa- the m ill. The Mawljrwed Oama (0) lW:tW (M4LM) Deaa Marita Shew <0 ) <•> Peter Jeasttss News (C> (G) t:M (I) Alt LiaUattar’a Basse pert (C) (S> TwIHght Zeae (S-M> The Baby Game i News ■The Bard” X :U <8-W> ChUdiea'a Daetor (O > ( » The World ef LewaU Them- (4W> Alfred Hlelheeek S:M (S) Ts Tan The T n lh as (0) "31st of Febmaiy” (M) HsaUey^rttkley Bepert ll;tt (SW-tSWMW) News, Sperto aad (S^> Oeaaral HeapHiiI Weather (0) S :U (S) News (0) <8>.TsrlIlght Zone (3W> Honey West S:M (S) ’The Disk Vaa Dyke Show “Fttoe to Tistt” ll:tS (3) Thnrsdny S tarlit Yea Don’ t Bay (C> Weather (G) Warlike ruler seeks the hand (S) X t. Gaaber <0> I (4P> Itt. Albert Barfce of a beauty in the enemy Dark Shadows (0 ) I (S) d s t t m a S l ^ (G> camp. Jack Falance, Eleanore 4 :N (t> The Baager Andy Show OPdX-M) Daaiel BMae (G> Roesl-Dmgo. The Xateh Game (S) Batmen (0> Kent Smith, Alesander Boos. <0 ) <4t> FItatotonea (G> L1:SW (t»«-M > Tealght Shew (G) (4S) Base the Clawa <0> I (»4e> n y ta g Nan Starring Johnny Chmon. 4:U ((MSdS) News ‘ ToB io's MoiheT'’ (8-4W) J e e r B tih w Show (G> 4;M Big S Ibeatar Salhr Field 1:W (8) News—Messeim of O mbm- ' A1 JenniinPB o f OkfahomaT I fort aad Gsldepeete Lawyer turned bcuidit plans ' Baymottd Burr. San Francis­ (SS) One O’ Cleck Bepert aad one more Job before going co Police Department asks Stta O ff straight Dan DoryeiL Gale Ironside to l^esUgate when (4W> News Headittes, VS Air Storm, DMc Foran. ’fit Uie "CMef of StafT of a Fsree BeHgtoas FDm aad Stgn (8-n> Mike D eailae Shew self-aiqiataited patriot’a rl- Off 3:46 (3) Newi and Weather (0) It. y (W) West Felat gUante oiganlsatian is killed. (M) The niatatoaet (MW) BewUeked McHale’s Navy Elisabeth Montgomery. Sign O ff

PhyttiB Diller, hostess on ABC's ‘The Hollywood Paiace" Tuesday 10-11 pjn. Johnny Ray is a sfuest. FRIDAY PROGRAM I (S) Best 8«dler I (3) Friday NltM Mavles Part IV "Up Periscope”. "Music lIan’’^Piut n. RobL Week^s Highlights Jomea Gamer, Edmond O'­ Preston, Shiriey Jones. (0) Brien. I (364646) AceUeatal Faarily (36) FUm (G) TODAY: "Ibe Jackie Clear as guest, 1-1:30 pan. on NBC (33) At Heme WBh Kitto Jerry Tan Dyke. Today’s feature: “Hat of the (646) O b b s at WUI Sanaat (G> Shomr," a New Tear’s oelebra- . . . "Coach Brynnt: “Ala- Week** "What's In a NameT” 1:36 (3) As The WaiM Taras News special waminlng futum 7:S0rS:30 p jn . on OBS . . . on ABC . . . “TTie Jazz of Dove (36Z346) Let’s Blake a Deal in space as it can be predicted "Saniertliing Wild” (1961), with Bnibcck,” the pianiBt italking (G) by scientists today. (6) I Lave Laey (646) Jadd tar the Defease OaoToU Baker as a gM held cap­ and playiitg, 6-6:30 p.m. on OBS S:M (i) Lave b A Maay Bplead- (G) tive tn an aporitmeRt, 6-l!l:lS . . . Chekhov’s “The Wedding,” aied Thttg (G> "Fall of the Skyttric” Fart I performed by lUie Milwaukee (36-33-36) Days Of Oar Lives The Trial. p;m .on NBC. (G) (34-334646) News — Weather SUNDAY: "Observation ’67: Bcpentory *rheatre, 7 pm . on (646) The Game aad Sparis (0) (0) (36) Btohaid Diamaad ’nme of Anguish, Tear of Ac- Channel 24. 3:36 (8) Art LttUettor's Haase MONDAY: ‘‘Cotton 'Bowl Fes­ Paihr (G) (3) Friday Eyeelaeriar tiion,” a reOlgtous review o f the ddWd) The Daetors « slaves tn bttiily.de- NEW TORK (NEA) — Carol sort ot>a dlngallng," and she veloped masses of bo<^es8 WYMAN o n . CO., Inc. - r A CAR Burnett may have turned up delivered the line a la Bume^tt. brains. 24 MAIN ST. another Carol Burnett on her CJarol and Vicki are the same (46) Honda (O) CBS show this year. ’Hie gill size, and. can wear eaerf other’s STEREO playing her sister is a multi­ clothes. In fact, Vicki plots teen- talented comcdienne-singer-dan- agedly: "I saw the wildest ca- Don WILUS Garage cer named Vicki Lawrence, and pnilB, but 'they’ro 3190, so I’m go­ SPECIALISTS IN RADIOS she is impressing everybody ing to try to talk c:arol into buy­ WHEEL ALIGNMENT A N D with what she can do—and she/s' ing them, then she can wear m tA K ic SER VICE GENERAL AUTO m m d a im TV-Rndlo Sales and Servloe only 18. them once on the show—and She’s always been told that then give them to m e." 649-45S1— 18 MAIN 8 T„ BiANGHBaTBB

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