Elllaphore Numbers • Newsletter of the Rochester NY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society
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January 1997 ( TheS Volume 39 elllaphore NumberS • Newsletter of the Rochester NY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society • Mystery Photo - Can you identify it? h -, program for Janyary 16t ; This is a 'true' mystery. Lynn Heintz found - 50,000 (100%) ""t}€)qu ~f) the negative among the effects of a former NYC employee. The location and dale are .& ~[l~1J)}3 NOT kno\m - but we would like to know! ~"" The nearest car appears to have these mark- _ 40,000 (80%) ! Presenter: Chris Hauf ings: NYC & Harlem, # 54190. The time appears to be around the turn of the century: ~ A pictorial re-.;ew of the Rochester & Genesee mode of transportation was bicycles and the Valley's Silver Anniversat). Celebration of the ~ ladies wore long dresses. An embankment, acquisition of the Industry Depot last July. and possibly water, is suggested on the left +$28,377 Also some other highlights of the operations of (57%) side. The tracks in the foreground are i the R&GV RR Museum. apparently sidings. (The 'break' in the .~ For fun, wear )'our Silver Anniversary T-shirt foreground tracks is from the scanner ntis- - 20,000 (40%) ~ to this meeting. matching the two scans; there are no 'breaks' ~ in the photo.) g:j Program Committee If you can identifY this wreck, please call - 10,000 (10%) JackMatsik(Chairman) 442.Q269 Bill Limburg 586-9470 Lynn at 768.Q984 (p.O. Box #190, Bergen, DanCosgrove 352.Q931 NY 14416). Also let your editor know for • DaveLuca(Boardliaison) 288-<>318 future publication (544.Q22l). 1 January 1997 Page 2 The Semaphore , Year En ParB: Jan 11 A 50-year Milestone: Edward Membership Committee M. Van Leer R~orl •• Hope you are planning on attending Thomas A. Way, C~ another fabulous Year End Pany. at the Edward M. Van Leer has been a depot on Saturday, January 11. The continuous member of the National Welcome to these new Members: party wiU start at 3 pm for those who Railway Historical Society since 1946: David L Berner may not wish to drive in the dark. 50 years! 14 Kimberly Rd However, festivities will go weUinto the Mr. Leroy S. Dietrich, Chairman of the Pittsford, NY 14534 evening with opportunities for some Board of NRHS has sent Edward a 385-0715 night photo shots as weU as visiting and leiter. Soon, Bob Miner, our Chapter's riding our trains (weather permitting, National Director, wiU present Mr. Van J. Keith DrysdtJle & Teresa Baerman and it takes reaUy bad weather to keep Leer his gold NRHS 50-Year Member- 58 Cambridge Rd our crews from operating). ship Pin. Bob made the announcement Hilton, NY 14468 392.5558 Reservations are requested. Call Rand or at the December meeting, but Edward Marge Warner at 425-8586. The cost is was not able to attend. S4 per person. Please: adults only, no A. J. Tony Leib 205 Keyes Rd children. E. Rochester 100th Honeoye FaUs, NY 14472 Member looking for early Anniversary Committee 533-1204 depot pics looking for photos During the summer of 1997, East Roch- Arthur P. Mummery Chapter member, Mary Hamilton-Dann. 15 Campus Dr is seeking visuals of four early Roches- ester will be celebrating its looth year of incorporation. Since the viUage grew Rochester, NY 14623 ter depots: mainly because of the presence of the 334-4053 The Tonawanda Railroad Co., cU. 1836. NYC's Despatcb Car Shops, the theme of the celebration will center on rail- Mark & Elaine Philippy Auburn & Rochester Railroad, cU. 7 Caraway Lane 1832. roads. Spencerport, NY 14559 Lehigh Valley RR: its first depot on Among the photographs we would like Griffith SI. extension cira. 1892.93. 352-3613 for displays are any sho"ing the Des- Pennsylvania RR terminal on West patch Sbops and also the icing platform! Membership TaU,.: Avenue (near Buffalo Road?) Regular thru Rochester: 216 • facilities. Mary was the author of the recent article Local; National elsewhere: 9 on the "Manchester Wreck" that ap- Our contact person is Chris Hauf, 28 Family: 34 peared in The Bullelin of NRHS. Candlewood Dr, Pittsford, NY 14534. Total: 259 Phone 716-381-8583. Chris provided Her phone number is 546-H 37 and ber the effective display in the baggage car. address is 10 Manhallan Square Drive, Sympathies are Extended 12-C, Rochester, NY 14607. Stillwell Exterior Panel Our thoughts are with Cal and Rose J:....a.stCalls ... For ticketing Amtrak Installation Done Bulman, in the recent loss of Cal's or VIA trips through VIP Travel (4~- The last of the new e.':terior panels was father. Many of us had the opponu- 7100) to benefit the Restoration Build- placed in position on Saturday, Decem- nity to meet and talk "ith Howard ing Fund. The deadline is Feb. I. ber 14. Bulman over the years. To receive a discount on your Work continues in making window We are saddened to repon the death Chapter's dues. Again the deadline is replacements, installing insulation, and of Louise SChulmerich. Sbe. along February I. forming cur•.ed panels for the interior of "ith her husband, Leonard, have the car. been members of the Rochester Another call for volunteers Chapter for just a year. for train shows Thanks to the dedicated tearn of Cbuck Whalen, Bernie Cubill, Rick Israelson, As a pan of the Development Commit- Dave Behnke and others. tee objectives, the Chapter would like to Coffee cans needed staff a membership table at the uain \JV :EIO.A"X" :EIOA "p- Empty metal coffee cans of 1# and 3# hobbist shows. If you can assist. please "PE:LVED X:LVFEB- sizes are needed for various projects call Jeremy Toke at 359-8944 or write R."U.AFl.Y".~D37? the depot. Drop them off anytime near to him: 14 Robinwood Tr., Rochester, That was the month that the Rochester the rear doors when you are in the NY 14623. Chapter of the National Railay Historical vicinity. Include lids if available. Need belp for Febnao. & April shOWS Society was chartered! The Semaphore' January 1997 Page 3 ( The Year 1996 In Review Provided air supplies for all shop areas. this 1997 winter. Motive Power Put air brakes on MaderMobii track motor car and trailer car #3, and put Obtained new main reservoir for RG&E into operational service. #1941. Acquired and put into service Ford Rand Warner, Chainnan, 425-8587 Pumped out and strained ruel on NKP Hi-Rail boom/dump truck. #79 and EKC 11(,. Visitor Operations Major Accomplishments for Worked on sander equipment for LV 1996 #211. Developed expanded operations manual and conducted training classes prior to Track Right-of-way Touched up paint and trim on EKC 11(,. season opening. Replaced mitch stand timbers and re- Rewired block heaters on Army #1843 Gandy Dancers Day for visitors, featur- built mitch throws for all four mitches for 22Ov. atNYMT. ing track work demos, special displays, Converted all locos to common plugs for and special videos presentations. Reclaimed excess ballast on ties for block heaters. remainder of main line from Switch II(, Developed 1997 theme year display to Reid's Crossing. Passenger Equipment featuring Rochester area railroad indus- try suppliers. Reinforced all curves and mitches at Completed installation of all new steel NYMT end with gage rods and regaged panels on entire east side of Erie Expanded pool of tour hosts to handle frog areas as necessary. Stillwell coach. increased tour activities. Completed work on Switch #7 and Rehab of Pine Falls kitchen and lounge Train Operations areas and polishing of windows. began Siding #7. Developed expanded track car training Signals, Communications & Power Set up DL&W baggage car with attrac- manual and conducted training classes • tive displays to be an integral part of our prior to season opening. Installed forms and concrete for relay visitor experience. cases at top of hill for signal blocks. Conducted crew training classes, rule- Leased out MU car for LA&L Chamber book, instruction, hands-on e>.l"'rience, Completed permanent block signal wir- of Commerce special. and testing for locomotive hauled train ing in relay cases for hill block. Freight Equipment operations. Extended track bonding north of Switch Restored one side and two ends of B&O Review, edited. published and distrib- II(, and excavated and set forms for uted new rulebook. semaphore. bay window caboose in final paint scheme and lenering. Expanded pool of track car operators to Extended power distribution system to handle three sections of track motor cars new stanchion at base of hill. Rebuilt interior and repaired wTcck damage on exterior of Penn-centraI and trailers. Extended permanent wiring in conduit transfer caboose. Primed e>.1erior. Heavy Equipment to semaphore for hill block. Restored one side of MDT reefer. Fea- Received and put into service Austin- Submitted and renewed license for FCC tured icing operations demo for visitors Western 6-ton yard crane. and upgraded radios. using I ton of real ice. Rebuilt steering on Ford fork lift and Tool Car & Shops Maintenance of Way Equipment put back into operational use. Created new area with workbench for Rehabbed Fairmont track crane and Received Mack DM IO-wheel diesel Signal Dept boom car and put into operational cement truck and began rehab/conver- Installed new 4-drawer cabinets for service. sion for multi-purpose use. materials storage. Completed RoeMobiIe track motor car Received and put into service Mack Reorganized all materials stored in De- and Barb Richards trailer car #3 and put 6-wheel diesel dump truck. into operational service. pot baggage room. Construction Put new roof on Kershaw snow broom • Rehabbed NYC FIexivan trailer to sup- Cleared land and graded north along and prepared for operational service for port heavy equipment west side of LA&L Mortimer line 1 The Semaphore January 1997 Page 4 I another 200 feeL Formed Development Comminee and George Knab, Art Mununery and Joe began to establish goals and philosophy.