Amendment to the List of Regulated Living Organisms Under the Invasive Alien Species Act

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Amendment to the List of Regulated Living Organisms Under the Invasive Alien Species Act Amendment to the List of Regulated Living Organisms under the Invasive Alien Species Act Before 1. Animal Kingdom Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Order Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Hestina assimilis excluding Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Hestina None H. assimilis H. assimilis shirakii Cerambycidae Aromia Aromia bungii None A. bungii Neolucanus angulatus Neolucanus baladeva Neolucanus giganteus Neolucanus katsuraorum Neolucanus maedai Lucanidae Neolucanus None Neolucanus maximus Any species of the families Bolboceratidae Neolucanus perarmatus Ceratocanthidae Diphyllostomatidae Neolucanus saundersii Geotrupidae Glaphyridae Coleoptera Neolucanus tanakai Glaresidae Hybosoridae Neolucanus waterhousei Lucanidae Ochodaeidae Any species of the genus Passalidae Cheirotonus excluding Plecomidae Cheirotonus None Yanbaru Long-armed scarab Scarabaeidae (C. jambar ) Trogidae Scarabaeidae Any species of the genus Euchirus None Euchirus Any species of the genus Propomacrus None Propomacrus Insecta Any species of the genus Bombus excluding B. ardens ardens B. ardens sakagamii B. ardens tsushimanus B. beaticola beaticola B. beaticola moshkarareppus B. beaticola shikotanensis B. consobrinus wittenburgi B. deuteronymus deuteronymus B. deuteronymus maruhanabachi B. diversus diversus B. diversus tersatus Large earth bumblebee B. florilegus Apidae Bombus Any species of the genus Bombus (B. terrestris ) B. honshuensis honshuensis B. honshuensis tkalcui B. hypnorum koropokkrus B. hypocrita hupocrita B. hypocrita sapporensis B. ignitus Hymenoptera B. oceanicus B. pseudobaicalensis B. schrencki albidopleuralis B. schrencki konakovi B. schrencki kuwayamai B. terrestris B. ussurensis B. yezoensis Argentine ant or Tropical Linepithema fire ant None L. humile (L. humile ) Red imported fire ant None S. invicta Formicidae (S. invicta ) Solenopsis Fire ant None S. geminata (S. geminata ) Little fire ant Wasmannia None W. auropunctata (W. auropunctata ) Asian black hornet Vespidae Vespa None Any species of the genus Vespa (Vespa velutina ) Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Order Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Any species of the genus Astacus Astacus Any species of the family Astacidae Astacidae excluding the genus Astacus and Atlantoastacus signal crayfish (P. leniusculus ) Austropotamobius Signal crayfish Caspiastacus (P. leniusculus ) Pacifastacus Any species of the families Rusty crayfish Astacidae, Cambaridae, and Orconectes Any species of the family Cambaridae (O. rusticus ) excluding O. rusticus , zarigani Parastacidae Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae (Cambaroides japonicus ) and red All genera of None swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii ) Cambaridae Any species of the genus Cherax Cherax Any species of the family Parastacidae Parastacidae excluding the genus All genera of None Cherax Parastacidae Any species of the genus Varunidae Eriocheir Eriocheir excluding None Any species of the genus Eriocheir Japanese mitten crab (E. 2. Plant Kingdom Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Alligatorweed Any species of the genus Amaranthaceae Alternanthera (A. philoxeroides ) None Alternanthera (including stems and roots) Floating marshpennywort or Pennywort H. bonariensis Any species of the genus Apiaceae Hydrocotyle (H. ranunculoides ) H. umbellata Hydrocotyle (including stems and roots) Water lettuce Araceae Pistia (P. stratiotes ) None P. stratiotes (including stems and roots) Water fern Azollaceae Azolla (A. cristata ) None Any species of the genus Azolla (including stems) Lanceleaf tickseed Coreopsis (C. lanceolata ) None Any species of the genus Coreopsis (including roots) Senegal tea plant Any species of the genus Gymnocoronis (G. spilanthoides ) None Gymnocoronis (including stems and roots) Compositae M. micrantha Mikania None Any species of the genus Mikania (including roots) Tracheophyte Cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia (R. laciniata ) None Any species of the genus Rudbeckia (including roots) Madagascar ragwort Senecio (S. madagascariensis ) None Any species of the genus Senecio (including stems and roots) Bur cucumber Cucurbitaceae Sicyos None Any species of the genus Sicyos (S. angulatus ) D. intermedia Droseraceae Drosera None Any species of the genus Drosera (including stems and roots) Parrotfeather Any species of the genus Haloragaceae Myriophyllum (M. aquaticum ) None Myriophyllum (including stems and roots) Large-flower primrose- Onagraceae Ludwigia willow None Any species of the genus Ludwigia (L. grandiflora) A. arenaria Ammophila None Any species of the genus Ammophila (including roots) Poaceae Any species of the genus Spartina Spartina None Any species of the genus Spartina (including stems and roots) Water speedwell Scrophulariaceae Veronica (V. anagallis-aquatica ) None Any species of the genus Veronica (including roots) Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Order Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) After 1. Animal Kingdom Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Order Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Hestina assimilis excluding Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Hestina None H. assimilis H. assimilis shirakii Cerambycidae Aromia Aromia bungii None A. bungii Neolucanus angulatus Neolucanus baladeva Neolucanus giganteus Any species of the families Neolucanus katsuraorum Bolboceratidae Neolucanus maedai Ceratocanthidae Lucanidae Neolucanus None Neolucanus maximus Diphyllostomatidae Neolucanus perarmatus Geotrupidae Neolucanus saundersii Glaphyridae Coleoptera Neolucanus tanakai Glaresidae Neolucanus waterhousei Hybosoridae Any species of the genus Lucanidae Cheirotonus excluding Ochodaeidae Cheirotonus None Yanbaru Long-armed scarab Passalidae (C. jambar ) Plecomidae Scarabaeidae Any species of the genus Scarabaeidae Euchirus None Euchirus Trogidae Any species of the genus Propomacrus None Propomacrus Any species of the genus Bombus excluding B. ardens ardens B. ardens sakagamii B. ardens tsushimanus B. beaticola beaticola B. beaticola moshkarareppus B. beaticola shikotanensis B. consobrinus wittenburgi B. deuteronymus deuteronymus B. deuteronymus maruhanabachi B. diversus diversus B. diversus tersatus Large earth bumblebee B. florilegus Apidae Bombus Any species of the genus Bombus (B. terrestris ) B. honshuensis honshuensis B. honshuensis tkalcui B. hypnorum koropokkrus Insecta B. hypocrita hupocrita B. hypocrita sapporensis B. ignitus B. oceanicus B. pseudobaicalensis B. schrencki albidopleuralis B. schrencki konakovi B. schrencki kuwayamai B. terrestris B. ussurensis Hymenoptera B. yezoensis Lepisiota Lepisiota frauenfeldi None L. frauenfeldi Argentine ant or Tropical Linepithema fire ant None L. humile (L. humile ) Any species of the Solenopsis geminata None species group Any species of the Solenopsis saevissima None species group Any species of the Formicidae Solenopsis tridens species None group Solenopsis Any species of the genus Solenopsis Any species of the Solenopsis virulens species None group Any living hybrid organisms of species of S. geminata species group, S. None saevissima species group, S. tridens species group and S. virulens species Little fire ant Wasmannia None W. auropunctata (W. auropunctata ) Asian black hornet Vespidae Vespa None Any species of the genus Vespa (Vespa velutina ) Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Order Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Any species of the genus Any species of the genus Amphipoda Gammaridae Dikerogammarus Killer shrimp (D. villosus ) Dikerogammarus excluding D. villosus Dikerogammarus Any species of the family Astacidae All genera of Astacidae None Astacidae Any species of the family All genera of Cambaridae excluding red Cambaridae None Cambaridae swamp crayfish Any species of the families (Procambarus clarkii ) Astacidae, Cambaridae, Crustacea Any species of the family Cambaroididae and Parastacidae All genera of Cambaroididae excluding Decapoda Cambaroididae None Cambaroididae zarigani (Cambaroides japonicus ) All genera of Any species of the family Parastacidae None Parastacidae Parastacidae Any species of the genus Eriocheir excluding Varunidae Eriocheir None Any species of the genus Eriocheir Japanese mitten crab (E. japonica ) and E. 2. Plant Kingdom Living Organisms Required to have a Certificate Attached Invasive Alien Species Unevaluated Alien Species Class Family Genus during their importation in order (IAS) (UAS) to verify their types (LORCA) Alligatorweed Any species of the genus Amaranthaceae Alternanthera (A. philoxeroides ) None Alternanthera (including stems and roots) Floating marshpennywort or Pennywort H. bonariensis Any species of the genus Apiaceae Hydrocotyle (H. ranunculoides ) H. umbellata Hydrocotyle (including stems and roots) Water lettuce Araceae Pistia (P. stratiotes ) None P. stratiotes (including stems and roots) Water fern Azollaceae Azolla (A. cristata ) None
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 2, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. 1 Running head 2 THE AGE OF BUTTERFLIES REVISITED (AND TESTED) 3 Title 4 The Trials and Tribulations of Priors and Posteriors in Bayesian Timing of 5 Divergence Analyses: the Age of Butterflies Revisited. 6 7 Authors 8 NICOLAS CHAZOT1*, NIKLAS WAHLBERG1, ANDRÉ VICTOR LUCCI FREITAS2, 9 CHARLES MITTER3, CONRAD LABANDEIRA3,4, JAE-CHEON SOHN5, RANJIT KUMAR 10 SAHOO6, NOEMY SERAPHIM7, RIENK DE JONG8, MARIA HEIKKILÄ9 11 Affiliations 12 1Department of Biology, Lunds Universitet, Sölvegatan 37, 223 62, Lund, Sweden. 13 2Departamento de Biologia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de 14 Campinas (UNICAMP), Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Caixa postal 6109, 15 Barão Geraldo 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil. 16 3Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A. 17 4Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian 18 Institution, Washington, DC 20013, USA; Department of Entomology and BEES 19 Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20741; and Key Lab of Insect 20 Evolution and Environmental Change, School of Life Sciences, Capital Normal 21 University, Beijing 100048, bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 2, 2018. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
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