Ambo ST. THEODOSIUS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 733 Starkweather Ave. FEBRUARY 8, 2009 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 34th. Sunday after Pentecost Mailing: Publican and Pharisee 733 Starkweather Avenue Greatmartyr Theodore Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Stratelates Prophet Zechariah T 216 741.1310 F 216 623 1092 Greatmartyr Theodore Stratelates "the General" • Archpriest John Zdinak Dean • Dn. Daniel Boerio • Subdeacon Theodore Lentz Sacristan • Reader Julius Kovach Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days 5:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Great Vespers Sundays and Feast Days 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Fr. John Office Hours Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM *Articles for publication in the AMBO should be sub- mitted to:
[email protected] by Wednesday of each week before noon. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 The Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates came from the city of Euchaita in Asia Minor. He was endowed with many talents, and was handsome in appearance. For his charity God enlightened him with the knowledge of Christian truth. The bravery of the saintly soldier was revealed after he, with the help of God, killed a giant serpent living on a precipice in the outskirts of Euchaita. The serpent had devoured many people and animals, terroriz- ing the countryside. St Theodore armed himself with a sword and vanquished it, glorify- ing the name of Christ among the people. For his bravery St Theodore was appointed military commander [stratelatos] in the city of Heraclea, where he combined his military service with preaching the Gospel among the pagans subject to him.