Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900
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Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 First Info before Author Title Genre Language Indication Position Discussed in Comment Published note Barberino, Francesco Documenti d'Amore 1309-1313 Poetry Italian Folena, Gianfranco. “Premessa.” L' autocommento: Atti del XVIII da (ca.) convegno interuniversitario (Bressanone, 1990), edited by Gianfelice Peron, Esedra Ed, 1994, 1-10. Kendrick, Laura. “The Monument and the Margin.” South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 4, 1992, 835-864. Minnis, Alastair J. “Amor and Auctoritas in the Self-Commentary of Dante and Francesco da Barberino.” Poetica, vol. 32, 1990, pp. 25–42. Minnis, Alastair J. “Inglorious Glosses?” John Gower in England and Iberia: Manuscripts, Influences, Reception, edited by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo and Robert F. Yeager, Boydell & Brewer, 2014, 51-75. Panzera, Maria Cristina. « Scriba Amoris : Didactic Poetry and self- commentary in Francesco da Barberino », Colloque International The medieval Self-commentary: a transnational perspective, organisé par F. Geymonat, I. Johnson, A. Pizzone, 22-23 juillet 2014, Fondation Hardt, Genève, en cours de publication. Boccaccio Teseida 1339-1341 Poetry Italian Hollander, Robert. The Validity of Boccaccio's Self Exegesis in His (ca.) Teseida, Mediaeval and Renaissance Society, 1977. Minnis, Alastair J., and Alexander Brian Scott, editors. Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism: c. 1100-c. 1375 - The Commentary- Tradition, Clarendon, 1988. 375. Ricci, Roberta. Scrittura, riscrittura, autoesegesi: Voci autoriali intorno all'epica in volgare; Boccaccio, Tasso, ETS, 2010. Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “Un commento all'autocommento nel Teseida.” Studi sul Boccaccio, vol. 20, 1991, pp. 185–203. Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “A Commentary on Commentary in Boccaccio.” South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 4, 1992, pp. 813–34. Gower, John Confessio amantis 1390 (ca.) Poetry English; None Margin None Batchelor, Patricia Ann. Unjustified Margins: Vernacular Innovations Latin and Latin Tradition in Gower's Confessio amantis. PhD Dissertation, Marquette University, 1996. Echard, Siân. “With Carmen's Help: Latin Authorities in the Confessio Amantis.” Studies in Philology, vol. 95, no. 1, 1998, pp. 1–40. Galloway, Andrew. “Gower's Confessio Amantis, The Prick of Conscience, and the History of the Latin Gloss in Early English Literature.” John Gower: Manuscripts, Readers, Contexts, edited by Malte Urban, Brepols, 2009, pp. 39–70. Disputatio 13. Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014. Minnis, Alastair J., and Alexander Brian Scott, editors. Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism: c. 1100-c. 1375 - The Commentary- Tradition, Clarendon, 1988. 379-380 Derek Pearsall, "Gower's Latin in the Confessio amantis," in A. J. Minnis, Latin and Vernacular: Studies in Late-Medieval Texts and Manuscripts, Woodbridge, 1989. Hoccleve, Thomas Regiment of Princes 1410-11 Poetry English Lydgate, John The Siege of Thebes 1420-22 Poetry English Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices (ca.) in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014. Lydgate, John The Fall of Princes 1430-39 Poetry English (ca.) Brandt, Sebastian Narrenschiff 1494 Poetry German Metz, Bernhard, and Sabine Zubarik. “Einleitung.” Am Rande bemerkt: Translated into Latin in 1506 by Josse Bade as: Navis stultiferae collectanea ab Jodoco Badio Miriam Lahrsow_ Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900.html[20.01.2021 16:11:51] Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 Anmerkungspraktiken in literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz Ascensio vario carminum genere non sine eorumdem familiari explanatione constata and Sabine Zubarik, Kadmos, 2008. Emser, Hieronymus Eyn deutsche Satyra vnd 1505 Poetry German Kipf, Johannes Klaus. “'Pluto ist als vil als Lucifer': Zur ältesten straffe des Eebruchs unnd Verwendung gedruckter Marginalnoten in deutschen literarischen in was wurden unnd Erenn Texten (bis 1520).” Am Rande bemerkt: Anmerkungspraktiken in der eelich Stand vorczeiten literarischen Texten, edited by Bernhard Metz and Sabine Zubarik, gehalten : mit Erclarung vil Kadmos, 2008, pp. 33–58. schoner Historien [sic] Pfersmann, Andréas. “Le siège de Commentariopolis ou heurs et malheurs de l'autorité.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 75–122. Littératures classiques 64. Jodocus Badius Nouis stultifera ( . ) ab 1507 Poetry Latin Hess, Günter. “Kommentarstruktur und Leser: Das "Lob der Torheit" Ascensius Jodoco Badio Ascensio des Erasmus von Rotterdam, kommentiert von Gerardius Listrius und uorio corrninum genere non Sebastian Franck.” Der Kommentar in der Renaissance, edited by sine eorundem familiari August Buck and Otto Herding, Boldt, 1975, pp. 141-65. explanatione illustroto Erasmus Moriae Encomium / The 1511 Prose Latin Gavin, Joseph A., and Clarence H. Miller. “Erasmus' Additions to It is not clear whether Eramus wrote the annotations himself or whether they were really written Praise of Folly Listrius' Commentary on The Praise of Folly.” by Gerardus Listrius, to whom they are attributed. (For an overview of the debate, see Slights 1989). Gavin, J. Austin, and Thomas M. Walsh. “The Praise of Folly in Context: The Commentary of Girardus Listrius.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 2, 1971, pp. 193–209. doi:10.2307/2859196. Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014. Hess, Günter. “Kommentarstruktur und Leser: Das "Lob der Torheit" des Erasmus von Rotterdam, kommentiert von Gerardius Listrius und Sebastian Franck.” Der Kommentar in der Renaissance, edited by August Buck and Otto Herding, Boldt, 1975, pp. 141-65. McCabe, Richard A. “Annotating Anonymity, Or Putting a Gloss on The Shepheardes Calender.” Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, edited by Joe Bray et al., Ashgate, 2000, 35-54. Slights, William W. E. “The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 1989, pp. 682–716. doi:10.2307/2862277. Slights, William W. E. Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance Books, U of Michigan P, 2004. Bouchet, Jean La déploration de l'église 1512 Poetry French Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : militante d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64. Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315. Skelton, John Speke Parrot 1521 (ca.) Poetry English Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014. Bouchet, Jean Le Labyrinthe de fortunes 1522 Poetry French Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64. Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315. Skelton, John A Garlande of Laurell 1523 Poetry English Griffiths, Jane. Diverting Authorities: Experimental Glossing Practices in Manuscript and Print, OUP, 2014. Bouchet, Jean L’Épître de Justice 1525 Poetry French Dauvois, Nathalie. “Annotations d'auteurs à l'aube de l'imprimerie : d'une autorité à l'autre.” La note d'autorité: Aperçus historiques (XVIe - XVIIIe s.), edited by Armand Colin, Champion, 2007, pp. 7–20. Littératures classiques 64. Miriam Lahrsow_ Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900.html[20.01.2021 16:11:51] Miriam Lahrsow: Self-Annotated Literary Works 1300-1900 Hasenohr, Geneviève. “Discours vernaculaires et autorités latines.” Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vézin, Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1990, pp. 289–315. Berni, Francesco Capitolo della primiera 1526 Poetry Italian Mulsow, Martin. “Subversive Kommentierung: Burleske Kommentarparodien, Gegenkommentare und Libertinismus in der frühen Neuzeit.” Der Kommentar in der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Ralph Häfner and Markus Völkel, de Gruyter, 2006, 133-160. Mulsow, Martin. Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik: Wissen, Libertinage und Kommunikation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Metzler, 2007. Skelton, John A Replycacion 1528 Poetry English Lando, Ortensio Confutazione dei Paradossi 1544 Poetry Italian Mulsow, Martin. “Subversive Kommentierung: Burleske The comments are not directly attached to the poem but published one year later under a Kommentarparodien, Gegenkommentare und Libertinismus in der pseudonym frühen Neuzeit.” Der Kommentar in der Frühen Neuzeit, edited by Ralph Häfner and Markus Völkel, de Gruyter, 2006, 133-160. Baldwin, William Beware the Cat 1561 Prose English None Margin None Archer, Harriet. “Companions in Folly: Genre and Poetic Practice in The annotations are often summaries of the main text rather than explanations, but sometimes, as Five Elizabethan Anthologies.” Self-Commentary in Early Modern Slights notes, "William Baldwin uses his margin to mock his own fictional persona, the narrator European Literature, 1400-1700, edited by Francesco Venturi,