2011Annual Report 2010/10-2011/09 Contents Board Chairperson’s Message

Spreading God’s Love to People in Need

Dearest friends of World Vision ,

As 2011 comes to an end, we wish you a happier, more wonderful, and more peaceful 2012.

)RUXVDW:RUOG9LVLRQ7DLZDQZDVD\HDUÀOOHG with God’s grace. His grace gave us the strength to assist those in need throughout the world. This year, with your assistance, we completed many projects and, step-by- step, were able to unleash the power to transform lives.

In 2011, the world experienced much suffering, which included the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that crippled local industry and injured or killed scores along Japan’s northeastern coast. Eastern Africa experienced the most severe drought in sixty years. A total of 13 million people were affected, while 500,000 children struggled on the edge of life and death. Both in Taiwan and abroad, problems caused by poverty still deeply impacted every needy child, their families, and even their entire community. Around the world, many children still face risks that we may not even yet be aware of…In this era, crises, whether caused by natural disasters or uneven distribution of resources, have become ever more frequent. Not just property and lives are affected. These unsettling events bring about fear and unease in the world and in people’s hearts, which also distresses and saddens us.

With the commitment and love for the world that you and many other caring people in Taiwan share, we are better able to provide effective relief and care. We have also been able to comfort many souls during a painful time. In this year’s annual report, you will read about instance after instance where assistance has helped to transform the lives of earthquake survivors in Japan, people facing hunger in Africa, and disadvantaged children right here in Taiwan. In addition, every year that we hold our 30 Hour Famine Hero Rally, we break new attendance records. In that ever higher number of participants, you can witness Taiwan’s hope. When more people devote themselves to FDULQJIRURWKHUV7DLZDQ·VORYHFDQKDYHJUHDWHULQÁXHQFHERWKKHUHDQGDURXQGWKHZRUOG

First Corinthians states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.” But the greatest of these is love. Each story of people receiving assistance from others is a miracle made possible by love. World Vision’s mission is to serve as a bridge between the giver and the recipient. We send IDLWKKRSHDQGEOHVVLQJVDQGVWDQGE\SHRSOHLQWKHLUWLPHRIQHHGWRÀQGWUXHSHDFH

Thank you for standing together with World Vision Taiwan in the places that need our help most! To start out 2012 and thank you for all of your support over the past year, we have published this annual report to highlight the work you have enabled us to do. Through your continued participation and support, we can lend a helping hand to even more children. May our love reach 1 ever further!

Victor Kung Chairperson, World Vision Taiwan Executive Director’s Message

Remembrance, Appreciation, and the Road Ahead

2011 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China and it truly was a year full of blessings! The Bible’s A Prayer of Moses entreats the Lord to “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” This prayer reminds us that numbering our days and wisdom are closely related. Moreover, it teaches us that wisdom does not just reside in the brain, but also in our hearts. As I reviewed this last year in my mind, I could not help but to count each and every day. Whether calm or stormy, day DIWHUGD\ZDVÀOOHGZLWKJUDFHDQGWKDQNIXOQHVV

I must first thank each child sponsor who walks along with a needy child on his or her path to adulthood. Your love gives sponsored children, whether in Taiwan or overseas, the motivation to grow and overcome obstacles. Also, I would like to thank the countless people who have contributed financially to World Vision Taiwan. No matter if the donation went towards education programs for disadvantaged children, assistance for disaster survivors, or child protection programs, your thoughtful contribution helped to ignite a spark of hope.

Our gratitude also goes out to our corporate partners for your unwavering support and assistance. We did not only receive your help, but also learned so much from you. Thanks also to our volunteers for \RXUVXSSRUW:KHWKHU\RXFRPHLQWRWKHRIÀFHHDFKZHHNWRKHOSRXW or have assisted on a certain project or program, we appreciate for your faithful help. Without your participation, many of our programs just would not succeed. Thank you to our many church partners for your support of our programs and advocacy work. Your prayers and blessings are the source RIRXUFRQÀGHQFH

Furthermore, I would like to thank our many media partners, school partners, spokespersons, and the government agencies that supervise and support us. Over this past year, \RXULQYROYHPHQWJUDQWHGXVWKHFRXUDJHWRRYHUFRPHGLIÀFXOWLHVDQGWKHVWUHQJWKWRDFKLHYH our mission!

In 2012, with your support and blessings, we will continue to adhere to our core values and expand our horizons as we move intrepidly forward. We will extend the reach of the 30 Hour Famine and launch the new “Global Citizenship” platform to invite more participation from compassionate members of the public. We will improve connections in our Child Sponsorship Program through a pilot project using a new digital media platform that will bring sponsored children and their sponsors closer together. World Vision Taiwan will continue to use every opportunity to forge close connections with our partners as we work together towards a better society and to impact the entire world. With the well-being of the world’s children as our ultimate goal, we will continue to provide the most fundamental work with an open heart and ears, listening to your opinions and guidance to improve quality and meet our commitment 2 and responsibility to you and those we assist.


Hank Du Executive Director, World Vision Taiwan We envision all the world’s children leading life in fullness. World Vision does our utmost to enable children around the world, especially the most disadvantaged, to enjoy good health, basic education, care and protection, and to experience love from the world. Children’s Lives Are Changed Because Of You -- Ensuring the Well-being of Children around the World

Over this past year, with your support and encouragement, World Vision Taiwan has worked to achieve this goal. During the year to come, we will continue to join hands with you, together striving to improve child well-being around the world! Domestic Services

Domestic Services

Domestic Ministry Expenditures

Item/Ministry Type Amount (NT$)

Child Sponsorship 554,340,572 Emergency Relief 635,016,554 Non-sponsorship Development 258,690,731 Government Commissioned Services 258,082,423 Indirect Ministry Expenditure 22,805,353 Gifts-in-kind Expenditure 12,456,916 Total 1,741,392,549 From October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 Source: Finance Division

4 Domestic Services

★ Where We Work  2EXMSREP3J½GI8EMTIM Domestic Services Map


◎  'LMPH=SYXLERH;SQIR4VSXIGXMSR'IRXIV  8EMTIM*EQMP]ERH*SWXIV'EVI7IVZMGIW'IRXIV  'LMPH =SYXL7LSVXXIVQ)QIVKIRG]7LIPXIV ●Keelung  8EMTIM,MKLVMWO*EQMP]7IVZMGI High-risk Family Service◎ National Office Taipei★ ◎Child & Youth Short-term Emergency Shelter ● Banqiao● ◎Taipei Family and Foster Care Services Center  8EMTIM /IIPYRK &ERUMES LSRKFMR ,STMRK 2ERXSY 6IREM ●YilanⅠ.Ⅱ  LYHSRK 1MESFMR (SRKWLM ;YWLI ■Central Area Office  7LYMPM ,Y[IM .MEFMR %PMWLER ●Taichung ▲Wushe ■East Area Office ●Urban Family Service Center  8EY]YER 5MQIM

●Yunlin ●Penghu ■Changhua-Yunlin-Chiayi Area Office ●Chiayi ▲Alishan ●YuliⅠ.Ⅱ ▲Jiabin ●Namaxia ●Xinying ●Chenggong ▲Tauyuan ▲Qimei ●Guanshan ●Liugui

●Tainan ●Qishan

●Taitung ●Rinari ●Gangshan ●Pingtung South Area Office■ ●Kaohsiung ▲Jinlun 5



●Hengchun Domestic Services

ach year, the tens of thousands of Taiwan’s children living in poverty face Eobstacles to achieving an education. Turning 21 this year, Xiao Jun has been a World Vision Taiwan sponsored child since she was in elementary school. On this GD\VKHVWDQGVFRQÀGHQWO\RQVWDJHVLQJLQJWUDGLWLRQDOVRQJVRIWKH3X\XPD7ULEH in her clear, resounding voice that enchants all in attendance. Youth, Do Not Give up! We Will Extend a Helping Hand Now in her senior year of college majoring in performing arts, Xiao Jun’s parents divorced when she was very young and she and her mother moved in with her grandfather. Her mother found work where she could get it, but she often turned to alcohol and EHFDPHYLROHQWEHFDXVHRIWKHLUGLUHÀQDQFLDOVLWXDWLRQVRKHUMRESURVSHFWVZHUH further limited. Xiao Jun said that when she was young, although it held little interest for her, she did perform as a way to make some extra income. Little did she know that her selection by the Composed Artistes In Taiwan Aborigines would open a whole new world. With the group, she went on Taiwan Visitors Association tours to perform in Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong, which gave her a new, broader perspective and ignited a passion for performance. The opportunity literally gave her a stage upon which she could achieve her dreams….

Over these past ten years, World Vision Taiwan’s tuition aid and other forms of support helped her at every stage of her life. Xiao Jun is grateful to each and every person who helped her and stood by her side, because they gave her the power to keep going. Initially, she was skeptical that anyone would help others out of the kindness of their heart without expecting anything in return. However, after many years of assistance from the outside world and receiving guidance from others, her mind gradually began to change. She said, “Love made this rebellious runaway return home and rebuild my strained relationship with my mother.”

Love has also softened Xiao Jun’s heart, enabling her to better empathize with others. During a World Vision Taiwan’s College Student Hometown Service Program, Xiao Jun served as an activity organizer. She found that because of their backgrounds, the young participants were quite nervous and shy. After showing her concern for them and listening what they had to say, she discovered that the children were just as outgoing and vibrant as she was. There was just so much hardship and unhappiness in their lives that they hid their true selves in a cool exterior. Then, she thought up a variety of creative ways to make the activities more interesting and help the children open up their hearts to first accept 6 themselves and then others.

For many years, through our Child Sponsorship Program, educational assistance, and other activities, we have provided children with both economic and emotional support. We give children opportunities for future development, as Xiao -XQH[SHULHQFHG0RUHLPSRUWDQWO\WKRXJKZHVKRZWKHPORYHVRWKH\FDQÀQG value in their lives and the strength to carry on. Domestic Services

Holistic Development

or many years, World Vision Taiwan has served to concentrate the love and enthusiasm of Taiwan’s Fpeople on a child-focused, family-centered, community-based program: Child Sponsorship. From October 2010 to September 2011, we have assisted 47,136 needy children in Taiwan and their families through our Child Sponsorship Program. We provide services focused on educational assistance, health maintenance, life education, adolescent guidance, and family assistance, which enable children growing up in impoverished families to receive the care needed to stabilize their daily lives and promote future development.

Educational Assistance To remove obstacles on the path to education for economically-disadvantaged children, in 2011 World Vision Taiwan provided tuition aid 90,811 times (44,812 for fall semester, 45,999 for spring semester). Our transportation and boarding allowances, which were given 20,759 times, help ensure that children studying away from home or living in remote areas can still continue education. In addition, at our student centers in Shuili and Puli Townships, we provided safe, stable residence facilities for 41 adolescents, while also giving care and companionship so they can attend school without worry.

To provide children with a suitable learning environment, while also making up for remote areas’ relative lack of resources, World Vision Taiwan offers tutoring and after school childcare services, which were utilized 369,091 times last year. In order to instill a sense of responsibility to one’s community, World Vision Taiwan holds annual Hometown Service Projects each year during summer break. A total of 75 college students get the opportunity to perform service in their home communities. The students help World Vision Taiwan hold children’s summer camps and provide tutorial services, while achieving a better understanding of the community’s needs.

Health Maintenance In addition to ensuring children’s right to an education, child health is another key focus of World 7 Vision Taiwan. Because in many economically-disadvantaged households parents do not have stable jobs, they are unable to pay for health insurance fees or do not qualify for low-income insurance fee subsidies. Incapable of joining Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI), their children often do not receive the medical care they require. World Vision Taiwan has therefore implemented our Needy Children Health Insurance Subsidy Program, assisting children across Taiwan to take part in the NHI 11,457 times, ensuring that their health can be protected. Domestic Services

Nutrition is vital to healthy child development. To ensure growing children can receive the sustenance they need, World Vision Taiwan, working together with churches, community kitchens, and tutoring classes, provided meals or milk powder to children and adolescents who might otherwise have gone hungry 44,604 times.

In cases of illness or accident, World Vision Taiwan assists with medical expenses, food or nutritional supplements, rehabilitation equipment, and counseling fees so even disadvantaged families can receive the healthcare they require. Such assistance was provided 4,233 times. In addition, we also held health education to assist families improve and maintain their home environment for better health and hygiene. Over the year, people participated in these activities a total of 24,795 times.

Life Education and Adolescent Guidance World Vision Taiwan is concerned with both children’s physical and spiritual development. Through our experiences in our ministries, ZHKDYHFRPHWRXQGHUVWDQGWKDWZKHQSDUHQWVRUSULPDU\FDUHJLYHUVDUHLQGLUHÀQDQFLDOVWUDLWVWKH\ have little time to focus on their children’s character development. Through our life education programs, we give children and adolescents the chance to explore the meaning of life and develop a positive outlook. Life education classes were attended 31,421 times. Through a variety of interesting activities, our character education program, which was attended 26,836 times, helps children and adolescents to develop good habits and the right attitude, which will improve their social interactions.

Adolescents are a key recipient of World Vision Taiwan’s services. They need a great deal of care and guidance to navigate all the physical and mental changes that occur during puberty. Therefore, we hold special career planning activities for adolescents, so they can begin to think about their futures. In our gender education classes, youths can learn positive self-image, understand the differences between genders, and develop correct thoughts and attitudes. In an increasingly wired world, we highlight the issues of online friendships and safety, while counseling youths on proper channels and attitudes for PHHWLQJIULHQGV$GROHVFHQWVEHQHÀWWHGIURPWKLVSURJUDPDWRWDORIWLPHVRYHUWKH\HDU

Family Assistance Families are the building block of our society. In addition to providing assistance to children, World Vision Taiwan also extends our care to their families as well. Through a variety of programs and the injection of timely resources, we work to meet the needs of different families. Cash subsidies for families facing dire economic straits were provided 4,544 times. We also hold Fiscal Year 2011 Domestic Ministry parenting education, parent-child Item Educational Adolescent Life Family Health activities, respite services, and family Area Assistance Guidance Education Assistance Maintenance resource management programs North 81,217 919 1,716 3,503 3,394 to improve the childrearing skills ;IWX 25,634 2,960 5,723 3,853 18,657 and abilities of parents or primary Central 182,059 2,804 6,858 4,101 12,995 Changhua- 8 caregivers and strengthen the family. 22,621 1,010 1,969 1,933 23,269 =YRPMR'LME]M Such activities were attended a South 96,411 2,161 21,307 7,099 9,056 total of 22,036 times. In addition, East 115,671 3,657 20,684 6,091 17,718 unemployed members of sponsored Total 523,613 13,511 58,257 26,580 85,089 families participated in a work relief 8SXEPI\TIRWIWJSVXLIEFSZI½ZIWIVZMGIMXIQW28 program or work training 1,970 7SYVGI7SGMEP;SVO(MZMWMSR- times to improve job prospects. From October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 Domestic Services

Foster Care – Teaching by Example

his year marks the 20th anniversary of giving person, but he soon felt a responsibility TWorld Vision Taiwan’s operation of the to take care of the children. As time went on, his Taipei Department of Social Welfare’s foster love for his family grew stronger. care program. Over these past twenty years, 997 children from unstable family situations were able Although foster care is not a permanent to feel the embrace of love through the selfless arrangement, a mother’s heart will never change efforts of their foster families. or forget. A moment emblazoned in Mrs. Shi’s PLQGZDVWKHÀUVWWLPHVKHIDFHGVHSDUDWLRQIURP Over her 10 years as a foster mother, Shi a foster child. Xiao Pei and her younger brother, Huang Su-zhu has taken in 11 children who Xiao Hong, lived with Shi family for five years. needed a place to live and given them stable When Mrs. Shi received two months’ notice that material and emotional support. Mrs. Shi already the pair would be returning to their biological had two children of her own, both boys. Due IDPLO\LWZDVGLIÀFXOWIRUKHUWROHWWKHPJR7KLV to a difficult delivery, her elder son was born sadness was not something that she alone felt. with cerebral palsy. As he grew up, he received Upon learning that her foster siblings would be a large amount of support and caring help from leaving, another of her foster children, Xiao Yi, the community, so Mrs. Shi hoped to pay back ran away and went missing for four days. This this kindness by helping children in need one series of difficulties made Mrs. Shi concerned day. When her own sons grew up, she joined the and depressed. Her sudden case of shingles was ranks of World Vision Taiwan’s foster families. DQRXWZDUGUHÁHFWLRQRIWKHPHQWDODQGSK\VLFDO exhaustion she felt during that overwhelming Mrs. Shi said that as a teenager her youngest time. son resented that she had spent so much time caring for his brother. After becoming a foster Mrs. Shi expressed that although she faced family, however, he not only learned to be a more some trying times as a foster parent, thankfully, the Lord blessed her with love and wisdom and she prayed for the future of each child. “If a child feels loved, he will not be afraid,” said Mrs. Shi. When they enter the home, they become part of the family. She continued, “These children are also there for us. We learn and grow together and they bring us much happiness.”

Mrs. Shi remembers everything about each of her foster children and she still holds on to all the cards and letters they wrote her. With love, children can once again feel the warmth of a family and have the courage to 9 face the future. A mother’s love never weakens. Each fleeting encounter leaves beautiful, lasting memories in a foster mother’s life. Domestic Services

Child and Youth Protection he home is the environment best suited for children and adolescents, a place where Tthey can grow and thrive. Within their own family, children can develop in a safe environment full of love. However, some families are unable to provide proper care to their children due to economic difficulties, family tragedies, or discord among family members. World Vision Taiwan, through our various programs, aims to provide children a safe environment in which to grow while also helping to promote family function. Only WKHQFDQZHIXOÀOORXUPLVVLRQRIDFWLYHO\SURWHFWLQJWKHULJKWVRIFKLOGUHQDQG\RXWK

113 Protection Hotline World Vision Taiwan operates the Ministry of the Interior’s 113 Protection Hotline, which provides consultation and reporting services related to child and youth protection, domestic violence, and sexual assault or abuse. In 2011, of the 204,307 phone calls received, there were a total of 155,228, or 75.97%, valid inquiries, while the balance 49,079 calls received were hang-ups or incomprehensible.

Domestic violence and child protection reporting made up 22,099 of the valid calls. Of those, child and youth protection cases represented nearly half, 49.03%, with a total of 11,671 calls. Domestic violence between married, divorced, or cohabiting couples made up 34.19%, or 8,139, of the calls.

In order to strengthen the coordination within our network of protection and prevention services, World Vision Taiwan has held child and youth protection conferences, regional seminars on case studies, and advisory meetings with prevention network advocacy experts. These efforts ensure a more tightly-linked service network and help individuals within the network reach a professional consensus. In that case, we can ensure more consistent safety assessments and the most appropriate possible protection for children.

Services for High-Risk Families In order to actively prevent cases of child neglect or abuse, World Vision works diligently to provide services to high-risk families. We provide high-risk family counseling and intervention services in 14 cities and counties across Taiwan. In 2011, 2,738 families received such services (benefitting a total of 5,280 children and adolescents). Home visits were made 27,138 times over the year. Based on each family’s individual needs, we provided a variety of services such as education counseling, tutorial services, Domestic Services

economic and material assistance, housework and placement,llihlih placement with relatives, or short- childcare services, and parenting activities a total term institutional care (World Vision Home) for of 71,143 times in 2011. We hope that through children and adolescents who suffer from family these efforts, World Vision can help to reduce the tragedies or temporarily cannot live with their pressures felt by these families and get them back biological family. In 2011, we assisted 463 children on the right track. and adolescents receive the care they needed. Of these, 199 of the children and youths ended their Child Protection Family placements for various reasons, which included returning to their biological family, unsuitability Intervention Program of the foster family, being adopted, or becoming In addition, to ensure abused or neglected independent at the age of 16. children and adolescents receive the care they deserve and prevent future mistreatment, World Indigenous Family and Women’s Vision has implemented our Child Protection Family Intervention Program. In 2011, we Services provided services to 399 participating families (588 Through our Indigenous Family and Women’s children). Through these efforts, 114 participating Service Center, World Vision Taiwan has worked families (166 children) have received sufficient with and assisted 13 indigenous townships resources to reduce abuse triggers significantly to make consultation, guidance, services, and enough to consider the cases closed this year. reporting resources available to indigenous families, women, children, adolescents, and people Placement Services with special needs to improve their financial In Taipei, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Nantou, situation and everyday lives. In 2011, we provided World Vision helps to arrange foster care services a total of 16,952 times.



The Aroma of the Success Wafts through Rinari

t the end of 2010, former residents of the southern Taiwanese aboriginal AYLOODJHVRI0DMLD'DVKHDQG+DRFKDGHYDVWDWHGE\7\SKRRQ0RUDNRWÀQDOO\KDG a reason to rejoice. They were moving in to their newly constructed village, Rinari. After settling into their new homes, residents turned their thoughts to making a new life for themselves in Rinari. With reconstruction complete, World Vision Taiwan

now must help village residents develop their own community industry.

L i

u Whether it is crop improvement or occupational training, if a program F e

n meets the needs of village residents and they want to participate, World

g -

m Vision will provide economic and technical assistance to make it happen.


i ’ The Creativity Bakery was born out of conversations with female Rinari s

f a residents. v o r i te b Bakery Director Xu Hui-juan said, “We hope to source ingredients ak . e ke ry ca locally, use crops grown in the areas around Rinari to create baked goods pro no duc lca ZLWKRXURZQXQLTXHÁDYRUDQGPDNHRXUYLOODJHDWRXULVWGHVWLQDWLRQµ7KH t, the orange vo bakery has already become well known for their star creations, red quinoa FRRNLHVDQGSXPSNLQPXIÀQV'XULQJKLVYLVLWWR5LQDULLQHDUO\$XJXVW residents gave President Ma Ying-jeou baked treats to satisfy his sweet tooth. /DWHUWKH2IÀFHRIWKH3UHVLGHQWSODFHGDQRUGHUZLWKWKHEDNHU\

One of the students at the bakery, Liu Feng-mei, was a resident of Dashe Village. She expressed, “It is great to live here in Rinari, but the future is still uncertain. If I have the chance to learn a skill and earn some additional income, then I think it is really great.” She thanked World Vision Taiwan for providing this important opportunity for older women who can no longer work in factories or women taking care of families to earn some extra money.

She has already completed two courses at the bakery and her favorite is the orange volcano cake because, “it is difficult to make, but it tastes delicious and looks very beautiful. I love it.”

Happy to further explore their interests in baking, she and her fellow baking students look forward to the completion of Rinari’s public buildings in June 2012. The bakery will then have a permanent home and bakers will no longer need to borrow their teacher’s workspace. With the new facilities, the bakery can build its business by accepting orders from area schools and organizations. 12 In addition to the bakery, Xu Hui-juan, who is also the Rinari Management Committee Chairwoman, hopes that the village will be able to develop other industries based on residents’ skills. She said, “The village has many craftsmen. If they can just receive some support to further develop their skills and learn how to market their wares, Rinari can develop our own local industries and attract tourists.” Domestic Services

Emergency Relief and Recovery yphoon Morakot hit Taiwan on August 7, 2009 causing Typhoon Morakot House Reconstruction staggering loss of life and property. Following the T Number disaster, World Vision Taiwan began to implement the Type of Building Location of Houses Typhoon Morakot Rehabilitation Program. In Taitung, Built Pingtung, Kaohsiung, and Chiayi, we began emergency relief 8EMXYRK 94 4IVQERIRX,SYWIW and reconstruction work immediately. Throughout 2011, 4MRKXYRK 528 World Vision Taiwan continued home reconstruction and 1IHMYQXIVQ,SYWIW 8EMXYRK 64 working towards sustainable community development as =SYXL'IRXIV 8EMXYRK 1 spelled out in the recovery plan. Through September 30, 5 2011, we already completed 701 structures, which included 8IQTSVEV]'PEWWVSSQW 4MRKXYRK 622 permanent and 64 medium-term housing units for (IQSRWXVEXMSR,SYWIW 4MRKXYRK 2 disaster survivors. In addition, there are several additional 7LIPXIV,SYWIWERH construction projects currently underway or which will Rescue Command /ESLWMYRK 7 begin shortly. These include 172 permanent residences, 10 Centers churches, and 13 public buildings in Taitung and Pingtung Total 701 Counties, which include Comprehensive Tribal Cultural Activity Centers, village squares, and children’s centers. 7SYVGI8]TLSSR1SVEOSX6ILEFMPMXEXMSR4VSKVEQ From August 8, 2009 to September 30, 2011 In addition to rebuilding physical structures, working towards sustainable development in affected communities Typhoon Morakot Rehabilitation was another key focus in 2011. Rooted in our core values, Program Expenses “We Value People”, World Vision Taiwan held meetings Item Amount (NT$) with community leaders and community empowerment :MPPEKI6IPSGEXMSRSV  trainings to listen carefully to residents’ ideas. Through care Reconstruction for children and adolescents, psychological empowerment, Client/Community Service 92,574,694 and reconstruction, we can help residents regain their Community Development 7,821,255 confidence. The design of our various programs, such as )QTS[IVQIRX those involving local crop improvement, occupational Community Industry 4,434,871 training, and guidance for traditional handicraft production, Development enable rebuilt areas to achieve sustainable community Administrative Costs 11,442,338 industry and stable livelihoods for local residents. Total 1,259,556,187 Taiwan is located in an area prone to typhoons and earthquakes. Therefore, World Vision Taiwan devotes 7SYVGI*MRERGI(MZMWMSR8]TLSSR1SVEOSX6ILEFMPMXEXMSR4VSKVEQ significant energy towards community disaster awareness From August 8, 2009 to September 30, 2011 and prevention. We work to strengthen the ability of individuals, families, and communities to escape from Domestic Emergencygy Relief Programg or respond to a disaster. Related training was attended Number of a total of 1,862 times. Project &IRI½GMEVMIW In addition, World Vision Taiwan provides disaster- Service Times 'SQQYRMX](MWEWXIV4VIZIRXMSR related subsidies in cases where homes, work- 13 related tools and equipment, or educational supplies %[EVIRIWW (MWEWXIV 1,862 people are damaged or destroyed in the event of a disaster. 1EREKIQIRX8VEMRMRK Subsidies were provided a total of 147 times to help Community Food Storage 230 people people get back on their feet. To deal with resulting 4VSTIVX](EQEKI7YFWMHMIW 43 times food shortages, we also provide hot meals and clean Furniture Damage 104 times water to disaster survivors. This aid was provided 230 Source: Relief and Rehabilitation Division times over the year to people during their time of need. From October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 International Services

International Services

International Ministry Expenditures

Item/Ministry Type Amount (NT$)

Child Sponsorship 1,015,188,349 Non-Sponsorship 53,562,252 Development Emergency Relief 644,729,451 +MJXWMR/MRH 8,828,670 Indirect Ministry Expenditure 27,300,042 Total 1,749,608,764 From October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 7SYVGI-RXIVREXMSREP4VSKVEQW+VSYT

14 International Services

International Services Map

Asia Eastern Europe Latin America India China Georgia Dominican Republic Sri Lanka Laos Romania Haiti Myanmar Thailand Bosnia and Herzegovina Guatemala Indonesia Cambodia Armenia Honduras Bangladesh Philippines El Salvador Mongolia Nepal Nicaragua North Korea East Timor Africa Colombia 15 Japan Vietnam Mali Angola Kenya Ecuador Niger South Africa Ethiopia Bolivia Middle East Chad Lesotho Somalia Peru Afghanistan Sierra Leone Swaziland Zimbabwe Jerusalem/West Bank/Gaza Ghana Mozambique North Sudan Pakistan Uganda Malawi Zambia Jordan DR Congo Rwanda East DR Congo International Services

Widening the Path to Education

ight-year-old Zan Baba Diarra walks between After a day at school, Zan Baba returns home Etall sorghum plants on his way to attend a to play with his lamb and draw. Receiving a letter school built by World Vision. The third grader said, or card from his sponsor is an exciting event for “I love to go to school because I learn how to Zan Baba, who feels encouraged to know that his write.” sponsor cares about his well-being. He looks at the card in his hand and says, “I am very glad to Zan Baba’s father, Sayo Diarra, remembers have a friend far away.” KRZGLIÀFXOWLWZDVWRVHQGKLVFKLOGUHQWRVFKRRO in the past. He said, “Before World Vision built a At night, Zan Baba sleeps under a mosquito school here, there was a lack of classrooms so net that was provided by World Vision to all many children could not go to school. Now every 3,000 of our Faladje ADP sponsored children. child can get an education.” An additional 500 nets were also given to other children living in the community. In our Faladje Area Development Program (ADP) located in Mali, World Vision has Zan Baba’s father is a farmer who has lived in FRQVWUXFWHGVL[FODVVURRPVDKHDGPDVWHU·VRIÀFH the area all his life. He has personally witnessed and several latrines. To encourage young girls to the improvements that World Vision brought to get an education, a prize was awarded to the most the lives of local people. Now, Zan Baba and his outstanding female student in the sixth grade. three brothers have the chance to go to school and no longer have to worry about stomachaches Zan Baba’s neighbor Suzane, who is 11 years from drinking unsafe water. old this year, is also a World Vision sponsored child. She said, “I am very happy that I can go to Across the world there are tens of millions school because if I couldn’t then I would only be of children living in poverty who cannot go to DEOHWRZDVKGLVKHVDWKRPHRUZHHGWKHÀHOGVµ school or become ill for a lack of clean drinking water. Through our Child Sponsorship Program, Suzane wants to be a teacher when she grows World Vision helps school-aged children like Zan up, while her twin sister Catherine wants to be a Baba, even in a country like Mali – where over doctor. With the construction of the new school, 60% of its population live below the poverty line the two sisters finally have a space in which to – to attend school free from worry and receive study and the chance to make their dreams come medical care. The encouragement from their true. sponsors far away also warms their young hearts. 16 In addition, World Vision also drilled seven boreholes, so the twins now have clean, safe water to drink both at school and at home. They no longer have to worry about missing class due to waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, and guinea worm. International Services

Community Development

he loving donations of Taiwan’s people have enabled TWorld Vision Taiwan to assist 183,670 children through our Child Sponsorship Program in our 88 Area Development Programs (ADPs) in 40 countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America in 2011. Taking into account the children’s families and communities, the total number of people assisted UHDFKHG7KHVHÀJXUHVDOVRLQFOXGHWKHQLQHQHZ World Vision ADP’s now in the seed phase located in China, Laos, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Lesotho, Ethiopia, and the Dominican Republic.

World Vision sees children as the change agents in their communities. Not only the lives of sponsored children change, but their families and communities also gradually strengthen their own abilities to develop through community mobilization, capacity building, community organizations and partner networks, and more attention from local government. By caring for and supporting children, especially the most disadvantaged, communities can one day achieve self-sustainability.

In each child-focused ADP, we work towards achieving four key Child Well-being Outcomes (CWBOs): children enjoy good health, they are educated for life, they experience love of God and their neighbors, and are cared for, protected and participating. These CWBOs are at the core focus of each of our programs, which include education, water and sanitation, nutrition, food security, and economic development. Program activities include many issues such as child protection, environmental protection, gender equality, and peacebuilding.

Through our “Be Friends with Children of the World” fundraising campaign, 24 of our partner offices were able to implement development programs that meet the specific, unique needs of each area. These included Bosnia’s efforts to improve the social standing of disadvantaged groups (Roma) through education and employment opportunities. Various countries in Africa utilized funds to expand children’s education opportunities and improve VFKRROTXDOLW\WKURXJKVWUHQJWKHQLQJHGXFDWLRQDOIDFLOLWLHVDQGWHDFKHUTXDOLÀFDWLRQVZKLOH also emphasizing the importance of childhood education to the wider community. Mongolia built new gers (Mongolian-style tents) to house street children and families, so they could become more self-reliant. China, Niger, and Mozambique face water safety challenges, so through the construction and improvement of water supply facilities (wells, pipes) along with hygiene-related education they hope to improve the health of children and the community as a whole by reducing the incidence of water-borne diseases. Through teaching appropriate infant feeding methods and utilizing community management of severe malnutrition, Chad is working to improve the health and reduce the mortality rate of children under- ÀYH%ROLYLDXWLOL]HGIXQGVWRDGYRFDWHIRUFKLOGUHQ·VKHDOWKSROLFLHVDQGSUDFWLFHVZLWKWKHQDWLRQ·V government at every administrative level to prod it into action on this key issue. Through the present, DWRWDORISHRSOHKDYHEHQHÀWWHGIURPWKHVHGHYHORSPHQWSURJUDPV International Child Sponsorship Program Region Country 17 'LMRE-RHME7VM0EROE1SRKSPME4LMPMTTMRIW8LEMPERH:MIXREQ0ESW2ITEP-RHSRIWME1]ERQEV Asia &ERKPEHIWL Middle East & 6SQERME&SWRME ,IV^IKSZMRE%VQIRME.IVYWEPIQ;IWX&ERO+E^E Eastern Europe (6'SRKS0IWSXLS1EPE[M1S^EQFMUYI>EQFME7[E^MPERH7SYXL%JVMGE6[ERHE)XLMSTME+LERE Africa 7MIVVE0ISRI'LEH1EPM2MKIV Latin America &SPMZME4IVY'SPSQFME(SQMRMGER6ITYFPMG)GYEHSV,EMXM,SRHYVEW)P7EPZEHSV+YEXIQEPE2MGEVEKYE *VSQ3GXSFIVXS7ITXIQFIV7SYVGI-RXIVREXMSREP4VSKVEQW+VSYT8SXEPRYQFIVSJWTSRWSVIHGLMPHVIR International Services

Children too have the power to change the world

ixteen-year-old Naiza Canete is a member of $WÀUVWVKHZDVMXVWDPHPEHUEXWODWHUVKH Sthe Empowering Children as Peacebuilders became a facilitator who teaches the importance (ECaP) program set up in World Vision’s Davao of peacebuilding to children throughout the City ADP in the Philippines. As other members Philippines. At an ECaP event in 2010, Naiza shared their experiences of discrimination, she shared, “Unity lives in a community when people could not help but say, “Why doesn’t anyone begin to trust and understand each other. But understand that mutual acceptance among races peace must come from within us. I believe that is good for everyone?” ZHFKLOGUHQKDYHWKHSRZHUWRSUHYHQWFRQÁLFWRU war. There has been a lot of discrimination among Naiza lives in the municipality of Bustamante Christians, Muslims, and Lumads. Christians would on Mindanao, which is home to both Muslims call Muslims suicide bombers. Muslims would and Christians. Unfortunately, in that area ethnic call Christians thieves. Lumads have always been FRQÁLFWRIWHQUHDUVLWVXJO\KHDG*URZLQJXSLQ considered madumi (dirty). These perceptions of such an environment spurred Naiza to become a each other have led to war in many parts here in child peacebuilder. Mindanao.”

In 2008, after Naiza became a member of Naiza admits that in the past she did not have ECaP, she got to know many Muslim, Christian, faith in herself or in God, saying “I used to ask, and indigenous Lumad children who together ‘Why am I in this world? Why isn’t He helping shared their experiences with discrimination. me?’” She said, “I could empathize with their pain and feelings of isolation.” Slowly, she became a After participating in this group, she gained motivated advocate for peace and encouraged confidence. She said, “I know that I can do a children to work to understand one another. lot of things by informing other people of the importance of peace. I want to prove to my parents that even though I am just a child, I can change the world in my own little ways. I want them to be proud of me. I also want children to

18 feel what I feel now. I want them to know that as a child peacebuilder I can bring about good results.”

She ended, “I am so thankful that World Vision came into my life. You have given me something to believe in, an inspiration in life.” International Services

Advocating Change

n the world, there are some structural and institutional Iproblems that lead to poverty and continue to create inequality, injustice, and violation of human rights. Through our advocacy programs, World Vision works to change government’s policies, systems, governance, and attitudes to break through these systemic problems.

Starting in 2011, World Vision Taiwan devoted an additional US$80,000 to send a message to the Bolivian government about the importance of children’s health. Word is spread through advertising, television, and radio, in coordination with related training and seminars. We aim to educate the public on the basics of child health and mobilize community organizations and individual residents to call upon their government, health agencies, and the public to EHFRPHPRUHDZDUHRIDQGSODFHPRUHLPSRUWDQFHRQFKLOGKHDOWK7KLVLVDÀYH\HDU program through which we expect will spur the Bolivian government to implement laws improving the health of mothers and children and also increase the nation’s budget for health welfare measures.

Concurrently throughout 2011, World Vision Taiwan also continued to promote human trafficking prevention programs in five nations located in the Greater Mekong 6XEUHJLRQ&DPERGLD/DRV0\DQPDU7KDLODQGDQG9LHWQDPZKHUHWUDIÀFNLQJLVUDPSDQW This program aims to utilize media such as billboards to provoke awareness within the government and among the public of the importance of human rights in order to reduce WKHGDQJHUWRSHRSOHFRPPXQLWLHVDQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVFDXVHGE\KXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJDQG strengthen community protection measures. At the same time, by providing related life VNLOOVFRXUVHVDQGHVWDEOLVKLQJVXSSRUWJURXSVZHFDQKHOSYLFWLPVRIWUDIÀFNLQJUHFRYHU physically and mentally from the ordeal. Ultimately, the goal is to stimulate a policy HQYLURQPHQWZKHUHWUDIÀFNLQJYLFWLPVDQGGLVDGYDQWDJHGJURXSVUHFHLYHWKHSURWHFWLRQ and well-being they deserve.

In Africa, to deepen and broaden the reach of our Child Sponsorship Program, World Vision is focusing our efforts on advocacy for the basic rights of children. In our Tahoua ADP in Niger, we are using radio and other media (meetings, forums) to stress WKHLPSRUWDQFHRIELUWKFHUWLÀFDWHVIRUFKLOGUHQDQG DVVLVWVSRQVRUHGFKLOGUHQZKRODFNVXFKLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ to apply for and receive them. In our Faladje ADP in Mali, working together with community-based nutrition classrooms, we educate women on the importance of child nutrition, while accomplished mothers teach other women about local ingredients 19 and proper feeding methods. In our Rwandan Rushaki ADP, we established a children’s traditional dance troupe. Through festival dance and theatrical performances, the troupe advocates for AIDS awareness and peace, while the young participants VKRZRIIWKHLUFUHDWLYLW\DQGJDLQVHOIFRQÀGHQFH International Services

In Disaster, the Chance for New Life

n March 11, 2011 a massive earthquake devastated northeastern Japan. Not only did it cause OFRQVLGHUDEOHFDVXDOWLHVPDQ\VXUYLYRUVZHUHOHIWKRPHOHVV7KHLPSDFWRQWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\ZDV especially severe.


:LWKWKHDVVLVWDQFHRI:RUOG9LVLRQWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\LQDQG around Kesennuma is gradually coming back to life!

World Vision Japan’s livelihood team leader Rio Mochizuki explained, “For child wellbeing, it is critical for parents to have VWDEOHMREV%\VXSSRUWLQJWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\ZHDUHVXSSRUWLQJ children.”

World Vision provided financial support to repair the Kesennuma Fisheries Cooperative’s refrigeration unit, which KDVWKHFDSDFLW\WRIUHH]HWRQVRIÀVKDQGUHIULJHUDWHDQ additional 3,000 tons.

Mr. Kumagai said, “World Vision’s help has enabled us to rebuild our industry. The repaired unit will be online by the end of November (2011).”

Not just satisfied with economic assistance, World Vision also helped to infuse the industry with new vitality!

3ULRUWRWKHWVXQDPLWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\ZDVDOUHDG\LQ decline. Mr. Kumagai said, “Most young people prefer land- EDVHGMREV0DQ\RIWKHPPRYHGDZD\LQRUGHUWRÀQGZRUN The ratio of young people is continually decreasing among WKHSRSXODWLRQRIÀVKHUPHQµ

Part of World Vision’s efforts will be raising awareness of the fishing industry among youth and emphasizing its importance to their community.

Mariko Kinai, World Vision Japan’s earthquake and tsunami response manager said, “Taking this 20 disaster as an opportunity, World Vision will facilitate the creation of community-based task forces with members from the fishing industry. We will be going into high schools in the area and disseminating PDWHULDOVWHOOLQJWHHQDJHER\VWKDWWKHÀVKLQJLQGXVWU\LVFKDQJLQJDQGHQFRXUDJLQJWKHPWRSDUWLFLSDWH DQGQRWPLJUDWHRXWRIWKHDUHD7KHJRDOLVWRNHHS\RXWKLQWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGWRUHYLWDOL]HWKHÀVKLQJ industry.”

While the earthquake deeply wounded the people of Japan, it has also aroused their resolve to rally together and protect a valuable asset. International Services

Emergency Relief

n 2011, the world experienced frequent natural Iand man-made disasters. In Haiti in Latin America; Uganda, North Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, East DR Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Chad, and Niger in Africa; and North Korea in Asia tens of millions of people faced food shortages brought on by natural disasters, drought, climate change, disease, or war. In each of these areas, World Vision works together with local governments or the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to distribute food and implement nutrition programs to save lives and improve health.

Relentless natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, typhoons, and landslides in Japan, El Salvador, Haiti, Sri Lanka, China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Angola killed tens of thousands and displaced millions. In addition to providing In disaster-prone areas, World Vision plans disaster relief, food, water, materials, disaster response and preparedness measures, and shelter in the immediate which include a disaster warning system, disaster aftermath, World Vision also drills, rescue worker training, and stockpiling of continues our work long emergency relief supplies. By raising people’s after the disaster to help awareness, we can help to reduce losses in the survivors rebuild their event of a calamity. homes and livelihoods. At the same time, we focus In addition to sudden, unexpected disasters, especially on the needs of we also deal with other emergency situations. In children. Following such Mozambique, Malawi, and India, where the HIV an event, World Vision prevalence rates are high, we continue to care establishes a Child Friendly and advocate for the affected, promote disease Space to provide child prevention, and assist orphans and vulnerable survivors with a safe, stable environment in which they can children. It is also important to mention that play carefully designed games while fighting may have ceased in war-torn Sri and activities to help them escape Lanka, Afghanistan, and East Timor, World Vision’s from the disaster’s dark shadow. rebuilding and refugee programs continue. International Emergency Relief Program Number of Project Type Country &IRI½GMEVMIW ,EMXM9KERHE2SVXL7YHER/IR]E)EWX(6'SRKS>EQFME Food Shortage 4,235,413 21 >MQFEF[I0IWSXLS'LEH2MKIV2SVXL/SVIE)XLMSTME7SQEPME )P7EPZEHSV,EMXM7VM0EROE'LMRE0ESW8LEMPERH1]ERQEV-RHSRIWME Natural Disaster 500,169 4LMPMTTMRIW%RKSPE.ETER ,-: %-(73VTLERWERH 1S^EQFMUYI1EPE[M-RHME 10,870 :YPRIVEFPI'LMPHVIR'EVI 'LMPHVIRMR'SR¾MGXW4SWX[EV6ILEF 7VM0EROE%JKLERMWXER)EWX8MQSV.SVHER -VEUMVIJYKIIW 30,870 Total 4,777,322 people


A Wondrous Journey

World Vision gives children not just food, shelter, and health, but also opportunities to experience the world. We invite you along on this wondrous journey!

22 A Wondrous Journey

A Little Dream Brings about Great Change Taiwan Children’s Choir Helps Kids Find Self-Awareness

ove is the mightiest power on this Earth. While making LLove that is carried forth through song can routine visits, World both amaze and move all those who hear it. Vision Taiwan social The children of Taiwan who receive the caring workers learned about assistance of their sponsors often live in remote her background. Xiao areas of the island. Because they love to listen to Xin has two younger and make music, World Vision Taiwan created the sisters and used to Taiwan Children’s Choir (TCC) in 2009. Over the live with her parents. past three years, nurtured by music, the children Several years ago, her have not only discovered a new hobby, but in mother’s drinking led working with their choir mates, they have learned to their physical abuse how to care for others and spur growth in one and she eventually left another. Training sessions held during summer and the household. Xiao winter vacations have paid off, as the children’s Xin and her father then amazing talents have earned them many honors. moved in with her paternal Their average age is less than 11 years old. While grandmother. After the dual their bodies are small, they have a mighty weapon, shock of abuse and separation, using love to move all who hear them perform. Xiao Xin became withdrawn and dispirited. Music Stood by Her in Trying Times $WÀUVWVRFLDOZRUNHUVQRWLFHGWKDW;LDR;LQ Backstage, Xiao Xin and her fellow members was always very quiet and often hid herself in a of the TCC often share some fun and laughs, corner avoiding other children her age. To coax but in an instant she can transform into a caring her out of her shell, Xiao Xin’s social worker not older sister who looks after the younger kids. only went to her house often to read and play, A moment before she steps on stage, she has but also strongly encouraged her to join the TCC the poise of a professional singer as she readies because of her love of singing. herself for her performance. Gradually, Xiao Xin’s fear of social interaction Eight-year-old Xiao Xin is a member of the dissipated and she began to see the group’s Alishan Tsou Tribe and also part of the TCC. It is success as her own responsibility. During a winter hard to believe that this vibrant, self-assured girl music camp, Xiao Xin caught a cold and lost her is a domestic violence survivor who lived through voice, but she still insisted on competing. She said, the pressure of her parent’s divorce and was left “I know that my voice does not sound good, but I ZLWKOLWWOHVHOIFRQÀGHQFH still hope I can get up on stage with everyone and take part.” This moved her social worker, who had observed and worked with Xiao Xin for a long period, because Xiao Xin was beginning to show self-assurance and thoughtfulness. 23

Through music, Xiao Xin was able to emerge from a dark period in her life and she herself was changed by the experience. Today, she can experience love and is no longer lonely. She even hopes to one day become A Wondrous Journey

a professional singer. Now, she has gained the not to give up on themselves despite economic courage to continue along the path to her future. difficulties, many years ago World Vision Taiwan set up children’s cultural teams in indigenous Discovering Hidden Talents – villages throughout Taiwan that provide children the opportunity to learn their traditional +EMRMRK7IPJ'SR½HIRGI songs and culture. Such efforts then led to the Twelve-year-old Xiao Ling and her sister are establishment of the Taiwan Children’s Choir. We twins born to a single mother and have grown seek out children with musical talent and provide up without a father in their life. Their young WKHPWUDLQLQJWRIXOÀOOWKHLU*RGJLYHQSRWHQWLDO mother lacked the resources to raise them, so the sisters lived with their grandmother while their World Vision Taiwan hired Taipei Philharmonic mother left the village to find work. Xiao Ling Chorus Resident Conductor Tivulangan-Talivatan and her sister now spend all their time with their to serve as the choir’s artistic director. Training is grandmother, who collects materials for recycling held during summer and winter vacations along to make a living. Although this work makes a with additional sessions at other times during the meager income, Xiao Ling is very thankful for her year. In addition to providing specialized musical grandmother’s care. Whenever Xiao Ling has a education, we also actively work to teach the chance, she goes along with her grandmother to children proper values. Classes combine music gather recyclables. She does not resent the hard theory and choral and vocal training with life work, but instead is happy to be of help. education.

With the support of her sponsor, Xiao Ling can now go to school without worry and take part in tutoring and cultural team activities. Once a shy child, Xiao Ling not only discovered her talent for music as a TCC member, she also gained FRQÀGHQFHLQKHURZQDELOLWLHV´,ORYHWRVLQJDQG I enjoy doing crafts with my social worker,” she exclaimed. Because of her outstanding abilities, Xiao Ling has many opportunities to perform for the public. Discussing her expectations for the future, she said, “I hope that one day I will be able to help my grandmother, so she does not have to work so hard.” After three years of training, the TCC has held many concerts for the community. The young singers use their voices to comfort those 24 A Diamond in the Rough – who need our care. The group was also given Brightening up the World the amazing opportunity to record a song with Countless children have special musical, Taiwan’s First Lady and famous singer Wang artistic, or athletic talent, but because of unstable Leehom. These children do not just utilize the family finances they never have the chance to only power that they have to help others, but use develop their potential. To encourage children that same music to change their own lives. A Wondrous Journey

Thanking the Taiwanese Sponsors Who Helped in Trying Times Five ADPs Reach Their Development Goals and Aim for Self-Reliance

orld Vision Taiwan began supporting the Iasi WADP in Romania in 1997 soon after the fall of communism. Industry had collapsed and there Watching the video of her was severe unemployment. Many families fell on Taiwanese sponsor saying goodbye hard times, so education for the children was after more than 10 years, Petronela untenable and many had to drop out of school. Because of a lack of food, many children also faced Budeanu could not hold back the malnutrition, while medical care and sanitation tears. She remembered back to when also deteriorated. she first saw her sponsor, “When I Romania’s Iasi ADP – Seeing saw him, I felt like I already knew change in people’s hearts him. After all, he has been my only However, throughout our 14 years working sponsor and began assisting me since hand-in-hand with community people, through I was in nursery school. I truly thank the Child Sponsorship Program and community development programs focused on education, him! I hope that my achievements health, and economic development, a total of 3,000 have lived up to his expectations. children received direct assistance as sponsored children. When including their siblings, a total of Knowing that the ADP will end FKLOGUHQEHQHÀWWHG$ERXWVPDOOIDUPHUV operations, I feel a bit sad. I hope received training and established agricultural associations, which received certification from that he will not forget me and that the EU. These steps helped to improve farmers’ we can still keep in touch.” livelihoods. In addition, scholarships gave needy children the opportunity to go on to college.

Iulia Hergheligiu is a sophomore in college studying tourism who has received a scholarship from World Vision for the past four years. Iulia said, “My high school graduating class had a total of 16 students and I am the only one of them in college. My other classmates either had to start earning money or got married and had kids. Our parents could not support us financially. College has taught me a lot and my perspective is now totally different. After graduation, I want to go back to my village so that I can do my part to improve local education.”

Although World Vision has already stopped wwork at the Iasi ADP, over our 14 years here we 25 ededucated people about community development anand together created a strong foundation for futureu growth. Completing the transition to self- rereliance over the past two years, the community hahas already began to connect with other partners anand has drawn up plans to apply for subsidies or grgrants from other organizations. A Wondrous Journey

Mariana Lupu, 50, is both the principal at a local pre-school and director of the Costuleni Community Development Association. She expressed her thoughts about working together with World Vision saying, “World Vision taught us not to give up. If we have a very good idea, we need to see it through. What gives me the biggest sense of achievement is witnessing the change within people’s hearts! In the beginning, there was no cohesion and everyone had divergent opinions, but today, everyone has found the position most suited to him or herself. In the group, everyone works in the area in which they excel and we persevere towards our goals together.”

Like our Iasi ADP, in 2011 four other ADPs completed the transition phase and became self-reliant. These include Haiti’s Gouin ADP, the Proteccion ADP in Honduras, and the Surigao and Davao ADPs in the Philippines. Utilizing the same development principles, World Vision entered these communities to unite them towards a goal and build consensus within the community. Next, World Vision helped to cultivate leaders and establish community-based organizations to enable cooperation among residents, World Vision, and the local government to improve education, health, sanitation, and livelihoods, which are common problems in poor communities.

Haiti’s Gouin ADP – Improving and Expanding Education In 1998, World Vision Taiwan began to sponsor the Gouin ADP, which is located 211 kilometers from the Haitian capital of Port-au- Prince. Gouin is a rural community in which most people make a living from agriculture. A drought in the area caused food shortages, which led to a malnutrition rate of 50% in children. Education was also not widespread. Of the 50% of school-aged children who did go to school, they did not attend classes every day.

Through education programs, World Vision has increased the rate of children aged 6-11 attending school to 89.4%. At the same time, we have also established a vocational training center so that local youth can learn a trade. We launched children’s arts classes to help children develop their talents and increase self-confidence. Overall, we have greatly improved access to and quality of education in the ADP.

College student Thelusma, who is studying nursing, expressed her thanks, saying, “If it was not for World Vision’s help, I would never have had the opportunity to attend college. My dream is to set up at least one health center in my hometown to provide medical care to those who would otherwise go without.”

The key to ensuring children receive proper care and education is stable family income. Therefore, World Vision also actively helps communities improve agricultural yields to increase farmer income. ADPs introduce improved varieties of sheep and stud horses to improve the quality and yield of livestock, while also holding courses on growing cash crops, production and marketing, and running a small 26 business.

Haiti is located in a hurricane-prone region, so communities must focus on risk and disaster management. Through establishing a disaster prevention network, residents work together on a variety of disaster preparedness and mitigation plans. A Wondrous Journey

Honduras’ Proteccion ADP – Improving Child Nutrition and Health Our Honduran Proteccion ADP is located in the country’s western region. Residents are primarily farmers, but because the government could not provide a suitable production and marketing system, farmers’ productivity and livelihoods suffered. The most obvious manifestation of this problem was both poor nutrition and a high mortality rate among children. In the early stages of the ADP, 70% of FKLOGUHQXQGHUÀYHZHUHPDOQRXULVKHGDQGRIIDPLOLHVODFNHGFOHDQGULQNLQJ water. They collected rain water or gathered water from local streams. In addition, 78% of families lacked toilet facilities and would instead defecate outdoors, creating a perfect breeding ground for infectious diseases.

In order to improve child health, the ADP implemented a food security program that encouraged farmers to grow a variety of crops in their family gardens and taught families how to best utilize local foods with high nutritional values. These steps helped to reduce childhood malnutrition to 30%. In addition, World Vision worked together with the local government to construct a water supply system, water storage tanks, and latrines, while also performing housing improvements and repairs. Following these efforts, 80% of families received improvements to their facilities and the child mortality rate decreased dramatically.

The Philippines’ Surigao and Davao ADPs – Giving Residents a Safe Home World Vision’s Surigao and Davao ADPs in the Philippines are both ORFDWHGLQXUEDQDUHDV7KHELJJHVWGLIÀFXOWLHVIDFHGE\UHVLGHQWVDUHWKH lack of affordable housing and a high unemployment rate. Although these areas are at the edges of large cities, the cost of housing is still exorbitant, so the majority of people can only afford to live in illegally-built shanties. The high unemployment rate among adults forces many children into the streets to gather plastic bottles and other recyclables. Some PD\HYHQKDYHWRUHVRUWWREHJJLQJLQRUGHUWRÀOOWKHLUEHOOLHVDQGKHOSWKHLUIDPLOLHVVXUYLYH

In the ADPs, World Vision’s focus is on improving income and housing for sponsored families and developing quality education in order to upgrade the children’s living environment.

Many concrete improvements have been achieved after 11 years of working closely with the community in the Davao ADP. Through providing tuition, school supplies, and uniforms, we have helped FKLOGUHQDWWHQGVFKRRO:HKHOSHGWRLPSURYHIDFLOLWLHVDWVFKRROVEHQHÀWWLQJDURXQG students. In addition, we also helped 103 families living in illegally-built structures or in dangerous areas to build their own homes.

During our 10 years of work in the Surigao ADP, World Vision assisted 3,237 sponsored children with WKHLUWXLWLRQDQGRWKHUVFKRROUHODWHGFRVWV,QDGGLWLRQZHSURYLGHGOXQFKHVEXLOWÀYHVFKRROEXLOGLQJV remodeled 15 classrooms, while also donating textbooks and playground equipment. These steps have improved educational quality and increased the numbers of elementary and junior high students who continue their education and ultimately graduate. Aside from these efforts, we have also assisted residents to improve job opportunities through vocational training courses in the areas of foodservice, food processing, massage, cosmetology, and carpet weaving.

27 Through our Child Sponsorship Program, World Vision gathers together the loving donations of child sponsors to implement Area Development Programs in poor communities. We do not just invest these funds in physical facilities to improve residents’ quality of life. More importantly, by developing community-based organizations, residents can strengthen their own abilities and reach the goal of creating a self-sustainable community. The achievements made over our 10 to 15 years working with each community do not end when World Vision leaves, but continue and become even stronger. Breaking the F\FOHRISRYHUW\GRHVQRWMXVWEHQHÀWRQHJHQHUDWLRQRIFKLOGUHQEXWHYHU\IXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQDVZHOO A Wondrous Journey

Observing Change and Hope through the Lens A small pair of hands grasps a digital camera. Wide, curious eyes peek RXWDWWKHZRUOGWKURXJKLWVYLHZÀQGHU7DNHQIURPDGLIIHUHQWDQJOHWKLV place that is usually so familiar suddenly looks so different!

n March 2011, World Vision Taiwan held the “I like how to use a IAm Changed…Because of You” Photo Exhibition. piece of rice as We invited over 100 disadvantaged children, adhesive when hailing from 25 countries (including Taiwan) in they could not Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, who are afford to buy sponsored by caring Taiwanese donors to tell glue. Another their life story through photography. For many took a picture of of these children, who have been helped through his father toiling World Vision Taiwan’s Child Sponsorship Program, in a mine. One it was the first time they ever held a camera. girl photographed With curiosity and excitement, they grasped the her happiness at FDPHUDVLQWKHLUKDQGVDQGWRRNWKHLUÀUVWSLFWXUH UHFHLYLQJDEHDXWLIXORXWÀWIURP then went on to record their daily lives. her sponsor, while another showed how a disaster destroyed all but a few medals. Others expressed the ideal of different religions existing together in A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words peace. The exhibition featured nearly 150 photographs taken by children to share with While attending the photo exhibition, World the people of Taiwan. Children used cameras to Vision Taiwan’s Executive Director Hank Du said capture the small details of their lives and how that the Child Sponsorship Program enables their lives have been changed. Through the camera sponsors to take part in the life journey of a child OHQVFKLOGUHQOLYLQJLQGLIÀFXOWFLUFXPVWDQFHVFDQ from a far corner of the world. You can personally show us how they see the world. VHHWKHPEXLOGDIRXQGDWLRQÀQGWKHLUGLUHFWLRQ for the future, and then grow and mature step by Each photo is a window on to a little world. step. Through photographs, we see that they live Although the children live with war, disasters, LQDYHU\GLIÀFXOWHQYLURQPHQW:KLOHOLIHPD\EH and poverty, they still use their own unique unpredictable, the hopes children have in their perspective to view the world. One photographed hearts do not waver. A sponsor’s love is a strong how their grandmother taught them folk wisdom, power for change and growth in a child’s life.

28 A Wondrous Journey

Love Knows No Boundaries – Embarking on Life’s Most Important Journey During the exhibition, World Vision Taiwan also invited 14 of the little photographers from overseas to take part. Jackie Umugwaneza hails from Rwanda in Africa and it was KHUÀUVWWULSDEURDGDQGKHUÀUVWFKDQFHWRPHHWDQ\RQH from Taiwan. She was very impressed by the airport and Taiwan’s tall buildings. While it was exciting to visit a place so different from her home, she was even more thrilled to meet the person who had sponsored her for nearly two years.

Before departing for her journey, Jackie’s mother helped her pack some local handmade baskets to give to her sponsor. Jackie herself also brought a hat as a gift. Jackie said that she was grateful to her sponsor because without her help, she would still be living in a world beset by poverty and racial GLVFULPLQDWLRQ6KHVDLG´,KRSHWKDW,FDQKXJKHUIRUÀYH hours (meaning a long, long time) and personally say thank you. I also want to tell her, I want to share with and help others in the future just like she does!”

Jean Tshenge, from the African nation of DR Congo, had been very ill, but medical care provided through World Vision’s efforts gave him a new life. That is why his trip to Taiwan was even more special; he could visit as a happy, healthy young boy. He brought souvenirs in the shape of his native Congo purchased by his community people to give to his sponsor.

This group of innocent children not only wholeheartedly looked forward to expressing their gratitude to their Taiwanese sponsors, but also to introducing Taiwan to the people and customs of their home countries and villages. The group included Shi Xuan, a member of the Laiji Tribe from Taiwan’s &KLD\L&RXQW\+HSKRWRJUDSKHG$OL0RXQWDLQZRUOGUHQRZQHGIRULWVPDJQLÀFHQWEHDXW\$OL0RXQWDLQ was affected by Typhoon Morakot, but he hopes that people do not forget the majesty of its landscape. Shi Xuan also wanted to record his daily life and share his love for his family with others.

These images represent the part of their inner world that these children would like to share with us. Able to look at the world in panorama and also zooming in on their own lives, this activity has broadened the children’s perspectives and also brought people closer together. The Child Sponsorship Program gives needy children throughout the world the opportunity to develop more of their potential. Because you extend your hand in friendship, their lives become more complete!

29 Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners

2011 Financial Report Source: Finance Division From October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 )LVFDO

Fiscal Year 2011 Financial Highlights

Item Amount (NT$)

Revenues 3,724,960,760

Expenses 3,677,543,891

2IXWYVTPYW HI½GMX  47,416,869

Fiscal Year 2011 Analysis of Revenues

Items of Revenues Amount (NT$)

Domestic Sponsorship Income 569,763,969

International Sponsorship Income 1,258,513,301

Emergency Relief Donation 1,181,667,290

Development Ministry Donation 358,314,634

Undesignated Donation 50,800,223

30 Government Contract 260,287,113 Government Contract Fundraising 20,361,960

Other Income 5,466,634

Gift-in-kind Income 19,785,636

Total Revenues 3,724,960,760 Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners

Fiscal Year 2011 Analysis of Expenses

Items of Expenses Amount (NT$)

Domestic Ministry Expenses 1,741,392,549

International Ministry Expenses 1,749,608,764

Administrative Expenses 83,326,116

Fundraising Costs 103,216,462

Total Expenses 3,677,543,891 31 Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners

Abundance and Appreciation in 2011

October – December 2010 Government jointly held the Dutch The women from Hualien prepared Wooden Shoe Painting Activity and a traditional indigenous treat, Charity Auction, inviting nearly 70 alivongvong, to share with the others A Party with the President celebrities and artists to make their in attendance. and First Lady mark on traditional Dutch wooden shoes. The Netherlands Trade & IKEA’s “Meals of Love” for Investment Office also provided 36 Remote Areas small wooden shoes so sponsored In coordination with World Vision children from Maolin and Wutai Taiwan’s programs to provide food could also paint their own designs. to remote areas, IKEA Taiwan began All of the masterpieces were put on the “Meals of Love” fundraising display from November 6 through effort in October 2010. In addition December 12 in the Netherlands to displaying donation boxes and Pavilion at the Taipei International ÁLHUVLQVWRUHV,.($DOVRLQYLWHGWKH Flower Expo and were then sold at public to visit World Vision Taiwan’s a charity auction with all proceeds website to make donations. Through donated to World Vision Taiwan’s the end of September 2011, the President Ma Ying-jeou and education programs. NT$4,978,252 raised will ensure First Lady Chow Mei-ching that poor children in Taiwan will not invited sponsored children from have to go hungry. all areas of Taiwan, along with their siblings and classmates, Celebrates to a party at the Presidential 30 Years by Promoting Residence in Taipei following Education the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the Taiwan’s Rock Records celebrated beginning of a new semester in its 30th anniversary with the Rock January 2011, Ms. Chow Mei- 30 Concert. In cooperation with ching also travelled to Pingtung’s World Vision Taiwan, videos about our Education Aid were shown Jiade Valley Farm along with 87 Sylvia Chang Visits Hualien during the concert to encourage children from Mudan and Shizi to Review Progress attendees to donate, and fliers Townships to enjoy a meal and a On the eve of Thanksgiving, Sylvia were distributed in the arena. The fun-filled afternoon. She shared Chang made a return visit to concert’s program also featured ads with the children a new hope for Hualien after a year away to join for the Child Sponsorship Program. the New Year and represented local women and children for a When attendees flip through their World Vision Taiwan to present Thanksgiving feast. Witnessing program to remember their great the students with school aid. the changes brought about by experience, children in Taiwan living her Children’s Meal Services and 32 in poverty too can find their own Women’s Empowerment projects, happiness. Painted Wooden Shoes Sylvia was joyful. In December 2010, to Support School Aid for Sylvia along with Chang Hsiao- Morakot Survivors yen, Joseph Cheng, and her own KFC’s “It Has to Be You!” World Vision Taiwan, the son Oscar accompanied their good 2010 Donation Drive Netherlands Trade & Investment friends from Hualien to see the KFC Taiwan and World Vision Office, and the Tainan City Taipei International Flower Expo. Taiwan joined hands to hold the Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners fourth annual “It Has to Be You! Outstanding Foster Family Giving Hope to Hungry Children” Recognition Ceremony 2010 fundraising drive, which raised a total To encourage loving foster families, of NT$3,543,842 through NT$10 on December 4 Taipei’s Department donations at KFC branches island- of Social Welfare and World Vision wide and sales of a charity calendar. Taiwan held the Outstanding Foster Funds were used to support our Family Recognition Ceremony Food Security Program in Armenia. 2010. In addition to recognizing The calendar featured especially outstanding foster families, awards outstanding works selected by World were also handed out for lifetime Vision Taiwan from among paintings achievement and long-term done by sponsored children located assistance to acknowledge foster in our 48 ADPs in 28 countries. IDPLOLHV·VHOÁHVVFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKH well-being of disadvantaged children. Elva Hsiao and 13 Fellow Artists Release Charity Leaving the Pain of Morakot Single “Forever X’mas” Behind – A New Life in Rinari To raise awareness of child health Began on Christmas Day issues, Elva Hsiao led a group of After over a year of hard work, 13 other artists, including Vanness World Vision Taiwan held a Wu, Dee Hsu, Cheryl Yang, Jing The Eslite Corporation’s Welcome Home Ceremony for Chang, and Jaycee Fong, to record Support for “Child Health residents moving in to permanent the charity single “Forever X’mas”. Now” housing at Pingtung’s Majia Farm On Christmas Eve, they released In 2009, the Eslite Corporation on Christmas Day to share the joy the Forever X’mas Gift Box, which began working with World Vision of this homecoming with a varied includes the CD single and a Child Taiwan to raise money towards our group of well-wishers. President Health Now orange wristband. “Child Health Now” program. From Ma was also on hand to express In addition, Hollywood superstar October 2010 through September his congratulations. After a vote by Jamie Foxx recorded a commercial 2011, a total NT$1,392,898 was residents, the village was christened to encourage others to support raised from change collection Rinari, a word which means people the effort, while he himself made a boxes located in Eslite bookstores all races are accepted there. sizable donation towards the cause. throughout Taiwan.

January – March 2011 and also help children attend school. Donations totaled NT$15,161,861 and assisted 4,070 children to Taiwan High Speed Rail’s continue their education. “Passing Love On at High Speed for Educational Aid” From January through March 2011, 7-ELEVEN Helping Families Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation in Need for Lunar New Year (THSRC) raised money through World Vision Taiwan and 7-ELEVEN donation envelopes on train cars and joined hands to launch the “OPEN donation boxes in stations. THSRC Your Heart – Helping Families for riders could enjoy a speedy journey New Year’s” donation campaign. For every NT$10,000 donated by the public to assist Taiwanese families in desperate need, 7-ELEVEN would also give OPEN Lunar New Year Gift 33 Bags to help them enjoy the holiday. A total of 1,200 Gift Bags were given away. On January 26, seven 7-ELEVEN branches throughout Taiwan closed could choose their own New Year’s for half an hour to all but 21 families gifts and start out the New Year on with urgent needs. Their children a happy note. Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners

Child Sponsorship media sites. Aside from members of Spokespersons Visit Vietnam the public, enterprises also pledged Caring celebrities Peter Ho and their support. Some of the caring Janine Chang arrived at the Phuoc corporations providing assistance Son ADP in central Vietnam on for Japanese reconstruction efforts February 25 for a six-day visit included: Tsai-Yi, Christian Dior to better understand the living Couture (Taiwan), Chii Lih Jewelry, Yuan Shen Publishing House, Taiwan environment and needs of local Canon, Yahoo! Kimo Auction, New Semiconductor Manufacturing disadvantaged children. They also Balance, and KFC Taiwan for their Company Ltd., JPMorgan Chase used cameras to chronicle all they sponsorship of this exhibition. saw and felt during their trip to Bank, HTC Corporation, Ever Vietnam. After returning to Taiwan, Power IPP Co., Corning Inc., a selection of their photos were Sending Love to Japan – Eli Lilly and Company (Taiwan) shown during World Vision Taiwan’s Fundraising Telethon and Inc., Fubon Charity Foundation, “I Am Changed…Because of You” Tour 7-ELEVEN (President Chain Store photo exhibition held in March. March’s large earthquake dealt a Corp.), President Starbucks Coffee GLIÀFXOWEORZWRQRUWKHDVWHUQ-DSDQ Corp., Circle K, Uniqlo Co., Arcoa World Vision Taiwan immediately Communication Co., Ding Ding launched a fundraising campaign Integrated Marketing Service Co., and took part in World Vision’s and Taishin International Bank. In international relief efforts in Japan. May, World Vision Taiwan, celebrity On March 17, The Association of Judy Ongg, and reporters visited Terrestrial Television Networks devastated areas in Japan and met Taiwan R.O.C. and the Satellite with survivors living in shelters and Television Broadcasting Association children in Child Friendly Spaces. R.O.C jointly organized a fundraising We also brought well-wishes from “I Am Changed…Because of telethon, which was simulcast on students and teachers of Taiwan’s You” Photo Exhibition 15 television stations and online Chongcing Elementary School. Held from March 19 – 26 at seven locations throughout Taiwan, the “I Am Changed…Because of You” Exhibition features photos taken by sponsored children from 25 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Photos were also on display at 17 Starbucks stores across the island through July 31. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our partners

April – June 2011 May 15 is International Day of President Starbucks Coffee Families. Celebrities F.I.R., Vanness Corp. Works Hand-in-Hand Wu, Christine Fan, Blackie , with World Vision Taiwan to “Lively Taiwan, Happy Joseph Cheng, and Wilber Pan Promote Education Family” Walkathon on hosted the “Lively Taiwan, Happy The “New Hope Indigenous Child International Day of Families Family” Walkathon held Education” fundraising program, a in seven cities throughout long-term collaboration between 34 Taiwan, which was co- President Starbucks Coffee Corp. sponsored by Taiwan’s and World Vision Taiwan has now Happy Family Alliance and entered its 13th year. In April, the World Vision Taiwan. Hosts Global Month of Service, Starbucks called on the public to build launched the donation drive at and cherish healthy family branches throughout Taiwan, while relationships. also offering products for sale with Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners proceeds benefitting the program. July – September 2011 heroes from all parts of Taiwan This year, they also held New Hope gathered together at the Linkou Classrooms to familiarize the Gymnasium to take on the challenge public with Taiwan’s rich indigenous Inventec Appliances Corp. of going 30 hours without solid culture through the various tribes’ Promotes Education in food. Attendees used the power indigenous languages, songs, and Remote Areas of Taiwan of hunger to demonstrate Taiwan’s dances. Inventec Appliances Corp. continued love, giving hope to children in its support of education programs Taiwan and overseas. We would like ADATA Technology’s for Taiwan’s needy children. In 2011, to thank our co-sponsor 7-ELEVEN (President Chain Store Corp.) and "Worldwide Give Me Ten Inventec extended its assistance to Relay" nearly 1,000 high school and college Visitors to the ADATA Technology students from Taitung and Lanyu. Co. Ltd.’s website were welcomed The total raised from Inventec, its to use social media sites to send employees, and the community was messages of love to raise awareness an impressive NT$6,866,981. for people in need. ADATA Technology also helped street Amit’s Caring Support for children in Mumbai, India, by funding Indigenous Education shelters, placement, education, and guidance services for these our other caring corporate partners: very young, homeless children. The King Car Otsuka Co., Lipton, The program also assisted with World Commercial Association of Meal Vision’s projects in Niger to help Box, Food, New Taipei City, Shin rebuild water infrastructure, giving Kuang & YI Kuang Security Co., residents clean drinking water. Taipei Medical University Hospital, and Retail Support International for The 22nd Annual 30 Hour providing the resources required to Famine Ambassadors Visit hold the Famine Hero Rally. Swaziland Taiwanese songstress A-Mei Chang, Warriors of the Rainbow: The 22nd Annual 30 Hour Famine whose indigenous name is Gulilai Seediq Bale Charity Auction Ambassadors, singers Crowd Lu and Amit, worked with World Vision Cheer Chen, visited the Kingdom of Taiwan to establish Amit’s Dream for Children’s Education Swaziland to better understand the )XOÀOOPHQW6FKRODUVKLS7KLV-XO\VKH Costumes from the popular film situation facing hungry children, their also made a trip to her home in Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq families, and communities. The pair Taitung to film a public service ad Bale were donated for a charity broke through the barriers of race, in support of World Vision Taiwan’s auction with all proceeds going nationality, and language through education assistance programs. Xiao towards World Vision Taiwan’s music to share the love of Taiwan’s (QDVSRQVRUHGFKLOGZKRÀOPHGWKH education assistance programs. people. Following the trip, Crowd ad with Amit, was especially excited. Director Te-Sheng Wei and actors in Lu said that the trip inspired him to He sang a song of gratitude he had WKHÀOPDOVRKHOGDSUHVVFRQIHUHQFH adopt a green lifestyle, while Cheer, written himself, “Thank you for to encourage the public to assist who celebrated her birthday in coming here today, changing our lives needy indigenous children get an Swaziland, said that it had truly been and making the world brighter…” education. We would like to thank one she would not forget. The gesture was a wonderful ARS Film Production, Central surprise to Amit. Pictures Corp., VIZIO Inc., Koobe Inc., Yahoo! Kimo Auction, Yuan- The 22nd Annual 30 Hour Famine 35 The 22nd Annual 30 Hour Famine Hero Rally was held on July 30 and 31 with the theme “Love the Earth – Keep Taiwan Beautiful another 100 Years”. Attendees also focused on the effects of climate change and food crisis. Fifteen thousand famine Acknowledging our Compassionate Partners

Liou Publishing Co., and Freeman goodwill ambassador and give a athletic potential. Rose also provided Industrial Corp. for their kind voice to disadvantaged school-aged basketballs that he signed personally support. children living in Taiwan’s cities. This to be sold on Yahoo!Kimo Auction year, through the support of ANZ with all proceeds going to World World Vision’s Asia Forum Taiwan, its employees, and the public, Vision Taiwan’s Investing in a Full Life 2011 – Giving Children in the Educational Assistance Carnival program. Asia a New Future raised over NT$1.8 million, which World Vision’s Asia Forum 2011 will be put towards tuition aid for First Lady Chow Mei-ching was held in Taiwan for the first needy high school students in Taipei Joins Singer Wang Leehom time from August 23 to 25. Taiwan’s and Kaohsiung. to Help Needy Children President and World Vision Taiwan Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia in the child sponsor, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou was NBA Star Derrick Rose Horn of Africa are experiencing the invited to the forum to share his Shoots Hoops With Young worst drought in the past 60 years. personal experiences with World Morakot Survivors In order to encourage Taiwanese Vision and Taiwan’s new role in Asia. NBA star Derrick Rose visited people to show their concern for World Vision International President Taiwan on August 28, where he hungry children in East Africa and Kevin Jenkins and leaders of World played a game of basketball with children in Taiwan living in poverty, Vision in 30 countries around the Bunun children from Kaohsiung’s First Lady Chow Mei-ching went Namaxia District. In addition, he into the recording studio for the represented Adidas to donate ÀUVWWLPHZLWKFDULQJPXVLFLDQ:DQJ uniforms and shoes to the young Leehom and the Taiwan Children’s players. Over the next three years, Choir to record the song “Hand in Adidas will donate NT$2 million Hand.” The song was featured on worth of uniforms and shoes World Vision Taiwan’s “Famine No to children in Typhoon Morakot More – Helping the Needy in the affected areas to encourage Horn of Africa and Taiwan” CD and indigenous children to realize their DVD set released in November 2011.

JP Morgan’s Long-Term world came together to discuss the Support for Education direction and vision for the next 10 This year, JP Morgan donated NT$ years of child care work in the Asia- 1,353,719 as continued support for Pacific region. At the same time, three Children’s Centers (Pushi, we invited Executive Director of JP Gufeng, and Lehe) in Eastern Taiwan. Morgan’s Taiwan Branch, Emily Wang, The donation went towards funding and Alan T. Eusden, Chairman of equipment and classes, while also Corning Display Technologies Taiwan providing tuition aid for 45 children. Co. Ltd, to discuss their long-term 2Q1RYHPEHUWKHÀUPKHOGDQ partnerships with World Vision. annual visit to better understand the needs of local children. ANZ Taiwan Supports Education in Taiwan ANZ Taiwan and World Vision Taiwan jointly held the “Happy Campus – Educational Assistance Carnival” charity fundraising campaign to 36 provide financial assistance to disadvantaged children in the Taipei and Kaohsiung metro areas so they can further their education. Long- term World Vision Taiwan child sponsor and entertainer Harlem Yu was also invited to serve as World Vision Taiwan Board of Directors and Supervisors







Board Member Tiffany Huang 7IRMSV4EVXRIV&EOIV 1G/IR^MI8EMTIM



Board Member Rose Tsou 1EREKMRK(MVIGXSV=ELSS%4%'




Supervisor Josephine Wong (MVIGXSV(V.S .SI W'PMRMG Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.

World Vision Taiwan 6F, 133, Sec. 4, Min-Sheng East Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel. 886-2-2175-1995 www.worldvision.org.tw

Please remit your overseas donations to: Mega International Commercial Bank, Co., Ltd. East Taipei Branch Bank Address: 1F, No. 52, Sec. 4, Min Sheng E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. SWIFT code: ICBC TWTP Account name: World Vision of Taiwan Account number: 226-53-006-189