Drumglass Parish

A special edition of

Outlook April 2020

The Curate’s Corner,

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, being told where you are allowed to go and who you are allowed to see, feels unnatural. In these difficult days, many people are feeling lonely and isolated. Loneliness was already an epidemic sweeping our nation, but I am so thankful to live here in this community, where so many people are faithful neighbours and friends and where bonds of family and friendship are solid.

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused huge changes in how we live. Who could have ever imagined that we would be suspending our church services, without knowing when they would return? Who could have imagined that we would not be allowed to visit each other in homes, go to a coffee shop with a friend, or even send our children to school? Life has changed, and it changed quickly.

More than ever before, we have been reminded that we are not in control. At a time like this, we need an anchor in our lives. For me, that anchor is Jesus Christ. He offers me a sure foundation and a rock on which to build my life. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and he is faithful. He is Lord and has power over every sickness and death itself.

That is who Jesus is. In these uncertain days, my earnest prayer is that you will know that same Jesus and, as we approach Holy Week and Easter, that your heart will be filled with his forgiveness and love and be stirred by his life changing hope and purpose.

That is who Jesus is – I commend him to you and encourage you to accept him as Lord and Saviour – today!


Coronavirus update We find ourselves in difficult and unfamiliar territory as together we navigate our way through the Coronavirus situation. The had called for the cessation of public worship and all parish activities, and the closure of all church buildings, a situation which will last for the foreseeable future. This decision has been made following prayer, wise counsel and collaboration with other church leaders. This formal guidance is designed to ensure that we, as a church, are doing all that we can to prevent any unavoidable risk of infection. Consequently, in Drumglass Parish, all organisations, meetings and services are cancelled with immediate effect and until further notice. As Christians we deeply value the opportunity to gather in public worship and encourage one another. As disciples of Jesus, the public proclamation of the Gospel and the teaching of the scriptures is very important to us. As a family of faith, pastoring and supporting people through their most difficult days is one of our greatest joys. The current circumstances do not change these truths, but they do create difficulties for us to exercise our usual ministries. We are heart-broken, but will be seeking creative ways to ensure that we all stay connected in these days of isolation, ensuring that the Parish of Drumglass continues to grow together. We encourage all parishioners to follow the up-to-date government guidance and stay at home. Please do not compromise your health or that of others by taking any unnecessary risks. Our earnest prayer is that good will come out of these difficult weeks. Recently we paid tribute to the enormous and very genuine sense of community which unites and sustains our great parish.

At this time, those deep bonds of fellowship and care will be exercised and extended as we care for one another and look out for vulnerable, isolated and lonely in our midst. Never again will we take our church services for granted, but will appreciate them and the opportunities which they provide for us to join together in worship. We will develop a new empathy with Christians across the world who cannot meet together, and those closer to home who are no longer able to be part of our regular congregations. At a time when culture is gripped with fear, we will be fearless and we will be faithful. The Parish of Drumglass will not stand back but will instead step forward and embrace the opportunities to love our neighbours in practical and meaningful ways. If you can help with food deliveries, pharmacy collections, telephoning a few isolated people each week then please let us know by contacting [email protected]. We want to respond with wisdom, compassion and integrity. If you require practical or pastoral support in the days ahead then please do not hesitate to contact Graham or Elizabeth by telephone or the above email address. Kerry will be working to ensure that our children, young people and their families have access to discipleship material which can be used at home and to keep us connect with each other using her skill and expertise with technology. We continue to pray for you and will be in touch with devotional material, worship suggestions and prayer requests via email and our parish facebook page. Details are included later in this magazine. Please ensure that you are connected in these ways as we strive to maintain our life and witness amongst one another and beyond to our community who need the presence of a loving church more than ever. Yours in Christ, Graham and Elizabeth

Although we cannot offer our usual broad range of opportunities to worship together, a service will be available to watch each Sunday morning, via our own Drumglass Parish Youtube channel and on the parish Facebook page. Please tune in and feel free to share.

In addition, a short midweek reflection will be online each Wednesday at 7pm on Dumglass Church of Ireland, Dungannon Facebook page.

Tune in to Facebook each evening at 7pm for Word at Home. This is a great way to Word remain connected and see a familiar face as a at member of our church family reads a short passage of scripture and home says the Lord’s Prayer,

None of these initiatives can replace the joy of meeting together, but we do hope that they will provide temporary opportunities for connection and encouragement until we can meet again. Pastoral care It is a source of enormous personal disappointment to us that hospital and nursing homes visits have been suspended. Please continue to inform Graham on 07793032766/87380360 or Elizabeth on 38851503 if you or another parishioner is in hospital. Myrtle and Dereck, the Chaplains at Craigavon Area Hospital are, at the moment, still on duty and allowed to visit in exceptional circumstances. Continue to pray for them as they serve many parishes with this valuable ministry.

In addition, all regular home visits have ceased and there will be no home communion services for the foreseeable future. Please remember to keep an eye on your neighbours. Why not make a commitment to a phone call each day to someone you know might be struggling with isolation our could be missing the routine of regular visitors. Each of us has the potential and opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our friends and neighbours.

u Jesus said; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself” Matthew 22:37-39

Keeping in touch We are trying to keep in touch with parishioners during this difficult time. In order to do so, we must have accurate and up to date contact details. If you have moved house, changed phone number or adjusted your email address, then please let us know by contacting [email protected] . If you know someone who has email but has not been receiving emails from Drumglass Parish, that means that we don’t have their email address. If they would like to be added to the regular communication list, to keep in touch, then please ask them to forward their email address to the above address. If you know someone who hasn’t access to email, perhaps you could print off this copy of Outlook and pop it through their letter box, but please follow the social distancing guidelines. Social media is no substitute for face to face interaction and conversation, but it remains an important resource for us, in order to remain connected. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, at Drumglass Church of Ireland, Dungannon, for up-to-date information.

Thanks to all who supported the recent Coffee Morning held in Bush Orange Hall, hosted by our parishioner Elizabeth Burns. Elizabeth would like to thank all who supported this through their presence and / or by donation. Your efforts raised £1350 for Diabetes UK.

A few weeks ago we welcomed Bishop Ken Clarke to Drumglass. As always, we were encouraged by his ministry and many people were comforted by his message from Psalm 23. Fanta has written a special prayer for this unique time in our nation. Why not join with others in using it?

Unshakeable God, at this time of national crisis and personal pain, we look to you for help and hope. We don’t understand what’s happening. We are fearful and apprehensive. We grieve to see people dying. We are anxious about the future. We are fearful about surviving financially. We are really just about hanging in. We can’t get a grip on what is going on. It hurts to see people suffer. It hurts to see doctors, nurses and care workers stretched to their limits. It is so painful to think of those in isolation who are deeply worried. It is heart-breaking to see the bereaved. It is distressing to know that some people are utterly alone.

We cry out to you for help and hope. We ask your forgiveness for our pride and folly. We repent of our selfishness and sin. Show us your mercy Lord. Heal our land. God of compassion; stretch out your hands of healing. God of grace; show us your mercy. God of truth; may your word bring hope. Lord Jesus, walk with us in our pain fear and confusion. Once again calm the storm. Once again heal the hurting. Once again bring hope and help. Bless all who are serving selflessly to care for others. Give our leaders wisdom and vision. Help them to make the right decisions at this unprecedented time. Strengthen and protect all who are still working. Thank you for the thoughtful actions of many people. Thank you for all whose lives are marked by acts of kindness. Thank you for churches seeking first your Kingdom, a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Thank you that in you, the unshakeable God, there is rock solid hope for the present and future. Thank you that you are the God of the Cross and the God of resurrection. Breathe afresh your Holy Spirit upon us, upon our nation, and across the world at this time. In the powerful Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. Prayers for our community in these difficult days

God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness be their light. Through Him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Pray for our children who are missing school, for their teachers and all who work in schools. Pray for our NHS and other frontline staff who are working tirelessly to support and help so many people. Pray that all key-workers would feel equipped and enabled to continue. Pray for a strong sense of community spirit and support. Pray that God would bring revival out of this difficult situation.

We've had to press pause on Brownie activities for the time being, but we've sure been a busy Unit so far this year. We have 27 Brownies so Heather, Carole and Debbie are delighted that Julie-Ann Ferguson has joined the leadership team. The senior school girls Victoria, Abigail and Jane, who come along to help, have been very welcome and both leaders and Brownies enjoy their company and support at meetings. The Guiding programme has been revamped recently and this is the first year we are really delving into the new themes of Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventure, Skills for My Future and Take Action. Everything is done with fun and the girls are challenged to give the best of themselves and to think of others too. Our Brownies are certainly not short on imagination and have made up the most amazing stories in mime, building scenes or using sensory props. When they did small group storytelling, where one girl would start off the story and they each continued in turn, there were lots of ridiculous outcomes, giggles and raucous laughter!! There's always time for games in our sessions and there's never a shortage of suggestions and ideas for new games from the Brownies. Group decision making dictates what we play, with Starboard Larboard, Wink Murder, Starball and Found a Rotten Apple being regular favourites.

Autumn half-term is when the girls look forward to exchanging their uniform for a Halloween outfit and having a party with some spooky games. They got crafty too and decorated bags to use for Trick or Treating later.

During Parliament Week in November, we explored democracy in action and had a ballot box vote for the girls to decide what kind of programme they wanted. They were all very keen, watching the Brownie vote counters to see what the result would be! Soon after that, the party dresses were out again for our Christmas gathering and this year the girls enjoyed a visit from Olaf.

Thinking of others, we had an Air Ambulance themed evening, when the girls made paper helicopters, had a quiz which helped us all learn about this rescue service and we made our own collections boxes. The Brownies, their families and friends were very generous and filled those little boxes with over £300 which we were very pleased to send off to the charity.

In January we had our Panto outing to Portadown Town Hall, to see Jack and the Beanstalk. Our Brownie group was right at the front of the audience, so when the performers started spraying water and throwing sweets out from the stage there were lots of shrieks and excitement!!

At the end of February our Thinking Day activity found us focusing on the wider Guiding family and the different centres around the world. We also attended church with the Rainbows and Guides to renew our Promises and take part in the service, with the girls singing about the foundations chosen by the wise and foolish builders. Looking ahead, we hope our Brownies will get together again this year, but for now we all need to stay at home and keep well. There are some fun Brownie activities available online at https://www.girlguiding.org.uk

The Mothers’ Union Prayer

Loving Lord, We thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world.

Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.

Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world. In Jesus’ name,


At our March meeting, we welcomed along our very own Iris Suitor who shared her experiences in Rwanda with June Butler at the MU Worldwide Conference.

Iris told us all about her trip and the exciting people she met. Using a slide show, Iris shared how all these ladies together were looking to make a difference with Gender Based Violence, peace and self- reliance, and empowering women.

70 representatives from 36 countries attended. They attended Kimiromko MU Branch where they saw children learning skills, sewing to make clergy shirts and making rugs made by hand.

They received an invitation to the Archbishop Mbanda’s home for an evening of entertainment and food.

Iris visited the memorial gardens of the Genocide in Kigali where, over 25 years, 85% of the population were murdered, raped and children left without family members. Iris recalled how there wasn’t a word spoken as they walked around it.

Iris ended with some craic about the lady driver who drove them about - it was a scary ride!

Linda prayed, thanked Iris for coming and gave her a token of thanks. Thanks to the ladies who provided supper. Thank you also to those who gave their overseas money to Linda Wright.

It is with sadness that due to the COVID 19 Virus we have had to cancel all our meetings. Our trip in May is also cancelled and all deposits will be returned as soon as it is safe to do so. Please continue to pray for all in our ministry team and our parish. May God bless you and keep you all safe. “God is our strength and refuge”. Keep the faith.


are those who

MOURN for they will be

COMFORTED Matthew 5:4

From the Parish Registers

Burials: Mrs Maureen Leckey, 22nd March 2020

Please remember to pray for all who are bereaved in our parish.

The following statement was issued by our Archbishop elect, Rt Rev’d John McDowell and relates to all funerals for the foreseeable future:

“We have come to expect that a funeral service with burial/cremation will normally take place around the third day after death. With the evolving coronavirus crisis that may not be possible, especially if there are numerous deaths and the authorities come under severe pressure. Members of the clergy can continue to perform funeral liturgies and services as soon as legally and practically possible, working with funeral directors and others as appropriate, strictly adhering to hygiene advice and physical distancing measures.

Funerals should be attended by family members only in order to keep numbers in attendance low, it is strongly advisable that funeral arrangements (time, date, venue) are not publicly advertised in order to avoid large gatherings. Clergy should not visit the home of the deceased or the homes of the bereaved family. Funeral arrangements should be made by phone and/or email.

A marker, such as a sheet of paper, should be placed at appropriate places on chairs / pews in order to ensure the seating arrangements comply with physical distancing measures.

There should be no congregational singing, however background music could be offered where feasible. Hygiene advice and physical distancing should be strictly adhered to, physical contact including handshaking, and funeral teas should not take place.

Copies of prayers for the sick and the dying and also a copy of the funeral service could be helpfully sent to those unable to attend the funeral of a friend or relative, as could an audio or video recording of the service where this is possible.

The option of holding a Thanksgiving Service, to take place at a future date when possible, should be offered to bereaved families.”

At Drumglass Parish, we understand the pain caused by the death of a loved one. As a ministry team we always seek to bring comfort and hope at this difficult time.

Funeral services are often a very important marker in the journey of grief and we do not underestimate the heartache that these new regulations will cause to bereaved families.

Please be assured of our continued commitment to do all that is possible and safe to support families who are coping with the death of a loved one.

Remember to pray for all who are bereaved, trusting that God is still the one who brings light out of darkness and joy out of despair.

Baptisms In accordance with government guidelines, a number of baptisms in Drumglass Parish have been postponed. Any parents with queries should contact Graham immediately on 07793032766 or 87380360 We look forward to celebrating with these precious families as soon as possible.


In accordance with government guidelines, a number of weddings in Drumglass Parish have been postponed. Any couples with queries should contact Graham immediately on 07793032766 or 87380360

Please pray for these couples as they come to terms with their disappointment and make new arrangements.


Week Plans for Holy Week and Easter were well advanced and we were looking forward to a varied and engaging week of outreach and ministry. Unfortunately, all of our planned events have been cancelled. We will have a much2020 quieter Holy Week this year, but that does not mean that we should appreciate the amazing sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary any less. The truth that he took our sin upon himself and died, as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, still stands. The truth that he overcame death and conquered the grave, also still stands. Please engage with Easter reflections through our online presence on Facebook and email.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

1 Corinthians 15:55

A new Archbishop

The Rt Revd John McDowell, , has been elected by the House of Bishops as the new and Primate of All Ireland. Bishop McDowell (aged 64) was ordained in 1996 and has served as Bishop of Clogher since 2011. He was previously Rector of St Mark’s, Dundela, in East Belfast (2002–2011), Rector of Ballyrashane (1999–2002), and Curate of Antrim (1996–1999). He has also served as an Honorary Secretary of the General Synod (2008–2011) and is currently Chairman of the Church of Ireland’s Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.

Speaking on his election, Bishop McDowell said: ‘I am overwhelmed by the confidence which my fellow bishops have placed in me to fill this ancient office. I look forward to working with them in the time to come and to serving the people of the Diocese of Armagh and the Church of Ireland in whatever way I can.’

The translation will take effect from Tuesday, 28th April, and the enthronement date will be announced in due course, once the public health crisis has passed. Upon taking up his responsibilities as Archbishop of Armagh, Bishop McDowell will be the 106th in the succession of abbots, bishops and archbishops of Armagh since St Patrick. We look forward to welcoming the new Archbishop to Drumglass Parish in the near future. Please pray for John, his wife Mary and their daughter Dorothy at this time of transition. Pray that he will be a courageous leader of our diocese and wider denomination as we seek to build the church of Jesus Christ locally and across Ireland.

Summer conferences After prayer and discussion, the respective management boards of Summer Madness, New Wine and New Horizon have all decided to cancel their summer conferences for 2020. This news is very disappointing for the thousands of people who look forward to these opportunities for teaching and fellowship annually and especially for our A2J group who love Summer Madness so much. Look out for other opportunities and day conferences in the Autumn. Free Will Offering

The vast majority of our parishioners who give financially to the parish, do so through the weekly free will offering envelopes. Your kindness and faithfulness in this is deeply appreciated and resources ministry, mission and maintenance across the parish.

During this uncertain time, we are already aware of households who are living on a reduced income and experiencing financial hardship. We recognise that for some, giving to Drumglass Parish will be difficult in these circumstances. If you are able to, please continue to use your freewill offering envelopes and store them safely at home, and bring them to church when services resume.

The mission and ministry of Drumglass Parish continues, and although our doors are closed, we are still the Church and want to stand ready to help, support and bless our community at this uncertain time. Your generosity will enable that to happen.

There are a number of alternative ways to give which you might find useful:

 If you would like to set up a regular standing order, directly from your bank, then please contact our treasurer; Mrs Mavis Kerr, telephone 028 8772 5487.

 If you would like to send a cheque, this can be posted to Mavis. Contact her at the above telephone number.

 An electronic bank transfer is an easy, safe and fast way to give, from the comfort of your own home. Use the following details and include your own name in the transfer to ensure that your gift is recorded:

Sort Code: 95-03-02 Account Number: 01007831

Please be assured that records of all giving will be maintained for annual totalling and gift aid purposes.

Hall refurbishment project At the beginning of March, the parish family gathered to hear about the exciting plans for the renovation of the Parish Hall at St Anne’s. It was a wonderful blessing to see people coming together to share in this important vision. Graham reminded us about the values which underpin our parish: a deep commitment to good pastoral care and the consistent proclamation of the Gospel. These enhanced facilities will enable us to keep serving our community and sharing God’s word for many years to come, in a welcoming, safe and secure environment. Thank you to all who have already donated financially towards the cost of the project. The good news is that people are being generous. Please continue to consider your own response, either as a one-off gift or by establishing a monthly standing order. Working together, this project is very achievable. Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, the work to the hall will not commence as soon as the Select Vestry had hoped. However, the commitment to this project is not in question and we can look forward to seeing this project commence when the time is right.

Words of Comfort Many readers will be able to testify to the comfort and strength that they find in God’s word, especially during uncertain or troubling times. The Gideons have recommended the following verses in these circumstances: Afraid of circumstances: Mark 4:35-41, Romans 8:28, Psalm 139:8-10 Distressed or troubled: 2 Corinthians 4:8-18, Psalm 9:9-10, Romans 8:28-28-39, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 Lonely: Psalm 23, Hebrews 13:5 Needing peace: John 14:27, Philippians 4:4-9, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:33 Worried: Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 46

Parish Prayer Points

Sunday: Remember Graham, Elizabeth and Kerry as they endeavour to provide worship and pastoral care through online facilities and by telephone.

Monday: Remember those who are ill at home, in hospital or in long-term care; those whose life is coming to an end and those who care for them; the lonely, the bereaved and the anxious.

Tuesday: Remember those who bear the responsibility of government and leadership in our land, at this time of great uncertainty, as many difficult decisions have to be made.

Wednesday: Pray that as we continue our journey through Lent, we would take the opportunity for self-examination and reflection.

Thursday: Remember those who are bereaved in our community and those who have lost loved ones to Covid 19 in our province, as they struggle with loss and grief.

Friday: Remember our children and young people as our schools, colleges and universities have closed and teaching and learning has to take place at home. Saturday: Pray for our link missionaries, Abraham Shrestha working with International Nepali Fellowship, Danny Gill with Mission Aviation Fellowship and the Urban Development Programme in Kayole.

Daily Bible Readings for April

1st April Mark 16 1 – 8 2ndApril Matthew 28 8 - 15 3rd April John 20 11 - 18 4thApril Luke 24 13 - 35 5thApril Luke 24 35 - 48 6thApril John 21 1 - 14 7thApril Mark 16 9 – 15 8thApril Acts 4 32 - 35 9thApril Luke 1 26 - 38 10thApril John 3 7 - 15 11thApril John 3 16 - 21 12thApril John 3 31 - end 13thApril John 6 1 - 15 14thApril John 6 16 - 21 15th April Acts 3 12 - 19 16thApril Acts 6 8 - 15 17thApril Acts 7 7.51 – 8.1a 18thApril Acts 8 1b - 8 19thApril Acts 8 26 - end 20thApril Acts 9 1 - 20 21stApril Acts 9 31 - 42 22ndApril Acts 4 5 - 12 23rdApril John 15 18 - 21 24thApril John 10 22 - 30 25thApril Mark 13 5 - 13 26thApril John 13 16 - 20 27thApril John 14 1 - 6 28thApril John 14 7 - 14 29thApril John 15 1 - 8 30th April John 14 21 - 26

Easter General Vestry The Easter General Vestry scheduled for 23rd April has been cancelled. According to a directive from the Church of Ireland, all office bearers remain in post until a new date is arranged.

The Board of Nomination Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Board of Nomination has been paused. Given that the Church of Ireland has suspended all public worship and meetings, it would be impossible to complete this process within the allocated time frame. Please continue to pray for all nominators.

Safeguarding Trust

Our Parish is committed to the Church of Ireland Safeguarding Trust policy which sets standards for the welfare of all children involved in the ministry of the church, with a view to protecting them. The parish panel members, to whom any concerns can be brought, are Miss Maureen McKeown and Mr Vivian Suitor. If you need to make urgent contact, please phone Rev Hare on 8738 0360.

Sunday School at Home

Most children are now at home, receiving their education through resources provided by their schools and additional on-line sites. At Drumglass , we want to ensure that our youngest members don’t miss out because Jam and Sunday School can’t happen. If you know a family who would like to receive our “Sunday School at Home” resources, delivered to their door, then please contact [email protected].

Daily Discipleship Although we cannot meet together, each of us can still ensure that we are growing in our relationship with God. Taking responsibility for our own daily devotions, prayer life and study of the scriptures is a very important part of the Christian life. Jesus calls us to grow in maturity as Christians and we can do that by grounding ourselves in the Bible and by cultivating a deeper relationship with God through prayer. During this period of distance and isolation, both of these websites might be useful in helping you find a daily time to focus on God. www.bibleinoneyear.org/ www.ireland.anglican.org

A Prayer in the Time of the Corona virus

Almighty and All–loving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we pray to you through Christ the Healer for those who suffer from the Corona virus Covid–19 in Ireland and across the world. We pray too for all who reach out to those who mourn the loss of each and every person who has died as a result of contracting the disease.

Give wisdom to policymakers, skill to healthcare professionals and researchers, comfort to everyone in distress and a sense of calm to us all in these days of uncertainty and distress.

This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who showed compassion to the outcast, acceptance to the rejected and love to those to whom no love was shown. Amen.