The Parish of Enniskillen - Saint Macartin’s Cathedral CATHEDRAL NEWS June 2021 - Vol 101 Jesus said, ‘And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ (Matthew 28:20) Photograph by Cecil Carson OUR VISION Saint Macartin’s – At the heart of the Community Strengthening Commitment, Outreach, Worship and Christian Love The Parish of Enniskillen Saint Macartin’s Cathedral Vol 101 Page 2 DEAN: Very Rev Kenneth R J Hall, M Phil St Macartin’s Deanery, 13 Church Street, Enniskillen BT74 7DW Tel: 6632 2465 email:
[email protected] DPA: Mrs Sue Hogg Tel: 07798658949 PARISH OFFICE: Mrs Beth Rennick, Secretary (9.00am-12.00 noon) Tel: 6632 2917 email:
[email protected] WEBSITE: MESSY CHURCH: The Dean Writes: Dear Parishioners, After many long months during the Covid pandemic we are at last beginning to be able to come together again. Some coun- tries and some areas of some countries will be more open than others and we can only hope, pray and wait for all of us to be able to be ‘free’ again, and for our travel corridors to open up. The Easter Season and the time thereafter, in the Church’s calendar, is su- premely the time of ‘freedom’. During the first few weeks after Easter, we con- tinue to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and reflect on the scripture stories of those who met Him after His crucifixion and resurrection. Then we celebrate His Ascension – Jesus’ return to His Father, and finally, we celebrate Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and all those locked in that Upper Room with the subsequent birth of His Church.