Fianrh^Aitpr Lem Itlttg ^ Lirrallf
.’'j. ft’s; J AveniK* Deity Net PrSee Run it Tbe Weether THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 19W | ' Wr. «M W««k' Mieet. - PAGE THIRTY-TWO O ct. 2 5 0 1 . IM S VianeMt 4« D. & Woetker Om w fianrh^aitpr lEmitlttg ^lirrallf ■ . • -i— ~ '■ 12,815 W hidy M d MMl VwIghL Laar l e (h e 48a./PMti]r eloody, w tm tf, eaM ' Newconners to M»nche«ter who David C. Ogrexi and Alan C, friends Will also be held' , at the M aoA ar « l Um A a d n h«d not Attended previoue meet Ogren, sons of Mrs. Winifred C ircle P Ianniitg Knights of CotUmbua Home Satur (RMrdajr. mgb 48 h> M. Drop bi and m o tlio "aH now" BarMW Ml fjlrMhitlMi ^ About Tuwu ings of the YWCA.sponsored Newr. Ogren, .172 E. Middle Tpke., grad- day. The meat will be served Manchmtter— A City of VillaK« Charm comers Club were welcomed 'Att.* uateif from re,rrult trajning Oct, 18 D ance Saturday promptly at 7 p.m. and dancing tea held recently at the home of at the Naval Training Center,. will follow. Mrs. Mildred Callahsui, M onehottor iorbor Sliop . The Manchester Boartl of Health Great Lakes, HI. 49 Coleman Rd., Is tihalrman of advises all persons to arranne Mrs. C. Easton Perry, 176 Wads g '. , . 1 St. Margaret'! Circle, Daughters the affair. VOL. LXXyilL Not 27 <TWENTY-KOUR PAGi$S—TWO SISCl'IONS) MANCHESTER, CON^., FRIDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1958 (duaUlei Aevardahig Page M) PRICE FIVE CBNTft with their family physician to re worth St.
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