• AUTOMOBILES 200* AUTOMOBILES 200* AUTOMOBILES 200 • AUTOMOBILES 200» AUTOMOBILES 200 ThWday, Xpril 25,1957 TORRANCE PRESS Page 59 FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE • AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200* AUTOMOBILES 200« AUTOMOBILES SM FOR SAIX FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENT A Corral Full of FOR SALE FOB SALE OSCAR MAPLES INC, Used Is Still Continuing Its BARGAINS Now at the Big GREAT SPRING TOM ROADY STOCK REDUCTION SALE VALUE ROUND-UP Come Get Your Share of These Savings on a 1st CHOICE SALE I955 1955 PLYMOUTH V-8 cuatom 2-door «pdan. No Club . Just think you more automatic transmiimion can buy a 195ft model for the QUALITY USED CAR worries. This one has the reli­ price you pav for most 1954 able gaji saving overdrive, 2- models. Lie. FTK 152. lone paint, raaio, and white walla. Factory fresh and Llr. ONLY $1098 FROM A QUALITY DEALER 8JX 885 ONLY $1598 1955 DODGE V-8 Royal Lancer aportt . You Must Try Before You Buy! 3-tone factory finish, white 1952 CHRYSLER wall tires, power fllte. radio, V-8 club coupe. Automatic heater. Lie. LZV 635. This transmission. Be sure to see week. this tremendous buy! Lie. 1956 Ford V8 GCC 400. ONLY $1798 1954 Studebaker Fa i rlsne club ledan. Beautiful 2 ONLY $498 Pick-up., Commander engine, over­ tone finish with sparkling 2 tone 1955 PLYMOUTH drive. L/ookfl and run* Ilk* new. broadcloth Interior to match. Power V-8 Savoy 4-door sedan. Radio, READY FOR HARD WORK. steering, power brakes. Fordomatic, 1955 PLYMOUTH heater, white walls, overdrive. radio, heater, white aid* wall tlrea. V-8 Belvedere sport coupe. 2 tone factory finish. Lie. One owner n»w trade. 100% guar­ Fully equipped with power- FTP 230. FULL PRICE antee. Special today! flite. radio, heater, all vinyl Interior, white walls and 2 ONLY $1448 $799 ' ONLY $1999 tone bin* and white. Lie. No Down Plan - $1.40 day 100% Financing. No down plan K.ZC 042. 1955 PLYMOUTH ONLY $1748 V-8 Belvedere < -onvertible. power fltte transmission, ra­ dio, beautiful red and white 1950Pontiac'8'ClubSed. 2-ton°. nylon top. white wall WE'LL V-8 Falrlane Huh serin ri. tires & heatff. Mr. KFE l«fl 1951 Chevrolet Club Sed. P.adlo. heater. 2 tone finish, blark Fordomatic transmission, heat­ over canary yellow, white side wall er, 2 tone factory green finlnh ONLY $1498 Radio, heater, beautiful metallic tlren. Chotca of « body itylea. Will & whit* wall tlrofl. \Ar. flnlah. whIU wall tlr««. Muit bt acriflce thli w««k-«nd for KRJ 013. LOOKING FOR a station old. ONLY $1598 wagon? Check this on* before TRADE ON ANYTHING ONLY $399 buying! TODAY'S SPECIAL $499 100% Financing. 80c per day 1953 DODGE I955,PLYMOUTH Suburban ONLY 80c PUR DAY Coronet Huh sedan Buv re- 1 speed transmission with 100% FINANCING tall at wholesale price. Motor overdrive. 3 tone green factory completely overhauled. Lie. finish. White wall tires. Llo. REGARDLESS OF AGE OR CONDITION! 1955 Plymouth LUW 941. FVN 780. This week. V-* Belvedere hardi/vp. Beautiful ONLY $1598 2-tone finish with ^parklinRr 2-ton/. ONLY $498 1953 Hudson Interior to match. Pow*rfllte, ra­ dio. h*>at*r, w.n.w. tire*. Butler Says: "Move Our $125,000 Inventory by Sunday Night." "Jet" 4-door n*dan*. Radio, htattr, We have other Station Wagons original "(flit hlue. If you want Special Today try thig one! To Choose From Priced to fit your pocketbook Get Ready for Your Vacation! food gaa mileage, Only $1799 FULL PRICE NO DOWN PLAN $499 day No Down Plan-$1.20 1955 Chev. TOM ROADY SAVE MONEY NOW! AT THE 4-door itatinn w.n?on. Radio an fl heater. 2 toiy finish. Like new thru out. Big Dodge-Plymouth Corner in 1954 BUICK 1956 BUICK 1956 2-door Rivieira Special coup*. $1995 SPECIAL TODAY $1799 Radio, heater, dynaflow. power $895 4-door Ford-O-M«flc, like new throughout te*rin*...... Must «ee to appreciate. NO rXJVVN PLAN "GARDENA" 1954 PLYMOUTH Today Only $1999 1952 OLDSMOBILE 165th Place and S. Vermont $59S 4-doer Mdan ...... $995 1949 Plymouth NEW OARS PAvl* 4-NOR "86" 4 -door Mdaa...... USED - D/Vvis 4-79OB Oluh Coupe. JM. black, radio, end Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday thru Frl. heater. Sat. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.-^Sun. 9:31) A.M. to ft P.M. 1955 FORD 1953 BUICK Orown Virtorla. Tu-tome $1895 Rlvlftr* up*. Radio, heater, 1955 Ford V-8 FULL PRICE and red. Loaded...... dynaflow, potww ateerlng. and $1 195 power brake*, air conditioned.. Cluh arrlan. One owner new rai $249 trad*. HadIG. heater, original finish NO DOWN PLAN Sin.70 MONTH 1954 BUICK A-l throughout. Mu*t »«e to appre­ Fine Automobiles $1295 '1953 CHEVROLET Cheaper than bus fare These Special 2-dooc Rlvi«ra ooupe. .. ciate Try and bent this one. Bel Air«. Radio, heater, pow- $895 Were Traded In On e-rflide...... TODAY ONLY $1199 1953 BUICK NO DOWN PLAN apeoutl Riviera coupe. Radio, $895 America's Number 1 Road Car heater, dynaflow...... 1956 BUICK 1952 Ford V8 Crestline Special 4-door fUvt*na. Radio. Hv / "4 Q K heater, power »t<*rtnr. Power 4* *- ** ' +S Convertible, Ford-Q-Matlr, radio A 1955 BUICK brake*...... neater. Needi «ome work. $1895 1951 Buick Club Sedan THE 1957 PONTIAC Super Riviera. Loaded. Only $399 "Grand National Champion" 1955 OLDSMOBILE Dynaftow, radio, heater, white 1955 PLYMOUTH $79 mo wall tlrea. Thin beautiful car will Local, Low Mileage, One-Owner Cars V-8 4-dooT. Lo*d«d with $1595 Htrtlday "M" 2-door *«>dan. be sacrificed thlg w««k-end at th« xiraa...... low price of THE CLEANEST YOU'LL EVER FINDI 1955 Ford ONLY $499 1955 STARCHIEF CATALINA ...... Now $1887 Only fl per day Nft down V-8 ralrlane elub *edan. Sparkling . BARGAINS 2-tone finish with beautiful 2-tone nuMtom . Genuine leather Intartor. power leer- NO DOWN PAYMENT 1955 Brocade interior to niatnh. Fwd-o- Ing and hrako*. hydra, drive, radio, heater, e-tc. Tur­ matl