FIFTH OF , ad 2020

Welcome to Saint Barnabas Church Founded in 1869, Saint Barnabas is a Roman Catholic parish of the Ordinariate of the Chair of . The Ordinariate was established in 2012 by Benedict XVI in order to preserve elements of the Anglican tradition within the . The parish entered the Catholic Church in 2013. is celebrated using Divine Worship, the Vatican- promulgated Missal also known as the Ordinariate or Anglican Use liturgy. All Catholics may fulfill their Mass obligation on Sundays and holydays at Saint Barnabas. Catholics in full communion with the Holy See of Rome may receive Holy Communion at our Masses. Confessions are heard beginning 25 minutes before Mass at the rear of the church.  KALENDAR 

Sunday, January 5  Epiphany pro populo

Monday,  Saint André Bessette, Religious All dedicated to the healings arts and sciences

Tuesday,  Saint Ramón de Peñafort, Priest All canon lawyers

Wednesday, January 8  Persecuted Christians worldwide

Thursday, January 9  Christmastide Feria  Deceased members of Saint Barnabas Church

Friday, January 10  Christmastide Feria All new parents

Saturday, January 11  Our Lady’s Saturday  Deceased members of Marian religious orders

Sunday, January 12  of the Lord pro populo  INTERCESSIONS 

 THE SICK AND OTHERS IN  THE CHURCH & THE WORLD NEED OF PRAYER Pope Francis and Pope emeritus Benedict XVI Helmuth Dahlke, Jane Dahlke, Heather De Steven Lopes [Ordinariate] John, James and Kathryn Drake, Ronald Archbishop George Lucas [Omaha] Erikson, Kelly Leisure, Fran Nich, Julie Nich, President Donald Trump Jen Schellen, Barb Scofield, Paul Scofield, Joe Governor John Peter Ricketts Stankus, Marty Stankus, Mark Stoll, Robert Mayor Jean Stothert Templin, and Carolyn Wipfler


Geraldine Hayes


Prelude O Morning Star, how fair and bright Andreas Armsdorff (1670– 1699) me sprinkling with plainsong, Mode vij priest all

O Lord, show thy mercy upon us. And grant us thy salvation. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto thee. Lord be with you. And with thy spirit.

LORD, holy Father, Almighty, everlasting to guard and cherish, protect and visit, and OGod, we beseech thee to hear us; and evermore defend all who are assembled in this vouchsafe to send thy holy Angel from heaven, place; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hymn 53 « Songs of thankfulness and praise» Salzburg   Introit Ecce advenit c.f. iij; 1 Chronicles xix plainsong EHOLD, he appeareth, the Lord and King thy judgements, O God: and thy BRuler: and in his hand the kingdom, and righteousness unto the King’s Son. Glory be. power, and dominion. Psalm lxxij. Give the Behold.

 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Collect for Purity LMIGHTY God, unto whom all hearts be that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily Aopen, all desires known, and from whom magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our Lord. Amen. hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit,

Summary of the Law EAR what our Lord Jesus Christ saith: commandment. And the second is like unto it: H Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with these two commandments hang all the Law all thy mind. This is the first and great and the Prophets.

Kyrie eleison stand : sung by all Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena hwc 239 (1928) Healey Willan (1880-1968)

Gloria in excelsis sung by all Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena Willan

Collect The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. GOD, who by the leading of a star vision of thy heavenly glory; through the O didst manifest thy Only Begotten Son same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who to the : mercifully grant that we, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of know thee now by faith, may be led onward the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without through this earthly life, until we see the end. Amen.

Lesson lx. 1-6 RISE, shine; for your light has come, and be carried in the arms. Then you shall see and A the glory of the Lord has risen upon be radiant, your heart shall thrill and rejoice; you. For behold, darkness shall cover the because the abundance of the sea shall be earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the turned to you, the wealth of the nations shall Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be come to you. A multitude of camels shall seen upon you. And nations shall walk by your cover you, the young camels of Midian and light, and kings in the brightness of your rising. Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they They shall bring and , and all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall proclaim the praise of the LORD. shall come from far, and your daughters shall

Gradual Omnes de Saba Isaiah lx Gregorian, Mode v LL they from Saba shall come, bringing : for the glory of the Lord is risen Agold and : and shall show forth upon thee. the praises of the Lord. Arise and shine, O Epistle Ephesians iij. 2-3a,5-6 RETHREN: I assume that you have heard generations as it has now been revealed to his B of the stewardship of God's grace that was holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that given to me for you, how the mystery was is, how the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members made known to me by revelation, which was of the same body, and partakers of the not made known to the sons of men in other promise in Christ Jesus through the . Alleluia Vidimus stellam Saint Matthew ij Gregorian chant WE have seen his star in the East: and are come with offerings to worship the Lord. Gospel Saint Matthew ij. 1-12 The  continuation of the  Holy Gospel according  to Matthew. Glory be to thee, O Lord.

HEN Jesus was born in of ascertained from them what time the star W Judea in the days of Herod the king, appeared; and he sent them to Bethlehem, behold, wise men from the East came to saying, Go and search diligently for the child, Jerusalem, saying, Where is he who has been and when you have found him bring me word, born king of the Jews? For we have seen his that I too may come and worship him. When star in the East, and have come to worship him. they had heard the king they went their way; When Herod the king heard this, he was and lo, the star which they had seen in the East troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and went before them, till it came to rest over the assembling all the chief priests and scribes of place where the child was. When they saw the the people, he inquired of them where the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; Christ was to be born. They told him, In and going into the house they saw the child Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the with Mary his mother, and they fell down and prophet: And you, O Bethlehem, in the land worshipped him. [GENUFLECT] Then, opening of Judah, are by no means least among the their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler frankincense and . And being warned in who will govern my people Israel. Then Herod a dream not to return to Herod, they departed summoned the wise men secretly and to their own country by another way.

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise be to thee, O Christ.

Proclamation of the Date of and the Moveable Feasts NOW, dearest brethren, that, just as we we will celebrate with great rejoicing. The K acknowledge the bounteous mercy of twenty=first day of May will be the Ascension God, have rejoiced in the Birth of our Lord, of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The thirty-first day Jesus Christ, likewise the joy of the of the same month will be Whitsunday. The Resurrection of this same Saviour should we fourteenth day of June will be the Feast of the proclaim. The ninth day of February will be Most Sacred Body of Christ. The twenty- Sunday. The twenty-sixth day ninth day of November shall be the First of February will be and the Sunday of the of our Lord, Jesus beginning of the fast of the most holy Forty Christ, to whom be honour and glory for ever Days of . On the twelfth day of April and ever. Amen. the Paschal Feast of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Sermon sit Father Catania

Creed stand Symbolum Nicaenum plainsong, Mode i

Genuflect Stand

 BLESSING OF CHALK  Our help is in the name of the Lord. Who hath made heaven and earth. The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit.

LESS,  O Lord God, this creature, , Casper, , and Baltassar, may B chalk, and let it be a help to mankind. through their merits and intercession enjoy Grant that those who shall use it with faith in health in body and protection of soul; through thy most holy name, and with it inscribe on Christ our Lord. Amen. the doors of their homes the names of thy  PENITENTIAL RITE  Invitation E that do truly and earnestly repent you God, and walking from henceforth in his holy Yof your sins, and are in love and charity ways: draw near with faith, and make your with your neighbours, and intend to lead a humble confession to Almighty God, meekly new life, following the commandments of kneeling upon your knees. Prayer kneel; said by all LMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord these our misdoings; the remembrance of A Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge them is grievous unto us; the burden of them of all men; we acknowledge and bewail our is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have manifold sins and wickedness, which we, from mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy time to time, most grievously have committed, Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, forgive us By thought, word, and deed, against thy all that is past; and grant that we may ever Divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy hereafter serve and please thee In newness of wrath and indignation against us. We do life, to the honour and glory of thy Name; earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Offertory Reges Tharsis Psalm lxxij Gregorian, Mode vj HE kings of Tharsis and of the isles shall Saba shall bring gifts: all kings shall fall down Tgive presents; the kings of Arabia and before him; all nations shall do him service.

Motet Quem pastores arr. John Rutter (born 1945) Quem pastores laudavere, Shepherds left their flocks a-straying, quibus angeli dixere, God’s command with joy obeying, absit vobis jam timere, When they heard the angel saying: natus est rex gloriæ. “Christ is born in Bethlehem.” Ad quem ambulabant, Wise Men came from far, and saw him, aurum, thus, myrrham portabant, Knelt in homage to adore him; immolabant hec sincere Precious gifts they laid before him: nato regi gloriæ. Gold and frankincense and myrrh. Christo regi, Deo nato, Let us now in every nation per Mariam nobis dato, Sing his praise with exultation. merito resonet vere All the world shall find salvation laus, honor, et gloria. In the birth of Mary’s Son.

WORDS & MUSIC: late-medieval German carol; English verse paraphrase by Imogen Holst (1907-1984)

Hymn 30 “The first nowell” The First Nowell Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable unto God, the Father almighty. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at thy hands, for the praise and glory of his Name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. Prayer over the Offerings E beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to receive him who by those gifts was mystically Wlook upon the of thy Church: signified, even Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord; wherein no longer offering gold and who liveth and reigneth, world without end. frankincense and myrrh, we sacrifice and Amen.

Sursum Corda and Preface of the Epiphany stand The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up unto the Lord. Let us give thanks It is meet and right so to do. unto the Lord our God.

T is very meet, right, and our bounden the mystery of the Word made flesh, thou I duty, that we should at all times, and in all hast caused a new light to shine in our hearts, places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy to give the knowledge of thy glory in the face Father, almighty, everlasting God; because in of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore with Angels and , and with all the glorious Name; ever more praising thee, and company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy saying:

Sanctus and Benedictus stand Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena Willan

Canon of the Mass kneel HEREFORE most merciful Father, we humbly health and well-being; and who offer their prayers T pray thee, through Jesus Christ thy Son our unto thee, the eternal God, the living and the true. Lord, and we ask, that thou accept and bless these UNITED in one communion, we celebrate the gifts, these offerings, these holy and unblemished most sacred day whereon thine Only Begotten sacrifices. We offer them unto thee, first, for thy holy Son, co-eternal with thee in thy glory, visibly catholic Church: that thou vouchsafe to keep it in appeared in the body, in the true substance of our peace, to guard, unite, and govern her throughout flesh; we venerate moreover the memory, first, of the whole world; together with thy servant Francis, the glorious ever- Mary, Mother of the our Pope, Steven, our Bishop, and all the faithful same our God and Lord Jesus Christ of her guardians of the catholic and apostolic faith. spouse; as also of the blessed Apostles and REMEMBER, O Lord, thy servants and handmaids Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, Philip, and all who here around us stand, whose faith is Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus; known unto thee and their steadfastness manifest, Linus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelius, , on whose behalf we offer unto thee, or who Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas themselves offer unto thee, this sacrifice of praise; and Damian and of all thy Saints: grant that by for themselves, and for all who are theirs; for the their merits and prayers we may in all things be redemption of their souls, for the hope of their defended with the help of thy protection. Through VOUCHSAFE, O God, we beseech thee, in all things Christ, our Lord. Amen. to make this blessed, approved and accepted, WE beseech thee then, O Lord, graciously to accept a perfect and worthy offering: that it may become for this oblation from us thy servants, and from thy us the Body and Blood of thy dearly beloved Son, our whole family: order thou our days in thy peace, and Lord Jesus Christ. WHO the day before he suffered, bid us to be delivered from eternal damnation, and took bread into his holy and venerable hands, and to be numbered in the fold of thine elect. Through lifting up his eyes to heaven unto thee, God, his Christ, our Lord. Amen. almighty Father, giving thanks to thee, he blessed, broke and gave to his disciples, saying: Take this, all of you, and eat of it: for this is my body which will be given up for you.

Likewise after supper, taking also this goodly into his holy and venerable hands: again giving thanks also unto thee, he blessed, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take this, all of you, and drink from it: for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me. The mystery of faith.

WHEREFORE, O Lord, we thy servants, and thy immaculate victim, which thy high priest holy people also, remembering the blessed passion Melchisedech offered unto thee. of the same Christ thy Son our Lord, as also his WE humbly beseech thee, Almighty God, resurrection from the dead, and his glorious command these offerings to be brought by the ascension into heaven; do offer unto thine excellent hands of thy holy Angel to thine on high, in majesty of thine own gifts and bounty, the pure sight of thy divine majesty; that all we who at this victim, the holy victim, the immaculate victim, the partaking of the altar shall receive the most sacred holy Bread of eternal life, and the Chalice of Body and Blood of thy Son, may be fulfilled  everlasting salvation. with all heavenly benediction and grace. Through VOUCHSAFE to look upon them with a merciful the same Christ our Lord. Amen. and pleasant countenance; and to accept them, REMEMBER also, O Lord, thy servants and even as thou didst vouchsafe to accept the gifts of handmaids, who have gone before us sealed with thy servant Abel the righteous, and the sacrifice of the seal of faith, and who sleep the sleep of peace. our ; and the holy sacrifice, the To them, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, we thee, admit us, not weighing our merit, but beseech thee to grant the abode of refreshing, of light, granting us forgiveness; and of peace. Through the same Christ our Lord. THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord, through TO US SINNERS who hope in the multitude of whom, O Lord, thou dost ever create all these thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part and good things; dost sanctify, quicken, bless, and fellowship with thy holy Apostles and Martyrs; bestow them upon us. with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, BY whom and with whom and in whom, to thee, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua, O Father Almighty, in the unty of the Holy Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia and with Ghost, be all honour and glory throughout all all thy saints: within whose fellowship, we beseech ages, world without end. Amen.  COMMUNION RITE  The Lord’s Prayer stand

Deliver us O Lord, we beseech thee, from all Andrew, and all the Saints, favourably grant evils, past, present, and to come; and at the peace in our days, that by the help of thine intercession of the blessed and glorious ever availing mercy we may ever both be free from Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with thy sin and safe from all distress. blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and with

Peace and Fraction LORD Jesus Christ, who saidst to thine peace and unity according to thy will; who OApostles, Peace I leave with you; my livest and reignest with the Father and the peace I give unto you: Regard not our sins, but Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. the faith of thy Church; and grant to her Amen.

Please kneel.

Christ our is sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast.

Agnus Dei Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena Willan




Prayer of Humble Access said by all E do not presume to come to this thy gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear W Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood, that own righteousness, but in thy manifold and our sinful bodies may be made clean by his great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to body, and our souls washed through his most gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But precious blood, and that we may evermore thou art the same Lord whose property is dwell in him, and he in us. Amen. always to have mercy. Grant us therefore,

Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that taketh away the sins of the world. Blessed are those who are called to the Supper of the Lamb.

Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof, but speak the word only, and my soul shall be healed. [THRICE] Because Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the reality of the oneness of faith, life, and worship, members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not admitted to Holy Communion. All who are not receiving Holy Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus and with one another. UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC Communicants at Ordinariate Masses receive the sacrament kneeling at the altar rail unless prevented by health. We encourage communicants to consider the example of Papal Masses, where the faithful receive the Sacred Host directly on the tongue. Communion Vidimus stellam Saint Matthew ij. Gregorian chant WE have seen his star in the East: and are come with our offerings to worship the Lord

Hymn 46 “ of the sons of the morning” Morning Star

Prayer of Thanksgiving kneel; said by all LMIGHTY and everliving God, we most and dost assure us thereby of thy favour and Aheartily thank thee for that thou dost goodness towards us; and that we are very feed us, in these holy mysteries, with the members incorporate in the mystical body of spiritual food of the most precious Body and thy Son, the blessed company of all faithful Blood of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ; people; and are also heirs, through hope, of thy everlasting kingdom, by the merits of the all such good works as thou hast prepared for most precious death and passion of thy dear us to walk in; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Son. And we humbly beseech thee, O heavenly to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all Father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we honour and glory, world without end. Amen. may continue in that holy fellowship, and do

Post-communion Prayer stand

RANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God: and mind receive the benefits of the same; G that we, who have solemnly celebrated through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. thy holy mysteries, may in all purity of heart

Blessing and kneel for blessing

Hymn 52 “As with gladness men of old” Dix

Last Gospel stand Saint John i.

Angelus The Angel of the Lord announced unto Mary. And she conceived by the Holy Ghost. (Hail Mary …) Behold, the handmaiden of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word. (Hail Mary …) And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us. (Hail Mary …) Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

E beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace the glory of his Resurrection; through the same W into our hearts: that, as we have Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and known the of thy Son Jesus reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Christ by the message of an Angel; so by his Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen. Cross and Passion we may be brought unto

Postlude O Morning Star, how fair and bright Andreas Armsdorff (1670– 1699)

RESTROOMS Men’s and Women’s Restrooms: lower level. Family Restroom: main level. CRY ROOM The hallway to the left of the Nave is equipped with speakers, seating, and a Family Restroom.


 EPIPHANY BLESSINGS On the Feast of the Epiphany, chalk is blessed for the faithful to take home to inscribe the new year on the lintel above the front door. This year, the inscription should be as follows: ‘MM + C + M + B + XX’. Those wishing to combine this traditional practice with a house blessing are encouraged to contact Father Catania to schedule a time.

 EPIPHANY LESSONS AND CAROLS THIS AFTERNON The Omaha chapter of the American Guild of Organists is sponsoring a service of Lessons and Carols for Epiphany at Saint Barnabas at 5:30 pm today, Sunday, January 5. A reception will follow the service in the undercroft. All are welcome. This will be in place of our regular Sunday .

 NEW YOUNG ADULT STUDY GROUP Beginning January 11th a young adults’ group will meet Saturdays at 7 P.M. for a study of the Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis. During this bleak mid-winter join us by the fireplace in the St. Barnabas Undercroft for theology, discussion, and fellowship. Snacks are welcome. We will conclude with Compline in the Chapel. For more information please talk to or email Zachary and Mackenzie Worthing. ([email protected]).

 2020 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN Pledge cards for the Saint Barnabas 2020 Pledge Campaign were distributed on the First Sunday of Advent. Please pick one up agt the back the church if you haven't gotten one. All members and regular attenders of the parish are asked to fill out a pledge card and mail it to the parish office as soon as possible.

 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE The drain tile (which drains water from near the northwest corner of church) has been installed, inside and out. The exterior side of the new concrete block wall at the foundation of the narthex has wire mash and a scratch coat has been applied for stucco. The slate floor in the narthex has been removed, and the new tile floor (matching the tile in the nave of the church) will be installed next week. Framing and drywall in the coat room (the former flower room) and the downstairs hallway will start Monday morning. Caulking and painting will be completed after the new stucco is applied, and new downspout will be installed.

 ROFTERS MEETING JANUARY 12 The next meeting of the Omaha Readers of First Things (ROFTERS) will be held on Sunday, January 12, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. in the Undercroft. The articles to be discussed are “Seizing the of Thorns” by Joshua Mitchell, “The Problem with the Culture Problem” by Oren Cass, and editor Rusty Reno's column, “The Public Square.” Additional articles may be selected by the group.

 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING JANUARY 26 The Annual Parish Meeting will be held after the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, January 26. At the meeting, reports on various aspects of parish life will be given and elections held for members of the Pastoral (Parish) Council.

 COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS The new schedule for Sunday Coffee Hour, covering January to April 2020 is attached the weekly parish email update. Please contact Mariljo Bosiljevac if you will be unable to serve when scheduled.

 “BARNABUS” NOW IN SERVICE Anyone needing a ride for the 10:30 am Sunday Mass on the ‘Barnabus’, as well as those interested in driving, should contact Paul Godberson at 402-708-2500 or [email protected].

129 North 40th Street SAINT Omaha, Nebraska 68131 RECTORY AND MAILING ADDRESS: 140 North 39th Street BARNABAS Omaha, Nebraska 68131 CHURCH 402-558-4633 [email protected] The Most Rev’d Steven Lopes BISHOP The Rev’d Father Jason Catania PASTOR

Sundays Weekdays ------

at 8:30 am  MONDAY through FRIDAY  Confessions at 10:00 am Low Mass at 11:15 am and by appointment TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS on TUESDAYS  High Mass at 10:30 am  SATURDAY  Evensong at 5:30 pm Low Mass at 10:00 am

Confessions and at 9:30 am Holy days as announced